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Home Explore University of Technology Mauritius Magasine

University of Technology Mauritius Magasine

Published by Radhika Dhunputh, 2021-10-06 06:33:53

Description: The university of Technology magasine
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Leaders choose UTM

“ ................................................... Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. ”................................................... - Malcolm X ............................. ..............................

04 About UTM CONTTAEBLENOFT 06 Vission, Mission, Aims, Objectives UTM recognition, Accademic Structure 08 School of Business Management and Finance (SBMF) 12 School of Innovation Technology and Engineering (SITE) 15 School of Sustainable Development and Tourism (SSDT) 17 School of Health Science (SHS) 18 Sports 20 Krakathon Competition 22 Activities in UTM 24 Convocation Ceremony 27 Renovation in UTM 30 National Entrepreneurship Campaign

ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, MAURITIUS The University of Technology, The University started operation by the Mauritius (UTM) was created in year end of year 2000. The Board of Governors 2000 by Act of Parliament as the (B.O.G), was in place and in year 2001, Government implemented its plan created its senior management personnel. to have a second University which would focus towards development of oriented The UTM became fully operational in sectors in particular. Two state institutions August 2001. Initially two Schools were namely the Mauritius Institute of Public created: the School of Business Informatics Administration and Management (MIPAM) and Software Engineering (SOBISE) and the and the State Information Training Centre School of Public Sector Policy and (SITRAC Ltd) were merged to form the Management (SOPSPAM) to welcome their University of Technology, Mauritius. first cohorts of undergraduate students. This historic step in the field of higher The UTM has embarked on a strategy of education was prompted mainly by the expansion to minimise, as far as possible, need to cater more vigorously for the the consequence of its infrastructural and increasing demand for ICT and financial constraints to meet the growing Management professionals in a challenges of the tertiary education sector. country which is seriously committed to Efforts in that direction have been multi accelerate, by all means, the fold through: realization of its ambition to become a major service provider in the field of Information Technology, Management and Finance, Sustainable Development and allied areas. 4

The University of Technology, Mauritius, as at 2010, and now in its tenth year of operation, is poised for a phase of significant expansion in line with the provisions of its Act and the national agenda of increasing access to tertiary education, capacity building in the context of the ongoing economic reforms, promotion of knowledge, research and innovation, as propounded by the Ministry of Tertiary Education, Science, Research and Technology. The University of Technology, Mauritius has the determination to become one of the leading tertiary education institutions of the region. UTM is a member of the Association of Commonwealth Universities. The forthcoming construction of the new campus at Cote DOr will enable the UTM to increase its number of students, the number of programmes offered and provide better facilities. (i) Increase of programmes (ii) Diversification of fields of study which is linked with the creation of new Schools (iii) Several Memoranda of Understanding with different institutions viz.: “ Leadership is the •DYP Worldwide Ltd •Ceridian Mauritius Ltd •Mauritius College of the Air •The Graduate ability to translate •Mauritius Institute of Education •Fashion and Design Institute ”vision into reality. •University of Malaysia-Perlis •Constance Hospitality Training Centre •Universite de Limoges (In process) With the proclamation of the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development Act, the Institut Superieur de Technologie (IST) and the Swami Dayanand Institute of Management (SDIM) has come under the aegis of UTM. This new structural development represents a significant move for the longterm expansion of the University. 5

Vision To become a University of national, regional and international renown, providing multi-level quality tertiary education and training including continuing professional education geared towards sustained capacity building for increasingly technology-driven and enterprise-based developments. Mission To offer a range of University programmes and activities in full-time, part-time and mixed modes to meet the changing needs of Mauritius and develop a regional and international dimension to its activities. UTM will aim for excellence along traditional as well as beyond traditional approaches to teaching, training, research and consultancy. AIMS To provide access to a wide range of students for the acquisition of knowledge and skills with which they can make future professional contributions in various key sectors of the socio-economic and technological advancement of Mauritius and aspire to be- come dynamic players in regional and international activities. OBJECTIVES •To admit students with a range of entry qualifications and academic and professional experience •To deliver programmes which can be entered and exited at different Levels •To offer part-time and distance education in addition to full-time study •To cooperate with government and business in developing lifelong learning, research and consultancy •To promote entrepreneurship and a complete education amongst students •To build up and develop full-time and part-time staff of high calibre •To help students benefit from a physical environment appropriate to their development 6

