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Home Explore Mazuri


Published by karsten, 2016-10-13 03:49:50

Description: Mazuri

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GRAZERS AND BROWSERS DATASHEET Suitable species 51 All species of Zebra ZEBRA Benefits Calculated analysis • Provides a high level of essential Vitamins (Unless otherwise stated nutrients are expressed and Minerals. as total calculated levels) • Contains no non-nutrient additives, such as Moisture % 10.00 antibiotics or growth promoters. Crude Fat % 3.28 Crude Protein % 17.40 Ingredients Crude Fibre % 11.86 Barley, Grass Meal, Oat Hulls and Bran, Wheat Feed, Ash % 8.07 Dehulled Extracted Toasted Soya, Linseed Expeller, NFE % 48.83 Molasses, Soya Bean Hulls, Minerals and Vitamins, Acid Detergent Fibre Soya Bean Oil. (ADF) % 14.88 Neutral Detergent Fibre (Ingredients may be subject to change due to seasonal availability) (NDF) % 29.66 Feeding recommendations Starch % 21.77 Digestible Energy Feeding recommendations vary by species but generally (DE) MJ/Kg 10.86 feed 1Kg per 100Kg body weight per day during winter, reducing to 0.5Kg, or less during summer. Lysine % 0.85 Methionine % 0.29 Should be fed with normal roughage allowance. Calcium % 0.70 Phosphorus % 0.59 Sodium % 0.44 Magnesium % 0.44 Copper mg/Kg 35.01 Vit. A (added as Retinyl Acetate) IU/g 20.39 Vit. D3 (added as Cholecaliferol) IU/g 2.04 Vit. E (added as dl-alpha-tocopherol acetate) IU/Kg 255.28 Code Diet Packweight Form 853192 Zebra (P) 25Kg 10mm Pellet Revision 4

AQUATICS DATASHEET Suitable species 52 Amphibia, non tropical fish, some AQUATIC DIETS 3 reptiles and Trout Benefits Calculated analysis • Contains high levels of stable Vitamin C which is (Unless otherwise stated nutrients are expressed known to be essential for normal growth of fish . as total calculated levels) • Expanded pellets which allows the pellet to float for Moisture % 10.00 a short while before sinking, thus reducing wastage Crude Fat % 7.10 and contamination of the water. Crude Protein % 40.33 Crude Fibre % 1.66 Ingredients Ash % 9.40 Fish Meal, Dehulled Extracted Toasted Soya, Wheat, NFE % 31.36 Maize Gluten Meal, Wheat Flour, Soya Bean Oil, Lysine % 2.37 Molasses, Fatty Acids, Minerals, Vitamins. Methionine % 0.83 (Ingredients may be subject to change due to seasonal availability) Linoleic Acid % 2.05 Linolenic Acid % 0.58 Feeding recommendations Atwater Fuel Energy Aquatic diets should be fed ad-lib, these diets will (AFE) MJ/Kg 14.66 float for a short while allowing surface feeders to Calcium % 2.25 consume naturally. Phosphorus % 1.24 Sodium % 0.64 Chloride % 0.94 Potassium % 0.87 Vit. A (added as Retinyl Acetate) IU/g 14.90 Vit. D3 (added as Cholecaliferol) IU/g 2.38 Vit. E (added as dl-alpha-tocopherol acetate) IU/Kg 156.60 Vit. C (added as L-Ascorbic acid Monophosphate) mg/kg 52.15 Code Diet Packweight Form 856300 Aquatic 3 20Kg 4mm Expanded Revision 4

AQUATICS DATASHEET Suitable species 53 Amphibia, non tropical fish, some AQUATIC DIETS 4 reptiles and Trout Benefits Calculated analysis • Contains high levels of stable Vitamin C which is (Unless otherwise stated nutrients are expressed known to be essential for normal growth of fish . as total calculated levels) • Expanded pellets which allows the pellet to float for Moisture % 10.00 a short while before sinking, thus reducing wastage Crude Fat % 6.66 and contamination of the water. Crude Protein % 39.41 Crude Fibre % 1.88 Ingredients Ash % 9.62 Fish Meal, Wheat, Dehulled Extracted Toasted Soya, NFE % 32.28 Maize Gluten Meal, Molasses, Fatty Acids, Soya Bean Lysine % 2.40 Oil, Minerals, Vitamins. Methionine % 0.80 (Ingredients may be subject to change due to seasonal availability) Linoleic Acid % 1.81 Feeding recommendations Linolenic Acid % 0.55 Atwater Fuel Energy Aquatic diets should be fed ad-lib, these diets will (AFE) MJ/Kg 14.49 float for a short while allowing surface feeders to Calcium % 2.42 consume naturally. Phosphorus % 1.35 Sodium % 0.45 Chloride % 0.65 Potassium % 0.92 Vit. A (added as Retinyl Acetate) IU/g 14.94 Vit. D3 (added as Cholecaliferol) IU/g 2.39 Vit. E (added as dl-alpha-tocopherol acetate) IU/Kg 156.65 Vit. C (added as L-Ascorbic acid Monophosphate) mg/kg 52.29 Code Diet Packweight Form 856400 Aquatic 4 20Kg 8mm Expanded Revision 4

