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Home Explore QUOTES BOOK 2022


Published by Hoinser Group, 2022-08-29 23:38:42

Description: QUOTES BOOK 2022

Keywords: Hoinser Quotes Book,Hoinser,Hoinser Group,Hermes Gokovi,Denisa Gokovi,Hoinser Media


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Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 John Andrew Blakemore Hoinser Visionary  Never Give Up  Reach out, and give your hand to those in need.  Know your family’s history, it made you who you are!  Victory should only be sought with Honor.  Good in the World exists through giving and caring.  Compassion and Kindness are never outdated.  Test my metal by fire, to ensure it’s temper.  There is no real gain without sacrifice.  I would rather glow briefly, than waste away through inaction.  Humanity’s cause is good and righteous, it must be fought for. By: Hoinser Group

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Dr. Sir Vivek Lall Chief Executive at General Atomics Global Corporation  Servant leadership is the key to successful organizations  Continuous lifelong learning enables better decision making abilities  The more you think you know about a subject the less you actually know - knowledge is limitless  Mentor the next generation - that is  Passion and persistence the true legacy of any career will overcome failure always  Worlk Life balance is most critical to maintain when especially when one  The way for maximum seems to provideMore reward than learning is through the other failures. Do not be fearful of failure.  It is a team effort to succeed - no one has succeeded on anything their own -  You do not need to learn your parents and teachers are the core to play every musical members of your team in life instrument to conduct an orchestra  Accept the blame oneself for failures and attribute successes to others in order to inspire By: Hoinser Group

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 António Paraíso Senior Consultant & Speaker  In the Luxury Universe you don’t do marketing, you interact and engage you don’t attract customers, you seduce them  Elegance is about not disturbing others you don’t show your products , you create an  Luxury is a state of mind and a way of experience life! you don’t sell, you tell a  Being expensive is not related to high story prices. It’s about whether there is value or not.  Luxury is made of the subtle combination Price becomes expensive when there is not of perfect tangibility enough value. and seductive intangibility  Charm is the antidote to the democratization of luxury.  People will hardly buy what they can’t  Don’t waste your time trying to sell to the see from someone wrong customer.Think about it! they never heard about.Think about it!  Internationalization is not an easy process, it is not a quick process, it is not  Luxury objects have a cheap process. to tell stories and stimulate the intellect. By: Hoinser Group

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Paul L. Gunn Jr Powerful Personality  The only thing dark about you should  The Philopshy of be your shadow. Be Kind. Naysayers become debunked by Actions of  Cognitive Empathy identifies the Wise humbleness as a strategic tool for helping others  Wisdoms frequency needs no tuning to those are alignment to it  Mastery in Cognitive Empathy turns a competitor into a solid Collaborator  Those who show kindness are built tough.  Humbleness is the insurance on the kindness delivered. Empathy is its warranty.  Take the rough side of the mountain its less traveled to success  Kindness needs no warranty  My Kindness is Non Refundable By: Hoinser Group

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Baroness Irina Von Behr Hoinser Innovator  Most people see problems – I see opportunities.  There is always a way to make a killing by finding a solution to a problem.  While most people give into the problem and become overwhelmed by possible failure, I look outside the box for solutions.  You don’t have to be the inventor  People who are in the or create the solution. Most middle of the problem are inventors do not know how to emotionally overwhelmed bring their invention to market or and are not open to new have the right connections to do ideas and are less apt to use so. new technology and will resort to looking for the  Finding and applying are the key same traditional methods words to success. that often result in failure.  This is how my company, Barons  I do not accept the answer, International, LLC., looks to solve “that is the way we have the world’s biggest problems. always done it.” 99% of the time someone in the world  Barons International, LLC, does has a solution. not invent, we connect inventions to those who need a solution.  It is simply a matter of finding and applying that solution. By: Hoinser Group

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Omri Raiter Co- Founder at the Hexatone Group  “And the day came when the risk to  “Success is not final; remain tight in a bud was more failure is not fatal: it is the painful than the risk it took to courage to continue that blossom.” – Anaïs Nin counts.” – Winston Churchill  “There’s no shortage of remarkable ideas, what’s missing is the will to  “Play by the rules, but be execute them.” – Seth Godin ferocious.” – Phil Knight  “I owe my success to having listened  “Business opportunities respectfully to the very best advice, are like buses, there’s and then going away and doing the always another one exact opposite.” – G.K. Chesterton coming.” – Richard Branson  “Every problem is a gift— without problems we would not grow.” – Anthony Robbins  “You only have to do a few things right in your life so long as you don’t do too many things wrong.” – Warren Buffett  “Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.” – Henry David Thoreau By: Hoinser Group

