Visit the Mansion House one of Doncaster’s most historic venuesWith royal connections and one of only three in thecountry, a trip to Doncaster isn’t complete withoutvisiting Doncaster’s Mansion House. With regular opendays, tea dances and exquisite afternoon tea on offer,take the opportunity to explore the areas open to thepublic, including the Grand Ballroom and the PeaceWindow that are steeped in fine Georgian decoration.The Mansion House has also become a popular choicefor weddings and other celebration events. Let us makeyour special day happen with our bespoke packages.Our friendly and knowledgeable team will ensure yourevent is perfectly tailored just for youOpen days and tea dances are available on set days,regular afternoon teas must be pre-booked.For more information telephone 01302 737600 orvisit www.doncaster.gov.uk/mansionhouse2018For wedding information visitwww.doncaster.gov.uk/mansionhouseweddings
Brodsworth HallCONTENTSWelcome 2Building on our Fascinating Heritage 4Culture 8The Great Outdoors 10Food & Drink 12Spa & Wellbeing 14Getting Around 17Music & Nightlife 18Events 22 Inspire Me 26Mayflower 400 32Family Fun 34Sports & Adventure 36Shopping 38Tourist Information Centre 40
www.visitdoncaster.comWelcome Welcome to the 2018 Visitor Guide to Doncaster. Whether you are a local, a regular visitor or you are yet to explore our great place then we’re glad you’ve chosen this enlightening guide. You’ll find 44 pages crammed full of the very best Doncaster has to offer whether you’re here for the day or an extended visit. Take a tour with us through our history and culture and read all about the fabulous places you can visit with the kids, or all about our wonderful hotels and places to stay for couples and groups. We’ve given you some ideas for days out and things to do on pages 26-29 but these are just a start, and we know once you’ve had chance to read this guide, you’ll have plenty of ideas of your own and lots of stays in mind. Use this guide to plan your next visit and don’t forget our Visit Doncaster website for all the up to date information on events and the hundreds of great things happening across the Borough. Doncaster has a lot to be proud of from its racing calendar including the classic St Leger Festival in September, to the UK’s No.1 Walk-through Wildlife Park Adventure and even Europe’s Biggest & Best Paintball & Multi-Activity Centre. We have historic buildings, museums and lots of open green spaces for you and your family to explore, great events, theatre and music, so what are you waiting for? Dive in and find out for yourself!2
www.visitdoncaster.comBuilding on ourFascinating HeritageDoncaster was founded by the Romans in 71AD,with a market established around 2,000 yearsago that remains on the same site today.2018 sees the start of a massive refurbishment and redesign of growth of 43.1% in passenger numbers between April 16 andour historic market area that will bring the area alive for the March 17 – Doncaster Sheffield Airport. 2018 is a big year for us to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the end of WW1 and present day. Plans include purpose built performance the founding of the RAF, we will celebrate both these in June space and a great atmosphere for shoppers and with our Armed Forces Day event. visitors to the town centre. During the industrial revolution, the railway came to Doncaster Doncaster is home to one of only three and The Plant Works famous for building the iconic Sir Nigel original Georgian Mansion Houses in Gresley locomotives Mallard and Flying Scotsman, as well as the country where today’s events many thousands more locomotives. With coal and the railways, are held that capture the splendour Doncaster became a hub for transport and communication, of past times and appreciate the something that remains strong today with Doncaster positioned beautiful interior décor of this at the heart of the major motorway and rail network and once unique building. Weddings are held again thriving on new developments in the rail industry including here, and it plays host to some of being home to the new National College for High Speed Rail. our annual events. Doncaster is also home to Britain’s favourite corner shop. First Doncaster is also home to the run by the legend of comedy, Ronnie Barker as Arkwright, and St Leger, the World’s oldest classic more recently by his nephew Granville, a tiny hairdresser’s shop horse race dating back to 1776 and is is transformed into “Arkwrights” from Open All Hours when run every year in September. The St Leger filming starts. The shop has been used since the very first series isn’t just about racing these days with the in the 1970s and continues today. exciting Doncaster Festival taking place throughoutSeptember across the town bringing the best entertainment, The first Paddington Bear stuffed toy to be manufactured wasart and culture to surround the racing with a huge Doncaster created in 1972 by Doncaster based Gabrielle Designs, a smallcelebration. business run by Shirley and Eddie Clarkson, with the prototype made as a Christmas present for their children Joanna andDoncaster has a strong aviation heritage. As early as 1909 Jeremy Clarkson – yes the very man who later became a well-Doncaster hosted England’s First Air Race. The town was a known British TV presenter and writer.strategic base for the Royal Air Force during both world warsand until 1996 when RAF Finningley became home to the UK’sfastest growing International Airport outside London with a The Flying Scotsman4
Brodsworth Hall 5
