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Heidens Magazine Chastity Sonier

Published by Hoinser Group, 2021-07-01 09:23:14

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ISSUE 04 JULY 2021 HEIDENS YOUR BRAND Olga Mroz A Prominent Personality Dr. Sonya Robinson Chastity Sonier Giuseppe Antonio Nicotra A Creator of Success CEO of Motherhood Meet Giuseppe La Donya Yvette Olivia Hepburn Beverly J. Clay A Voice of Inspiration Contributing Author CEO & Founder at THE P.E.N Consultancy

CONTENT Olga Mroz A Prominent Personality Sonya Robinson A Creator of Success Chastity Sonier CEO of Motherhood Giuseppe Antonio Nicotra Exclusive Interview La Donya Yvette A Voice of Inspiration Olivia Hepburn CEO & Founder at THE P.E.N Consultancy Beverly J. Clay Exclusive Interview HOINSER GROUP

Dr. Olga Mroz NEW IDEA. NEW STYLE.Exclusive Interview A Prominent PersonalityHEIDENS 1. Do you consider your career as a It has always been important for fulfilled story or a timeless initiative? me to do what I like, to reveal my talent, to feel my potential. My Career for me is what kind of person you will moto in life is „If you love what become and what you will devote your life you do, you will be successful”. to. I have painted more than 10 paintings and prepared my personal exhibition this The main factor that influenced my year. life path is Learning. It allowed me to turn childhood dreams into I am a participant of the project: Book title reality, to understand what kind of \"TOUGH ROADS CREATE TOUGH PEAPLE” person I want to become in the where I wrote my chapter \"Path to the Sun\". process of my life. I enjoyed “TOUGH ROADS CREATE TOUGH PEOPLE” is studying, reading a lot and a book written by leaders from all spheres of expanding my knowledge. influence to inspire, motivate and challenge… The book has been published At the beginning, I studied and I'm sure this will be a bestseller. architecture, then theatre history, music and art psychology. I was I have been awarded for outstanding vision, never satisfied with my dedication, and success along with achievements, I was flexible and extraordinary leadership and advisory skills, open for new ideas and challenges. excellent cooperation, and support to Global Family and the Royal office. Etc. … Today, I am a Professor, a director Is it a career, is it a success? of the OPEN WORLD and Art Business Program at the Al-Khalifa For me, this is my life path, the trajectory of Business School, Editor-in-Chief of which I built myself, taking into AKBS Art Journal. As a director of account my goals and desires. My career Open World Program, I work jointly started when I was born. and under the supervision of AKBS Chairman and Founder H.E. From early childhood, I knew what I Professor Sir Manuel Freire- wanted. Garabal y Nunez.

I dedicated myself to the management of various art projects. One of these projects is aimed at improving teamwork and working atmosphere in the companies. The unification of individual participants, their creativity, communication, will create a healthy environment, that will increase and enhance efficiency of the company. NEW IDEA. NEW STYLE. We are looking forward to the HEIDENSimplementation of this new project - \"Art and Positive Emotions - the Key Success\". I want to continue to grow and people's lives, make the world more open, bring improve myself in terms of both art, knowledge and culture to the younger ways, professionally as well as generation and, of course, enjoy my work. ... personally. This is a big task and a big responsibility. Being an enthusiast towards Its solution requires tremendous self-confidence challenges and having a bird’s and expression in concrete deeds. I often provide eye view on opportunities I wish art paintings from my collection for auctions to assume more responsibilities. and donates proceeds to benefit children. To be very firm with the I have been part of many charitable activities and developmental aspect I pay have greatly contributed to helping those in more emphasis on focusing to need. have a strategy towards completion of assigned tasks. When I worked as the director of the operetta theatre, I concentrated on introducing children It helps me to be more to music. This is of great importance for the determined and confident formation of a cultural image among young towards belief of success. people. I can proudly say that I work in the Al- Khalifa Business School - the School of the So a career for me is the main future. path of my whole life. By inculcating love for art among the younger 2. Tell us something about your generation with the help of Business School I am mission in business? able to teach them in true sense what art is and where it belongs in the society. When there is a clear mission, it becomes easier to live - any After all, art makes the human world freer and decision can be checked against more just, and the people themselves - kinder, it. nobler.Human and culture are inseparable. It is important to live in such a way as to leave a trace in life. Human creates and maintains culture and Having understood our mission, art. Communication with the world of art gives having defined our function in us joy and pleasure but also helps us to this world, we can reveal our understand the world better. potential, which will lead us to self-realization and success. In defining my mission in business, I clearly knew that I want to contribute to improve…

