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Everybody Up 4 Workbook full

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1'i#i 1#!f-\"'{-J.' '. irJ_t-tl/J',.1,1:'*,1*s Pqtrick Jqckson Suson Bonmqn Sileci oxroRD

OX-FORD AC KNOWLE DGEM E NTS UNIVERSITY PRESS Cover Design: Mo'lly K. Scanlon 198 MadisonAvenue Illustrationsby: LauraArias:72,73,28,29,46,47iYaleltinaBelloni:8,9,22,23, NewYork, IIY 10016 USA 40, 47, 52, 53, 62, 63, 68, 69, 7 4, 7 5; ialena Fisher: 2, 3, 78, 79, 30, 37, 44, 45, 54, 55; Pameia Hamilton: 4, 5, 1.6, 17 ,24,25,38,39, 50, 51, 58,59,72,73i Aga Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, oxz 6oe, United Kingdom Kowaiska: 14, 75, 32, 33, 48, 49, 60, 61, 70, 71; John Kurtz: 76, 77, 78, 79, 80: Gabriele Tafuni: 10, 11, 20, 27,34,35,42,43, 66, 67; Jomike Tejido:6,7,26,27, Oxford University Press is a department ofthe University ofOxford. 36,37, s6, s7,64,6s. It furthers the University's objective ofexcellence in research, schol,arship, and education by publishing worldwide. Oxford is a registered trade mark ofOxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countiies @ Oxford University Press zorz The moral rights ofthe author have been asserted First published in zorz 201-6 zoa, 201.4 10987 No unauthorized photocopying All rights reseryed. No pafi ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a reffieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in lwiting ofoxford University Press, or as expressly pemifted by law, by licence or under terrns agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope ofthe above should be sent to the ELI Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above You must not circulate this work in any other form and you must impose t his same condition on any acquirer Links to third pafty websites are provided by Oxford in good faith and for information only. Oxford disclaims any responsibility for the materials contained in any third pafty website referenced in this work General Manager, American ELT: Laura Pearson Executive Publishing Manager: Shelagh Speers Managing Editor: Clare Hambly Senior Development Editor: Jeff Buckner Art, Design, and Production Director: Susan Sanguily Design Manager: Lisa Donovan Senior Designer: Molly I( Scanlon Designer: Colleen Ho Image Manager: Trisha Masterson Image Editor: Fran Newman Production Coordinator: Hila Ratzabi Senior Manufacturing Controller: Eve Wong isBN: 978 o 19 410376 3 Workbook Printed in China This book is printed on paper from certified and well-managed sources l

s&&s\\lfr.(y-6rM*&9d-*7fafiqf.f/i.fxfiK. ,W/\"?WeWf-fi7*& Pqtrick Jockson Suson Bqnmon Sileci OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

W Unscromble. moke / morning / in / bed / lhe / my / . deportmenl / we're / ol / store / shopping / lhe /. home / I'm / to / cousin's / my /, / wolking o / ond / moking / . / uncle / coke / I / my / ore W Whot qbout you? Write. L Whot's your fovorite doy of the week? 2. Where do you like to shop? 3. How mony cousins do you hove? +. Con you moke o coke? O wetcome

ffi Circle. True rol99 ; True I . There ore one million centimeters in o kilometer. True Folse 2. There ore one thousond groms in o kilogrom. True Folse 3. There ore one hundred meters in o grom. True Folse t*. There ore one hundred centimeters in o meter. Folse 5. There ore one thousond meters in o kilometer. Irue Folse 6. There ore one thousond kilogroms in o meter. ffi Mqtch. I . Write your onswer on the boord. o 2. Work with your group. o Yesterdoy, 3. Write your nome ot o the top of the poge. tl. Workwith your portner. o welcome O

ffi Motch. 2. oOa o O ooO o o climb hike conoe grill wotch homburgers birds ffiwrite. def g hi J klm +56 7 89 ll t2 t3 qbc qrs r0 t7 t8 t9 I 23 t uv W xyz 20 2t 22 23 2+ 25 26 rh o p . 11+ l5 t6 t. ili_ .! ii 2. && I 9 ll I-'L r+ 7 3 t2 9 t3 2 I r+ 7 3. +. 9 19 8 9 r+ 7 l+ 15 5 I t+ 7 5. 2 I r8 + 19 23 I 20 3 8 I tr+ 7 6. 13 2 2t 18 7 5 18 19 7 18 9 t2 t2 I r+ 7 Unit I

| ffiWrite. +. ffi Write qnd circle. ,rNo, he doesn't like it ot oll. Yes, she likes it o lot. No, she doesn't like it ot oll. &r ixl. Yes, he likes it o lot. No, he doesn't like it ot oll. Yes, she likes it o lol. No, she doesn't like il ot oll. Lesson O