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Anja Carron Founder & CEO at Theia International  “Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” – Theodore Roosevelt  “If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time.” – Steve Jobs  “Forget past mistakes. Forget failures.  “Almost everything Forget everything except what you’re worthwhile carries with going to do now and do it.” – William it some sort of risk, Durant whether it’s starting a new business, whether  “Imagination is everything. It is the it’s leaving home, preview of life’s coming attractions.” – whether it’s getting Albert Einstein married, or whether it’s flying into space.” – Chris  “Character cannot be developed in Hadfield ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can  “Even if you are on the the soul be strengthened, ambition right track, you’ll get run inspired and success achieved.” – over if you just sit there.” Helen Keller – Will Rodgers  “The first one gets the oyster, the  “The real test is not second gets the shell.” – Andrew whether you avoid this Carnegie failure, because you won’t. It’s whether you By: Hoinser Group let it harden or shame you into inaction, or whether you learn from it; whether you choose to persevere.” –Obama

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Álvaro Sáez Strategic Consultant  It doesn't matter your gender, your color or your background, it matters your ethics, your focus and your perseverance.  Instead of worrying about what technology will take away from you, try focusing on what you will give to others with it. You may find that you've won.  By trying to dodge the mistake  Naïve those who think they you end up dodging your best demonstrate intelligence chance for happiness. with a great mental capacity for calculation and a  Learn, work and love without prominent academic ceasing, intensely and with faith. curriculum but are not capable of solving the smallest day-to-day problem or even helping a friend.  Don't pigeonhole yourself. In the  When you see yourself at the modern world, specialization is a head of a project, forget precious stone, but we must avoid financial management and becoming useless in everything learn to manage your we are not masters of. emotions. You can outsource the first one.  Don't look for one solution for everyone or for life. The right answer is the one that solves each problem at the right time. By: Hoinser Group

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Guillaume Goder CEO at Indian Ocean Circuit Ltd  “I feel that luck is preparation meeting  “Whether you think opportunity.” – Oprah Winfrey you can or whether you think you can’t,  “I never dreamed about success. I you’re right!” – Henry worked for it.” – Estée Lauder Ford  “Yesterday’s home runs don’t win  “There are no secrets today’s games.” – Babe Ruth to success. It is the result of preparation,  “The only place where success comes hard work and learning before work is in the dictionary.” – from failure.” – Colin Vidal Sassoon Powell  “The only way around is through.” –  “Success is not the key Robert Frost to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” – Albert Schweitzer  “Success is often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable.” – Coco Chanel  “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” – Thomas Edison By: Hoinser Group

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Philippa Gittens Author & Speaker  Become the master of yourself by mastering your mind, body spirit, and relationships  Take a journey within to discover your inner peace  Elevate your life by surrounding yourself with high-quality people  Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable  Be happy and grateful for the  If you fight for your abundance of health, wealth, limitations, you get to keep and happiness in your life them. You only have one life, why limit your opportunities  If you want to make a change by playing small in your life, you have to change what is going on  When your mindset changes, inside. The outside is a the movement of your life reflection of inside. changes Philippa  What you focus on grows. Only think about what you want and keep your mind off what you don’t want  Love yourself first, as that is who you will be spending the rest of your life with By: Hoinser Group

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 H.E Dr. Tomasz Zaleski World Leader  Learn from others – knowledge passes down the generations and even the most distinguished people learn all they know from others.  Set Goals – you will achieve more if you clearly understand what you want.  Find time for yourselves – activities unrelated to your everyday work help restore your enthusiasm.  Know yourself – an  Know your values – try to awareness of your unique understand what you value most qualities is the key to in life. beneficial change.  Do the right thing – make sure  Know the rhythm of your your job brings out the best in body – performance is you. governed by ebbs and flows in the biological rhythms of  Examine your past – what are your body. the things that have brought you success, and what has held you  Don’t play life games – back ? sharpen your awareness of the psychological games that  Get acquainted with your future people play. – imagine aspects of your life at home or work, in 10, 20, and 30 years time. By: Hoinser Group

QUOTES BOOK 2022Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 By: Hoinser Group Ricardo Uriegas A Successful Entrepreneur  “We Shine Bright So That Others May Shine Brighter.” – Yohancé Salimu  “None of us really changes over time. We only become more fully what we are” Anne Rice  “We rise by lifting others” unkown  “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer” Don Corleone, The Godfather  “The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain” Dolly Parton  “Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance you must keep moving” Einstein  “The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” -Nelson Mandela  “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”-Walt Disney

