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Home Explore Manifestation Journal

Manifestation Journal

Published by melanie, 2022-07-29 08:50:25

Description: Manifestation Journal

Keywords: Manifestation Journal


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CONTENTS Welcome Letter Journal instructions Terms/Definitions *Manifestation *Law of Attraction *How to Manifest *Scripting/Writing for Manifesting Visualize to Materialize Reframing Practice Positive Statements Rate your Circle Journal Instructional Diagram 31 Daily Prompted Pages to super- boost your positivity and manifestation skills Journal Writing Pages with One- Word Prompts Reflect on your Journey Final Review Worksheets

Welcome Welcome! Quick Directions for the different ways you can use this journal... Type right into the journal pages from your computer, tablet, or even your iphone. *On the iphone, open the PDF in 'i-books' and type away! Print the journal, double sided or single sided (your choice)... The Journal pages will print on standard 8.5 by 11 inch size paper. Punch holes in the journal pages and place in your favorite 3-ring binder... You can also choose to use a print service provider online or bring the file to a local print shop and have the pages printed and spiral bound for an additional cost (not included)

INSTRUCTIONS How to use this journal This journal is designed to walk you through exercises to help get you thinking and focusing on attracting and manifesting what you want in your life!! Then there will be 31 days of prompting sheets followed by daily journal pages where you can write down your visualization and manifestation focus areas on each particular day.....follow along with the writing prompts to record your thoughts and also track your progress. Enjoy!

What is manifestation? Manifestation is a technique for bringing your dreams and desires into your life experience (getting what you want) using the Law of Attraction. The aim is to be able to carefully use this method to manifest one desire after another until you've incorporated the practice into your daily routine. What is the Law of Attraction? The Law of Attraction is a universal law that states that you attract into your life what you think about, talk about, and concentrate on. This is done by visualizing your desired outcome and then repeating the same visualization process, over and over again until it has been fulfilled. Note that when you are visualizing (think \"daydream\"), remember to focus on what it would FEEL like to have what you're focusing on too!! Emotions are important super-boosters in these exercises! How do I use manifestation for real-life situations? You can use this method to attract money, love, and more into your life. For example, trying to manifest a new job might involve envisioning yourself already at work in your desired position. You would repeat phrases from this imaginary scene, such as \"Every day I go to work, I receive positive feedback from my boss.\" or \"I have a job that I love\". Another example would be visualizing finding the perfect shoes/dress/**anything really-- through visualization, we place energy out into the universe to work with us toward what we want Scripting and Manifesting Your Dream Life into Reality Scripting your dream life is much more than just writing about what it is that you want. Scripting involves focusing on how you want to feel while living out your dream life. This means you should always be present and mindful while scripting and avoid writing in a robotic way. Change/Reframe all negative thoughts, feelings, emotions into positives!! This will help program your subconscious mind toward automatically being more positive-- which will only benefit you!! Believe in yourself! You can do this!!

VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE....... Name it and Claim it... Our thoughts can work against us and against all the good work we try to do to align our energy....align ourselves with being positive, our positive affirmations, etc... Best Advice Ever is to remember that your thoughts do NOT own or control YOU,... YOU control your thoughts! This does not mean that unwanted or otherwise icky thoughts are not going to come into our minds from time to time (or if you're like me, 8,349,214 times a minute)-- I'm exaggerating for sure, but sometimes it sure does feel that way. The thing about thoughts is to recognize them for what they are, and then evaluate them for a second. Is this a good or positive thought? If so, GREAT! If not, then toss that thought--- change it from negative to positive in your mind. Once you've done that, repeat the positive thought. Now you've claimed back your thought, energy, and ability to manifest what you want in your day, and in your life! When visualizing to materialize-- only visualize positives! Even when those pesky little thoughts pop in (and they will try to pop into your visualizations--), just kick them to the curb and reframe them as positive. Show them who is boss! This is a work in progress, and THAT IS OK!!! By starting somewhere, we improve EVERYWHERE! “My life can be however I want it to be”

REFRAMING THOUGHTS TURN THOSE NEGATIVE THOUGHTS INTO POSITIVE ONES! TURN THE DOUBTS INTO POSITIVE BELIEFS!!, Take some time to write down some of the Negative thoughts, self-statements, doubts, roadblocks, etc.... Write them down and then change them to opposing POSITIVE WORDING!!!! (Then cross that negative stuff OUT!) WE CAN DO THIS!

