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eat in Split 2017_18_ web

Published by mario.jelavic, 2018-04-20 12:16:38

Description: eat in Split 2017_18_ web

Keywords: eat in split,gastro split,split restaurants


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GASTRO-CITYGUIDE Rrestaurants • food and drinks • culinary and delicatessen shops GRATIS • FREE 2017/18 • 2017/18 HR • ENChoose the place that best suitsyour tastes and enjoy the flavoursof Split and Dalmatia more thafrom 50 rants n un eat in split ique restau 1www.eatinsplit.euCheck out our interactive map

Heritage Ta p a s - V ino Put Firula 18, Split 21000, HR - Croatia M: +385(0)99 444 1679• E: [email protected] www.tapas.hr2eat in split

FOOD & WINE BAR eat in split located in Diocletian palace Ulica Marka Marulića 2 , Split, CroatiaT. +385 (0)21 355 135 • [email protected] 3 turn to page 44 for more information

eat in split YES, IT’S ABOUT THE FOOD... 4 Obala hrvatskog narodnog preporoda 6, Split, Croatia T: +385 (0)21 781 103

...BUT IT’S MORE ABOUT A LIFESTYLE! 5 eat in split

eat in split The imperial city SPLIT CITY BREAK great value a cultural break in Split If you are staying in Split for a weekend from October to the end of March for 2 nights, City break offers a cultural break in Split with: free city card, theatre, events, concert tickets and sightseeing. SPLIT CITY MEETINGS fabulous incentives If your group is staying from October to the end of March for at least 3 nights (over 100 people), Split city meetings offers a free guided tour and evenings of a capella singing and folklore. 6

Zadovoljstvo mi je poželjeti vam dobrodošlicu It is my pleasure to welcome you to our beautifulu našem lijepom gradu na moru koji city by the sea, a city which is living according to itsneprekidno živi urbanim ritmom već 1700 urban rhythm for 1700 years now, with its heart ingodina, sa srcem u Dioklecijanovoj palači i the Diocletian’s Palace and a soul that will welcomedušom koja vas dočekuje raširenih ruku. you with open arms.Split je grad u kojem i turisti i njegovi Spilt is a city where both the tourists and the localgrađani mogu uživati u bogatoj povijesti, citizens can enjoy the rich history, the sea, the sun,moru, suncu, glazbi, umjetnosti i raznovrsnoj the local music and art, and the wealth of offeredgastronomskoj ponudi. cuisine.Informativni vodič Eat in Split mala je knjiga The informative guide Eat in Split is a small bookgastronomske ponude našega grada koja that contains the gastronomy offered in our city,vas kroz priču o splitskim varošima i palači which will take you to the places where good foodvodi na mjesta dobre hrane i dalmatinskih and Dalmatian wines are offered, by telling you thevina. Iz godine u godinu Split postaje pravi story about the neighbourhoods of Split and themediteranski gastronomski centar pa vam Palace. With each passing year, Split is becomingtako i Eat in Split ove godine otkriva još više a centre of gastronomy in the Mediterranean, sobisera splitske gastronomije! this year Eat in Split will reveal even more gemsIzaberite restoran po vašem ukusu i uživajte among the cuisine offered in Split!u okusima Splita i Dalmacije! Choose the restaurant that best suits your tastes and enjoy the flavours of Split and Dalmatia! Alijana Vukšić Direktorica Alijana Vukšić Director of the Tourist board of Split Turističke zajednice grada SplitaNakladnik Publisher: Tiratura d.o.o. Suradnici Associates: Lucija Pleština, Nikša MardešićGlavni urednik Editor in chief: Silvana Skopljanac Grafički dizajn/DTP Graphic design/DTP: Tiratura d.o.o.Redaktura i lektura hrvatskog jezika Marketing Marketing: Tiratura d.o.o.Editor consulting and Croatian Language revisor: Fotografije Photos: Ivica Bošnjak, Zlatko Milivojević, arhiveKsenija Erceg Tisak Print: Jafra print d.o.o.Prijevod i lektura engleskog jezika Lipanj June 2017.Translation and English Language revisor: Linqua d.o.o. Naslovnica Cover: Prawn and shrimp filled gnocchi by “Konoba Korta”, Photo: Ivica Bošnjak Eat in Split realiziran je uz podršku Turističke zajednice grada Splita 7 Eat in Split is supported by Tourist Board of Split eat in splitTiratura d.o.o., Velebitska 57, 21000 Split, Hrvatska, Mob: +385 (0)98 343 815E-mail: [email protected], www.eatinsplit.euCopyright © EAT IN SPLIT 2017. All rights reservedEat in Split tiska se jednom godišnje. Za sadržaj komercijalnih oglasa odgovorni su oglašivači.

index • POVIJESNA JEZGRA • HISTORIC CITY CENTRE DIOCLETIAN’S PALACE...................................................................... 12-37 AUGUBIO CONGO, Restaurant&Bar O’ZLATA, Konoba GREGO LEVANTE, UJE OIL BAR, PIKULECE, GALERIA FOOD, Konoba KORTA, Pizzeria PORTAS, Trattoria BAJAMONT • POVIJESNA JEZGRA • HISTORIC CITY CENTRE PJACA, VOĆNI TRG... ........................................................................ 38-59 BOKERIA Kitchen&Wine, Konoba PJACA, ZINFANDEL Food&Wine Bar, Konoba&Bar MAKARUN, Konoba MARUL, Konoba FAVOLA, Restaurant NOŠTROMO, Oyster&Sushi Bar BOTA, SEMAFOR Food&Drink Bar • POVIJESNA JEZGRA • HISTORIC CITY CENTRE RIVA, THE RIVA PROMENADE............................................................. 60-71 Restaurant ZOI, Restaurant OLIVE TREE, Restaurant BRASSERIE ON SEVEN • POVIJESNA JEZGRA • HISTORIC CITY CENTRE PROKURATIVE, ŠPERUN, VAROŠ, VIDILICA ....................................... 72-93 TERASA PROKURATIVE, FABRIQUE Pub, Konoba ŠPERUN, Buffet FIFE, DUJKIN DVOR, Restaurant VIDILICA, TOTO’S Burger Bar, LIBAR Eat&Drink, Trattoria TINEL, Konoba-Pizzeria FERAL, Konoba DEEP SHADE, Konoba VAROŠ • OKO TEATRA • TEATRE DISTRICT HNK SPLIT, CNT SPLIT....................................................................................... 94-105 Restaurant MARUL, ARTIČOK, Deli Shop&Snack Bar REGINA DEL FORMAGGIO, Bistro-Pizzeria TEATAR, Konoba-Pizzeria MASLINA, Konoba-Pizzeria GALIJA, CHOPS-GRILL Steak&Seafood, KOGO quick cuisine, Wine&Food Bar BEGI gastro-cityguide user8 Use practical QR-code or Quick Response Code, an advanced barcode allowing you to directly consult the website of your favorite address without having the write down the website data. For your smartphone you can install a free appeat in split such as Focus the camera of your smartphone on the square with the QR-code and take a picture. The reader converse this code into the website link. Click and get access to the desired website.

