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Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551

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Description: Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551


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1Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Grade-level Indicators Interval Indicators Grade 9 Grades 10-12 Grade 7 Grade 8 - 1. Have concept of sets 1. Analyse and explain - and their operation. relations of a given pattern. 2. Understand and use reasoning through induction and deduction. 3. Have concept of relation and function, and show relation and function through various methods, e.g., tables, graphs and equations. 4. Understand concept of sequence and express general terms of finite sequence. 5. Understand concepts of arithmetic and geometric sequences, and express general terms of arithmetic and geometric sequences.

2 Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Strand 4: Algebra Standard MA4.2: Ability to apply and to interpret algebraic expressions, equations, inequalities, graphs and other mathematical models to represent various situations and to apply them for problem-solving Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade-level Indicators Grade 5 Grade 6 - - Grade 3 Grade 4 - 1. Write an - - equation based on a situation or problem, solve the equation and check the answer.

Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Grade-level Indicators Interval Indicators Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grades 10-12 1. Solve simple linear 1. Solve problems of 1. Apply knowledge 1. Draw Venn-Euler diagrams equations with linear equations of linear inequalities and apply for problem- one variable. with one variable, with one variable solving. 2. Write linear and be aware for problem-solving, 2. Check the validity of equations with one of the validity and be aware of the reasoning using Venn-Euler variable from simple of the answer. validity of the diagrams. situations or 2. Find coordinates answer. 3. Solve equations and problems. of points and 2. Write a graph inequalities with one 3. Solve problems explain the showing link of variable (degree not involving simple characteristics two sets of more than two). linear equations of geometric quantities with 4. Construct relations or with one variable, figures obtained linear relationship. functions from situations and be aware of from translation, 3. Draw graphs of or problems and apply the validity of reflection and linear equations them for problem-solving. the answer. rotation on with two variables. 5. Apply graphs of equations, 4. Draw a graph on the plane of 4. Read and interpret inequalities and functions the plane of the the rectangular meaning of systems for problem-solving. rectangular coordinate system. of linear equations 6. Understand the concepts coordinate system with two variables of the sums of the first n showing the and other graphs. terms of arithmetic series, relationship of 5. Solve systems of and find the sums of the two sets of linear equations arithmetic series using quantities given. with two variables, applicable formulas. 5. Read and interpret apply them for the meaning of problem-solving, the graph on and be aware of the plane of the validity of the rectangular the answer. coordinate system given.

Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Strand 5: Data Analysis and Probability Standard MA5.1: Understanding and ability to apply statistical methodology for data analysis Grade-level Indicators Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 - - 1. Collect and 1. Collect and 1. Draw bar 1. Read data categorise categorise charts with from line data about data. shortening of graphs and themselves 2. Read lines to pie-charts. and the data from represent 2. Draw surroundings pictograms, numbers. comparative in daily life. bar charts 2. Read bar charts 2. Read data and tables. data from and line from simple 3. Draw comparative graphs. pictograms pictograms bar charts. and bar and bar charts. charts.

5Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Grade-level Indicators Interval Indicators Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grades 10-12 - 1. Read and present 1. Set up an issue and 1. Understand simple data using write questions methodology for opinion pie-charts. about it and set polling. appropriate methods 2. Find arithmetic mean, of study and of data median, mode, standard collection. deviation and percentile 2. Find arithmetic of data. mean, median 3. Select central tendency and mode of suitable to data non-frequency and objectives. distribution data, and make appropriate selection for utilisation. 3. Present data in appropriate forms. 4. Read, interpret and analyse the data obtained from presentations.

Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Strand 5: Data Analysis and Probability Standard MA5.2: Application of statistical methodology and knowledge of probability for valid estimation Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade-level Indicators Grade 5 Grade 6 - - Grade 3 Grade 4 1. Tell whether 1. Explain - - a described events by situation: terms with - definitely similar happens; meaning to: - may or - definitely may not happens; happen; - may or - definitely may not not happen; happens. - definitely not happens.

Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Grade-level Indicators Interval Indicators Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grades 10-12 1. explain which, 1. Explain events 1. Find probability 1. Apply opinion poll results events described, described: of events from for projecting events are more likely to - which definitely random sampling that may happen in happen. happens; with equal given situations. - which probability for 2. Explain random sampling, definitely not each result, and events, probability of happens; apply knowledge events, and apply results - which are more of probability for obtained for projecting likely to happen. valid projection events that may happen of events. in given situations.

8 Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Strand 5: Data Analysis and Probability Standard MA5.3: Application of knowledge of statistics and probability for decision-making and problem-solving Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade-level Indicators Grade 5 Grade 6 - - Grade 3 Grade 4 - - - -

Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Grade-level Indicators Interval Indicators Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grades 10-12 - - 1. Apply knowledge 1. Apply data, information of statistics and and statistics for decision- probability for making and problem- decision-making. solving. 2. Discuss possible 2. Apply knowledge errors in presenting of probability for statistical data. decision-making and problem-solving.

