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Home Explore Academic 2019 Textbook Catalogue

Academic 2019 Textbook Catalogue

Published by Katie Moffat, 2019-09-10 07:51:56

Description: PCCS Books Academic Textbook 2019
Counselling and Psychotherapy Counselling Essentials

Keywords: counselling, psychotherap,textbooks


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COUNSELLING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY BOOKS PCCS Books Welcome to our 2019 Back to University Guide 10% off at use code textbooks2019 First Steps in Counselling Next Steps in Counselling A students’ companion for Practice (2nd edition) introductory courses (4th edition) A students’ companion for degree, HE diplomas and vocational courses Pete Sanders Pete Sanders, Alan Frankland & Paul With an unrivalled 99 five-star reviews Wilkins on Amazon, First Steps in Counselling retains its status as the book of choice A comprehensive core text for student for thousands of trainee helpers and therapists. Described as ‘a course in its counsellors year on year. If you are an own right’ by educators, Next Steps in introductory trainer and you haven’t yet Counselling Practice accompanies the discovered this text, please request a reader as they progress through their desk copy. training. It is brimming with information and pointers for further study in the form £19.99 / US$30.00 / 204pp / 2011 of margin notes, vignettes, notes from pb: 978 1 906254 41 4 practice and full on-page references. £25.00 / 376pp / 2009 pb: 978 1 898059 66 0 First Steps in Practitioner The Handbook of Person-Centred Research Therapy and Mental Health A guide to understanding and doing Theory, research and practice research in counselling and health and social care Pete Sanders and Paul Wilkins Pete Sanders and Paul Wilkins This second edition captures the significant changes of recent Research is an essential core years in how mental health care is component in the counselling and conceptualised, understood and psychotherapy curriculum. This delivered. It demonstrates how the text supports this area of course person-centred approach can help development, being uniquely dedicated occupy the space that is opening up to the helping and therapy professions. as mental health professionals look Written for complete beginners in social for alternatives to the medical model sciences research, it will guide the and argues for collaborative working reader from first principles right through with these fellow mental health to the point at which they can attempt professionals. simple research on their own practice. £27.99 / 502pp / 2017 £24.00 / US$35.00 / 323pp / 2010 pb: 978 1 910919 31 6 / pb: 978 1 898059 73 8 ebook: 978 1 910919 32 3

COUNSELLING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY BOOKS Learning and Being in The Tribes of the Person-Centred Person-Centred Counselling Nation (2nd edition) (2nd edition) An introduction to the schools of therapy related to the person- Tony Merry centred approach Tony Merry’s classic text maintains Edited by Pete Sanders, with Mick its place on the reading lists of Cooper, Robert Elliot, Tony Merry, trainee psychologists, counsellors Campbell Purton and Richard Worsley and therapists, and other professions for whom ‘person-centred’ provides This book has a mission – to gather a guiding principle for their practice. the tribes of the person-centred nation Presented in plain language, with end- for dialogue; to discover common of-chapter checklists and suggestions ground and debate differences; to for further self- and professional celebrate the fact that we are, as development, the book provides an Margaret Warner declared, ‘one in-depth explanation of all aspects of nation, many tribes’. This popular, person-centred counselling. widely used set text is the first UK student text to include coverage of £20.00 / 218pp / 2002 the comprehensive range of person- pb 978 1 898059 53 0 centred and experiential therapies and ebook 978 1 906254 83 4 approaches. £22.00 / 267pp / 2012 pb 978 1 906254 55 1 The Dynamics of Power in Counselling, Class and Politics Counselling and Psychotherapy Undeclared influences in therapy Ethics, politics and practice (2nd edition) (2nd edition) Anne Kearney, Gillian Proctor edited by Gillian Proctor This hard-hitting, impeccably referenced First published in 1996, Anne book draws on academic theories and Kearney’s ground-breaking book on analyses of power and the author’s class in counselling and its invisibility personal experience both as client and within the training curriculum is practitioner to critique power within reissued here with new commentaries the psychotherapeutic relationship and from practitioners, clients and within the organisations where therapy educationalists writing today. takes place. Accessible, political and severely critical of her own profession. Accessible, unashamedly unapologetic and searching in the questions it asks In this second edition, Gillian Proctor of readers, this book is a vibrant, extends her discussion to recent challenging text for any student, challenges presented by IAPT. practitioner or trainer today. £21.00 / 216pp / 2017 £16.99 / 158pp / 2018 pb: 978 1 910919 18 7 pb: 978 1 910919 36 1 ebook: 978 1 910919 19 4 ebook: 978 1 910919 39 2