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www.visitdoncaster.com Culture There’s so much to see and do in Doncaster including a growing programme of arts and cultural events for those who live, work, study or visit our great town. Doncaster has a variety of venues for theatre goers; Cast theatre in the town centre opened in 2013 and seats 620 in the main auditorium and a further 400 in its second space. In addition to a great line up of drama, comedy, dance and musical performances, Cast plays host to a huge annual outdoor free event where thousands of visitors flock to Sir Nigel Gresley Square. Doncaster’s Little Theatre is a hidden gem. With just 99 seats they boast a full programme of performances year round for all the family. They also have regular film nights and visitors can enjoy the intimacy of the big screen in a very small venue. Further afield sees the Phoenix Theatre in Bawtry, home of the Bawtry Dramatic Society and Bawtry Film Society. The Phoenix Theatre also hosts regular Folk and Blues evenings. For larger shows and events Doncaster Dome is the venue, playing host to travelling shows and gigs featuring well-known names from theatre, comedy and music as well as lots of sporting events and specialist events from Sci-Fi to stamp collecting. With a growing events programme Doncaster now has an annual arts and culture festival, a collaboration of community involvement and world class performances. The annual festival takes place in July and is free for all. Space in the town centre is changing; art installations and cultural events now fill the streets creating a vibrant feel and a colourful place to be in. Along with this development is the growing café culture and al fresco dining right in the heart of the town that offers visitors the opportunity to soak up the atmosphere. Doncaster Racecourse8
www.visitdoncaster.comThe Great Outdoors Sandall Park Conisborough Castle10
Andrew WhiteIs Doncaster born and bred and has a real passion for sharing his love of theoutdoors and particularly what’s available here in Doncaster.Andrew is a writer, film maker and broadcaster to name just a few talents,and we’re delighted he’s taken some time out to share some hidden gems.1) So Andrew, how did you get interested in the great outdoors? 6) Getting more people to exercise a little more and enjoy the great outdoors is obviously a passion for you, how do you inspireWell, my Dad sparked the interest with the family holidays, which your own children to join you on the walks and make it a real familyalways including places with fantastic countryside like North experience?Wales… but they were always places with great history too.When I moved to university at Wolverhampton I started to be We’ve always gone out walking often as a family, but as myfascinated with walking along canals, and discovering the wildlife eldest daughter is now a teenager, that’s becoming slightly moreand heritage along the old waterways. I suppose I’m a bit different difficult…! Although she enjoys it when she’s out, just getting herto your standard professional walker as I’m much more interested out in the first place is tricky… so now I change the WiFi passwordin the stories around the places I go rather than in the highest to one she doesn’t know… and then I change it back when she’smountains or the longest trails – which is why I love walking in been with us! Once we’re all out, there’s no problems at all – inDoncaster. fact, both my daughters have been on the TV series often, and that helps to inspire more families to get out walking.2) Where would you recommend locals and visitors to Doncasterto start exploring? 7) For newbie walkers, what would you recommend they need to take with them, do they need to spend mega money on being kittedTo get a flavour of the variety of Doncaster, you can’t go wrong out or is it just about sensible choices?with the circular walk around Cusworth and Sprotbrough. It startsat Cusworth Hall, so there’s the stunning view across the whole Really a good pair of walking boots is the best money you can spendof Doncaster town centre from the hill the Hall is perched on, – you don’t need to spend a lot on a pair suitable for Everest, justthen down underneath the busy A1(M) to Sprotbrough – passing ones which will keep you dry and comfortable. I always recommendThe Ivanhoe pub and St Mary’s Church, then back along the Trans going to a store to try a few pairs on, as different brands havePennine Trail and through the grounds of Cusworth Hall. It’s no different fits. My favourite outdoor shop is Go Outdoors, andmore than 5 miles and great for kids… and there’s the Tea Rooms their store out to the south of Doncaster near Rossington will getat Cusworth Hall at the end. you kitted out. When going out, take a few snacks and some water – and a map. Ordnance Surveys’ Landranger map 111 covers the3) For the dog owners out there we’re hoping there are plenty of whole of the Doncaster borough – and most of South Yorkshire too.dog friendly routes to explore – any recommendations? 8) Tell us about your favourite Doncaster walking routes.One of our favourite places is Sandall Beat Woods, behind theracecourse. Start at the car park at the end of the Straight Mile Oh, so many… there’s walking routes between places, like betweenand there’s a fabulous network of paths through this ancient Bawtry and Tickhill; Mexborough, through Conisbrough towoodland – and if you cross the footbridge near to the Community Sprotbrough via the old railway viaduct; Moss to Sykehouse. ThenEnvironment Centre, there’s even more in Cantley Woods and out there’s just great places to go for a short wander – like Bentleyonto the old pit top at Markham Mound. Now, “old pit top” might Community Woodland, the Humberhead Levels or Potteric Carr.not sound inspiring, but nature has reclaimed the whole area it’s And the town centre is great when you’ve got a couple of hoursstunning now, with little to belie the area’s former role. to do what I call a “look up walk” – looking up at the variety of buildings which grace the town centre.4) As Doncaster is two thirds rural with fantastic heritage sitessuch as Brodsworth Hall, Cusworth Hall, Conisbrough Castle, Don 9) Finally, please do share why your hat is special to you and hasGorge, Potteric