AQUATICS DATASHEET Suitable species 54 All fish eating animals, fish and birds – Whales, FISH EATER Dolphins, Seals and Sea lions, Sharks, Rays, TABLETS Penguins and Alligators etc. Benefits Calculated analysis per • Replaces the Vitamins lost when feeding dead or ‘1g tablet’ frozen fish or fish which have had their internal (Nutrients are expressed as total supplemented organs removed (e.g. Vit. B1 ‘Thiamine’ is destroyed calculated values expressed on a fresh weight by Thiaminase activity). basis) Vitamin A (added as • Contains optimum levels of essential Vitamins and Retinyl Acetate) IU 10000 Minerals needed for these species. Vitamin D3 (added as Cholecaliferol) IU 2000 Ingredients Vitamin E (added as Vitamins, Maltodextrin, Yeast, Silica, Stearic Acid, dl-alpha-tocopherol acetate) Magnesium Sterate and Cellulose. IU 160 Vit. B1 (added as (Ingredients may be subject to change due to seasonal availability) Thiamine HCL) mg 50 Feeding recommendations Vit. B2 (added as Riboflavin) mg 1.20 As a thumb rule for Adults Feed 0.02 tablets / kg Body Vit. B6 (added as Weight / Day (i.e. 250 kg Seal = 5 tablets / d) Pyridoxine HCL) mg 1.50 As a thumb rule for Growth/Lactation Feed 0.03-0.04 Vit. B12 (added as tablets / kg Body Weight / Day (i.e. 25 kg Ray = 0.75 -1 Cyanocobalamin) µg 1.50 tablet / d) Vit. C (added as L-Ascorbic acid Monophosphate) µg 47 The following gives an indication for some other adults species. Tablet doses should be taken as a maximum. Vit. K3 (added as Menadione Sodium Bisulphate) Whales/Sharks: up to 10 tablets per day depending mg 0.50 on size. Folic Acid mg 0.16 Rays: ½ to 4 tablets per day depending on size. Nicotinic Acid mg 5.70 Dolphins: up to 5 tablets per animal per day. Pantothenic Acid mg 6.70 Biotin mg 0.028 Penguins: 1 to 3 tablets per day depending on size. Sealions/Seals: 3 to 5 tablets per animal per day. Alligators/Crocodiles: depending upon size (see above). Ideally the tablet should be inserted into the mouth of the whole fish before being fed. If pieces of fish are used, the tablet should be inserted in an incision. The tablet can be broken in half or even ground to a powder if necessary to aid feeding. Code Diet Packweight Form 852000 Fish Eater Tablets 1Kg 1.0g Tablets Revision 4

AQUATICS DATASHEET Suitable species 55 Suitable for feeding to herbivorous fish, HERBIVORE amphibians and other AQUATIC GEL aquatic species Benefits Calculated analysis • Soft-moist texture of gel – more palatable to species (Unless otherwise stated nutrients are expressed which are difficult to feed. as total calculated levels) • Contains a stable form of Vitamin C. Moisture % 10.00 • Contains all vitamins and trace minerals known to be Crude Fat % 3.77 required by aquatic species, no supplementation is Crude Protein % 30.45 necessary. Crude Fibre % 10.13 • Contains 20mg/kg of Canthaxanthin a natural Ash % 13.50 pigmenting agent. NFE % 30.48 • Gel form allows easy application of treatments or Lysine % 1.45 test drugs. Methionine % 0.49 • Contains a generous level of carbohydrate and fibre Linoleic Acid % 1.11 for plant eating species. Linolenic Acid % 0.20 Atwater Fuel Energy Ingredients (AFE) MJ/Kg 11.61 Soya Bean Hulls, Maize, Lucerne Meal, Porcine Gelain, Calcium % 2.64 Fish Meal, Maize Gluten Meal, Minerals, Prawn Shell Meal, Phosphorus % 1.45 Wheat Germ, Dehulled Extracted Toasted Soya, Wheat Sodium % 0.98 Feed, Soya Bean Oil, Vitamins, Gum Guar, Vitamins, Chloride % 1.67 Spirulina Algae. Potassium % 0.96 (Ingredients may be subject to change due to seasonal availability) Vit. A (added as Retinyl Acetate) IU/g 22.41 Feeding recommendations Vit. E (added as Mix with an appropriate amount of hot water. Blend dl-alpha-tocopherol acetate) 187.86 IU/Kg with a spoon until smooth and pour into a flat container to cool. Vit. C (added as L-Ascorbic acid Monophosphate) mg/kg 1568.90 Chill overnight in a refrigerator. Cut the gel by hand or with a food processor to obtain an appropriate size and feed to aquatics. The firmness of the gel is affected by the amount of water used. A good starting point is to use a 50:50 ratio by weight of dry diet and water. Code Diet Packweight Form 825112 Herbivore Aquatic Gel 1Kg Powder Revision 4