UTM Recognition The University of Technology, Mauritius is recognized as a University by the: 1. Association of African Universities 2. Association of Indian Universities 3. L’Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie 4. Southern African Regional Universities Association 5. Association of Commonwealth Universities 6. Anabin Database in Germany UTM Accademic Structure The UTM presently comprises of four schools namely: 1. School of Business, Management and Finance The School of Business, Management and Finance (SBMF) consists of the Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics (DAFE) and the Department of Business Management and Law (DBML) 2. School of Sustainable Development and Tourism 3. School of Innovative Technologies and Engineering 4. School of Health Sciences each providing with various courses. “A spirit with a vision is a dream ”with a mission. - Neil Peart 7

1.School of Business, Management and Finance (SBMF) The School of Business, Management and Finance (SBMF) offers a range of comprehensive academic programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Programmes are designed, and put-on offer to local and foreign students, increasingly from Africa, in specialized area of Management, Marketing, Law, Accounting, Banking, Finance, Economics, Procurement, Logistics and Transport. Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics Undergraduate courses Mode Duration Name FT/PT 3 yrs/4 yrs FT/PT 3 yrs/4 yrs BSc (Hons) Accounting with Finance (Accredited by ACCA) FT/PT 3 yrs/4 yrs FT/PT 3 yrs/4 yrs BSc (Hons) Banking and International Finance BSc (Hons) Financial Services with Law BSc (Hons) Economics with Management / with Finance / with Finance and International Business BSc (Hons) Financial Management with specialization in Public Finance Programmes available as from 2015: BSc (Hons) Financial Services with Law FT/PT 3 yrs/4 yrs FT/PT 3 yrs/4 yrs BSc (Hons) Accounting with Finance (Accredited by ACCA) FT/PT 1 yr/1½ yrs BSc (Hons) Accounting with Finance (Top- Up) (Accredited FT/PT 3 yrs/4 yrs by ACCA) FT/PT 3 yrs/4 yrs BSc (Hons) Banking and International Finance BSc (Hons) Economics with International Business and Finance 8

Programmes on previous version are: FT/PT 3 yrs/4½ yrs FT/PT 3 yrs/4½ yrs BSc (Hons) Economics and Management FT/PT 3 yrs/4½ yrs FT/PT 3 yrs/4½ yrs BSc (Hons) Financial Risk Management FT/PT 3 yrs/4½ yrs BSc (Hons) Financial Services (General) PT 1½ yrs BSc (Hons) Accounting with Finance PT 1½ yrs BSc (Hons) Banking and International Finance PT 3½ yrs PT 2 yrs BSc (Hons) Financial Management with specialization in Public Finance (Top Up) PT 2½ yrs BSc (Hons) Procurement and Supply Management (Top- Mode Duration Up) PT 2yrs BSc (Hons) Procurement and Supply Management PT 2yrs PT 2yrs Diploma in Financial Management with specialization in PT 1½yrs Public Finance PT 2yrs Diploma in Procurement and Supply Management Postgraduate courses Name MBA - Financial Risk Management MBA - Finance and Investment MSc International Business and Economics MSc Procurement and Supply Management MSc Banking and Finance 9