Carr you must have so many routes planned out, become part of your trade mark?how would those looking for inspiration find them? My hat is part of my walking uniform now, I take my hatWe’re always looking to put more walks in Doncaster in the Walks everywhere with me. I feel lost without it!Around Britain TV series… in fact I could easily fill a whole seasonup with just Doncaster walks… but that would kind of make a Potteric Carrmockery of the programme’s title! We’ve already featured theCusworth / Sprotbrough walk - and one in Fishlake in the series,and these plus many more are on our website – walksaroundbritain.co.uk. In addition, my forthcoming book “15 Great Walks –Yorkshire” has some walks in Doncaster in it too. The TouristInformation Centre too is a great place for more walkinginformation.5) You’re a real ambassador for Doncaster, promoting your hometown as much as possible throughout your visits within GreatBritain, how do you think we can tell more people what a greatplace it is to live and visit?There’s just so much on offer in Doncaster and I think once peoplesee what there is here, then they’ll want to come. EverywhereI go, I’m always telling people about the fabulous countryside inDoncaster – and the abundance of history and heritage here too.Not everyone wants to climb the highest hills, and so Doncasteris a perfect place to come to walk to discover great people andfascinating stories. 11
WwWwWw.V.vISisITiDtOdNoCnAcSaTsERt.eCrO.Mcom Food & Drink If you’re planning on dining out then Doncaster has an impressive number and range of restaurants. It also has some great evening venues, specialist bars and fabulous coffee shops and tea rooms. Crown Hotel Gin Rooms12
Crown Hotel Doncaster has it all. The town centre has everything from fusion cuisine at No 7 at the Rum Rooms and private supper club at the Gourmet Dining Thai at the Sal Room, to a fabulous range of Turkish, Spanish, Mediterranean and Italian in the Nether Hall Road area. There’s also a host of venues that combine daytime food offers and evening dining and drinking; Relish, The Grind and Market Place Ale House and Deli are perfect examples of chilled daytime to evening venues with great menu’s and chilled out settings. Away from the Mediterranean cuisine, Doncaster has a fine choice of far eastern, Indian and world foods. The Thai at The Sal, conveniently housed above The Salutation pub in the town centre is a must with fabulous décor and authentic menus from the region. Spice and Ice located on Church Way is just out of the town centre and is another new addition with great food and surroundings and is Doncaster’s oldest established Indian restaurant, the ever popular Indus is now firmly back on the culinary map in its new location at Cantley Lodge. Bawtry, just 5 miles from the town centre, offers a fine choice of restaurants and wine bars to tempt you into an evening out, from the four star Crown Hotel and Restaurant to many smaller eateries. A night out in Bawtry feels very special. Close by is the Best Western Mount Pleasant, another impressive and beautiful hotel with a fine menu and great surroundings and Rossington Hall also close by adds a special feel with sumptuous dining in the spectacular Victorian house dating back to 1882.Counting House Miller and Carter Doncaster has a growing and impressive range of coffee shops and tea rooms, great examples are Torrs on Printing Office Street and the Georgian Tearooms on Hallgate. Then there’s Taste Eatery in Waterdale and Bennetthorpe based Lord Hursts Tea Rooms all easily accessible and offering great value as well as special events throughout the year. For those more at home with established high street regulars, Doncaster boasts the usual mix of names such as Costa, Patisserie Valerie and Starbucks. Farther afield there’s Butlers Tea Rooms and Bistro at Cusworth Hall or the Old School Tea Rooms in Arksey, both worth a visit. If you’re looking for food on the move then don’t miss Willows of Warmsworth, close to the A1 this gem will fuel you for your great days out with an extensive range of sumptuous treats to take away. 13
www.visitdoncaster.com Spa & Wellbeing Why not make Doncaster Mount Pleasant your choice for a relaxing spa experience or weekend. We have plenty to offer. There is a whole host of day spas in the town centre and further afield offering Truffle Lodge traditional packages and treatments. For something special try Owston Hall where guests can stay in the hotel and make the most of a longer experience. The Mount Pleasant Hotel, close to the airport has the luxurious Therapié Health and Wellness Centre, which is a great place to visit with friends for the perfect hen party, birthday celebration or a girls night in. If you need a break from life’s stresses and strains then The Spa at Truffle Lodge is one to visit. It boasts a heated indoor swimming pool, jacuzzi, steam room and sauna. Outdoors there is a hot tub and wall mounted outdoor television and with luxury overnight accommodation, so why not extend your stay. The Vanilla Rooms of Bawtry offers the ultimate makeover experience in Doncaster. Established in 2004, The Vanilla Rooms have recently relocated to the luxurious four star Crown Hotel in the heart of Bawtry, which has the perfect combination of superb hotel, fine food and top quality pampering! Looking for a more intense healing massage and treatments then Thai Massage is for you. The ancient form of healing is widely regarded as one of the best forms of therapeutic massage. Thai massage releases tension, increases vitality, and stimulates all parts of the body, proving to be a great form of relaxation. Check out Narlee and Smile both close to Doncaster. To add to your relaxing visit to Doncaster why not try the vast amounts of open green spaces close to the town. We have beautiful parks and gardens to explore that will increase your wellness and relaxation.14