Gripe • PREMA ZAPADU • TOWARD THE WEST ZAPADNA OBALA, MARINA ..................................................................... 106-111 Restaurant Pizzeria VELUM, Mediterranean Restaurant F MARINE, Fish&Steak Lounge F DE MAR, Cocktail Bar MADURO, Restaurant ZRNO SOLI • BAČVICE I FIRULE............................................................................................................................................ 112-121 Restaurant MOVI, Konoba MA:TONI, Konoba OŠTARIJA U VIĐAKOVI’, Konoba PIMPINELLA, HERITAGE Tapas&Wine Bar • POLJUD I ŠPINUT............................................................................................................................................. 122-125 Restoran RE DI MARE by MURINA, Konoba-Pizzeria STARI MORNAR • GRIPE.............................................................................................................................................................. 126-129 KOBAJE, Caffe Bar&Pastry Shop CUKARIN • ŽNJAN - Food&Bar COOL................................................................................................................................. 130-133 • FAST FOOD, PASTRY SHOPS............................................................................................................................. 134-139 Sandwich Bar RIZZO, Bistro-Fast Food NONE, Pastry Shop TRADICIJA, GYROS • ASPIRA GASTRONOMY STUDIES....................................................................................................................... 140-141 • EXCURSIONS & ACTIVITIES.............................................................................................................................. 142-146 ZIP LINE Omiš, CETINA TOURS rafting&canoe, ONE DAY ESCAPE cruises, DOLCEVITA walking&gourmet trail -Supetar, Island of Brač Opening hours Number of seats - Indoor Number of seats - Outdoor Credit cards accepted 9€ < 10 € € € 10 € - 15 € € € € 15 € - 25 € € € € € > 25 € eat in split

unique and memorable experience through the historical centre of Split A gastronomic and cultural ride  through the ancient Dalmatian city – Split You will experience the exciting and our meals and why does food, wine unique combination of history, culture and and coffee take such a big role in our gastronomy in Split. everyday lifestyle. While walking through the ancient We will learn everything about Split Diocletians palace, medieval Squares and history and gastronomy, and why is it famous markets, we will visit traditional such a unique mixture of mediterranean, restaurants, taverns and pastries, where central european and eastern influence. local vendors and products will give us inside stories: how did they cook Join us and eat like a local!10eat in split

and it’s typical taverns and great restaurantsFor approx. 2-4 hours you will stroll around SNACK&WALK TOURthe city and visit unique restaurants with € 40 € per persona fun & knowledgeable local guide by yourside. Tour begins at 10:30 am 2 Hours Long• Prices: from 40 € per person Children 5-13 years old -30% OLIVE TASTING TOUR Children under 5 - free € 80 € per person• Group size: 2-16 people• Every day Tour begins at 10:30 am• Meeting location: at the crossing of the 4 Hours Long promenade and Hrvojeva street, WINE TASTING TOUR look for a guide with a wooden spoon € 68 € per person• English speaking guides Tour begins at 05:30 pm• All tours and activities, except SNACK&WALK 2 Hours Long TOUR, must be booked in advance, at least a See more on: day earlier! Check all our food&walk toursOn your request, we are happy to adjust the and BOOK your tour!time of the tour to your needs M. +385 (0)91 574 6494We also offer custom-planned bigger grouptours (16 and more participants). 11 eat in split


POVIJESNA JEZGRA • HISTORIC CITY CENTRE DIOCLETIAN’S PALACEPalača cara Dioklecijana The palace of Emperor Diocletian Palača nosi ime velikog vladara Rimskog The palace is named after the great ruler of thecarstva koji je živio između 243. i 316. godine Roman Empire, who lived between 243 and 316a u povijesti će ostati zapamćen kao prvi car A.D. and throughout history will be rememberedkoji se dobrovoljno odrekao prijestolja te se as the first emperor who voluntarily gave up thepovukao u mirovinu izgradivši rezidenciju upravo throne and retired while constructing his summerna mjestu oko kojeg se kasnije razvio grad Split. residence right in place which later developed intoPravim imenom Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocles, the city of Split. His real name was Gaius Aureliusrođen je u antičkoj Saloni, današnjem Solinu, Valerius Diocles and he was born in the nearbykao sin slobodnog roba i do titule rimskog ancient Salona, as the son of a free slave butimperatora i cezara se uzdigao zahvaljujući thanks to his military successes and impeccablevojnim uspjesima i svom ratničkom umijeću. art of war, he rose to claim the title of Caesar andOstao je zapamćen i kao veliki graditelj. U doba Roman emperor.njegove vladavine Carevina je pokrivala područje He is always remembered as a great engineer.Perzije, Egipat i sjevernu Afriku, balkanski At the time of his reign, the Empire covered thepoluotok do Podunavlja, Italiju, Hispaniju, te territories of Persia, Egypt and North Africa, theGaliju i Britaniju – danas se na tom širokom Balkan peninsula to the Danube Region, Italy,području - u turskom Istanbulu, bugarskoj Hispania as well as Gaul and Britain -and today theSofiji, talijanskom Milanu i Rimu, francuskom following widespread area - in Turkish Istanbul,Lionu, engleskom Yorku, njemačkom Trieru, Bulgarian Sofia, Italian Milan and Rome, Frenchaustrijskom Beču, mađarskoj Budimpešti ili Lyon, English York, Germa Trier, Austrian Vienna,grčkom Solunu - mogu naći tragovi njegove Hungarian Budapest, or Greek Thessaloniki - canvladavine. find traces of the era of his rule. 13 eat in split

