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Sreenidhi MUN 2022

Published by Preethi, 2022-12-25 16:46:36

Description: Sreenidhi Model United Nations by Sreenidhi International School - 2022


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4, 5, 6 November, 2022 Issue X VVEERRIITTAASS VVIINNCCIITT An Initiative of the International Press Sreenidhi Model United Nations 2022

Veritas Vincit From the office of International Press Global sociopolitical dynamics have never been as volatile as they are today. The notion of uncovering hidden truths, arguably the most fundamental notion of human nature, is of ever-increasing importance. This very sentiment of “Veritas Vincit”—the truth shall win— remains interspersed within the pages of this newsletter. Within itself, the Sreenidhi MUN Newsletter carries the notions of a free press, ardency for change, diplomacy, and rational argumentation. Our note cannot, in its entirety, justify the role of the International Press in a Model UN Conference. For, it is just not another committee, but the voice of the unheard. The strength that this committee holds can never be at par with others. At the International Press, the members have the ability to reform, transform and transition the perception of the world while strengthening the bridge that connects 21st-century democratic principles to the world at large. The International Press members have invested a significant amount of hard work in unveiling hidden truths; revolving around committees, hearing debates, and documenting speeches are but meager aspects in the laborious undertakings of the members. The team, built on a spirit of resilience and a need to drive change, has striven to transform into a pioneer of truthfulness. It is our most ardent desire, that in the services of the Sreendihi MUN 2022, the press has delivered the same. On this note, we wish you a happy reading! Aryan Kumar Sai Preethi Polu Saahiti Chintha Editor-in-Chief Head of International Press Director of Photography Office of International Press

Veritas Vincit ILLEGAL DRUG ABUSE: A HEALTH ISSUE OR CRIME? Netra Kotta, reporter of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), presents views on whether illegal drugs must be considered a public health issue or criminal justice issue Drug addiction is also known widely as related to the criminal justice prosecution substance use disorder. It is a disorder that for possession of drugs. Decriminalization of affects the brain and behavior of a person hard drugs allows addicts to be treated as and can lead to an inability to control the use patients. As a result, hardly any new drug of the drug. The person is considered addicts are registered, and the existing addicted to a drug when they continue to use addicts and supported to find new jobs. Most and consume the drug despite the various people may think drugs are bad and must be harm it causes to their body. Drug addiction illegal. But, illegal does not mean people stop can start due to various reasons such as consuming these drugs. Legalization would social issues and prescribed medicines. eliminate a part of the attraction of taking There are various disadvantages of drugs and the allure of taking part in consuming drugs for youth, families, and something illegal. communities. It is extremely dangerous for Drug addiction is also considered a crime as the youth, who have not built up enough it causes immense stress for humans, the tolerance for the drug, and are unaware of illegal production and distribution of drugs what the person has actually purchased. The have also spawned crime and violence youth of a country must have already taken around the globe. Drug abuse is a complex another type of drug before they encounter a phenomenon that leads to various cultural, police officer, mixing more than one drug social, and economical aspects. The abuse of together and consuming high dosages of drugs has also led to a detrimental effect on these drugs can lead to horrendous society and increased crime rates. The outcomes in youth. addicted individuals turn to crime in order In some countries, drug addiction is to pay for their unethical habits. Inhibition considered a public health issue. and judgment are imparted when Decriminalizing or legalizing drugs can be consuming drugs results in one committing an effective way of mitigating the hazards of crimes. Aside from the financial aspect, drug use, policies and practices used to solve addiction can also increase conflicts and drug abuse, especially the harm that is emotional pain for the family members. Clearly, drug addiction leads to various problems in a person’s personal life, family, and community. If the consumption of the drug is considered a public health issue it has its own advantages but, the addicted individuals may not take the drug abuse issue seriously. While drug usage comes with strict laws and punishments the person will Page 1

