commercial THE BUILDERS CHOICE Independent Consultants AUDIO VISUAL | ACOUSTICS | ICT | PROJECT MANAGEMENT 112 Parry Street, Perth WA 6000 Tel: +61 8 6230 2780 TRUSTED SOURCE OF QUALITY FLOORING & ACCESSORIES SUPPLIERS OF THE MONDO TRACK AT THE WAIS HIGH PERFORMANCE SERVICE CENTRE 1300 786 585 Precision Ceilings understands the residential Aura Sports has and commercial construction markets. We supply revolutionised the sports flooring and install plasterboard to homes and projects industry in Australia large and small across Australia and, as such, through setting new provide unrivalled installation quality and on-time standards in product technology provision of services. and service. We offer: June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 51 I Impartial advice on the best product for any type of building. I Industry best practice as we continually seek better, more efficient and cost effective installation solutions. Precision Ceilings were proud to be involved inThe WAIS High Performance Service Centre Facility and would like to wish Cockram Construction all the best for the future. Phone: 6270 6400 290 Bushmead Road Hazelmere WA 6055 email: [email protected]
THE BUILDERS CHOICE commercialExamples of materials include: source the suppliers and materials that could provide for thisI Roof and wall cladding sourced from Sydney. aspect of the building.I Rubber sports floor sourced from Queensland.I Timber sports floor, alpolic cladding and ceramic tiles sourced The fact that the centre was completed on time and within budget without any major problems or delays is testimony to the from Germany. expertise and good management of Cockram Construction.I The facade core which was sandwiched between glass-reinforced Major achievements plastic layers sourced from China. Cockram Construction considers this to be a successful project in theI Mondo flooring sourced from Italy. way that the building fulfils its purpose and meets all of the variousI Vinyl flooring sourced from Sweden. needs as required. The centre has been described as being “in a classI Carpet tiles sourced from Ireland. of its own,” with the training chamber being particularly outstanding in the way it “mimics different environments including high or low The curved windows at the front of the building also needed to altitude.” In this way, it provides athletes not only with training, butbe individually made. This involved taking the time required toSwarbrick TechnologiesBuilding with CompositesIn the past, architects and or Fibre Reinforced Polymers.designers have been limited to a Swarbrick Technologies havesmall selection of materials fortheir designs – most commonly developed advanced solutionsmasonry, timber, steel and to challenge the establishedconcrete. This has placed form and shape of structures.restriction in their efforts to turn These solutions not only includefuturistic concepts into reality. dramatic architectural features but also 3D components. Today, composites isrevolutionising the way in which These applications are onlywe approach design and possible using advancedconstruction by replacing composites, utilising thetraditional materials with lightweight materials ability to beadvanced composite solutions moulded into complex forms and sit geometrically. Phone: 61 8 9437 5425Fax: 61 8 9437 5426 Mobile: 0411 597 948 Email: [email protected] The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015
commercial THE BUILDERS CHOICEalso with the feel and bodily experience of different environments. sport,” he said. “WA athletes who aspire to be champions now In terms of aesthetics, the building is described by designers have access to facilities that are essential to supporting the journey to the highly competitive world of international sport.”Sandover Pinder as “contemporary and dynamic,” involving the useof a “range of clean, strong materials.” The completed project is a beautiful and outstanding environment in which the state's best can pursue careers in These materials are designed to reflect the physique of an athlete their chosen sporting fields. It is also a credit to Cockramin performance. “The main elements of the building's design are Construction and to the all the teams and individuals involveddeliberately articulated as legible expressions of the relevant in the design and construction aspects of this high profilephysiological elements of the human body, namely the skeleton, skin, West Australian project.muscle and internal organs,” the company stated on its website. “Winner Of Commercial Aluminium & Glazing ASAWWAinIdnsotwitsutseupopfliSerpsortto the At the opening, Premier Barnett described the centre as one that Project Of The Year 2013 & 2015”will provide a strong future for WA's elite athletes. “This highly sophisticated service centre will ensure WestAustralian athletes remain at the forefront of high performance Established for over 28 years ASA commercial market. ASA Windows Windows are capable of carrying out a specialize in all Commercial Windows: broad scope of works, predominantly Shop Fronts, Curtain Walls, Bi-Folds, aimed at servicing the large scale Glass and Glazing. Tel: (08) 9408 9400 76 Achievement Way, Wangara WA 6065 “Accredited Kingspan & Cabinet Proud to have supplied Steel Roofing Contractor” Solutions the cabinets for the High Performance JCR would like to congratulate (WA) Pty Ltd Sports CentreCockram Constructions on this superb P: (08) 9390 1559 World Class Training Facility F: (08) 9390 1959 1/95 Champion Drive, Kelmscott WA 6111 (08) 9300 0637 [email protected] [email protected] Since 1976 ACN 008 901 040 ABN 99 734 914 992REMOTE AREA SPECIALISTS CONCRETE REPAIRS • WALLPAPER INSTALLERS FAÇADE ENHANCEMENTS • EPOXY FLOOR COATINGS MASTER PAINTERS • RISING DAMP • POND LINING MEMBRANE ROOFING • SPECIALISED COATINGS • TANKING JOINT SEALING • SPRAYED POLYURETHANE AND POLYUREA COATINGS • REGISTERED PAINTERS 1420-2431UNITEX INDUSTRIES I 70 GREY STREET, BASSENDEAN WA 6054 I T: (08) 9377 2000 I F: (08) 9279 4623 I E: [email protected] June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 53
THE BUILDERS CHOICE commercialCOMMERCIAL New home of netball in JOLIMONT a boost for the sport The new $26 million netball centre in Jolimont officiallyTHE TEAM Architects for the centre were Sandover Pinder in partnership opened in March by Premier Colin Barnett and the Minister with dwp|suters, and construction was managed and undertaken by for Sport and Recreation, Mia Davies. The centre will provide PS Structures under the leadership of Bob Hancox. The client was office space for the governing body for netball in the State, Netball the WA Department of Sport and Recreation in partnership with WA and also for West Coast Fever. It's expected to accommodate the Department of Finance. around 2,500 netball matches and 50,000 spectators and players in the first year of operation. Background on the construction company PS Structures is a Perth-based mid-sized commercial Phone: 9225 0600 construction company that has been in operation in WA since 1992, with experience in a wide variety of sectors. The company Phone: 9240 6744 is committed to providing client satisfaction and believes in a 54 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015
commercial THE BUILDERS CHOICEcollaborative approach, good communication and in building It consists of:mutually-rewarding business relationships. They bring technical I indoor netball courts and seating area (1,050 spectatorexpertise, experience and commitment to quality, safety andsustainability to all their projects. seats) – 4,650m2 in total I Office areas for Netball WA and West Coast FeverThe State Netball Centre project I Rehab and injury prevention roomThe construction brief was for a two-storey modern centre that I Multipurpose roomwould meet the needs of both community and elite netball in WA, I Multi-sport capacityand also provide access for other sports where required and I Eight team change roomsopportunities for the integration of WA netball clubs. It was to I Elite host changing facilitieshave four central courts of an international standard, as well as I Kiosk and other amenitiesrehabilitation and injury prevention areas, elite facilities for players, I External artificial courtadministration area and car-parking for around 200 vehicles. I Soft landscaping I Car-parking and external lighting. Construction commenced in July 2013 and took 72 weeks intotal. The main super-structure was constructed in structural Main challengessteel frame, tilt-panel walls, reinforced concrete slabs, structural There were a number of challenges in construction but accordingsteel roof trusses to span 63m and profiled metal cladding to to project manager Bob Hancox one of the biggest was a fire thatwalls and roof. occurred when the project was only about three weeks from completion. The fire caused extensive damage both inside and out External finishes included Ultrabond aluminium cladding, to the eastern elevation.aluminium windows and doors, solar shading, semi-opaque Lexanpolycarbonate cladding and exposed aggregate concrete paths. The most important action following this event was to ensure theInternal finishes included polished concrete floors in entry / foyer safety of the site and building and make plans for immediate remedialareas, engineered sporting floors, timber-framed stadium seating works. Once this was done, meetings and inspections took place toand perforated timber and metal wall cladding. more closely assess the damage and perform rectifications. The finished result is a beautifully designed, spacious, modern This led to the demolition and rebuilding of half of the easternand elite facility that has certainly met the client brief. seating area, as well as removal and replacement of several other June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 55