AQUATICS DATASHEET Suitable species 56 Suitable for feeding to omnivorous fish, OMNIVORE amphibians and other AQUATIC GEL aquatic species Benefits Calculated analysis • Soft-moist texture of gel – more palatable to species (Unless otherwise stated nutrients are expressed which are difficult to feed. as total calculated levels) • Contains a stable form of Vitamin C. Moisture % 10.00 • Contains all vitamins and trace minerals known to be Crude Fat % 11.77 required by aquatic species, no supplementation is Crude Protein % 39.04 necessary. Crude Fibre % 0.76 • Contains 20mg/kg of Canthaxanthin a natural Ash % 12.84 pigmenting agent. NFE % 22.76 • Gel form allows easy application of treatments or Lysine % 1.85 test drugs. Methionine % 0.56 • Contains moderate levels of protein and carbohydrate Linoleic Acid % 3.57 for omnivorous species. Linolenic Acid % 0.63 Atwater Fuel Energy Ingredients (AFE) MJ/Kg 14.76 Maize, Fish Meal, Prawn Shell Meal, Porcine Gelatin, Calcium % 2.73 Soya Bean Oil, Minerals, Vitamins, Gum Guar, Phosphorus % 1.12 Spirulina Algae. Sodium % 0.94 Chloride % 1.77 (Ingredients may be subject to change due to seasonal availability) Potassium % 0.68 Feeding recommendations Vit. A (added as Retinyl Acetate) IU/g 22.12 Mix with an appropriate amount of hot water. Blend with a spoon until smooth and pour into a flat container Vit. E (added as to cool. dl-alpha-tocopherol acetate) IU/Kg 189.27 Chill overnight in a refrigerator. Vit. C (added as L-Ascorbic Cut the gel by hand or with a food processor to obtain acid Monophosphate) mg/kg 1548.50 an appropriate size and feed to aquatics. The firmness of the gel is affected by the amount of water used. A good starting point is to use a 50:50 ratio by weight of dry diet and water. Code Diet Packweight Form 825114 Omnivore Aquatic Gel 1Kg Powder Revision 4

MILK REPLACERS DATASHEET Suitable species 57 All juvenile Flamingos FLAMINGO CROP MILK REPLACER Benefits Calculated analysis when • A limited analysis (Fat, Protein, Total Solids and Blood mixed as milk Content) provided by the Wildfowl Trust at Slimbridge (Unless otherwise stated nutrients are expressed forms the basis for the formulation of Flamingo Milk. as total calculated levels) • This product, although based on the crop secretions Moisture % 75.00 of the Greater Flamingo, has successfully reared, from Crude Fat % 16.67 artificially incubated eggs, a Caribbean and Chilean Crude Protein % 5.51 Flamingo chick. Ash % 0.30 Ingredients NFE % 2.44 Corn Oil, Dried Whole Egg, Pectin, Porcine Gelatin, Calcium % 0.02 Lactalbumin, Caseinate. Phosphorus % 0.02 (Ingredients may be subject to change due to seasonal availability) Feeding recommendations Flamingo Crop Milk Replacer (FCMR) is a thick oily liquid with considerable sediment. Before mixing with water, the product should itself be thoroughly mixed. Mix an appropriate amount of FCMR with water on the basis of 1 part powder to 3 parts water. This will give an ~25% dry matter feed. Mixing with water is best accomplished by using a high speed kitchen blender. The mixture has been fed via a pipette and no difficulties were encountered in respect of the chick’s acceptance of the pipette as a source of food. Note: slowly dispense the milk replacer to fill the crop to a maximum of ~3/4 full. Do not allow over filling as impaction of the crop can occur. Feed FCMR frequently, recommended length in between feeds is a maximum of 3-4 hours. The amount of water addition to the FCMR will depend on mixing practicalities, equipment, the type and age of the bird, along with the state of hydration. Feed FCMR to sustain body weight growth and maintain hydration levels. Feed until they can be weaned onto more solid foodstuffs. (See Mazuri Flamingo Maintenance and Mazuri Flamingo Breeder). Code Diet Packweight Form 822524 Crop Milk Replacer 1Kg Liquid Flamingo Crop Milk Replacer 0807.1

MILK REPLACERS DATASHEET Suitable species 58 Any infant animal requiring HIGH PROTEIN supplementary milk MILK REPLACER Benefits Calculated analysis • This milk replacer component can be mixed with (Unless otherwise stated nutrients are expressed the High Fat and High Carbohydrate components, as total calculated levels) at varying levels to suit almost any species. Moisture % 10.00 • Easy and convenient to mix and feed. Crude Fat % 3.40 • Supplemented with vitamins and minerals to cater for Crude Protein % 77.49 most requirements. Ash % 5.58 • Individual milks can be kept separately for the least NFE % 3.26 12 months. Atwater Fuel Energy • Can be supplied irradiated and sterile if required. (AFE) % 14.78 Calcium 0.77 % Ingredients Phosphorus % 0.69 Copper mg/Kg 59.01 Casein, Lactalbumen, Vitamins & Minerals. Vit. A (added as Retinyl Acetate) IU/g 32.99 Feeding recommendations Vit. D3 (added as All formulae will require efficient blending and, Cholecaliferol) IU/g 8.52 especially if the milk is rich in the fat component, the Vit. E (added as reconstituted milk may tend to separate on standing. dl-alpha-tocopherol acetate) IU/Kg 341.98 The following mixing instructions apply in all cases: 1. Blend High Protein and High Carbohydrate components. 2. Add to water component. 3. Blend High Fat component using a high speed blender. For specific mixing instructions on ‘a volume basis’ refer to the table shown on the Milk replacers formulae datasheet. Additional information Research in conjunction with Dr James Kirkwood of the Zoological Society of London has indicated that by providing 3 separate milk replacers and adding varying proportions to water will produce a range of milks similar in analysis to the milks of many different species. Code Diet Packweight Form 821591 High Protein Milk Replacer 1Kg Powder Milk Replacers 0807.1