One of the Free allbiggest and best day coach parking in a dedicated traditional car park close by. markets Superb drop o and pick up points with excellent passenger facilitiesin the North With over 200 shops, stalls and stands open on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday pay a visit to the award winning Doncaster Market, which is set to get even betterDONCASTER MARKET Artist impressionsBig changes are on the way to Doncaster Market in 2018 thanks to a complete revamp of the iconicWool Market by Doncaster Council. The new design will transform the market area into a vibrant andbustling location opening extra days and into the evenings with more events. And don’t worry! All ofour existing traders have moved into the Corn Exchange and Goose Hill on the market estate whilstthe work takes place. @doncaster_Mkts Doncaster Markets Open on Tuesday, Friday andwww.doncastermarket.com 01302 736737 Saturday
www.visitdoncaster.com Music & Nightlife The live music scene is very strong in Doncaster: the town centre beats to the rhythm of live music and countless venues that provide a fantastic range to suit all tastes. There really is a great vibe around the town centre venues especially on Fridays and Saturdays when you’ll be spoilt for choice. The Leopard on West Street is a well-known venue with a great atmosphere and an impressive line up all year round. Whether its acoustic performers in the downstairs bar area or bands in the upstairs live venue The Leopard is a must for music lovers. There’s also a collection of bars in the Sunny Bar, Silver Street and Market Place area including The Masons Arms, The Queen, Vintage Rock Bar and The Woolpack all with regular entertainment and a warm welcome to all. In summer months The Masons Arms’ rear garden area has regular entertainment too. The Tut ‘n Shive on West Laith Gate, The Social in Lazarus Court and The Diamond Live Lounge on Wood Street are just a few more examples of the thriving live music scene. Doncaster boasts its own Brewery and Tap in the town centre and has a loyal following, with quiz nights, folk music and spoken word evenings. Roots Music Club based in the Ukrainian Centre on Beckett Road is home to folk, blues and beyond. We have specialist bars too: The Establishment offers an impressive range of drinks and champagne, and then there’s The Gin Rooms and The Rum Rooms both offering over 40 varieties of each for you to sample. Stereophonics18
Fake Fesitival - Sandall Park 19
DISCOVER A LIVING MASTERPIECE Explore restored gardens, flower-filled borders and a time-capsule of period living. Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN5 7XJThe English Heritage Trust is a charity, no. 1140351, and a company, no. 07447221, registered in England. NCG MKTG EAST N-SC205 BRODSW4OthRTeHdESitAiDoVnERT CAROLINE TOPPS 185X132MM ADVERT CMYK 3-6 MAY 2018 LANDSCAPESUSIE AW 7.12.17 STAGE 1 :ENGLISH HERITAGE, BRAND & DESIGN TEAM, THE ENGINE HOUSE, FIREFLY AVENUE, SWINDON SN2 2EH • TELEPHONE 01793 414451 THURSDAY, MAY 3 Beverley - Doncaster STAGE 2 : FRIDAY, MAY 4 Barnsley - Ilkley STAGE 3 : SATURDAY, MAY 5 Richmond - Scarborough STAGE 4 : SUNDAY, MAY 6 Halifax - Leeds
www.visitdoncaster.com Events Doncaster has plenty of reasons to visit throughout the year and our great events are just one of them. Take a look at the calendar below for some of the key dates and details to plan ahead and make the most of your time here. Full details of each of the featured events and lots can be found in the ‘What’s On’ section on www.visitdoncaster.com MAY The events programme for 2018 gets off to a great start with the return in May of the Tour De Yorkshire. Having been a host town in 2016 we are thrilled to be hosting the finish stage of day 3 1 of this year’s spectacular event. The race starts in Beverley and will end in thrilling style on Bennetthorpe on the run into the town centre. Adjacent to the finish line will be the 2018 Fanzone. MAY This year Café Doncaster will be Yorkshire’s largest Cycle Café with tea and cake and lots, lots more. 4-7 May also sees the second Delicious Doncaster Food Festival where the town is taken over by foodies! Whether it’s the fabulous home grown food offer of the Doncaster Market or the additional food traders brought in for the event the town will be alive with the sights, sounds and smells of great food. Locally produced food and drink will again feature heavily as will street foods. There will be outdoor bars and entertainment over the entire May Day Bank Holiday Weekend. Certainly one not to miss – from Bake Off to Cook Out it’s all here at Delicious Doncaster. MAY Spring Bank Holiday weekend sees the second Mansion House Steampunk Spectacular. Visually stunning, this event sees the town taken over by Steampunk enthusiasts and all things industrial 26-28 and historic. The event is hosted in our very own Georgian Mansion House which is the perfect backdrop for the stalls, attractions and stunning costumes. JUNE The end of June marks Armed Forces Day and 2018 is set to be extra special with the 100th anniversary of both the end of the First World War and the founding of the RAF. With 30 Doncaster’s rich aviation history and connections to the RAF with the former base at Finningley, the town is set to celebrate in style with entertainment, music and lots of military pride.22