100 Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Strand 6: Mathematical Skills and Processes Standard MA6.1: Ability in problem-solving, reasoning, communication and presentation of mathematical concept, linking various bodies of mathematical knowledge, and linking mathematics with other disciplines; and attaining ability for creative thinking Grade-level Indicators Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 1. Apply 1. Apply 1. Apply 1. Apply 1. Apply 1. Apply diverse diverse diverse diverse diverse diverse methods for methods for methods for methods for methods for methods for problem- problem- problem- problem- problem- problem- solving. solving. solving. solving. solving. solving. 2. Appropriately 2. Appropriately 2. Appropriately 2. Appropriately 2. Appropriately 2. Appropriately apply apply apply apply apply apply mathematical mathematical mathematical mathematical mathematical mathematical knowledge, knowledge, knowledge, and and and skills and skills and skills and technological technological technological processes processes processes knowledge, knowledge, knowledge, for problem- for problem- for problem- skills and skills and skills and solving. solving. solving. processes processes processes 3. Suitably 3. Suitably 3. Suitably for problem- for problem- for problem- provide provide provide solving. solving. solving. reasoning reasoning reasoning 3. Suitably 3. Suitably 3. Suitably for decision- for decision- for decision- provide provide provide making and making and making and reasoning reasoning reasoning appropriately appropriately appropriately for decision- for decision- for decision- present the present the present the making and making and making and conclusions. conclusions. conclusions. appropriately appropriately appropriately present the present the present the conclusions. conclusions. conclusions.

101Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Grade-level Indicators Interval Indicators Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grades 10-12 1. Apply diverse 1. Apply diverse 1. Apply diverse 1. Apply diverse methods methods for methods for methods for for problem-solving. problem-solving. problem-solving. problem-solving. 2. Appropriately apply 2. Appropriately apply 2. Appropriately apply 2. Appropriately apply mathematical and mathematical and mathematical and mathematical and technological knowledge, technological technological technological skills and processes for knowledge, skills knowledge, skills knowledge, skills problem-solving in various and processes for and processes for and processes for situations. problem-solving in problem-solving in problem-solving in 3. Suitably provide reasoning various situations. various situations. various situations. for decision-making and 3. Suitably provide 3. Suitably provide 3. Suitably provide appropriately present the reasoning for reasoning for reasoning for conclusions. decision-making decision-making decision-making 4. Accurately and succinctly and appropriately and appropriately and appropriately use mathematical language present the present the present the and symbols for conclusions. conclusions. conclusions. communication, 4. Accurately and 4. Accurately and 4. Accurately and communication of concepts succinctly use succinctly use succinctly use and presentation. mathematical mathematical mathematical 5. Link various bodies of language and language and language and mathematical knowledge symbols for symbols for symbols for and link mathematical communication, communication, communication, knowledge, principles communication communication communication and processes with those of concepts and of concepts and of concepts and of other disciplines. presentation. presentation. presentation. 6. Attain ability for creative thinking.

102 Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Strand 6: Mathematical Skills and Processes Standard MA6.1: Ability in problem-solving, reasoning, communication and presentation of mathematical concept, linking various bodies of mathematical knowledge and linking mathematics with other disciplines; and attaining ability for creative thinking Grade-level Indicators Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 4. Accurately 4. Accurately 4. Accurately 4. Accurately 4. Accurately 4. Accurately use use use use use use mathematical mathematical mathematical mathematical mathematical mathematical language and language and language and language and language and language and symbols for symbols for symbols for symbols for symbols for symbols for communication, communication, communication, communication, communication, communication, communication communication communication communication communication communication of concepts of concepts of concepts of concepts of concepts of concepts and and and and and and presentation. presentation. presentation. presentation. presentation. presentation. 5. Link various 5. Link various 5. Link various 5. Link various 5. Link various 5. Link various bodies of bodies of bodies of bodies of bodies of bodies of mathematical mathematical mathematical mathematical mathematical mathematical knowledge, knowledge, knowledge, knowledge, knowledge, knowledge, and link and link and link and link and link and link mathematics mathematics mathematics mathematics mathematics mathematics with other with other with other with other with other with other disciplines. disciplines. disciplines. disciplines. disciplines. disciplines. 6. Attain ability 6. Attain ability 6. Attain ability 6. Attain ability 6. Attain ability 6. Attain ability for creative for creative for creative for creative for creative for creative thinking. thinking. thinking. thinking. thinking. thinking.

10Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Grade-level Indicators Interval Indicators Grades 10-12 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 5. Link various bodies 5. Link various bodies 5. Link various bodies of mathematical of mathematical of mathematical knowledge, and knowledge, and link knowledge, and link mathematical mathematical link mathematical knowledge, knowledge, knowledge, principles and principles and principles and processes with those processes with those processes with those of other disciplines. of other disciplines. of other disciplines. 6. Attain ability for 6. Attain ability for 6. Attain ability for creative thinking. creative thinking. creative thinking.

104 Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Science Why it is necessary to learn science Science plays an important role in our present and future world communities, as it relates to our eveyday life and livelihoods. Science also involves technologies, devices and various products at our disposal, which facilitate our life and work. All this benefit is from our scientific knowledge, which is combined with creativity as well as other disciplines. Science enables us to develop our thinking skills in various respects - logical, creative, analytical and critical. It also enables us to acquire investigative skills for seeking knowledge, the ability of systematic problem-solving, and verifiable decision-making based on diverse data and evidences. Science is essential to the modern world, which is intrinsically a knowledge society. All of us therefore need to be provided with scientific knowledge so as to acquire knowledge and understanding of nature and man-made technologies and to apply them through logical, creative and moral approaches. What is learned in science The learning area of science is aimed at enabling learners to link knowledge with processes, acquire essential skills for investigation, build up knowledge through investigative processes, seek knowledge and solve various problems. Learners are allowed to participate in all stages of learning, with activities organized through diverse practical work suitable to their levels. The main content areas are prescribed as follows: l Living Things and Processes of Life: living things; basic units of living things; the structures and functions of various systems of living things and the processes of life; the biodiversity; genetic transmission; the functioning of various systems of living things, the evolution and diversity of living things and the biotechnology l Life and the Environment: diverse living things in the environment; the relationship between living things and the environment; the relationships among living things in the eco-system; the importance of natural resources, utilization and management of natural resources at local, national and global levels; the factors affecting survival of living things in various environments

105Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) l Substances and Properties of Substances: the properties of materials and substances; binding forces between particles; changes in the state of substances; the solution formation and chemical reaction of substances, chemical equations and separation of substances l Forces and Motion: the nature of electromagnetic, gravitational and nuclear forces; forces acting on objects; motion of objects; frictional forces; moment of variety of motions in daily life l Energy: energy and life; energy transformation; the properties and phenomena of light, sound, electrical circuits, electromagnetic waves, radioactivity and nuclear reactions; the interrelationship between substances and energy; energy conservation; the effects of utilization of energy on life and the environment l Change Process of the Earth: the structure and components of the Earth; geological resources; the physical properties of soil, rock, water and air; the properties of the earth surface and atmosphere; change processes of the earth’s crust; the geological phenomena; the factors affecting atmospheric change l Astronomy and Space: evolution of the solar system; galaxies; the universe; interrelationship and effects on living things on the earth; the relationship between the sun, the moon and the earth; the importance of space technology l Nature of Science and Technology: the scientific processes; investigation for seeking knowledge, problem-solving, and scientific mind

106 Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Learners’ Quality Grade 3 graduates l Understand the general characteristics of living things and the existence of diverse living things in the local environment l Understand the phenomena and changes in materials in the surroundings; natural forces; forms of energy l Understand the physical properties of soil, rock, water, air, the sun and stars l Pose questions about living things, materials and objects as well as various phenomena in the surroundings; observe, explore and verify the use of simple instruments, and transfer what has been learned through story-telling, writing or drawing pictures l Apply scientific knowledge and processes in life and search for additional knowledge; implement the projects or work assignments as prescribed or interested l Show enthusiasm, interest in learning and appreciation of the environment around them; show kindness, care and concern for other living things l Carry out assignments with determination, care, economy and honesty until successfully complete, and work happily with others

107Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Grade 6 graduates l Understand the structure and function of various systems of living things and relationships among diverse living things in different environments l Understand the properties and distribution of groups of materials; states of substances; properties of substances and causing changes in substances; substances in daily life; simple methods of separating substances l Understand the effects of force acting on objects; pressure; basic principles of buoyancy; properties and basic phenomena of light, sound and electrical circuits l Understand the characteristics, the components and properties of the earth surface and atmosphere; relationship between the sun, the earth and the moon, which affects natural phenomena l Pose questions about what is to be learned; give estimates of several possible answers; plan, investigate and verify by applying tools and devices; analyse data and communicate knowledge obtained from investigation and verification l Apply scientific knowledge and processes in life and search for additional knowledge; implement projects or tasks as prescribed or interests l Show interest, determination, responsibility, care and honesty in seeking knowledge l Be aware of the value of knowledge of science and technology; show appreciation, honour and respect of inventors’ rights to their achievements l Show recognition, care and concern as evident in conscientious behaviour for utilization, protection and conservation of natural resources and the environment l Work constructively with others; be ready to express their opinions and listen to other opinions

