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Home Explore Service learning

Service learning

Published by mongkonrat, 2019-09-01 04:15:37

Description: Mongkonrat chaiyadet
King mongkut’s university of technology north Bangkok
[email protected]

Keywords: Service learning


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Service learning via digital cloud to raise Living Values Innovation of Buddhist novice students. Mongkonrat chaiyadet King mongkut’s university of technology north Bangkok [email protected]

A service-Learning “conducted in ways that are rewarding to all constituencies: faculty find their teaching is more enjoyable, students discover their learning is enhanced, communities benefit from the resource of students and faculty, and institutions develop additional ways to fulfill their mission.” [1] [1]R.G. Bringle and A.J Hatcher “A Service-Learning Curriculum for Faculty,” Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, for 1995. [Online serial]. Available: [Accessed Aug. 17,2019].

1.designs and develops the Service learning curriculum to increate life skills of novice students. 2.promote learning achievement motivation and Living Values among novice students.

Research questions : 1.What is the effectiveness of the service learning curriculum. 2.Study and analysis of the service learning assess student achievement.

1. Population/Sampling The population in this study will be novice students from 409 the General Buddhist Scripture Schools. 10 the General Buddhist Scripture Schools in Bangkok will be selected by purposive samples method. Participants will included 40 students. 2. Research instrument lessons for life skills curriculum achievement test for service learning. 3. Data collection Data will be collected using achievement tests. 4. Data analysis The data analysis will be done by using Anova, Multiple Regression.

1. Findings for research question 1 It is expected that the student’s achievement will be significantly higher, at the level of .01. 2. Findings for research question 2 It is expected the model for service learning curriculum will be at the highest level after being validated by the experts.

The implications of the study are that novice students for General Buddhist Scripture Schools will have more life skills to live their lives after they leave schools.

Thank you all for listening, it was a pleasure being here today.

[1] R.G. Bringle and A.J Hatcher “A Service-Learning Curriculum for Faculty,” Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, for 1995. [Online serial]. Available: bringle-1995-service-learning.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y. [Accessed Aug. 17,2019].

Mongkonrat chaiyadet King mongkut’s university of technology north Bangkok E-mail. [email protected]

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