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Home Explore index.htmlThe guide of information and English words or abbreviations for the office in Bloomsbury International School Hatyai

index.htmlThe guide of information and English words or abbreviations for the office in Bloomsbury International School Hatyai

Published by Supakarn Popop, 2021-02-23 14:44:22



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Primary school British English a school for children between 5 and 11 years old in England and Wales Principal someone who is in charge of a school Private school a school that is not supported by government money, where education must be paid for by the children’s parents Qualification a skill, personal quality, or type of experience that makes you suitable for a particular job or position Registration the act of recording names and details on an official list Regulation an official rule or order Report a written or spoken description of a situation or event, giving people the information they need Secondary a school for children between the ages of school 11 and 16 or 18 Transcript an official college document that shows a list of a student’s classes and the results they received

AQA OXFORD AQA brings together the (OXFORD educational expertise of two leading UK- INTERNATIONAL based organizations: Oxford University AQA Press, a department of the University of EXAMINATIONS) Oxford, and AQA, the UK’s largest academic awarding body. BCCT The British Chamber (THE BRITISH of Commerce Thailand (BCCT) is the CHAMBER OF oldest foreign chamber and the largest COMMERCE non-Asian foreign chamber in Thailand. In THAILAND) addition, it is the largest and oldest British Chamber in Asia. At its inception there were 17 founding British members and three associate members. In 2011, the BCCT has a membership of approximately 600 including 550 companies with nearly 2,700 named representatives covering a broad cross- section of business interests in Thailand. Membership is open to companies of all nationalities and sizes. BISH Bloomsbury is a (BLOOMSBURY Cambridge International School – this INTERNATIONAL means it is an approved curricular and SCHOOL HATYAI) assessment centre for Cambridge International Examinations (CIE), the region’s largest and best known global curricular body.

CIE Cambridge Assessment International (CAMBRIDGE Education is the world's largest provider of INTERNATIONAL international education programmes and EXAMINATIONS) qualifications for 5 to 19 year olds. CIS The Council of (THE COUNCIL International Schools (CIS) is a membership OF community committed to high quality INTERNATIONAL international education. SCHOOLS) A fundamental aim of COBIS COBIS is to support our members and (COUNCIL OF represent their interests in Britain and BRITISH overseas, particularly with Government, INTERNATIONAL education authorities and educational SCHOOLS) associations. We are committed to advancing the interests of British schools EAL overseas (ENGLISH AS AN and the commercial organisations that ADDITIONAL export education resources, products and LANGUAGE) services. We work closely and in partnership with the Department for International Trade and the Department for Education. English as an additional language is a contemporary term (particularly in the United Kingdom and the rest of the European Union) for English as a second language (ESL): the use or study of the English language by non-native speakers in an English-speaking environment.

ECAs An extracurricular activity (ECA) is an (EXTRA- activity, performed by students, that falls CURRICULAR outside the realm of the normal curriculum ACTIVITIES) of school, college or university education. Such activities are generally voluntary (as EDT opposed to mandatory), social, (EDUCATION philanthropic, and often involve others of DEVELOPMENT the same age. Students and staff direct TRUST) these activities under faculty sponsorship, although student-led initiatives, such as independent newspapers, are very common. However, sometimes the school principals and teachers also bring in these activities in the school among the students. Education Development Trust (previously CfBT Education Trust) is a leading international education services not-for-profit organisation. Established in 1968, they have worked in 80 countries to fulfil their mission – to transform lives by improving education around the world. They help to shape education systems and design education solutions to give young people everywhere a brighter future. They work with governments and directly with schools to make sure that teachers and school leaders are the best they can be, and to make sure that children everywhere receive a great education.

FOBISIA The Federation of British International (FEDERATION OF Schools in Asia (FOBISIA) is a regional BRITISH federation of leading British International INTERNATIONAL schools in Asia. FOBISIA aims to promote SCHOOLS IN a British style education system in schools SOUTHEAST throughout Asia, and gives students the ASIA) opportunity for collaboration and friendly competition through its annual sporting and musical festivals. A key aim of FOBISIA is also the opportunity for teachers from member schools to attend training workshops. IGCSE The International General Certificate of (INTERNATIONAL Secondary Education GENERAL is an English language based CERTIFICATE OF examination similar to GCSE and is SECONDARY recognized in EDUCATIONAL) the United Kingdom as being equivalent to the GCSE for the purposes of recognizing prior attainment. It was developed by University of Cambridge International Examinations. The examination boards Edexcel and Oxford AQA also offer their own versions of International GCSEs. Students normally begin studying the syllabus at the beginning of Year 10 and take the test at the end of Year 11. However, in some international schools, students can begin studying the syllabus at the beginning of Year 9 and take the test at the end of Year 10

IQA Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) is the (INTERNAL process of monitoring the teaching, QUALITY learning, and assessment activities that a ASSURANCE) learner at a training provider will undertake. ISAT International (INTERNATIONAL Schools Association of Thailand (ISAT) is SCHOOLS’ an association of private schools in ASSOCIATION Thailand, headquartered in Pak Kret, OF THAILAND) Nonthaburi Province in Greater Bangkok. ISI The Independent (INDEPENDENT Schools Inspectorate (ISI) is the body SCHOOLS responsible for the inspection of INSPECTORATE) schools in membership of the Associations that make up the Independent Schools Council. IUP The International Undergraduate Program (INTERNATIONAL (also known as IUP) UNDERGRADUAT is a bachelor program that implements E PROGRAM) English as the language of instruction. OPEC The Office of the (THE OFFICE OF Basic Education Commission (OBEC) is a THE Thai governmental agency, founded in PRIVATE 2003. It is an office of the Thai Ministry of EDUCATION Education (MOE). Its mission is COMMISSION) to organize and promote basic education from primary school to high school.

SEN Special Educational Needs is used to (SPECIAL describe learning difficulties or EDUCATIONAL disabilities that make it harder for NEEDS) children to learn than most children of the same age. Children with Special TCAS Educational Needs (SEN) are likely to (THAI need extra or different help from that UNIVERSITY given to other children their age. This CENTRAL help is known as special educational ADMISSION provision. SYSTEM) The Thai University Central Admission System (TCAS) is set to replace the current central university admission system (CUAS). The new system has been designed to prevent students from applying to various institutes and reserving places, which they previously often failed to take up.

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