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Frank Beckmann Investment Advisor  No human being has the right to obey. (Hannah Arendt)  If war is the answer, what was the question? (Frank Beckmann)  We tend to overestimate the first 2  We are being challenged years of technological innovations, by a new frontier so vast and underestimate the following 8 that it spreads from our years. (Bill Gates ?) souls tot he far reaches oft he planet -and beyond.  When two seemingly disparate (Frederic M. Hudson) elements are imaginatively poised, put in apposition in new and unique  When confronted with ways, startling discoveries often difficulty, a person has two result. (Marshall McLuhan) options: to stop and admit defeat, or to innovate and  The way to get started is to quit triumph. (Sheikh talking and begin doing. (Walt Mohammed bin Rashid Al Disney) Maktoum)  Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I  Insistence on hard-headed remember. Involve me and I learn. clarity issues from (Benjamin Franklin) sentimental feeling, as it were a mist, cloaking the By: Hoinser Group perplexities of fact. (Alfred North Whitehead)  Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Charmaine KM Yan Founder of Bio-Genage Global Foundation  “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” I always believe we can create our world if we can take a great action.  Follow our passions, do what you ‘re  Motivation can keep really good at it. One of the huge challenging myself. I see mistakes people make is that they try life almost not only to force an interest on others. You staying in universities or don't choose your passions; your just for an education passions choose you.“ but everyday experiences which  Be enthusiasm. Success is walking brings us learning from failure to failure with no loss of something new.“ enthusiasm.” Which Donald Trump has mentioned in his Trump’s Book?  Be innovative and open- minded because you  Be a great listener, sometimes can can learn more things in learn more things from Senior people. life.  Be Calm and Determine. Sometimes we need to be more determine whenever we make up some decisions or strategies at any risks in business or life.  Be optimistic. I always thinking be optimistic can turns the dark side to the light. By: Hoinser Group

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Dr. Belynder Walia Pschotherapist & Anxiety Expert  ‘Limit the time you spend looking at  ‘Not everyone has to everyone else and what they’re understand you; try not doing. It’s wiser to spend more time to get frustrated if they exploring your own capabilities.’ don’t. The only person who needs to understand  ‘You can do anything you want; you – is you. Understand you’ve first got to believe that you yourself, be self-aware.’ can, and the best way to do it is to identify your limiting beliefs.’  ‘The best medicine in life is free and easy – simply  ‘Once you’re self-aware, it’s easier to connect with nature.’ self-accept. Only then can you fill yourself with self-respect that leaves  ‘Exercise introspection by others with no choice but to respect learning more about your you. Be invincible.’ own true self, nature, purpose and essence.  ‘When you get that feeling, you can Remember self-reflection accomplish anything – it helps you is a key aspect of being achieve everything!’ human.’  ‘If you allow it, it will continue, so let it go.’  ‘I get that you’re there for others, and that’s great! But don’t lose who you are in the process because of other people’s nonsense!’  ‘Look at how far you’ve come, now repeat these words – wow, thank you.’ By: Hoinser Group

QUOTES BOOK 2022Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 By: Hoinser Group Darryl K. Horton Social Personality  “If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me.”  \"Seek advice from people that are successful at what you want to do\"  \"Be a student of your industry \"  \" Under promise & Over deliver\"  Listen to Understand not to Respond \"  \"Success is not a distinction, It's a journey\"  \"Always celebrate your small wins, they are what add up to the larger wins\"  \" Rest if you have to, but never give up \"  \"Build meaningful relationships & you'll never have to sale anything\"  \"Always remember, you can learn something from everyone you meet.\"

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Greg Griffiths Impactful Personality  We encourage change, diversity of thought and big thinking. Without it, we are nothing.  Excellence is within all of us. You just need to back yourself.  Don’t let others ever change your  When the chips are down, dreams double-down and bet the house.  Innovation done correctly can change the world  When you think you have no more to give, breath and give even more  Persistence beats resistance  Educate your mind, energise your soul and listen with your heart  Stay true to yourself, Listen with empathy and Learn with Mindfulness  Never doubt yourself if you have done everything right By: Hoinser Group

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Dr. Sonya A. Robinson Speaker & Author  \"I can respect any person who can put the ego aside and say, I made a mistake, I apologize, and I am correcting my behavior.” `~ Sylvester McNutt III  “Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.” ~ C. S. Lewis  “Our path to success, no matter what our goals are, is never a straight line.” ~ Harley King  \"Communication give us all the power to be social architects. We can build or tear down.” ~ Sonya Robinson  “Words are the seeds within every conversation and intent is the fertilizer.” ~ Sonya Robinson By: Hoinser Group