THE BUILDERS CHOICE commercial Management at PS Structures state: “The effect of this occurrence [fire] should not be underestimatedelements of this section of the building. Repainting and and had the relationships formed throughout the preceding 11recommissioning of service installations were also required. The months not been as strong as they proved to be, the project delaysoffice areas were not impacted and the decision was made to allow could have been significantly worse than actually encountered.the offices to be occupied at the earliest opportunity while therepair work was being done. “The management of this event proved to be one of the most challenging and also rewarding aspects of the project, as this drew the This event delayed project completion by around 20 weeks, team closer in their relationships and inspired 'outside the box'which meant the project took 72 weeks to complete rather than thinking with regard to the sequencing of works and design solutions.”the planned 52 weeks. Rob Didcoe at the Department of Sport and Recreation alsoOther challenges included: stated: “I know the past six months has been stressful following theI Building in a largely residential area, which created the problem fire but the building is once again looking magnificent, and will be a wonderful boost for the sport as well as an important cog in WA's of limited access and the need to be particularly mindful of sporting infrastructure”. safety aspects.I Height restrictions in the region, which led to lowering of the Client satisfaction is also evident with sports minister Mia building. This required major excavation, retention and drainage Davies saying that “West Coast Fever will train here and the works to be done prior to construction. WANL will play their games here, so a lot of young players – andI The requirement for the main playing court to be column free hopefully our future stars – will get to show off their skills on with 63m clear span roof trusses – which meant that specialist these courts”. transport and construction in three sections were required. While these and other events presented challenges they were all Overall this has proved to be a very successful project, withwell-managed and overcome by the construction team, which is a PS Structures and the designers and contractors involvedcredit to the talent and expertise of PS Structures. providing a facility that will not only boost the profile of netball in WA, but that is also aesthetically pleasing and expertly constructed in every aspect.AchievementsOne of the main achievements was the development of a positiveclient relationship involving open communication and engagement.This enabled a sound flow of information and enabled bettersolving of problems and challenges and helped to ensure theproject was not further delayed. OJPlaster WA mobiles:0423 370 818 0430 536 788 2/11 CUSACK ROAD, MALAGA WA 6090 email: [email protected] ‘‘because no project should be less than perfect’’ P: 08 9201 0088www.consummopainting.com56 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015
commercial THE BUILDERS CHOICELaminex Western Australia is the proud supplier of the QUALITY FENCING & GATESbathroom partitioning system and lockers for the WesternAustralian State Netball Centre. For further information onLaminex Partitioning Systems and all of our innovativeproducts visit use ‘‘State of the Feature Fencing is a West style and class to yourArt Machinery’’ for Australian company home, Feature Fencing canDiamond Grinding of Glues providing quality fencing offer an affordable andand Paints. and gates for home, attractive solution. commercial or industrial applications. Unlike other We at Feature Fencing fencing companies we do are committed to service not use pre-made fencing – and quality and ensure our every one of our jobs is work always exceeds our custom designed to suit clients highest the need and specifications expectations. We offer of our clients fencing job. punctual, free measure and quotations to all areas as Whether you are looking far as Mandurah to to increase security of your Yanchep, so if you’re home or business, install a looking for fencing in Perth, pool protection fence, or or the Metro area Call simply want to add some Feature Fencing. Tilestrip are the Experts in removing ALL floorcoverings, quickly and efficiently.Tilestrip specialise inconcrete polishing andsealing, including Hiperfloor.We use environmentallyfriendly sealants.Recently Completed Projects Current Projects FREE QUOTES – MANDURAH TO YANCHEPState Netball Centre Perth Children’s HospitalDomestic/International Airports Woolworths Joondalup Unit 6/9 Wotton StreetQBE House Dan Murphys Bayswater WA 6053Belmont Forum – IGA & Harvey Norman JB Hi-Fi Phone: 08 9272 9000 Mobile: 0428 959 296Phone/Fax: (08) 9294 2903 Fax: 08 9272 9199Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 57
THE BUILDERS CHOICE residentialRESIDENTIAL Photos Douglas Mark Black OLD and NEW styles come together at City Beach in WA Perth based company Total Project Management recentlyTHE TEAM beach, and the project also included an alfresco area. The steel- undertook a modern extension to a 1960s architecturally- framed extension utilises texture-coated blueboard cement designed three-bedroom home in The Boulevard at City Beach. sheeting and Colorbond cladding. It also features a 6000mm wide This project entailed extending the home upwards, adding an extra level full-height window with internal seat overlooking the pool in the which includes a master bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and living area. rear garden. Structural engineering company Pritchard Francis undertook the Colorbond cladding was chosen for both appearance, and in structural design, the architectural design is thanks to Mark Aronson order to keep costs down, and blueboard for reasons of cost and Architecture, and the extension was managed by Michelle to provide the desired “seamless appearance” with no visible Lawrence of Total Project Management (Total PM). fixings. Jarrah floorboards were used to maintain the heritage feel of the house. Ms Lawrence and her husband are also the owners of the property, which means for this project she is able to bring in a Other materials included a Proform flatpack kitchen, benchtops client's perspective as well as a project manager's! from Global Marble and Granite, and long-wearing polished concrete. Stacking doors from Jason Doors 2400mm in height were Extension materials and features selected for the alfresco area, as doors any larger than this would The extension added an extra level to the home, which was have increased costs considerably. formerly a split-level house situated only a short distance from the Other materials, accessories and services included Painted Earth Phone: 9228 1500 for the feature painting, Fremantle Timber Recyclers, Ceramo Tiles for the bathrooms, Artistic Timber Floors, and Kitchen Headquarters for the appliances. 58 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015
residential THE BUILDERS CHOICE Project challenges Ms Lawrence states there were several challenges in the project. These include: I Incorporating the new style of the extension into an older home. I Access to the rear of the home for construction equipment was narrow and limited. I There were some problems early on with some of the contracted builders regarding quality of work and programs. These issues were able to be resolved. I Living in the home while the extension was being done, especially as the back of the house was missing for several months. I Retaining the beauty and character of the original home. She said that as the home was open plan and architecturally- designed originally, it already possessed a number of unique features. These included the Toodyay stone stack, low decorative balustrading to the front balcony, floor to ceiling windows to the front of the house, thin profile bricks throughout the lounge areas (feature walls and built-in planter box) with racked mortar, the grid pattern ceiling that wrapped down the wall rather than cornicing that stands proud of the wall, and jarrah floor boards. “There was plenty of beauty to retain, and while we would have liked to retain even more, such as the timber panelling between the living room and kitchen, we like to think we did our best to highlight and enhance these features, hopefully for another 60 years.” I For this extension, time and cost-effectiveness were top priorities, and there was a degree of conflict with designers over the stacking doors and cladding materials. The clients were insistent about installing domestic-height stacking doors (rather than the more expensive commercial-height ones), and about using Colorbond cladding rather than a commercial application that would have delayed the project and made it much more Call us today Exposed Aggregate for your free Liquid Limestone site evaluation Coloured/Grey Concrete and quote Sealing ServicesSteele Blue Construction and Concrete Utilising natural products and well designed Honed/Polished Concretespecialises in concrete products and services landscaping we enhance your outdoor living Bullnose Pool Form • Site Workswithin and around the Perth Metropolitan area. within and around your newly built or renovated home. Driveways • AlfrescoWhether it be big or small, our friendly and Pool Surrounds • Extensionsprofessional team can assist you with colour Every installation is important to us, with ourcoordination and product advise to achieve the attention to detail from the initial planning stages 0414 516 181highest quality outcomes for your new needs. to the final sealing process second to none. [email protected] June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 59
THE BUILDERS CHOICE residentialAchievements and successes concealed fixings was important for the seamless look weDespite some hiccups along the way, the finished product of a wanted to achieve.”four-bedroom three-bathroom plus study home has resulted in I She is also very happy with the feature window and featurevery satisfied clients! picture-frame bench seat. I It was very important for the owners that the front façade wasParticular achievements include: kept as original as possible. It only received a coat of paint andI The clients were able to achieve their desired result of cost- some roller doors, but otherwise retains its original appearance. I Retention of the old ceilings. “The ceilings tie in nicely between effectiveness and aesthetics through the use of domestic-height old and new. The original art deco ceiling is intact and highlights stacking doors and cladding materials. the building's heritage,” she said. Ms Lawrence is very happy that she didn't waver and is very pleased with the finished results. “The Colorbond panelling in Ms Lawrence said she and her husband had met some wonderful Monument on the first level extension is dramatic. Having craftsmen, such as Painted Earth and Raw Edge Timber, during the project. “Their skills and level of care have made a huge difference to the end product,” she said. “Visitors are genuinely surprised after climbing the old 1960s stairs to find an open plan space that has visual connection to the rear garden. We love that the presentation is modest from the street. The spaces feel home-like. Our friends gather around the kitchen bench, or lounge around inside or out. Despite large open areas it still feels cosy.” Overall it sounds like this project has been a great success for everyone involved!60 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015
