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Home Explore June 2015 Builders Choice Magazine

June 2015 Builders Choice Magazine

Published by admin, 2015-07-12 23:50:35

Description: June 2015 Builders Choice Magazine


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PROBUILD TECHNOLOGIES Your Number One Choice for PVC Fencing Fabrication in WA!Custom Built PVC Fencing I Supply only – We can simply supply you with all the parts Commercial, Industrial, Civil and Domestic and you can erect your pvc fencing. I Installation available – We can install your pvc fencing if you want the complete fencing solution. I All Picket fencing Custom built – With our system you can create your own custom picket fence design. I Single gates – We can supply you single gates to go into your fence. I Double gates – We can supply you double gates to go into your fence. I Sliding gates – We have a range of reliable manual and automatic sliding gates to suit your fence. I Obligation Free quotations (Perth Metro) – We are happy to quote for the Perth metro area.The benefits of PVC Fencing Tel: 9300 9220 WWoWno’tno’Ctn’toWrSroapdrlipet Email: [email protected] Cost Effective DurableMaintenance Free Cost Effective 100% Recyclable No NailsTermite Resistant

THE BUILDERS CHOICE contentsContents for June New commercial two new features 39 Innovative Kingston08 10New Products – Materials and Design Ideas – Striking and Apartments a Winner solution ideas for the building innovative concepts to give for Cockburn Centralindustry and architects in WA your latest project a stunning commercial and original new look 45 Atlantis Childcare and Indoor Play Centre Proving Popularfrom the team training and in Clarkson development14 Latest news from commercial The Builders Choice Magazine 30 Nation’s Best Tradies to battle in Brazil – at the 48 New WAIS centre at Mtprofiles 43rd Worldskills Competition Claremont Goes for Gold16 Ali Piran commercial commercial18 Richard Paps20 Craig Forster 33 Oceaneering Facility Changes 54 New home of netball in22 Perkins Builders the Face of Jandakot Precinct JOLIMONT a boost for24 Adco Construction the sportcover story residential26 New Bunnings Warehouse 58 Old and New Styles Come Australind to Boost Together at City Beach in WA Local Economy residential 61 Sparkling Glass Home at Kununurra in a Class of its Own commercial 36 Ultimate Sports Viewing in Perth at Crown Sports Bar4 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015

THE BUILDERS CHOICE contents BUILDERS CHOICE residential is produced quarterly byDesign Dazzles in Mosman 66Park Display Home residential Business Promotions Australia PO Box 1307, Wangara DC WA 6947 70 The Butterfly House: A Unique Ph: (08) 9409 5143 Fax: (08) 9409 3372 Home Design in Leschenault Email: [email protected] residential Publisher Gary BoulosCreating the Simple Life in Editorial Team 74Coastal Esperance Article Writers Australia, Tess Oliver residential Admin/Artwork Co-ordinator Gina York 76 Efficient Building in Hilton Results in a 400% Yield Artwork Production Opus1designresidential 47 Sales Executives Low-Maintenance Rod Saggers, Mike Thake78North Beach Home Accounts Julie Jones Printer Quality Press Distributor Northside Logistics residential CAB MEMBER SINCE NOVEMBER 2010 80 Modular Construction Makes Sense in Mindarie Extension COPYRIGHT: Copyright to all original material in this publication is owned by the publisher, Business Promotions Australia, and cannot be alternative methods reproduced in any form, whole or part, without prior express written of construction permission of the publisher. DISCLAIMER: While every effort is made by the publisher to ensure the accuracy of the content of this publication,Alternative Building Materials – How they responsibility will not be accepted for any errors or omissions. The publisher believes all information supplied and featured in this magazine 82will influence the Perth market place by to be correct at the time of printing. Placement of orders for Marc Drexel and his panel of experts advertisements by advertisers or their agents will be deemed as being an indemnification of the publisher against all liability, claims or proceedingsbuilding products arising from the publication of material supplied by them. All advertising shall comply with relevant State and Federal Laws and the advertising& services display listings codes of the Media Council of Australia. The publishers and staff of The Builders Choice Magazine do not necessarily agree with opinions86 89Showcasing contractors and Useful reference with expressed throughout the publication. suppliers to the building industry 12 adverts to the page Please note: The Builders Choice Team reserves the right to alter and/or trim any submitted text (including advertisements and editorials) to ensure conformity with the publication’s style guide and space allocation.YES! I would like to subscribe to The Builders Choice Magazine for just $39.95 + GST for a 1 Year Subscription ADDRESS DETAILS Fax SUBSCRIPTION PAYMENT DETAILS Name51Company Credit Card Number & Details PhoneMobile Mastercard Visa Signature Expiry DateAddress Postcode Post to: The Builders Choice Magazine Subscriptions PO Box 1307, Wangara DC WA 6947 or email to: [email protected] 56Website SUBSCRIBE NOW! 9409 51436 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015

THE BUILDERS CHOICE new products KNX Security Fencing by Stratco STRATCO Kununurra have released a wide range of custom manufactured ‘KNX SECURITY FENCING’. Panels, gates & posts are Powder- coated black over galvanised steel tubing (School specification). Stratco Phone: 08 9169 1900 Power with Battery Storageby Complete Enviro SolutionsReduce Your Power Bill – Energy Storage storage bridges the gap betweenfor a Sustainable Home. renewable energy supply and demand by making your home's solar energy Home battery storage systems charge available to you when you need it.their batteries using electricity Complete Enviro Solutionsgenerated from solar panels. This energy Email: [email protected] be used to power your home and your power bill to zero. Batterynew products MATERIALS AND SOLUTION IDEAS FOR THE BUILDING INDUSTRY AND ARCHITECTS IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA Fire stairs, ramps, walkways by Metro Balustrade The Mk 2 series balustrade, manufactured Fabrication time is reduced with pre- by Metro Balustrades, is a modular engineered, proprietary designs, offering solution for fire stairs, emergency exit unlimited configurations to suit any stairs and other stairwell areas within application. Because there is no onsite multi storey buildings including walkways, fabrication or welding, damage of the ramps, mezzanine areas and balcony's. powder coated product is eliminated; no hot works permits are required nor The fire stair system is constructed toxic fumes generated. from structural Aluminium, manufactured Metro Balustrades in modular panels. Providing a simple yet Phone: 9494 1288 cost effective installation. While meeting all Building code requirements.Quiet Stud® by RondoRondo QUIET STUD® is a majorbreakthrough in acoustic control.Its unique design, combined withappropriate lining board systems, formsan effective buffer against unwantednoise and a cost-effective solution toAustralia’s acoustic control provisions.8 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015

Stylish functions on the Swan River.Hold your next corporate function on and professional team ensure yourthe Crystal Swan with a style and corporate event runs smoothly fromelegance unmatched on the water. concept to completion. From conferences, team building, With panoramic views of the Swanincentive cruises and retirement parties River and the city, the Crystal Swan isto office celebrations, we have your proud to be the only first class functionnext event covered. venue that cruises down the Swan River. We offer the flexibility to meet your We look forward to welcomingindividual needs while our dedicated you aboard!Crystal Swan Cruises Jetty 5, Barrack Square, Perth WA 6000 m 0412 312 248 w

THE BUILDERS CHOICE design ideas WOW by Odin Ceramics Pearl by Midland Brick The WOW collection is a fine example of progressive tile manufacturing. With Midland Bricks new Pearl face brick technological excellence this seriesrange features a distinctive smooth face creates the perfect equation of design and ecology. The end product is a with a subtle cut finish, adding natural spectacular 3D feature effect suitable beauty and style to any project. for any wall application. Available in five contemporary colours, WOW is available in various formats these high quality monochromatic and shapes, enabling architects and bricks can also be used to create builders to utilise this tile in any seamless solid colour walls by situation. With WOW there are no limits matching the mortar. for covering the walls of any project. Midland Brick The various shapes and contemporary Phone: 13 15 40 colour tones make this series a fabulous option for any setting, all delivered with the highest of quality. Odin Ceramics Phone: 9344 1135 ideas STRIKING AND INNOVATIVE CONCEPTS TO GIVE YOUR LATEST PROJECT A STUNNING AND ORIGINAL NEW LOOKHightail by Infresco the market, made with a 12mm thick plate and welded in for easy cleaning.Indoor approved barbecues are used to Come see us today so we canrain, hail or shine in Australia as enclosed discuss your dream outdoor kitchen.alfresco areas are becoming the most Infrescopopular entertaining area in peoples house. Phone: 1300 004 003 Approved flame failure Infrescobarbecues are the most stylish andrestaurant quality WA made product on10 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015

SERVICES design ideas THE BUILDERS CHOICEI Concrete Repair and WE ARE A RELIABLE AND COST EFFECTIVE SMALL Patching CONCRETE REPAIR AND SEAL COMPANY – Servicing the Construction Industry in Western AustraliaI Epoxy Repairs and Coatings Obligation Free Quotes Onsite or Off Plans 8 years in construction with a perfect safety record!I Floor and Wall Joints Mobile: 0427 031 457I Capping Fax: 08 9379 1145 Email: [email protected] Tilt Panel Specialists www.aasealconcreterepairwa.comI Bathroom, Kitchen, Door and Window SealingI WaterproofingI Acid EtchingI GroutingI AA SEAL are proud to announce that they have worked on seven of the Master Stores in Perth June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 11