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Raskošnu palaču na našoj strani Jadrana dao He commissioned the building of the luxurious palaceje graditi oko 295. godine, a u nju se uselio on our side of the Adriatic around 295 A.D., and intodeset godina kasnije – 305., kad se odrekao it moved ten years later - in 305, when he gave upprijestolja. Na odabir mjesta za gradnju utjecala the throne. The decision to select this specific site forje, među ostalim, i ugodna mediteranska klima, construction was affected by, amongst other things, thekao i blizina izvora vrlo ljekovite sumporne pleasant Mediterranean climate, and the proximity tovode – danas u blizini gradske ribarnice. the very source of healing sulphur water - today nearDioklecijanova palača je najveća i najbolje the city’s fish market.sačuvana kasnoantička palača na svijetu. Diocletian’s Palace is the largest and best preservedZauzima 30 tisuća metara kvadratnih, palace of late Antiquity in the world.pravokutnog je oblika i opasana zidinama a na It occupies an area of 30,000 square meters,njenim kutovima izgrađene su kule za stražare. it is rectangular in shape, surrounded by walls, and atKamen za njenu gradnju nabavljao se s otoka its corners towers were built for the guards. The stoneBrača, ali iz udaljenog Egipta i Grčke. for its construction was supplied from the island of Brac, as well as from remote Egypt and Greece. The

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Središte su joj presijecale dvije široke ulice: centre of the palace was intersected by two wide„cardo“ od sjevera prema jugu i „decumanus“ streets, “Cardo” from the north to the south andod istoka prema zapadu koje su završavale “Decumanus” from the east to the west each endingčetirima vratima: Zlatnim vratima na sjeveru, in four doors: The Golden Gate in the north, the BrassMjedenim vratima na jugu, Srebrnim vratima na Gate in the south, the Silver Gate in the east and theistoku i Željeznim vratima na zapadu. Iron Gate in the west.Vrhunac arhitektonske i zanatske vještine The highlight of the architectural and handcraftedantičkih graditelja svakako se ogleda na skills of ancient builders, is certainly reflectedPeristilu, glavnom trgu i arkadama okruženom at the Peristyle, the main square with arcades,otvorenom prostoru ispred carskog stana koji surrounding the open space in front of the Imperialje služio za vjerske i obredne rituale. Na lijevoj residence, which was used for religious andstrani Peristila sagrađen je osmerokutni carev ceremonial rituals. On the left side of the Peristyle,mauzolej, a sa desne strane Jupiterov hram. the octagonal Emperor’s mausoleum was built, andCar Dioklecijan je umro 316. godine, ali se život the Temple of Jupiter was built on the right side.u Palači nastavlja tijekom 1711 godina sve do Emperor Diocletian died in 316 A.D., but life in thedanas. Njegovi posmrtni ostaci nisu sačuvani, palace continued for 1,711 years, until today still.ali se u Podrumima Dioklecijanove palače može His remains have not been preserved, but a symbolicvidjeti simbolički sarkofag njemu u spomen. sarcophagus in his memory, can be seen in the basements of Diocletian’s Palace. 17 eat in split

AUGUBIO CONGO • €€€ • sun-thu: 10:00 - 24:00 / fri-sat: 10:00 - 01:00 • 40 30 • Dioklecijanova 1 , Split, Croatia • M. +385 (0)99 323 96 71 • [email protected] • Restoran AUGUBIO CONGO nalazi se u Restaurant AUGUBIO CONGO is located srcu Dioklecijanove palače, tek nekoliko in the heart of Diocletian’s palace, just metara od Peristila u istoimenoj vili a few metres away from the Peristil, in Augubio koja datira iz 15 stoljeća. Kroz Villa Augubio, which dates back to the raskošni portal ulazi se u prekrasno 15th century. A sumptuous entrance way, unutarnje dvorište restorana. Uz ribu i leads you towards the beautiful inner mediteranske specijalitete,na jelovniku courtyard of the restaurant. Included on the su i odličan gazpacho, raviole punjene menu, alongside fish and Mediterranean pršutom i sirom s tartufom te sočni specialities, are items such as delicious steakovi s povrćem. Poseban je gazpacho, ravioli stuffed with Parma ham, specijalitet biftek spravljen od govedine chees e and truffles, as well as tender s free range farme prestižnoga steaks served with vegetables. The beef belgijskog uzgajivača. I ljubitelji vina steak that is served at this restaurant is uživat će u bogatoj ponudi devedesetak sourced from a prestigious Belgian breeder, domaćih vina, a pouzdan mamac za who breeds free range beef on his farm. goste koji vole pivo sigurno je ponuda Those that enjoy wine will not be missing craft piva kao što su My Antonia i out as they can enjoy a choice of over 90 Duchesse. local wines, and the beer lovers’ satisfaction is guaranteed by the selection of craft beer on offer, such as My Antonia and Duchesse.18eat in split

creative cusine wine & dine traditional recipes historical ambient 19eat in split

