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Published by Esra YAZGAN, 2021-05-30 09:35:08

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Let Us Be a Breath for Future is an eTwinning and Erasmus K229 project. We set out with 18 teachers from 5 partner countries and carried out many activities. Between October and April, while many activities such as logo-poster works, seed collections, recycling studies on zero waste, herberium works were carried out in our project, we took part in social responsibility projects by organizing activities aimed at making our students more sensitive generations on special days. The fact that we are in English has supported our foreign language development. In addition, our students who can adapt to the digital education age and who can work in harmony have become our proud students.

GÜLCAN KILCI Aliağa, Türkiye Habaş Hamdi Başaran Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi Zorica MILKOVA Кавадарци, Kuzey Makedonya OOU „Toso Velkov Pepeto“-Kavadarci RADITA CRISTINA DANIELA ROSIORII DE VEDE, Romanya SCOALA GIMNAZIALA MIHAI EMINESCU, ROSIORI DE VEDE Ricardino Ferreira da Cruz Vialonga, Portekiz Agrupamento de Escolas de Vialonga, Vila Franca de Xira Mladen Jovanović Niš, Sırbistan Miroslav Antić

ŞEHRİGÜL SİVRİ Aliağa, Türkiye Habaş Hamdi Başaran Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi Ilda Maria Nunes Henriques de Azevedo Carinhas Vialonga, Portekiz Agrupamento de Escolas de Vialonga, Vila Franca de Xira Esra YAZGAN Çiğli, Türkiye Karşıyaka Aydoğan Yağcı Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi Natalija Milosevic Ниш, Sırbistan OШ \"Мирослав Антић\" Aleksandra Gajikj Кавадарци, Kuzey Makedonya Deniz ÖZKAN Aliağa, Türkiye Habaş Hamdi Başaran Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi Emine MÜJDE Akşehir, Türkiye Akşehir Selçuklu Şehit Yunus Ertürk Anadolu Lisesi Nazan ÇEKÜÇ Alucra, Türkiye Halis Akmen Çok Programlı Anadolu Lisesi Orhidea Dimovska Кавадарци, Kuzey Makedonya OOU „Toso Velkov Pepeto“-Kavadarci Ricardino Ferreira da Cruz Vialonga, Portekiz Agrupamento de Escolas de Vialonga, Vila Franca de Xira Ruveyde AKTEPE Çifteler, Türkiye Çifteler Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi Serkan Çeltik Aliağa, Türkiye Habaş Hamdi Başaran Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi Untesu Elvira ROSIORII DE VEDE, Romanya SCOALA GIMNAZIALA MIHAI EMINESCU, ROSIORI DE VEDE LET US BE A BREATH FOR FUTURE E-BOOK GÜLCAN KILCI 7 ŞUB 2020, 22:34 LET US BE A BREATH FOR FUTURE Our Students in Our Project ‘’Let Us Be a Breath for Future’’ Project Students Project Logo Presentations Esra YAZGAN tarafından YOUTUBE Project Poster

Project Social Media Accounts COLLABORATIVE PRODUCTS March Our Dictionary and Library Page rw Learn to read by writing and sharing books. WRİTEREADER FEBRUARY Recycling Products Co-working area (Virtual Exhibition)

GELECEĞE NEFES OLALIM PROJESİ Colloborative work of 3rd December International Day of GERİ DÖNÜŞÜM SERGİSİ- THE People with Disabilities  RECYCLING EXHIBITION OF LET US BE A BREATHE FOR FUTURE PROJECT. GELECEĞE NEFES OLALIM PROJESİ GERİ DÖNÜŞÜM SERGİSİ- THE RECYCLING EXHIBITION OF LET US BE A BREATHE FOR FUTURE PROJECT. Artsteps provides you with a platform to create, design & share your own virtual exhibitions © 2020 Dataverse Ltd. All rights reserved. ARTSTEPS FEBRUARY Geleceğe Nefes Olalım 3 Aralık İşbirlikçi Ürün (Dünya Engelliler Günü Slayt) 9 February safe internet day Şehrigül Sivri tarafından LET US BE A BREATH FOR FUTURE GOOGLE DOCS February 9 is safe internet day LET US BE A BREATH FOR FUTURE DECEMBER February 9 is safe internet day MIXED SCHOOL GROUPS FORMED FOR POSTER SELECTION  PUBHTML5 JANUARY Project herbarium work Let Us Be a Breath for Future- Herbarium Let Us Be a Breath for Future-Herbarium PUBHTML5 DECEMBER poster seçimi ön hazırlık karma okul grupları Esra YAZGAN tarafından New year cards with our project flowers GOOGLE DOCS \"Let Us Be A Breath For Future \" Hello 2021 Şehrigül Sivri tarafından NOVEMBER YOUTUBE November 24 Teachers' Day DECEMBER NOVEMBER LOGO SURVEY