MILK REPLACERS DATASHEET Suitable species 59 Any infant animal requiring HIGH FAT supplementary milk MILK REPLACER Benefits Calculated analysis • This high fat component can be mixed with (Unless otherwise stated nutrients are expressed High Protein and High Carbohydrate components, as total calculated levels) at varying levels to suit almost any species. Moisture % 10.00 • Easy and convenient to mix and feed. Crude Fat % 47.18 • Supplemented with vitamins and minerals to cater for Crude Protein % 17.48 most requirements. Ash % 5.56 • Individual milks can be kept separately for the least NFE % 19.42 12 months. Atwater Fuel Energy • Can be supplied irradiated and sterile if required. (AFE) % 23.92 Calcium % 1.12 Ingredients Phosphorus % 0.78 Copper mg/Kg 56.04 Full Cream Milk, Corn Oil, Soya Bean Oil, Casein, Lactalbumen, Pectins, Vitamins and Minerals. Vit. A (added as Retinyl Acetate) IU/g 34.93 Feeding recommendations Vit. D3 (added as IU/g 5.67 Cholecaliferol) All formulae will require efficient blending and, Vit. E (added as especially if the milk is rich in the fat component, the dl-alpha-tocopherol acetate) reconstituted milk may tend to separate on standing. IU/Kg 374.97 The following mixing instructions apply in all cases: 1. Blend High Protein and High Carbohydrate components. 2. Add to water component. 3. Blend High Fat component using a high speed blender. For specific mixing instructions on ‘a volume basis’ refer to the table shown on the Milk replacers formulae datasheet. Additional information Research in conjunction with Dr James Kirkwood of the Zoological Society of London has indicated that by providing 3 separate milk replacers and adding varying proportions to water will produce a range of milks similar in analysis to the milks of many different species. Code Diet Packweight Form 821592 High Fat Milk Replacer 1Kg Liquid Milk Replacers 0807.1

MILK REPLACERS DATASHEET Suitable species 60 Any infant animal requiring HIGH supplementary milk CARBOHYDRATE MILK REPLACER Benefits Calculated analysis • This component can be mixed with High Fat and (Unless otherwise stated nutrients are expressed High Protein components at varying levels to suit as total calculated levels) almost any species. Moisture % 10.00 • Easy and convenient to mix and feed. Ash % 2.93 • Supplemented with vitamins and minerals to cater for NFE % 86.76 most requirements. Atwater Fuel Energy • Individual milks can be kept separately for the least (AFE) % 14.51 0.62 % Calcium 12 months. • Can be supplied irradiated and sterile if required. Phosphorus % 0.46 mg/Kg Copper 4.63 Ingredients Vit. A (added as IU/g 31.53 Retinyl Acetate) Lactose, Sucrose, Dextrose, Vitamins & Minerals. Vit. D3 (added as Cholecaliferol) IU/g 5.30 Feeding recommendations Vit. E (added as All formulae will require efficient blending and, dl-alpha-tocopherol acetate) 325.04 IU/Kg especially if the milk is rich in the fat component, the reconstituted milk may tend to separate on standing. The following mixing instructions apply in all cases: 1. Blend High Protein and High Carbohydrate components. 2. Add to water component. 3. Blend High Fat component using a high speed blender. For specific mixing instructions on ‘a volume basis’ refer to the table shown on the Milk replacers formulae datasheet. Additional information Research in conjunction with Dr James Kirkwood of the Zoological Society of London has indicated that by providing 3 separate milk replacers and adding varying proportions to water will produce a range of milks similar in analysis to the milks of many different species. Code Diet Packweight Form 821593 High Carbohydrate Milk Replacer 1Kg Powder Milk Replacers 0807.1