Department of Business, Management and Law Undergraduate courses Name Mode Duration BSc (Hons) Logistics and Transport Management FT/PT 3 yrs/4 yrs (Hons) Human Resource Management FT/PT 3 yrs/4 yrs FT/PT 3 yrs/4 yrs BSc (Hons) Management BSc (Hons) Management (Law) FT/PT 3 yrs/4 yrs FT/PT 3 yrs/4 yrs BSc (Hons) Management (Finance) FT/PT 3 yrs/4 yrs BSc (Hons) Management (Marketing) Programmes available as from 2015: FT/PT 3 yrs/4 yrs FT/PT 3 yrs/4 yrs BSc (Hons) Management FT/PT 3 yrs/4 yrs FT/PT 3 yrs/4 yrs BSc (Hons) Management with Marketing FT/PT 3 yrs/4 yrs FT/PT 3 yrs/4 yrs BSc (Hons) Management with Law FT/PT 3 yrs/4 yrs FT/PT 3 yrs/4 yrs BSc (Hons) Management with Finance FT/PT 3 yrs/4½ yrs BSc (Hons) Human Resource Management FT/PT 3 yrs/4½ yrs FT/PT 3 yrs/4½ yrs BSc (Hons) Human Resource Management (Top-up) FT/PT 3 yrs/4½ yrs FT/PT 3 yrs/4½ yrs BSc (Hons) Business Administration with Psychology BSc (Hons) Digital Enterprise Management Programmes on previous version are: BSc (Hons) Management BSc (Hons) Management with Marketing BSc (Hons) Management with Law BSc (Hons) Management with Finance BSc (Hons) Management with Public Administration 10

BSc (Hons) Human Resource Management FT/PT 3 yrs/4½ yrs 1½ yrs BSc (Hons) Human Resource Management (Top-up) PT 1½ yrs PT BSc (Hons) Human Resource Management (Top Up Program 3 yrs/4½ yrs -Rodrigues) 1½ yrs BSc (Hons) Logistics and Transport Management FT/PT 3 yrs/4½ yrs BSc (Hons) Logistics and Transport Management (Top Up) PT 3 yrs/4½ yrs FT/PT BSc (Hons) Risk Management with Business 3 yrs/4½ yrs Intelligence 3 yrs BSc (Hons) in Early Childhood Care Management and FT/PT 1 yr/3 yrs Administration FT/PT BSc (Hons) Entrepreneurial Management PT Diploma in Public Administration and Management FT/PT Certificate in Management and Social Sciences Postgraduate courses Mode Duration Name MBA - General PT 2 yrs MBA - Business Intelligence PT 2 yrs MBA - E Business PT 2 yrs MBA - Human Resource with Knowledge Management PT 2 yrs MBA - Logistics and Supply Chain Management PT 2 yrs MBA - Marketing Management PT 2yrs MBA - Project Management PT 2 yrs MSc Managerial Psychology PT 2 yrs MSc Elder Care FT/PT 1½ yrs/2 yrs MSc Human Resource Management FT/PT 1½ yrs/2 yrs MSc Transport Management 1½ yrs/2 yrs FT/PT MSc Public Sector Management 2 yrs PT 11

2.School of Innovative Technologies and Engineering (SITE) The School of Innovative Technologies and Engineering (SITE) aims at helping the country create the necessary IT professionals to work in our Cyber Island and the region.The programmes are updated regularly so as to reflect latest technological trends. Undergraduate courses Name Mode Duration BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering (Top Up) (run by JSSATE, FT/PT 2 ½ yrs / 3 ½ yrs Mauritius) FT/PT 2 ½ yrs / 3 ½ yrs BEng (Hons) Electrical Engineering (Top Up) (run by JSSATE, Mauritius) BEng (Hons) Electronic Engineering FT/PT 4 yrs / 6 yrs BEng (Hons) Telecommunication Engineering FT/PT 4 yrs / 6 yrs BEng (Hons) Electronic Engineering (Top Up) FT/PT 2 ½ yrs / 3 ½ yrs BEng (Hons) Telecommunications (Top Up) FT/PT 2 ½ yrs / 3 ½ yrs FT/PT 3 yrs / 4 yrs BA (Hons) Film and Video Production new- mini-site BSc (Hons) Data Science with Interactive Marketing FT/PT 3 yrs / 4 yrs FT/PT 3 yrs / 4½ yrs BSc (Hons) Actuarial Science BSc (Hons) Business Statistics FT/PT 3 yrs / 4 yrs FT/PT 3 yrs / 4 yrs BSc (Hons) Financial Engineering BSc (Hons) Mathematics FT/PT 3 yrs / 4 yrs FT/PT 1 yrs / 1½ yrs BSc (Hons) Land Surveying (Top Up) BSc (Hons) Business Information Systems FT/PT 3 yrs / 4 yrs FT/PT 1 yrs / 1½ yrs BSc (Hons) Computer Applications (Top Up) BSc (Hons) Computing and Information Systems (Top Up) FT/PT 1 yrs / 1½ yrs 12