:iiiilrrr:r,:iii$S$r' SsE Write. ir*' rr \"cgln\"ron'Wra\"WrhV.n. nrrl !1 in-line skote ice skote surf ski skoteboord t. *n*vs**xr# 2. 3. +. 5. 6. ffi Reod qnd number. 2. She's good ot snowboording. +. She isn't good ot skiing. l. He's good ot skiing. 6. He isn't good ot snowboording. 3. He isn't good ot ice skoting. * 5. She's good ot ice skoting. wilnr.e. O Uni. ::l:i l'r r,,rrl ,,,i l l,lll]l::l l l l lil l::,.l:],,,::i::,,,i::. l l'l l:, \"1:r ii:t::u:liu:lillul:i::::ltil:li:i:l:l::t::lii::llll:lili:li -rr':r,:r,.,:rr.r:..r:rfrt.i''r-.,.'i.i.1-,,1.r:',r,rr,i,:i,rl,r:::]i:,,,:r,r,:rl :: .)

ffiwrite. ffi Unscrqmble. ot /good /he /is /in-line skoting /? 2. not /good /very /ol /no /he's /il /, /. she /ot /skiing /good /is /? very /she's /yes /ol /good /n / , / . 2 OLesson

: ,tl1,t,l,riidffr'' ffi''1r{- Reod ond number. ffi Motch. O Unil

W Write ond mqtch. mgt dB ffiIt :.n*:r+r:t,,;lr c;llll.;- o rO @* _.\"1 ffiffi itit @ 3. fls M $*,&& a Don't worry. I con help you. ffi. qff&i .;\"l;.-Lo_jl,t\"t,\"ri4\" ' q&e J cs n e\"- {{ 8i. ffi Whol obout you? Write. I . Do you know how lo snowboord? 2. Whot ore you good ot? 3. Who do you help? 3 OLesson

t. orwe o tmelhe 2. erwo o elif tokcje 3. tup no nrssuncee +. eostfn yrou sbleotel ffi Connect. olwoys weor o a life jocket. t. When you go a snowboording, olwoys weor o helmet. a 2. When you go to the beoch, olwoys fosten a arl your seotbelt. 3. When you go W conoeing, olwoys put on sunscreen. L+, When you ride in o cor, @ Uni,

W Look qt the chqrt. Write. 3. &, 2. fosten your seotbelt r' weqr o life jocket r' put on sunscreen r' weqr o helmet r' l. 2. 3. +. ffi Drqw qnd wrile. Whot do you olwoys do ot school? ,.,,: ' Or{Lesson

W Do the puzzle. _.tIIIr-IIhc-Ildeb-uwop-iI- thopIf-gcpet-itreoo-rInt:wgpp' .vlrvava. 'it.l t 9l -o - t - o - m- u- rl s we y o pondo Il-Ilo oone i s bulterfly i I Io r hippopotomus nt gor n oi k n u: gorillo coterpillor h, I i Ir'_lI-nt whn i s d i I I o r er d g o mo f oi o b k- o e I ye t I gt e i' I'Ib u s i t c u o y g'e n: Wwrite. 3. l. +. 5. @ Unit2

W circte. pondo bigger thon the hippopotomus. The gorillo is smoller bee. hippopotomus is the biggest. The smollest. colerpillor coterpillor smoller thon the butterfly. The gorillo is bigger bee. ,w bee is the biggesl. The smollest. pondo pondo bigger thon lhe cow. The is gorillo. dog smoller Therrl ':\" 'i': '' hippopotomus smqllest. is the -ii cow biggest. ffiwrne. t, tr) i,'1{}*: i tt Lesson @