FOR USE WITH MILK REPLACERS DATASHEETS Milk replacers formulae datasheet 61 Milk substitute formulae from general purpose milk powders EARLY LACTATION Rhino Horse Ape Cow Monkey Human Goat Camel Llama Sheep High Protein Milk Powder % 1.20 2.50 0.60 2.90 1.30 0.30 2.70 3.90 3.90 5.00 High Fat Milk Powder % 0.10 3.30 5.80 6.10 6.50 6.30 6.80 5.10 5.30 8.80 High Carbohydrate % 7.20 5.10 5.70 4.20 5.50 6.80 4.00 5.10 5.10 3.40 Milk Powder Water % 91.50 89.10 87.90 86.80 86.70 86.60 86.50 85.90 85.70 82.80 MID LACTATION Rhino Horse Ape Cow Monkey Human Goat Camel Llama Sheep High Protein Milk Powder % 1.10 2.60 0.60 2.70 1.20 0.30 2.50 3.70 3.50 4.70 High Fat Milk Powder % 0.30 2.90 6.50 6.80 7.30 7.10 7.60 5.70 5.90 9.90 High Carbohydrate % 7.60 5.60 5.20 3.90 5.10 6.30 3.70 4.70 4.70 3.10 Milk Powder Water % 91.00 88.90 87.70 86.60 86.40 86.30 86.20 85.90 85.90 82.30 LATE LACTATION Rhino Horse Ape Cow Monkey Human Goat Camel Llama Sheep High Protein Milk Powder % 1.00 2.80 0.50 2.60 1.20 0.30 2.50 3.50 3.40 4.60 High Fat Milk Powder % 0.40 2.60 7.30 7.60 8.10 7.90 8.50 6.40 6.60 11.00 High Carbohydrate Milk % 8.00 6.10 4.70 3.50 4.60 5.60 3.30 4.20 4.20 2.80 Powder Water % 90.60 88.50 87.50 86.30 86.10 86.20 85.70 85.90 85.80 81.60 EARLY LACTATION Yak Buffalo Fox Cat Elephant Kangaroo Deer Dog Rabbit High Protein Milk Powder % 4.20 2.60 8.30 10.60 2.30 6.50 7.90 10.60 15.20 High Fat Milk Powder % 10.10 12.40 10.10 5.50 19.20 15.50 17.30 15.90 17.40 High Carbohydrate % 3.10 3.20 0.20 3.80 2.20 4.00 1.60 0.40 0.00 Milk Powder Water % 82.60 81.80 81.40 80.10 76.30 73.00 73.20 73.10 67.40 MID LACTATION Yak Buffalo Fox Cat Elephant Kangaroo Deer Dog Rabbit High Protein Milk Powder % 3.90 2.40 7.80 10.00 2.20 7.00 7.40 10.00 14.30 High Fat Milk Powder % 11.30 13.90 11.30 6.20 21.50 16.00 19.40 17.80 19.50 High Carbohydrate % 2.90 2.90 0.20 3.50 2.00 5.00 1.50 0.40 0.00 Milk Powder Water % 81.90 80.80 80.70 80.30 74.30 72.00 71.70 71.80 66.20 LATE LACTATION Yak Buffalo Fox Cat Elephant Kangaroo Deer Dog Rabbit High Protein Milk Powder % 3.90 2.40 7.60 9.60 2.10 8.00 7.20 9.60 13.80 High Fat Milk Powder % 12.60 15.50 12.60 6.90 24.00 18.00 21.60 19.90 21.80 High Carbohydrate % 2.60 2.70 0.20 3.20 1.80 5.00 1.30 0.30 0.00 Milk Powder Water % 81.00 79.40 79.60 80.30 72.10 69.00 69.90 70.20 64.40

MILK REPLACERS DATASHEET Suitable species 62 Suitable for white and black juvenile RHINO Rhinoceroses MILK REPLACER Benefits Calculated analysis • Specifically designed to mimic the composition of (Unless otherwise stated nutrients are expressed Rhino Milk. 1, 2 as total calculated levels) Moisture • Supplemented with vitamins and minerals. Crude Fat % 10.00 2.23 % • Comes as a powder (with a long shelf life) which is Crude Protein % 13.89 easy to mix with water and feed. Ash % 4.49 Ingredients NFE % 69.08 Atwater Fuel Energy (AFE) % 14.71 Lactose, Caseinate, Lactalbumin, Vitamins and Minerals, Soya Bean Oil. Lysine % 1.19 Methionine % 0.37 (Ingredients may be subject to change due to seasonal availability) Calcium % 0.89 Mixing recommendations Phosphorus % 0.68 Rhino Milk Replacer is provided as a powder which Copper mg/Kg 1.17 requires efficient blending with water. Mix 1 part Vit. A (added as powder to 10 parts warm water (not hot water Retinyl Acetate) IU/g 33.76 i.e. less than 50ºC). Vit. D3 (added as Cholecaliferol) IU/g 1.13 The Milk Replacer should be freshly prepared on Vit. E (added as a daily basis. dl-alpha-tocopherol acetate) IU/Kg 470.60 Feeding recommendations Calculated analysis when Initially, at least, the animals should be fed every mixed as milk 1-2 hours over a 12 hour ‘daylight’ period. (Unless otherwise stated nutrients are expressed Individual feeds should not exceed 3% of the animal’s as total calculated levels) body weight and over a 12 hour period the animal Moisture % 90.91 should be fed between 10-13% of body weight. 1 Crude Fat % 0.23 Fresh water should be available at all times. Crude Protein % 1.40 For further information please refer to the references Ash % 0.45 provided and consult your nutritionists/vets. NFE % 6.98 Calcium % 0.09 Phosphorous % 0.07 References 1 E.Dierenfeld. Rhino SSP Husbandry Manual (1996) 2 H.Ebedes & J.Van Rooyen. Keeping and Feeding Wild Animals in Captivity. Code Diet Packweight Form 823566 Rhino Milk Replacer 10Kg Powder Rhino Milk Replacer 0807.1