BSc (Hons) Green Computing and CommunicationS FT/PT 3 yrs / 4½ yrs FT 3 yrs BSc (Hons) Software Engineering FT 3 yrs / 64yrs BSc (Hons) Web Technologies FT/PT 3 yrs / 4½ yrs FT/PT 3 yrs / 4½ yrs BSc (Hons) Computer Aided Design FT/PT 3 yrs / 4 yrs FT/PT 2 yrs / 3 yrs BSc (Hons) Computer Science with Network Security FT/PT 1 yr / 1½ yrs BA (Hons) Graphics Design Diploma in Architectural Studies Certificate in Science and Technology Short Course in Camera & Lighting Short Course in Sound for Cinematography Short Course in Film Editing Short Course in Statistical Analysis of Clinical Trials Proficiency Course in Financial Analysis and Modelling using Spreadsheets Proficiency Course in Matlab 13

Postgraduate courses Name Mode Duration Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology (With FT 10 Mths Specialisation in Networking) - jointly with Orange Business FT Services (OBS) FT/PT 6 Mths Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology - Jointly 1 yr / 1½ yrs with the Ceridian Learning centre 1 yr / 1½ yrs 1 yr / 1½ yrs MSc Applied Statistics with Operational Research 1 yr / 1½ yrs 1 yr / 1½ yrs MSc Financial Engineering FT/PT 1 yrs / 1½ yrs 1 yrs / 1½ yrs MSc Business and Enterprise Systems FT/PT 1 yrs / 1½ yrs FT/PT MSc Enterprise Security and Digital Forensics 2 yrs 1 yr/2 yrs MSc Software Engineering FT/PT 1 yr / 1½ yrs MSc Biometry FT/PT MSc Mobile Communications and Computing FT/PT FT/PT MSc Multimedia Systems MSc (Eng) Telecommunications Engineering PT MSc Computational Science and Engineering FT/PT FT/PT MA Graphics Design “Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is ”yours to lead - Nora Ephron 14

3.School of Sustainable Development and Tourism (SSDT) The School of Sustainable Development and Tourism (SSDT) caters for very specific areas of the Mauritian economy such as Tourism, Sustainable Development and Environmental Sciences. An MOU has also been signed with the Hotel School of Mauritius for UTM students to benefit from their facilities for practical sessions. In-company training, especially in hotels is also part of the curriculum. The School aims at producing graduates to work in the sustainable economic, social and environmental sectors of Mauritius. Undergraduate courses Collaborative Programmes with FDI: Mode Duration BA (Hons) Graphic Design with Animation (Top Up) FT/PT 3 yrs/4½ yrs FT/PT 3 yrs/4 yrs BA (Hons) Fashion and Textiles (Top Up) FT/PT 3 yrs/4 yrs Name FT/PT 3 yrs/4 yrs FT/PT 3 yrs/4 yrs BSc (Hons) Sustainable Urban Planning new FT/PT 3 yrs/4½ yrs BSc (Hons) Environmental Health FT/PT 3 yrs/4 yrs BSc (Hons) Sustainable Environmental Planning and FT/PT 3 yrs/4½ yrs Management FT/PT 3 yrs/4 yrs BSc (Hons) Services Management and Marketing FT/PT 3 yrs/4 yrs BSc (Hons) Applied Social Sciences with specialisation in PT 3 yrs Sociology, Social Services and Criminology BSc (Hons) Occupational Safety & Health Management (IOSH accreditation) BSc (Hons) Tourism and Hospitality Management BSc (Hons) Applied Social Science with specialization in Divinity BA (Hons) Communication BA (Hons) Counselling Diploma in Fisheries Enabled Services 15