I am Ambassador for the peace movement “Love and Light for World Peace”. I am dedicated to managing various art projects My Intention is to inspire people to be conscious and choose love, peace, harmony & happiness & to remember that peace begins in each of us, in our hearts. NEW IDEA. NEW STYLE. For every mission to be successful, I have always paid it requires you to be proactive and honest with yourself.HEIDENS attention to being an organized business 3. How do you manage your expectations to be an inspiration to person in order to others? gain success. The first step towards my My own belief in the effectiveness of my actions and trust in myself strategy is to keep a allows me to correctly assess my specific actions and make the right detailed record, by decisions. being vigilant to analyse the risk. The second step is to be aware of the risks and rewards. Apart from this, the foremost importance is to be given to creativity and this can only be done by staying focused. However, each of us is always in danger of doing what others expect of us. Too high demands on the part of society, as well as our own expectations dictate such actions to us. But we always have our own choice and freedom to make decisions. I try to be myself and go my own way. It is very important for me to create my life in accordance with my desires, listening to my heart. By making myself happy, I have the opportunity to inspire other people as well. In my expectations, it is important for me to recognize my own emotions. I try not only to recognize them, but also to regulate and manage them. This self-control allows me to achieve certain goals. I try to be clear in my actions. I'm working on myself. To prevent my expectations from robbing me of my own emotional freedom, I take my own expectations seriously.My first step towards managing my them is very simple, as I provide myself with a lot of time to soothe my expectations, so that I can calm my stress over unnecessary elements surrounding me. One should always be aware that, to manage expectations, every human being is required to adapt themselves to changing expectations.

You should never take your shortcomings harshly. In order to accept my unfulfilled expectations, I first of all keep my peace of mind, reinforce my positive accent, and look for an alternative solution. In order to accept my unfulfilled expectations, I believe one should always be well equipped with a strategy in the direction of preparing for problems. NEW IDEA. NEW STYLE. I, in order to distance myself HEIDENSfrom my expectations, I sometimes spend time alone with myself in silence, paint or read. This is something that positively influences me and allows me to focus further. Inner strength also allows me to be self-determined, to make my dreams come true. All this allows me to inspire other people, to evoke positive emotions in them. 4. Based on your I try to be positive myself. This allows me to instill the experience. What is the same optimism in others when they need it most. main motivation that drives Lending a helping hand to make the person feel you to organize success as a optimistic, energetic and positive - all this motovates culmination of your global me to be even more active and strine for success. aspirations? Success motivates me to do a good job. Knowing that If we have the right my work and perseverance are helping me to achieve motivation in life, it will help more professional success and my efforts are going in us to achieve more and more the right direction, it motivates me to put in even success. The best we can do more effort. is empower and help others. It doesn't matter if it Therefore, for me, success is important as a is our friend, colleague or motivation for my growth as an family member, we must individual and as an outlet for global success.There always be ready to help might be instances of failure but it does not them all. demotivate me anyhow. To better understand others On the other hand, I feel re-invigorated to perform and empathize with people is even more. one of the most important elements. By helping, we gain more confidence and confidence that, yes, we can be useful.

Learning new things and adding knowledge to my level is extremely motivating for me too. I believe that learning should never stop. “Education is the most powerful tool to change the world” (Nelson Mandela). And I am very happy to be surrounded by people and my close friends, from whom I can learn and expand my knowledge. NEW IDEA. NEW STYLE.My self-confidence and perseverance in More About OLGA MROZ: achieving the set goals, focused on HEIDENS success, reinforce my motivation to Olga Mroz, Dame of Honour is Professor plan my future for a long time and and Director at Open World and Art determine the prospects for my Business Program in Al-Khalifa Business development. School, the Editor and Chief of AKBS Journal. Of course, I enjoy solving interesting and challenging problems. Motivation She is an Ambassador of “Love & Light is what makes our dreams come true. for World Peace” and Global This encourages us to achieve Ambassador CEC – “Commonwealth maximum activity and success. In Entrepreneurs Club.” choosing leadership position, I understand She is a speaker, author, artist, and that I am fully responsible for collector. She pays a lot of attention to everything I do. topics that are exciting to her this includes “Education” and “Women But I do what I dreamed about, I live empowerment.” Her paintings are in exactly the life that inspires me. The private collections around the world. realization that I also have the opportunity to make a positive impact She has been part of on life on our planet, to help make many charitable activities and has people happier, to contribute to the greatly contributed to helping those in education of young people, motivates need. me to make global efforts for success in life and makes me happy. She wrote many articles about the expression of art as freedom, 5. Share your message with the world. experiment And surprise which brings colour to life with a psychological Learning is fundamental to success and component of happiness in the culture plays a critical role in everyone's life. of art. Education is the engine of every country's success. Taking this opportunity, I want to urge everyone to strive for knowledge. It's never too late to learn. “Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.” (Anthony J. D’Angelo) In this constantly changing world we must not forget that Our planet is one big family where everyone takes care of everyone. Make each other happy, help others. It is very important that each of us makes a small contribution to improving the life and coexistence of all people. This requires not finances, but the warmth and kindness of each of us.

