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Home Explore Bostik India Newsletter

Bostik India Newsletter

Published by Thambi Durai B, 2019-03-22 04:11:18

Description: Bostik India Newsletter


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Apr il 2015 Quar ter ly Newsletter 01 New sletter Bostik India Newsletter Featur ing M V Ganeshan. Get to know him in a differ ent per spective Know Me CSR - Bostik Initiative Wastage Elimination Training National Safety Day Healthy Living

This news letter was designed keeping BOSTIK WAY as a central theme. The connection started, with the M V Ganeshan's BOLDNESS in allowing us to know him in a different perspective. We started the \"Elimination of wastage\" activity beginning of the year. We had the involvement of Bostik India employees, through the theme of 'your point of view counts' reflecting in OPENNESS. Bostik India is always committed to Safety and we SUSTAIN and improve the safety practice every day. The essence of 'sustaining' safe PPE practices was highlighted in the National Safety Day celebration. One of Bostik's key strength is TEAM SPIRIT. Bostik India further increased this essence of being 'stronger together' with the society through our Corporate Social Responsibility i ni t i at i ve. Training reiterates in enhancing our skill and knowledge in 'doing the right thing' reflecting in the essence of INTEGRITY. The article Healthy Living focuses on Good Health. Good health - in body and mind will assist us to 'deliver what we promise' thereby KEEPING OUR COMMITMENT.

BOLDNESS KNOW ME Featur ing M V GANESHAN, What is your idea of perfect happiness? Get to know him in a differ ent per spective Good health (both physical and mental) of all near and dear ones and a closely knit family. Long to be a proud Indian. What is your greatest fear? Anarchy, rise in population, poverty, corruption, goondaism in Indian society. What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? Poor physical fitness; lack of ability to vent out; lack of socializing. What is the trait you most deplore in others? In India our concerns are only self-centered. Need to be more social. Which living person do you most admire? Narendra Modi. I hope he fulfills many hopes. Lack of choice is also a concern. What do you consider the most overrated virtue? M V Ganeshan, a Plastics and Rubber Being religious, if you can call it one. Technologist, began his career as a On what occasion do you lie? Management Trainee with Coates of India. I don?t lie but at the same time may not reveal truth at He grew up the ranks with a diverse work all times. experience - Production, Sales and What is the quality you most like in a man? Marketing, Operations, General Positive attitude and honesty. Management. In 2001 the Adhesive What is the quality you most like in a woman? Division of Coates of India was hived off as Positive attitude, boldness and honesty. a separate company - Bostik India Private Limited and he was made Managing Director. It has been a successive journey from a small shed to a Plant of considerable size and still growing. Which words or phrases do you most overuse? Do not fear failure. ?If you try it is yes or no, but if you do not its NO?. What or who is the greatest love of your life? My family. What do you consider your greatest achievement? Creating and nurturing Bostik India through last 15 years.

KNOW ME Where would you most like to live? Bangal or e. What is your most treasured possession? Nothing really. May be some old photographs, some old voice records. What is your favorite occupation? Work . What is your most marked characteristic? Passionate in whatever I do. What do you most value in your friends? Share what I can never share even with close family members. Who are your favorite writers? I like to read more factual, historical, and medical information. Who are your heroes in real life? My father. What are your favorite names? Nothing in particular. What is it that you most dislike? Lies and cheating. What is your motto? Want to be remembered as the most honest person with impeccable integrity. \"Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.\" - Peter F. Drucker \"What you do has far greater impact than what you say\". ? Stephen Covey

OPENNESS WASTAGE ELIMINATION Bostik India has taken a leaf from the New Year Message from the MD, \"Don't tell people how to do to give importance & focus on Elimination of Wastage. This is the year's things, tell them what to do and new intiative to curtail wastage. let them surprise you with their results.\" George Patton This process was started with enlisting for suggestions from employees and also a tag line, to go with the title. The top 10 suggestions and the \"Leadership is an action, not a best tag line will be rewarded. Employees participated with much position.\" Donald McGannon enthusiasm and gave their suggestions and tag line to the HR Depart ment . Bostik India received more than 200 suggestions from across the organi zat i on. Bostik India has formed a Committee, which, has categorized suggestions as follows - Administration - Cost Control - Manufacturing - Policies - R&D/ QC The suggestions are being validated and will take the shape of projects involving team across various functions. \"Every problem comes with their solutions. Problems are visible but their solutions are invisible. The successful person has the ability to find these invisible solutions.\"