THE BUILDERS CHOICE from the team 70 48 54From the Energy Efficient to the EnergeticIn this month's quarterly we cover areas to have a north-facing aspect. labs, hydrotherapy pools and many other construction projects that are spread right The home is built in Aerostone-twin panels – features to meet the needs of elite athletes. across the energy spectrum (so to speak) – a material that was chosen for its capacity tofrom 'low energy' designs that incorporate withstand a wide range of temperatures. The We also take a look at the new netballpassive solar and energy-efficient systems, Butterfly Home at Leschenault by Dagostino centre in Jolimont, also delivered by thethrough to buildings designed for 'high Developments Arcologic Design also has a Department of Sport and Recreation, andenergy' sports such as netball, gymnastics, 'winged' design – and hence its name! This built by PS Structures. This centre will providewater sports and track-and-field. design element has provided it with not only a headquarters for West Coast Fever and a north-facing solar solution but also some Netball WA and facilities for community We're all aware of the current emphasis on great views. Both of these homes achieved an netball groups and other, and it certainly seems that outstanding 8-star energy-efficiency rating.many designers and builders are coming up Still in the arena of sports, the Crown atwith innovative solutions to meet that Another example is that of an affordable Perth recently completed its new sports barrequirement. These include using building housing project at Hilton by Access Housing, that comes with three giant screensmaterials that not only reduce energy-use which utilised NicheQ SIPs to provide thermal amounting to 137m2 of viewing area, a privaterequirements but that also save on a lot of and acoustic efficiency, while reducing the corporate box with its own set of 12 Ricarothe energy needed for construction – such as time required for construction as well as the seats, a TAB, and bars for food and drinks.Aerostone panels, SIPs (Structural Insulated number of trades that needed to be involved. The sports bar was constructed by the FinlayPanels), and AFS walling solutions. Other We also cover a beautiful multi-award winning Group and was opened to a packed VIPenergy-efficient solutions covered this season bespoke stone house at Kununurra that incor- celebration in March.include design elements and building porates passive solar and cooling and energy-orientation, rooftop PV solar panels, low- efficient materials, and apartment blocks at In this issue we cover many otherenergy lighting, water recirculating systems Cockburn that utilised an AFS walling system interesting projects including a homeand the use of low-e glazing. to save time and reduce crane dependence. extension done entirely using modular transportable construction, a renovation Two particular examples of low energy This season included a number of projects that combines old and new styles, somedesign include a passive solar home in revolving around a different type of energy! unique luxury homes, and a number ofEsperance, and what has been dubbed the The new WAIS centre at Mt Claremont has commercial developments. We also profile'Butterfly House' in Leschenault. In the been built in time for WA athletes to train for a number of construction companies andEsperance home – built by Simple Life the next Olympics. The centre was delivered individuals involved in the building andProjects in collaboration with Ecotect by the Department of Sport and Recreation property industries.Architects – the house has been built in two and built by the Cockram company.'wings' which enables both living and sleeping It incorporates indoor runways, sports science Sit down with a cuppa and take a browse – we're sure you'll find something that catches your interest!14 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015

Practical Steel Frame Solutionsto Suit Any Project Whatever your project entails, our dedicated team at Steelscene has the capability and experience to ensure your design and construction requirements are met. Producing 300+ homes a year for projects across the state, our versatile framing system can be customised to suit any need. Our structurally certified frames can withstand cyclonic wind loads, whilst our millimetre precision and true finish will reduce installation times and eliminate fit out issues usually associated with other framing systems. We offer wall, floor and roofing solutions in: I 89mm C section .75mm, 1.15mm I 140mm C section .75mm, 1.15mm I 250mm C section 1.9mm, 2.4mm And now we are proud to offer our revolutionary cassette flooring system, perfect for multi-level developments! With our range of profiles, experienced drafting department, and precision machinery, we will provide an affordable, high quality product, on time and in budget. For a competitive quote or to discuss how Steelscene can complement your design, contact Luke Davies on 0429 577 885 or email plans to [email protected] Phone: (08) 9452 7004 Fax: (08) 6323 1008

THE BUILDERS CHOICE profilePROFILE Up Close + Personal with Ali Piran Director of the Piran Group I Please tell us a bit about prospective clients, which Our services include new second floors. The apartments yourself, and how and why includes land subdivision, buildings, extensions, design and are bright, spacious and you went into the building architectural design of buildings, drafting, consulting and assisting luxurious with contemporary industry? construction of the buildings our clients to obtain finance. fittings and fixtures. and project management. Both myself and business Piran's development services Some of the other types of partner Addy Khosravi are Our services are very broad. In include subdivision advice and projects we can do for our qualified practising civil our commercial services for arrangements, building layouts, clients include home extensions, engineers and between us we instance we offer consulting contract negotiations, esti- renovations, ancillary dwellings have in excess of 50 years' services (which includes mating, engineering services, or granny flats, pergolas and experience in civil engineering, feasibility studies, contract and construction and site patios, swimming pools and spas design, and construction. negotiation, and regulatory supervision. or other water features. We bring a wide range of requirements), design and complementary skills to the drafting, 3D illustrations, energy One of the most recent I In what ways does your business, as Addy was a assessments and project projects in our portfolio company really stand out specialist in land development development. Our commercial includes a mixed-use from the rest? and project management of engineering services include development in Duncraig. This civil engineering projects, and storm water drainage, water incorporates a number of shops We can provide a full service to I bring in a wealth of reticulation, driveway and and offices on the ground floor all our clients and we believe experience in building and carparks and retaining walls. and 20 European-style this makes us very unique in the construction. This means apartments over the first and industry, especially as our together with our staff we can services include land provide all the services required subdivision – whether green for a wide variety of projects. title or a strata lot – as well as design and construction on the I Why did you decide to start building lots. We have a lot of your own construction in-house expertise which business? includes architectural designers, engineers and even a finance Our motivation in starting the broker. This helps to make our company was to provide a one- company very flexible and stop shop for our current and means that clients do not have 16 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015

profile THE BUILDERS CHOICEto shop around for the various quality and comprehensive I Perfmet Engineering Pty Ltd –services required when services we anticipate that our Proudly Western Australianundertaking a building project. business will expand still owned and operated further. We also have a positive As an example, in our design track record so far and a solid I Metal Image Perforatingservices we can assist clients in reputation for quality I Ali Wood Fencing panelsdesigning single-storey construction and reliable I Hand railing, Balustradingresidential and commercial services, and intend tobuildings, grouped housing continue to provide the best and Bollardscomplexes, multi-storey solutions for our customers I Supply manufacture andresidential buildings up to four well into the future.storeys, and strata-title unit Installationdevelopments. We can also I What makes you happy I Custom made to yourobtain all of the requisite in your work?permits and approvals from specificationauthorities and incorporate Providing our clients with the I Established 21 yearsenergy efficiency into all the best services and assisting them I Limited only by your imaginationvarious building types. to improve their profitability makes me happy in my work. 08 9209 1011 Our company stands out in Our main objective is to ensurenumerous other ways as well, all our clients get the best when in particular the way we they appoint Piran as theirfoster relationships with our preferred builder. Havingclients. We believe in being very customers who are happy andclient-focused, always being satisfied is very rewarding inapproachable and in returning itself. Seeing projects through allcalls promptly, as well as doing the way from beginning to end iswhat we say we will do and also very rewarding andproviding nothing less than satisfying. Completing projectsexceptional service. In fact on time and within budget ishonesty and integrity underpin also very important to us inall our services and everything keeping our customers happywe do. with our company.I Could you tell us a bit I How do you envisage about the challenges and your business in 10 years' time? achievements of the Piran Group? Our aim is to grow our business in Western AustraliaOur biggest challenge at Piran and to continue to provide theright now is that of further same level of services to ourincreasing our client base and customers as we do share. While we market One of our main goals withinour North Fremantle-based the next ten years is to be in abusiness in the region, we are position of providing as manyalso aware that the best type as 100 to 150 homes per annumof marketing is word-of-mouth, in WA.and by offering exceptional Leaders in Architectural and Light Metal Fabrication June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 17

THE BUILDERS CHOICE profilePROFILE Up Close + Personal with Richard Pappas Managing Director of Celsius Property Group I Tell us a bit about yourself, I chose Kalgoorlie because our too had purchased a property, in structure of your loan is almost and how and why you went company wasn't established there Scarborough. Together we went as important as the property into the property industry? and I wanted to be responsible about building a personal portfolio you purchase, and if you do it for creating my own market. It of investment properties until such correctly you can save yourself In South Africa, my mum had was extremely tough at first, a time as we could afford to build hundreds of thousands of dollars been involved in real estate since especially given how young I was our dream family home, which we over the life of the loan. I was just a little boy. At about the (and looked!) so I really needed to moved into in June 2014. We now age of five I would go around ensure my knowledge and have three young children, Isabella Before we had our own with her and put up 'home open' customer service were second- (8), Spencer (6) and Tobias (3) so we finance division, we used to take signs, and when we relocated to to-none. I also felt it was are kept very busy both at work our clients down to the local Perth in 1994, our visa was important to practice what we and at home. NAB and sit with them to ensure sponsored by a real estate preached, and so I purchased my the structure was correctly company. So really, I've been first property in the Albany Bell I You bought City Life in 2005 established. Since bank managers exposed to property all my life. Castle in Mount Lawley. On and expanded into the move around, we couldn't gain completion it had gone up a bit, Celsius Property Group, any consistency with that, so we That being said, I never had the and I had also saved a bit of adding finance and property established our own mortgage desire to do real estate in the money, which meant I had some development divisions. What broking business. traditional sense of farming an equity to be able to do it again made you decide to expand? area, listing properties and making with another property. We established our own sales. One day by chance I met the Finance came first. We have development company, as we previous owner of City Life (which I met my wife in 2002, and she always believed that the believed in being accountable is now part of Celsius Property and responsible for our own Group), and I was intrigued by the actions, promises and results. We company's model of developing also have significant market and selling property based around insight coming through our certain investment philosophies. other divisions which allows us At just 20, I took a job with the to develop a product the end company as a junior sales agent, user actually wants. spending the next few years travelling to Kalgoorlie to assist We started by developing people to purchase Perth property eight townhouses in Belmont, for investment purposes. which we sold off the plan. Since that time we have expanded, QUANTITY SURVEYING & COST CONSULTANTS I Feasibility & Detailed Cost Planning I Bills of Quantities/Schedules of Works I Pre and Post Contract Construction Cost Advice I Assets and Portfolio Valuation Assessments I Contract Administration I Contract Services and Dispute Management I Serving the State of Western Australia ‘‘Providing financial advice on the built environment’’ Level 24, 77 St Georges Terrace, Perth 6000 [email protected] Phone 08 6141 3319 Integrity Service Trust Respect Accountability 18 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015

profile THE BUILDERS CHOICEand today we have six of our coalface and provides ongoingown developments under insight into what the market, with a combinedtotal of 111 dwellings. I You sound like you love what you do. What makesI In what ways does your you happiest in your work? company really stand out from the rest? I enjoy making sales, I love creating win-win deals and I gainWe have built our business a great sense of accomplishmentaround our principle beliefs and from turning land into vibrantpassions, and we won't take on mixed use developments. I loveany work or listings that meeting people, finding outcompromise that. Right now our about them and assisting them.focus is on low rise, mediumdensity development close to We have grown our businessthe city with great access to organically and from within, andshops, amenities and public it is immensely satisfyingtransport. Directions 2031 is an watching staff members start inimportant planning milestone one role and end up becoming aestablished by the state leader of one of our divisions.government, which we subscribeto wholeheartedly, as Perth I How do you envisage thecannot afford to keep expanding company in 10 years' time?through urban sprawl. I have built the business to a Our business has become fully point where now we haveintegrated, offering, sales, finance, numerous leaders who willproperty development, property decide our future, and it mightmanagement and strata mean expansion into themanagement, which ensures we commercial sector. Personallyare able to deliver our clients a I see much of the same,great experience. I personally still completing win-win deals whilesell at least two properties every helping people achieve financialmonth, which keeps me at the success through real estate and a new place to call home. June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 19

