Index 285 forming with être, 140–142 criteria for using, 223 •R• forming with pronominal expressing condition, time, ramener (to bring someone verbs, 143–145 concession, and back), 252 interrogatorial inversion, 82 consequence, 229–231 making negative, 147–148 expressing doubt or rapporter (to bring something when to use, 133 uncertainty, 227–228 back), 253passé simple, 163–167 expressing emotion orpasser (to spend time doing... judgment, 225–227 -re verb conjugations. See also expressing opinion, vendre (to sell) or to take an exam), 250 necessity, and possibility,past conditional tense, 201–206 228–229 irregular forms, 51–52, 54–55past participle expressing will, wish, passé composé, 134 preference, and command, passé simple, 164 agreement with object, 224–225 present, 21–23 138–140 idiomatic expressions and recevoir (to receive), commands, 232–233 forming, 133–137 irregular verbs, 218–220 56, 216, 280 forming passé simple from, regular irregular verbs, reciprocal pronominal verbs, 213–214 164–166 regular verbs, 211–213 64–65 for past conditional, 201–202 stem change verbs, 215–217 reciprocal verbs, 8past subjunctive tense, 237–240 present tense reflexive pronominal verbs,past tense. See also imperfect -er verb conjugations, 18–20 in hypothetical sentences, 61–63 tense; passé composé 203, 204 reflexive pronouns, 61–62 immediate, 102–103 -ir verb conjugations, 20–21 reflexive verbs, 8 passé antérieur, 167–168 -re verb conjugations, 21–23 regarder (to look at, to watch), passé simple, 163–167 varieties of meaning, 17 past conditional, 201–206 pronominal verbs 246 pluperfect, 133, 148, 148–149 definition, 8, 61 regret, missed opportunity,payer (to pay), 246 idiomatic, 65–67penser (to think of, to think immediate future, 101 expressing, 201, 203 in immediate past tense, regular verbs. See also specific about), 253–254 102–103perfect subjunctive tense, 237 imperative, 95–96 tenses; specific verbspermettre (to allow), 247 imperfect, 122 definition, 7personal mood verbs, 12 interrogatorial inversion, future, 173–174playing games versus 81–82 gerunds, 71–72 matching subject, 72–73 imperative, 89–91 instruments, 251 passé composé, 143–145 passé simple, 164pluperfect tense, 133, 148, past subjunctive, 237, 238 past participle, 73–74 placement of ne . . . pas, present, 17–25 148–149, 203, 204 83–84, 95 present conditional, 191–194porter (to wear, to carry reciprocal, 64–65 present participle, 69–70 reflexive, 61–63 present subjunctive, 211–213, something), 253 pronouns, 13, 96–97, 97,pouvoir (to be able to), 12, 46, 138–139, 143, 144–145 213–214 remmener (to take someone 157, 219, 279 •Q•prendre (to take), 52, 92, 215, back), 252 questions, asking and remporter (to take back or to 279–280 answering, 79–86, 202prepositions take away), 253 quitter (to leave a place or rendre (to return something), articles with, 10, 104 person), 251 with avoir (to have), 114 252 with faire (to do, to make), rendre visite à (to pay a 115–117 visit to), 249 with jouer (to play), 111–112 rentrer (to return home), 252 used for going and coming, 106 répondre (to answer), 247present conditional tense, requests, directives, orders. 191–197 See commands, formingpresent participle, 69–71, 72–73 retourner (to return), 252present subjunctive tense returning home, returning compared to past subjunctive, something, 252 239–240 revenir (to come back), 252 rire (to laugh), 280–281 considering indefinite, doubtful, or subjective antecedents, 231–232
286 French Verbs For Dummies•S• present conditional, 193–194 venir de (to come back from), singular and plural, 13 104s’ and se reflexive verbs, 61–63 when to use, 13savoir (to know facts, how to -yer endings, 36–37, 193, 217 venir (to come), 281–282 spending time versus money, immediate future tense, do something), 281 102, 105–106 examples, 250 250 immediate past tense, 102 imperative, 93 stem change verbs, present passé simple, 167 imperfect versus passé present, 50 subjunctive, 215–217 present subjunctive, 216 composé, 157 subject-verb inversion present, 110 verbs. See also irregular verbs present participle, 70 (interrogatory), 79–83 classifying, 8–11 present subjunctive, 219 subjunctive mood. See also ten most frequentlyse coucher (to go to bed), 143 mistranslated,se laver (to wash oneself), present subjunctive tense 249–254 definition, 12 ten most frequently misused 62, 143–144 past subjunctive tense, as transitive or intransitive,se lever (to get up), 95, 202, 238 245–247se promener (to take a walk/ 237–240 transitive and intransitive, suggestions and wishes, 8–9 a stroll), 122 types, 7–8se réveiller (to wake up), 185 expressing, 130, 191,second person pronouns, 13 195–196 verbs, English-to-Frenchsemi-auxiliary verbs, 12 glossary, 263–268sentences, forming •T• verbs, French-to-English with helping verbs plus taking someone versus taking glossary, 257–262 infinitives, 46–47 (back) something, 252–253 visiting places versus persons, with subject, verb, and te (you, to you), 97 249 adverb, 24–25, 38–39 téléphoner (to telephone, voir (to see), 56, 238, 282s’habiller (to dress oneself/ to call), 247 vouloir (to want, to want to), to get dressed), 62, 95 tenses. See also specific tenses 12, 46, 93, 157, 219, 282si (if) simple and compound, 13 vous (formal you, to you), with imperfect, 130, 196–197, thinking or thinking about, 203, 204 90, 97 for past conditional, 203–206 253–254 vowels, separating with t, 80 with pluperfect, 148, 203, 204 third person pronouns, 13 with present, 203, 204 transitive verbs, 8–9, 245, •W• for present conditional, 196–197 245–246 waiting for, 254 tu (familiar you), 90 wishes and suggestions,simultaneity, expressing, 129spelling-change verbs •V• expressing, 130, 191, 195–196 -cer endings, 31–32 vendre (to sell) definition, 7, 29 future, 174 •Y• e as mute or silent, 32–33 imperfect, 122 é in second to last passé composé, 134 y (there, in it), 98 passé simple, 164 -yer endings, 36–37, 193, 217 syllable, 34 present, 22 -eter and -eler endings, 35 present conditional, 192 future, 175–176 present subjunctive, 212 -ger endings, 29–30, 125
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