POSITIVE STATEMENTS Take a Few Minutes: Take some time to fill in the spaces below with all the things you are wanting to manifest or make happen for you, your loved ones, your life... For this exercise, don't overthink! Just do a quick \"mind dump\" of the things that come into your mind quickly! Nothing's set in stone-- just see what comes to mind. MY WANTS FOR ME, ONLY ME MY WANTS FOR LOVED ONES AND MY LIFE OVERALL

RATE YOUR CIRCLE Take a deep breathe and rate yourself in each of the areas of your life, on a scale from 1-10 and circle that number. Once you have, combine the dots & see how \"balanced\" your circle really is. *Note- you may have to print this page to see your circle.. and also note, feel free to compare this to where you were last month, etc... Y MIND IT D SPIR BO 10 9 CAREER 10 8 9 8 10 7 79 6 68 5 4 7 3 5 2 1 6 0 45 HEART34 10 9 8 0 1073 962 85 742 6311 5200 41 300 21 121 03 42 0 5 1 63 2 7 3 8 4 4 9 5 10 5 6 7 PURPOSE 6 8 9 7 10 8 EY N 9 O M 10 E M H O


HOW IT WORKS Simply type into or print out the following pages and then fill in the simple-to-use visualization, good things reminders, affirmations, daily mantra, negative thoughts to block, and something that made you smile, every single day! DAILY JOURNALING TRACK AND LIST PAGES YOUR OWN DAILY WRITE YOUR DAILY GOOD THINGS, MANIFESTATION REMINDERS... VISUALIZATIONS HERE HERE WRITE NEGATIVE THOUGHT/S TO BLOCK HERE WRITE SOMETHING THAT MADE YOU SMILE TODAYHERE TAHFEWFMIDRRAAIMTYNEATOTIRNIROA DYNOAFUIOLRYR

Day 1 Date: BELIEVE S/M/T/W/T/F/S I got this! I can do this! I deserve greatness! ___________________ Reframe thoughts! Gratitude ___________________ Positivity ___________________ VISUALIZATION VISUALIZATION Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Today -- as General or Specific as You Today -- as General or Specific as You Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! AFFIRMATION/DAILY MANTRA NEGATIVE THOUGHT/S TO BLOCK, FORGET, GET RID OF, ERASE....ETC.. WHAT MADE ME SMILE/LAUGH TODAY


Day 2 Date: BELIEVE S/M/T/W/T/F/S I got this! I can do this! I deserve greatness! ___________________ Reframe thoughts! Gratitude ___________________ Positivity ___________________ VISUALIZATION VISUALIZATION Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Today -- as General or Specific as You Today -- as General or Specific as You Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! AFFIRMATION/DAILY MANTRA NEGATIVE THOUGHT/S TO BLOCK, FORGET, GET RID OF, ERASE....ETC.. WHAT MADE ME SMILE/LAUGH TODAY


Day 3 Date: BELIEVE S/M/T/W/T/F/S I got this! I can do this! I deserve greatness! ___________________ Reframe thoughts! Gratitude ___________________ Positivity ___________________ VISUALIZATION VISUALIZATION Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Today -- as General or Specific as You Today -- as General or Specific as You Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! AFFIRMATION/DAILY MANTRA NEGATIVE THOUGHT/S TO BLOCK, FORGET, GET RID OF, ERASE....ETC.. WHAT MADE ME SMILE/LAUGH TODAY



Day 4 Date: BELIEVE S/M/T/W/T/F/S I got this! I can do this! I deserve greatness! ___________________ Reframe thoughts! Gratitude ___________________ Positivity ___________________ VISUALIZATION VISUALIZATION Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Today -- as General or Specific as You Today -- as General or Specific as You Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! AFFIRMATION/DAILY MANTRA NEGATIVE THOUGHT/S TO BLOCK, FORGET, GET RID OF, ERASE....ETC.. WHAT MADE ME SMILE/LAUGH TODAY