Chastity Sonier NEW IDEA. NEW STYLE.CEO of Motherhood Chastity Sonier is the ManagingHEIDENS She assists businesses to identify Partner of RBC Consulting Firm, LLC, leadership styles among their the CEO of The Raw Hidden Process employees. Chastity is able to where she is known as The CEO of empower employees to receive key Motherhood, an Author, an results through cultivating your Entrepreneur, an Empowerment leaders to enhance their team’s Speaker, a Certified Master Life Coach, mindset through innovation, trust, and a Leadership Trainer, and the emotional intelligence. CEO/President/Founder of a non-profit organization called Seraphi in Action. Chastity loves to teach ladies how to be impeccable so they can become the Most of all she is an accountability CEO of Motherhood which partner that will push herself and you incorporates their family, their to be the lady that will Boss Up, Show marriages, their motherhood, and UP, and EXECUTE the “S” On Your their business. Chest every day of your life. Chastity Sonier currently part of the If there are three words that describe following organizations: Chastity those words would be loyal, tenacious, and God-fearing. • CEO of The Raw Hidden Process where she is known as The She loves bringing out the BOSS that is CEO of Motherhood within a person as well as embracing • Managing Partner of RBC and igniting a fire that helps them to Consulting Firm, LLC dba Sapphire excel in their area of expertise. Services • Founder/CEO/President of Her platform helps create a blueprint Seraphi In Action (formerly known as for her client’s life goals and desires as Sisters In Christ) – Non-Profit well as provide a safe haven for her Organization client’s voice to be heard, express their emotions and dreams.

NEW IDEA. NEW STYLE. HEIDENS In addition, Chastity aims to attract strong and solid women that acknowledge, desire, and know they have a need to continue to improve their inner growth and self-development within. My village can assist with identifying inner struggles and barriers to breakdown insecurities, allow women to walk in their truth, live in their freedom and rebuild a new story. Her goal is to surround herself with like- Self-love and family (among other things) minded individuals as well as energy that are the elements that developed Chastity targets peaceful things. The best thing about into a lady, a woman, and as an Chastity is that she loves being a mother. individual. Her family is top priority. Making sure her But, this is only a snapshot of me. A bio home is together is important and being able cannot paint the picture of me true to be that fragrance that her family needs in essence, but once I emerge, then you will order to embrace success or obstacles within see. I am Chastity Sonier. our daily lives. Remember to…. Be Motivated. Be Knowing that she is the glue that holds them Passionate. Be Committed. Be Raw. Be together means everything to her as a You. woman. In addition, making sure she stays true to her hearts desires by continuing to “Sometimes you have to be RAW with develop and empower her entrepreneurial yourself in order to ignite your passion.” skills. – Chastity Sonier.

Dr. Sonya A. Robinson NEW IDEA. NEW STYLE.A Creator of Success Dr. Sonya A. Robinson is an experienced SeniorHEIDENSand observed globally on April 17, 2021, Sales Manager for a Fortune 500 company, in with inspirational messages from world which her efforts have fundamentally shifted renowned speakers in the field of the organization’s policies and procedures communication. related to sales and business development. She was a featured co-author of \"Live Your Sonya epitomizes the think customer mentality Best Life: Walk by Faith” and interviewed and was recognized as a key leader for by Damon Davis on his National One on spearheading General Motors’ on-time supply One Television Program. and delivery commitments by the United States Secretary of Defense among other dignitaries. Sonya was honored as a recipient of the I Change Nations Women Add Value Award. Further, she is an international speaker, Shortly after, she would reach a pinnacle published author, coach and mentor. She moment as she was chosen as a featured embarked upon a new journey when she was speaker at an international empowerment awarded the Black Belt Speaker Sharing My event and interviewed on Signs TV while in Voice Award. Nairobi, Kenya. Sonya has just completed her first book, Sonya was named as one of the “2020 Communication Mastery and Why It Matters. In Global Voices of Change” for using her collaboration with the book, Sonya launched an voice for impacting change around the international proclamation entitled world. “International Day of Mastering Conversations that Matter,” which was recently celebrated…