THE BUILDERS CHOICE profilePROFILE Up Close + Personal with Craig Forster Owner of Dream Homes WA I Please tell us a bit about touch in our work. We like to We are also involved in I What particular challenges yourself, and how and keep our services small and importing modular homes to has the company faced? why you went into the personal. We don't take on 20 or Australia. We recently had some building industry? 30 or 40 projects at once, but highly specific demands for The main one would have to be keep it to a small number where construction of some getting quality and reliable Originally, I started out as a civil we can be fully involved. townhouses and we found that labour, especially for finishing engineer in the early 80s. When I local companies could not meet such as plasterers and painters. joined the military I was mainly I am on a construction site the requirements. This led to It's hard to find people who are involved in construction and every day as I like to be fully importing six townhouses from committed to the work at project management. So over a involved in every single project, overseas, which we were able to hand, especially when many period of about 10 years I naturally having a say in every aspect. This build on-site within weeks rather people work according to an gravitated towards construction. includes all stages such as than the months or years it hourly rate. Sometimes we have I find construction much more planning, development would have otherwise taken. to rely on labour hire satisfying than design as you get to applications and permits, colour They were also of a high companies to fill the gap. see a result of your works. The selections, manufactured standard, being steel-framed result isn't instant of course, but it products – the whole works. with solid walls, concrete floors I What makes you happiest does give you a good feeling to This means that sudden and double-glazing, and in your work? see something you were involved unwelcome surprises are achieving an energy rating of in 15 years earlier and to be able to minimised – that is situations over 7 stars. It would have to be the say “I had a hand in that.” Following where things happen that should satisfaction that comes with on from this my wife and I started not have happened. finished projects, and helping a project management and people achieve their dream building company in 2002. homes. We form close Dream Homes WA was born out relationships with our of that company. customers and end up being friends with them afterwards. I In what ways does Often our clients will send us Dream Homes stand out Christmas cards and invite us from the rest? over to show us some of the projects they are doing. Being a small company enables us to provide that extra personal For example I recently had a client who is a doctor and does The Vergola is guaranteed 99.9% 9 Altona Street weather proof and comes in a wide Bibra Lake 6163 range of Colorbond colours P: (08) 9434 1222 Vergola WA, a proud Western Australian company, commenced F: (08) 9434 1123 in 1987. E: [email protected] Knowing that the Patio Roofing Market demanded not only shade and weather protection but also the ability to control the amount of sun, shade and privacy. The Vergola provides this and more to the residential and commercial markets. Vergola WA is proud to manufacture, sell and market a high quality and innovative product to the home and commercial sectors. Manufactured in Perth, we are able to provide West Australians with local and high quality service. 20 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015

profile THE BUILDERS CHOICEa lot of travelling. He told me he townhouses we brought in fromtrusted my judgement and that overseas were of a very highif I saw something that needed standard and quick to construct,changing while he was away, to which meant we ended up withgo ahead with it. a much better product. It's also easier to not have to keep an In fact we did add some cedar eye on tradespeople, but toworks and a few little inexpensive supervise a manufacturingtrimmings as we thought it would process. People turn up for workmake a considerable regularly in manufacturing. Thereimprovement. It's these little are just too many externaltouches that can sometimes make factors affecting tradespeople inall the difference. Australia and we are just a very small part of their work. My wife and I and our family Therefore their emphasis is,put our heart and soul into every quite rightly, on what is best forproject, and we love to see the their own business.results and to help peopleachieve their dreams. And it Modular building is used a lotdoesn't have to take a lot of overseas. In Australia we are aboutmoney to do so – it's possible to a decade behind in this regard;add those little touches at a and in WA we are even furtherreasonable cost and still get behind the rest of Australia!what you want. Not only that, but theI How do you envisage younger demographic is very the future? intelligent, astute and clear about what they want. TheyWith the high demand for know bad quality when they seehousing in the state there will be it, and no longer can a builderrapid growth in the industry. dictate what they can and can'tHowever, we can no longer rely have in their homes.on traditional methods ofdouble-brick building. There will So I definitely see the youngerbe a much greater emphasis on demographic shaping the future,modular building where homes and believe that modularcan be made in a factory and construction is the way to movethen finished on site within forward in the constructionweeks rather than months. The industry in Australia. June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 21

THE BUILDERS CHOICE company profileCOMPANY PROFILE Perkins Builders have gained a reputation for high industrial, commercial, civil, Challenges the company faces quality projects and have educational, multi-residential, Competing with the mining 2015 is an important year for become a significant contender health, aged care, recreation, and industry for quality staff is Perkins Builders as it celebrates in the Perth construction retail. Some examples include a challenge faced by all its 50th anniversary. Perkins industry. With their head office Bunbury Regional Entertainment Western Australian businesses Builders have reworked their still in Bunbury and an additional Centre, Ellenvale Aged Care, Roy including Perkins. logo to highlight this office in Busselton they are the Hill Remote Operations Centre, momentous occasion along with largest regional builders in NBN Satellite Earth Stations and Perkins Builders addresses a number of celebratory events Western Australia. various works at Perth Airport this by sourcing employees throughout the year. who share the same values as Perkins' systems and projects In 2009, Perkins had the unique the business and offering a How it all began, and where Perkins utilises a business and rare opportunity to build the long term career path which it is today management system (BMS), Bunbury Cathedral after the focusses on training and Perkins Builders commenced in which incorporates all facets former one was destroyed by a personal development. 1965 as a Bunbury based involved in its projects into a tornado in 2005 – the first contracting firm, specialising in single platform. Catholic cathedral to be built in Perkins Builders has always commercial, industrial and civil Australia in around 60 years! The invested in apprentice, engineering projects in the The company is led by a result is a stunning building with a graduate, work experience and south-west region. strong management team and is traditional exterior and modern, youth training programs. involved in a wide variety of light interior that stands tall in the A strong emphasis is placed on In 1983, Dan Perkins, the son of project types – including city of Bunbury. training at entry level and one of the founding partners, providing promotion joined the company as an opportunities which has had apprentice carpenter. Dan mutually beneficial outcomes. progressed through the company and is today the Company strengths and Managing Director of Perkins achievements Builders. The company employs Perkins has numerous strengths 120 direct employees and over which have contributed towards 300 subcontractors. making it the successful business that it has become over the past 2002 saw Perkins expand into 50 years. the Perth market where they MAKE YOUR HOUSE AUSTRALIA’S BEST RANGE OF YOUR DREAM HOME OUTDOOR ALFRESCO KITCHENS Visit our showroom for your free quote today. Amazing designs, great brands and excellent service. Display Centre 22A Fancote Avenue, Beeliar Call: 1300 004 003 [email protected] 22 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015

company profile THE BUILDERS CHOICEThese include: I Award-winning work in itsI Retaining staff with a diverse portfolio. Perkins Builders have won numerous awards over range of skills and capabilities. the years, including regional, This enables the company to state and national awards for respond to the wide variety of its high quality work and also construction requirements in for training and development. both the south-west region and in Perth. In addition, having over According to Dan Perkins, three 100 direct permanent things that make the company employees allows management stand out include its capacity to to ensure that quality personnel deliver a diversity of work to a are available when required. high standard, a traditional culture This can save a considerable that directly employs and directly amount of the time and money delivers, and a young that would be needed when demographic which provides resourcing talent on a project- opportunity for progression right by-project basis. from entry level.I Considerable financial strength, Congratulations should go to including a portfolio of industrial Perkins Builders for its services and commercial properties. This to WA over the past five enables the company to carry decades. With its wide up to $400 million in projects at experience, diversity of skill and any one time. The company capability, and focus on even continued to thrive excellence, quality, through the global financial sustainability and youth, the crisis, and at the present time company should continue to has around 20-30 projects per thrive and provide excellent year with a turnover of $150 to quality construction in Western $200 million per annum. Australia well into the future. June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 23