Veritas Vincit consider and face the consequences they consider drug addiction and abuse a require. Therefore, it is important to criminal justice issue. Threats to international peace and security caused by the usage of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons Charvi Jain reporting from Disarmament and International Security (DISEC) Dripping, fuming, angry oceans scold the sand Scald our toes and all of man's land Frothy, misted waters and sky peppered with debris We barely lift a finger for a mistake, much less save and offer a hand. The robot, the machine that is a mind A breathing building of regrets and sound Systems and institutions we raise to the sky Not by climbing, but by pushing down the ground. The air, contaminated and filled with impurities Skies from uplifting blue to dulling grey No longer can man breathe As time goes on, five hours, five minutes, five seconds Peace no longer existent The sadness in cold, tragic, miserable eyes As the life of those who love Disappears into thin air like the pollen of a flower The Face Off Aadhirai Mathan reporting from United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) talks to the Delegate of Brazil International Press (IP): What are your views on the Hindutva Movement? The Delegate of Brazil (Brazil): Hindutva is a political ideology that aims to unite people who believe India to be their fatherland. This ideology aims to unite only Hindus. This is evident from how the founder of Bharat Sevashram Sangha, Swami Pranavananda, and Shyama Prasad Mookerjee used to conduct Hindu Milan Mandirs ( Temples for Hindu Unity) where people from all castes used to come together. According to me, Hindutva is NOT against Muslims and instead unites Hindus, barely interfering with the Islamic religion. Page 2

Veritas Vincit IP: Do you support Hindutva? If so, why? Brazil: From the way I see it, Hindutva is like cultural nationalism and if we ignore the fact that I am the delegate of Brazil, I am Indian by birth and I do consider Bharath as my fatherland. So if the ideology is like that, then yes I do support it, but the thing is Hindutva is associated with anti-Islam which kinds of makes me not want to support it and just stay neutral. IP: Do you think it is on board with secularism? Does it unite all religions? Brazil: No, not really cause many Hindutva supporters are actually in certain regions. So basically what I am trying to say is that there are certain regions in India that have more Hindutva supporters compared to the other regions. And this causes a divide between Hindus and other religions in India. In conclusion, it does not unite all religions. IP: Do you think India and Brazil are on the right pathway to becoming secular countries? Brazil: Yes from what I have seen the current generation is very open-minded towards religion and the reason this is important is to imagine being narrow-minded towards religion and then talking about secularism (in comparison, it's like being racist and talking about racism). Traditional or Western Education Naina Guddeti, reports from the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) conducts an opinion poll Premise: There are two different types of education, traditional and western. As the committee deliberates education as a driving factor for sustainable development in the least developed countries (LDCs), a question arises. Which type of education is better to implement to help the LDCs become literate and sustainable? In a formal debate, there were many speeches that debated the negative impacts of westernization on education. Only the delegate of Sweden spoke about the positives of westernization on education. Question: Do you believe Traditional Education is better than Westernized Education? Conclusion: Out of 30 countries present in the committee, only 6 delegates believe that traditional education is better than westernized education. Out of those 6 delegates, the delegate of China in multiple situations expressed this view. But, in one of the delegate’s speeches, the delegate used a term that is westernized and when questioned about it the delegate did not have a reply. Does the delegate really think that traditional education is better than westernized education seeing as the delegate used a westernized term? Even though only 6 countries are against westernized education, during the debate on the topic ‘Negative impacts of westernization on education’ most of the countries present in the committee spoke about the negatives and did not even include a positive point of Page 3