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022  \"Sometimes God has to cut the grass down in your life, so you can see the SNAKES.” ~ Unknown  “Technology doesn’t take away from communication. Balance for the better.” - Sonya Robinson  \"Leadership is unlocking people’s potential to become better.” ~ Bill Bradley  \"Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.” ~ Nelson Mandela  \"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” ~ Maya Angelou By: Hoinser Group

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Dr. Casuel Pitts A Successful Entrepreneur  Coming together is the beginning, Sticking together is progress, But working together is success  Starve your distractions to feed your focus  You have to have Drive, Dedication, &  Your Mind isn’t Set Determination to become successful until you Set your Mind on what you  You have to MASTER great listening, want to execute and organization & time management get accomplished skills to sustain success  Putting God first  Smart people know what to say. Wise activates Faith, people know whether to say it or not. Wisdom & Understanding  Read to understand how to apply to get results  Understanding how to sacrifice will give you the ability to accomplish anything  It’s not the riches you want to obtain it’s the wealth you want to master By: Hoinser Group

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Sir Simon Oehler Creator of Success  Miracles happen to all people who tackle things with the strength of their hearts Do your best with heart and mind again and again and small as well as big miracles will come into your life  We will be the human which we  Sincere praise and believe who we areBelieve in you and appreciation are your abilities and you will achieve welcomed with great goals everyoneThink about whom you will give your  Human being can influence personal appreciation to themselves in a positive this week wayRemember yourself on a positive event and you feel much better at  Each day is very special once and never come back again Use each day to  Human decides by themselves do something special for whether they are happy or notHow you and the world you react on certain situations has an around you influence on your own luck  We speculate too much  Each one of us is in this world to be and live too lessThink uniqueShow the world all about you fewer and enjoy the and transform it to your personal present moment masterpiece  Love to a related human By: Hoinser Group being is something very preciousSay to someone who means a lot to you how much love you feel

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Dr. Kristie Nguyen Brand Ambassador  Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed.  Slay the day like a boss!  Life is too short not to be extraordinary  YOU are the most valuable investment you will ever make.  Be true to yourself  Access to my time & energy is a privilege.  Live the life that sets your soul on fire !!  The possibilities are endless so don’t limit yourself by the norm.  We don’t have to be perfect to be worthy.  You’ll never know what you can or can’t do unless you try. By: Hoinser Group

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Livia Devi Visionary & Mentor  Your Soul knows beyond what your human is able to perceive in the immediate reality.  Realities cease to exist when we are not directing our energy to them.  Reality may seem vast diverse and fractionated yet it is ultimately an undivided whole.  Dancing in between the veils of  All dimensions, parallel illusions, where there is no life and realities, timelines co-exist death, light and shadow. you had in the non-physical space never been born and you will never of consciousness. die.  Dimensioal evolution is  Living the dream as exists in my the ability to operate in consciousness, catching its boundless different dimensions exposure to infinite creation. simultaneously.  We are all living in the same time but  Cosmic Consciousness can in different timelines. only be understood through the wisdom of LIVIA the heart. By: Hoinser Group  Create beyond imagination and let the Source within you, surprise your existence with its limitless generosity.

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Michael Mints Leadership Coaching  Everything in life is happening FOR you if you choose to let it.  There is an amazing amount of power in the words you use.  If you don't know what you want, you'll  It's impossible to be end up with what you got. grateful and negative at the same time.  If you're not happy with what you have, you'll never be happy with what you  Success is almost want. impossible without a plan.  A smile is one of the greatest tools for success.  Your morning routine predetermines the amount of success you'll have each day.  Happiness is a daily choice I get to make.  Kindness is one of the superpowers of the successful. By: Hoinser Group

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Dr. Subrina Jesmin Research Coordinator  A patient will not care about your  A nation progresses years of knowledge on health, but when a mother can give they will care about how much you birth to a healthy baby, care for their betterment. and the baby can grow up without any  The wellbeing of the rural people significant health should matter to the healthcare complications. On that providers. It should not just be about note, we as healthcare the reimbursement rates but also providers have to come about fulfilling our duties towards all forward to ensure it. the community members.  How much a country  Drug discovery and development is has developed depends not just about incorporating modern on how it treats technology. The whole process, when women. If women have executed properly, is an art. easier access to healthcare, it is a step in the right direction. I am willing to take all the steps needed to make that happen in my country.  The way forward in the healthcare sector is with compassion. If we, the caregivers, are not compassionate, our relationship with the patient will deteriorate. By: Hoinser Group