residential THE BUILDERS CHOICESparkling Glass Home THE TEAM at Kununurra in a RESIDENTIAL CLASS OF ITS OWNIn the remote Kimberley overlooking the Ord River sits Western I Gravity defying cantilevered overhanging skillion roof and Australia's 2015 Best Country Home. Constructed of glass and verandah with no columns to obscure the view. limestone tiles the design augments the raw beauty of thisremote area. The modern spacious seven bedroom home was I Entrance hall decorated with wave tiles to reflect waterdesigned by architect Greg Eastman and built by Kununurra, based movement in keeping with the Kimberley Green Constructions, headed by Peter Green.The house was a labour of love for Peter Green along with his wife I Light and bright interior, particularly as a result of the vast use ofNoelene, who were the builders and the owners. glass throughout and neutral colour schemes.The building and features I Light-filled and naturally-ventilated bathrooms with floor-to-This is a single-level bespoke concealed structural steel-framed ceiling double-hung windows, limestone tiles, stone bath,home cladded primarily in glass sheeting and stone. The main marble-star mosaic tiling, four separate lighting options andstructure features three bedrooms, each with their own ensuite, stainless steel a master suite with dressing-room and bathroom, a bar/gamesroom, acoustic home theatre, home office, and formal lounge with I Beautifully-appointed kitchen with dark granite benchtops,three adjoining resort style guest rooms. scullery area, suspended island servery, self-cleaning ovens, pizza facilities, warming drawers, gas/induction/steamOther features include: cooking options, built-in coffee machine, teppinyakiI Cantilevered natural timber decking enveloping three sides of the hotplate and other futuristic appliances, taps with LED-lit temperature readings. building giving a floating illusion. I Vast amounts of custom glass in every room of the house. Phone: 9168 1245 I Frameless Glass bi-fold doors along the south side which enables the home to be fully opened out. I Heated elevated lap pool with an infinity edge – giving the impression of merging into the home and surrounding landscape. I Separate guest house with three full-sized bedroom resort style suites. I A disabled guest room with ramp, wide wheelchair access and modified bed layout. June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 61
THE BUILDERS CHOICE residential The use of glass throughout blurs the lines between inside and The outside areas include a concrete driveway with exposedoutside, and affords a view of the river from every part of the local-stone aggregate, water wise low-maintenance garden, timedhome. The ability to completely open up the south side enhances sprinkler system, and natural windbreaks.this inside-outside merging still further, and can also be used tocool the home during the warmer months. Project challenges Any home of this standard and scale comes with challenges and this one was no exception. According to Mr Green there were several particular challenges in this project which included: I Ensuring every room in the home had a river view. This has been managed by the extensive use of glazing and the building orientation. I Construction of the cantilevered no-column decking and verandahs. ARC Trade#AU03015 For the Best Advice and ServiceDOMESTIC AND COMMERCIAL We are very proud to have completed all the airconditioning on this magnificent 2015 Award Winning Residence for Kimberley Green Constructions 0417 991 283 Phone: 9168 2282 Fax: 9168 3936 Email: [email protected] Mango Street, Kununurra WA 674362 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015
residential THE BUILDERS CHOICEI The use of glass throughout, which involved more than five Project achievements companies and included individually cut pieces for obscured- and successes glass cladding. As well as winning the prestigious Best CountryI Sourcing the best materials for the bespoke, top-level kitchen. Home Award at the 2015 Master Builders-Bankwest Housing Excellence Award, the first time in the The fact that the home is a major success indicates that all these 35 year history a Kimberley/Pilbara region entry haschallenges were overcome through good management, diligence won, it was also awarded:and the expertise of all those involved in the project. 2014 Best Country Home Kimberley Pilbara The construction also required contractors and craftspeopleto learn new skills and tasks during the project. There were also Best contract Home over $1msome time delays as a result of the location of the building, andthe need to acquire unique non-standard materials. However, Separate awards for best appointedMr Green stated that they took their time with the project, bathroom and best appointed kitchenindicating that achieving the high level of quality andexcellence desired was more important than the time factor. Separate excellence awards in cabinet making, floor and wall tiling and glazing KUNUNURRA WA WALL FRAMES & ROOF TRUSSES MADE TO ORDER ROOFING. CLADDING & FLASHINGS UP TO 8M LONG. FENCING AND BUILDING SUPPLIES TO THE TOP END. June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 63
THE BUILDERS CHOICE residentialEnergy-efficiency features and roof to deflect heat, wall and ceiling insulation, high-Incorporated in the design of the house are numerous energy efficiency air conditioning, the home's elevation, which allowssaving features to reduce the environmental footprint of the breezes to circulate under the decking, and the ability to openstructure. Particular features contributing to energy and resource up the south side of the home.efficiency include: I Other factors contributing to energy efficiency include the use of natural materials inside and out, blinds with thermal backing,I Passive solar, achieved through north-facing windows and LED lighting in work areas, waterproofing to external walls, and the east-west orientation of the building along the long axis, the thermal properties provided by the cavity between the steel maximising the ability to capture the northern sun in the frame and the glass cladding. dry season. I Water conservation features such as reticulated water supply from the Ord River, three large water tanks, stormwaterI Cooling is provided via several features. These include the harvesting from the roof area, and waterwise irrigation system for veranda and strategic planting to provide shade, white glazing the garden. GlePnono’sls Aesthetics and comfort The home has a minimalist style and enormous visual appeal, having been expertly designed and skilfully crafted in every detail, with no compromises, or cutting of corners in terms of quality. Mr Green said the kitchen in particular stands out for him, as it incorporates virtually every feature you would want. There is no doubt whatsoever that this unique home showcases the skills of everyone involved in the project, from the builders and designers to the tradespeople and contractors. The fact that it won so many awards also indicates that this home is truly in a class of its own in the north-west region. 0402 310 957 DARWIN TO BROOME Glenn’s Pools were proud to construct this fully concreted infinity pool at the Award Winning Home for Kimberley Green Constructions.64 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015
residential THE BUILDERS CHOICEBROCKSOLID CABINETSBrock Solid Cabinets were proud to supply and installthe comprehenisve range of cabinets in this AwardWinning Home for Kimberley Green ConstructionsPhone: 0419 838 4131491 Bloodwood Drive, Kununurra WA 6743 June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 65
THE BUILDERS CHOICE residentialRESIDENTIAL Design Dazzles in Mosman Park Display Home Seacrest Homes' latest display property at Minim Cove in cabinetry and interior décor. Seacrest has won numerous awards Mosman Park, around 12kms from the Perth city centre, is sure with Master Builders and the Housing Industry Association, to please the most discerning of clients. The display home including for housing excellence, construction excellence, best features a gym, home theatre, guest suite, parents' retreat, children's display home, custom built homes, and it has been a finalist in the wing, cool room, heated pool, lift, and a bar that looks like Golden Key Award. something you might normally see in a licensed venue rather than a private home. This three-level, 1,000m2 home is aimed at the luxury Seacrest's designs range from traditional and modern classic end of the residential construction market, and has been named to rural, coastal style and the luxuriously opulent. The company The Mirage. showcases its designs in a number of display homes. The Mirage is one such home, and is the creation of Seacrest designer The designers and builders Peter Musuruca. Based in Wangara in Western Australia, Seacrest Homes is a design and construction company that combines beautiful design and luxury living in every detail of its homes. The company also provides a complete level of service, including earthworks, THE TEAM Phone: (08) 9302 1717 Features of The Mirage Layout: I Lower level – this features a luxurious home theatre with a large screen and comfortable seating for at least seven people. The theatre has a leather door, and incorporates the bar, which has fridges, a dishwasher, and granite benches. This level also 66 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015
residential THE BUILDERS CHOICE Prestige Tile Gallery caters to both builders and individual clients looking for the best materials to improve the appearance of a new or existing project. Our ranges have been used to create some of Perths most impressive homes. features a gym, a guest suite with its own laundry and small Our showroom in Osborne Park features a product kitchen with European appliances, a small outside courtyard, range and a level of service that are second to and four-car garage with semi-transparent glass doors. none in the tile marketplace.I Undercroft/main living floor – this level incorporates dining and living areas, a study, a laundry, a computer nook, and a phone: 08 6500 1748 kitchen with curved glass splashbacks, luxury appliances and scullery with cool room. There is also an alfresco area Unit 1, 68 Guthrie Street overlooking the lap pool, which is covered by louvres that can Osborne Park, WA 6017 be opened.I Upper/bedroom level – this floor has separate sleeping and living areas for both adults and kids. The parents' retreat comes with a sitting room, a fireplace, a dressing room, and a June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 67 bathroom with double shower and marble sinks. The children's wing has three bedrooms and an ensuite, as well as a sitting room that even has its own kitchenette – which could all certainly come in handy for teens who would like their own space and privacy.