SPECIAL DIETS DATASHEET Suitable species 63 All species 4% VITAMIN E SUPPLEMENT Benefits For animals from 100 to 1000kg body • This supplement should be used along side weight: For optimum Vitamin E status the suggested intake is 2-3 IU/kg body the normal feed of any animal to increase their weight. Vitamin E status. • Vitamin E is a highly potent antioxidant that will help Do not overfeed this product: prevent Free-Radical damage and tissue degradation. As with any nutrient too much can be • Prevention of such oxidation is of vital importance harmful. Do not feed more then is suggested unless specifically advised by a in maintaining the health of the living animal and trained nutritionist (150-300 IU/kg body promotes longevity. weight may be harmful). • Vitamin E also plays an important role in the development and function of the animals immune Additional information system and so can provide some protection against challenge from pathogens. Selenium note: Selenium (Se) is often fed along side Specification Vitamin E supplements and it may be beneficial to feed a Se supplement This product contains 4% Vitamin E in the form of along side this product to help support DL-alpha-tocopheryl acetate. the antioxidant properties of Vitamin E. This means that there is 40,000 IU Vitamin E per kg However, this product does not contain of product. Se due to the low toxicity threshold for Note: 1 IU (International Unit) Vitamin E = 1 mg this element. DL-alpha-tocopheryl acetate (Vitamin E). Caution: DO NOT OVERFEED SELENIUM. Although Se is an essential nutrient it is Feeding recommendations harmful at dietary levels of 5 mg/kg in Requirements of Vitamin E depend on selenium status many species. Please ask your Mazuri and oxidative challenge to the animal. diet supplier or a trained nutritionist for more information on the products Minimum requirement: available and the correct dosage for Se. As a guide, the minimum total dietary requirement should be 1IU/kg body weight. Optimum Feeding: For animals from 0 to 100kg body weight: For optimum Vitamin E status the suggested intake is 3-10 IU/kg body weight (6 IU/kg may be a good target). Code Diet Packweight Form 829980 4% Vitamin E Supplement 1Kg Powder Revision 4

SPECIAL DIETS DATASHEET Suitable species 64 Suitable for specialised leaf eating species such as tortoises and some reptiles EXOTIC LEAF EATER Benefits Calculated analysis • Provides a high level of fibre essential for these species. (Unless otherwise stated nutrients are expressed • No added sugar. as total calculated levels) % 10.00 Moisture • Provides many essential nutrients which may not be Crude Fat % 3.30 found in fresh raw foods. Crude Protein % 23.12 Crude Fibre % 11.36 Ingredients Ash % 7.72 De-hulled Extracted Toasted Soya, Maize, Soya Hulls, NFE % 44.11 Maize Gluten Meal, Oats Whole, Sugar Beet Pulp, Lysine % 1.41 Vitamin and Mineral Mix, Apple Pomace, Grass Meal, Soya Bean Oil, Yeast. Methionine % 0.49 Neutral Detergent Fibre (Ingredients may be subject to change due to seasonal availability) (NDF) % 23.80 Atwater Fuel Energy Feeding recommendations (AFE) MJ/Kg 12.48 Feed approximately 2% to 3% of their body weight Calcium % 1.14 in food per day. Phosphorus % 0.80 May be soaked in fruit juice to soften the product for Sodium % 0.27 young or animals having difficulty chewing. Magnesium % 0.20 Copper mg/Kg 20.89 Extra supplementation with fruit, vegetables and leaves is recommended to add variety to the diet. Vit. A (added as Retinyl Acetate) IU/g 20.07 Vit. D3 (added as Cholecaliferol) IU/g 4.01 Vit. C (added as L-Ascorbic acid Monophosphate) mg/Kg 878.02 Vit. E (added as dl-alpha-tocopherol acetate) IU/Kg 200.69 Code Diet Packweight Form 853920 Exotic Leaf Eater 12.5Kg 5mm Expanded Revision 4

SPECIAL DIETS DATASHEET Suitable species 65 Red Pandas and similar species HIGH FIBRE RED PANDA Benefits • Contains essential Vitamins and Minerals needed for these species. • Contains a high level of fibre to meet the animals Calculated analysis natural requirements. (Unless otherwise stated nutrients are expressed • Economical and easy to feed. as total calculated levels) % 10.00 Moisture Ingredients Crude Fat % 7.56 Crude Protein % 19.11 Oat Hulls and Bran, Grass Meal, Wholemeal Crude Fibre % 9.81 Breadcrumbs, Dried Whole Egg, Wheat Feed, Wheat, Poultry Meat Meal, Skimmed Milk Powder, Maize, Ash % 6.60 Dextrose Monohydrate, De-hulled Extracted Toasted NFE % 46.06 Soya, Soya Protein Concentrate, Porcine Gelatin, Acid Detergent Fibre Sucrose, Corn Oil, Soya Bean Oil, Minerals, Whey (ADF) % 12.57 Powder, Vitamins, Casein, Yeast, Cellulose, Amino Acids Neutral Detergent Fibre and Trace Elements. (NDF) % 22.74 Metabolisable Energy (Ingredients may be subject to change due to seasonal availability) (ME) MJ/Kg 15.15 Feeding recommendations Lysine % 1.03 Methionine % 0.39 Provided as a powder which should be mixed with warm water to form a stiff paste which will set into a firm, Calcium % 0.98 moist cake. Phosphorus % 0.56 Mix 3 parts powder with 2 parts warm water, press into Sodium % 0.23 a suitable container and allow to set. Cut into suitable Magnesium % 0.27 sized portions for feeding. Copper mg/Kg 9.89 Although the cake may form the major part of the daily Vit. A (added as food intake, fresh browse, fruit and vegetables should Retinyl Acetate) IU/g 13.14 also be provided. Vit. D3 (added as Cholecaliferol) IU/g 6.82 A 5Kg animal might be expected to consume the equivalent of about 130g of the dry powder each day Vit. E (added as dl-alpha-tocopherol acetate) for maintenance. IU/Kg 48.58 Additional information Developed with the help of Mr Peter Bircher of Marwell Zoological Park, following the International Red Panda Conference in Rotterdam in 1987. Code Diet Packweight Form 825526 High Fibre Red Panda Cake 12.5Kg Powder Revision 4