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022  Progress is limited if we only choose to focus on the health of women in urban areas. The wellbeing of rural women is just as important; realizing that will be a step in the right direction.  I always believe in leading by example, whichever field I work in. I believe that access to healthcare should be a right and not a commodity to afford. So, we need to make changes to the health policy accordingly.  If the health policy is not healthy and beneficial to the poor, it benefits another class. Therefore, as healthcare providers, we have to make sure that the health policy is healthy.  As healthcare leaders, having intelligence is not enough to guarantee success. The key is to be the most open to change. By: Hoinser Group

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Dr. Anastacia Lewis International Entrepreneur  Sit with the winners the conversation is different  If you’re the smartest person in the room you’re in the wrong room  Resist the temptation to settle everything that settles stays to the bottom  Systems work people fail  Reciprocation beats loyalty any day  Focus to fight to finish to secure your future  Whomever you give your ear to controls your life  Leadership is influence, Influence changes the world  Build with 3 generations in kind, succession is key to your legacy  Do it now, life is not a rehearsal, you only have 1 shot !!! By: Hoinser Group

QUOTES BOOK 2022Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 By: Hoinser Group Ali Alsanea A Successful Personality  Work smarter than harder  Be positive  Never give up  Believe in yourself  I never dreamed about success. I worked for it.”  \"The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old but on building the new.“  \"Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.\"  “A big business starts small.”  “You don't build a business, you build people, then people build the business.”  “Don’t spread yourself too thin… focus trumps freneticism any day.”

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Kendra Williams Life Coach  \"Building a great future takes time, nevertheless build your Rome anyway\".  \"Love should be demonstrated in both words and actions\".  “Don’t let your past define your  \"One act of kindness promising future and strive for can change the hearts greatness in all areas of your life”. of many people\".  \"Don’t let people’s skewed perception  \"Turn your pain into of you determine your value or worth”. your purpose\".  \"Consider your loss a gain if it made you better\".  \"Having strength during your adversity builds character\".  \"Be the change you want to see in the world\".  \"With faith, patience, and perseverance anything is possible.\" By: Hoinser Group

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Nicole Martin CEO at HRBoost LLC  \"Believe that you deserve to be not just happy, but joyful.“  \"Committing to self-care and self-love is critical to sustaining the right balance so you can remain loving and generous to others.“  \"Everyday is a new day and don't you ever waste a single day.“  \"We bring joy and purpose to  \"I thank the many beautiful people through their work but it people by which I have begins with each of us.“ learned, be it beside them, with them, or from them. I am  \"Many would argue the way in eternally grateful for the which we work has forever healers in my life.“ changed.“  \"It is with joy and purpose that  \"Knowledge work, can be I approach each day.“ differentiated from other forms of work as it places emphasis on  \"I live joy as a deeply satisfying \"non-routine\" problem solving sense of the present whereby I that requires a combination of choose to be joyful“ convergent, divergent, and creative thinking.\"  \"Presence truly is so much more than being present.\" Presence is derived from a deep awareness of soul and spirit.“ By: Hoinser Group

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Dr Fene Osakwe Global Cyber Security Leader  Nothing works until you work it  Those that are intentional about life, get more predictable outcomes  Sometimes, the best response in counseling is silence  Cost of buying a rolls Royce in your dream is free, so dream big – create pictures of your future  The grass is greener on the other side, because you have not watered your side  Do not kick down the career ladder you used in climbing. Help others climb faster!  When a manager says” I haven’t gone on leave in 3 years” It may not be a sign of a hard worker. It could be a signal of a leadership deficiency  Excellence is a universal language, learn it.  Time is redeemable.  Success is validated internally, not by external comments By: Hoinser Group

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Jonathan Shroyer Powerful Personality  Small, tender moments are the  Play big, you are always on dear memories that remind us to stage; you just never know pull those close that we care when the curtain is open about.These small moments can have a profound impact on who  The word impossible mean we are and who we become. I'm possible, never give up.  In the foggy midst of life, it is  When want to understand hard. Sometimes uncertainty or ourselves,it may be more unpredictability can accentuate revealing to embrace the life's challenges. It is in these energy and the world moments when it feels all is lost. around us That is when the indomitable human spirit and hope push us  Great leaders elevate forward and up others By: Hoinser Group  Don’t delay acting for the sake of perfection, instead act immediately and focus on getting slightly better at it daily  The bird that flies 1 degree higher each day enjoys the light of the sun and view of earth  Cynicism is mental malware, it's time to cleanse your mind  Want to grow beyond your wildest dreams? It's time for you to create your personal board of directors