JULY July sees the annual Dragon Boat Race at Lakeside. The race element features teams from local businesses in a very competitive event that raises thousands of pounds for charity 7 every year. It’s a great family day out for spectators too, featuring Lakeside food and drink as well as lots of competitive rowing – even the odd man, or woman, overboard! JULY DN Festival Does Space, this will be the all new outdoor street art and cultural event delivered in the town centre and featuring a range of local and world 27-28 class street performance and art. August sees one of the biggest outdoor events of the year featuring a Mardi Gras style town centre Parade and a full day of free entertainment for all at Doncaster Pride. In its twelfth year the event AUG is now celebrated across the town with rainbow flags and a great crowd of locals and day visitors. 18 Planned and delivered by the LGBT community the event is welcoming to all. A main stage with a full day of great acts, a second local stage featuring talent from closer to home and a great party atmosphere – if you plan to attend and need to stay over book your hotel early! SEPT Come September you’ll be spoilt for choice. There’s the St Leger Festival at Doncaster’s world class racecourse. Four days of the best racing with the meeting climax on Saturday with the running of the1-30 Classic St Leger. Wrapped around the racing activity the town comes alive with after race entertainment. 2018 sees the expansion of the Festival Week to span the full month with a brand new Fringe Festival and a musical feast with the whole town immersed in The September Festival. As the days shorten the fun is still non-stop. Visit Doncaster in October OCT for the first Oktoberfest. Date to be confirmed but the beer and lederhosen are on order, so make sure you look out for the advanced ticket reservations and event registrations on Visit Doncaster Facebook events. DN Light Festival comes to Doncaster XMAS Christmas 2018 will see plenty of activity and Minster. A spectacular light installation events once again, so make sure you check theNOV and event joining the Minster and the website for the plans as we go through the year.16 town centre. It will also mark the period that celebrates Illuminate 2018 and the Countdown to Christmas. 23
Advert -CELEBRATING 50 years in styleReserveOVER 120 STORES INCLUDING: DEBENHAMS, DOROTHY PERKINS, H&M, J D S P O RT, M I S S S E L F R I D G E , N E W L O O K , N E X T, RIVER ISLAND, TK MAXX, TOPMAN & USC GETTING HERE With easy access by bus and train via the centre’s transport interchange and 1700 car parking spaces if you prefer to drive. GIFT CARD The Frenchgate Gift Card is available to purchase in centre and online is ideal for birthdays, Christmas, wedding gifts, congratulations and much more. YEARS OF FRENCHGATE 1968-2O18FG Generic Ad Design_185mm w x 132mm d_ALL DESIGNS.indd 7 11/12/2017 13:42 Set in its own picturesque walled grounds just a short drive from the A1 and M18 motorways the Holiday Inn is in a perfect location. 102 Ensuite bedrooms 13 Meeting and event rooms Grade II listed historic building Warmsworth Hall Wedding Venue The largest conference based Hotel in Doncaster Grade II listed historic building Warmsworth Hall Indoor heated swimming pool Fully equipped gym & aerobics Sauna & spa Complimentary car parking The Restaurant Preludes Café Bar 24 Hour Room Service Indoor & outdoor team building Free WIFI IHG – Rewards Scheme sales@hidoncaster.com 01302 799988HHoolliiddaayy IInnnn DDoonnccaasstteerr AA11 ((MM)) JJcctt 3366 || HHiigghh RRooaadd,, WWaarrmmsswwoorrtthh || DDoonnccaasstteerr || DDNN44,, 99UUXX || wwwwww..hhoolliiddaayyiinnnn..ccoo..uukk
Advert -ReserveDoncasterRaces @DoncasterRaces
www.visitdoncaster.com Inspire Me We hope this guide has given you lots of ideas for your visit to Doncaster, but just to whet your appetite here are some suggestions for you: DPS - 24hr Plan Bawtry Paintball Fields26
If you’re having a family day out and want to be active then tryThe Dome, a multi activity centre with pools, flumes and slides as wellas an Ice Rink and an array of other activities for all the family.Or how about Sandtoft Trolleybus Museum, or Sunnybank Farm, andmake sure you sample the huge range of homemade ice cream. Sunnybankmake all 40 varieties on the premises, and each artisan recipe has beenpersonally created using fresh Yorkshire milk, double cream and,wherever possible, locally sourced and produced ingredients.Who knew Doncaster is home to Paddington Bear?The original bears being made by Doncaster based GabrielleDesigns back in the 70’s by mother of none other thanTV’s Jeremy Clarkson. Author Michael Bond was verytaken by the bear, and formed a lasting friendship withthe Clarksons. In early books Paddington didn’t havehis trademark red wellingtons, these were added byGabrielle Designs leading to the very next book being allabout Paddington’s acquisition of his wellington boots! Well,Paddington needed wellington boots to stand up on the shelvesand in displays didn’t he? You can buy lots of ‘Official’ Paddingtongifts from our very own Tourist Information Centre in Priory Place.Other items stocked in the Tourist Information Centre include a rangeof Doncaster related goods and specifically the Handmade in Doncasterbusinesses that are featured in the shopping pages of this guide.The Dome Bawtry Paintball & Multi-Activity Centre (BPF) attracts visitors from far and wide to enjoy activities 27 including paintball, archery, tomahawk axe and knife throwing, rifle shooting, laser combat, and even mini- tank battles. The paintball and laser combat game zones are world class, including 4 real helicopters, 42 armoured vehicles, tanks, castles, and a tree-top fortress. Award winning BPF is also the home of Predator, a 7ft tall character released into the game randomly throughout the day with the sole purpose of seeking out and eliminating players – face him if you dare! BPF’s half Olympic size archery range, rifle shooting range, and knife and axe throwing range are all flood- lit, and offer an ideal add-on to a paintball or laser combat session. Europe’s Biggest Multi-Activity Centre, Voted Europe’s Best, and the UK’s Safest, BPF is a world-class venue. But don’t take our word for it, BPF is ranked No.1 on both Trip Advisor and Google Reviews, and has been awarded the ‘Certificate of Excellence’ 4 years running. Facilities include onsite café, free Wi-Fi, separate basecamps for laser combat and paintball, toilets and changing areas, and secure parking with CCTV throughout. Whether you’re looking for an action-packed corporate away-day, a high adrenaline stag or hen event, or just a fun day out with family and friends, Bawtry Paintball & Multi-Activity Centre is well worth a visit. Bawtry Forest Great North Road, DN10 6DG. 01302 868841Inspire Me