I ffiIi ''!t7 Unscromble. t. 2. phloind hloew 3. r+. quisd sleo 5. lee 6. ffi Circle. hskro .I The whole 2. The shork 3. The dolphin tl. The seol IS isn't 5. The squid is isn't IS 6. The eel isn't @ unit2

ffiwrite. long/shorl ffih.-.GgL- rhVul^'. ii,* if)*iilr\":'* I-,t,-'* *rq*\"F\"*r--r.:rf 7 ' av'- \\/ *dffie YI q-ftfTl :* '; l: ;:.) *.\"ffi\\-t&ffffiist{-./,@ big/smoll \"-) *!'- i<.h1 { @ UI . *f*\\ ii^'!{ffi!i*-*-Fl-j..1*d.1*r s -...--...-,,-,.,...,....,... ': 5. , r1:-rdt;r;=f --;*o- S+< t -/\\r --.._ .&a fosl/slow !- '! \\t - *ffiffi . .t ! - !l; ll..i **,,\"ffi! 6'- ilpe-iegr:adffi,Mffi -------::*- :Sil\",r@q'S{ @*d-;W \\a\"ary1% \\qe-n\" ,a 3Hh .ffi ffiY...ry ffi*lflqp 2 @Lesson

.,,i;r;r;,:lWi Do you like it, Mom? Ffl ffi Motch. t. 2. 3. r+. 5. @ Unir2

ffi Mqtch. @o 'ffi,,,,,, o fnEfffii\\}*'T +' ilfu-, 1& 1;.3569:gd&*ElB .o l lu tir\" l.r\" uss\"\" I #EWflllf.tileredr*d*wdgvE t/ :-== -=-== --------1 It ffi Unscrqmble. l. one / which / like / would /you /? lhe / l'd / like / pleose / one /fostest /. / , 2. like / you / which /? /ones /would / /longest / we'd / like / lhe /. ones /pleose , W Whot obout you? Write. I . Whot present would you like? nI Lrs*{ !tii$vc\\'*{-. 2. Whol would your porents like? 3 @Lesson

a o o o L+. a t. crob beetle 2. octopus 3. lizord &# Look qt the chqrt. Wrile. ANIMAL/INSECT WEIGHT LENGTH I . Komodo drogon 150 kilogroms 3 meters 2. giont Pocific octopus 50 kilogroms 5 meters 3. Spider crob l9 kilogroms 3.8 meters 4. Goliolh beetle l0 centimeters 100 groms i. ,e \\*.:l-i:-*-'1. Ii :.e--L, -- ';-'1' -- -,-,-.---.---,.-,, u io'.nn\"x 'l @ Unit2 -J

{m# Write. 60 centimeters squid i 2 meters i seol f z. [fi:* s*ffii 3. ffi Look ot ffr. Circle. True Folse True Folse l. The squid is 600 meters long. True Folse True Folse 2. The squid is longer thon the seol. 3. The hippopotomus is os heovy os the blue whole. @HLesson 4. The whole weighs 120,000 kilogroms.

F E E Kww&www K ffiwrite. \\&Ji , I'\"r'ilh\"\\+lvdeb.ida s)d{-'\"6*\\ $ \"f) !?r Y!i ;r:uli: l: eI :H _ lV\"qAkY;ii*.rl wrf t gc!!kin, 6:] \"f) , *n*^qit liri.e*s @ Review I

ffi Reqd ond circle. Fcrmilg Gcmpingr ,.:l::il:l Hi everybody! My nome ftfri is Corolino. I'm comping rGa* with my fomily. I like surfing ond hiking. I'm not good il:rlr,::lrl:.:lll.. of surfing, but it's fun. I :,llli:llr::,llIr,rr:l:a::llilll olwoys weor o life jocket ond sunscreen. This morning, ['m ll:illiliill' ..i r;,.. ', wolching birds ond fishing. I tll:t.....,,r,i. :il:il:. like fishing o lot. Good-bye, ::i|ililil*:' :lili Corolino liirlil:lrai!:llir :ili; r.'':t11ilt:il.' a:il:i:li .., ::ariiiilli:lii al:alali ra$:alilallliilt l. Corolino is skiing with her fomily. True Folse True Folse 2. She likes surfing ond hiking. True Folse True Folse 3. She's very good ot surfing. tl. She olwoys weors sunscreen. ffi Whot qbout you? Look ot ffi. Write. i.;Jri;;;,O