108 Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Grade 9 graduates l Understand the characteristics and main components of cells of living things; relationship of function in various systems; genetic transmission; biotechnology; diversity of living things; living things’ behaviour and responses to stimuli in the environment l Understand the components and the properties of solutions; pure substances; transformation of substances through change of their state; solution forming and chemical reaction l Understand the frictional forces; moment of forces; variety of motion in daily life; rules for energy conservation; energy transfer; heat equilibrium; reflection, refraction and density of light l Understand the relationship between electrical quantities; principles of electrical domestic circuits; electrical energy and basic principles of electronic circuits l Understand the change processes of the earth’s crust; geological sources; factors affecting atmospheric change; the reactions within the solar system and effects on various things on the earth; the importance of space technology l Understand the relationship between science and technology; the development and effects of development on quality of life and the environment l Pose questions with prescription and control of variables; give estimates to several possible answers; plan, investigate, verify, analyse and evaluate data conformity and create bodies of knowledge l Transfer thoughts and knowledge obtained from investigation and verification through verbal or written presentation, display, or application of information technology l Apply scientific and technological knowledge and processes in life and seek additional knowledge; create projects or work pieces with their interests l Show interest, determination, responsibility, care and honesty in investigating and seeking knowledge using reliable devices and methods

109Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) l Be aware of the value of scientific and technological knowledge applied in daily life and livelihood; show appreciation, honour and respect of inventors’ rights to their achievements l Show recognition, care and concern, and appreciate behaviour for utilization and conservation of natural resources and local environment l Work constructively with others; be ready to express their opinions and listen to other opinions Grade 12 graduates l Understand the maintenance of cell equilibrium and mechanisms for maintaining equilibrium of living things l Understand the processes of genetic transmission, variation, mutation, evolution of living things and factors affecting their survival in various environments l Understand the processes, importance and effects of biotechnology on human beings, living things and the environment l Understand kinds of important particles that form components of atomic structures, sequencing of elements in the Periodic Table, chemical reactions and writing chemical equations, and factors affecting rates of chemical reaction l Understand kinds of binding forces between particles and various properties of substances that are related to binding forces l Understand the origin of petroleum, natural gas separation and fractional distillation of crude oil, the application of petroleum products for useful purposes and their effects on living things and the environment l Understand kinds, properties and important reactions of polymers and biomolecular substances l Understand the relationships between quantities involving various types of motion; the properties of mechanical waves; the quantities of sound and hearing; the properties, benefits and harms of electromagnetic waves, the radioactivity and nuclear energy

110 Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) l Understand the change processes of the Earth and geological phenomena affecting living things and the environment l Understand the origin and evolution of the solar system, galaxies, the universe, and the importance of space technology l Understand how scientific knowledge results in development of various kinds of technologies, and how technological development results in discovery of advanced scientific knowledge, as well as the effects of technology on life, society and the environment l Identify problems; pose questions for investigation and verification by prescribing the relationships between various variables; search for data from various sources; propose several possible hypotheses; decide to investigate feasible hypotheses l Plan processes of investigation and verification for problem-solving or answering questions; analyse and link the relationships of various variables by applying mathematical equations or creating models from results or knowledge obtained from investigation and verification l Transfer thoughts and knowledge obtained from investigation through verbal or written presentation, display or application of information technology l Explain scientific knowledge and apply scientific processes for living and seeking additional knowledge; create projects or work pieces with their interests l Show interest, dedication, responsibility, care and honesty in investigating and seeking knowledge by using accurate and reliable devices and methods l Be aware of the value of scientific and technological knowledge applied in daily life and livelihood; show appreciation, pride, respect, and make references to achievements and accomplishments resulting from local wisdom and development of modern technology l Show recognition, care and concern as well as appreciative behaviour for utilization and conservation of natural resources and the environment; volunteer to cooperate with the community to protect and take good care of natural resources and local environment

111Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) l Show satisfaction and appreciation of abilities to discover knowledge, find answers or solve problems l Work constructively with others; express opinions based on reliable references and sound reasoning resulting from scientific and technological development and application, bearing in mind moral obligation to society and the environment; and be ready to listen to other opinions

