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Home Explore Business Insights

Business Insights

Published by jaaglo44, 2017-03-30 08:18:58

Description: Big data is a major technological revolution happening around us and we are witness to this change. The fast happening technological changes will change entire gamut of information available. The terabytes of data which was there around us will now make some sense.


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Jaaglo: Big Data Platform for all needsJaaglo is providing Big Data Services to build, operate and support any bigdata platform. Our teams are managing enterprise solutions. We haveexperience in designing, building, deploying and supporting Hadoop platformsand other ecosystem tools.Demonetisation in India and Big DataIn its fight against Black money and Corruption, India has gone fordemonetization. As we know that India is large Cash based economy and afterthis process of demonetization is completed, 86% of currency notes (worth 14Trillion INR) in circulation would be replaced. There are trillions oftransactions (both Banking & Non-Banking) happening and being recorded inthis process. Most of these transactions will be legal and in due course of law,but there are scrupulous elements who are trying to hood-wink the entiresystem. They are trying to push their ill-gotten money by dividing into manysmall transactions. For authorities major challenge will be to identify suchillegal transactions from trillions of transactions recorded by various sources.

Big Data, Business Analytics & Small Business The Big data framework has opened a wonderful arena where data that we are generating at enormous pace can be converted into meaningful information and such derived information can be used to derive cutting edge Business Insights. However pertinent question is why the Technology, considering its potential, is not moving at its desirablepace. We think that there are misconceptions, myths and fears about Big-datatechnology and business learning which needs to be allayed. In this series wetry to blow out these Myths in minds of people.Hadoop: Technology Explained for beginners Apache Hadoop is an open source framework designed to handle, store and process Big amounts of data. Data which is huge, complex, unstructured or semi structured and cannot be processed by traditional data processing tools. The 5 V’s define actual nature of BigData that are volume, variety, velocity,variability and veracity. It is an open source framework based on Google paperon Map Reduce. Hadoop is a framework which has made Cluster computing areality. Hadoop has become one of the most popular platforms for handling bigdata. Presently Hadoop has limitation in its usage in real time dataapplications, but with the technology growing daily surely this shortcoming willalso end very soon.

Big-Data + Social-Data: Trending in US ElectionsThe recently concluded US elections and pertinent role played by Social Datahas clearly established presence of Big Elephant in the room. The Big-data isthere to last and cute Hadoop elephant is going to matter in the lives forcoming generations. Both the candidates and their campaigners have heavilyrelied upon Big Data technologies to measure the sentiments andundercurrents among the voters. A Significant portion of election spending hasbeen made to Data analysts firms………………………………………………… Contact Us

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