W Mqtch. 2. l. 5. Oa a oo oo curly hoir slroighl hoir wovy hoir glosses o oo o o beord hoirshort shoulder-length hoir long hoir W Unscrqmble. l. hlmck hmlr 2. nowbr irho clobk oihr 3. +. dre hroi royg orih 5. 6. ndlob irho nrowb yese 7. 8. ulbe seye energ esye @ Unn3

V He hos o beord ond glosses. J7 g.&g., Write qnd mqtch. She hos t. hmt d**x sh* i**$< ilk*? shoulder-length, wovy hoir. o He hos short, 2. o curly hoir. o M She hos long, 3. ffi stroight hoir. M* ffiL write. @M&M u datft / l. + ,a+hes l! rlf*r}1\",1$5r r rl:* Ir ,crr'l Lesson @

Down V )Across *B It. .,/ vtr. %q/-\\/,'* / iffih *Wffi\"flfwi q- *#**2. a&&* - Uu ,!ffi 3' .,,i\"\"i .,i.rrii 'r..tb,,,.,.!rilr, +. ffi Unscrqmble. \"jr {., L \"t lhe / wotch / like / whot / look / does block / new / ond / il's 2. does / lhe / whol / belt / like / look long / il's / old / ond 3. whot / gloves / look / do / like / lhe / /big / they're ond groy @ Unirs

ffiwrite. I' ti 15 t.-. t.../ t'./ .i, i[*\" i,*ri':;r-': /q,,1ll',. .'r\"':l:..,':'. i. .,1:r:1r,.ri.. r.:.. :r-.. - r.r 'ii:.l'' 2 @Lesson

Don't worry. You con shore mine. Good luck on the test! ry1ry , My pencils! Whot con I do now? ffi Connect. Thot's Som's o brother. l. Good luck in the ploy. o Don't worry. You 2. Which one is Som? o con shore mine. 3. Who's thot weoring He's the one weoring the white cop? the block cop. ,1. My woter! Whot con Ihonks, Mom. I do now? @ Unir3

ffiwrite. the ploy in with : r the gome on test the : ffi Whot obout you? Write. I . Who do you soy \"Good luck!\" to? i ! \\{ }Lt' ,{ 2. Whot wos your school ploy? 3. Whot do you shore with your friends? , *i tr:r.: 3 @Lesson

nver sond leof gross fish stick rock : ffi Unscromble. II . .dd},{k* +*1fg$il,fi?e\"J- -%i{Y}i'=*\"- _-Ece- / f ;'*-Xrref.&tm4Bsl , Ihe / shope/some / is/ butterfly / the / leof / os/ the / . 2. sond / fish / lhe / lhe / os / lhe / some / is / color / 3. /lhe / is / snoke / lhe color / lhe / os / gross / some / coterpillor / lhe / some / lhe / os / lhe / shope / is / stick / @ Unit3

Wwrite. ]iu,' i\" :r I t. +e 3. ffi Reod qnd drow. l. The lizord is the some color os the rock. It isn't lhe some shope os the rock. 2. The snoke is the some shope ond color os the stick. 3. The insecl is the some shope ond color i:,t::.' os the leof. i::,' :::,:; l::l:i ,,,, ,,,,,,,,.,iti' @Lesson 4

W Do the puzzle. t rY ioph n m k b{* e ot enni % S xb wrfs s f i o.t b zo lewq *-r&,.,,:*:i:'.,#$SSSI r oq dedc c y t s!r&* g rS otts n ig ehhe z I s kt* h ty ubvw o y o & f ys ktol wtkl e$ m vd yllo j uo leyb e e I tg& V ol & r s f bf& n q o ots I n h lI s q i t3 Ir4 V U S\" * oI I pf :f rli:wtit!!!Mxi*alw*:,!!!is * Wwriie. w2. \\ 2. 5. 6. @ Unit+