RESTAURANT&BAR O’ZLATA U srcu carske rezidencije rimskog cara In the heart of the royal residence of the Dioklecijana, palača u dvorištu iz 15. Roman emperor Diocletian, the 15th stoljeća, u sklopu Zlatnih vrata, luksuzno century Golden Gate courtyard palace has je obnovljena i sva njena zadivljujuća been gloriously restored to reveal all of ljepota otkrivena je kao jedan od its stunning beauty as one of Split’s most najposebnijih splitskih restorana - O’zlata. special restaurants - O’zlata. O’zlata je slavlje okusa – iz mora, s O’zlata, ”of gold” in Croatian, is a polja, vina i svježe pečenih poslastica. celebration of tastes - of the sea, from To je gastronomski doživljaj koji slavi the fields, of fine wine and fresh-baked bogatstvo fuzije kuhinja inspirirane goodness. It is a culinary experience that Mediteranom i dostojanstveno veličanstvo celebrates the richness of Mediterranean- dobra upisanog na popis Svjetske baštine inspired fusion cuisine and the stately UNESCO-a. grandeur of a UNESCO World Heritage Pozivamo vas da iskusite objedovanje site. na otvorenom u intimnoj atmosferi, We would like to invite you to experience u zadivljujućem ograđenom dvorištu the intimate al fresco dining in an s veličanstvenim gotičkim lukovima, exquisite gated courtyard with sumptuous ukrašenim bunarom i elegantno gothic arches, an ornate wellhead, and izrezbarenim stubištem. Iskusite ovaj an elegantly carved original staircase. ambijent nakon što padne noć, okruženi Experience it after dark, surrounded by20 svježim cvijećem, prekrasnim biljem i fresh flowers, beautiful plants, and candle svjetlom svijeća – čarobno. light - in split

mon-sun: 09:00 - 24:00 • 80 •• Inside the Golden Gate Palace, Majstora Jurja 8, Split, Croatia• M. +385 (0) 91 530 4260 • [email protected] •čnite okusima Jadrana – Begin with a taste of the Adriatic - our 21zalogajčićima - bokuncinima punim bite - sized flavourful bokuncini orokusa ili prepoznatljivim predjelima. our signature appetizers. Enjoy theUživajte u inovativnim verzijama innovative interpretations of authenticautentičnih dalmatinskih specijaliteta. Dalmatian specialties. We offer glitteringPonuda sadrži svjetlucavu ribu i plodove fish and seafood, locally-sourced meat,mora, meso od lokalnih proizvođača, organic field greens, and stunningorgansko zeleno povrće i predivne desserts.deserte. Inside, O’zlata is chic, casual, andUnutrašnjost restorana O’zlata je chic, comfortable, decorated with naturalopuštena i udobna, ukrašena prirodnim woods, marble, and ancient stone, anddrvom, mramorom i antičkim kamenom, with a menu focused on lighter bistroa na jelovniku je lagana hrana, tipična fare. Our splendid bar is front andza bistro. Izvrsni bar je na istaknutom centre. It is the perfect meeting place tomjestu i savršen je za sastanke i uživanje enjoy an outstanding wine list as well asu iznimnoj vinskoj karti i maštovitim inspired cocktails.koktelima. A romantic dinner, a private celebrationRomantična večera, privatna proslava u in our grand reception gallery, or simplyvelikoj galeriji za primanja ili jednostavno a lovely glass of wine with fine agedukusna čaša vina s dobrim dozrjelim cheese, O’zlata invites you to experiencesirom, O’zlata vas poziva da iskusite zlatni a moment of gold...trenutak... eat in split

Braco Sanjin, majstor kuhar I. reda, sudionik RESTAURANT&BAR O’ZLATA je kuharskih natjecanja u zemlji i inozemstvu, predsjednik stručnog žirija velikog broja gastro RECEPT izložbi, jedan je od utemeljitelja Saveza kuhara mediteranskih i europskih regija, sudionik je by Chef BRACO SANJIN značajnih projekata vezanih uz promociju hrvatske gastronomije te jedan od predavača u Kuharskoj CRVENA RIŽA S akademiji. KANOŠTRELAMA Nakon dugogodišnjeg iskustva koje je stekao za 4 osobe radeći po uglednim talijanskim restoranima od kojih se najduže zadržao u Madoni di Campiglio, • 240 grama crvene riže te renomiranim restoranima duž hrvatske sada • 24 komada kanoštrela je executive chef u jednom od najljepših splitskih • 50 grama karote restorana - restoranu O’zlata. • 50 grama korijena celera • 50 grama crvene svježe paprike Braco Sanjin, master chef of the first order, is a • 100 grama mlade kapulice participant in domestic and international cooking • 20 grama češnjaka competitions, the president of expert panels on • Sol, papar, maslinovo ulje, numerous gastronomy exhibitions, one of the founding members of the Association of Chefs parmezan, maslac from Mediterranean and European Regions, he • Bijelo vino participates in significant projects related to • Riblji temeljac promoting Croatian cuisine, and he is one of the lecturers at the Culinary Academy. PRIPREMA After years of experience he acquired by working Mladu kapulicu iskosati i na in respected Italian restaurants, in Madonna maslinovom ulju šufigavati. Dodati di Campiglio the longest, and in well-known nasjeckani češnjak i rižu i lagano restaurants all over Croatia, he is now the executive podlijevati ribljim temeljcem. chef at one of the most beautiful restaurants in Split Kada je riža napola kuhana dodati22 - Restaurant O’zlata. ostatak povrća koji smo prethodno izrezali na sitne kockice, podliti bijelim vinom i lagano šufigavati. Kanoštrele sotirati na maslacu i maslinovom ulju i dodati ih u rižu. Začiniti, dotjerati okuse i in split

RECIPEby Chef BRACO SANJINRED RICE WITH “KANOŠTRELE” PREPARATION(mini Mediterranean scallops) for 4 people Slice the spring onions and braise them on olive oil. Add the sliced garlic and rice, and• 240 grams of red rice slowly pour some fish stock in the mixture a• 24 Mediterranean scallops little bit at a time. Once the rice is half cooked• 50 grams of carrots add the remaining vegetables, which were cut• 50 grams of celery root into small cubes beforehand, and then pour in• 50 grams of fresh red bell peppers some white wine and slowly braise. Sautee the• 100 grams of spring onions Mediterranean scallops on butter and olive oil,• 20 grams of garlic and add them into the rice. Add spices, touch• Salt, black pepper, olive oil, parmesan, up the flavours, and serve. butter• White wine• Fish stock 23 eat in split