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022  We will inevitably take a Lee Pillay wrong step in life, what matters is the step we Founder & Director at HuTech Marketing Ltake thereafter!  The potential to do great things is within every human being! By: Hoinser Group  The greater your network, the more likely opportunity will find you!  Be your best, live your best, life is not a test, get some rest!  Random acts of kindness helps the helper!  The time it takes to reach your next milestone is largely dependent on your internal drive!  Confidence can be found at the intersection of knowledge and preparedness!  We are all leaders in our lifetime since we all have influence over another. Know your influence and the change you can create in this world!  Have dreams, goals and ambitions and turn them into milestones and achievements through action!  Focus will simply result in something going well and others not, know your priorities!

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Zahra Habib Al Darwish Entrepreneur & Speaker  When I am happy, sad, angry,  Whether you come or go, excited, my baby copies my face. your attitude represents you  Regardless of how well you perform the task, show interest,  Embrace your and when you are in, nail it. achievements without waiting for someone's encouragement  Put your right foot forward, dream big, and take action  Dreamers are achievers so don't let 50 or 60 or 40 get in the way of your goals.  We go through life and grow with it as we go through it.  You see that eagle, it’s flying alone, so be there with the eagles.  Let us start, it’s more important than doing things slow.  Go ahead and drain your life or stand tall and fight the hell you are in By: Hoinser Group

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Sandra Grujevska Career Counselor  You learn the best when you start asking questions, not to teachers, not to parents, but to yourself!  Modesty is a feature of the big ones!  A lady is a real lady when she helps her husband become real gentleman!  Less talking and more doing is more promising key to success!  Choose your thoughts how you  Some people dream of choose your clothes. Make sure success while others wake up they are the best fit for the and work! time, place and location.  Don’t just say what you say,  Be somebody who makes live what you say! everybody feel like a somebody!  The more we criticize and judge, the less time we have to love and take care of.  Teaching is more than just educating and learning but transforming and transmitting. By: Hoinser Group

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Mariana Radova Fashion Designer  “Your time is limited, so don't  “The greatest threat to our waste it living someone else's planet is the belief that life. Don't be trapped by someone else will save it.” dogma – which is living with the results of other people's  “We cannot solve our problems thinking.” with the same thinking we used when we created them.” By: Hoinser Group  “Buy less, choose well.”  \"Fashion you can buy, but style you possess. The key to style is learning who you are, which takes years. There's no how-to road map to style. It's about self expression and, above all, attitude.\"  “The best way to predict future is to create it.”  “Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.”  \"I don't design clothes. I design dreams.\"  “Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak.”  \"In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.\"

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Ambassador Deborah Foster Impactful Leader  Incorporate mindfulness into how  Food prepared artfully you conduct business, being fully always tastes better! - present in each moment. You’ll find Deborah Foster, #Yum you become a better listener and Cookbook service provider, a better businessperson.  Do everything with gusto, with zest, with passion,  Clarity of vision leads to better goals drawing on your inner and objectives, and ultimately, fire, and all you create in sound action. business and in life will be enhanced by your  Many concern themselves with unique spark. reputation, which can be smashed in a moment. It’s character that  A company concerned truly matters. solely with shareholder returns will eat itself By: Hoinser Group alive.  If your teams don’t buy- in to the vision, to the change implemented on the manufacturing floor, you’ll find that conveyor system right back where it was in the first place. Process improvement requires buy-in.  Large consulting firms often dole out the flavour of the month — one-off workshops with no plans for implementation or follow-through. Much of my consulting has been devoted to correcting these mistakes.

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022  Re-engineering: Flattening organizational charts, re-engineering companies to cut out middle management, was one of the greatest business mistakes made, early in this millennium. With each manager downsized, valuable wisdom walked  Our values serve as a barometer for effective decision-making. To remain in integrity, only take decisions that align with your values. By: Hoinser Group

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Erika Atkins ( Coach Love) Healthcare Manager  It’s not who you know, It’s who known’s YOU - Coach Love  To thine own self be true –Shakespeare  Success is understanding what God put you here for and doing THAT thing - Carlen T. Charleston  Laughter is the sound of hope -  It is not important if the Coach Love glass is half empty or if it is half full, it only matters  If you want something you've never that it is refillable. - had You must be willing to do Coach Love something you've never done. - Thomas Jefferson  Silence is the best answer to those who  Keep your thoughts positive because don’t value your words- your thoughts become your words. Unknown Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior.  The purpose of practice Keep your behavior positive because is to train your instincts- your behavior becomes your habits. Coach Love Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values.  It Is Difficult to Get a Keep your values positive because Man to Understand your values become your destiny.” ― Something When His Mahatma Gandh Salary Depends Upon His Not Understanding It - Upton Sinclair By: Hoinser Group