112 Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Strand 1: Living Things and Life Processes Standard SC1.1: Understanding of the basic units of living things; the relationship between structures and functions of various systems of living things which are interlinked; having investigative process for seeking knowledge; ability to transfer and put the knowledge into practice and care for living things Grade-level Indicators Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 1. Compare the 1. Experiment - 1. Experiment 1. Observe 1. Explain differences and explain and explain and specify human between the essential the functions the growth from living things of water and of the components birth to and non- light to plant bundles of flowers adulthood. living things. life. and stomas and the 2. Explain the 2. Observe 2. Explain the of plants. structures interrelated and explain nutrients, 2. Explain related to functioning the water and air water, reproduction of digestive, characteristics are essential carbon of respiratory and the factors for dioxide, angiosperms. and functions of the growth light and 2. Explain circulatory external of plants and chlorophyll, reproduction systems of structures of animals, and essential of flowers, human plants and put it into factors for plants, plant beings. animals. practice. plants propagation, 3. Analyse 3. Observe 3. Explore and growth and and put it nutrients and explain explain photosynthesis. into practice. and discuss the abilities of 3. Experiment 3. Explain body characteristics, plants and and explain life cycles requirements the functions animals to responses of of some for nutrients and the respond to plants to kinds of in importance light, light, sound angiosperms. proportions of external temperature and touch. 4. Explain with gender human and touch. animal and age. organs reproduction as well as and health care. propagation.

11Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Grade-level Indicators Interval Indicators Grade 9 Grades 10-12 Grade 7 Grade 8 - 1. Experiment and explain the 1. Observe and explain 1. Explain the maintenance of cell the forms and the structures and the equilibrium of living things. characteristics of functions of the cells of digestive, circulatory, 2. Experiment and explain the unicellular and respiratory, mechanisms for multicellular excretory and maintenance of water organisms. reproductive equilibrium in plants. 2. Observe and systems of human compare the beings and animals 3. Search for data and explain essential as well as nerve the mechanisms for components of plant system of human controlling the equilibrium and animal cells. beings. of water, minerals and 3. Experiment and 2. Explain the temperature of human explain the functions relationship of beings and animals, and of essential various systems of put it into practice. components of plant human beings and and animal cells. put it into practice. 4. Explain the body’s immune 4. Experiment and 3. Observe and explain system, and apply this explain the processes behaviour of human acquired knowledge for health care. of passing beings and animals substances through responding to cells by diffusion internal and external and osmosis. stimuli. 5. Experiment to 4. Explain the find some factors principles and the essential for effects of photosynthesis biotechnological of plants, and application in explain that light, propagation to chlorophyll carbon improve breeding dioxide and water and increase essential for productivity of photosynthesis.

11 Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Strand 1: Living Things and Life Processes Standard SC1.1: Understanding of the basic units of living things; the relationship between the structures and functions of various systems of living things which are interlinked; having investigative process for seeking knowledge; ability to transfer and put the knowledge into practice and care for living things Grade-level Indicators Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 4. Explore and explain the 4. Explain 5. Explain ability of the behaviour life cycles human body of animals of some to respond to responding kinds of light, to light, animals temperature temperature and put it and touch. and touch, into practice. 5. Explain and put it the factors into practice. essential for the life and growth of human beings.

115Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Grade-level Indicators Interval Indicators Grade 9 Grades 10-12 Grade 7 Grade 8 6. Experiment and animals, and put it explain the results of into practices. plant photosynthesis. 5. Experiment, analyse 7. Explain importance and explain of the photosynthesis nutrients in foods process of plants with energy quantity on living things and and proportion the environment. to gender and age. 8. Experiment and 6. Discuss the effects explain the groups of addictive of cells involved substances on in transportation of various systems of water in plants. the body, and 9. Observe and explain guidelines for the structures self-protection from of the systems of addictive substances. water and nutrients transportation in plants. 10. Experiment and explain the floral structures in plant reproduction. 11. Explain the sexual and asexual reproduction processes of plants.

11 Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Strand 1: Living Things and Life Processes Standard SC1.1: Understanding of the basic units of living things; the relationship between the structures and functions of various systems of living things which are interlinked; having investigative process for seeking knowledge; ability to transfer and put the knowledge into practice and care for living things Grade-level Indicators Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6

11Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Grade-level Indicators Interval Indicators Grade 9 Grades 10-12 Grade 7 Grade 8 12. Experiment and explain the responses of plants to light, water and touch. 13. Explain the principles and the effects of biotechnological application for propagation, improved breeding and increased productivity of plants, and put it into practice.

118 Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Strand 1: Living Things and Life Processes Standard Sc1.2: Understanding of the process and the importance of genetic transmission; the evolution of living things; the biodiversity; the application of biotechnology affecting humans and the environment; having investigative process for seeking knowledge and scientific reasoning; transferring and putting the knowledge into practice Grade-level Indicators Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 1. Explore, - 1. Specify the 1. Explain the 1. Discuss - characteristics benefits of various compare of living plants and characteristics and specify things in animals in of living their own local area, local area. things in the characteristics and immediate and those of categorise environment. their family them using 2. Compare members. external and specify 2. Explain characteristics the similar genetic the as criteria. characteristics transmission of parents of each and children. generation of 3. Explain living things. the similar 3. Distinguish characteristics between of parents flowering and children and non- originating flowering from genetic plants. transmission, 4. Specify the and put it characteristics into practice. of 4. Search for monocellular data and and discuss about multicellular kinds of plants using extinct living their external things and organs as kinds that criteria. exist in the present time.

11Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Grade-level Indicators Interval Indicators Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grades 10-12 - - 1. Observe and explain 1. Explain the processes the characteristics of of genetic transmission, chromosomes with transformation, mutation genetic units or and the origin of genes in their biodiversity. nuclei. 2. Search for data and discuss 2. Explain the about the effects of importance of biotechnology on human genes or DNA beings and the environment, and the process of and put it into practice. transmitting genetic 3. Search for data and characteristics. discuss about the effects 3. Discuss the genetic of biodiversity on human diseases resulting beings and the environment. from abnormality 4. Explain the natural of genes and selection processes and chromosomes, their effects on diversity and put it into of living things. practice. 4. Explore and explain the biodiversity in local area enabling living things to maintain the balance of life. 5. Explain the effects of biodiversity on human beings animals, plants and the environment.

120 Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Strand 1: Living Things and Life Processes Standard SC1.2: Understanding of the process and the importance of genetic transmission; the evolution of living things; the biodiversity; the application of biotechnology affecting humans and the environment; having investigative process for seeking knowledge and scientific reasoning; transferring and putting the knowledge into practice Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade-level Indicators Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 3 Grade 4 5. Categorise animals into groups using external characteristics and some internal characteristics as criteria.

121Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Grade-level Indicators Interval Indicators Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grades 10-12 6. Explain the effects of biotechnology on living of human beings and the environment.

122 Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Strand 2: Life and the Environment Standard SC2.1: Understanding of the local environment; the relationship between the environment and living things; the relationship between living things in the eco-system; having investigative process for seeking knowledge and scientific reasoning; transferring and putting the knowledge into practice Grade-level Indicators Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 - - - 1. Explore 1. Explore the - environment and discuss in the local about the area and relationship explain the of groups of relationship living things between in various living things habitats. and the 2. Explore the environment. relationship of living things in terms of food chain and food web. 3. Search for data and explain the relationships between the lives of living things and the environment.

12Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Grade-level Indicators Interval Indicators Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grades 10-12 - - 1. Explore, various 1. Explain the equilibrium eco-systems in of the eco-system. local area and 2. Explain the processes of explain the change and replacement relationships of the of living things. components within 3. Explain the importance of the eco-systems. biodiversity and propose 2. Analyse and explain guidelines for providing the relationship of care and preservation. energy transmission in living things in terms of food chain and food web. 3. Explain water and carbon cycles and their importance to the eco-system. 4. Explain the factors affecting change in size of population in the eco-system.

12 Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Strand 2: Life and the Environment Standard SC2.2: Appreciating the importance of natural resources; the utilization of natural resources at local, national and global levels; and the application of knowledge for management of natural resources and local environment on a sustainable basis Grade-level Indicators Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 - - - 1. Search for 1. Explore - natural data and resources discuss about and discuss sources about of natural utilization of resources local natural in each resources. local area beneficial 2. Specify the to life. utilization 2. Analyse the of natural effects of resources population causing increase on environmental the utilization problems. of natural resources. 3. Discuss 3. Discuss and present about the ideas for effects on economical living things and cost- from effective environmental utilization change due of natural to nature and resources human and beings. participate in the practice.

125Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Grade-level Indicators Interval Indicators Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grades 10-12 - - 1. Analyse the 1. Analyse causes of the environment and environment and natural natural resources resources problems problems in the at local, national local area, and and global levels. propose guidelines 2. Discuss about guidelines for problem-solving. for preventing and solving 2. Explain the the environment and guidelines for natural resources problems. preserving 3. Plan and observe, the balance of preserve and develop the eco-system. the environment and 3. Discuss about the natural resources. sustainable utilization of natural resources. 4. Analyse and explain the utilization of natural resources in terms of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy. 5. Discuss about the environmental problems and propose relevant guidelines for problem-solving.

12 Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Strand 2: Life and the Environment Standard SC2.2: Appreciating the importance of natural resources; the utilization of natural resources at local, national and global levels; and the application of knowledge for management of natural resources and local environment on a sustainable basis Grade-level Indicators Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 4. Discuss about guidelines for taking care of and preserving natural resources and the environment. 5. Participate in providing care and preservation of natural resources in the local area.

12Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Grade-level Indicators Interval Indicators Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grades 10-12 6. Discuss and participate in providing care and preserving the local environment on a sustainable basis.