SPECIAL DIETS DATASHEET Suitable species 66 Kinkajous and similar species KINKAJOU CAKE Benefits Calculated analysis • Contains essential Vitamins and Minerals needed for (Unless otherwise stated nutrients are expressed these species. as total calculated levels) • Contains a high level of fibre to meet the animals Moisture % 10.00 natural requirements. Crude Fat % 7.56 • Economical and easy to feed. Crude Protein % 19.11 Crude Fibre % 9.81 Ingredients Ash % 6.60 Oat Hulls and Bran, Grass Meal, Wholemeal NFE % 46.06 Breadcrumbs, Dried Whole Egg, Wheat Feed, Wheat, Acid Detergent Fibre Poultry Meat Meal, Skimmed Milk Powder, Maize, (ADF) % 12.57 Dextrose Monohydrate, De-hulled Extracted Toasted Neutral Detergent Fibre Soya, Soya Protein Concentrate, Porcine Gelatin, (NDF) % 22.74 Sucrose, Corn Oil, Soya Bean Oil, Minerals, Whey Metabolisable Energy Powder, Vitamins, Casein, Yeast, Cellulose, Amino Acids (ME) MJ/Kg 15.15 and Trace Elements. Lysine % 1.03 Methionine % 0.39 (Ingredients may be subject to change due to seasonal availability) Calcium % 0.98 Feeding recommendations Phosphorus % 0.56 Provided as a powder which should be mixed with warm Sodium % 0.23 water to form a stiff paste which will set into a firm, Magnesium % 0.27 moist cake. Copper mg/Kg 9.89 Mix 3 parts powder with 2 parts warm water, press into Vit. A (added as a suitable container and allow to set. Cut into suitable Retinyl Acetate) IU/g 13.14 sized portions for feeding. Vit. D3 (added as Cholecaliferol) IU/g 6.82 Although the cake may form the major part of the daily food intake, fresh browse, fruit and vegetables should Vit. E (added as also be provided. dl-alpha-tocopherol acetate) IU/Kg 48.58 A 5Kg animal might be expected to consume the equivalent of about 130g of the dry powder each day for maintenance. Code Diet Packweight Form 825535 Kinkajou Cake 3Kg Powder Revision 4

SPECIAL DIETS DATASHEET Suitable species For species that are reportedly to 67 be susceptible to iron (Fe) storage disease such as: Soft billed Birds LOWFe (i.e. Toucans, Toucanettes, Aracari, Mynahs), Birds of Paradise, and some Primates (i.e. Ring Tailed, Red Ruffed Lemurs, Black Lemurs, Tangers, Rock Hydraxes, Siamangs). Benefits Calculated analysis • Contains less than 60ppm Fe to prevent Iron Storage (Unless otherwise stated nutrients are expressed Disease. as total calculated levels) • Low Vitamin C to prevent the facilitation of Fe uptake. Moisture % 10.00 • Provide a high level of Protein to support Soft billed Crude Fat % 7.25 Birds and Primates through the various life stages. Crude Protein % 20.34 Crude Fibre % 3.90 Ingredients Ash % 4.21 Maize, Rice, Wheat Gluten, Apple Pomace, Oat Hulls NFE % 53.86 and Bran, Soya Bean Oil, Minerals, Cellulose, Linseed Lysine % 0.35 Oil, Amino Acids, Vitamins and Trace Elements. Methionine % 0.65 Atwater Fuel Energy (Ingredients may be subject to change due to seasonal availability) (AFE) MJ/Kg 15.13 Feeding recommendations Metabolisable Energy (ME) % 13.56 Feed LowFe at 70% of their daily dry matter (DM) intake Calcium % 0.68 along with additional fruit and vegetables for a full and balanced diet. Phosphorus % 0.43 Sodium % 0.45 Additional information Magnesium % 0.11 Warning: Other compound diets and some raw Iron mg/Kg 45.56 materials can contain significant quantities of Fe or Copper mg/Kg 6.51 vitamin C which if fed to susceptible species may Vit. A (added as contribute to total body Fe levels which are dangerous. Retinyl Acetate) IU/g 11.18 Do not feed animal products. Vit. D3 (added as Cholecaliferol) IU/g 2.74 Fruit and vegetables containing more than 60mg/kg Fe (DM basis) should be avoided (i.e. Black gram, Blackeye Vit. E (added as dl-alpha-tocopherol acetate) beans, Lentils, Mung beans, Red Kidney beans). IU/Kg 72.38 Fruit and vegetables containing high levels of Vitamin C should be avoided (e.g. Guava, Grapefruit, Lemons, Oranges, Paw Paw, Strawberries, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Curly Kale, Gourd, Peppers, Spring Greens, Watercress). Also, soil can contain huge quantities of Fe. To avoid contamination avoid scatter feeding food in the vicinity of soil and wash all fruit and vegetables prior to feeding. Code Diet Packweight Form 829580 LowFe 10Kg 4mm Compression Pellet

