I know it’s Sad, but the Bits Magazine June THE Edition is Over. Well, here’s a little motiva- BITS tional speeches written by the editors of our magazine to cheer you up and put you back PROFFESIONS MAGAZINE Self-growth is key to living a fulfilling life and hav- QUARANTINE EDITION ing a successful career. For us to live life to the fullest, we must continually look for ways to im- This month features: prove. It's all part of a learning process. During younger days, you need to sacrifice a lot but later INTERVIEWS WITH: on, you get to enjoy. It is a part of adapting your- • A Railway Signal Engineer self to the job. One of the best things about life is • A Doctor (Anatomist) that we never have to stop learning. We all under- • A Businessman stand the fact that they have to continuously BONUS: learn to be successful. When people learn, they • Jokes gain confidence for trying new things. So, NEVER • Puzzles STOP LEARNING AND NEVER GIVE UP. • Riddles This Magazine was sponsored by: JUNE 2020 Technisider© This is the end of the magazine. See y’all in July 2020 OFFICIAL END
JANET BURGER Table of Contents THE BEST BURGER 2— A Letter From the Editor-In-Chief 4— Interview with the Railway Signal J U I C Y. I R R E S I ST I B L E . Engineer H E AV E N LY. T RY JA N E T ’ S 6— 8— Interview with Doctor BURGER STEAK NOW! 10 — Crossword and Word Search ! 12 — Interview with Businessman 14 — Made with 100 percent ground beef, Janet’s 16 — Quiz Time Burger Steak is seasoned with 12 special Riddles Answers to Riddles and Quiz spices and herbs to make every bite worth the price. Bite it, and you’ll love it! 2020 JUNE ISSUE 1
Editor’s Letter Welcome to the first edition of the Bits Magazine From here onwards, it’s our promise to you that every issue of the Bits Magazine offers inspiration for future. Articles are taken from the true words of these inspiring professionals with uplifting experi- ences for you. Their hard work and dedication to- wards work are the two main things which brought them to higher levels. This is a special quarantine edition that will be only avaAinltahbolney nStoewve,nfseaturing the 3 professions: A signal engineer, a medical lecturer (human anatomy) and an Entrepreneur. To spice it up, we have included bonus crosswords, word searches, puzzles and riddles to keep you en- tertained and encouraging your spirit to move for- ward on the right path, enlightening your future to follow your dream job. Bringing you only the best -The Bits Team 2 EDITOR’S LETTERENGINEER 2020 JUNE ISSUE 3
Interview with the Railway Signal gtyhujokmnjhbgvfyrtgyhujikjhgfdsdertyuiolkijhgfder- Engineer tyuijkhgfdswer4t56y7uikjhgbfde4r5t67u8ijhbgvfde345 COVERED BY LOKESH RAGHAVENDRA 2020 JUNE ISSUE 5 4 INTERVIEW WITH SIGNAL EN- GINEER
Interview with the Doctor It’s a study of human structures and systems of the human body, leaving the study of tissues to histology and cells to cy- COVERED BY RHISHIKA ANIL tology. Dr. Saravanan (Human Anatomy Asst. professor of UTAH) who’s from a family of doctors, got his qualifications from three countries, he has even gotten his PHD in neurosci- ence- 24 years of research component made him choose neu- roscience. He graduated in medicine at Karnataka university in 1996 and got his Uni-rank in Physiology. He attained his PHD in neuroscience in Malaysia at Stanley medical college. Even though his dream job was to become an aeronautical Engineer, now he is a full dedicated doctor lecturer. His be- lief to his success is by hardworking; reading lots of books, taking notes and being well prepared. He’s taking online classes for his students focusing on theories during this peri- od and he’s overall well satisfied with his job. His motivation for others is that, “even though you didn’t reach your dream job, you can still reach higher positions in your field you’re doing now with your positive mind and full effort”. As a professor, he’s still researching and studying new things. From his words we can understand he is doing his work with full enjoyment. 6 INTERVIEW WITH DOCTOR 7 2020 JUNE ISSUE
Crossword Word Search Anthony Stevens 2020 JUNE EDITION 9 8 CROSSWORD
Interview with the Businessman Covered by Rhishika Anil 10 I N T E R V I E W W I T H B U S I N E S S M A N 2 0 2 0 J U N E I S S U E 11
R A I LWAY S I G N A L E N G I N E E R DOCTOR 1.Q. Where does the signal engineer work? 1. Q. Where does the Doctor work? A. A. 2.Q. What is his field? 2. Q. How long has he been working for? A. A. 3.Q. How long does a typical project take? 3. Q. What is his Speciality? A. A. 4.Q. Who is the Main Contractor for the current 4. Q. Where did he do his PHD? project? A. A. 5. Q. What is his Motto? 5.Q. What type of bulbs do the signal use? A. A. 2 0 2 0 J U N E I S S U E 13 BUSINESSMAN 1. Q. What type of business does he own? A. 2. Q. For how long did he work for a company? A. 3. Q. When did he start his own business A. 4. Q. How many employees does he have? A. 5. Q. What are the names of his 2 companies? A. 12 D I G I T A L E N T E R T A I N M E N T
Riddle 1— What has to be broken before you can use it? Jokes Riddle 2 — What is full of holes but still holds water? Riddle 3 — What gets wet while drying? 2 0 2 0 J U N E I S S U E 15 Riddle 5 — I shave every day, but my beard stays the same. What am I? Riddle 6 — You see a boat filled with people, yet there isn’t a sin- gle person on board. How is that possible? Riddle 7— I am an odd number. Take away a letter and I become even. What number am I? Riddle 8— What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it? Riddle 9— What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?? Riddle 10— I turn once, what is out will not get in. I turn again, what is in will not get out. What am I? 14 D I G I T A L E N T E R T A I N M E N T
Answers for Quiz Answers for Riddles 14 D I G I T A L E N T E R T A I N M E N T 2 0 2 0 J U N E I S S U E 15
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