Let Us Be a Breath for Future Acrostic Poetry Esra YAZGAN tarafından YOUTUBE INTERNATIONAL TEAMS WORK NOVEMBER E-Magazine I'm a Puzzle Seed Collection Group Convert any picture into a free jigsaw Sapling Group puzzle online. \"I'm a puzzle\" is a free Compost Group online jigsaw puzzle game that allows you to create and play jigsaw puzzles E-magazine published by international student groups out of any picture. LET US BE A BREATHE FOR THE I'M A PUZZLE FUTURE -ETWINNING E MAGAZINE MAGAZINE -ETWINNING PROJECT COMMON PRODUCTS FLİPHTML5 Our Project Calendar LET US BE A BREATH FOR FUTURE OCTOBER LET US BE A BREATH FOR FUTURE PUBHTML5 Acrostic Poetry Gülcan KILCI I am GÜLCAN KILCI. I am a GEOGRAPHY TEACHER AT HABAŞ HAMDİ BAŞARAN VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL. I WANT TO IMPROVE MYself BY MAKING IDEA SHOPPING FROM MY PROFESSIONALS IN THE PROJECT. I WANT TO CONTRIBUTE TO PERSONAL DEVELOPMENTS WHEN I WANT DIFFERENT PROJECT EXPERIENCES IN MY STUDENTS.

Logo works made by my students My School-İZMİR / ALİAĞA - Habaş Hamdi Başaran Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School T.C. MİLLÎ EĞİTİM BAKANLIĞI Puuzle İZMİR / ALİAĞA / Habaş Hamdi Başaran Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi T.C. MİLLÎ EĞİTİM BAKANLIĞI İZMİR / ALİAĞA / Habaş Hamdi Başaran Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi MEB Student-Parent Permission Documents November 24 Teachers' Day Links to other works by my students: NOVEMBER Logo

berat New year cards created by our students 2:36 video from plants that cleans the air by separating into groups PADLET DRİVE Google slides-My students' contribution to Let's Be Life to Hatay Google slides for the 3rd December, International Day of Persons with Disabilities December Protect your food, take care of your table Poster Poster works made by my students

Jenualy Our composite fertilizer seminar Herberium Seed Collection Our 2nd Seminar on global climate change Our project introduction documentary

My Video Deniz ÖZKAN tarafından YOUTUBE February AKROSTİŞ GÜLCAN KILCI tarafından Our recycling exhibition with the participation of many students in our school YOUTUBE February 9 Safe Internet Studies-Kahoot and Seminar Kahoot Link: 2021-e-twinning/fed5f96f-c6f6-41c9-8f6d-b4b7098755c4 Presentation: Let Us Be a Breath for Future Recycling Exhibition GÜLCAN KILCI tarafından YOUTUBE Akrostiş Şiir Sunu1 Powerpoint sunumu PADLET DRİVE March

In order to popularize our project, we visited Library Page the institutions in our city and explained our Calendar Workspace-TAGUL project. We gave our brochures and flowers. LET US BE A BREATH FOR FUTURE Video 1:10 video PADLET DRİVE Compost ※※※※※※ Esra YAZGAN-İzmir Çiğli Karşıyaka Aydoğan Yağcı Science Art Center Let Us Be a Breath For Future e-Twinning Project Team ESRA_YAZGAN FEB 07, 2021 06:05PM Acquisition - Curriculum Twinspace Web2 tools ETWINNING by GÜLCAN KILCI Neden Bu Proje & Why This Project CANVA My most important goal in this project is to increase the Inter-partner communication awareness and love of nature in our students. I believe that tomorrow's adults, who learn how to improve the quality of Twinspace indoor air, will be able to carry this knowledge to outdoor spaces over time. Improving the quality of the air can prevent many ETWINNING diseases caused by air pollution. Our students, who will learn about some special plants that improve air quality, will play an Task Distiribution of Teachers active role in helping our world reach a clean air. Twinspace Öğrenci Medya İzin Serti kası / Student Permission Papers ETWINNING Project Cede of Ethical Conduct Our institution started education in November 2016 and started education activities with 747 students, 4 administrators, 28 Twinspace teachers in the 2020/2021 academic year continues. ETWINNING Project Students Copyrights OKUL TANITIM e twinning by Esra YAZGAN Twinspace YOUTUBE ETWINNING Project Introduction Intercultural Interaction

project introduction video was prepared by my student Gökay. LOGO Preparation studies of our school logo for the project. Proje için okul logomuzun hazırlanma çalışmaları. GÖKAY ESRA YAZGAN IZMIRCIGLIKARSIYAKAAYDOGANYAGCISCIENCEARTCENTER by gelecege nefes YOUTUBE Students Introduction Puzzle Studies İzmir çiğli Karşıyaka Aydoğan Yağcı Bilim Sanat merkezi Puzzle Çalışmaları öğrencileri tanıtım videosu Tüm Proje Öğrencilerinin Tanıtım videoları okulumuz Let's Be Life to Hatay tarafından birleştirildi. /1995829 İzmir-Çiğli-Karşıyaka Aydoğan Yağcı Bilim Sanat merkezi by Esra YAZGAN YOUTUBE November Digital Board November's works of our dıgıtal board school was added by my student Gökay November November 24 Teachers' Day December Digital Board lino is an online web sticky note service that can be used to post memos, to-do lists, ideas, and photos anywhere on an online web canvas. lino is a completely free service that runs on all popular web browsers. LINO