NEW IDEA. NEW STYLE. HEIDENS Sonya was Awarded an Honorary Doctorate Degree in Humanities from United Graduate College and Seminary International. Sonya was unanimously chosen to be featured in Legends, Leaders & Entrepreneurs Magazine in which her story was shared in its National Worldwide syndication Sharing Stories Across the World. Sonya was selected to be a USA Delegate for the first “World Climate Civility Day Conference” in Stockholm, Sweden. The theme of the conference Civility Create Change, with a main sub- theme of Hear and be Heard. Sonya was selected to be a contributor in Sonya was appointed as a World Civility Global Faces of Productivity Eradicating the Ambassador from I Change Nations. This Mindset of Poverty Through Civility where recognition is for her global contribution in she will be honored as one of the Top World support of civil discourse throughout the nation. Civility Leaders who is changing the world. Additionally, Sonya was appointed as a Family Sonya was awarded the IChange Nations Civility Ambassador from The Family Civility 2020 Icon Global Newcomer of the Year. A Institute in collaboration with IChange Nations. culture of honor that recognizes individuals As part of the Family Civility Global Initiative, throughout the world who have exemplified she was recognized for her contributions made extraordinary humanitarian efforts to to families by promoting and advocating for effectively change nations. I Change Nations family civility, which is achieving the Universal is the largest Building Cultures of Honor design for families by showing support, equity network in the world. and civility to all family types.

NEW IDEA. NEW STYLE.Exclusive Interview 1. Do you consider your career as aHEIDENS themselves and respectfully fulfilled story or a timeless expressing their curiosity and initiative? ideas, while, embracing and understanding the differences of Communication is timeless. The need to others. I provide a weekly platform effectively initiate and respond to various with proven experts in their modes of communication will always respective fields for people to have exist. Our world is filled with unhealthy honest and open dialogue about patterns of communication. current events and the social climate. To that end, my career is a timeless initiative that I have earnestly committed Practical solutions are discussed myself in hopes of making a lasting and offered to empower communication impact on the world. individuals from all backgrounds and walks of life. 2. Tell us something about your mission in business? 3. How do you manage your expectations to be an As an author, speaker, and motivational inspiration to others? coach, it is my mission to continually discover new ways to both honor and It is my position that all people, respect the beliefs, views, and upbringing regardless of age, religion, diverse of all those around us and share them background or worldviews, with the world. characteristics deserved to be treated with dignity and respect. I believe in creating opportunities where everyone can speak up and be heard and It is my passion to help lift others actively participate in healthy dialogue. on a wider scale. Civility has challenged me to step outside of I strive to build an environment where my comfort zone and create safe people feel comfortable being… community spaces for those “hard to have” ….

conversations that matter. I have used my voice to educate, encourage and inspire others to rally together and work harmoniously to improve relationships worldwide. The great work of increasing and spreading the message of goodwill, kindness, love, and respect has enlarged my capacity to add meaningful and memorable points of understanding amongst all people. 4. Based on your experience. What is the main motivation that drives you to organize success as a culmination of your global aspirations? NEW IDEA. NEW STYLE. Communication is the only way we can As we continue our individual HEIDENS effectively work together. The most successful journeys, we are going to feel teams recognize that everyone’s contribution uncomfortable. Embrace the is important. I recently created “Congress for moment because that’s how we Global Communications.” get better. It exists to create and promote inclusive I challenge you to look at what dialogue resulting in civility for all. This team you can do, individually and was assembled to bring together some of the collectively, to address the great minds of the world today to address dialogue divide in our country that issues from a solution-based paradigm. is resulting from communication conflict. I am not powerless but Congress for Global Communications was powerful! developed to build connections and communications for the advancement of General Motors Customer Care and sustainable development goals by providing, Aftersales, Grand Blanc, MI training, policy recommendations, and Manager, Government Sales, 2008- empowerment forums with an overall scope of Preesent transforming the world. General Motors Service Parts My motivation is fueled by my desire to Operation, MI encourage dialogue, impact humanity through Manager, Global Purchasing Supply collaborative global communication and to be Chain - 2000-2008 the go-to resource and authority for sustainable development goals. General Motors Powertrain, Pontiac, MI As a result, leaders will be equipped to Senior Buyer, 1999-2000 embrace their respective roles and maximize outcomes for positive change. General Motors Service and Parts Operations, Grand Blanc, MI 5. Share your message with the world Worldwide Purchasing Team How do we create a world that’s safer and Leader/Buyer, 1999 sustainable for generations to come? Lead Buyer, 1998-1999 We can’t address every issue. However, when I see something that I think is important Senior Buyer, 1996-1997 for us to take a stand on, it’s imperative to speak out, especially on issues like social Buyer, 1991-1994 justice, equity, and inclusion. Production Planner/Scheduler 1989- By doing so, we also support our vision of 1991 becoming more diverse and inclusive globally because of our values, beliefs, and vision. Assistant Buyer, 1989-1989