THE BUILDERS CHOICE company profileCOMPANY PROFILE ADCO Constructions is a ADCO Construction ADCO provides a “Delivery Guarantee” that is essential for leading national construction Company Profile our clients. This is achieved company successfully delivering through the unique projects across Australia. and Local Government Agencies or location. The company has combination of our highly Established in 1972, ADCO have as well as key private and offices in Queensland, NSW, skilled people, diverse completed over 3000 projects institutional corporates. We are Victoria, the ACT, and Western experience and the group's valued in excess of $8 billion. proud to maintain a consistent Australia, and are also actively strong financial position. With annual revenues in excess record of 80% repeat business servicing the Northern Territory, of $700 million and over 400 from these clients who have come South Australia and Tasmania The benefits of ADCO's direct employees ADCO is rated to appreciate and rely on our from these bases. We have integrated management system as one of Australia's top 100 consistent delivery, high standards teams that will travel anywhere ADCO continually strives to private companies. of quality, and our non-adversarial in Australia servicing projects ensure that our delivery, approach to project delivery. This from $1 million to $150 million. performance, and quality of ADCO is privately owned, and service based culture has been key work is at the highest was established by Bob Hill in to ADCO's success and longevity Continuous improvement and standards in the industry. To September 1972. The company is in the market place. Our projects innovation are hallmarks of achieve this goal, we have still owned by Bob and Judy are delivered on time, on budget ADCO's approach to business. implemented an integrated Brinsmead, who both function as and without fuss. We have a Our resources and market management system (IMS) that joint chairpersons and own 50% companywide commitment position ensure we are exposed formalises our processes and of the business each. The Builders to a satisfied client on all to the latest construction procedures. This ensures our Choice spoke to Brad McCarthy, ADCO projects. techniques, products and projects are delivered to the ADCO's national business materials and apply them to our highest possible standards of development manager, about the ADCO's service to our clients projects in the most practical, quality, safety and company's recent expansion and is not conditional on project size efficient and commercial manner. environmental management. positive future outlook. Our systems are regularly Customer focus equals audited by third parties, and our strong growth at ADCO culture of continuous ADCO's continued success is improvement ensures that we founded on our blue chip client remain at the forefront of the base, comprising Federal, State IHW Grouting & Foundations are leaders in the field of soil stabilisation and retention. With decades of experience in the industry our friendly and experienced team are able to assess your shoring or soil stabilisation needs. With land values increasing and block sizes getting smaller it makes sense to make maximum use of available land area. Our underpinning methods ensure a safe and effective method of shoring. Call us to discuss your soil stabilisation requirements and for an obligation free quote. Phone: 08 9454 6393 [email protected] 24 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015

industry. Our IMS incorporates uncertainty such as the global company profile THE BUILDERS CHOICEall aspects of our business financial crisis (GFC) alsooperations including: presented some challenges. June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 25 However, ADCO continued toI Safety (OH&S). reinvest in the business duringI Quality. this period enabling theI Environmental management. company to enhance our alreadyI Industrial relations. strong balance sheet. ThisI Project administration, placed ADCO in a position of strength ensuring we were able delivery and post project to capitalise as the markets completion. returned to normality after the downturn. ADCO holds no debt,Some of the challenges has good profitability and aADCO has been facing record forward work position.Establishing and integrating new ADCO is a very robust businessgeographical operations into the with a solid financial platform towider business has presented sustain our ongoing growth.many challenges. An example ofthis is our recent expansion into Some major achievementsthe Western Australian market. in 2014Unlike many of our peers, our 2014 was a record year forstrategy was not to purchase or ADCO. We achieved our highestjoint venture with a local annual revenue in the company'scontractor instead opting to set history, turning over $676 millionup a standalone business unit in – a 33% increase on 2013. Thiswhat has traditionally been a was facilitated in part by ourhighly parochial market. geographical expansion into WA, South Australia and the ACT, but Despite the challenges of also by significant growth in ourstarting from scratch, ADCO's traditional East Coast markets ofpeople, culture, financial NSW, Queensland and Victoria.position and approach tobusiness and project delivery The company also wonhave been incredibly well numerous awards. Thesereceived. In the first year of included an environment andoperation our WA business energy efficiency award for theachieved $50 million of turnover, Melton Library and Leaning hubon which we have built a strong in Victoria, and the Nationalforward work position in the Public Building Award for theState that will realise revenues in Bond University School ofexcess of $90 million in year two Architecture in Queensland.and continue to sustain thebusiness in the long term. A bright future moving forwardExamples of key WA projects The company's strong forwardinclude; the $25 million Bunnings work position is predicted tostore at Clarkson, the $14 million see revenue grow to over $800State Administrative Tribunal and million in 2015/16 and beyond.$7 million Legal Aid fit out Applying the same businessprojects for WA Government, principles that have beenthe $12 million warehouse and fundamental to our longevityoffice development for and success in the past is theFoodbank WA, the $18 million key to our future over thePoint Fraser commercial long term.development and the recentlyawarded $17 million Port Coogee This means we need toshopping centre for Australand. continue to invest in the development of our people at Another challenge is focusing all levels of the business,on the long-term personal and maintain our strong financialprofessional development and position, and continue toretention of our staff. At ADCO, enhance the relationships wewe believe strongly in investing have with our clients,in employee development, and consultants and a result more than 45% of ouremployees have been with the We must also continue tocompany for seven years or support the communities inmore, and our staff turnover which we work, and operatelevels are very low. with corporate responsibility and in an environmentally Maintaining a strong financial sustainable manner.position in times of economic

THE BUILDERS CHOICE commercialCOMMERCIALNew BUNNINGS WAREHOUSE Australind to Boost Local Economy Adco Construction was commissioned in late 2014 to build aTHE TEAMbuilding took around 25 weeks, while fit-out took approximately six new Bunnings Warehouse in the growing modern suburb of weeks to complete. The store opened to the public in May 2015 Australind surrounded by bushland and situated on the according to plan, and is already showing signs of providing a boost Brunswick River about 12kms from Bunbury. to business confidence in the region. The $26 million project includes a café, indoor playground, The clients landscaping, and parking for 220 vehicles. Construction of the It might come as a surprise to some of us to discover that Bunnings actually started in Western Australia as far back as 1886, when Phone: 9211 0900 brothers Arthur and Robert Bunning arrived in the state from London, England. In 1952, Bunnings added building supplies to its 26 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015 range of products, and in the 1990s, the company expanded into the east coast.

commercial THE BUILDERS CHOICE Today, Bunnings is the leading retailer and a major supplier ofbuilding materials in the +$46 billion market for home improvementand outdoor living products in Australia and New Zealand. Bunningsoperates out of 233 warehouse stores, 68 smaller format stores and32 trade centres throughout Australia and New Zealand. Bunningsemploys over 38,000 team members.The builders and project managersAdco is a nation-wide construction company that has been inoperation since the early 1970s, and is committed to best practiceand sustainability in all its projects “It might come as aundertaken across Australia. Thecompany works in numerous surprise to some ofsectors, including retail, commercial, us to discover thatresidential, health and aged-care,industrial, community and aquatic/ Bunnings actuallyleisure. It has won a number of started in Westernawards for various projects,including a National Public Building Australia as farAward for the construction of back as 1886, whenthe Bond University School brothers Arthurof Architecture. and RobertThe building project Bunning arrived inThe completed project consists ofa 6,500m2 warehouse, a 2,000m2 the state fromtimber trades area, and a 5,000m2 London, England.”external retail solution, as well asaround 15,000m2 for car parking, and landscaping areas withunderground stormwater drainage.The building is constructed of precast panels, with a structuralsteel roof structure and metal roof cover, and internal polishedconcrete flooring – a general requirement and priority of the brand. June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 27

THE BUILDERS CHOICE commercial POLISHED CONCRETE Cubic 8 Polished Concrete creates distinctive, beautiful floors that last a lifetime. Competitively priced, superior polished and honed concrete flooring for Industrial, Residential and Commercial projects throughout Western Australia. 0408 891 136 challenges involved. The management of Adco are proud to have beenAccording to Sam Kay of Adco, this was a fairly straightforward associated with such a great bunch of tradies and suppliers,” theproject with the main challenge being that of the high-specification company said.concrete flooring, which involved conducting a trial pour andobtaining approval of the concrete mix design. This all went according The new Bunnings Warehouse Australind is likely to proveto plan, which is a credit to Adco and the tradespeople involved. popular in the expanding and growing area, which has a largely young demographic, and where more new residential building isThe achievements going up. It is seen by many in the region to be a good investmentMr Kay considers one of the main achievements of the project to in the local economy. Bunnings is also now a major employer in thebe the fact that construction of the building was finished ahead of area, providing around 130 jobs.time, which meant that the builders could vacate before the startof the fit-out, which was conducted by Bunnings' racking and Overall, this has proved to be a very successful project and ismerchandising team. testament to the good management and expertise of Adco Construction, and all the contractors and subcontractors involved. Also of note is the fact that this project is generating interest andincreasing business confidence locally, and may lead to more retaildevelopments in the region. Adco is also very proud to have been involved in a project in thesouth-west region. “This was Adco's first regional project in WA,and as main contractor we mixed a range of local south-westsubcontractors with Perth-based subcontractors. Overall, thisworked well and we forged some good relationships with both. Theproject was a testament to the 'team' nature adopted by everyone Commercial and Domestic Cabinets Specialising in complete shop and office fit-outs All Building Requirements – Maintenance – PartitioningSince 1992 Allcraft Cabinets/Allcraft Projects have manufactured quality furniture and cabinetwork formajor retail, banking and professional institutions located nationally and internationally. Be it custom items,or a more standard requirement, we can cater for all your cabinet needs.Allcraft Projects are also licenced shop and office fitters and project managers (Reg: F60)Allcraft Cabinets are proud to have supplied the joinery requirements for Bunnings Treendale. This beingour third Bunnings project for ADCO Constructions in WA.Unit 2/70 Boulder Road T: (08) 9248 8881Malaga WA 6090 F: (08) 9248 7771E: [email protected] M: 0418 955 27628 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015

commercial THE BUILDERS CHOICE ‘SERVICING THE SOUTH WEST FOR 20 YEARS’LASER SCREEDING SHAUN HUTTONI Truss screeding M: 0417 094 843I Ride on trowelingI Tilt panel construction F: 9727 1308I Form work PO BOX: 448 CAPEL 6271 E: [email protected] RoofingI Steel RiggingI Mezzanine Floors P: (08) 9356 3366 • E: [email protected] • 8 McDermott Street, Welshpool WA 6106 June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 29