December's works of our dıgıtal board school was added by 3 Aralık Dünya Engelliler Günü Ortak my student Ceren. Ürünümüz - Colloborative work of 3rd December International Day of People with December (2) Disabilities lino is an online web sticky note service that can be used to post memos, to-do Twinspace lists, ideas, and photos anywhere on an online web canvas. lino is a completely ETWINNING free service that runs on all popular web browsers. Aralık 2020 LINO Video of the new year cards in our school Kasım 2020 Gıdanı Koru ,Sofrana Sahip Çık Serti kalarımızı aldık. Poster Seçimi için oluşturulan Karma Okul Grupları- Mixed School Groups Formed For Poster Selection TWINSPACE.ETWINNING.NET Schools were matched for poster selection. The posters prepared by each school students will be voted by the other January Digital Board school students in the mapping, the poster selected as a result of the voting will be added to the google form together with the January's works of our dıgıtal board school was added by my number of voters and the total number of votes. (Poster seçimi student Bora için okullar eşleştirilmiştir. her okul öğrencileri tarafından hazırlanan posterler  eşlemede yer alan diğer okul öğrencileri January tarafından oylanacak, oylama sonucu seçilen poster, oylayan kişi lino is an online web sticky note service sayısı ve toplam aldığı oy sayısı ile birlikte google forma that can be used to post memos, to-do eklenecektir.Sevgili öğretmen arkadaşlarım aşağıdaki bağlantıya lists, ideas, and photos anywhere on an tıklayarak seçilen a şinizi yükleyebilirsiniz)My dear teacher online web canvas. lino is a completely friends, you can click this link and load the selected banner free service that runs on all popular web browsers. k7vUWv6ok7qRon3bYs5j8K0EL3PHRoNIXHoY/edit?usp=sharing Esra YAZGAN-İzmir Çiğli Karşıyaka Aydoğan Yağcı Bilim Sanat LINO Merkezi Akşehir, Türkiye-Akşehir Selçuklu Şehit Yunus Ertürk Anadolu Herbarium Lisesi öğrencileri tarafından yapılan toplam 12 oylama sonucu 8 oy ile kazanan a şimiz   ( qPw4HOWdHSjMCsiuwz4NNTB2hJ6T-WQpdA/viewform) Izmir Çiğli Karşıyaka Aydoğan Yağcı Science Art Center Kazanan A şlerimizin yer aldığı link: Students Herbarium Works were combined with a video by my student Ezgi. Aşağıdaki formda ise oylama için eşlenen okul listeleri yer almaktadır. k7vUWv6ok7qRon3bYs5j8K0EL3PHRoNIXHoY/edit#gid=0 İzmir Çiğli Karşıyaka Aydoğan Yağcı Bilim Sanat merkezi A ş (Poster) Çalışmaları Öğrencimiz Ceren tarafından Video olarak hazırlandı. KAZANAN POSTER Analizler ve sonuçları  Esra YAZGAN tarafından düzenlenmiştir.  Twinspace İzmir Çiğli Karşıyaka Aydoğan Yağcı Bilim Sanat Merkezi Öğrencileri Herbarium Çalışmaları öğrencim Ezgi tarafından ETWINNING video ile birleştirildi. 112838/files/b3663053a.pdf