KONOBA GREGO LEVANTE mon-sun: 12:00 - 23:00 • 30 30 • € € • Bosanska 2, Split, Croatia • M. +385 (0)91 204 2222 • [email protected] U ruži vjetrova splitske gastronomije As part of the colourful culinary offer zavrjeđuju sve komplimente: lokacijom, in Split, they deserve compliments for ugođajem i ponudom! everything: their location, their ambience, Sa svoje istočne strane su u and the offer on their menu! zapadnome zidu Dioklecijanove palače, On the east they are tucked into the western a sa zapadne strane, i sa strane dvora wall of the Diocletian’s Palace, and on the izlaze iz Palače u pulsirajuće srce grada west, the same side as their courtyard, they - Bosansku ulicu! leave the Palace and enter the beating heart24 of the City – Bosanska Street!eat in split

Osebujan, maštovit i duhovit interijer i The distinct, imaginative, and humorous interior,mali uvučeni dvor u kojima su kamen as well as a small cloistered courtyard, wherei drvo kombinirani u najboljoj tradiciji stone and wood are intertwined in the bestosvajaju na prvi pogled. Na drugi i traditional ways, will win you over at first sight.sve ostale poglede osvoje vas srdele, And the food will win you over in all the otherfrigadure od sitne ribe, domaći ovčji ways, sardines, small fish frigadura (fried), localsir, razni toćevi (šuga), primjerice sheep cheese, various sauces, for examplesvićica (lungić) u šugu od smokava i svičica (pork fillet) in sauce made of figs andšljiva s pečenom palentom…hrvatska plums with baked polenta... Croatian and Istriani istarska vina, domaći kruh i njoke, wines, homemade bread and gnocchi, localdomaće slastice… sweets...Jednostavnost kao blagoslov! Simplicity as a blessing! 25 eat in split

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UJE OIL BAR mon-sun: 8:00-24:00 • of season: tue-sun: 12:00-23:00• 35 22 • € € € •• Dominisova 3, Split, Croatia • M. +385 (0)95 200 8008 • • facebook: uje oil barUje oil bar je postao nezaobilazna Uje oil bar has become inevitable stop in 27splitska adresa za gastro turiste i one Split for gastro tourists and those who arekoji će to tek postati. yet to become ones. eat in splitOil bar je više od restorana. U ponudi je Oil bar is more than a restaurant.izuzetno bogat izbor maslinovih ulja, a We offer an extremely rich selection ofosoblje je educirano za predstavljanje olive oils, and our staffis well educated formaslinovih ulja i vina. Ponuda Oil the presentation of olive oils and wines asbara bazirana je na tradicionalnoj, a well. Our off­er is based on the traditionalsuvremeno prezentiranoj dalmatinskoj Dalmatian cuisine, presented in a modernkuhinji u izuzetno atraktivnom prostoru. way in a very attractive interior.

PIKULECE - Dalmatian Tapas bar and restaurant, where you can savour excellent flavours in a variety of meat and fish dishes and it will leave you with a satisfied gastronomic experience!28eat in split

PIKULECE mon-sun: 18:00-24:00 • of season: closed • 15 15 • € € •• Dominisova 6, Split, Croatia • M. +385 (0)95 200 8008 • • facebook: pikulecePikulece, dalmatinski tapas, bar s ostalim Pikulece, dalmatian tapas bar, along withpripadajućim objektima Uje wine bar, the Uje wine bar, Living room and Uje oilDnevnim boravkom i Uje oil bar, čini bar, makes an unique gastronomic hubjedinstvenu gastronomsku cjelinu u in the very center of Split.samome središtu Splita. Our little square is the perfect locationNaš je trgić savršena lokacija za for exploring the original tastes ofistraživanje izvornih okusa i predstavljanje Dalmatian cuisine.dalmatinske gastronomije. 29 eat in split

Mjesto koje spaja vrhunsku gastronomiju i hedonizam u opuštajućoj intimi antičkih zidina. The place which conjoins top gastronomy and hedonism in divine atmosfere of ancient walls. Priča o Galeriji Food započinje Caffe bar Galerijom, Food koji sa spomenutim kafićem čini jedinstvenu cjelinu. Osim interijera koji privlači posjetitelje, kafićem preko puta današnjeg restorana, u prizemlju negdašnje palače iz 15. stoljeća. Zbog Galerija Food može se pohvaliti zaista originalnim nesvakidašnjeg domaćeg ugođaja, prvenstveno jelovnikom, dalmatinskim jelima spravljenima šanka napravljenog od vratnica starih ormara, na poseban način od svježih domaćih namirnica. retro sjedalica, starih knjiga i okvira... gosti ga A rado dolaze i ljubitelji veganske hrane, čijim doživljavaju kao svojevrsni dnevni boravak. Isti narudžbama udovoljavaju vrhunske kuharice takav primamljivi retro ugođaj uspjeli su vlasnici Galerije Food. Caffe bar Galerije udahnuti i restoranu Galeria30eat in split

GALERIA FOOD mon-sun: 08:00 - 24:00 • 20 40 •• Vuškovićeva 3, Split, Croatia • M. +385 (0)95 877 10 76 • M. +385(0)98 939 54 18• [email protected] • charming story of Galerija Food started with this same retro feel into the restaurant, therebyCafe bar Galerija, a coffee shop located across making two spaces, only a few feet apart, feelthe street from the restaurant, all located on like a whole. Both spaces have won over manythe ground floor of a former palace built in the loyal patrons with their charm, but apart from15th century. Due to its cosy and homely feel, that, Galerija food also boasts a local Dalmatianits guests have fondly named it the ‘the living menu , with menu choices prepared authenticallyroom’, with features such as a bar made from using local, home grown ingredients. Those whoold wardrobe doors, retro chairs, as well as prefer a vegan menu are not forgotten here, asold books and frames. The owners of Cafe Bar there is an opportunity to try tasty vegan dishesGalerija have successfully managed to fuse prepared by the Galerija Foods top chef. 31 eat in split