THE BUILDERS CHOICE training & developmentTRAINING & DEVELOPMENT A Plumber, A Painter and a Cabinetmaker Nation’s Best Tradies to battle in Brazil at the 43rd Worldskills Competition Western Australian Skillaroos Joseph Pauley and SharleneTHE TEAM offered an apprenticeship.” Joseph recently completed the Certificate III Kidd will soon join the world's best apprentices, trainees in Mechanical Trade (Fitter Machinist) at Polytechnic West. and students heading to São Paulo, Brazil, in August to represent their country in the ultimate trades and skills showdown. ASPIRATION MEETS OPPORTUNITY This opportunity has been two years in the making for Joseph and The 43rd WorldSkills Competition will see over 1,200 of the Sharlene, starting in 2013 at their local WorldSkills Australia Regional globe's top trades and skills people – from plumbers and welders to Competition. “I first heard about WorldSkills Australia when I started my jewellers and hairdressers – representing 59 countries coming together to compete for the coveted title of apprenticeship because one of the people World Champion across 50 skills categories. I worked with placed third in another Australia's Skillaroos team will compete in 23 competition,” says Joseph. “My employer was skill categories. keen to enter myself and another apprentice.” Sharlene first got involved in Painting and Joseph and Sharlene's regional medal- Decorating in 2011. “A friend suggested painting winning performances led them to Perth when I didn't know what I wanted as a career. where they competed with over 500 I tried a pre-apprenticeship course at MPA apprentices, trainees and students at the Skills, which I completed over 3 months full nation's largest trades and skills time. During this time, I developed a passion competition, the 2014 WorldSkills for painting and continued on by starting an apprenticeship.” Australia National Competition. The pair stood out from the crowd for both their skills and their “Before I did work experience, I didn't know fitting and machining determination and were subsequently offered a place on the Skills was a trade,” says Joseph, who will represent Industrial Mechanics Squad, where the real work began. They were each assigned a dedicated Millwright in Brazil. He first discovered his trade in Year 11 when he Training Manager and undertook several months of intensive training chose to undertake a Structured Workplace Learning subject. with the overarching goal of being selected as a 2015 Skillaroo. “Towards the end of my work placement at Albany Engineering I was The final decision came down to the competitors' performance at the inaugural WorldSkills Oceania Competition in Hamilton, New Phone: (03) 9249 1000 Zealand earlier this year, where the Joseph and Sharlene contributed two gold medals to the team's combined total of 10 gold, 10 silver and 6 bronze medals. The 43rd WorldSkills Competition will be held from 11-16 August at the Anhembi Exhibition Centre and is set to be the experience of a lifetime for the Skillaroos. “I've been spending a lot of time preparing and training for the competition,” says Sharlene. “It's a huge honour to represent my country in a trade that I love.” 30 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015

WORLDSKILLS AUSTRALIA training & development THE BUILDERS CHOICEWorldSkills Australia is a not-for-profit organisation whose purposeis to promote and build a skills-based culture by inspiring young the 2015 BBM Skilled Futures Program scholarship, where they willAustralians, celebrating skills excellence and providing them with an undertake a two week leadership development course followed byopportunity to showcase their trade and skill talent. four weeks of international work experience. Founded in 1981, WorldSkills Australia's aim is to encourage Two of this year's scholarship recipients are Western AustralianAustralians to celebrate vocational education and training – to shift competitors Harley Clements and Julia Wood. With a keen interestperceptions by raising the profile of apprenticeships and in vehicle wraps, sign writer Harley Clements looks forward totraineeships and create the understanding that to choose a skill- seeing how the industry operates in the UK. “I will be very curiousbased career is one of the most important decisions a young to see how the sign industry operates in the conditions, especiallyperson and their family will ever make. in the way that vinyls are applied and what materials are used.” As the nation's premier platform for showcasing trades and skills, NURTURING THE NEXT GENERATIONWorldSkills Australia achieves its aims in a large part through OF TRADES AND SKILLS TALENTcompetitions for apprentices, trainees and students held on a regional, WorldSkills Australia has witnessed over 80,000 young Australiansnational and international level. Competitors transform both personally and professionally through the challengeare tested physically and mentally through arigorous framework of projects aligned with of competition. The excitement andnational training packages, standards and inspiration generated by these amazingbenchmarks. young people as they realise the extent of their potential has driven WorldSkillsMORE THAN JUST A COMPETITION Australia to ensure the competition isThe WorldSkills Australia platform provides only the beginning of a tremendous lifea unique development opportunity journey.designed to help boost competitors'confidence by enhancing competitors' \"As a nation we need to continue totechnical and communication skills and, in strive for skills excellence, celebrateturn, employability. achievements in the vocational education and training sector and work together to In addition to the challenge of competition, competitors also gain raise the awareness of the opportunitiesaccess to a number of pathways and opportunities that would that are available in a trades or skills based career,” says WorldSkillsotherwise not be available to them. In the first half of 2015 alone, Australia CEO, Mark Callaghan.competitors have travelled to the USA, China, Japan, Denmark, Turkey “The best way to do this is by showcasing role models – 'real' roleand South Africa for a variety of opportunities including training, models such as those who have progressed through the WorldSkillscompetitions, television appearances and humanitarian missions. Australia competition process and who proudly represent their region, their industry and their country.” Next month, sixteen medallists from the 2014 WorldSkills WorldSkills Australia Regional Competitions will run until the endAustralia National Competition will jet off to the UK after winning of October. Register to compete for your chance to follow in Joseph and Sharlene's footsteps: June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 31

THE BUILDERS CHOICE training & developmentWA Franchise has been operating in Western ability to make changes to suit franchisees are able to review offering Australia for several years. local practices, demand and and have input into the KICKS IN expectation,” Jaci said. negotiation process. Mid West Diverse ContractingBuilders who want to fast is a Geraldton based commercial “What works and is the norm Integrity also has a Service track their residential builder which acquired the in Geraldton may not be Hub which enable franchisees building operations and Integrity New Homes Mid West applicable in Bunbury, so to contract for a range ofimprove profitability can tap WA franchise in October 2012 flexibility is critical. “iGyro is works including drafting,into the proven Integrity New and moved easily into selling, the hub from which everything engineering, estimating, graphicHomes franchise offering which contracting and building is saved, accessed and sourced. design/marketing, information new homes. “It is even possible to send out technology and even creation quote requests on a job-by-job of building contracts Integrity New Homes Mid basis,” Jaci said. West WA, Home Design and The advantage of this Sales Consultant, Ms Jaci The system includes a service is that it allows you to Kilburn, said: “The franchise treasure trove of resources have reduced overheads, only offering delivers a complete including: sales management; a incur costs on a job-by-job residential building company 24 hour design library which is bases and provide very cost package delivered through an regularly updated and contains effective access to a team of in-house developed web based a search function to locate building professionals. management software system specific designs such as called iGyro.” duplexes, steep site homes as Jaci said: “The Service Hub is well as custom and project especially critical to me as it has “It is literally pretty much all the homes; standard specifications the efficiency of structured time resources needed to run a and correspondence; the iProx frames for service delivery.” residential building company. It is rapid estimating tool calibrated regularly updated by Integrity’s full- to individual building areas; a To source an “ebrochure” or time IT Manager and supported by project management section; a team of building industry maintenance action files and find out more about the professionals who provide training, records; and accounts tracking. support and hands-on assistance Integrity New Homes along the way. National supplier agreements have been established for a franchise offer call “One the great strengths of range of materials and the Integrity system is the Richard Bremner today phone: 0418 254 50232 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015

commercial THE BUILDERS CHOICEOceaneering Facility THE TEAM Changes the Face of Jandakot Precinct COMMERCIALT he recent construction of a large commercial facility for the Oldfield Knott Architects has been in operation since 1973, and is Oceaneering company has set a high-tech tone at the a Perth-based architecture and interior design company with a Jandakot precinct. The project consisted of four brand-new portfolio of projects in a variety of sectors including corporate,buildings, as well as the construction of extensive external bitumen commercial, industrial, research, multi-residential, healthcare,and concrete hardstand areas. hospitality, educational and retail. The company has a reputation for on-time and within-budget delivery, sound commercial design, Oceaneering is a leading provider of innovative engineered excellent organisation and a flexible approach. In this particularproducts and services to several industries, including sub-sea oil project, Oldfield Knott performed two roles – that of architects toand gas, defence, entertainment and aerospace. The company PS Structures, and provider of design services to Oceaneering fordecided on this facility in order to consolidate all its business units the integrated fit-out..under one roof, instead of at the variety of locations that were inuse previously. The brief This was undertaken as a design and construct project for PSBackground on the companies involved Structures. The brief was for four new buildings, including a mainin design and construction warehouse of 5,000m2, two smaller workshops, and a two-storeyPS Structures, located at Balcatta, is a construction company for the office building. It also included an external concrete hardstand areacommercial sector, and is committed to excellence and sustainability of more than 15,000m2 in size to accommodate large machinery,in all its projects. The company has been involved in many sectors, bitumen car park areas and landscaping.including hospitality, commercial, educational, retail and health. In thisproject, PS Structures was the contractor to Jandakot Airport – the Briefs were put forward by Jandakot Airport (lessor) andproperty developer and lessor for the facility. Oceaneering (lessee) with the design team providing documentation for project construction. This involved ensuring Phone: 9381 6788 that the briefs for both lessor and lessee were being fulfilled. According to PS Structures, the client decided to integrate fit- Phone: 9240 6744 out and base-build construction during the design phase. This led to the employment of two teams – one for the base-build and one for fit-out. Oceaneering considers that this helped to fast-track the project so that it would be completed on time by October 2014. June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 33