February lino is an online web sticky note service that can be used to post memos, to-do lists, ideas, and photos anywhere on an online web canvas. lino is a completely free service that runs on all popular web browsers. LINO E-Twinning Karsiyaka Aydogan Yagci Bilsem ''Global Warning''  eTwinning projects of valuable teachers by Ezgi Ertürk prepared and our projects climatic reasons related to our subject changes related seminar 'Let Us Be a Breath for Future' YOUTUBE eTwinning projects in the katıldık. biz with teachers and pupils, Turkey UN SDSN Coordinator and also Bogazici University Projemizin Ocak ayı etkinliği Doğankent Ziraat Odası Ziraat Climate Bahar ÖZAY (PhD), Researcher of the Center for Change Yüksek Mühendisi Tuba PATAN tarafından tohum ve and Policy Application and Research (ClimateBu), gave an online özelliklerinin anlatıldığı webinar oldu. Webinar sonunda seminar on Global Warming and Climate Change at 13:00 on hazırlanan mini sınavda sorulan soruları doğru yanıtlayan February 7, 2021. öğrencilerimiz serti kalarını aldılar. Sunum boyunca çeviriyi ''Global Warning'' eTwinning projesinin değerli öğretmenlerinin yapan Şehrigül SİVRİ’ye, etkinliği düzenleyen Nazan ÇEKÜÇ' e hazırladığı ve bizim proje konumuzla ilgili olan iklim nedenlerinin Çiğli Bilim Sanat Merkezi Proje ekibi olarak çok teşekkür ederiz. değişikliği ile ilgili seminere ''Let Us Be a Breath for Future'' The January event of our project was the webinar in which seeds eTwinning projesindeki  öğretmen ve öğrencilerle birlikte and their properties were explained by Tuba PATAN, Agricultural katıldık. Bizlere, Türkiye BM SDSN Koordinatörü ve aynı Engineer of Doğankent Chamber of Agriculture. Our students zamanda Boğaziçi Üniversitesi İklim Değişikliği ve Politika who answered the questions in the mini-exam prepared at the Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (İklimBu) Araştırmacısı Sayın end of the webinar correctly received their certi cates. Bahar ÖZAY (Doktora) 07 Şubat 2021 tarihinde saat 13.00'da As the Çiğli Science and Art Center Project team, we would like Küresel Isınma ve İklim Değişikliği konulu çevrimiçi bir seminer to thank Şehrigül SİVRİ, who made the translation throughout verdi. the presentation, and Nazan ÇEKÜÇ, who organized the event. February Digital Board 9 February 2021 Safe Internet Day Activity  '' Together for a better Internet '' February works of our dıgıtal board school was added by my We celebrated the safe internet day with the participation of all student Mehmet. our project partners and students. After the presentation prepared by our Gülcan KILCI teacher in 5 languages, the Kahoot event was organized in English by Esra YAZGAN.   9 Şubat 2021 Güvenli İnternet Günü Etkinliği  ''Daha İyi Bir İnternet İçin Birlikte'' Tüm proje ortaklarımız ve öğrencilerimizin katılımı ile güvenli internet gününü kutladık. Gülcan KILCI öğretmenimizin 5 dilde hazırladığı sunumun ardından Esra YAZGAN tarafından ingilizce

hazırlanan Kahoot etkinliği düzenlendi. 2021-e-twinning/fed5f96f-c6f6-41c9-8f6d-b4b7098755c4 les/collabspace/8/38/838/1 12838/ les/b9b64d0fe.pptx Let Us Be a Breath for Future Acrostic Poetry by Esra YAZGAN YOUTUBE Recycling Products Co-working area 9 Şubat Güvenli İnternet Günü ile ilgili yapılabilecek örnek çalışmalar; karekod ile ulaşılabilen puzzle çalışması; Case studies about February 9, Safe Internet Daypuzzle work accessible with a square code; Let Us Be a Breath for Future is the exhibition of Products Made  Acrostic Poetry GELECEĞE NEFES OLALIM PROJESİ GERİ DÖNÜŞÜM SERGİSİ- THE RECYCLING EXHIBITION OF LET US We have an international team to study acrostic poetry. Our BE A BREATHE FOR FUTURE students who are involved in this study are included in the table. PROJECT. Akrostiş şiir çalışması için uluslar arası bir takımımız var. Bu GELECEĞE NEFES OLALIM PROJESİ GERİ DÖNÜŞÜM SERGİSİ- THE çalışmada görevli olan öğrencilerimiz tabloda yer almaktadır. RECYCLING EXHIBITION OF LET US BE A BREATHE FOR FUTURE PROJECT. Artsteps provides you with a platform to create, design & share your own virtual exhibitions © 2020 Dataverse Ltd. All rights reserved. ARTSTEPS March Digital Board March works of our dıgıtal board school was added by my student Ezgi

March e-Magazine lino is an online web sticky note service e-magazine sayfa 10 da kompost nedir ve nasıl yapılır konusunu that can be used to post memos, to-do açıkladık. lists, ideas, and photos anywhere on an online web canvas. lino is a completely On e magazine page 10, we opened the topic of what is free service that runs on all popular web compost and how to do it. browsers. LINO Project Dictionary link WriteReader Web 2.0 tools rw Learn to read by writing and sharing books. WRITEREADER Calendar Workspace-TAGUL SEED COLLECTION by Esra YAZGAN Project students combined the Tagul Works, which prepared as individually, on Canva as collaborative and lled June. YOUTUBE Proje Öğrencilerimiz bireysel olarak hazırladıkları Tagul çalışmalarını Canva üzerinde işbirlikçi olarak birleştirdiler ve Teacher Webinars and Chat Room Haziran ayını doldurdular. Conversations ? token=1JKbxs_5fUuEvegpUHYIOw&role=EDITOR&utm_content =DAEX5NCzTn4&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=li nk&utm_source=sharebutton International Teams Work Student Webinar, Education, Interview Seed Collection Tohum Koleksiyonu Sapling Group Tasks for March student group & Mart ayı görevleri öğrenci grubu Compost Group