La Donya Yvette NEW IDEA. NEW STYLE.A Voice of Inspiration La Donya Yvette is a mother of four daughters and whose fascination with butterflies as a youngHEIDENS girl transformed her into a powerful influential woman who was born to inspire and motivate others. Her story is proof that no matter your circumstance you can create the life you desire, deserve, and love. She is a woman of purpose with a vision and your personal PowHERologist. La Donya is the Founder and CEO of iWIN Global (Influential Women Inspire Network), an inspirational movement all about G.I.R.L. PowHER (Gladiators Inspire Remarkable Ladies), and Living An Inspired Life. She is a Published Author of four books, the #1 Leading Authority to Living An Inspired Life, Global Influencer, Inspirational Speaker, PowHER U.P. Mastermind Confidence Coach, Certified Life Coach, Certified Dreamsteerer Academe’ Instructor, Contributing Writer for Next Generation Speakers Magazine, MizCEO Magazine for the Entrepreneurial Woman, Entrepreneur Platform Magazine, and The Breathe Magazine, and is also the creator of Butterfly Beauty Blog. She is also your Voice of Inspiration. She has been featured in Sheen and With experience in group and in-person SwagHer Magazines and is also the Cover coaching, she focuses on her passion of Feature in Next Generation Speakers transforming the lives of women and girls Magazine March 2021 Edition and MizCEO one inspiration at a time. Magazine August 2019 Edition. Her message is simple: Change Your Most people know her as a charismatic Mindset, Change Your Life. You definitely woman of God who lives by the Golden CAN have it all by Living An Inspired Life! Rule and Honoring Humanity, and who seeks to live a legacy with an extraordinary “A confident woman is an empowered message of mindset prosperity. woman humbled by Grace.” – La Donya Yvette Likewise, her dream and passion are to empower women and girls all over the Website: nations through her iWIN Global G.I.R.L. PowHER movement and initiative. Email: [email protected] With her extensive background in Hospital Administration and expertise in inspiration (G.I.R.L. PowHER - Gladiators Inspire and confidence, she has helped many Remarkable Ladies) women improve their interpersonal skills to further their personal lives and careers. (Butterfly Beauty Blog)

THE DESIGN IN YOUR MIND If you can be Inspired… you can be Transformed! There is so much that we can accomplish if we prioritize our lives and believe that our purpose is the driving force of who we are and what we are to give back to the world. But we must stay focused and have faith in order to operate in flow to execute the dream that lives in us. Tapping into your unique gifts and staying on the right path will help prepare us to make our greatest impact! NEW IDEA. NEW STYLE. Dreamers and visionaries are absolute However, the secret is to HEIDENSleaders; at its core it is all about character. incorporate harmony in your life. We also must recognize that humility is a I have learned that finding ways virtue; a key aspect of one’s character. in order to balance things out takes more energy than it is to Leading with your heart is the most powerful meet it in the middle and model for meaningful change because we harmonize with whatever you must always try to do the right thing, for the may be challenged with. right reasons, and on purpose. A true leader is authentic and inspirational. To have balance is learning to work through those challenges. As you engage for success, it is important to To have harmony is to accept the lead with influence and guidance. Your challenges, understand and passion and your gift will inspire others on embrace them in order to have their journey. peace within. Yes, to have balance is important; but the key It is important to also have a prosperous to balance is harmony! mindset, which is basically living with the belief that you are worthy of your Divine But how does balance and purpose. harmony work in our lives anyway? Well, one way to look at When you have a prosperous mindset, you it is the fact that we try so hard to set off an energy that will draw people to you schedule an equal amount time that will help you become successful; it is for everything; work, kids, about your attitude and outlook on life. It relationships, etc. creates balance - because energy is everything! However, no matter how we try to juggle time here and there for the important things in life, the reality is even 15 minutes of harmony can be more valuable because of the quality of time and peace. Stress can jade our minds into thinking that life is tough or set us back into a false reality that is not our destiny!