www.visitdoncaster.comInspire Me Mount Pleasant Crown Hotel28
If you’re planning a longer stay then you’ll be spoilt for choice for hotels, and remember, if you’re visiting for the races, larger town centre events or at peak times our hotels get busy so don’t miss out and book early! There’s No.18 on the Square, a Regency style property situated in picturesque Regent Square where you can relax in the sun garden or enjoy the tranquillity of the Regent Square Park, which can be viewed from the en-suite Loft Room. No.18 on the Square is a Regency property with a modern touch. All rooms are en-suite, have free Wi-Fi, a flat-screen TV and modern decor. Guests have full use of the kitchen and living room and are encouraged to make themselves feel at home - 18 Regent Square, Doncaster, DN1 2DS. bk.purewal@outlook.com 07914 799864 Alternatively there’s a range of well-known names including Holiday Inn Express, Premier Inn, Park Inn, Travelodge and The Campanile, many are located in and around the town centre with great access to the motorway network. There’s a fantastic range of great hotels suitable for all tastes and budgets. Try the Regent Hotel, The Earl of Doncaster or The Mercure Danum Hotel both in the town centre, or the conveniently located Holiday Inn in Warmsworth, just off J36 of the A1 or Best Western Pastures Lodge in its rural location in Mexborough. If it’s a luxury stay you’re looking for then Doncaster has more than its share of great hotels that will make your visit memorable. Try the Crown Hotel in Bawtry, The Best Western Mount Pleasant, Rossington Hall, Stable Arches or Truffle Lodge, all with their own unique visitor experiences, many with spa facilities, fine dining and stunning rooms, links to all can be found on the Visit Doncaster website.The Earl of Doncaster Stable Arches Boutique 29
Advert -Reserve IT’S IN OUR DNA ENJOY LIVE SPORT WITH CLUB DONCASTER / TICKETS FROM £15 PER PERSON CALL THE BOX OFFICE ON 01302 762576 OR CLICK TICKETS.CLUBDONCASTER.CO.UK£15 per person is for an adult attending a Doncaster Rugby league match, adults attending Doncaster Rovers league matches are from £21 (2017/18 season). Doncaster Rovers match prices may be subject to change for the 2018/19 season.Admission PricesAdults - £1Children 3 - 12yrs - £5Toddlers 1 & 2 yrs - £3Maize admission: £6 per person, £3 toddlersOpen every day 10am - 4pm• Meet and feed our friendly animals FREE bag of animal food with this• Get lost in the fantastic Maize advert (One voucher per family) Maze (mid July - end Oct)• Explore the mini maze, play areas and bale pyramid outside• Serving homemade cakes• Hot and cold drinks• Light meals for adults and children• New Indoor soft play areaBoston Park Farm, Hatfield Woodhouse, Doncaster, DN7 6DS01302 844818 • www.bostonpark.com • info@bostonpark.com
NEW LIBRARY & MUSEUM - ARTIST IMPRESSSIONA new, iconic Central Library, Museum, Archives and Art Gallery for Doncaster. Coming to the Civic & Cultural Quarter in 2020 Keep up to date at - www.doncaster.gov.uk/iconicbuild
www.visitdoncaster.comMayflowAedrv4e0r0t - Did you know Doncaster has links to theReservefounding fathers of America? Well read on… 2020 marks the 400th anniversary of the sailing of the Mayflower from Plymouth UK to Plymouth Massachusetts. This incredible journey of some 3000 miles across the Atlantic was made by just 102 passengers, 32 of whom were to become known as the Mayflower Pilgrims. The 400th commemoration of this journey is about the legacy of these passengers and the crew and will tell their stories and the heritage embedded in communities across the UK, USA and Netherlands. William Bradford from Austerfield, was Plymouth Colony’s second elected governor, serving for more than 30 years and St Helena’s Church in Austerfield where he was baptized remains there today. He was a passionate religious radical along with William Brewster from Scrooby who became the first governor of the Plymouth Colony; both villages are just a few miles from Doncaster. Between 2018 and 2020 Doncaster will host a number of events around the Illuminate theme culminating in 400th anniversary celebrations that will bring visitors to Doncaster from far and wide including the American market. Make sure you keep up to date by liking the Visit Doncaster Facebook page and our ambitious plans will be revealed in the coming months.32
Advert - Reserve Explore 2,000 years of history and culture with Heritage Doncaster.CUSWORTH HALL DONCASTER DONCASTER KOYLIMUSEUM & PARK ART GALLERY MUSEUM MUSEUMExperience Georgian View Yorkshire Pottery and Discover the story of Discover the history of theDoncaster in our historic Heritage Doncaster’s fine Doncaster from the Ice Age King’s Own Yorkshire Lighthall and museum, allowing art collection featuring to the present day. Explore Infantry (KOYLI) in theyou to trace the social works by Cuneo and Wright the town’s fascinating regimental museum - homehistory of the town from of Derby. The Gallery is history including its origins to one of the most extensivemanufacturing to mining located on the first floor as a Roman fort and its medal collections in theheritage. Enjoy stunning of Doncaster Museum. horse-racing heritage. country. The KOYLI Museumviews at the Grade I listed is located on the groundbuilding set in acres of Chequer Road Chequer Road floor of Doncaster Museum.historic Green Flag award DN1 2AE DN1 2AEwinning parkland. Chequer Road DN1 2AECusworth LaneDN5 7TUFREE ADMISSION DHEORNITCAAGSETERTelephone: 01302 734293E-mail: museumD@doncaster.gov.ukVisit www.doncaster.gov.uk/museums for moreinformation on events, exhibitions and opening times.