Day 5 Date: BELIEVE S/M/T/W/T/F/S I got this! I can do this! I deserve greatness! ___________________ Reframe thoughts! Gratitude ___________________ Positivity ___________________ VISUALIZATION VISUALIZATION Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Today -- as General or Specific as You Today -- as General or Specific as You Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! AFFIRMATION/DAILY MANTRA NEGATIVE THOUGHT/S TO BLOCK, FORGET, GET RID OF, ERASE....ETC.. WHAT MADE ME SMILE/LAUGH TODAY


Day 6 Date: BELIEVE S/M/T/W/T/F/S I got this! I can do this! I deserve greatness! ___________________ Reframe thoughts! Gratitude ___________________ Positivity ___________________ VISUALIZATION VISUALIZATION Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Today -- as General or Specific as You Today -- as General or Specific as You Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! AFFIRMATION/DAILY MANTRA NEGATIVE THOUGHT/S TO BLOCK, FORGET, GET RID OF, ERASE....ETC.. WHAT MADE ME SMILE/LAUGH TODAY


Day 7 Date: BELIEVE S/M/T/W/T/F/S I got this! I can do this! I deserve greatness! ___________________ Reframe thoughts! Gratitude ___________________ Positivity ___________________ VISUALIZATION VISUALIZATION Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Today -- as General or Specific as You Today -- as General or Specific as You Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! AFFIRMATION/DAILY MANTRA NEGATIVE THOUGHT/S TO BLOCK, FORGET, GET RID OF, ERASE....ETC.. WHAT MADE ME SMILE/LAUGH TODAY


Day 8 Date: BELIEVE S/M/T/W/T/F/S I got this! I can do this! I deserve greatness! ___________________ Reframe thoughts! Gratitude ___________________ Positivity ___________________ VISUALIZATION VISUALIZATION Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Today -- as General or Specific as You Today -- as General or Specific as You Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! AFFIRMATION/DAILY MANTRA NEGATIVE THOUGHT/S TO BLOCK, FORGET, GET RID OF, ERASE....ETC.. WHAT MADE ME SMILE/LAUGH TODAY


Day 9 Date: BELIEVE S/M/T/W/T/F/S I got this! I can do this! I deserve greatness! ___________________ Reframe thoughts! Gratitude ___________________ Positivity ___________________ VISUALIZATION VISUALIZATION Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Today -- as General or Specific as You Today -- as General or Specific as You Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! AFFIRMATION/DAILY MANTRA NEGATIVE THOUGHT/S TO BLOCK, FORGET, GET RID OF, ERASE....ETC.. WHAT MADE ME SMILE/LAUGH TODAY


Day 10 Date: BELIEVE S/M/T/W/T/F/S I got this! I can do this! I deserve greatness! ___________________ Reframe thoughts! Gratitude ___________________ Positivity ___________________ VISUALIZATION VISUALIZATION Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Today -- as General or Specific as You Today -- as General or Specific as You Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! AFFIRMATION/DAILY MANTRA NEGATIVE THOUGHT/S TO BLOCK, FORGET, GET RID OF, ERASE....ETC.. WHAT MADE ME SMILE/LAUGH TODAY


Day 11 Date: BELIEVE S/M/T/W/T/F/S I got this! I can do this! I deserve greatness! ___________________ Reframe thoughts! Gratitude ___________________ Positivity ___________________ VISUALIZATION VISUALIZATION Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Today -- as General or Specific as You Today -- as General or Specific as You Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! AFFIRMATION/DAILY MANTRA NEGATIVE THOUGHT/S TO BLOCK, FORGET, GET RID OF, ERASE....ETC.. WHAT MADE ME SMILE/LAUGH TODAY