JV 7 *GE E# Write. fqfiph fl\"&fl.,i{*!l1r-{;! ! *$\"1r.-ff-i$ /r- -'q's& iiit' #s-4r{c**BwS,$'_SFr. * .-..--.. ,aU ,Ilt&,a,1rt1r ;1 {s ilo t:3&,:.1 a ItEII f $&we t t $ I itr\"III r FI: -.1;ii1#4 :\\--]q{-{f;U\"*i lrri;J{\"'\\Lr* V I i\\J_r{r3r',\"tri'.:; t, l \\J1N\\\\i/wt -? I {:t 1\\/ -l 2. 3. --]- +. 5. 6. W Circte. does do she yesterdoy? t. did does 2. she ployed . _.:_vollevboll Yeslerdoy. ploys ten_nrs did does they does she do YeslerdoY? Th'ev PloYed toble lennis ploys volleyboll YesterdoY' Lesson I

l. tolk o , o the computer o2. proctice o ,: my friend 3. visit o o on o project 4. work o o on the phone . o the piono 6. use o o my porents ffiwrire. Whol did you do lost weekend? -tlt.r:;*!,*nl*.r-qt;?{ :

Wwrlte. ffi Whql obout you? Write. I . Did you tolk on the phone on Mondoy? 2. Whot did you do on Tuesdoy? 3. Whot did you do lost weekend? i!-;J-#ST Vt'**(*rfl#\" i 2 @Lesson

I con't find my coot. ffi Connect ond write. I . Don'f . . wrong? 2. Whot's o o find my glove. 3. I con't o o up! Ll. Come o to f'\\ w*rrv. 5. Hurry o worrv. L\")*n , . on! @ Unitr-t

W Write ond motch. find stopler -ru{\"@\"r. glue find colculotor pointbrush dictionory I tzij+5679 @ -\\&rfffif,i*. ,]'\" I\"1hi f?) o%***.#}qt*tt . f3ffi,, ,s&ff:i {fftrirj;o;*rfv .Ww W Whot obout you? Write. o l. When do you hurry? 3 @Lesson 2. Whot do you sometimes borrow?

ffi Look qt m.Write. ;l 3. +. @ Unitrr

W Reqd ond fill in the chort. NECKLACES BOWLS HOMES CUPS metol r' gloss slone cloy L They used metol to moke neckloces. Men ond women wore jewelry. 2. They used cloy lo moke bowls. This bowl is in o museum. 3. They used stone to moke homes. They hod beoutiful wolls. 4. They used gloss to moke cups. &e# -&&.:w!I$ W Whqt did you use? Write. w&ry I . Whol did you use lo moke o picture? ?{ Lesson rl @ 2. Whot did you use to moke o project? li

k' E r tF Kww&ww re ffiwrite. $\\A$liLmY, #I*-*s sihm ii **,f t{.ir[* f\"1 !V&ii{ V*$t h*i *} **i}{, t!.i1k* t'\\ V\\{i:e:t t' t*-is* l* *: I ;\\rln*\\,\",,ivhi nt l'-\"-x'r' Il''r*l t:;p;il;:. Rfts l'*Ljfu l'LtLi {-jiltr} F}lr l{* a t: 1I 1d:* @ Review 2

ffi Reod qnd circle. True Folse True Folse I'm Jessiccl True Folse True Folse Hi! My nome is Jessico. I hove long, stroight, block hoir ond brown eyes. I'm weoring o neckloce ond eorrings. On Wednesdoy, I procticed the piono ond tolked on the phone. Yesterdoy, I ployed volleyboll with my friends. Then, I worked on o project for school. l. Jessico hos long hoir. 2. She is weoring sunglosses. 3. She ployed bosketboll yesterdoy. +. She worked on o project yesterdoy. ffi Whqt obout you? Write. I . Whot is your nome? 2. Whot do you look like? 3. Whot ore you weoring? tl. Whot did you do yesterdoy?

W Find qnd circle. ilr grope juice €ushi\" teo lemonode curry noodles i -\"---.-..--..o1 t. 2. 3. riwe{sushi}kzdifwh folwnoodlesqo mv bwl osl eof \\l r+. 6. polgropejuiceote lo c u r r y s d lw e r xopof lemonodeso ffi Do the puzzle, )Across l. ,,@ 2. Down V +. 3. nf-f*ir\". r!m,i w\\}c;Er'rH#TsM:{;\"*#Ji:f/i; h ry@5. Unit 5