NEW IDEA. NEW STYLE.To have balance is to stay focused on your goal, your vision, and your HEIDENSpurpose. To have harmony is to make sure you are at peace with the journey. Create more harmony in your life… it will balance itself out! Living an inspired life requires commitment and dedication. The one thing that we do have control over is our thoughts, feelings and behaviors; and by learning how to manage these things will help in achieving goals while moving forward in your purpose. It all starts with your mindset. Your passion is what excites you, and your purpose is your connection with others. You have a gift and YOU are worth it! Believe in your vision, believe in yourself and speak the life that you want into existence. \"By clearing your thoughts and doing more with your gifts and talents, you will begin to take control of your life and master your own destiny.\" - La Donya Yvette

Professional Vision of Olivia Hepburn NEW IDEA. NEW STYLE. CEO & Founder at THE P.E.N ConsultancyHEIDENS From Desire to Action – Do we need But while the Education system has school for Parents too? creaked along cracks in the system has weighed heavily on those in the A provocative question maybe … but sector- ‘making do’. from an educators perspective never truer spoken in jest, after a year like Then came along the Blessings of 2020 so much has reared it’s head, Covid. I say the blessing as so much reflection, so many hard EVERYONE blinkered Politian’s, questions, so We the royal ‘we’ just governing bodies had to become simply didn’t know , didn’t embolden, there was no guess work, understand, in some case we simply no wondering what teachers did can’t cope with. anymore, why did they get so many breaks? Parents became Teachers. Schools and educating our young people have been spotlighted Thank you GOD that was truly a beyond measures, Families blessing!! Inspirational to highlight all understand now more than ever areas of need from lack, struggles, what Teachers and support mental health, the haves and the educators team face on a daily basis have nots. Covid did not spare the year in year out (good and bad). 2020 rod. took us to the same pages. Lessons Educator many who are parents themselves stand with parents – the So do we need school for Parents mission is to embed knowledge and too? What’s happened throughout transform jack and Gill into amazing this rough and pioneering year? young people empowered to gain Parents and Guardians became a skills where needed, develop their fleet of warriors who had to learn abilities to make choices for suited real fast in some cases, how do I opportunities, become leaders as keep jack sitting for more than 10 they wish and confident to face the minutes to focus and do homework? future successfully. Ideally yes!

Or keep him from emptying the fridge, How do I understand what they are supposed to be doing, Jill won’t even look at the homework? Then here is anxiety, missing the freedom everyone craved and for so long. The Blessing became a curse for some. Knowing the system - Overcoming Fear NEW IDEA. NEW STYLE.The Education system stepped up a best lives, less of them joining the pipe line gear preparing teaching online, with to prisons and custodial holding cells, HEIDENS such a broad spectrum of need and joining gangs, leaving school with reading the varying backgrounds with and writing levels of 10 and 11 year olds. accessibility needs from safe space, to equipment, need for education Shaping the Future support advocates to financial capability …. There’s a long list. Parents knowing the system, knowing the Covid shone a light on the every signs, having Faith and accountability when reoccurring cry for a good funded it counts is a MUST. Education must include and transformative education life skills and values and that’s done in system, it shone a light on priorities, collaboration and partnership. It’s a must to and where schools fitted in the cogs reduce the destruction being left behind of industry with other essential with every loss of a young person’s life. services. Top 6 issue and concerns a group of 6th However educators passion and formers (back in April 2020) would talk to willingness to be Educators remain the PM if the opportunity arose: and parents are an extension of this Force we can’t do the job effectively 1. When would cinemas re-open? and create the transformation 2. When would they be free to meet required to help jack and Jill reach with their friend physically that optimum stage of excellence 3. Concerns about their Future –’ can I they are individually destined to be, trust my parents and my life with the We need our warriors at home to be Government- with all the issue that came to on their A game in partnership. light on the pandemic in various areas of this country. Shaping the future getting back on 4. Young people’s mental health – it track needs collaboration. Knowing needs attention-‘ we are trapped in a house the system, how it works, who to where we could be dealing with battles call, knowing the signs when things ourselves – what can be done, don’t look right, have faith in your 5. Being able to celebrate people’s ability to make the right decision call achievements in person again when? school, don’t be put off. 6. Not being isolated from everyone. Get to know your educators it really helps. It’s a great get out of jail card to eliminate truancy, lack of work and it’s amazing how grades go up with these partnership. Responsibility Do we need schools for parents? Not as far-fetched an idea since Feb 2020 - Schools can often help - do speak up. We all want more bright elevated empowered young people living their