Veritas Vincit westernized education and included many negative aspects. The delegates who supported the negative side of westernization on education had various points to back up their statements. The westernization of schooling eliminates human individuality's creativity and uniqueness. A nation's youth are also impacted by westernization since it encourages drug use, disobedience, and unneeded freedom. Social media has a significant impact on a nation's youth because it destroys the culture and moral principles that young people should uphold. While the delegates spoke about the negative impacts and did not include a single positive impact, the delegate of Sweden highlighted the benefits of Westernization on Education while other nations spoke about the drawbacks. While westernization destroys customs, it also gives students independence and freedom. The delegate used the example of making Sunday a holiday to illustrate how westernization has given students a sense of independence and freedom by making Sunday a holiday. Even though the delegates are against westernized education, the delegates of China, Japan, and Korea still used their devices to read their speeches, but traditional education believes in memorization so when speaking in the debate about ‘Negative impacts of westernization on education’ they still use westernized applicaitons that influence education. What do I do? Hasini Gottimukkula, reporting from United Nations Security Council (UNSC) pens down her thoughts from the perspective of a Kashmiri Pandit I hate penning down my thoughts. I despise the whole idea of it. But without anyone around me, the only things I am surrounded by are endless books and ink. This note, call it whatever you want, has been brimming in my heart and mind for ages, never to see the light of day. I am a Kashmiri pandit but hidden so that my life would not end in an instant. I question the contrasting nature of this state in the face of India’s resplendent beauty. Kashmir’s enchanting lofty green Himalayas hailing all over the world, lush green valleys, glistening lakes, and temples are a sheer quantity of the incredible beauty it possesses. However, Kashmir is far more dangerous than you’d perceive it to be. The lustrous aura Page 4

Veritas Vincit it retains is a mere cover-up for the torture faced by the civilians. I vividly remember the 19th of January, 1990: a hellish night welcomed its way to my family. The Kashmiri Pandit Exodus Day was happening in Srinagar, where my daughter and mother were present. The parade left quite an impression and was a stepping stone for granting freedom for Kashmir to become an independent country. But that’s when hell broke loose. The mosques all over the valley began blasting proactive Islamic and ominous slogans such as, “Musalmano jago, Kafiro bhago!, Kashmir banega Pakistan! and Asi gache Pakistan!, Batav ros Batnev san!” reached the ears of my loving family. It was at that moment I lost sight of the people I swore to protect, the little hand I used to carry soon disappeared, and the warmth of my mother faded into the dark grey sky like it meant nothing. They were stepped upon, trampled, and killed. I regret that even today. Had I just held on to them a little bit longer, a little bit closer, a little bit tighter, maybe life would be much different. My dear daughter and mother, I could not save you, and neither can I now save myself. I just wish living was not a such burden. The grandfather clock. Arianna Majumder, reporting from the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), narrates a poem from the perspective of an Indian-Muslim child, made victim to the riots against the Gujarati Muslim community after the Godhra attack of 2002. The grandfather clock struck four, and the ghastly chimes of it solemnly echoed, but through the house an uncertainty flowed. Why was my mother late, for the first time in her life? And why had father not arrived at the promise of food and chai? The clock struck five, and thoughts flooded up my mind, never had I been in such a bind. Not a phone call, a message, a letter, even, starvation plagued my entire body, and weakness started to reach my brain. The clock struck six, and when I’d given up hope, when all I could do was sit in a corner a mope, the phone rang suddenly, as sacred as a Prophet, to my feet I sprung at the mere sound of it. It was my missing mother, and whatever excuse she might have made, so before picking it up I was rightfully enraged! But before I started, her voice stopped me dead in my tracks, the fear, the sadness, it made me forget about my evening snack. Page 5