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Apostle Charles F. Dashiell Social Personality  \"Wait on God“  \"Live your life through Christ“  \"Be a blessing to someone, other than yourself“  \"The Christ in you, is all the hope you need“  \"Have a joyful spirit when interacting with others“  \"Don't be envious of others“  \"Be fair and don't judge others“  \"Life may not always be fair, but God is“  \"In your distress, let God guide you“  \"Through Christ your life's disappointments will turn into an abundance of joy\" By: Hoinser Group

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Enoch Tumwine Founder & President at African Rebirth  Africa is an indispensable continent because overtime, it has proved to be a golden gate for the nations of the world.  I am convinced with all my fibre of  Your grand mission for instincts and convictions that if we your life is to succeed don’t turn Africa to be the last hope of beyond measure; you man on earth; history isn’t prepared should never accept to forgive us. failure and mediocrity because success is your  The DNA of happiness and fulfilment birth rights. is being grateful to all people who have given their all for us to succeed,  Prosperity and live and thrive and give our enemies development are opportunities with clear boundaries. expensive islands; you must never lose the  Politics is the only entity without the courage to pay the blueprint procedure; however, the highest market prices courageous, the foresighted and the needed to achieve them. strategic ones have always mastered  The highest measure of its mysteries. . strategic leadership is the ability to discover the unknowns.  Strategic security is achieved when nations align their interests as a collective force and have fully defined their common enemy. By: Hoinser Group

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Camilla Fellas Arnold CEO at Tecassia Publishing  “Together we can change the face of the creative industries to one that champions, supports, celebrates and highly values all those that enrich our lives through their creativity.”  “You never know who is going to be  “Publishing is not a gift impacted by or helped by your you have to seek words. You never know who really permission or earn. It is needs to hear from you today. When your birth right to share it comes from your most authentic your story with the self, it's a story, it's a journey. It's a world.” mile in your shoes that hits someone in the soul.”  “Chasing perfection is a myth to stop the genius  “If you're waiting for something to flowing out of you.” feel safe, right or perfectly timed, newsflash for you; it simply won't  “Creativity makes the happen like that. Those are the world go round and it so things you create for yourself in the important that we process of DOING. In being the nurture it within bravest person you know.” ourselves. No one will give you permission to  “The biggest saboteur on your play, you can only take it journey right now is your own fear for yourself. In doing so, of being seen. The witch wound is you’ll live a richer, more strong, but you are stronger.” joyful life!” By: Hoinser Group

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022  “To be revolutionary… to walk that path and lead, you need to trust SO deeply in what you're doing. Let your passion shine through that everyone is magnetised to it and believes as deeply as you do.”  “Creativity makes the world a much richer place. It’s hard to imagine a world without creativity as it enriches our lives in so many ways. However, what I’ve found in not only my own practice but through working with others, is that creativity is often undervalued (or even dismissed entirely) both internally and externally. Combined with the perpetuation of the mentality that we must ‘suffer’ for our art, and we’ve created an unhealthy paradox of the need to create that which soothes our souls and for the enrichment of others yet devalues us as the creator. I don’t agree with this narrative so I’m working to change it.”  “Publishing a book and making money from it doesn’t have to be an elusive, distant dream. I believe in putting the power back in the hands of the author by providing opportunities for people of all backgrounds the ability to share their message. In a world where they otherwise might struggle to secure a publishing deal that celebrates and rewards their genius contribution, we are turning the tables on what it means to publish books with inspirational titles sharing stories from a diverse group of people.” CAMILLA By: Hoinser Group

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Sonia Walther Inspirational Personality  \"Happiness comes not from what you have but from how much you give“ ~ unknown  \"Leap and grow your wings on the way down ~ Les Brown  \"Open your heart and embrace and  \"It's not the wind that accept all will come in the perfect blows that determines time space\" excerpt from poem your destination, it's the ~Sonia Walther set of the sails\" ~Jim Rohn  \"For things to change, you have to  \"If life knocks you down, change\" ~Jim Rohn try and fall on your back, because if you can look up, you can get up\" ~Les Brown  \"Shoot for the moon, because even if you miss, you'll land amongst the stars\" ~Les Brown  \"If you can't live it, give it\" ~ Sonia Walther  \"Less depresso more espresso\" Shiro\"Never be afraid to go out on a limb, for that is where the fruit is\" ~unknown By: Hoinser Group