Kişisel Sosyal Medya / Personal Social LET´S BE A BREATH - Teams Media My name is Ricardino Cruz. I am a Science and Maths teacher and this Twinspace school year I have two classes - 6th and 8th grade. The ages of my students in both classes are between ten ETWINNING and fifteen. I am very pleased to be able to take part in this experience. School Website / Okul Website GOOGLE Let us Be a Breath For Future Blog Address Facebook address of our project 111192527398118 Instagram account of our project igshid=wkf86a2s9n7a Let Us Be A Breath For Future Değerli çalışma arkadaşlarım, projemizin son değerlendirme anketini öğrencilerimize ulaştırıp projemizin sonunda öğrencilerimize neler kazandırmışız hep birlikte görelim:)Dear colleagues, let's send the final evaluation questionnaire of our project to our students and see what we have contributed to our students at the end of our project :) LAST SURVEY LİNK LETUSBEABREATHFORFUTURE Web 2.0 Tools Used By Teachers Twinspace ETWINNING Our Project Website Internet Security Meetings with Our Students & Öğrencilerimizle Güvenli İnternet Kullanımı Bilgilendirme Toplantısı Güvenli İnternet Toplantısı, BTK Akademi sunumu izlendi.  A ş Puzzle Çözüldü.πd=3517376ef1db BTK Güvenli İnternet Merkezinden Aydın ÇATAK beyefendi tarafından Okulumuz öğrenci ve velilerine Güvenli İnternet eğitimine proje öğrencilerimizle katılım sağladık. Twinspace ETWINNING

Teacher training beginning of our project work, I am glad that I can thank you enough. Etwinning Online Certi cate Twinspace ETWINNING e - Twinning Online Certificate Student Certificates SURVEY My dear students who have been traveling companions with me Project Logo despite all the dif culties they have faced from the very Project Poster First Student Survey and Evaluations Teacher Evaluation Survey Final Student Survey and Evaluation ※※※※※※ Radita Cristina Daniela Scoala Gimnaziala Mihai Eminescu Rosiorii de Vede, Romania CRISTINA-DANIELA RADITA 24 APRILIE 2021 21:55 October Teachers presenting themselves All the teacher who participate in the project together with their students and coordinate them presented themselves. Cristina Radita prezentare prez erasm Prezentare Powerpoint I teach primary and secondary students.  As a teacher, I play a crucial role in shaping the lives of young PADLET DRIVE people. I inspire, motivate and encourage a new generation of learners and guide them to make a positive impact in the world around them. As a school teacher I help my students to be passionate about learning and understands the impact and importance of lifelong education. Elvira Untesu , Avatars Our cross-curricular educational project meant to help children Our students presented themselves with avatars to use foreign languages, to help them in developing research skills,to set them in the position of giving accurate observations optained by scienti c and artistic ways, also by using ITC and by all means to increase their feelings for nature and to make both children and teachers aware about the need of preserving our environment. Presenting the project intro Each partner created a video to promote the project in our schools, in the community, to present it to children and adults, to make them curious and eager to participate.   copiii Prezentare Powerpoint PADLET DRIVE November

Logo The students created the right logos for our project. They participated in the contest, being designated a winner. December Poster The children also created posters and at the poster contest, the winner was Erika I. from the Romania team, with her wonderful poster. Cooperation product: Puzzle Puzzle is children's passion! They also gladly participated in the puzzle that created the Project Logo. Let`s Be Life to Hatay Protect nature 3 December International Day of Persons with Disabilities With all partners and students, we created a slide show about successful disabled people.

New Year cards protect food Prezentare Powerpoint Happy New Year dear friends! The children made greeting cards using web2 tools for people all PADLET DRIVE over the world January Introduction documentary Project promotion documentaries of our school Protect your food , take care of your table Let us be a breath for future de către Radita Cristina We participated in the campaign, we made the solemn promise.  The promise we made is for sapling. YOUTUBE Seed collection The children collected seeds that they can plant later, study them, exchange

9th February Safer Internet Day presentation and the game kahoot for project. Our students won the game! Herberium We made a real herberium using component parts of some indoor plants that improve air quality. kahoot Prezentare Powerpoint PADLET DRIVE Akrostic poem Children from each country contributed with lyrics to create an acrostic  - theme: Power of plants ”And remember that green is the colour of life! The Earth is giving us everything, we must trust nature!” February Recycling Seminar We created various useful or decorative objects from recyclable materials. Children have wonderful ideas, are true inventors and creators and show so much love for the environment! 9th February Safer Internet Day