www.visitdoncaster.comFamily Fun If you’re visiting with children then make sure you check out the fabulous family fun here in Doncaster. No visit to Doncaster would be complete without a visit to The Yorkshire Wildlife Park, situated just a few miles outside the town centre. The park occupies 70 acres of a 260 acre site and offers a unique view into the world of animals and conservation. Walkthrough areas including Lemur Woods and Wallaby Walkabout and the South America Viva. The Park is home to the world’s largest land carnivore…the Polar Bear, the only reserve in England and one of the largest in the world. You’ll also see critically endangered black rhinos and come face to face with Amur Leopards and Tigers, Painted Hunting Dogs, Zebra, Antelope and a herd of Bactrian Camels amongst the 70 different species. Lakeside Doncaster has great open spaces and large parts of the town centre and surrounding areas is park lands, great for that family day out. Try Sandall Park with its nature trails and wildlife boards as well as café and playground area. For a leisurely stroll try Lakeside, close to the town centre and with lots of nearby amenities. The accessible, flat walk around the lake takes around 40 mins and you’ll even get to see the ‘beach’ right here in Doncaster despite us being over 40 miles to the sea! If aviation and history are your thing then there are a number of places to visit; Ashworth Barracks, the Victoria Cross Museum which houses an extensive collection of artefacts to entertain, engage and educate. The South Yorkshire Aircraft Museum exhibits a collection of aircraft from the first air show in Britain at Doncaster Racecourse in 1909, to modern fast jets and civil light aircraft. Continuing the transport theme there is Sandtoft Trolleybus Museum which houses the world’s largest collection of historic trolleybuses, and period motor buses. Or there’s Markham Grange Steam Museum with its fine examples of stationary steam engines, marine steam engines and steam pumps. South Yorkshire Aircraft Museum34
Hatfield Water Park Hatfield Water ParkAway from transport the historical places of interest include If you’re looking for the great outdoors then make sure toCusworth Hall and Gardens, Brodsworth Hall, Conisbrough check out Potteric Carr Nature Reserve, Sandall Park, theCastle, Doncaster Minster and of course the historic Mansion Trans Pennine Trail and Hatfield Outdoor Activity Centre.House in the town centre. Doncaster Museum and Art Galleryis currently located on Chequer Road but is due a move to an For a special treat try Sunny Bank Farm and the amazing iceimpressive new location in 2020 to the town’s old Girls High creams on offer as well as the play area and Boston Park Farm,School building in the Civic and Cultural Quarter. a traditional working farm where children can get up close with a wide range of farm animals and on certain days theyThere’s loads of sporting action too from spectating to have animal handling sessions. Boston Park Farm is ideal forgetting involved. Doncaster Rovers and Doncaster Belles under 10’s and has the added attraction between July andfootball teams as well as both League and Union Rugby with October of the Maize Maze.The Dons and The Knights and The Demons. If you’re lookingto participate then there’s Adventure Golf at Pirate Cove, See more ideas on our Visit Doncaster website.trampolining at Air Kings, Motor Cross at Fatcat Motoparc,Karting at FC Karting or 5 a side at Goals. You could even try aspot of clay shooting at J3 Shooting or even take to the waterat Hatfield Water Park. 35
www.visitdoncaster.com Sports & Adventure Whether you’re spectating or participating, Doncaster has so much to offer sporting enthusiasts and thrill seekers. Bawtry Paintball Fields Hummingbird Helicopters36
The busy, thrilling atmosphere of a day at the races is matched only There’s a range of motorsport related attractions in Doncasterby the impressive racing pedigree at Town Moor. When it comes to with everything from Motor Cross, Karting and event simulatorracing fixtures, Doncaster is the busiest dual-purpose racecourse in experiences where you can perfect the artthe UK with 36 National Hunt and Flat race meetings confirmed for of going nowhere very, very fast.the 2018 season including the World’s Oldest Classic Horse race,the St. Leger stakes. New for 2018 is a brand new Hilton Garden Inn Try out Enigma, Doncaster’s Escape Room attraction. Situated in theHotel also in the grounds of the course. town centre, can you and your friends crack the codes and clues to release yourselves in the allotted time, great fun for all and even ifIn addition to the racing, Doncaster has the famous Goffs UK you’re not competitive you soon will be.Bloodstock sales. Many fine horses have been sold in Doncasterdating back to 1700 including Red Rum. We’re also a great place for cycling, walking and enjoying the great outdoors. We’re extremely proud of our new partnership withDoncaster is home to one of the most famous and successful Welcome to Yorkshire which will help promote Doncaster as thefemale football clubs in the world – The Doncaster Belles. With perfect place for starting, ending or creating your entire cyclingan impressive list of honours including two Premier League route and raising Doncaster’s profile as a visitor destination. Wetitles, six FA cup wins and league and cup double winners twice. are proud to host some great sporting events like the Tour deThe Keepmoat Stadium is also home to Doncaster Rovers Football Yorkshire and have extensive plans to develop cycling for ourClub, with a recognisable kit of red and white hoops. Founded in local communities and visitors alike.1879 the club moved to the Keepmoat Stadium in December 2006and played their first home fixture against Huddersfield