THE BUILDERS CHOICE residential68 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015
Particular features of note include: residential THE BUILDERS CHOICEI Marble-clad porch area at the home entrance.I Front elevation of black-and-white marble and Apolic roof cladding. Maximising the use of your outdoor areasI Materials selected specifically for their aesthetic appeal as well as has always been a challenge for durability and low-maintenance aspects, such as marble, If you install a conventional roof, how do you avoid the Alucobond aluminium cladding, Apolic cladding and car paint problems of either blocking out natural light, or creating a finish. Alucobond in particular is an eco-friendly and fire-rated \"hot house\" with no breeze, especially on hot days? Vergola material that offers weather-resistance and capacity for creativity provides the solution – versatility to meet diverse needs. and design innovation. Australia's first complete louvre system, Vergola's abilityI Vast use of commercial low-e glass throughout, affording great to control the elements makes it a natural choice over views to the Swan River and also ensuring that the interior is traditional roof coverings. bright and naturally-lit. With the flick of a switch, Vergola's louvres can beI Padded leather handrail on the staircases. adjusted to let the light in, keep the sun out or protectI Seacrest's custom cabinetry throughout, which can be operated outdoor entertaining areas from rain. electronically and opened with just a touch. Vergola's 28 years heritage, local manufacturing and theI Lift access to each level. backing of BHP, Australia's most reputable steelI Colour-changing LED lighting on stair treads and around awnings. manufacturing company, guarantees quality.I 6-star energy efficiency for comfort and reduced running costs.I Highly detailed ceilings throughout. The ceilings alone cost in Designed to complement the style of your excess of $250,000 to install due to the level of artistry and detail home, a Vergola will open up new involved, and the amazing lighting effects they provide in each opportunities for better living! room of the home.I Wrap-around balconies with glazed balustrades on the top two levels.Challenges and achievementsSeacrest designer Peter Musuruca said the main challenges inconstruction included maximising the views to the river in order todisplay the design of the property to best effect, and theexcavation for the undercroft area – challenges that were bothexpertly managed without major issues. It wasn't easy for Mr Musuruca to pick out particularachievements of the home's design, as there are so manyoutstanding features in this project. The whole house is a majorachievement in itself, in terms of design and artistry, and how allthe elements combine to work together. However, if a particularfeature was to be selected, Mr Musuruca considers it would have tobe the ceilings. These really stand out with their bulkheads,recessed lighting aspects, and level of detail. He also describes thehome as looking “like a palace” when it is all lit up at night time. This home certainly has it all when it comes to luxury family living,as well as space for recreation and entertaining. The Mirage displayhome is a testimony to the expertise and talent of Seacrest Homes,and showcases just what the company can offer in the exclusiveluxury market. It is located in Masson Mews at Minim Cove, and canbe viewed by making an appointment with the staff at Seacrest.Lighting International Ltd began in 1980, and was quickly recognised asa Western Australian market leader in home/residential lighting.BALCATTA Cnr Erindale Rd & Balcata Rd, Balcatta 9344 2433MIDLAND Cnr Joondalup Dve & Aston St, Joondalup 9250 2066WILLETTON 143 High Rd (Near Leach Hwy), Willetton 9457 0888ROCKINGHAM Cnr Patterson St & Read St, Rockingham 9592 1822Main Contact: Darran Edmonds [email protected] 0433 676 626 # ELECTRONIC SECURITY 9 Altona Street, Bibra Lake 6163 # VIDEO SURVEILLANCE Phone: (08) 9434 1222 # DUCTED VACUUM Fax: (08) 9434 1123 # AUDIO & VIDEO INTERCOMS # SERVICE & MAINTENANCE Email: [email protected] email: [email protected] 2/44 Port Kembla Drive, Bibra Lake WA 6163 June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 69
THE BUILDERS CHOICE residentialRESIDENTIAL The Butterfly House:A Unique HOME DESIGN in Leshenault L eschenault is a semi-rural outer suburb of Bunbury, named inTHE TEAM The design and construction teams honour of a French botanist who was aboard the exploration Dagostino Developments has been building homes in the Bunbury ship the Jardinière in the early 1800s. It is in this region region of Western Australia for more than 20 years. Dagostino overlooking the inlet that a custom-designed energy efficient solar Developments manager Tony Dagostino, a carpenter by trade, has home, nicknamed the 'butterfly house' due to its unique double- 30 years of experience in the construction industry. The company is winged floor plan, is situated. committed to providing excellence and attention-to-detail in all its services, and assisting clients to achieve their dream home. This eight-star energy rated home is the result of a collaboration Arcologic Design is an award-winning design company that is between Bunbury builders Dagostino Developments, and West passionate about and committed to innovation and sustainable Perth company Arcologic Design. It has been designed and design in WA, and translating clients' ideas into practical and constructed to capture the best of all worlds – great views, inspiring reality. excellent climate response, sustainability, plenty of comfort, and a modern aesthetic. The site and project brief The elevated 7,900sqm site overlooks the Leschenault Inlet to the Phone: 9726 2756 west and has a wooded area to the east. The building site itself is situated almost in the middle of the property, which provides great Phone: 0418 844 662 views and also minimised the need for vegetation removal. The clients wanted a four-bedroom sustainable and climate- 70 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015 sensitive family home that provided views of the inlet to the west, protection from strong winds and the hot afternoon sun, and the ability to capture the winter sun from the north. This rather complex set of requirements led to the unique 'butterfly' design solution which enabled all facets of the brief to be fulfilled.
