THE CHILDREN’S LOVE MAGAZINE Vol. 02 Issue. 02 September 2021 Charlie Hall WBC – World Champions Aviyanna Mitcham Adira Mitcham Little Joy in Life A Unique Girl
SEPTEMBER 2021 THE CHILDREN’S LOVE MAGAZINE Aviyanna Mitcham I found out I was pregnant with my Little Joy in Life second child Aviyanna at the end of February of 2020, two weeks before the COVID-19 lockdown— never guessing it would last longer than a couple months. What ensued was one of the strangest year of my life. Having my toddler at home while pregnant was fun but exhausting. Watching my business as an international Speaker come to a standstill was at first distressing. Not having my husband beside me at any of my prenatal appointments was stressful. I recorded the sound of the baby’s heartbeat for him to hear. Feeling the typical isolation of the newborn period compounded with the imposed isolation of COVID was depressing. And yet, in many ways, being pregnant during the pandemic was phenomenal for our family. My husband and I were both at home, Aviyanna was born via emergency C-section. From the onset, she so we spent lots of time together and seemed to do things her way. She would not turn to prepare for with our toddler while preparing for delivery, we set a C-section date but I went into labor before that our baby. There was no other family date. I did not know I was in labor and was 8cm dialed when I got member nearby that we could depend to the hospital. on, so we focused on the dynamics of our family that made us strong. The Doctor was amazed, saying I have a high threshold for pain. Since Aviyanna was still breached (buttocks down), we had to have I spent the vast majority of my an emergency C-section. pregnancy in T-Shirts (Oh, the freedom) and it made me appreciate At ten months, She is a happy baby with a ready smile and an more than ever, how strong a support exuberance for life. network is—because as much as I proved my resilience and capacity during 2020, it truly does take a village.
SEPTEMBER 2021 THE CHILDREN’S LOVE MAGAZINE She is fascinated by music and bounces with her hands up every time she hears what sounds like a rhythm. Her love for her family is evident. She often climbs out of her bassinet to snuggle with her mama. But seeing her seek out her sister so she can lay her head on her lap or put her forehead to hers is what makes me smile every time. I see a bright future for this exuberant, persistent, quick-witted little girl who warms the hearts of all who meet her.
SEPTEMBER 2021 THE CHILDREN’S LOVE MAGAZINE Being the Many times parent of a throughout the toddler is day, her delightful mentally and laughter brightens physically our home and exhausting, but hearts. And if it’s Adira makes it not laughter, it’s delightful, fun, signing and and certainly a dancing. She loves suitable type of music and self- challenge. expression, and so she attends piano This 4-year-old classes and is wise beyond swimming classes. her years, intuitive, But beneath the curious, a lover apparent intellect of nature, quite is a sweetheart of a critical a girl who loves thinker, is princess dresses creative, and and has a keen has a passion sense of style. She for the beach. loves to do activities as a Oh, and she family. She is loves to sing fascinated with and dance. dining out and outdoor activities. One of her most Adira Mitcham outstanding A self-confident, achievements assertive to date is the individual, she book she has approaches each just finished day as an dictating so I adventure and she could type it for has no reservation her. in showing love to her family and She has kindly A Unique Girl friends. Two of her requested that I favorite activities get it published. about strangers and takes her time in deciding whether or not to let are baking with We are working someone in her space. mommy and on it. cooking with daddy. She comes She is very articulate (she talks all the time) and is not afraid to share her across as pretty ideas and opinions. She usually has an idea or plan on what the family She reasons well, serious to most activities for a given period should be. It shows me her leadership qualities. has insightful but that conversations and because she is At two, we taught her to read, but she loves being read to. We cannot miss has changed our very cautious… a story, so we have been reading stories every single night for years (365 lives in the best nights). This love of books supports her eternal quest to know things. ways.
SEPTEMBER 2021 THE CHILDREN’S LOVE MAGAZINE Charlie Hall WBC – World Champions I am Charlie “The Hammer” Hall and I am Australia’s Youngest Corporate Boxer, The Official World Champion Anti Bullying Ambassador, Chairman of The WBC Cares Young Courage Committee, Bullyproof Australia Partner & Ambassador, AMAYDA Programs Youth Empowerment Ambassador SAFE Family Programs & Kids Helpline Ambassador and I am also supporting many other organisations In fighting against Bullying, Abuse and Children’s Civil rights. I am 14 years old and I have been diagnosed With Autism, Mum & Dad just thought it was a kid thing until one of my teachers said I had Autism traits, I train six days a week at least twice a day, starting at 430am until 7pm, My school life has been full of both physical and verbal bullying, most of the teachers at my school say I am just quirky, but I love school and learning. So boxing became my passion, my outlet, my friend. Not only have I gained fitness, but also self esteem, With the full support and financial backing from both confidence and real friendships. This changed the way my Mum and Dad, we hit the road spreading the I saw things, I finally stood my ground in the school word. yard and said No More! My Dad is a Returned Army Veteran, not only is he I stepped up to help others getting bullied, taking one of my Boxing Trainers but my best friend and them away from situations and offering kind words gives me the inspiration and motivation to keep and reassurance. going. The media heard of my inspiring journey and did a I just love training, my Autism isn’t a Disability but a television story about it, which was aired late June blessing as I am so focused on getting things right and 2018, within a week on Facebook I almost reached accomplished. 100,000 views, it just went viral. My Passion From boxing and community work has The Australian Media regularly update my journey on inspired many others, but all I want is to be a Role television as they stand with me on my cause. I model and Mentor to Children In the world. This is my realised that there are families and children that need calling, this is why I am on this earth To Make A help. Difference even just one persons at a time is so important …. I started receiving invitations to various sporting and formal venues to speak about my incredible journey and how we could help try stop Bullying, Self Harm Child Abuse and Youth Suicide.