Veritas Vincit “They’re burning down houses, and killing the likes of us, your father and I, we have been stuck on the bus. We’re hiding from the utterly angry mob, our lives they’re trying to rob. We cannot stay hidden much longer, so please promise that at least you will be stronger. Take the night and stay low key, but remember in the morning you may not be free. Take it one day at a time. We love you.” My heart shattered and I dropped the phone, the two that I loved the most were gone. I could be next, so I had to comply, to be quick on my feet, and not waste a second to cry. So I hid, and then I cried, mulling over the possibility that I may not survive. And then I slept. The clock struck midnight, and I was awoken like never before, by a loud banging on my front door. Broken windows and lives alike Nysa Gulabani pens down upon the impact of the bombing on Hiroshima and Nagasaki Since there are no hills or other natural destroyed. 92% of the city's structures were barriers to the explosion there, Hiroshima is damaged or destroyed as a result of fire and situated on a flat river delta. The city center, explosion. where the bomb was detonated, was a The heavy damage from the bombing was densely populated area with wooden restricted to the Urakami Valley and a residences and establishments. These portion of downtown Nagasaki due to the elements contributed to Hiroshima's city's steep topography and the extremely high death toll and level of bombardment's emphasis being outside of devastation. the city center. The hills around the Urakami Five square miles or 13 square kilometers of River sheltered the city's center, the harbour, Hiroshima were completely devastated by and the historic area from the blast. the firestorm. While many other buildings in While the destruction and death toll from the Hiroshima sustained damage, more than nuclear bombs in Nagasaki were less than in 63% of the city's buildings were entirely Hiroshima, it nonetheless proved to be Page 6

Veritas Vincit devastating, with some 22.7% of the city's after the explosions, they remained more buildings being burned by fire. Estimates of susceptible to cataracts, malignant tumors, Nagasaki's losses have often ranged between and leukemia. 50,000 and 100,000, with many passing away Beyond the surviving, this anguish exists. instantly and others suffering from burns The risks of future generations having tiny and radiation dying slowly and agonizingly. brains, delayed development, blindness, and The biggest cautionary tale about the greater susceptibility to leukaemia and other catastrophic repercussions of nuclear malignancies rose whether they were born weapons is still these two tragedies, which to survivors or to those who spent years still have resonance today. living in Hiroshima. Both the bombings of Those who survived the initial blast and Hiroshima and Nagasaki were acts of human firestorms also suffered a significant number sorrow that shouldn't ever happen again. of radiation poisoning cases, which led to For many years, the Hibakusha (bomb symptoms like severe burns, hair loss, survivors) have fought for the recognition of nausea, and bleeding. The situation grew the harm caused by nuclear weapons. worse as a result of the fact that 90% of the Generations have learned about the issue medical staff in both cities was either dead thanks to them, which has contributed to the or wounded and that the medical supplies growing international movement against that were on hand quickly ran out. Many these weapons' negative humanitarian bombing survivors went on to be diagnosed effects. with post-traumatic stress disorder, and long A Series of Events.. Three Conference days, by Anika Verma reporting from United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime On the first day, the delegates began their General Speakers' List (GSL) speeches, the backbone of the committee sessions. Speakers on the list, when granted permission by the chairperson, expressed their views on the committee agenda, ‘discussing the effects on decriminalization strategies within the international policy.’ After the respective delegates established their stance on the decriminalization strategies, the delegates proceeded to decide on the topic for the formal debate. Finally agreeing upon ‘Legalisation vs Decriminalisation’, the committee adjourned for the day. The second day of the committee began with the formal debate as decided the previous day. In the Page 7

Veritas Vincit midst of this, a feud began between the Delegate of the Russian Federation and the Delegate of the USA. Throughout this dispute, sentiments were hurt, bold claims made and nations were accused, “this is how the cold war began” remarked the Delegate of Turkey. Later on in the day, the much anticipated Press Conference was held, many delegates were accused of negligence and faced with legitimate proof to which they had no reply and simply apologized to the rest of the committee. The delegate of the Russian Federation was questioned in depth due to their bold accusations towards the USA. In response to the question “Do you believe that perhaps the delegate of the USA was overreacting, or do you believe that your statements were accurate and justified?”, the delegate made an apology to the Delegate of the USA and “sympathised with their sentiments”. Finally, on the last day, the delegates began discussing solutions to the increasing drug problem instead of their views. The Delegate of Germany, upon being asked to speak, remained silent with a dumbfounded expression, when asked if the delegate even knew what the committee agenda was, they refrained from replying. Another delegate, the delegate of Brunei Darussalam, claimed that they simply didn’t care what the other countries decided to do with their drug problems, as long as their own nation remained unaffected by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s ( UNODC ) decision. Most delegates' initial views remained the same even after hearing the other points made by the other delegates. Decriminalization of drugs - good or bad? Netra Kotta reports on the impacts of a shift towards decriminalisation that fundamentally changed the practice and approach to drugs that has been standard for decades Decriminalizing drugs is a controversial prohibition, despite the fact that some states topic that sparks discussion both locally and are now implementing decriminalisation globally. An independent, high-level group strategies. As a result, a shift in favor of made up of numerous former heads of state decriminalization would fundamentally alter reopened the decriminalization discussion in the long-standing practices and attitudes 2011 and issued a report strongly supporting toward drugs and dispel many widely held it and criticizing the \"war on drugs\" as a misconceptions about drug use. failure. The global paradigm is still one of Page 8