NEW IDEA. NEW STYLE. HEIDENS Many young people are silently suffering. Turning a blind eye is no longer acceptable, keeping quiet won’t resolve so moany of the issue, in fact some parents are not equipped to deal with some of the issues they face. EDUCATE* EDUCATE* who, where, how, when, Creative and engaging help is needed. Longer term EDUCATION* to create more entrepreneurial mind-sets … LEGAL Ones. Let’s start them young, start them strong, a strong mind, strong values, live life live long. A strong empowering Mind-set to long term success of choice and aspiration instead of a rebound to quick riches on the streets of problems and negative news. We have GOOD ROLE MODELS around, we have the WILL lets enact FAITH and ACTION time for CHANGE. Let’s get schools for parents; don’t rely that the creaking system has your child by itself, be inspirational show your young person that you as parents ‘know school’, you ‘mean business’, ‘you got them’, ‘you want their outcome’. Please don’t leave it just to school, have a collaborative boundary of expectation. Times have change from Desire to Action lets help our young people get back on track and away from a pipeline to jail.

Giuseppe Antonio Nicotra NEW IDEA. NEW STYLE.Exclusive Interview 1. Do you consider your career as aHEIDENS simple activity of Advisor, but by fulfilled story or a timeless initiative? putting together my experiences, my knowledge, my My career is partly a realized story and partly character and my way of being I a timeless initiative because after 45 years of decided that I would supported professional activity I still feel in the and helped companies in their possibility of being able to reach new goals. growth and development processes, seeking for them the When I wake up in the morning the first financial means to support them thought, at the age of 67, is to sit in the and so I started the business that armchair of my studio and work, day after I still carry out without looking day I always enrich myself with news that is back and without regrets. good for my mind and my person. I have a reference: My grandfather who always said Then in 1990 I won a \"I'm 95 years old and I still have to learn a lot qualification competition from life !!!\" I've always been inspired by launched by the European this. Commission and I joined the European Network \"Business 2. TELL US SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR Cooperation Network - BC-NET\" MISSION IN BUSINESS ? which allowed me for 10 years spent between Brussels and the My mission in the company has always been European Capitals to specialize and always will be to achieve the objectives in Transnational Cooperation for the satisfaction of my customers, first of today better known as all, and mine. Internationalization and so I decided that in addition to When I started the activity of Chartered assisting companies for the Accountant I asked myself if that would be financial aspects, I would also my job forever and the answer was: basically follow them in yes but I was looking for something that internationalization projects. made me feel good about myself, that enriched me culturally and professionally, that I I made the world and the people who inhabit it known, and one day in 1980 I definitively decided not to dwell on the...

3. How do you manage your expectations to be an inspiration to others? NEW IDEA. NEW STYLE.I have always your heart into what you do pays you more than what you earn, surrounded myself with putting the customer first and demonstrating great humility that is HEIDENS young people who for part of the inspiring principles of my life that I have always applied. me have always been the lifeblood of every 5. Share your message with the world. nation and I try to transfer my In my professional life, in my writings, in my courses, I have always experiences, my done everything to share the principles enunciated with the whole knowledge and world and I must say that many times. contents to them so that the business world I have been appreciated for this, the proof is that after 45 years I am can finally pass from still here in the world. give my best to spread these values and I'm the hands of the new happy about it. generation. The wish I always make addressing all those with whom I 4. Based on your dialogue is: be yourself, apply humility as a primary value, experience. What is never think about if and what you will earn because the the main motivation gain will come by itself, do not ask but give everything that drives you to you can because the reward it will be at your fingertips. organize success as a culmination of your More about Nicotra Business Development Mission ; global aspirations? NICOTRA BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Ltd. is a company that I have always referred derives from the professional experiences of its partners to two greats of the who for over 40 years have been providing advice and past who claimed: assistance to SMEs. \"Coming together is a beginning, staying In the field of: European, National and Regional Subsidized together is progress, Loans, Structured and Innovative Finance, Assistance and working together is Consulting for Internationalization Projects and Programs, success.\" Strategic Consulting. In all these years of activity, the Members have given a constructive and programmatic Henry Ford contribution to Small and Medium Enterprises, the \"If you work only for backbone and driving sector of all the economies of the the money, you will Nations, for development and for international competition. never make it, but if you love what you do They support the Customers on their journey within the and if you always put difficulties that day by day stand in the way of the the customer first, globalization process, and for this purpose they carry out success will be yours.\" their function outside the Company itself but, in fact, at the Ray Kroc forefront and together with the Management to reach the These values have satisfaction and implementation of the programs started. always accompanied me in my business. Being together in a team, governing it and working all together for a single purpose I believe that should be the guideline for each of us, the motto \"Union is strength\" is proof of this. Just as putting …