eat in split KONOBA KORTA • Poljana Grgura Ninskog 3 , Split, Croatia • T. +385 (0)21 277 455 • [email protected] Tek je nekoliko koraka od čarobnoga Peristila i njegova šušura, a opet izdvojena na malom mirnom trgu, s kojeg se šire zamamni mirisi domaće spize i mediteranskog začinskog bilja. Kao da ste na neko vrijeme svratili u djetinjstvo i zašli u dragi i poznati nonin dvor, na terasi konobe Korta poslužit će vam stara dalmatinska jela, neka pomalo i zaboravljena, u točkastom posuđu i s teglicom začina umjesto cvijeća na stolu. Možete primjerice naručiti lignje s ječmom, sipe s bobom i domaćom tjesteninom, paštetu od slanutka, salatu sa slanutkom i motarom.... A možete kušati i originalne slasne deserte uz vrsna vina i piva s domaćim potpisom. S vremena na vrijeme okupe ekipu onih koji na razne načine poštuju i vole vino – to „piće bogova“, i onda opušteno i zaneseno ćakulaju, kušaju, razmjenju nova i potvrđuju stara znanja… U Korti, kao i u bilo kojoj drugoj korti (dvorištu, dvoru) druže se i vesele i vinu, i životu, i guštaju tu gdje su nekada davno možda 32 isto tako uživali slavni Dioklecijan i njegova ekipa…

mon-sun: 08:00 - 24:00 • 24 80 • € € • 33It is located just a few steps away fromthe magical Peristil and its bustle, and yet eat in splitseparate from it in a small peaceful square,where you can smell the enchanting aromasof local food and Mediterranean herbs. Thefeeling in the tavern is like if you visited yourchildhood for a while and stepped into thewarm familiar home of your granny, they willserve you old Dalmatian food, some of whichis almost forgotten, at the terrace of the tavernKorta, in polka dot dishes and with a jar ofcondiments instead of the flowers on the table.For example, you can order calamari withbarley, cuttlefish with broad beans andhomemade pasta, chickpea pate, chickpea andsamphire salad...And you can also try their original deliciousdesserts, with the best wine and locallybrewed beer.From time to time they host a group ofpeople who respect and love wine in variousways, “drink of the gods” as they call it, andthen they relax and engage in conversation,tasting, exchanging new and confirming oldknowledge... In Korta, same as in any otherkorta (yard, courtyard), they spend timetogether and enjoy the wine and their life, inthe same place where long ago Diocletian andhis friends maybe also enjoyed themselves inthe same way...

PIZZERIA PORTAS mon-sun: 11:00 - 24:00 • 32 32 • € • • Kod Zlatnih vrata 1, Split, Croatia • T. +385 (0)21 482 888 • M. +385 (0)99 44 82 888 • [email protected] • Mala su obiteljska pizzeria, ali s They are a small family pizzeria, but with a nemalom tradicijom – traju više od 30 long tradition – they have been around for over godina! Na samom su ulazu u drevnu 30 years! They are located right at the entrance i slavnu Dioklecijanovu palaču, i to uz to the ancient and famous Diocletian’s Palace, njezina najsjajnija – Zlatna vrata. next to its shiniest gate – the Golden Gate.34eat in split

A zlatna im je i ponuda – za ljubitelje And the offer on their menu is also golden –‘lakše spize’ pripremaju ukusne pizze, for those who like “lighter food” they makeizvrsne lasagne, domaće tjestenine i tasty pizzas, excellent lasagne, homemadeosvježavajuće salate. Kada u hladu i pasta, and refreshing salads. When you followmiru Portasa takvu spizu zalijete čašom such food with a glass of good wine or adobroga vina ili hladnim pivom iz palete cold beer from a wide range of domestic anddomaćih i stranih pivara prošli ste kroz foreign breweries at the cool and peacefulvrata laganog i lagodnog, splitskog ambience of Portas, you can be sure that youMediterana! have achieved the easygoing and enjoyable Mediterranean lifestyle of Split! 35 eat in split

TRAT TORIA BAJAMONT mon-sun 08:00 - 24:00 • 30 30 • • Bajamontijeva ul. 3 , Split, Croatia • T.+385 (0)21 355 356 • M. +385 (0)99 542 66 75 • [email protected] • facebook: Trattoria Bajamont (Bivša Dva bračanina) • Trattoria Bajamont u blizini je poznatoga Trattoria Bajamont is located near the ‘Sunčanoga sata’ na Pjaci (Narodnom famous sundial clock in the Piazza trgu), pa je Splićani jednostavno i (People’s Square), and it is known to the praktično zovu ‘Ispod ure’. locals of Split as the restaurant “under Odlikuju se ribljim jelima i uopće the clock”. The specialities on offer at morskim delicijama, jela su im the Trattoria Bajamont are mainly fish u izravnoj i svakodnevnoj vezi s dishes and fish specialities, as fresh fish nedalekom peškarijom, imperativno! is bought daily from the fish market. Na prastaru dilemu o tome koja je They have a ready response to the old riba najbolja ovdje spremno i točno dilemma of what kind of fish is the best - odgovaraju friška riba! Toliko friška da fresh fish! So fresh that they do not even uopće ne koriste – ledenicu! use a freezer! Autentični ambijent stare gradske The authentic atmosphere of the old city jezgre daje poseban ugođaj i pečat centre provides a special feeling to all ovom šarmantnom restoranu pa je, the guests of this charming restaurant, uz spomenuto, i zato omiljen i među and, along with everything mentioned domaćim i među stranim gostima. above, that is why it is so popular amongst local guests and tourists.36eat in split