Veritas Vincit Drug control is still a top priority on the decreasing the level of drug consumption. world agenda, despite how contentious the Drug dealers would therefore not be seen as issue is. This is partly because the drug trade criminals but as victims and could be handled is illegal and partly because there are so many \"as a matter of public health.\" On the other drug users. Around 200 million people used hand, there are fears that as a result of drug illicit drugs worldwide in 2008; between 11 decriminalization legislation, drug usage may and 20 million of these people injected actually grow. These concerns are specially narcotics, and 170 million of them regularly raised for young people. used cannabis. As a result, the problem of The social effects of decriminalization extend illicit drug use is a worldwide one, and the beyond drug use to issues of public safety and idea of decriminalization merits discussion as health. Public health can also be affected by a viable alternative to the present approaches decriminalization policies as they may be to drug control. However, such discussions associated with harm reduction measures that should be held in the context of the existing aim to stop the spread of diseases linked to international agreements on drug-related drug use. The spread of HIV, which affects issues, building on current best practices, and over 37% of drug users in Russia, is the most fostering collaborations within the UN system significant problem that decriminalization as well as among regional organizations, could address. Opponents of drug Member States, and civil society decriminalization, however, contend that organizations. harm-reduction strategies should not be Weighing the potential effects of such actions incorporated into a larger decriminalization is a necessary component of any discussion on approach since doing so would increase the drug decriminalization. There are arguments expense of the initiative. both for and against decriminalization based This brings us to discussing multidiscipline on empirical findings and qualitative initiatives at the international, regional, observation that can add to the discussion national, and local levels to restrict drug- within the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, related crime, victimization, corruption, and despite the fact that there is a dearth of data violence, and nurture social development and on the subject due to the small number of inclusiveness. It is important to incorporate countries that adopted decriminalization as a these measures into overall law enforcement policy. actions and comprehensive policies and The societal effects that drug programs to promote a culture of lawfulness. decriminalization policies may have, including those on drug use, are one of the major topics of discussion. Decriminalization allows for less use and improved support for drug users, thus those who support it are certain that it will have a favorable effect on drug usage. The argument is that decriminalization would enable improved communication and prevention, hence Page 9