Day 12 Date: BELIEVE S/M/T/W/T/F/S I got this! I can do this! I deserve greatness! ___________________ Reframe thoughts! Gratitude ___________________ Positivity ___________________ VISUALIZATION VISUALIZATION Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Today -- as General or Specific as You Today -- as General or Specific as You Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! AFFIRMATION/DAILY MANTRA NEGATIVE THOUGHT/S TO BLOCK, FORGET, GET RID OF, ERASE....ETC.. WHAT MADE ME SMILE/LAUGH TODAY

what I'd do

Day 13 Date: BELIEVE S/M/T/W/T/F/S I got this! I can do this! I deserve greatness! ___________________ Reframe thoughts! Gratitude ___________________ Positivity ___________________ VISUALIZATION VISUALIZATION Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Today -- as General or Specific as You Today -- as General or Specific as You Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! AFFIRMATION/DAILY MANTRA NEGATIVE THOUGHT/S TO BLOCK, FORGET, GET RID OF, ERASE....ETC.. WHAT MADE ME SMILE/LAUGH TODAY


Day 14 Date: BELIEVE S/M/T/W/T/F/S I got this! I can do this! I deserve greatness! ___________________ Reframe thoughts! Gratitude ___________________ Positivity ___________________ VISUALIZATION VISUALIZATION Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Today -- as General or Specific as You Today -- as General or Specific as You Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! AFFIRMATION/DAILY MANTRA NEGATIVE THOUGHT/S TO BLOCK, FORGET, GET RID OF, ERASE....ETC.. WHAT MADE ME SMILE/LAUGH TODAY


Day 15 Date: BELIEVE S/M/T/W/T/F/S I got this! I can do this! I deserve greatness! ___________________ Reframe thoughts! Gratitude ___________________ Positivity ___________________ VISUALIZATION VISUALIZATION Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Today -- as General or Specific as You Today -- as General or Specific as You Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! AFFIRMATION/DAILY MANTRA NEGATIVE THOUGHT/S TO BLOCK, FORGET, GET RID OF, ERASE....ETC.. WHAT MADE ME SMILE/LAUGH TODAY


Day 16 Date: BELIEVE S/M/T/W/T/F/S I got this! I can do this! I deserve greatness! ___________________ Reframe thoughts! Gratitude ___________________ Positivity ___________________ VISUALIZATION VISUALIZATION Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Today -- as General or Specific as You Today -- as General or Specific as You Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! AFFIRMATION/DAILY MANTRA NEGATIVE THOUGHT/S TO BLOCK, FORGET, GET RID OF, ERASE....ETC.. WHAT MADE ME SMILE/LAUGH TODAY

positive stuff

Day 17 Date: BELIEVE S/M/T/W/T/F/S I got this! I can do this! I deserve greatness! ___________________ Reframe thoughts! Gratitude ___________________ Positivity ___________________ VISUALIZATION VISUALIZATION Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Today -- as General or Specific as You Today -- as General or Specific as You Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! AFFIRMATION/DAILY MANTRA NEGATIVE THOUGHT/S TO BLOCK, FORGET, GET RID OF, ERASE....ETC.. WHAT MADE ME SMILE/LAUGH TODAY

things I like

Day 18 Date: BELIEVE S/M/T/W/T/F/S I got this! I can do this! I deserve greatness! ___________________ Reframe thoughts! Gratitude ___________________ Positivity ___________________ VISUALIZATION VISUALIZATION Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Today -- as General or Specific as You Today -- as General or Specific as You Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! AFFIRMATION/DAILY MANTRA NEGATIVE THOUGHT/S TO BLOCK, FORGET, GET RID OF, ERASE....ETC.. WHAT MADE ME SMILE/LAUGH TODAY

New Beliefs

Day 19 Date: BELIEVE S/M/T/W/T/F/S I got this! I can do this! I deserve greatness! ___________________ Reframe thoughts! Gratitude ___________________ Positivity ___________________ VISUALIZATION VISUALIZATION Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Describe What You are Visualizing for Your Life Today -- as General or Specific as You Today -- as General or Specific as You Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! Like-..VISUALIZE TO MATERIALIZE!! AFFIRMATION/DAILY MANTRA NEGATIVE THOUGHT/S TO BLOCK, FORGET, GET RID OF, ERASE....ETC.. WHAT MADE ME SMILE/LAUGH TODAY

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