Exclusive Interview NEW IDEA. NEW STYLE.Beverly J. Clay Contributing Author HEIDENS 1. Do you consider your career as 2. TELL US SOMETHING ABOUT a fulfilled story or a timeless YOUR MISSION IN BUSINESS ? initiative? My main mission is to empower I consider my career as an not fulfilled women who was victims of narcotic story as of yet, but a timeless initiative and or emotional abuse. Guide them because I have dedicated my life to recover and reclaim their lives back mission on impacting as many lives by setting boundaries and detoxifying and helping as many as I can to assist their minds so they go on to have them to navigate through their trauma healthy and non toxic relationship in from Narcissist Abuse and Mental the future. Illness. 3. How do you manage your I will tirelessly advocate and be their expectations to be an inspiration to voice when they fill their voices have others? been silenced. I will offer many tools and recourses as well as vigorously I aspire to be an inspiration to others educate myself and attain as much by never wavering no matter what. training needed to continuously evolve Never being afraid to fail. myself to better serve my clients. To always have an concrete and I want to help turn their hurt into effective and exemplary Leadership healing so they can create the life they style and adaptability. To always have desire. structures and systems in place.

NEW IDEA. NEW STYLE.Always stay crystal clear and focus on my end goal. Always to stay true to whom I’m and my vision. And knowing that giving up is never an option. HEIDENS 4. Based on your experience. What is the main motivation that drives you to organize success as a culmination of your global aspirations? My final crowning achievement would be to have an pinnacle of clients all across the globe. And to have my coaching business operating in every country around the world. I will achieve this my being a strong leader and practicing effective cross- cultural communication. My main motivation is achieving Excellent Leadership skills. Execute my plan efficiently and effectively. To improve my services. To keep building my team, implementing new strategies and trainings. Meeting my targets and goals. Mentoring and coaching others, learning new skills, creating new ideals to achieve successful goals to continuously improve myself and team. Success motivates me to do a great job. And aligning my company visions and values with my own is the only way to achieve this. More about Beverly J Clay; I am the founder/CEO of S.O.L. Speak Out Loud, \"Your Mental Health Matters Too!\". I created my foundation in 2018, my vision in creating this was to bring awareness and to help eliminate the stigmas surrounded around mental illness and to help individuals in finding their voice. Also to curate and provide a safe space to have for mentoring and support by offering workshops and therapeutic workshops as well as tools, resources and referrals for counselling services. I also founded SOL Crusaders Youth Coaching and Mentoring business for youth between the ages od 10-21. I became a Mental Health Coach and Advocate in 2020, to be able to expand my reach to the community further. This lead me to form my own Coaching Business named, SOL WarriHERS Coaching and Mentoring. I have since created my 10 step signature Coaching Program on Narcissistic Abuse Recovery. I will be starting enrolment for my online University in 2022, that will consist of a full curriculum on Narcissistic Abuse Recovery.

There will be online classes and training, guest speakers and mentors. Upon completion their willNEW IDEA. NEW STYLE. be a graduation with certificate and they will receive their purple wings pin to symbolize that have completed their journey on the road to recovery.HEIDENS I’m also a two time author. I just completed an anthology titled. What Goes On in This House Stays in This House. My chapter is sharing my story how I survived through Narcissist Abuse. I have been featured in 2 magazines, Scars of Survival and Helpful Living magazines and on several podcast discussing the effects of Narcissist Abuse and bringing awareness. I’m also a Mental Health First Aider. I have a seat on the Committee Advisory Board at Best self Behavioural Health. I will be featured on a. Upcoming talk show for the OWN Network. And will be pitching for a spot to have my own talk show on June 29. And most importantly, I am the proud mother of six beautiful children.

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