SEPTEMBER 2021 THE CHILDREN’S LOVE MAGAZINE One of my Anti Bullying Charity Exhibition Fights, was against 3 Time World Champion Kickboxing Ian “Powerhouse” Jacobs as Main Event on “Fight For Your Cause” Townsville Stadium in Queensland Australia, in front of 1700 people late October 2018. After the fight I spoke about anti Bullying and how it effects the community. I enjoy Speaking to people and helping them. I regularly compete in Corporate Boxing Exhibition Events to raise awareness against Bullying and Abuse, taking on Former & Current World & Australian Champions, I need to get my message out to different levels of society and make a difference. You know if a young 14 year old can do it, then you can be anything your heart desires and show hope and inspiration to others out there who believe life isn’t worth living. I am sure some of you have been or know someone that is facing this abuse. My Instagram account is charliethehammerhall07 if you would like to follow my journey. I was a special guest arranged by WBC President Mr Mauricio Sulaiman and attended the 57th WBC Annual Awards October 2019 in Cancun Mexico. And this was a Great Honour, not only to attend but also speak about Bullying and Abuse in our society to many important people from all over the world who attended. Now as a WBC Champion I can do so much more work with helping Children to stop the bullying, abuse and suicide rate globally. Thank You so much for taking the time to read about my incredible journey. “ I Stand Up For Those Who Can’t! Will You Please Stand With Me” THE HAMMER
SEPTEMBER 2021 THE CHILDREN’S LOVE MAGAZINE How to Explain the Importance of Education to a Child Children learn most not by hearing, but by seeing and Explaining the importance of education experiencing. It helps when the message is thoughtfully repeated. to a child is not as easy as it may seem. Kids often lack the life experience to As the adult, you set the tone to make sure they know they are grasp the importance of education to expected to make something of themselves and that education will their lives and future, which makes it be the vehicle to get them there. Your actions and expectations are harder for them to understand and for your best tools. Your words will reinforce those efforts. you to explain. Importance of Education for ChildrenEducation is important to How do you explain the importance of children because education helps children learn how to think education to a child? critically, it enhances their creativity and imagination, it will expose them to new ideas, and it helps the child find the path to a career The best way to explain the importance that they wish to pursue as an adult. of education to a child is to model the desired behavior, expose them to Make sure you know these reasons and know why you believe resources that communicate the they are important. importance of education, develop an atmosphere of learning in the home, Over time you are going to be talk to them about why education is repeating yourself a lot so important, give them opportunities to consistency will give you more show what they have learned.When credibility as you continue to used together, each of the above share your message with your strategies works in tandem to send a child. consistent message about the importance of education to the child. Know that this is a long term goal and probably not something your child will fully understand even after a few discussions with them.Consequently, instead of pushing for understanding right away, it will be better to expose them to an environment that values learning so they experience its importance for themselves.
SEPTEMBER 2021 THE CHILDREN’S LOVE MAGAZINE Then you can begin a conversation with them that they Maybe you set weekly library trips with them where will be able to connect to through the meaning they they can see you reading and picking out books while have constructed. they read their own. Here are some strategies to create that environment After they check the books out you encourage them and communicate education’s importance:Model the to read in the car and in their room for some quiet Desired BehaviorAs the parent, you are the child’s time. Over time, this will grow into a routine that they greatest teacher and role model. enjoy. Kids know when their parents really value something You could also have them plan the next project because they see them doing it frequently. around the house with you. Think and discuss what could go into painting a bedroom or creating a family So, when you want to explain to a child why education picture area on the wall. is important the first thing you should do is make sure they see you modeling the behavior. Include them in the pre-planning process so they see the critical thinking skills needed to create a budget This will make a conversation much easier to have later allocation and plan a project’s course to completion, because they will see you putting in the time and effort so they learn how math is used in the real world. to improve yourself. Then keep them involved throughout the project so There are many ways you can show them how much they can see all the steps involved in making an idea you care about your own intellectual growth. become reality. Perhaps you spend one hour every night at home with devices off while everyone is reading in the living room together.
SEPTEMBER 2021 THE CHILDREN’S LOVE MAGAZINE You could also try learning something completely new together like gardening. Collaborate with them to decide what plants you want to grow for your home. Learn about the environment and care they need to thrive. Work together to plant them and care for them. As mistakes are made use them as learning opportunities so you can grow together. Expose them to Activities and Resources that Communicate the Importance of EducationThis strategy may take some time to get right, so be prepared to be patient. Think about what your child’s interests are and what they are good at. Keep these ideas in mind as you have a conversation with them about some new activities they may want to try. This conversation may go on for a few sessions as they think it over. That’s OK.Try having them give you a list of 3-5 things that they want to learn about. After they do, ask yourself which of these choices align with their skills and guide them towards those interests. This is key to being an aware parent because you don’t want to guide your child into an activity that is completely out of their comfort zone or not in line with their skill set.Are they creative and love to write about topics that interest them? Help them find out. Perhaps puzzles really interest them. Maybe they enjoy building and so a lego set is the way to go.Whatever the activity, help them discuss the necessary skills they need to complete these activities so they understand the requirements of the commitment they are making.Embed education deep within your family culture. Work with them to pursue their interests so their creative energies are used on something constructive that helps them build their capacity to learn and their appreciation for learning. Keep them around other kids whose parents are dedicated to promoting education as much as you are. Most importantly, connect with them and let them know you care about who they will become. KIDS = WORLD
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