Compost We found out what compost is, what it is used for and how it is produced. We also tried to produce compost for the plants in our school. composting Prezentare Powerpoint PADLET DRIVE March TAGUL Sapling Children from each partner institution made up a Tagul which was then used to complete a 2021 calendar. Look what Andra An extracurricular activity \"Bene cial indoor plants - planting, made! care, bene ts\" Dictionary and library page We all collaborated to get an interactive dictionary of terms used in environmental issues ※※※※※※ Let Us Be A Breath For Future-Geleceğe Nefes Olalım Emine Müjde Akşehir Selçuklu ŞYEAL-Etkinliklerimiz EMİNE MUJDE 6 ŞUB 2021, 16:56 EMİNE MUJDE 2 MAY 2021, 15:03 3 December International Day of People With Disability   EMİNE MÜJDE Akşehir Selçuklu Şehit Yunus Ertürk Anadolu Lisesi I aim to increase the awareness and love of nature in our school and our students with this project. Today, when global warming and forest res are increasing, this project will be the best tool for us to understand how important the plants that provide oxygen are, even in a small owerpot. Bu proje ile okulumuzda ve öğrencilerimizde doğa bilinci ve sevgisini artırmayı hede iyorum. Küresel ısınma ve orman yangınlarının arttığı günümüzde bu proje, küçük bir saksıda bile oksijen sağlayan bitkilerin ne kadar önemli olduğunu anlamamız için en iyi araç olacak. EMİNE MUJDE 2 MAY 2021, 14:52 My Team EMİNE MUJDE 2 MAY 2021, 14:52 Posters XiaoYing_Video_1604927637303 3:00 video PADLET DRİVE EMİNE MUJDE 2 MAY 2021, 14:52

EMİNE MUJDE 2 MAY 2021, 14:30 Herbariums Let Us Be a Breath for Future & Geleceğe Nefes Olalım (1) 0:46 video PADLET DRİVE EMİNE MUJDE 7 ŞUB 2021, 13:00 short introduction video of our project EMİNE MUJDE 2 MAY 2021, 14:30 New Year Cards geleceğe_nefes_olalımlet_us_be_a_breath_for_future_720p 0:16 video PADLET DRİVE EMİNE MUJDE 7 ŞUB 2021, 13:01 Tagul EMİNE MUJDE 2 MAY 2021, 14:30 introduction of our project

EMİNE MUJDE 7 ŞUB 2021, 13:08 Logo Puzzle EMİNE MUJDE 7 ŞUB 2021, 13:03 EMİNE MUJDE 7 ŞUB 2021, 13:18 Our School Certificates of the seminar of our project in January okul tanıtım videomuz Emine Mujde tarafından YOUTUBE EMİNE MUJDE 7 ŞUB 2021, 13:07 permit certificates

EMİNE MUJDE 7 ŞUB 2021, 13:12 My Certificates 2 EMİNE MUJDE 7 ŞUB 2021, 13:18 our project's news on our website EMİNE MUJDE 7 ŞUB 2021, 13:10 EMİNE MUJDE 7 ŞUB 2021, 13:20 Our Logos eba news EMİNE MUJDE 7 ŞUB 2021, 13:12 EMİNE MUJDE 7 ŞUB 2021, 13:22 My Certificates 1 eTwinning Live News

EMİNE MUJDE 2 MAY 2021, 14:18 recycling EMİNE MUJDE 7 ŞUB 2021, 13:40 Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Atatürk'ü saygı ve minnetle anıyoruz EMİNE MUJDE 2 MAY 2021, 14:21 0:35 video safe internet day PADLET DRİVE EMİNE MUJDE 2 MAY 2021, 14:16 seed EMİNE MUJDE 2 MAY 2021, 15:01 acrostic poem

EMİNE MUJDE 2 MAY 2021, 14:57 EMİNE MUJDE 2 MAY 2021, 15:00 compost works gelecegenefes PDF dokümanı PADLET DRİVE ※※※※※※ Portuguese Project Padlet Our activities (Teachers: Ilda Carinhas, Ricardino Cruz, A classes students) BALEALMAR 4 OCA 2021, 17:54 OCTOBER / NOVEMBER Teachers in the project Coordinator - Ricardino Cruz Teachers in the project

History teacher - Helena Silva My name is Helena Silva and I am a History teacher at Agrupamento de Escolas de Vialonga. I have been teaching for more than 20 years. In the last years I have participated to some Erasmus+ projects. It is very important to meet new people and get to know other cultures. Teachers in the project - Science teacher - Angélica Oliveira My name is Angélica Oliveira and I am a Science and Maths teacher in Vialonga school.I like working in different projects with my students and colleagues. It is very important for me to be part of eTwinning in order to get to know other schools and teachers all over the world and share experiences. Motivating students to the project Teachers in the project English teacher ERASMUS CORNER