residential THE BUILDERS CHOICE SPHROOWFIELER SCREEN The home has two double wings or pavilions that are situated SLIDING ROBE DOORSnext to each other in a butterfly configuration and are connectedby an entry courtyard area. As well as meeting the desire for GSPLALASSSHBACKviews and a northern aspect, the unique design also providesexcellent cross-ventilation. The home is constructed from simplematerials, including rendered brick, masonry, corrugated iron andlow-e glazing.Home featuresFeatures of the home include renewable cork flooring in thebedrooms, louvre windows, a solar PV roof system, a rainwatercollection tank, a shaded courtyard and alfresco area, and wall andceiling insulation. The home also has polished concrete floors in the living areas.Polished concrete not only looks attractive, but also provides goodthermal mass. In addition, it saves on the time, energy and materials required toapply a more standard type of floor covering, making it a very good'green' flooring solution. It is also hard-wearing and long-lasting, andrequires less maintenance than many other types of flooring. June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 71
THE BUILDERS CHOICE residential The finished result is a home that has both passive and active Proud to be plumbing and tile suppliers forsolar features and which sits comfortably in its environment. Dagostino DevelopmentsArcologic principal designer John Damant states: “A skillion roof tothe two pavilions gives a modern aesthetic while the exposed, Colorbond cladding and Boral Classique feature wallsremind of a country setting. Internally, a raked ceiling-line gives a If you’re looking for cabinets for yoursense of volume and floods the home with northern sunlight.” kitchen and bathroom, renovation work,Project challenges commercial fit-outs or even bespokeA major challenge of this project was that of meeting all the clients' pieces of solid timber furniture, Bunburyrequirements and desires, which was achieved through the unique Designer Cabinets & Furniture is here todesign and aspect of the building, the use of simple building help make your vision become reality!materials and substantial glazing, and the inclusion of sustainable-living features such as solar PV panels, and the rainwater tank. Workshop: Unit 1/87 Albert Road, Bunbury WA 6230 The land itself also had a five-metre fall over its length. Phone: (08) 9791 7337According to Mr Damant, this was resolved by “a cut-and-fill Fax: (08) 9791 7338solution to maintain a viewing platform for the house, Mob: 0409 133 066maximising the inlet outlook.” Mr Dagostino considers that a major challenge in constructionwas that of producing and later protecting the polished concretefloor. The timing and management of the production processwas crucial to prevent the slab from drying out and cracksoccurring in the final result. This task was carefully and expertly72 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015
residential THE BUILDERS CHOICEmanaged by the building team, and according to Mr Dagostino FERGUSON’S 9791 6011he and the clients are very happy with the result. SUPPLY, SAND, LAY & RENEW PARQUETRYAchievements TIMBER & CORK FLOORINGMr Dagostino states that he is particularly pleased with thesuccess of the polished concrete floor and considers this to be a Scott Fergusonmajor achievement for the construction team. He is also veryhappy with the custom-home design and the uniqueness of the 042M9CoA9bR7il7PeE6: N69TIIIRYREGXEYTNPERONOVSACITKOIINONSNGSoverall building. For Mr Damant, the unique design and the high energy rating of thehome are major achievements of this project, especially as so muchcareful thought, planning and climate-sensitive principles went into allthe design and construction stages in order to fulfil the brief. The fact that all of the clients' requirements have been met inthe one building is a credit to both the design and constructionteams for the butterfly house. The project shows that green designand construction can be not only practical, but also aesthetically-pleasing and inspiring. It also shows how cleversolutions can be found forbuilding projects, even whenthere are complexrequirements involved.THE WATER AND ENERGY EFFICIENT HOMEComplete Enviro SOLAR POWER UNDER-SINK HOT WATER YOUR ONE-STOP SHOP FORSolutions uses its LED LIGHTING WATER AND ENERGYextensive knowledgeand understanding EFFICIENCY SOLUTIONSof energy and watersaving initiatives SOLAR HOT WATER RAINWATER HARVESTINGto tailor product HEAT PUMPpackages to suit clientneeds and budgets. Email – [email protected] GREYWATER SYSTEM POOL ECONOMISER June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 73
THE BUILDERS CHOICE residentialRESIDENTIAL On this particular project, site carpenter and foreman Michael McDonald was involved right from the initial design stages. Mr Crogan said “by being involved in the early stages, Mr McDonald had a good understanding of the building and its particular requirements before he got to site, so he was able to identify potential issues before they arose. He was of great assistance in ensuring that the design was practical, which helps to minimise costs, whilst still respecting the energy-efficient design principles.” Project brief The client brief was for a single-storey family home for a site in Esperance. The clients wanted the home to be water and energy efficient, and to utilise passive solar design principles. The result is a three-bedroom two-bathroom home built in two wings – one for the master bedroom suite and main living areas, and the other wing housing the children's bedrooms and utilities. Building the home this way in two separate wings enabled both areas to have a north-facing aspect. The two areas are linked by the main entrance and foyer. The home also features a study, activity room, and an open living and dining area. Features include a natural-oiled polished concrete floor throughout the building, low VOC (volatile organic compound) paints and finishes, Grundfos hot-water recirculating system, solar pergola, double glazed windows and doors throughout, Marri slab CREATING the Simple Life in Coastal ESPERANCE In the lovely coastal town of Esperance, with its beautiful surfTHE TEAMkitchen benchtops finished with natural oils, a 40,000 litre water beaches and relaxed vibe, stands this stunning architecturally- tank which feeds part of the house, and low-energy LED lighting. designed energy-efficient home. This passive solar home with an eight-star energy rating was built by Simple Life Projects in The project was finished on time and within budget, resulting in collaboration with Ecotect Architects – leaders in climate-sensible happy and satisfied clients and a very successful project for Simple and sustainable building design in Western Australia. Life Projects, Ecotect Architects, and all the contractors involved. Simple Life Projects is a construction company which specialises Building materials in constructing environmentally-sensitive buildings that are energy The external walls of the building were done in what is known as the and resource efficient. Managing Director Phil Crogan says the team Aerostone twin-panel system, along with prefab mouldings from at Simple Life works closely with the Client throughout the whole Linear Architectural Systems. This system of building was chosen for process. Mr Crogan makes himself available to the Client at all its effectiveness in maintaining a comfortable temperature inside the times, so the Client is able to keep directly in touch with the actual house, despite the wide range of temperatures experienced in builder, rather than be channelled through different people or Esperance's Mediterranean-like climate. departments. This is a step back to a more traditional builder relationship, which Mr Crogan says keeps the lines of Aerostone twin panels are composed of two Hebel aerated communication clear, and make the building process simpler for concrete panels separated by an internal cavity, similar to a standard everyone involved. “It means that we only take on a few projects a cavity brick wall. The panels are held together and strengthened by year to maintain the degree of attention required”. steel channels and tie-down rods within the cavity. The cavity also allows for electrical and plumbing services as required. www. Phone: 0418 933 721 The Aerostone twin-panel system has the capacity to halve the time and number of personnel required to build external walls, compared to a traditional cavity brick wall. It also provides good thermal resistance whilst maintaining enough thermal mass to retain warmth in the cooler months. In this project, the team also wrapped the internal skin of the panels with a layer of Aircell Glareshield insulation inside the cavity to further minimise heat transfer. 74 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015
residential THE BUILDERS CHOICEThe home also features European-designed double-glazed tilt a very flat and hard surface with the initial pour, which required theand turn windows from Casver. Tilt and turn windows offer two team to do trowelling work into the night. To complete the task,opening options that can be used according to the wind and the slab was given a light honing towards the end of the project toweather. In a tilt or 'awning' position, the windows tilt outward at remove dirt and marks, and it was then treated with natural oilsthe top which helps to remove warm air and provides good draft- from Planet Ark to achieve the polished finish without any ventilation, while the 'turn' or casement position allows forfuller opening. Additionally, in a closed position, a tight seal is Project achievementsformed providing security and a tight envelope. Mr Crogan said he was particularly happy with the home achieving an eight-star energy rating, and with the fact that it was the firstProject challenges home to utilise the AerostoneAccording to Mr Crogan, the two ‘‘Mr Crogan said he was particularly happy Twin-Panel system in themain challenges were the use of the with the home achieving an eight-star Esperance region. He said gainingAerostone twin-panel system, and experience in this method ofattaining a polished concrete floor energy rating, and with the fact that it was construction has added anotherwithout exposing the aggregate, as the first home to utilise the Aerostone string to their bow of energyrequired by the clients. efficient building techniques, and The use of the twin-panel building Twin-Panel system in the Esperance region.’’ he would definitely consider usingsystem presented a challenge as it the system on other projects.was the first time the team had used the product, and many The combination of excellent design, quality workmanship, goodsubcontractors were unfamiliar with it. However, with the expert help teamwork, suitable materials and methods, and focus on efficiencyand advice of Bruno Staltari at Linear Architectural Systems, they soon in the use of resources have all come together. The finishedbecame very comfortable working with this material and method. They product is efficient, comfortable, and aesthetically-pleasing and is aalso found the panels easy to cut and that the system enabled them to credit to all involved in this unique Esperance project.finish the load-bearing structure in three days.The panels are light enough to be managed by two people anddidn't need the heavy steel lintels often required when usingbrickwork. Finishes were done with acrylic render on the outside,and plasterboard inside.The second main challenge was the polished concrete floor. Asthe client did not want the aggregate exposed, the slab had to have ESPERANCE This energy efficient home, has been solidly CABINETS constructed using the Aerostone Twin Panel System, which has the CSR Hebel Panels as the Unit 1/55 Simpson Street main component. Esperance WA 6450 Modular and easy to erect the full masonry build [email protected] required no Bricklayers and reduced wet trades. BECAUSE QUALITY DOES COUNT! Excellent for solid built regional homes. It was a pleasure working with Phil and Michael, to achieve this beautiful home. Phone: 08 9258 9377 Fax: 08 9258 9399 12-14 Anvil Way WELSHPOOL WA 6106 Email: [email protected] June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 75