128 Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Strand 3: Substances and Properties of Substances Standard SC3.1: Understanding of the properties of substances; the relationship between the properties of substances and the structures and binding forces between particles; having investigative process for seeking knowledge and scientific reasoning; transferring and putting the knowledge into pratice Grade-level Indicators Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 1. Observe 1. Specify and 1. Classify kinds - 1. Experiment 1. Experiment and specify compare the and the and explain and explain the apparent properties properties the properties the properties characteristics of materials of materials of various of solids, or the for making for making kinds of liquids and properties toys and of toys and materials e.g gases. of materials articles of articles of elasticity, 2. Categorise for making everyday everyday hardness, substances toys or use. use. toughness, into groups. articles 2. Choose and 2. Explain the heat 3. Experiment of everyday use utilization conductivity and explain use. appropriate of each kind and density. the separation 2. Classify and safe of material. 2. Search for of materials the materials materials data and through for making and articles. discuss about sifting, toys or the precipitation, articles application filtering, of everyday of materials sublimation use and in daily life. and specify the evaporation. criteria of 4. Explore and the categorise classification. various substances used in daily life using their properties and utilization as criteria.

12Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Grade-level Indicators Interval Indicators Grade 9 Grades 10-12 Grade 7 Grade 8 - 1. Search for data and explain 1. Experiment and 1. Explore and explain the structure of atoms and classify substances the components and nuclear symbols of into groups the properties of elements. using their texture elements and or particle size as compounds. 2. Analyse and explain the criteria and explain 2. Search for data electronic configuration the properties of and compare the in atoms and the each group. properties of relationship between 2. Explain the metallic, non- electrons in outermost properties and metallic, semi energy-level with the the transition of metallic and nuclear properties of elements and substances using elements and put the formation of reactions. particle arrangement the knowledge into models. practice. 3. Explain the sequencing of 3. Experiment and 3. Experiment and elements and predict the explain the acid- explain the properties of elements base properties of principles in the Periodic Table. solutions. of substance 4. Verify pH value separation by 4. Analyse and explain of solutions, and put methods formation of chemical the knowledge into of filtering, bonds in crystal network practice. crystallisation, and in molecules of expunctions, substances. distillation and chromatography, 5. Search for data and and put the explain the relationship knowledge into between boiling point, practice. melting point and state of substances with binding forces between particles of substances.

10 Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Strand 3: Substances and Properties of Substances Standard SC3.1: Understanding of the properties of substances; the relationship between the properties of substances and the structures and binding forces between particles; having investigative process for seeking knowledge and scientific reasoning; transferring and putting the knowledge into pratice Grade-level Indicators Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 5. Discuss about the selection of correct and safe application of each kind of substance.

11Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Grade-level Indicators Interval Indicators Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grades 10-12

12 Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Strand 3: Substances and Properties of Substances Standard SC3.2: Understanding of the principles and the nature of change in the state of substances; the solution formation; the chemical reaction; having investigative process for seeking knowledge and scientific reasoning; transferring and putting the knowledge into practice Grade-level Indicators Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 - - - 1. Experiment 1. Experiment - and explain and explain the effects of the change in properties objects upon of substances force acts or when heating or dissolve and cooling. change their state. 2. Discuss 2. Analyse about the and explain benefits and the changes detriments resulting in that may transition arise due to of substances changes in to new the objects. substances with different properties. 3. Explain the affects of the changes of substances on living things and the environment.

1Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Grade-level Indicators Interval Indicators Grade 9 Grades 10-12 Grade 7 Grade 8 - 1. Experiment, explain and 1. Experiment and 1. Experiment and write equations of general explain the methods explain the changes chemical reactions found of preparing in properties, mass in daily life, the effects of solutions with and energy when chemical substances on density in substances have living things and the percentage, and chemical reactions environment. discuss about and explain factors putting the affecting the 2. Experiment and explain knowledge into chemical reactions. the rates of chemical practice. 2. Experiment, explain reactions and factors 2. Experiment and and write chemical affecting chemical reactions explain the change equations of and put it into practice. of properties, mass reactions of various and energy of substances, and put 3. Search for data and explain substances when it into practice. the origin of petroleum, change state and 3. Search for data and natural gas separation dissolve. discuss about the and the fractional 3. Experiment and effects of chemical distillation of crude oil. explain the factors substances and affecting state chemical reactions 4. Search for data and discuss changes and the on living things and about the application of dissolution of the environment. products from natural gas substancess. 4. Search for data and and fractional distillation explain the safe of crude oil and the effects application, ways of of these products on living preventing and things and the environment. remedying dangers from chemical 5. Experiment and explain the origin of polymers and their properties. substances.