SPECIAL DIETS DATASHEET Suitable species 68 This is a general purpose Vitamin and Mineral Supplement especially fortified with Zinc ZOOPPLEMENT and Methionine. GP AND ZM It can be used for any species Benefits Calculated analysis per ‘5g’ • This supplement should be used along side the normal usage basis feed of any animal to increase their vitamin, mineral (Nutrients are expressed as total supplemented and trace element status. calculated values expressed on a fresh weight • Contains high levels of Zinc and Methionine. basis) mg 75.00 Methionine • Helps maintain good condition especially through Iron mg 0.07 pregnancy, lactation, growth and in periods of stress. Copper mg 0.03 • Particularly useful where zinc deficiency is suspected. Manganese mg 0.14 Zinc mg 5.04 Ingredients Cobalt µg 25.00 Maize, Vitamin C (Ascorbyl polyphosphate), DL- Iodine µg 100.00 Methionine, Vitamin K (Menadione Sodium Bisulphate), Vit. A (added as Vitamin E (dl-alpha tocopheryl acetate), Vitamin B12 Retinyl Acetate) IU 5,000.00 (Cyanocobalamin), Zinc Oxide, Vitamin A (Retinyl Acetate), Vit. D3 (added as Nicotinic Acid, Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine HCl), Vitamin B2 Cholecaliferol) IU 500.00 (Riboflavin), Calcium Pantothenate, Biotin, Vitamin D3 Vit. E (added as (Cholecalciferol), Cobalt Sulphate, Vitamin B1 (Thiamine dl-alpha-tocopherol acetate) HCl), Manganese Sulphate, Ferrous Sulphate, Potassium mg 12.50 Iodate, Copper Sulphate, Folic Acid. Vit. B1 (added as Thiamine HCL) mg 0.50 (Ingredients may be subject to change due to seasonal availability) Vit. B2 (added as Riboflavin) mg 1.00 Feeding recommendations Vit. B6 (added as Provided as a powder which should be well mixed with Pyridoxine HCL) mg 1.50 food at a rate of 5g per 10kg body weight daily. Vit. B12 (added as Cyanocobalamin) µg 10.00 Do not overfeed this product - as with any nutrient too much can be harmful. Please consult the advice of a Vit. C (added as L-Ascorbic 50.00 mg acid Monophosphate) trained nutritionist if you are unsure about how to use Vit. K3 (added as Menadione this product. Sodium Bisulphate) mg 20.00 Folic Acid mg 0.05 Nicotinic Acid mg 2.50 Pantothenic Acid mg 0.94 Biotin µg 20.00 Code Diet Packweight Form 829990 Zoopplement GP & ZM 1Kg Powder Revision 4

SPECIAL DIETS DATASHEET Suitable species 69 Insectivorous animals such as TERMANT Giant Anteaters and Aardvarks Benefits Calculated analysis • Designed as a complete diet containing essential (Unless otherwise stated nutrients are expressed vitamins and minerals needed for these species. as total calculated levels) • Containing a high level of fibre in the form of Chitin Moisture % 10.00 and purified Cellulose to meet the animal’s natural Crude Fat % 10.16 requirements. Crude Protein % 28.32 • Contains Formic Acid to aid digestion. Crude Fibre % 10.88 • Contains Taurine. Ash % 6.07 • Contains a good supply of fatty acids including NFE % 33.09 Arachidonic acid. Atwater Fuel Energy • Economical and easy to feed. (AFE) MJ/Kg 14.09 • Significantly reduces feed preparation time. Lysine % 1.27 Methionine % 0.65 Ingredients Taurine % 0.19 Poultry Meat Meal, Maize Gluten Meal, Maize Starch, Calcium % 1.44 Soya Hulls, Cellulose, Rice Grain, Wheat, Soya Oil, Phosphorus (Total) % 1.08 Prawn Shell Meal, Yeast, Chicken Fat, Fish Oil, Minerals, Sodium % 0.37 Formic Acid, Vitamins, Amino Acids, Trace Elements. Magnesium % 0.12 Feeding recommendations Copper mg/Kg 20.02 Vit. A (added as Formulated as a complete diet that is supplied in the Retinyl Acetate) IU/g 9.67 form of a powder. The powder can be fed dry or mixed Vit. D3 (added as with water to achieve a gruel of desired consistency. Cholecaliferol) IU/g 1.93 Fresh gruel should be made up every day. Vit. E (added as dl-alpha-tocopherol acetate) As a guide for Giant Anteaters feed: IU/Kg 248.27 For Maintenance 15g of powder/kg BW/d Vit. K (added as mg/Kg 19.93 Menadione) (BW= Body Weight) For Gestation 20g of powder/kg BW/d For Lactation 45g of powder/kg BW/d Code Diet Pack weight Form 828560 Termant 10Kg Powder

As a guide for Aardvarks feed: For Maintenance feed 13g of powder/kg BW/d For Gestation feed 17g of powder/kg BW/d For Lactation feed 37g of powder/kg BW/d For Growth (for all species) we would recommend feeding ad-lib and monitor the growth rate. Growth rate requirements vary depending on the normal growth rate. Please note: as with all diets please feed to the condition of the animals. Additional Information Weaning Transition from a multi-component gruel diet to Termant at Marwell Wildlife for their Giant Anteaters took place over ~10 weeks. Initial weaning started with 5% replacement, increasing to 10% after a few days. Once animals were consuming diet well, subsequent weaning continued in approximately 25%, 50%, 75% &100% stages. Transition maybe achieved in a shorter time period. However, as with any diet change, it is not advised to attempt a 100% diet swap without first employing a weaning process. Developed with the help of Peter Bircher & Jackie Moody of Marwell Wildlife.

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