THE BUILDERS CHOICE commercialThe finished productThe final outcome consists of the following:I Main warehouse – 5,000m2 in size and consisting of structural steel frame, concrete tilt panels, internal mezzanines, large roller doors, Colorbond cladding, hard-wearing fibre-reinforced slab flooring, and internal finishes in cabinetry, vinyl and tile.I Two smaller workshops – constructed in a similar manner to the main building but smaller in size. One of the workshops is 1,200m2 and the other is 400m2.I Two-storey office building – 1,950m2 in size, constructed in structural steel with tilt panels, in-situ concrete, curtain walls, and insulated panels. This building also features front and rear balconies in Ultrabond cladding and with balustrades in clear glazing, and internal walls of mostly glazed partitions and Gyprock walls. Ceilings were done in flush Gyprock or tiling depending on acoustic needs.I External – 15,500m2 concrete hardstand area that allows for large machinery and future expansion, bitumen car parks, and landscaped areas. “Winner Of Commercial Aluminium & Glazing ASAOWceianndeoewrisngsuFpapcliielritsyto the Project Of The Year 2013 & 2015” Established for over 28 years ASA commercial market. ASA Windows Windows are capable of carrying out a specialize in all Commercial Windows: broad scope of works, predominantly Shop Fronts, Curtain Walls, Bi-Folds, aimed at servicing the large scale Glass and Glazing. Tel: (08) 9408 9400 76 Achievement Way, Wangara WA 606534 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015

commercial THE BUILDERS CHOICEThe main challenges Fraser & London have over construction names in theOldfield Knott principal Dean Wood said that one of the main 20 years experience in the business and pass on thatchallenges was that of brief changes during the project. roofing industry. If you want experience to residential and quality backed by hands on commercial customers alike. In one instance, the changes involved joining two workshops experience and a commitmenttogether. This situation involved some back-and-forth to great service, then look no No job is too large or toodiscussions and consultations. Mr Wood said that changes of further than Fraser & London small for our experiencedplan during construction of this type were not uncommon or Roofing Services. team servicing all suburbs inunusual, and the contractors involved were not particularly the metro and country areas.fazed by it. Over the years we have worked with some of the best \"We've got you covered\" However, Oceaneering decided after consideringvarious options to revert to the original plan, keeping the Tel: 08 9390 1999workshops separate. 1/51 Gillam DriveAchievements of the project KELMSCOTT, WA 6111This was a tight project in terms of goals, deadlines andresource management, and according to Mr Wood, the two teams (base-build and fit-out) worked well togetherfrom the outset, with each concentrating on the tasks requiredof them. Mr Wood considers the office building to be particularlyoutstanding in the way it complements the Oceaneering high-tech image, describing it as “unusual and edgy” and reallysuiting the site it has been constructed on. He is particularlypleased with how it is set apart and stands out from otheroffice buildings in the Jandakot precinct. The entire project was completed within budget and on timein October 2014, which is a credit to all the companies andteams involved. Oceaneering also appears to be happy with the result,especially as the company now has the capacity to incorporateall of its business activities into a single, well-designed andexpertly constructed facility that matches well with thecompany's image and purpose. June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 35

THE BUILDERS CHOICE commercialCOMMERCIAL Ultimate Sports Viewing in Perth at Crown Sports Bar In 2014, Crown Perth decided to transform its existing sports bar.THE TEAMWhy this project? The project included the installation of three giant LED viewing The former sports bar (known as Carbon Sports Bar) was very screens, a brand new bar with an enticing food and drinks menu, successful and popular, but had limited space and viewing screens. and a private viewing area. So Crown decided it was time to upgrade by offering bigger and better screens to replace the old projectors, as well as adding extra The transformation was overseen by Perth-based commercial space, a new bar, and a corporate box private viewing area construction company Finlay Group, under the leadership of Xavier complete with 12 Recaro sports seats. This corporate box also McKeon. And judging by the response of the public, Crown's plan comes with a personal host and catering – making it a bit like the to provide the ultimate in sports viewing in the city has well and Gold Class cinema of the sports-viewing world. truly come to fruition! The new sports bar had to have that dazzling wow factor, and this has certainly been achieved with the total 137sqm of viewing Phone: 9287 7999 area, which is the largest in the country. “Our vision is to be the home of sport, and we feel that Crown Sports Bar offers spectators who either cannot be at the game, or are watching an away-game, a great alternative,” a Crown Perth spokesperson said. Phone: 9362 7777 Phone: 9470 5377 The construction process The construction process involved installing the three new screens, relocating existing gaming rooms and constructing the new bar in 36 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015

commercial THE BUILDERS CHOICEHuge success at the launch of the Crown Sports Bar, Perth MegaVision and Big Screen Video have delivered the goods – the 130 square metres of wrap-around screens in Crown Sports Bar are simply breath-taking. It's impossible not to see your favourite sport in such wonderful high definition and enjoy the experience whatever the result. MEGAVISION SOUND/LIGHTING25 Gordon Road, Osborne Park WA 6017 T: 08 9444 6556 old keno lounge space, and keeping the bar operational while SIZE DOES MATTER!the rest of the project was being completed. In November 2014, Mega Vision Sound & Lighting and Big The project also included extending the raised floor area of the Screen Video submitted a proposal to upgrade the prestigiousexisting bar, installing new carpet, replacing old wall panels, painting Crown Perth's projected screens to the latest high resolution LEDthe bulkheads, replacing furniture, and installing a new TAB and the screens. In March 2015, three record breaking full high definition LEDcorporate box. All of this needed to be done with minimal screens were installed and launched to the public!disruption to the functioning of the surrounding areas, and withprovision of complete safety for a very curious public. Mega Vision and Big Screen Video's experience and knowledge was clear as they answered all questions thrown at them by the Before the giant screens could be installed, cabling had to be put executive and technical team at the and structural steel had to be installed within the roof space forsupport. The screens were installed within two days and were fully Installation of a large format LED screen, or three, requires a hugefunctional within five, which was essential due to the timing of variety of elements to come together, in deadline conditions. Themajor sporting events. This achievement is a credit to both Finlay bigger the screen, the more complex the technicalities! Mega VisionGroup and Crown. and Big Screen Video managed to coordinate, test and light up the screens in minimal time. The middle screen measures 13m x 4.5m, while the other twoscreens are 8m x 4.5m in size. The three LED panels connect Project Manager, Shannon Blake from Crown Perth was impressedtogether to provide a seamless viewing surround-sound experience. with both companies every step of the way, particularly when seeing the finished product. ‘The professionalism and expertise of Big Overall, the project took six months to complete and was Screen Video and Mega Vision has made working, in partnership onopened on March 18, 2015, at a VIP-packed celebration. the new Crown Sports Bar project very easy.Major challenges ‘The technicians are prepared and fully briefed on their roles andThere were several challenges with this project. According to Mr delivery, installation and set-up has been seamless.’McKeon, the main challenges included keeping the gaming floorand existing sports bar operational while the new sports bar was For Crown Perth, SIZE DOES MATTER! Together, the three screensdelivered in stages, and keeping the public out of the area. add up to 130 square metres of LED, the left and right screens are 8 metres wide by 4.5m high (36sqm) and the centre screen is 13m wide The staged aspect of the project precluded putting up extensive by 4.5m high (58.5sqm). All three screens comprise of roughlyhoarding, so there was a need for constant vigilance to keep the 8.5million pixels! Director of Mega Vision Sound and Lighting, Jeffpublic out of the barricaded work areas, to maintain a safe Georgiou, says the whole project was great to be involved in andenvironment at all times. seeing the finished product is extremely impressive. Other challenges included installing the engineering supports General Manager from Big Screen Video, Brett Delaney Saysrequired for the new screens, and completion of the work in time 'Crown Perth had the dream and we are very proud to have made itfor the schedule of major sporting events. All of these challenges reality. Surely this is the best Sports Bar in the country?!' The screenswere managed well and without any major problems or incidents. are worth a trip to Perth purely to watch your favourite sports! June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 37

THE BUILDERS CHOICE commercial A successful outcome all round It certainly looks like the new Crown Sports Bar is a major success in every respect. The project showcases the vision and innovation of Crown, and the talent, expertise and ability of the Finlay Group to understand complex construction project requirements.Achievements INDUSTRIAL • COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIALMr McKeon considers the main achievements in construction to Labour & Hire • Labour Only • Hire onlybe the installation of the structural steel supports for the newscreens in the roof space, and meeting the deadlines – especially 33 Buckley Streetas the timeframe was very tight which meant there could be no Cockburn Central WA 6164time wasted. Phone: 08 9417 2474 Fax: 08 9417 2484 Email: [email protected] “We worked closely with Crown to achieve a value-for-money Finlay Group has worked closely with Crown for 10 yearsnow, and we have a good understanding of their needs in terms ofstrict deadlines, the operating environment, and the required levelof finish that all need to be combined to achieve the best result onall projects,” he said. “It is a very unique environment that showcases Crown's abilityto evolve and produce innovative ideas. The idea of having acorporate box to watch main sporting events and to be waitedon within a casino is one thing, but to look up and watch theevent on three massive screens cannot be done anywhere else inthe country.” A Crown spokesperson said the bar was proving to bevery popular. “The new Crown Sports Bar has proven to be a big hit with ourguests. We have already experienced capacity nights for a numberof events, along with increased visitation overall. Initial indicationsare very positive and feedback regularly includes comments such as'this is the best sports bar in the country'.”38 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015

commercial THE BUILDERS CHOICEINNOVATIVE Kingston THE TEAM Apartments a Winner for Cockburn Central COMMERCIALCockburn Living's Kingston apartments is a staged The Developers and Builders construction project within Cockburn Central, by Frasers About Australand Australand Pty Ltd. The project involved the construction of Australand is one of Australia's leading diversified property groups.four apartment buildings, with shared resort-style amenities. Its activities across Australia cover development of residential land, housing and apartments, development of and investment in Cockburn Central is transit orientated development connected income producing commercial and industrial properties andto a range of transport options. The Cockburn Central train station property management. Driven by a highly experienced team ofis within 500m walk, providing easy and fast access to and from people who put their customers at the heart of everything, thePerth CBD, Fremantle and Mandurah. Local bus services operate core values of the business are passionate, authentic, dynamic andfrequently along nearby major roads offering convenient transport respectful. Acquired by Frasers Centrepoint Limited in 2014,to surrounding areas, the Perth CBD and further abroad. The road Australand is poised for further growth. For more informationnetwork in and around Cockburn Central is transforming, with about Australand, visit arterials like Beeliar, North Lake Road and the KwinanaFreeway running close by. About Frasers Centrepoint Limited Frasers Centrepoint Limited ('FCL') is a full-fledged international real Within walking distance you will find an array of bars, cafes, estate company and one of Singapore's top property companiesrestaurants and shops. Essential services are close by, including a with total assets of approximately $21 billion as at 31 Decembernumber of health facilities, Murdoch University and Fiona Stanley 2014. FCL has four core businesses focused on residential,Hospital. Cockburn Central West will also be the future home of commercial, hospitality and industrial properties, spanning over 50the Fremantle Football Club, a multi-million dollar, state-of-the-art cities across Asia, Australasia, Europe, and the Middle-East. FCL isrecreation and aquatic facility. listed on the Main Board of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited ('SGX-ST'). The Company is also the sponsor of All stages are now complete, with residents in Kingston the three real estate investment trusts listed on the Main Board of theFourth due to move in, in July 2015. SGX-ST. They are Frasers Centrepoint Trust, Frasers Commercial Trust, and Frasers Hospitality Trust, which are focused on retail Existing residents are already enjoying the benefits of the properties, office and business space properties, and hospitalityapartments and the amenities provided. properties, respectively. As a testament to its excellent service standards, best practices, and support of the environment, FCL is Phone: 9214 7900 June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 39