The beginning of project dissemination during European Languages Day celebration PROJECT INTRODUCTION Teacher´s Day celebration Messages written by students using Tagul, canva and padlet Project presentation video Let us be a breath for future TEACHER´S DAY Ilda Carinhas tarafından PDF dokümanı YOUTUBE PADLET DRİVE School Presentation PORTUGUESE STUDENTS and TEACHERS AVATARS Powerpoint about AEVIALONGA cluster Making a Logo Process and Final products

NOVEMBER 1st collaborative work \"I am a puzzle\" Project introduction Twinspace ETWİNNİNG DECEMBER International Day of People with Disabilities - 3rd December Students joined the four different pdf posters in a canva presentation.  Our students avatar TEACHER INTRODUCTIONS Our schools SEASON GREETINGS - Collaborative work Xmas and New Year cards - Pygmy Date Palm

JANUARY / FEBRUARY Project_Herbarium.pdf PDF dokümanı Herbarium 1 PADLET DRİVE First project Our project posters The process and the most voted poster - Hall Ivy group Herbarium 2 Teachers film about air purifying plants II Part Plants planted by students in school owerbeds Herbarium 3 Plantas purificadoras Ricardino Cruz tarafından Collaborative work - Flamingo Flower group YOUTUBE

SEED COLLECTION Students collected different seeds to plant later at school. RECYCLING PRODUCTS - sWORD fLOWER JANUARY / FEBRUARY CELEBRATIONS GROUP Mother´s Language Day, Thank you Day (Never forget to say New things made with already used materials during online \"thank you everyday\"); St Valentine´s Day, eTwining school label lessons at home award ACROSTIC ACTIVITIES - Collaborative work SAFER INTERNET DAY Poems, drawings, canva ... Rules and advice Seeds collection 2 Collaborative Dictionary / CALENDAR Fisalis, Dyospiros, Anona Portuguese contribution to the Dictionary and to the Calendar (January month)

Collaborative calendar January - Portugal MARCH / APRIL Collaborative dictionary COMPOST ACTIVITY -Collaborative work Aloe Vera group of students SPRING IS COMING! SAPLING Let´s love what Nature gives us! THE BEGINNING OF OUR SCHOOL FLOWER-BEDS - Madagascar dragon tree group work FLOWERBEDS LABELS Collaborative work in Science, English and Visual/Handwork subjects

MARCH IMPORTANT DATES related to NATURE PRESERVATION Forest and Tree Day, Water Day, Planet Hour PUZZLES Students and teachers got motivated with the tool \"I am a puzzle\". MARCH CELEBRATIONS - II Part St Joseph´s Day, International day of Mathematics links puzzles STUDENTS OPINIONS ABOUT THE PDF dokümanı PROJECT ACTIVITIES PADLET DRİVE EARTH DAY ACTIVITIES AT OUR SCHOOL All students in the project STUDENTS OPINIONS ABOUT THE PROJECT Mother Earth Day final video Ilda Carinhas tarafından YOUTUBE

Women´s Day, SPRING, Easter - All students in the project MARCH CELEBRATIONS ※※※※※※ Şehrigül SİVRİ- Habaş Hamdi Başaran MTAL \"Let Us Be A Breath For Future \" You can see all the project works that made by me and my students SERY GUL 14 ŞUB 2021, 15:09 OCTOBER Permission Papers from my team's parents First Webinar We needed parents' permission for the project and they signed the papers. I told my team and their parents about the details of All partners met and shared their ideas. the project. Project Introduction Video Who am I? and Why am I in this project? I used renderforest web 2.0 tool to make this intro. Hi eveybody! I'm Şehrigül SİVRİ. I work in Aliağa Habaş Hamdi Başaran Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School. I have \"LET US BE A BREATH FOR FUTURE\" been working as an English teacher for eight years. I worked Şehrigül Sivri tarafından different types of schools with various age and culture groups. So I love making new friends and meeting new cultures and YOUTUBE traditions. Even in Turkey there are so many different cultures and traditions and I'm really wondering them. I'm highly open to be a part of new projects and discussions. With all my partners from different countries and different cities in Turkey, I'm pretty sure that we will make an awereness  about the importance of air puri er plants..! Şehrigül SİVRİ-  Habaş Hamdi Başaran MTAL - Aliağa/İZMİR

NOVEMBER Puzzle Work My team completed our project puzzle putting one piece. They felt that they were a really example part of this project. My Team is Introducing Themselves Logo Works of My Team I formed my project team with 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grade My team created their logos using logomaker, canva, logopit etc. students. They were really excited and ready to start. I did all the It was a really creative task for them. They felt like as if they tasks with them, I always gave the rst example. This was their were the designer. Some of my students created more than one logo. In the end, we voted for the best logo from all the students' rst task.It was to create their avatars , we used  bitmoji and logos. We used googleforms for voting. avatarmaker then made our avatars talk with chatterpix. In the end, I put together all these short videos in one videa with vivavideo web 2.0 tool. WhatsApp Video 2020 11 22 at 01 03 51 DECEMBER Şehrigül Sivri tarafından Amazing Posters from My Team YOUTUBE Every single student in my team designed a poster using Canva web 2.0 tool mostly and then we made a voting among my team's works. We used googleforms for voting. Yiğit's poster was the winner. And we joined overall voting with Yiğit's poster.