Veritas Vincit Interview with the Delegate of the United Kingdom Charvi Jain, reporting from Disarmament and International Security Committee, talks to the Delegate of the United Kingdom regarding weapons of mass destruction International Press (IP): Does the United Kingdom support the creation of arms and weapons of mass destruction? The Delegate of United Kingdom (UK): The United Kingdom strongly condemns the stock pilling or creation or threat of usage of either nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons. IP: Considering that the United Kingdom is very well known for selling arms to nearly eighty percent of the countries and its allies under restrictions, doesn’t this defy your own country’s policy? UK: The United Kingdom supplies basic arms and ammunition to countries with massive arms. However, none of the weapons supplied by the United Kingdom are nuclear, chemical or biological. IP: With respect to your country, do you think there can ever be a feasible solution in the field of arms and weapons to prevent them from being a threat to peace? UK: The Delegate of the United Kingdom, affirmatively stated that he believes that such solutions, although not currently existing, can be found eventually with the coordination and support from other members of the United Nations under the Disarmament and International Security committee. IP: How is the usage of weapons by powerful countries like Russia and the United States of America affecting the citizens and society of the particular place and/or country taking into consideration the recent events of the Russia-Ukraine war when Russia has used phosphorus bombs killing innocent men, women, and children. UK: Russia and US combined possess more nuclear weapons than every other member in the United Nations combined, this poses a major threat as, speaking hypothetically of course, within the US the president has the power to launch a nuke without any other consultation and this would end up in a large scale nuclear war upon which Russia and United states would have far more destructive power. IP: How does the illegal transaction of chemical weapons play a role regarding the pertaining agenda and how should it be dealt with – peacefully or violently? UK: illegal transactions affect international peace and security as chemical weapons are one of – if not the most – unorthodox weapons in the history of mankind weaponry, with the ability to terrorize nations overnight before said national can deploy an appropriate response. Page 10

Veritas Vincit What happened? Arnav Tandon reporting from United Nations Commission on Status of Women summarises the happenings of the committee Day 1 started off with a discussion on the discussion, with interaction through chits agenda, and every delegate presented their being extremely frequent. The most point of view, aiming to persuade the controversial viewpoints came from the executive board that their viewpoints were United Kingdom’s and Afghanistan’s valid and that the solutions that they delegates, with the former offering therapy contributed to other nations were the most and rehabilitation as the most suitable suitable way to combat sexual violence in techniques to combat sexual violence, and war zones and as a whole. the latter stating that they believe in The first speaker for the day was the women’s rights, following that statement delegate of the Russian Federation, with examples of laws that actually seem to discussing the rise of sexual violence and its exercise unnecessary control over women. adverse effects on modern society, pointing Day 3 began with a discussion, with several out that there are several nations such as different viewpoints that came in a relatively Afghanistan, Israel, and MENA countries short period of time. The Russian delegate where sexual violence was being used as a claimed that western news outlets that went war tactic, and how this was one of the worst against Russia while reporting were part of a human offenses. Other notable speakers “propaganda machine”. The delegate of included the French, Belgian, and Cuban Israel claimed that corporal punishment is delegates. The French speaker discussed the most suitable consequence for sexual solutions to combat sexual violence in crimes. The press conference took place an general. At the same time, the Belgian hour before noon, as the delegates of Russia, candidate presented various statistics and Israel, UK, and Afghanistan attempted to provided evidence as to how Belgium was justify their controversial viewpoints, with able to curb sexual violence. The Cuban the reporter asking questions that would candidate was constantly interacting with urge the delegates to make their viewpoints other delegates and presenting their point of acceptable. Some delegates were able to view in a manner that seemed confident. The offer sources that backed their arguments session then went into a formal debate on up, while others relied on their logic to the government’s role in curbing sexual justify their beliefs. violence. The day ended with another session where every nation continued to present its points, mostly in agreement with the motion for ending sexual violence, especially in war zones. Day two continued in the same manner, with delegates continuing to offer their viewpoints on their issue during a Page 11