THE BUILDERS CHOICE commercialthe proud recipient of numerous awards and accolades both locally Facilities include a swimming pool and gym, outdoor cinema,and abroad. For more information on FCL, please visit covered seating area, barbecue and pizza facilities, carpark, and low-maintenance waterwise landscaped gardens that connect the buildings. Other features include a centralised hot Australand has been in operation since 1924. The company is a water and solar panels for electricity generation for common areas.diversified property group that works across the residential,commercial and industrial sectors, and has investment divisions in The apartments have been built close to amenities such as publicfive offices in major towns around Australia, as well as residential transport, and are designed to reduce dependency on motorsales in Hong Kong. vehicles, thereby contributing to greater environmental protection. Frasers Australand are both the developer and builder. Building Materials and External Finishes The apartments were constructed using a permanent formworkInternal build – The Buildings panel system for the load-bearing structure known as the AFSKingston is made up of four buildings, Kingston the First Concrete Logic Wall System. AFS panels are lightweight andconsisting of 47 Apartments, Kingston the Second with 44 quick to erect, and the system provides high fire and acousticapartments and Kingston the Third and Fourth being made up ratings. The buildings also have concrete suspended slabs andof 38 apartments and 1 commercial, and 60 apartments and metal deck roof commercial respectively. The last of four unique looking builds for the areas. With Andrew – 0448 399 004 the Aerostone 25mm Tiles over the external walls to give a striking mosaic pattern, these feature walls are E: [email protected] then textured to give the eye catching façade. The tiles are not just for decoration, but offer a solution to glancing light on modern modular walls systems. A common issue, cleverly, and beautifully resolved. It has been a pleasure to be involved with the project and those involved. Phone: 08 9258 9377 Fax: 08 9258 9399 12-14 Anvil Way WELSHPOOL WA 6106 Email: [email protected] The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015

commercial THE BUILDERS CHOICE If you need to take months off the construction time of your next project. External finishes include Dulux Acratex surface treatments, powder- There is one logical choice ...coated aluminium panels for privacy and visual interest, external AFS LOGICWALL®louvres, and tiled balconies with glazed aluminium balustrades. Tried, tested and proven. Hebel panelling in varying colours has been used to definethe edges of the separate buildings, with continuation of the AFS LOGICWALL® permanent formwork walling system isparticular colour scheme in internal walkways for each the answer for fast multi- residential construction, trustedapartment block. by many Builders, Developers and Consultants globally.Apartment Interiors This permanent formwork wall system has been usedThe apartments have modern, light and bright interiors. The successfully on over 1000 projects and has beenkitchens include stainless steel appliances, diamond-gloss rigorously tested and proven by many respectedbenchtops and Laminex Metaline splashbacks. Other internal authoritative bodies.features include high-quality carpeting, modern bathrooms, The Builder of Kingston Apartments, Cockburn, an exampleand powdercoated aluminium windows. Two of the main entrance of a satisfied repeat client, has utilised AFS LOGICWALL®features include full-height lobbies with feature wall panelling and on 9 multi-residential projects since 2010 and appreciateswall lighting that create dramatic and striking entry statements. the benefits that AFS offers: G Time saving due to fast construction, improved logistics and Specialists in both carpentry and joinery on commercial and residential construction projects. reduction in waste Top Shelf Carpentry & Joinery were proud to G Enhanced site coordination with shop drawn, labelled panels be involved in the Award Winning Best Multi-Unit G Product performance – fire, acoustic and thermal ratings Development at The Kingston Apartments, Cockburn Central for Australand. exceeding National Building Codes, purpose manufactured CSR Fibre Cement designed to withstand the elements Rainbow Way G Thin wall footprint – saving space between each unit Gwelup WA 6018 G Quality product – trusted names of raw material suppliers and tested by bodies such as CSIRO David Priolo Email: [email protected] 08 6477 0500 Phone: 0419 928 886 [email protected] Office: 9446 6282 June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 41

THE BUILDERS CHOICE commercialProject Challenges and Management AchievementsThere were numerous challenges in the construction: UDIA 2014 Best Medium Density Development for Kingston. ThisI Being built in stages with some of the apartments already award provides a continuing validation of both the design and execution quality of Austrlands projects in this location. Over the occupied meant there was a risk of disruption to residents from past 5 years, Australand have progressively stepped up the the ongoing construction. commitment to design detailing by listening to its customers and, To manage this situation, bulk earthworks, infrastructure and importantly, the quality of construction. This is largely as a result ofservices (for example electrical transformers and in-ground services) the companies adherences to disciplined value management, ato all four buildings were done first before any construction formalised internal design review process of the external designcommenced. Shared amenities such as landscaping and the pool teams documentation along with a commitment to improving theand gym were also built at the same time as stage one. quality of the built form product by Australand's internalI As for many construction projects, maintaining a balance construction team. between speed, quality, safety and cost presented a challenge. This was managed though good planning right from the start, This award comes on the back of winning the same award for the with weekly coordination meetings between the Site team and Luxe project, also within the Cockburn Living precinct, in 2012 subcontractors being held, as well as monthly meetings with the which recognises the capability and quality outcomes Australand is Site team, Development team and consultants.. delivering in the Medium Density space. This recognition also P.W.P.M PACIFIC WEST Painting & Maintenance Pty Ltd DEDICATED TO ARCHITECTS I COMMERCIAL I ROOF RESTORATION AND BUILDERS I RESIDENTIAL I CLEANING & PAINTING I INDUSTRIAL I QUALITY WORKMANSHIP We are privileged to be involved with Australand supplying floorcoverings to the Kingston Apartments at Cockburn Mobile: 0414 350 313 Central and wish them the very best for the future. Trevors carpets are a fully West Australian owned Phone: 9458 4516 company and have been proudly supporting and working with most West Australian Builders, Architects, and interior Shop 3, 158 Railway Parade designers for almost 40 years. Queens Park WA 6107 We have a fully dedicated division to ensure all our accounts receive the best of attention for advise of Email: [email protected] product selection as well as the best, service and professional installation on all types of floorcovering projects. We also offer special builders rates for all of our ongoing valued accounts. We currently service over 80% of Perths Builders and we undertake everything from first homebuyers packages to two story display home, apartments, and commercial projects. Should you wish to discuss the possibility of using our specialised area please contact: Builder Division Manager Paul Waite Mobile 0403 837 054 or 9202 454542 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015

THE BUILDERS CHOICE commercialAcoustics. Translated. Sealhurst acoustic design and engineering was established in 2012 due positions Australand on a robust and capable platform to work on to changing market forces and a real demand for a higher quality of major infill projects, a key interest of local and State Government, integrated specialist acoustic engineering services. Our combined who are continually looking for capable developer entities to experience on major projects and within large corporate structures, allow partner with. us a unique balance to implement major project management thinking tailored to any level of project. Australand's multiple achievements: I High quality assurance for each stage, and a high level of client Sealhurst represents a new, agile and unrivalled market offering in terms of experience and track satisfaction with minimal requests for rectifications. record, dedicated to upholding the integrity of I Innovation of design and construction, such as the AFS wall the design and consultancy process, a commitment to responsible and optimised system, waterproofing between AFS boards and windows, and engineering and to outstanding client service. the use of AFS walls as planter boxes. I Good management and planning which helped to streamline the Since 2012, we have been actively involved in over processes as much as possible, and which resulted in a minimal 200 projects with clients ranging from land level of disruption and environmental impact. developers, major construction entities, I Time management was also crucial for this construction. Government Departments, commercial and Australand manages its projects through their internal industrial services groups, R&D and private programming system, ASTA. Meetings involve assessing the developers. Our primary areas of expertise includes: programme's current status and considering any issues impacting on time factors and / or opportunities that could maximise time I Architectural and room acoustic design; performance. With all stages being completed within timeframes I Building services noise – design, control and of 15 months, it confirms that the time factor was very well managed over the four stages of the project. commissioning; I Australand was also in the fortunate position of being both I PA system design and integration; developer and builder in the project. This enabled good I Room acoustical modelling; communication and exchange of information and ideas, and meant I Environmental noise assessment; that both sectors were able to work closely together as the one I Environmental and transportation noise team. One of the major advantages of this type of setup is that challenges can be addressed as they arise, and innovations can be modelling; discussed, without causing major time delays for the project. I Sound insulation and related acoustic Overall this is proving to be a very successful venture for Australand and is a credit to the organisation and all personnel commissioning/testing; involved. With the completion Kingston apartments, this should I Research and Development in to prove to be a very popular investment or living opportunity in the Cockburn region. 'Vicinity', a two staged, 8 storey tower apartment new/sustainable building products. development, is the next project currently under construction within Cockburn Central, with the next four staged development in In terms of the Kingston Apartments, the deserved recent accolades its early design stages. represent the latest award in a series of successfully designed modern residential project design commissions as part of the long-term State development project at Cockburn Central, involving LandCorp. We have maintained a close involvement since the 2006 rezoning of land where Kingston Apartments now stands, witnessing the transformation from sand lots to active multi-residential and mixed use urban town centre and transportation hub. Our involvement has facilitated the successful integration of acoustic design for transportation noise with quiet residential building design, amidst a mixed-use town centre environment. Using our proven engineering approach, each complex acoustic problem is translated and communicated into a simple project solution, allowing the client to drive successful technical and cost-effective project design outcomes. If you’re considering a project which involves acoustic design, consider having Sealhurst as part of your team – it’s Acoustics; Translated. T: +61 (0)8 9401 9236 M: +61 (0)420 364 650 58 Dampier Avenue, MULLALOO, WA 6027 E: [email protected] The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015