COUNSELLING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY BOOKS The Counselling Primer Series The bestselling Counselling Primer Series provides teachers and students with a concise and accessible overview of key therapeutic approaches. Whether you want an introduction, a refresher or a resource for a specific assignment, these affordable books summarise the key concepts and suggest further reading. Each book also includes a glossary of key terms. The Person-Centred Counselling The Integrative Counselling The Existential Counselling Primer Primer Primer Pete Sanders Richard Worsley Mick Cooper £12.99 / 124pp / 2006 £12.99 / 122pp / 2007 £12.99 / US$19.00 / 111pp / 2012 pb: 978 1 898059 80 6 pb: 978 1 898059 81 3 / pb: 978 1 906254 51 3 / ebook: 978 1 906254 84 1 ebook: 978 1 906254 90 2 ebook: 978 1 906254 85 8 The Psychodynamic Counselling The Cognitive Behaviour The Focusing-Oriented Primer Counselling Primer Counselling Primer Mavis Klein Rhena Branch and Windy Dryden Campbell Purton £12.99 / US$19.00 / 123pp / 2006 £12.99 / US$19.00 / 122pp/ 2008 £12.99 / US$19.00 / 121pp /2007 pb: 978 1 898059 85 1 pb: 978 1 898059 86 8 pb: 978 1 898059 82 0 ebook: 978 1 906254 89 6 ebook: 978 1 906254 91 9 ebook: 978 1 906254 88 9 The School-Based Counselling The Contact Work Primer The Experiential Counselling Primer Primer Edited by Pete Sanders Katie McArthur Nick Baker Foreword by Mick Cooper £12.99 / 122pp / 2007 pb: 978 1 898059 84 4 £12.99 / 123pp / 2008 £12.99 / 118pp / 2016 pb: 978 1 898059 83 7 pb: 978 1 906254 78 0 ebook: 978 1 910919 22 4

COUNSELLING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY BOOKS Straight Talking Introductions Series A Straight Talking Introduction A Straight Talking Introduction to Psychiatric Diagnosis to Psychiatric Drugs Lucy Johnstone Joanna Moncrieff ‘It’s a magnificent text, which ‘This straightforward book is one that encapsulates the demedicalising should be read by anyone currently paradigm shift currently taking place in taking, or thinking about taking, a mental health in clear, informative, no psychotropic drug, anyone prescribing nonsense and highly readable ways.’ them and anyone party to their use. It offers a radically different and Dr Alec Grant, Reader in Narrative Mental sobering view as to what the drugs Health, University of Brighton do compared with the views on offer elsewhere.’ ‘Making sense of personal experiences promotes hope, strength and recovery.’ David Healy, Professor of Psychological Medicine, Cardiff University School of Dirk Corstens, psychiatrist, Chair of Intervoice Medicine ‘This book is simply fantastic. An ‘Exceptional advice and background absolute must-read for anyone and knowledge for users and non-users everyone working in or accessing alike. Allows an informed choice not support from mental health services. readily available elsewhere.’ Buy it!’ Online reviewer Online reviewer £9.99 / $14.50 / 136pp / 2014 £9.99 / $14.50 / 149pp / 2009 pb: 978 1 906254 66 7 pb: 978 1 906254 17 9 ebook: 978 1 906254 86 5 ebook: 978 1 910919 00 2 A Straight Talking Introduction A Straight Talking Introduction to the Causes of Mental Health to Children’s Mental Health Problems Problems John Read and Pete Sanders Sami Timimi ‘An accessible look at complex issues ‘Trust Timimi, not the medical which empowers the reader to start mouthpieces of the pharmaceutical thinking for themselves. A refreshing establishment he demolishes. The antidote to the simplistic and message is simple: Doctors! Leave pessimistic biomedical model.’ our kids alone!’ Jacqui Dillon, Chair, Hearing Voices Network Oliver James, psychologist, columnist, author £9.99 / $14.50 / 165pp / 2010 ‘Often, people involved in the care of pb: 978 1 906254 19 3 children are misled by professionals ebook: 978 1 910919 01 9 who know more about the theory of mental disorder than they do about children. This book is about children, and is essential reading for all people concerned with their welfare.’ Dorothy Rowe, psychologist, columnist, author £9.99 / $14.50 / 132pp / 2009 pb: 978 1 906254 15 5 ebook: 978 1 910919 02 6 10% off at use code textbooks2019

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