Veritas Vincit Saudi Arabia’s non-violent Medicine Offences Akshita Madunala , writes about the non-violent medicine offences from United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Authorities in Saudi Arabia executed three those who make war upon Allah and His people for non-violent medicine offenses on runner and strive after corruption in the the first day of 2019, pressing the durability land will be(.) killed or crucified, or have of brutal medicine programs under Crown their hands and bases on alternate sides cut Prince Mohammed bin Salman. off, or will be expelled out of the land\". Two Egyptian citizens, Ataiwi Suleiman and Saudi Arabia traditionally executes people Sobhi Ouda, were executed for smuggling by beheading, although the state sometimes cannabis, as well as illegal narcotics and kills captures via the firing team. amphetamines, while Pakistani public Nizar As a report by Harm Reduction International Ahmad Qal Ahmad was executed for has shown, Saudi Arabia is one of the trafficking heroin. The legality of their world’s most fat slayers, with medicine- beliefs is tremendously disputable due to the related enactments making up a significant frequency of corruption, and the known use proportion of these deaths. The report warns of torture, among Saudi authorities. of the liability of abuse and corruption Saudi Arabia’s approach to medicines is within the Saudi judicial system;\" one of the grounded on a strict interpretation of Sharia main enterprises remains the birth of ‘ law, meaning that medicine offenses are admissions ’ under torture, compulsion or considered to be a crime against God. The pressure, which are constantly the sole proof Ministry of the Interior cited verse 533 of the used in death penalty cases\". Quran as a defense for the prosecutions Happenings in my committee: United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Anica Bangur, the reporter of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), discusses the happenings in the committee- Major highlights, and opinions of different countries The agenda of the United Nations Security effective- Territorial Integrity or Self- Council was “Discussing the definition of determination? Right to Self Determination and Territorial On day one of the committee, we started by integrity with special emphasis on the viewing different opinions of each country Aegean dispute and the Nagorno-Karabakh on self-determination vs territorial integrity. dispute”. The right of all people to self- Countries Greece, Portugal, Norway, determination is one of the most important Pakistan, Armenia, India, and Fiji supported concepts in modern international law, self-determination. Countries France, the making it binding as described in the United United States of America (USA), and Nations (UN) charter. There are, Azerbaijan supported territorial integrity. nevertheless, a few issues with the definition Delegate of France said that a state cannot be of a “people”. So which strategy is more seen as one nation. Delegates of the USA Page 12

Veritas Vincit countered Pakistan by saying that they violated by Armenia. Additionally, he said remain ironic to themselves. Delegate of that Azerbaijan had violated its own cease- Kuwait mentioned the Nagorno-Karabakh fires. France stayed neutral due to the fact dispute and how it will affect peace in that both sides contradicted each other. Kuwait. He also spoke about the Greece and Another motion that was discussed was: To turkey conflict and said that Kuwait has good what extent can self-determination be relations with both. Delegate of Azerbaijan followed? Delegate of France said that In stated that when a country is threatened, order to decide whether self-determination action should be taken- that compromise is should be applied or not, the definition not an option. should be derived. Delegate of the USA posed On day two, the committee proceeded with a question which was: What strand of Self- the moderated caucus. The motion was: determination is fundamental? Considering self-determination in the On day three, a draft resolution was made. Nagorno-Karabakh dispute. Since Azerbaijan This was based on what the definition of was in the conflict, they said that the region “peoples” was in the UN charter. The has Armenian ethnicity. The Cease fires definition of the term “peoples” should be don’t end the war, they cause it. Delegate of arrived at with a discussion with the entire Russia spoke about the ceasefires the committee, due to the fact that every country Russian peacekeepers brokered. The has their own definition of “peoples”. The delegate of the USA mentioned that the draft resolutions of India and USA were territorial integrity of Azerbaijan was taken into consideration. Page 13

Veritas Vincit Acknowledgements Reporters Akanksha Chand | Charvi Jain | Sravya Reddy | Hema Hansini | Neha Kolluri | Dunala Akshita | Anica Bangur | Arnav Tandon | Hasini Gottimukkula | Naina Guddeti | Mokshitha Kaza | Shivnandini Roy | Nysa Gulabani | Netra Reddy Kotta | Aadhirai Mathan | Anika Verma Photojournalists Smara Chittineni | Amaira Wadhwani | Hansika Vennamaneni | Aditya Sai Varma Pericherla | Maanvi Mohan | Nellore Deepshika Reddy | Aishani Vaddey Sai Preethi Polu Head of International Press Aryan Kumar Editor-in-Chief Saahiti Chintha Director of Photography Page 14

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