1 Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Strand 3: Substances and Properties of Substances Standard SC3.2: Understanding of the principles and the nature of change in the state of substances; the solution formation; the chemical reaction; having investigative process for seeking knowledge and scientific reasoning; transferring and putting the knowledge into practice Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade-level Indicators Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 3 Grade 4

15Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Grade-level Indicators Interval Indicators Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grades 10-12 6. Discuss about the utilization of polymers and the effects from production and the utilization of polymers on living things and the environment. 7. Experiment and explain the components, benefits and some kinds of reactions of carbohydrates. 8. Experiment and explain the benefits and some kinds of reactions of fat and oil. 9. Experiment and explain the components, benefits and some kinds of reactions of proteins and nucleic acids.

1 Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Strand 4: Forces and Motion Standard SC4.1: Understanding of the nature of electromagnetic, the gravitational and nuclear forces; having investigative process for seeking knowledge; transferring and putting the knowledge into practice Grade-level Indicators Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 1. Experiment - 1. Experiment 1. Experiment 1. Experiment - and explain and explain and explain and explain the act of the forces the effects of finding pulling or originating forces acting addition of pushing from on objects. two forces objects. a magnet. 2. Experiment acting on 2. Explain the the falling of objects. application objects on 2. Experiment of magnets. the ground and explain 3. Experiment and explain air pressure. and explain the gravity. 3. Experiment the electrical and explain forces liquid resulting pressure. from rubbing 4. Experiment some kinds and explain of materials. buoyant forces of liquid, floating and sinking of objects.

1Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Grade-level Indicators Interval Indicators Grades 10-12 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 1. Experiment and explain the 1. Search for data and 1. Experiment and 1. Explain the relationship between forces explain scalar and explain finding acceleration and and motion of objects in vector quantities. resultant force of the effects of gravitational fields and put 2. Experiment and several forces on resultant forces the knowedge into practice. explain distance, the same plane acting on objects. speed, displacement acting on objects. 2. Experiment and 2. Experiment and explain the and velocity of 2. Explain resultant explain the relationship between forces motion of objects. forces acting on actionary and and motion of particles in static objects or reactionary forces electrical fields, and put it objects moving with between objects, into practice. constant velocity. and put the knowedge into 3. Experiment and explain the paractice. relationship between forces 3. Experiment and and motion of particles in explain buoyant magnetic fields, and put it forces acting on into practice. liquid. 4. Analyse and explain the nuclear and electrical forces among particles in nuclei.

18 Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Strand 4: Forces and Motion Standard SC4.2: Understanding of the characteristics and various types of motion of natural objects; having investigative process for seeking knowledge and scientific reasoning; transferring and putting the knowledge into practice Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade-level Indicators Grade 5 Grade 6 - - Grade 3 Grade 4 1. Experiment - - - and explain the frictional forces and put it into practice.

1Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Grade-level Indicators Interval Indicators Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grades 10-12 - - 1. Experiment and 1. Experiment and explain explain the the relationship between differences between displacement, time, static, friction and velocity, acceleration forces, and put it of the motions in a straight into practice. line. 2. Experiment and 2. Observe and explain the explain the moment simple projectile, circular of forces, and put it and harmonic motions. into practice. 3. Discuss about the results 3. Observe and explain of investigation and the motions of the benefits of simple objects in a straight projectile, circular and line and in curves. harmonic motions.

10 Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) Strand 5: Energy Standard SC5.1: Understanding of the relationship between energy and living; the energy transformation; the interrelationship between substances and energy; the effects of energy utilization on life and the environment; having investigative process for seeking knowledge; transferring and putting the knowledge into practice Grade-level Indicators Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 - 1. Experiment 1. Identify 1. Experiment 1. Experiment 1. Experiment and explain natural and explain and explain and explain that energy the motion the origin how to electricity sources of light from and the connect is a form producing its source. propagation a simple of energy. electricity. 2. Experiment of sound. electrical 2. Explore 2. Explain the and explain 2. Experiment circuit. and give importance the reflection and explain 2. Experiment examples of electrical of light on the origin of and explain of electric energy and objects. high pitched the electrical appliances propose how 3. Experiment and low- conductors transforming to consume and classify pitched and the electrical it safely and objects based sound. insulators. energy into economically. on visualising 3. Experiment 3. Experiment other forms from sources and explain and explain of energy. of light. loud and soft a series 4. Experiment sound. connection and explain 4. Explore of cells, and the refraction and discuss put it into of light about the practice. passing detrimental 4. Experiment though two effects on and explain kinds of listening to the transparent excessively connection mediums. loud sounds. of bulbs in 5. Experiment both series and explain and parallel the circuits, and transformation put it into of light into practice. electrical energy, and

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