this Daily fresh f ish restaurant authentic, charmingin 37 eat in split


POVIJESNA JEZGRA • HISTORIC CITY CENTRE PJACA, VOĆNI TRG...Pjaca se zapravo zove Narodni trg, ali ga The Piazza is actually called the People’sSplićani ne zovu tim imenom već onako kako Square, but the citizens of Split do not call it byTalijani nazivaju trg - „piazza“. Prvi se put that name, but rather as the Italians call theirspominje u 13. stoljeću kao Širina sv. Lovre, square - “piazza”. Pjaca was first mentioned ina predstavlja prvi naseljeni dio Splita izvan the 13th century as the St. Lawrence square. It isDioklecijanove palače, uz čiji se zapadni zid the first inhabited part of Split outside the Palace,smjestio. Već stoljećima Pjaca je središnja i.e. outside its western walls. For centuries thepozornica gradskog života, u okolnim kavanama, Pjaca has been the main stage of city life, inkao i na njenom otvorenom prostoru Splićani nearby cafes, as well as its open space, the localssu se oduvijek susretali, pretresali najvažnije of Split have always met here, discussed dailydogađaje, šetali, zaljubljivali, odmarali, na njoj events, took strolls, fell in love, relaxed and foundnalazili mjesto gdje bi vidjeli druge ali i sami bili a place where they would see others or be seen.viđeni. The Gothic building, now an exhibition hall,U gotičkoj zgradi, danas izložbenom prostoru, was formerly the seat of the city government;nekoć je stolovala gradska vlast, u prekrasnim aristotocratic famillies lived in the magnificentzdanjima uz rubove Pjace živjele su plemićke buildings that line the edges of the Pjaca and eachobitelji i svaka od tih kuća ima svoju priču, of these houses has its own story, each a witnesssvaka je svjedok zanimljive povijesti i gradskog to fascinating history and the city’s spirit. Thereduha. Na Pjaci je vrlo zanimljiv stari gradski sat, is a very interesting old town clock, found on thejedinstven jer ima 24 umjesto 12 znamenaka. Pjaca, unique because it has 24 instead of 12Na njoj je uvijek puno ljudi, tako je bilo jučer, digits. There are always many people in the Pjaca,tako je i danas, kada je postala jedan od as it was yesterday, so it is today, when the Pjacanajvažnijih punktova za turiste koji žele uživati became one of the most important points foru onome u čemu uživaju i njihovi domaćini, tourists who want to enjoy what their hosts, theSplićani. local people of Split enjoy. 39 eat in split

BOKERIA KITCHEN & WINE mon-sun: 08:00 - 01:00 / 02:00 • 140 • Domaldova 8 , Split, Croatia • T. +385 (0)21 355 577 • [email protected] are thFreesshpaienncgdiareimltdiepiesnroetfss,sthicviaesrfleoafcumalliyllywcoihnwoensceeandrdmreestnauurant40eat in split

La Boqueria colors, Boje Bokerije, okusi use this pageMediterranean flavors and Mediterana i dalmatinskoDalmatian vibe in a unique, ozračje na jedinstvenom, 0108f:%o0r 0aodf-fdbit1ieo7tnw:a0el0en’’vibrant piazza... živopisnom trgu....Named after “La Boqueria” Nazvan po zelenoj tržnici ugreen market in Barcelona, the Barceloni - “La Boqueria”,concept of the restaurant was koncept ovog restorana inspiriraninspired by traveling through je slikama s putovanja krozMediterranean countries. mediteranske zemlje.You can taste breakfast, lunchand dinner here, as well as Uz originalno pripremljena jela zataste wines or sip cocktails in doručak, ručak i večeru, možetethe afternoon “aperitivo” hours. kušati i vina ili “sip” koktele u popodnevnim ‘aperitivo satima’... 41 eat in split

10%15.06. - 15.h09a.p20p17y. hour 14d:0is0c-ou17n:0t 0-42eat in split

KONOBA PJACAmon-sun: 08:00 - 24:00 • 60 •• Narodni Trg 13, Split, Croatia • M. +385 (0)91 2111 944• [email protected] • konoba i pjaca u Dalmaciji su mjesta Both taverns and piazzas are places of livelyveseloga ćakulanja, a kad se tome dodaju conversation in Dalmatia, and when you addiće i piće dobije se Konoba Pjaca! food and drink you get Konoba Pjaca!Nalazi se naravno na splitskoj Pjaci, Naturally, it is located in the Split Pjaca,službeno Narodnom trgu, neposredno uz officially Narodni trg, right next to theprekrasnu gotičku palaču, nekad gradsku beautiful Gothic palace, once a town hall,vijećnicu, a danas reprezentativni galerijski today it is a representative gallery space.prostor. They are generous – whatever you order,Dobre su ruke - ma što vi naručili oni vam they will add free potatoes or vegetables ofgratis serviraju krumpir i povrće po vašem your choice! They have freshly baked breadizboru! Svježe pečeni kruh i odlično vino and fine wine from the local bakers andod domaćih su pekara i vinara, jelovnik winemakers, the menu is plentiful, and theje izdašan, a pogled, bolje reći uvid u view, or should we say the insight into thesvakodnevni ritam grada – zajamčen! daily rhythm of the city, is guaranteed! 43 eat in split

ZINFANDEL FOOD&WINE BAR mon-sun: 08:00 - 24:00 • 50 • € € € • • Ulica Marka Marulića 2 , Split, Croatia • T. +385 (0)21 355 135 • M. +385 (0)97 7122 421 • [email protected] • Wine&food bar Zinfandel svjedoči povijest Zinfandela, glasovitoga i proslavljenoga grožđa iz kalifornijskih vinograda čiji duboki korijeni međutim sežu u vinograde tek nekoliko kilometara udaljene od – Splita! Ponuda je obilata i raznolika: više od sto etiketiranih buteljiranih i više od tridesetak etiketiranih vina točenih na čaše! Zaista za svako nepce! A za svačiju znatiželju upućeno i ljubazno osoblje ispričat će priču o svakom vinu, o njegovu podrijetlu, pripremi i sljubljivanju s jelom. Osobito o hrvatskim vinima i njihovu udjelu u stvaranju svjetske vinske scene. Na à la carte meniju klasične su domaće namirnice koje kuharski majstori Zinfandela spravljaju i serviraju na suvremen način. I sve to u nesvakidašnjem ambijentu za pedesetak gostiju u središtu Splita. I uvijek sve čine da dođete i – dogodine… Zinfandel, the grape made famous by Californian vineyards, has strong roots tied very closely to a grape that is within kilometers of our dedicated food & wine bar here in Split.. Comfortable and relaxed space with seats for 50 people is located in the very centre of Split, in Diocletian Palace. À la carte menu focuses on quality ingredients, locally-sourced, cooked to perfection, with a modern twist on much-loved Dalmatian classics. With over 100 bottled wines and an extensive range of 30 wines by the glass, they take particular pride in their wine selection. They encourage you to sample wines and take advantage of the educated and professional44 staff. Zinfandel gives you the opportunity to learn about Croatia’s wine heritage and its influence on today’s in split