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Mario Gryka Impactful Boxing Coach  Try for \"nothing\" but don't try because of everything !  An unspoken power is the existence of change!  Try without noise and stay in process for everything.  Trust me without need to make  A simple day is more propaganda for yourself because if I difficult than an decide, it could be independent sense ordinary invitation. for us and you can win more than me.  I have high hopes that  I look to your silence for my position ! all change will have the same reasons to fight for them and this is the real human commitment!  If even nothing is enough, try to lose me if I am not with you!!!  Follow others ,if you love yourself!  I would like to call you spiritually ,if you can't sell my dreams for innocent fault ! By: Hoinser Group

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Amb. Sandeep Mehta Chairman at International Diplomatic Mission  “The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old but on building the new.” — Socrates, father of Western philosophy  “Help your team feel more connected  You will either step to your company by incorporating the forward into growth or right digital technology tools into their you will step back into workflow.” -Andrea Meyer safety.\" Abraham Maslow  \"Be undeniably good. No marketing effort or social media buzzword can be  \"Everyone wants to live a substitute for that.” — Anthony on top of the mountain, Volodkin but all the happiness and growth occurs while  “Ideas are easy. Implementation is you're climbing it.\" hard.” — Guy Kawasaki Andy Rooney  “You can’t make anything viral, but  \"Strength and growth you can make something good.” — come only through Peter Shankman continuous effort and struggle.\" Napoleon Hill  Fall seven times, stand up eight.” — Japanese Proverb  \"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.\" Thomas A. Edison By: Hoinser Group

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Charbel Zreiby Director at Dell Technologies  “Becoming isn’t about arriving somewhere or achieving a certain aim. I see it instead as forward motion, a means of evolving, a way to reach continuously toward a better self. The journey doesn’t end.” – Michelle Obama  “Strength and growth come only  “Play by the rules, but through continuous effort and be ferocious.” – Phil struggle.” – Napoleon Hill Knight  “Everyone wants to live on top of the  “Out of your mountain, but all the happiness and vulnerabilities will come growth occurs while you’re climbing your strength.” – it.” – Andy Rooney Sigmund Freud  “Mistakes are the growing pains of  “Motivation is the wisdom.” – William George Jordan catalyzing ingredient for every successful  “The greatest thing in this world is innovation.” – Clayton not so much where we stand as in Christensen what direction we are moving.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe  “Every problem is a gift — without problems we would not grow.” – Anthony Robbins By: Hoinser Group  “Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.” – John F. Kennedy

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Olga Mroz A Exceptional Personality  “Don't look at your feet to see if you are doing it right. Just dance.” ―Anne Lamott  “Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” —Warren Buffet  “True freedom is impossible without a mind made free by discipline.” ―Mortimer J. Adler  “Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.” ―A.A. Milne  “There is a vitality, a life “Small is not just a stepping-stone. force, an energy, a Small is a great destination itself.” quickening that is translated ―Jason Fried through you into action, and because there is only one of “He that can have patience can have you in all time, this what he will.” ―Benjamin Franklin expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never “The only one who can tell you “you exist through any other can’t win” is you and you don’t have to medium and will be lost.” listen.” —Jessica Ennis ―Martha Graham By: Hoinser Group

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Demetrics Gibbs Author & Entrepreneur  Sometimes it’s better to be alone to discover your true identity.  When you know the truth fear is not welcome.  Creativity is a radical thinker and a firm vision. A gimmick can’t beat a chosen.  Investing in a vision, dream, and  Growth is your responsibility, a goal that can make you it’s up to you to go above and successful is so much more beyond. Invest in who you are. impressive than than investing in Do not become ignorant by what can make you look like looking at others to validate you. You are capable, but you Deveryone else. must believe.  If you stay the course, what’s in you will manifest.  Be who God destined you to be, unapologetically!  Sometimes the best tool and weapon is to be silent and watch how things play out. It can save you from a lot of unnecessary going through. By: Hoinser Group

Hoinser Quotes Book 2022 August 2022 QUOTES BOOK 2022 Symone Bridges Business Owner at Global Bridges Coaching & Consulting  I’d rather be authentic than common.  Silent moves produce  Everything about YOU matters. LOUD OUTCOMES..  Fear stagnates, but Faith produces movements.  Forgive quickly. Love freely.  Heal. Your future can thank you for it.  Knowing your purpose helps you to both prepare and position yourself to propel into your promise.  Extend grace where grace is needed.  Let God be God in the situations you face.  Being in the right place, being in the right position, and being in pursuit of the right things opens thedoors to life’s greatest opportunities. By: Hoinser Group

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