Invest in LED Bulbs BC Hydro has determined that lighting is the largest energy drain for most small businesses. Thankfully, it’s one of the easiest energy saving upgrades to make! Did you know that LEDs use up to 80% LESS electricity than other types of bulbs? As the return on this investment is usually rapid, this upgrade earns first place on our list.
Use Less Light Install dimmers to reduce light levels where appropriate and remove light bulbs from fixtures where less light could be tolerated. Every lumen saved contributes toward electricity savings!
Use Task Light One LED task lamp uses much less electricity than a room full of overhead lights. Whenever possible use natural light instead of electric light.
Install Sensors Occupancy sensor switches are not costly but can net significant energy savings in break rooms, washrooms and storerooms.
Exit Signs As these signs are always on, you’ll see a noticeable reduction in energy use by upgrading these bulbs to LED.
Eliminate Standby Use Electronics, appliances and other equipment all draw standby electricity when switched off. Always unplug these items overnight or when not in use as this can save you up to 10% on your energy bill!
Save on Electric Hot Water Insulate your electric hot water tank and wrap exposed hot water pipes with foam insulation. This will allow you to turn the tank thermostat down, reducing electricity use.
Improve Summer Cooling Efficiency Outdoor shades installed on south facing windows keeps heat out more effectively than indoor blinds. Close doors or turn A/C off in unoccupied rooms to minimize cooling loads. Turn off equipment not in use to reduce heat output. Keep HVAC equipment clean and serviced to maximize efficiency.
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