eat in split FOOD & WINE BAR 45

Voćni trg Fruit Square Jedan od najljepših trgova u gradu među One of the most beautiful squares in the city is Splićanima je poznatiji po svom neslužbenom, locally known by its unofficial name the Fruit nego službenom imenu - Trg braće Radić. Svoje Square, rather than by its official name - Trg “narodno” ime može zahvaliti činjenici da je tu brace Radic. Its popular name is derived from nekad bila bučna i živopisna tržnica na kojoj su the fact that it used to be a noisy and colourful žene iz okolnih sela prodavale voće. market where women from the surrounding Nekoliko je važnih znamenitosti na ovom villages sold their fruit. nevelikom trgu koji odzvanja životom Several important landmarks are situated on u kafićima, restoranima i ekskluzivnim this small square that is full of life in it’s cafes, trgovinama a često i sajmovima. Jedna od njih restaurants, exclusive shops and fairs are also je osmerokutna mletačka kula, sagrađena u often held here. One of these landmarks is 15. stoljeću za obranu tadašnjeg malog grada the octagonal Venetian tower, built in the 15th od napada s mora. Nasuprot kuli je palača century to defend the then small town from obitelji Milesi iz 17. stoljeća sa spektakularnom attack from the sea. Opposite the tower is baroknom fasadom, jednim od najboljih primjera the palace of the family Milesi from the 17th tog stila u cijeloj Dalmaciji. Na samom izlazu century with a spectacular baroque façade, s Voćnog trga na obalu, na Rivu, nalazi se one of the best examples of this style in the jugozapadna kula Dioklecijanove palače. whole of Dalmatia. The south-west tower of Središnji dio trga zauzima spomenik „ocu“ Diocletian’s palace is located at the exit of the hrvatske književnosti, Splićaninu Marku Fruit Square onto the Riva waterfront. The central part of the square is occupied by a monument to the “father” of Croatian46eat in split

Maruliću, koji je bio jedan od najvažnijih literature, Marko Marulić from Split, who wasmislilaca i intelektualaca na prijelazu 15. i one of the most important intellectuals at the16. stoljeća i čija djela je, među ostalim, čitao turn of the 15th and 16th century and whoseengleski kralj Henrik VIII i španjolski kralj Karlo works were read by the English King Henry VIIIV. Autor spomenika je u svijetu cijenjeni kipar and the Spanish King Charles V . The author ofIvan Meštrović , čiji se radovi nalaze u Chicagu the monument is the world famous sculptori Syracusi u New Yorku, a njegov mauzolej se Ivan Meštrović, whose works can be found innalazi u zapadnom dijelu Splita, u blizini mora Chicago and Syracuse in New York, and hisi zelenila brda Marjan. Meštrovićevo djelo je mausoleum is located in the western part of thei spomenik Grguru Ninskom kod Zlatnih vrata town, near the sea and the greenery of MarjanDioklecijanove palače. hill. Another one of Mestrovic’s works is the monument to Grgur Ninski, next to the Golden Gate of Diocletian’s Palace. 47 eat in split

KONOBA & BAR MAKARUN mon-sun: 08:00 - 24:00 • 106 60 • € € € • Marulićeva 2, Split, Croatia • T. +385 (0)21 725 058 • M. +385 (0)98 225 206 • [email protected] • top culinaryanedxpfaesrcieinnacteinsg wine list48eat in split

U samom je srcu Dioklecijanova grada, It is located in the centre of Diocletian’s City, 49uvučena među starim kamenim zdanjima nestled between old stone buildings, wheregdje se u miru šire mirisi i guštaju the aromas and the best flavours of Dalmatian eat in splitnajfiniji okusi dalmatinske kuhinje. Među cuisine can peacefully spread and be freelynajstarijim je ugostiteljskim objektima enjoyed. It is one of the oldest hospitalityu staroj gradskoj jezgri, uređena establishments in the old city centre, withambijentalno, tradicijski. Posebnost atmospheric, traditional decor. The distinctpo kojoj je i dobila ime su korčulanski feature that gave it its name is Makaruni pastamakaruni pripremljeni po drevnoj from the island of Korčula, prepared accordingrecepturi naših starih. to the ancient recipe passed down from ourKuhinja je otvorena - uvijek se mogu ancestors.ćirnuti chef i njegova ekipa. Domaće je They have an open kitchen, so you can alwaysmeso, jadranska je riba, i često završe take a peek at the chef and his team. The meatna gradelama jer tako gosti žele. is local, the fish is from the Adriatic, and it oftenNa masovnom drvenom šanku poslužuju ends up on the gradele (local grill), because these kokteli, šampanjci i domaća vina na guests prefer it that way.čaše, a kad se iće i piće blaguje u dvoru, The massive wooden bar serves cocktails,na teraci, e to je dodana vrijednost! champagne, and local wine by the glass, andU svako doba ste dobrodošli: u 8 sati when you enjoy the food and drinks at theujutro na doručak, na ručak poslije 12 courtyard, the terrace, that just makes it evensati, na romantičnu večeru kad zanoća. better!Između ručka i večere u Makarunu znaju You are welcome anytime: at 8 AM for breakfast,organizirati kušaonicu hrvatskih vina lunch after 12 noon, or a romantic dinner in thei šampanjaca. A znaju prirediti i živu evening. Makarun has been known to organisesvirku, multiinstrumentalnu! tastings of Croatian wines and champagne between lunch and dinner. They also sometimes have live music!

eat in split 50

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