A Slide Show about Disabled but Successful A New Year Video Persons I made a video with all new year cards from all student All students in this project made posters about disabled partners. This task was really enjoyable and vivid. sportsmen, artists, musicians,etc. They searched what were their motivation to become successful. I made a slide show using googleslides. Here is our slide show. Geleceğe Nefes Olalım 3 Aralık İşbirlikçi Ürün (Dünya \"Let Us Be A Breath For Future \" Hello 2021 Engelliler Günü Slayt) Şehrigül Sivri tarafından Şehrigül Sivri tarafından YOUTUBE GOOGLE DOCS Designing New Year Cards A Mosaic Work from All New Year Cards My team expressed their new year wishes with these colorful I created a mosaic work with the help of Andreamosaic web 2.0 cards. They used our project plants while designing their cards. tool. All teacher and student partners sent their new year cards By the way they both did some creative works with various web and I used all to make this one message: Happy New Year! 2.0 tools and learned about air puri er plants. For this task I made 8 groups named after air prufying plants and put our students' names that list. They checked the list and learned what plant they will use while designing their cards. Here are the results.

A new web 2.0 tool: PIXTON Seed Collection I and my team tried a new web 2.0 tool named Pixton. We My team collected their seeds and we made a seed box at school. created our characters and made them wear new year clothes. In this box seeds were categorized name by name. Sudenur, We gave our team's new year message .Here is the result. Faruk, Ömer and Furkan made great contributions. JANUARY Watching the Project Documentary Herbarium Works A documentary about project was made and my team watched it It was a very new task for me and my team, bu we did very well with a great enthusiasm and brought wonderful herbarium works out.

FEBRUARY Recycling Works 2 Acrostic Poetry My team showed great importance to this task. They used many waste things and created new products. One or two students from our teams were selected to write an acrostic poem. We used zumpad web 2.0 tool. My students Şirin and İsmail did great work. Recycling Works 1 An Online Seminar about Seeds The idea of reusing the things attracted my team's attention and All teacher partners and their teams were ready in that meeting. they designed great products. I translated the whole meeting in English simultaneously. Agricultural Engineer Tuba Patan presented the meeting. At the end, students asked their questions it was a fantastic experience.

9th February Safer Internet Day Activities Making Compost Manure on 9th of February we organized an online event for Safer I met my students Ayça, Duygu and Havin in an online meeting in Internet Day activities. We talked abput how to use internet order to make compost manure together. We used our kitchen safely and then played a game kahoot. All teachers and students waste and made our compost. In this task moms of my students had fun time. were the camerawomen. We had unforgettable moments thanks to this project. MARCH Sapling Şirin,Sudenur and Birgül did the sapling activity.

※※※※※※ E book „Let Us Be a Breath For Future“ Made by Primary School OOU „Tosho Velkov - Pepeto“ Kavadarci - North Macedonia ZORICA MILKOVA MAY 09, 2021 12:05AM Teachers in project in the classes with students from 7th,8th,9th grade and I am also involved in the realization of activities in the eld of Ecology.  I Zorica Milkova strive to raise environmental awareness among children and adults, all in order to live in a healthy and clean environment.  I Primary teacher from 2009 in Primary School „Tosho Velkov - have been a volunteer in the Red Cross for many years and I am Pepeto“ Kavadarci. trained as a rst aid person,  every year I prepare the school I am the coordinator of the Erasmus plus program in my school. with a team of 6 students for First Aid competitions.  Every year I am positive person who always tries to bring knowledge, joy my students also participate in biology competitions and we and smiles to the students. I would describe project activities as have achieved excellent results and we have won rst, second one of my hobbies besides growing Orchids, owers  and writing and third places on a state level.  I love nature, owers, birds and poetry. in my free time I like to read a good book or listen to good It is a great pleasure for me to be part of this project. music.  During the summer I like to travel, spend the summer days at sea maybe to visit aquariums, museums and botanical gardens. Orhidea Dimovska Graduated professor of biology, employed in the primary school \"Tosho Velkov Pepeto\" in Kavadarci. As a teacher  I am involved

Our Students Our dream team Jovana Sekuloska, Rozana Angelova, Marija Manchevska, Elena Gjorgieva, Stefanija Sara mova, Slavica Dukova, Meri Dimitrova Aleksandra Gajik I'm Aleksandra Gajik.I'm an English teacher and I really love my job.I teach English for almost 20 yearsand I' m still not tired of it.I love reading books,watching good movies and I love to travel.

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