SUSTAINABILITY NATIONAL SAFETY DAY Bostik India celebrated its National Safety Day on March 4, 2015. Mr. Karthik, Sr. Engineer ? HSE gave an awareness session on PPE to the employees and contract workers. The Session also covered on ARKEMA?s safety principles and the March month theme of Road Safety. TEAM SPIRIT CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Bostik CSR Initiative We have been working with the Local Village Administration (Panchayat) in one of their projects on providing underground Drainage System. Bostik India is located at about 1KM North East side of Kachanayakanahalli village. The village has population of about 1000 people. The Panchayat faced a challenge of sanitation and open drainage which is a health & hygiene concern. There were no proper sanitation facility for the village. The Panchayat were desirous of taking up the task of implementing the drainage system and approached Bostik India for financial help. Bostik India evaluated the project by site visit and found that the project elevates social living and addresses the hygienic issues of the village people. Bostik India agreed to extend the financial help to the extent of INR 3,50,000/ -. We worked closely to monitor the project with site visits and seeing the progress. We finally were able to see the projects completed and see our display board put up. \"You have to be burning with an idea, or a problem, or a wrong that you want to right. If you're not passionate enough from the start, you'll never stick it out.\" - Steve Jobs

INTEGRITY TRAINING CFSQTLmeet ,Guangzhou Mar ch19,2015 l eadingpeopl et hebost ik way,usa M V Ganeshan conducted a Seminar for the footwear manufacturer BATA at their Centralized Quality Training Centre at Guangzhou, China. The Seminar was attended by the Group Managing Director, the Group Manufacturing Director and the Technical Heads of representing various countries ? India, China, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Kenya, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Indonesia, Colombia etc. The Key focus of the seminar was the use of water based Adhesives and Hotmelts for Foot w ear. BATA has expressed keenness to make Bostik as their Global Supplier. Mar ch22- Mar ch26,2015 The Bostik University program \"Leading People the Bostik Way\". took place at Wauwatosa, USA. Mr. Niladree Sengupta, Head - Supply Chain & Managment, attended this 5 day program. Bostik Way deals with Leadership, Stress, Emotions, Conflict Management etc.. NEWj oinee JiJo Joju, a Post Gr aduate in Electr onics joined on M ar 19, 2015. He has a year of Ram esh R, a qualified Cost Accountant, joined exper ience in Sales & M ar keting. as Senior M anager, Costing on Feb 16, 2015. He com es w ith 15+ year s of exper ience in Costing. Venkatesha Y R, a com m er ce gr aduate, joined as Assistant - Accounts on M ar 16, 2015. He has 2 year s of exper ience in payables.

KEEPING OUR COMMITMENT HEALTHY LIVING YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT ! Eat organic foods Look at food as best prevention and even the cure to many ailments you suffer from. We tend to think about popping a pill when something is wrong rather than eating good food to stay healthy. Take time to become aware of your bad habits and force change. Prevention is always better than fixing something you broke. Good Health ? Principal Capital Asset ! If you neglect your own body, you won?t live long enough to pay off the mortgage, or you will be selling the house for your medical bills. Hence there is definitely a need to re-adjust our priorities. What is the point of working yourself so hard that you are unwell by the time you achieve anything? It?s a lot smarter to invest your financial success first into your lifestyle. How you live and what you eat must come before anything else. Stress is an issue too, Balance is very important.

HEALTHY LIVING Quest ions t oyour sel f One of the key determinants for success with your business is your ability to work consistently and productively. The time you spend working should be purposeful, efficient, concentrated and focused. In order for you to be able to do this, you have to be healthy. You need to be able to think straight. Your body can?t be slowing you down with aches and pains or energy deficient by the time afternoon roles around. You don?t have to perfect, but you have to make smart decisions when in a position to do so. Starting with what you eat is the easiest place to make adjustments. Followed by how you work and how often you exercise. Are you prioritizing material possessions over healthy eating and living, sacrificing your body? If you feel a little out of balance, look at your behavior, in particular what you eat. It?s never too late to slow down and adjust priorities!!!!

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