THE BUILDERS CHOICE residentialRESIDENTIAL Efficient Building in HILTON Results in a 400% Yield With the high demand for social and affordable housingTHE TEAM Some background on Access Housing that exists in WA, the Department of Housing (DoH) has Access Housing is a not-for-profit company involved in the sought ways to create a larger and more diverse pool of provision of social and affordable homes for rent or ownership in community housing. In recent years, this has led to the DoH WA, with offices in Fremantle, Mandurah, and Bunbury. The forming partnerships with providers in the private and not-for- company is able to fund projects through sales of some profit sectors, in order to create housing solutions that are development stock to the private market. This mixed-tenure model “available, affordable, and appropriate” for low to mid-income is important for the financial strength and viability required for earners in need of places to live. community building development projects. In this capacity, Access Housing – one of WA's leading providers Access is very focused on efficiency in building projects. This extends of affordable housing – took on the task of the redevelopment of to construction time and costs, building materials and methods, energy a site in Hines Road Hilton through the DoH's Assets Transfer efficiency, environmental responsibility, and the use of available space Program. For the project, Access Housing teamed up with to create higher-density housing solutions in WA. Aesthetics is of Northbridge builders NicheQ – a construction company that has course also very important, in order to create living spaces that are won numerous awards for excellence, innovation and quality. comfortable, pleasing and attractive for people to reside in. The result of this collaboration was a very efficient use of the site in The project brief more ways than one – including in construction materials, building The site in Hines Road contained an older fibro house that was no methods, energy use, use of resources, and housing density yields. longer liveable and which needed to be demolished before any work could take place. This site was also identified as providing an Phone: 9430 0984 ideal opportunity for an affordable housing project, in terms of housing density, building innovation, and location. Phone: 9483 0000 The building was completed in February 2015, and the end result is four affordable, attractive and energy-efficient two-bedroom apartments, close to Fremantle, public transport routes and other Phone: 6160 8000 amenities – bringing in a 400% yield in terms of affordable housing for the one property, at a cost of $777,460. 76 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015
residential THE BUILDERS CHOICEHow it was achievedFor construction materials, NicheQ Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs)were used, along with a concrete slab floor and Colorbond roof. The SIPs panels were brought onto the site and cut to size asrequired to fit the construction. The final building was rendered inlight tan and off-white finishes. NicheQ SIPs are composed of a polyurethane core sandwichedbetween two calcium silicate board panels that come in a range ofstandard sizes, and can also be cut to size as required.They provide a very efficient building solution in a number of ways: Ms Groome also said the building looks very comfortable and at-I They reduce the need for insulation as it is already built-in to home in Hines Street, which still has many homes from the 1950s. the panels. She also said one of the great things about the finished result isI The panels simplify the construction process and reduce the the appearance. need for numerous trades on site. “It looks just like a big house rather than like a block of flats orI They can substantially reduce the time required for construction. apartments”.I They provide a wide array of benefits, including thermal No doubt this helps it to blend in with the rest of the efficiency, acoustic insulation, durability, versatility and strength. streetscape as well. They are also resistant to termites and to fire, and are suitable for use in regions prone to cyclones. All-in-all, a great deal of careful planning and innovation has beenI With the use of SIPS for construction, waste and greenhouse gas put into this building, and the desired result of providing quality, emissions are reduced. efficient and affordable housing for the site has been achieved. This project certainly showcases the expertise of both Access NicheQ SIPs in particular are thicker than many other SIPS on the Housing and NicheQ builders, and has helped to revitalise themarket, and are one of the most highly tested building systems in street and make a very positive contribution to the community.the industry. They are particularly suitable for construction in WA'sclimate. The use of NicheQ SIPs for this project resulted in animpressive overall energy rating of 6.9 for the completed building. The apartments have a light and spacious interior, with modernkitchen and bathroom appliances, and with timber-look laminateflooring from Malco Flooring. Other suppliers included ChallengeCabinets, Spence Doors and M&Z Painting, and SupremeLandscaping for the outside areas.ChallengesTo find out more about the project we spoke to Su Groome,Access Housing's General Manager of Property Assets. Ms Groome said that while the rectangular site had minimalslope and was relatively easy to develop, the main challenge lay indemolition of the existing building as it contained asbestos, whichrequired safe removal by licensed hazardous material removalists.AchievementsThere were numerous achievements in this project, accordingto Access Housing.These included:I The use of alternative, innovative and cost-effective building materials to deliver four quality affordable dwellings on the one property.I Ongoing energy efficiency due to the use of the SIPs system of construction.I Rejuvenation of the local streetscape in the well-established suburb of Hilton.I Quicker build-time due to having less trades on site and the simplifying of the building process. June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 77
THE BUILDERS CHOICE residentialRESIDENTIAL Low-Maintenance Spaciousness for Bespoke North Beach Home Sometimes, having plenty of space in a home is not so much a The interior was designed by Turner Interior Design based in matter of size as good design. This is certainly the case with North Fremantle – a company that focuses on innovative design one of Grange Residential and Construction's most recent and provides a full range of services including design, drafting, projects at North Beach. This home was built for a couple who documentation, finishes and fittings. decided to downsize once their family had flown the coop, but who now feel their new home is more spacious than their previous one, even though it is less than half the size. Background on the builders and designers Clients' aims for the project Grange Residential and Construction is a construction service and supply The clients had a number of aims in this project: company located in Balcatta. Grange is involved in a number of high-end I To create a bespoke home with a feeling of space and airiness, quality modern residential constructions in and around Perth. and a minimalist almost 'floating' look. Or as described by The architectural design for the North Beach home was handled Brendan Green of Grange, a place with sharp lines and “not too by Banham Architects – an award-winning Perth-based company flashy” in appearance. committed to working closely with clients to deliver their desired I A low-maintenance home that doesn't take too much time away outcomes and ensure their satisfaction. Banham's services include from hobbies, the beach and the golf course for upkeep! concept designs, documentation, tendering, and contract I A place with enough space to enable them to spend time at preparation and administration. home with their 14 grandchildren, and also allow them to entertain up to 30 people at a time. THE TEAM The home The approximately 450m2 modern luxury home is built in double Phone: (08) 6141 3292 brick, with a metal slimline 1-degree roof. It utilises a Deltacore precast panel system for the nine-metre suspended slab. The layout includes three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a north-facing alfresco Phone: (08) 9321 5588 space with ocean views, open-plan kitchen and dining, a family room, scullery, wine cellar and an outdoor kitchen in the decking area. The interior also boasts a sandstone floor and hand-cut stone feature tiling. 78 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015
residential THE BUILDERS CHOICE Design features include clean horizontal lines in keeping with thebeach location, and expansive use of glass, which creates a light andbright internal environment while providing great sea views.Project challenges I Achieving the low-maintenance aspect of the home, enablingGrange's managing director Brendan Green considers the biggest the couple to have time to enjoy their lifestyle and communitychallenge in this project was that of producing the slimline look of the and family involvement.building, in particular the minimal roof, which appears to only lightlytouch the top of the house. Mr Green said it “took a lot of structural I Providing great views of the behind the scenes” to achieve the light and minimalistappearance the clients desired. In other words it can be said that ittook a lot of work to create an appearance of minimal work! Another challenge was that of the feature tiling, as almost everypiece needed to be individually hand-cut. This required sittingdown together with the tiler and owners to discuss the desiredoutcome, and arrange how the work should be done. These challenges were managed well, with the clients' goalsbeing met.Achievements This is the type of project that showcases the importance ofThere are many achievements in this project. Mr Green said that designers and builders really getting to know their clients so thatboth the clients and the architects are extremely happy with the they can grasp and understand what it is they want in the finishedfinished result, with the owners stating that it is just what they product. In a bespoke, architecturally designed and innovativewere looking for, and that they now feel like they are “on holiday” project such as this, the importance of good communication andin their new home. working closely with clients cannot be overstated. In this case, it certainly seems that the teams involved have pulled out all stops toSome specific achievements include: fully understand the clients' needs and provide them withI Achieving the light, minimal look desired by the owners. complete satisfaction.I Creating a home that is spacious, and in keeping with the owners' On a technical and aesthetic level, the home has been expertly desired lifestyle. designed, crafted and constructed to ensure that the owners obtained exactly what they specified in their brief. This was a very successful project in every aspect, and the home should provide the owners with a comfortable and enjoyable lifestyle in their retirement years. CENTURION ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Domestic • Airconditioning Installation • Commercial Phones and Data Points 2 Hartwell Street, Coolbinia WA 6050 EC. No. 6641 Email: [email protected] MARIO BUSACCA: 0419 968 534Phone: 0412 913 881 NEW HOUSING S COMMERCIAL S GROUP HOUSINGUnit 9, 103 Garling Street, O’Connor WA 6163 P: 08 9240 8033 PL: 5644 GF: 6055 June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 79