Wwrire. ,j\"l1i \"_id,\\3-., ,.\\_t:.l€l I::\\\". _,,5Lrt}:j(l-1\\;1_r_..!1_l_,..,.-..,.. __^ _ -'*__.,. __-_ _ , ___,.. rF. \" ffi*, iu *i: r* $r,* dr*nk ffiwrire. t'fliVil .nl:lf ri!\"iq.:] s{he er:i jdr&:n !I rn iunch { lrI\\;!ri,'rI r,*:,* rr-,-.4l*I \\c--* !r_.J,,srJrtrurJ\"lCJ {]iI*!s_c!] , , tr F I i\\-:q i _ ,& , !la& ,,',.6$W& Lesson' O

ffi Circle. get o hoircut go bowling toke o picture get o hoircut ffiwrite. buy clothes see o porode t. buy clothes buy clothes toke o picture hove o picnic see o porode go bowling toke o picture hove o picnic gel o hoircut see o porode hove o picnic go bowling 2. v u!?1r:! i:d'-.-: iI r.,-;kf\" :f*! I/i t{ q} t ilUfl&il;l*rlli*il,l& {^l-i!:I'-'\"..! __ ___-__,. fn i-' / -1.].-j'-i-!d--! ----- -- - _\"3_ Ld*' l 'j i \\:i -, 'l i ll I i \"p f'Y:r13 @ Unir5

W Reod ond circle. toke o picture get o hqircut 'i.,,,,l'JAStl,'iWee,k see o porode hove o picnic I . When did she gel o hoircut? got o hoircut hove o picnic? She lost Wednesdoy. hod o picnic 2. When did he toke o picture? took o picture see o porode? He on Sundoy ofternoon. sow o porode 3. When did he see o porode? sow o porode hove o picnic? He lost week. hod o picnic tl. When did she toke o picture? She look o picture go bowling? wenr bowring YesterdoY' W Whot qbout you? Write. l. When did you get o hoircut? 2. When did you toke o picture? 3. When did you hove o picnic? 2 @Lesson

iai:r,:r*slrs*Sarrrr.:&&rr hr1eqd ond number. x;:iwri#q#&{:i::i,!,&6:]]!@s' v._ I lost my skoteboord. Here you ore. # Thonk you. Thot wos lucky. ffiwrite. q b cd e fg jk I ml 3'+I 2 pq uvn o 5 67 89 t0 il t2 13 : y2: ''''.. '..'..''', - ,. ...: f si wx 2t1916lr+ t5 22 23 2q t7 r8 20 t. 'f @ unir. ;--!t . , .r; ; i I 1; t2 15 19 20 2 r 3 | 16 3ll Ir\"- r rst'. w# *T 20 15 15 | t6 9 3 20 2t t8 5

Wwrire. ,,,} u\\r tr*,fiT W Whqt qbout you? Wrile. .I Whot did you lose? g , t 2. Whot did you do lost month? 3. Whot did your friend help you with lost week? 3 @Lesson

Do lhe puzzle. ....,..,,..-s 2. d o t v f h W:] o fmn o eWg lll g e b U h t ll C r t o t no S eo t c t f o t khv Se tWt oe f :,t:r: I w n g t o IJ I fu,',,,,,',, ffi Motch. o Some dinosours hod clows. 3. @KtKn O o Some dinosours hod feothers. o Some dinosours hod wings. %.%- . o Some dinosours hod toils. -.%\\' Wq. @ Unirs

W Fill in the chqrt. TAILS FEATHERS WINGS CLAWS Pterodoctyl Diplodocus % Microroptor %w #4e Tyronnosourus Rex W Drqw qnd write. Which dinosour do you like? Drow. ;,.tii[ ]!;ft*i i,liiq: :i*,u.. :i#l tl$lia ]?**t r,r,**:'Iifra: ..l!t*i,. .iillllli .:i*i]! xi!:i. .:s$ii ]t*Ei .:*s*rr.tKi,.,:stil l , ,,, *., Wwrite. Whot does the cot hove? hJ..I Whot does lhe bird hove? Whot does the lizord hove? @HLesson

W Unscromble. gins snosg riwet sitseor geidsn lcohsle 6. 5. 'lF *& effi/ kmoe eomlsd onpit cituprse emko vosemi 2. ^ffi, Write. U\"S tt. n\"*.ulo * rYnd 3. r+. 5. 6. @ Unit6

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