Town on More sedate activities but still guaranteedNew Year’s Day 2007. to get the adrenaline pumping include great fishing lakes and rifle and clayFor fans of the alternative shaped ball, there’s Rugby League (The pigeon ranges.Dons), Union (The Knights) and Doncaster Demons the ladies team.For 9, 18 holes or a quick practice at the driving range there’s anumber of impressive golf courses with fantastic links and beautifulsurroundings. Doncaster Town Moor, Crookhill Park, Thorne, OwstonHall, Doncaster Golf Club and Thornhurst Manor all within easyreach of the town and presenting a challenge for new and seasonedgolfers.If you always wanted to know what happens on the flight deck of anairliner, wonder if you could land an airliner or want to brush up yourprocedures if you are already a pilot then Jet Simulator is for you.Located close to the town centre this is a great experience for you orgift for a loved one.Why not take a helicopter flight over the town? HummingbirdHelicopters based close to Doncaster Sheffield Airport has not justflight experiences and pleasure flights but is a fully operationalflight school too. 37
www.visitdoncaster.comShoppingDoncaster Market is one of the finest traditional The town centre shopping offer includes a great mixmarkets in all of England, receiving praise from TV of independent retailers and high street names, somecelebrity chefs and a loyal following of customers. situated in the streets that surround the market andThe market can trace its origins back to Roman times others are inside the Frenchgate Centre. 2018 is theand today’s market is still situated in the same 50th anniversary of the indoor centre originally openedspot. The food market is packed full of fishmongers, as the Arndale Centre in the 60’s. Refurbished andbutchers and fruit and veg stall holders as well as extended a number of times the centre is now home tothe International Food Hall with a range to rival any over 120 shops including Debenhams, Next, River Islandsupermarket, deli or bakery. 2018 sees the completion and TKMaxx.of the £3m refurbishment of the Wool Market to adaytime and evening venue for not only shopping but The town centre is also home to the Village ateating, drinking and enjoying live music. The market Waterdale, a mix of independent retailers in the Civichas approximately 400 shops, stalls and stands and is and Cultural Quarter and for something different trysituated next to parking and in the heart of the town. the areas around Copley Road for specialist shops and international food stores.Doncaster has a number of market towns locatedclose by. Bawtry has not only a thriving market but Just out of town is Lakeside Village with over 45a collection of specialist shops, art galleries and famous name stores offering up to 60% discounts.independent fashion boutiques. Tickhill also is home Retailers range from clothes to footwear, gifts,to a market and a fabulous selection of shops from homeware and cosmetics. Ample free parking servicestraditional butchers and food shops to arts and crafts the centre just off J3 of the M18 close to town andand specialist shops. The market town of Mexborough connected by park and ride and town centre buses.is close by and has a large and varied market as well asits own bustling High Street stores. Make sure you leave plenty of time for a pit stop for coffee and cake or use our food and drink pages for some lunchtime suggestions. Toppings Pies38
BawtryHandmadein DoncasterDoncaster has many talented people who create uniquehandmade goods and delicious produce that you will find inlocal independent retail outlets, visitor attractions and atevents that take place throughout the year.To discover our local talent and to find details of stockists go towww.doncasterworks.co.uk and search for ‘handmade’. The Jam Horse www.thejamhorse.co.uk We Are Blok Heds www.weareblokheds.com DreamBakes www.dreambakes.co.ukWhites of Old Cantleywww.whitesofoldcantley.co.uk 39
www.visitdoncaster.com Tourist Information Centre Doncaster’s Tourist Information Centre is located right in the heart of the town centre next to the Mansion House. It sells a large range of Doncaster and Yorkshire souvenirs as well as tickets for National Express. The gift range includes many locally produced and sourced goods from speciality gin and vodka to beers brewed at Doncaster’s own brewery. Don’t forget Doncaster is the ‘home’ of Paddington bear so we have loads of stock always for fans of the little bear from Peru. The Tourist Information Centre also sells tickets for a number of local events including those at the Little Theatre, plus After- noon Tea at the Mansion House. And of course our local knowledge ensures that we can help you get the most from your visit to Doncaster. Doncaster Tourist Information Centre: 1 Priory Place, Doncaster DN1 1BN Opening Times: Monday-Friday 09:30 – 17:00 Saturday 10:00 – 15:30 Sunday Closed Tel: 01302 734309 Email: tourist.information@doncaster.gov.uk Web: www.visitdoncaster.com For travel trade or business development enquiries please contact: richard.young@doncaster.gov.uk Visit Doncaster Visit Doncaster Visit Doncaster would like to thank all those organisations that have advertised and featured in this guide. We would also like to thank photographers for the use of their images including James Mulkeen, Sarah Cowan, John Fuller, Warren Draper, Ben Harrison, Chris Stephenson, Loud Crowd Agency, Shaun Flannery, Top Klass Photography. Thanks also to Andrew White for his contribution. All details are correct at the time of printing this guide but please refer to www.visitdoncaster.com for up to date details. Brochure designed and produced by Keyhole Creative Media - Doncaster - www.keyholecreativemedia.com40
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