Postgraduate courses Mode Duration Name FT/PT 1½ yrs/2 yrs PT 2 yrs MSc Climate Change, Health and Disaster Management PT 2 yrs PT 2 yrs MSc Property and Resort Management PT 2 yrs PT 2 yrs MSc Hotel Management PT 2 yrs MSc International Tourism Management PT 2 yrs FT/PT 1½ yrs/2 yrs MA Communication & Public Relations PT 2 yrs MSc Health Services Management PT 2 yrs MSc Tourism Management and Marketing MA in Educational Leadership and Management MA Gender and Women Studies MSc in Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility MSc Sustainability for Business, Society and Environment MSc Educational Administration and Technology MA in Counselling 16

4.School of Health Sciences(SHS) The School was set up in October 2015 with the recruitment of a Head of School followed, in 2016, by the recruitment of six Academic staff. The University of Technology, Mauritius became recognized as a Medical Institution by the Medical Council of Mauritius in December 2016. Currently, the Anna Medical College is affiliated with the University of Technology, Mauritius, with the latter as the awarding body for the MBBS programme which was revised in 2017 from a 4.5 year to a 5 year programme. The entry requirements for the MBBS programme are in line with those prescribed by the Medical Council of Mauritius for an MBBS programme to be a recognized medical qualification for registration as medical practitioner. A first batch of UTM awardees who completed postgraduate medical studies under the ex Padmashree Dr D. Y. Patil Medical College and UTM have successfully registered with the Medical Council of Mauritius as Medical Specialists. UTM MBBS Graduates who completed their studies under Anna Medical College have also undertaken pre-registration examinations prescribed by the Medical Council of Mauritius qualifying them for internship. The School offers a range of other programmes in the field of Health Sciences. Undergraduate courses Name Mode Duration BSc. (Hons) Gerontology new FT/PT 3 yrs / 4 yrs BSc. (Hons) Environmental and Public Health FT/PT 3 yrs / 4 yrs BSc. (Hons) Public Health Engineering (Top-Up) FT/PT 1½ yrs / 2 yrs FT 2 yrs Diploma in Pharmacy Technician Studies Diploma in Sport Training, Coaching and Exercise FT 2 yrs FT 2 yrs Diploma in Bioanalytical Laboratory Technology Certificate in Food Science and Biosecurity Postgraduate courses Mode Duration Name PT 2 yrs PT 2 yrs MSc Mental Health MSc Health Services Management 17

Basketball Team Gold meda Spo Football Team 18

al winners Basketball Player orts FootballTeam 19

Krakathon krakathon is a 24 hour round the clock coding competition organised for developers, by developers. It is the open to anyone who has some coding knowledge in any programmung languages. It consists of a series of challenges for which points are given. The team with most points is the winner. The university of Technology,Mauritius sponsored the event at the Bronze lebel and sent three teams of twelve students from BSc (Hons) Software Engineering and Bsc (Hons) Web Technologies. The competition was carried out at Caudan Arts Centre , Port Louis on the 19th & 20th of october which was enriching for the participants. 20


Medical Checkups Carrom Activ Billiard Environment Day 22

Foam Party DJ Ani vities Pancakes Dance Clubs 23

CCoernevmocoantyion 24




Renovation A new billiard house has been built where students can spend their time providing with more leisure activities such as Domino, Carrom, Billiard. Adding up with a new Bocce Ball court ( terrain de pétanque ). 28


National Entrepreneurship Campaign Entrepreneurship Day at University of Technology, Mauritius organised by the SME Mauritius Ltd 30

“ ................................................... The future is always bright at the University of Technology, Mauritius ”.................................................... ....................... .........................

LEADERS CHOOSE UTM For more information, please visit our website : or call us on : +230 207 5250 La Windmill, A1, La Tour Koening Port Louis

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