commercial THE BUILDERS CHOICE Atlantis Childcare & THE TEAM Indoor Play Centreproving popular in Clarkson COMMERCIALWest Perth-based company 3B Build recently completed The project brief construction of a mixed-used development in Clarkson for The client's brief was for a mixed-use building located in central H. Broome Investments – a provider of early learning Clarkson, consisting of a childcare centre for 90 children with acentres for children in Western Australia. The facility consists of a raised outdoor play area and a number of activity areas and playchildcare centre, indoor play centre, party rooms, under-croft and zones, an indoor play centre of 1,800m2 in size, four themed partyground-level parking areas, and several strata-titled offices. Architects rooms, a full commercial kitchen, a number of strata-titled offices,for the project were Meyer Shircore and Associates, based in Subiaco. and basement and ground-level car park facilities.The builders and architects Associate architect Gianni Da Rui at Meyer Shircore states: “The brief3B Build has been in operation in the Perth region since 2006 and for the development was to create a landmark building with reciprocalhas a long list of commercial, industrial, high-density residential uses that can support the surrounding community.” The office spacesand mixed-use projects under its belt. The company has the are also intended to serve small businesses in the local vicinity.capacity to manage projects from the initial feasibility stagesright through to construction completion, and is committed to Constructionclient-focus, excellence, safety and mutually beneficial Construction began in early March 2014 and was conducted inrelationships in all work undertaken. stages, with the initial work involving completion of the basement car park. Once the final design was arrived at and a full building Meyer Shircore and Associates has been serving clients in WA formore than 40 years, and has been involved in a wide variety ofmarket sectors, including retail, healthcare, commercial, office,tourism, hospitality, cinemas and car showrooms. The firm'sphilosophy includes being on time, within budget, and accountable,as well as working to an impeccably high standard, and developingprogressive and cost-effective design solutions for clients. All tiling at ‘Kids Biz’ by Stone Logic P: (08) 9403 6617 M: 0419 251 730 Phone: 9381 8511 Perth Tilers – Luxury Residential & Commercial Tilers Stone Logic is a tiling company that has earned its reputation as a high quality tile and stone products installer. We are requested for Phone: 9322 9656 major commercial construction to luxury residential homes. Our focus is on impeccable attention to detail and professionalism. [email protected] June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 45

THE BUILDERS CHOICE commercialpermit obtained in August 2014, stage one of building construction The project used a mixed-mode of construction, being acommenced. Stage one was the indoor play centre, which was traditional lump sum contract but with certain components beingopened to the public in February this year. delivered under a design and construct model – a setup that helped to deliver greater cost efficiencies overall. Part of the brief from the client was to have the play centreopened by the beginning of the school year, as this centre also Project challengesserves as an after-school care facility and this would enable them 3B Build's construction manager Stuart Sadgrove outlined some of theto capture the local school market. challenges involved in the construction. One of these involved the construction team hitting limestone while excavating for the under- This meant that this stage needed to be completed within six croft car park, which led to a need for extra excavation and themonths once the permit was obtained, which created a fairly tight import of clean fill to createschedule for the builders. better stability. With the limestone presenting potential Materials used included tilt-up concrete panel construction, drainage problems, it was alsowhich enabled greater speed of building, and Ultrabond cladding to necessary to redesign theprovide a sleek finish to certain building components. With the stormwater system, which waschildcare centre being built over the basement car park, lightweightconstruction was required above the suspended slab to avoid theneed for additional reinforcement.46 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015

commercial THE BUILDERS CHOICEmanaged by the use of a Stormtech system. “This system enables structural solution. However, the consultant team along with thesufficient storage of stormwater on site in a storm situation, while builders worked collaboratively to achieve a great final result thatallowing the water to slowly leach away,” he said. meets all the needs of the client and achieves their vision.” Another challenge was that of a tight deadline and budget. This The facility is proving to be very popular so far and is providingmeant the team needed to experiment with a combination of much-needed services for families and local businesses in thedelivery methods, which led to the combination of lump sum and region. It is a credit to 3B Build's excellent management and to thedesign and construct modes for the project. architects and subcontractors involved in the project.Major achievements I UltrabondMeeting the tight six-month deadline for stage one in accordance I Alucobondwith the client's instructions was achieved due to the expertise and I BGC Facade Systemsgood management of the construction team. I James Hardies Facade Systems I Vitrapanel Mr Sadgrove considers the main achievements of the project to I Supply and Installbe that of delivering the finished product within budget and ontime given the very tight program, as well as the management of Mobile: 0431 627 684the staged method of construction and handover. Email: [email protected] According to Meyer Shircore architects: “The irregular siteboundaries made for an interesting architectural design and difficult Always a pleasure to be part of a successful LIC No: EC7424 3B Build project. ABN:73 111 262 465Specialising in project management, innovative electrical 15 Port Pirie Street solutions and design. Bibra Lake WA 6163 E: [email protected] Phone: 9434 5799Specialists in: Unit 15/16, 213 Balcatta Rd, BALCATTA Commercial/Industrial Walls and Ceilings PO Box 629, BALCATTA WA 6914 Extenzo Stretch Ceilings• •Gyprock Office Fitouts Tel: (08) 9240 7887 Fax: (08) 9240 7890• •Ceilings – Wall Linings Partitioning E. [email protected]•• ••Suspended Ceilings Project Management June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 47

THE BUILDERS CHOICE commercialCOMMERCIALNew WAIS Sports Centre at Mt Claremont Goes for Gold Premier Colin Barnett officially opened the new WesternTHE TEAM The centre was delivered by the Department of Sport and Australian Institute of Sport (WAIS) facility at Mt Claremont Recreation in partnership with Venues West and the Department of in April. This high-performance service centre is designed Finance – building management and works. The designers for the to provide the best and latest in equipment and facilities for project were Sandover Pinder in a joint venture with architects WA's elite athletes training in preparation for the 2016 Rio de dwp+suters, and construction was completed under a lump sum Janeiro Olympics. contract by Cockram Construction – a 154-year-old construction company with office locations throughout Australia and overseas. Phone: 9330 2344 Background on the WAIS Phone: 9225 0600 The WAIS was established in 1983 with the aim of providing local coaching and scholarship opportunities to WA athletes, as an 48 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015

commercial THE BUILDERS CHOICEalternative to the common practice of training interstate. Since that Building and constructiontime, the institute has provided for the needs of athletes involved in a Funding for the centre was announced by the state governmentvast number of sporting areas, including gymnastics, track-and-field, in May, swimming, water polo and cycling as well as many others. Forward works, including bulk earthworks and the removal of During the 1990s, the WAIS pushed ahead of other Australian state hazardous materials, were completed by September 2013. Bysporting institutes in building its own dedicated facility. However, this September 2014, all structural steel and wall and roof panels hadbecame inadequate in terms of space and modern equipment, which been completed, and fit-out was commencing. The finished projectled to WA lagging behind the other states. The new centre has over- was completed by April 2015 at a cost of just under $34 million, andcome this problem by enabling the WAIS to provide modern, state-of- provides facilities for up to 250 athletes.the-art facilities and equipment to meet the needs of today's athletes. Features of the finished facility, which has a floor area of A major impetus for the centre was to complete construction in 5,000m2, include:enough time to allow elite WA athletes to train for the Rio games. I 5-lane indoor runway, which can be used for a variety ofThe builders and designers activities including sprinting, long jump, pole vault and javelin.Cockram Construction covers four continents, with offices in thirteen This 80m-long space also has a 10m ceiling height for indoor polelocations across Australia, New Zealand, China, India and the USA. The vault and javelin is involved in all aspects of construction, including project I Multi-purpose sprung floor for training and and construction management, in a wide range of sectors from I Laboratory for sports science research and, pharmaceutical, education and research and development I Environmental laboratory capable of simulating altitude, heat andto sports and leisure, infrastructure, retail, and industry. humidity conditions. I Altitude house where athletes can sleep at altitude to aid Sandover Pinder is a Perth-based architectural consultancy, recovery and training outcomes.committed to the development of creative and innovative I Three hydrotherapy pools (hot, cold and resistance) designedsolutions across a wide range of sectors, including healthcare, for recovery.hospitals and sporting facilities, both in Australia and overseas. I Strength and conditioning gym (700sqm). June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 49

THE BUILDERS CHOICE commercialI Consultation rooms, providing physiotherapy and medical analysis.I Athlete study and break-out facilities.I Complete disabled access throughout – providing potential training opportunities for the Paralympics.I First floor offices for all staff and coaches with meeting spaces and lecture / training room. The centre also has a unique front entry areawith curved shapes and windows designed tocreate an organic appearance and reflect the bodyin movement.Project challengesCockram Construction senior project managerAnthony Serratore said there were a few challengesinvolved in the construction of the facility. Thesewere mostly in relation to a number of materialsthat were required for the building, which were notin regular supply in WA, particularly as this was avery unique project that required “thinking outsidethe square”. These materials were sourced from theeastern states, and even as far away as Europe. CERAMIC SOLUTIONS IS COMMITTED TO PROVIDING COST-EFFICIENT, HIGH-QUALITY CERAMIC TILES AND POOL ACCESSORIES TO THE COMMERCIAL AQUATIC INDUSTRY. Ceramic Solutions product range includes: I Slip resistant flooring tiles I HT anti-bacterial tiles I Pool tiles I Mosaic tiles I FINA approved lane ropes I Pool lifts I Starting Platforms I Moveable bulkheads I Tile cleaning chemicals Ceramic Solutions (Aust) Pty Ltd I P: +61 3 9545 5322 I E: [email protected] I The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015

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