EcologicalWe help engineers, architects, developers & ownersminimize ecological impacts by navigating the complexissues that arise from integrating the built & natural world.
The Advantage Approach:Wildlife and their habitats are a directly impacted as of the regulatory environment and agencies. As aan inevitable result of integrating the built and natural result, we are well positioned to help you identify andworld, often causing project delays and unforeseen obtain the relevant permits and applications to ensurecosts. you accomplish your project objectives, on time and within budget.At advantage we understand the complex issuesthat arise because of this interaction. We combine Throughout the project lifecycle we understandscientific best practices with a customized approach to that you need a responsive and adaptive team thatprovide accurate evaluation, innovative guidance and can mobilize quickly and get the job done. As adetailed designs to minimize project risks and mitigate multidisciplinary company with offices covering theecological impacts. Mid-Atlantic and West Coast we can respond quickly and deploy our capabilities to great effect.With over a decade of experience our expertleadership team has developed a deep understanding Project Highlight: Oil Spill Emergency Response, Keystone Petroleum, Inc. THE CHALLENGE A fuel truck crash in Kline Township, PA, released approximately 2,000 gallons of diesel into a Cold Water Fishery and Drinking Water Supply. In order to pursue liability protection and establish reactivation of the downstream water supply Keystone Petroleum contracted Advantage to provide emergency response environmental, ecological and remediation services. OUR SOLUTION Advantage conducted immediate on-foot inspections of the release site and downstream reaches as well as site characterization to delineate the extent of the release and oversight of the remedial action, including the disposal of 105 tons of impacted soil. During this process Advantage was responsible for all associated reporting and agency coordination. Following the remediation Advantage conducted a suite of rapid bioassessment surveys in accordance with the US Department of Natural Resources Conservation Services, National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration and the Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Technique to better understand fate transport and the potential impacts to human and ecological receptors. THE RESULT Advantage’s Site Characterization and remediation met the cleanup goals for soil sediment and was approved by PADEP. Currently, Advantage is monitoring surface water to support the continued protection of waterways affected by the release.Advantage Engineers, LLC. | 1-848-246-6008 |
Ecological ServicesNATURAL RESOURCES WETLAND DELINEATIONS, FOREST MANAGEMENT &PERMITTING MITIGATION, & MONITORING CONSERVATION PLANNINGAdvantage provides all permitting Advantage provides accurate Our qualified professionalsservices related to project documentation of the location conduct Forest Standactivities affecting streams, and boundaries of wetlands and Delineations and Forestwetlands, and other waters streams to secure the permits Conservation Plans to describeregulated by Federal, State and/or to construct, restore or enhance and plan how the existing forestlocal governments. functional, viable wetlands will be protected during and after development.STREAM RESTORATION ECOLOGICAL RISK INVASIVE SPECIESDESIGN & ENGINEERING ASSESSMENT MANAGEMENTOur team of scientists develop Advantage’s ecologists andand implement invasive Species biologists specialize in the Our team of scientists developControl Plans including the assessment of risks to the aquatic and implement invasive Speciesmapping of invasive species and and terrestrial environment posed Control Plans including thethe design of appropriate control by chemical and physical agents. mapping of invasive species andmeasures. the design of appropriate control measures.THREATENED & Contact Us Today! 848.246.6008ENDANGERED SPECIESASSESSMENTAdvantage scientists, design,and conduct environmentalassessment studies in all aquatichabitats, including riverine,lacustrine, estuarine, and marinesystemsTeam Member Spotlight:Leeron Tagger, Senior Wetland EcologistAfter gaining his degree in Environmental Science from New York Albany, Leeron hasdeveloped over a decade of experience conducting technical studies for both the PrivateSector and Federal, State, Tribal and Non-Governmental Organizations. During this timeLeeron has been exposed to all aspects of wetland and stream investigations, ecologicalrestorations, wildlife studies, natural disaster emergencies and oil spill responses.With extensive experience at all levels of agency coordination Leeron has successfullyobtained environmental clearance and state, federal and local permits for high profileclients throughout the U.S.|| Member of the Society of Wetland Scientists|| Certified Forest Conservation Professional
Contact Us Central Pennsylvania: (717) 458-0800Baltimore/D.C. Metro Area: (443) 367-0003 Greater Lehigh Valley, PA: (610) 366-7120 Philadelphia Area: (484) 401-9779 Central New Jersey: (856) 231-0800 Pittsburgh/Ohio Area: (844) 890-1310 Denver, Colorado Area: (855) 316-8377
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