THE BUILDERS CHOICE residentialRESIDENTIALModular Construction Makes Sense in Mindarie Extension Modular construction has delivered a seamless solution for When hearing the term “prefab modular construction” it could extending a family home in Mindarie. The homeowner conjure up an image of low quality or uninteresting buildings. wanted a second storey extension to provide a However, this is not the case with Nexus. The company offers comfortable and spacious apartment for her elderly mother, with a custom modular homes and extensions that can be architecturally minimum of fuss, and within a short space of time. The extension designed to suit specific sites, and do not compromise on quality in was built by Cockburn Central construction company Nexus either construction or finish. Homes Group, led by managing director Matt Keogh. Once the design of the home or extension is complete, sections About Nexus and modular construction of the building are manufactured in the Nexus factory and are then Nexus Homes Group is a company that is always moving forward transported to the site and put together. The advantages of this and looking for better and more innovative methods of method include lower site preparation costs, and much faster and construction in Western Australia. Nexus offers a design and easier construction. Modular homes or extensions in some cases construct service for all types of building projects, including new may even be finished within a matter of weeks. homes, prefab modular renovations and homes, and traditional renovations. The company is committed to research and Modular construction of this type is fairly new in Australia and discovering new and more efficient ways of providing complete WA in particular, although it is more common in Europe and North home solutions for clients. America. The Nexus Group's experience of working in the USA, Europe and Australia's eastern states has enabled the company to THE TEAM see the benefits of modular construction, and it has given Nexus the motivation to bring this building method to WA. Phone: 9414 1789 Project brief In this project, the client was a homeowner in Mindarie who was keen for her elderly mother to reside with her, while maintaining her own sense of privacy and independence. The mother also wished to downsize, but was not too enthused about moving into 80 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015
residential THE BUILDERS CHOICEa retirement village or small unit somewhere. The modular Challenges and achievementsconstruction utilised by Nexus provided the perfect solution to Nexus Group's managing director Matt Keogh said the maintheir dilemma. challenges revolved around bringing the crane and the prefab apartment sections on to a small site, while avoiding nearby The brief was to extend the home upwards and provide mum power lines and other obstructions. However, no real problemswith an apartment of her own with its own access and in a style were encountered with this, and Mr Keogh believes that thethat would suit her and also match the rest of the house. The benefits of modular construction definitely outweigh anyapartment was to be of a high standard, and have its own laundry, challenges. He considers the main achievements to be the factbathroom, living and dining areas, kitchen and bedroom. that they managed to build the apartment in such a short space of time, and that it “looks great and as if it is just part of the Construction involved transporting in the prefab apartment in whole house.”three sections with a crane, and putting it all together on site. The clients are obviously happy too, particularly with theThe finished apartment personal attention given to them by Mr Keogh and his team inThe apartment took three to four months to completely finish order to give them exactly what they needed and desired,offsite, and one more month installing onsite – including breaks especially with the extra personal touches such as the inbuiltsuch as Christmas and New Year and family holidays – at a cost of display cabinet.around $300,000. It is accessed from what was previously theground floor study via a Tasmanian oak stairway, wide enough to What is the future for modular?allow for the addition of a stair-lift later on if required. Mr Keogh considers that modular design could offer a solution for many new homes and renovations where convenience, Inside the apartment, there is a modern kitchen with induction value and time are major priorities. Certainly it seems likely thatcooktop, dining and living areas, as well as a bedroom, laundry and modular construction could become more popular in WA asmodern bathroom. Special inbuilt display cabinets were installed more and more people recognise the benefits it offers, andfor the owner's collections of china and crystal. There is also a especially when they see the high quality results that it canbalcony that has remote-control blinds so it can be used in provide, such as the result delivered by the Nexus Group indifferent seasons, and at night time. From the outside, the finished this project.apartment really just looks like a top storey that is part of theoriginal house, rather than a flat in its own right. Perth's Leading Roof Tile Supply & Install ProfessionalsTel: (08) 9417 5045 Mob: 0447 442 679 3 Irwin Road Wangara WA 6065General Crane Services (WA) Pty Ltd We provide top-notch residential and Telephone: 08 9309 399310 Merino Entrance, Cockburn Central WA 6164 commercial roof tiling services at Fax: 08 9309 3445 highly competitive prices. E: [email protected]: [email protected] W: June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 81
ALTERNATIVE METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION THE BUILDERS CHOICE alternative methods of construction INSTALPMUETNTFTOIROSTFTHTPEHAPIRASTNQEULEOSTFIEOXNPNERATISRE Alternative How they will influence Building Materials the Perth market place It was with a great deal of Meet our guest journalist Marc Drexel, a property consultant set to become an issue as the raw pleasure that I accepted The with over 30 years' experience in the industry. With a passion base materials start to run low Builders Choice Magazine’s for engaged and connected communities and environmentally over time. invitation to put together a story responsible outcomes. Marc specialises in identifying sites and on what might influence Perth's advising his clients on the best developed outcomes. Marc also To showcase a window into the building industry, with a focus on assist in coordinating proactive and accountable sales and future and with the assistance of emergent building materials. marketing results for his clients. Cath Evens, Senior Associate with Sitting down and reflecting on Roberts Day, we were able to this task it became obvious the During the 30 years he has been in the industry he has locate a wonderful example of an best way of addressing this story been involved in some of Perth's leading projects and exciting project in South Australia was to speak to leading experts worked with many of Australia's most respected builders that highlights so much of what across a wide diversity of and developers. has been mentioned in this story. property related industries. From It is a project that embraces a the town planner creating the market, in particular Directions principles that make up house varied pallet of materials to suburbs, through to the designer achieve its construction needs planning the built form, the 2031, as local councils are forced designs in the future. and budgets. House and land boutique builder, the project packages start from as little as builder and finally the investment to develop in-fill policies in line With an increasing $300,000 and are all contained in sales specialist. They all had a diverse master planned something to say, but what was with the overarching understanding of the need for community, very close to very interesting, they almost all Adelaide town centre. To some said the same thing! expectations of this policy. The sustainable outcomes in home degree a model that could be applied to the eagerly anticipated Times are changing in the next big one will be strata title design, whether that be how we community title in Western building industry, the choice of Australia, moving forward. building materials is expanding reform, particularly with the harness water or power, how our and the market is embracing I have been in the industry for these changes. The day of the impending Community Title buildings ages and in turn the 30 years and in this time I double brick home on a quarter haven't seen many changes in acre block is fast disappearing. Strata act. The growing trend ongoing maintenance the methods of construction Future Perth will see leaders like albeit with the exception of our panel of experts, shape and towards small lots ‘‘The day of the requirements, or pre-cast concrete panels in both influence these trends. As Perth with the flow on good quality the hi rise residential and grows to embrace the needs of commercial markets. It is an exciting and diverse city, with building double brick home passive solar certainly my belief that over the an expected population of next 30 years it is going to be upwards of 4 million people by challenges, on a quarter acre design principals, very different. It is time for us as 2050, it will need to adapt combined with they are all an industry to look forward and quickly to meet the challenges. block is fast embrace this change as our the market's desire influenced by the clients are and the purchasers So what are the drivers? It are. The market is not only goes without saying, planning is to live in disappearing’’. choice of building embracing change but expecting having a huge influence on the connected it from the building industry. materials. communities close to transport One of the real take home hubs and community centres, are messages a panellist brought to the emergent submarkets that our attention, was the availability will dramatically affect the built of basic raw materials (BRM's) and form. As the market continues how this will impact traditional to mature it will become more construction methods. The ability sophisticated and equally to continue to supply discerning about the choice of conventional building products building materials and design like bricks at competitive prices is 82 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015
alternative methods of construction THE BUILDERS CHOICEWhat do you think the building trends in THE TEAM Meet our panel of experts Perth will be in the next 10-20 years? and their understanding of the drivers that will influence the building trends in PerthAARON SICE: 10 years – Urban including an increase in theinfill; being a house behind a proportion of under 30's, and a over the next 20 or replacing a 3x1 on a significant proportion of babylarge block with 6 to 8 boomers wanting to downsize, the Aaron Sice is a sustainableapartments, etc. need to provide a greater diversity designer with a passion for of medium and high density applying the three cornerstones Smaller greenfields, or housing options will only increase. of sustainability: energy, diversitysubdivision, housing. The trend and future-proofing, to alltowards 'apartments with Medium density housing projects large and small. Runningcourtyards' is already starting, options are now being further his own practise for a decade hewith 5m wide lots already taking developed beyond the older style has worked on many excitinga foothold in the market. villa/grouped dwelling developments, and now include inner suburban projects. Community titles providing for single storey cottages, apartmentreal housing choice on one houses, loft buildings, terrace/row Anthony Pillinger is a trainedoriginal parcel of land. style housing and maisonettes. The Quantity Surveyor/ Project Manager demand for a greater variety of and Registered Builder. Anthony has Smaller 2, 3 and 4 apartment medium density housing types is been a practicing Greensmartdevelopments in newer likely to continue, particularly given Professional since 2006 and hissubdivisions. that the affordability of housing in award winning company Swell Perth is largely impacted by land Homes' work is largely composite 20 years – Larger, social prices (in addition to government construction, utilising conventionalhousing projects that are outside fees and levies) and therefore the methods of construction for mass,Government framework, mainly provision of housing options on a and alternate methods for insulationstemming from larger not-for- smaller footprint will assist in and airflow.profit social groups – following delivering affordable housing.on from the smaller private Phil Bertram has been in thecommunity title products of the While there has recently been business of creating and rollingprevious decade. reports in the media of an over- supply in the apartment market, out Property InvestmentANTHONY PILLENGER: An the demand for higher density Strategies for property investorsincrease in acceptance of housing within proximity tolightweight and composite amenity and employment will also for over 12 years. He has joinedconstruction by the general likely continue to increase. With forces with Ausnet, WA's largesthousing market. Also a greater this, options in apartment product independent Real Estate Network,availability of energy saving that also cater to the family marketproducts via market force and may also be explored to a greater to fill a need for qualitytechnological advance. extent, as this type of living information in the investment becomes more attractive, andIAN McGIVERN: There will be a accepted, to a wider. field to clients wishing todefinite trend to higher density purchase 'Future Proof'development situated around In addition to an increase in investment properties.transport hubs in the outer medium-high density housingsuburbs. Within the inner Perth typologies, the type of Ian McGivern has a formidablesuburban area larger lots will be construction will also be a breadth of industry experiencesubdivided for infill. I also expect significant change within the and depth of constructionthe consolidation of existing building and development knowledge which he draws on asadjoining lots, providing higher industry. Alternative construction Managing Director of Thedensity development. techniques will likely become Goodland Building Company. more common, largely influencedPHIL BERTRAM: We're already by the availability of basic raw Ian is the only multi storeybeginning to see the trends materials, and the increasing residential registered builder whoinvolving subdivision of existing concern from consumers sits on the Master Builders Modularresidential property in the inner regarding the environmental (Smart Construction) CommitteePerth suburbs and this is expected performance of buildings, both at and has recently successfullyto gain momentum. These new a global level, and the delivered a modular building.blocks can often be unsuitable for performance and operating coststraditional building techniques of the building they live in. Cath Evans has over 20 years'and materials which will continue experience in the urban planningto fuel the need for new building The panel’s comments in thisdesigns and practices. questionnaire are personal and development industry. opinions and the photos Underpinning her experience is aCATH EVANS: In terms of housing throughout the article are passion and desire to create vibranttypes, people In Perth will examples of buildings within and sustainable communities thatcontinue to value a larger style the Lightsview Community. retain a sense of place. Cath is alsofamily home, however, thechanging structure of households, a current member of the HIA Environment, Planning and Development Committee, that advise on policy changes impacting the building industry. June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 83
THE BUILDERS CHOICE alternative methods of constructionWhat do you think the building materials will be in the next 10-20 years?ANTHONY PILLENGER: We CATH EVANS: Constructionshould see PV cladding and roof methods used in the Perthsheeting become a reality during market have been dominated bythis period. I'd expect the double brick, however this isadvances in energy storage to likely to change as purchasersmake the residential battery become aware of the economicaccessible to the general and environmental benefits ofpopulace. A greater embracing other construction techniques.of lightweight structures maywell bring about technological The availability of Basic Rawadvances in this area as well. Materials (BRM's) including sand, gravel, clay and limestone, andAARON SICE: A definitive shift the ability of the government toaway from brick and tile for a protect land containing BRMslarge portion of the construction will impact on the ability tomarket. We don't see brickwork deliver homes using traditionalmuch, if at all, in newer construction methods, and mayapartment developments; and necessitate the need for builderssmaller sized infill product is and purchasers to considerdivesting out of brickwork alternative methods.purely due to timeframes andproduct limitation. This is really Modular/prefab constructionsetting the play for modular will also become morewalling systems and modular competitive in price as more ofroofing products, provided the this type of construction is used,costs are within reason. benefiting from economies of scale. Likewise framedIAN McGIVERN: I see the trend construction will also continuemoving to more light weight to rise in popularity asconstruction as this is already purchasers understand thebeginning. I see more recyclable benefits of this type ofmaterials being incorporated into construction, including costthe built form. Steel stud work and savings in construction andtimber will become more common savings in operating costs ofin wall framing, with external using energy efficient materials.cladding being composite or boardmaterial. The technological Building materials are likely toadvances in glass and thermal include substitutes to currentbreak systems will see more glazing materials, includingas façade treatments. concrete/brick made from fly ash, steel or besser bricks, timberPHIL BERTRAM: There is an frame/lightweight constructionemergence of more light weight including pre-cast concrete wallsbuilding materials being used and timber. Bricks of course willand they are gradually becoming continue to be used, butmore understood by the market. perhaps not be the exclusive construction material for a house, and will be combined with other materials.84 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015
alternative methods of construction THE BUILDERS CHOICEADVERTORIAL SUPPLIED BY CLEINT PRESS RELEASE 19.03.15 DRITHERM CAVITY SLAB: A NEW CAVITY WALL PRODUCT FROM KNAUF INSULATIONKnauf Insulation has launched a new popular amongst installers and builders “As a high quality, non-combustiblespecialist insulation product that provides a because they are super-soft and easy to glasswool insulation product, DriThermthree-in-one solution for double brick cavity handle. Like other Earthwool products, Cavity slab has high thermal performance,walls. DriTherm® Cavity slab is a glasswool DriTherm Cavity slab is made using it's the only cavity wall insulation productinsulation product that fully-fills the cavity of recycled glass and with ECOSE® available in Australia that is siliconedouble brick walls to prevent heat transfer Technology, a revolutionary binder that treated, so installers and homeowners canvia conduction, convection and radiation. contains no added formaldehyde or petro- rest-assured this certified insulation based chemicals. product will resist moisture transfer for theDriTherm Cavity slab has a certified life of the building.”material R-Value of R-1.4, which means the DriTherm Cavity slab is 600mm wide, whichproduct doesn't need an air space or foil makes installation fast as no spacers are DriTherm Cavity slab is the latest in a newfacing to achieve the recommended required and because the insulation fully range of products for Australia from Knaufthermal performance. In addition, DriTherm fills the cavity there's no requirement to Insulation, which also includes a specialistCavity slab has received CodeMark consider an air gap. blow-in glasswool product, Supafil®certification, demonstrating that it is Fit for CarbonPlus, which can be retrofitted inPurpose for installation in a masonry brick Guy Manthel, Technical Product Manager existing cavity walls.cavity and meets the performance at Knauf Insulation said: “Cavity wallrequirements of the Building Code of insulation is a common requirement for To find out moe information visitAustralia (BCA). Western Australian homes and DriTherm Cavity slab provides an ideal solution toDriTherm Cavity slab is part of the improve the thermal performance of theEarthwool range of products, which are external wall.” June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 85
THE BUILDERS CHOICE Building Products & Services86 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015
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THE BUILDERS CHOICE Building Products & Services88 The Builders Choice Magazine – June 2015
CEILINGS & PARTITIONS CONCRETE DESIGN display listings THE BUILDERS CHOICE EARTHMOVING bob bruce design 0417 573 319 building design drafting residential commercial designing for the southwest GOODS ENGINEERING SURVEYORS GYMNASIUM EQUIPMENT OUTDOOR COOLING SYSTEMSPAINTING RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION LICENSED AND ENGINEERING SURVEYING Known for high quality outcomes and growth strategies! I Develop lateral solutions for clients, on time and on budget. I Navigate your project from development to completion. I Focus on Design & Construct Engineering and Cadastral Surveying projects. SORENSEN SHORT & ASSOCIATES T: (08) 9409 6366 E: [email protected] W: PLASTERBOARD POOLS ROOFING Creators of Fine Designs in Plaster MANUFACTURE & INSTALL Specialising in... Decorative Cornice Ceiling Roses • Archways • Domes Picture Rails • Ornate Plasterwork Ceiling Renovations U5/16 King Edward Road Osborne Park WA 6017 Tel. (08) 9446 2011 [email protected] June 2015 – The Builders Choice Magazine 89