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Home Explore 3B Product Catalogue 2022

3B Product Catalogue 2022

Published by vikash kumar, 2022-08-04 13:34:44

Description: 3B Product Catalogue 2022


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Advantage TRUPCR ® Extrac on Pre-PCR PCR Post-PCR Extensively Validated En re Molecular Pla orm Agnos c On Wide Variety Of Workflow Solu ons Clinical Specimens TARGET Reliable Results with Complementary Endogenous Internal Control So ware Analysis Tools A TARGET B TARGET C TARGET D Mul plex Panel And Singleplex Assays Reference Material Aligned With All-Inclusive Kits Quick Turnaround Time Cer fied Reference Materials visit us at for more informa on

INDEX Kits Name Page No. Kits Name Page No. INFECTIOUS DISEASES (PANELS) Colorectal Cancer Mutations Panel ..................................................... 07 Glioblastoma Mutations Panel ........................................................... 07 COVID-19 & Flu Panel ......................................................................... 01 Leukemia Fusion Panel ....................................................................... 07 Flu Panel with RSV Detection ............................................................. 01 Lung Cancer Mutations Panel ............................................................. 07 Influenza Panel ................................................................................... 01 Melanoma Mutations Panel ............................................................... 07 NAAT ................................................................................................... 01 MPN Mutations Panel ......................................................................... 07 Neuro Panel ........................................................................................ 01 Paediatric Leukemia Panel .................................................................. 07 Pan-Mucormycosis Panel ................................................................... 01 Respiratory Bacterial Pathogen Panel ................................................ 01 ONCOLOGY (INDIVIDUAL MARKERS) 08 Respiratory Viral Pathogen Panel ......................................................... 01 08 Respiratory Pathogen Panel .............................................................. 01 ALK Fusion Detection .......................................................................... 08 STD Panel ........................................................................................... 01 BCR-ABL1 Qualitative – M .................................................................. 08 TORCH Panel ....................................................................................... 01 BCR-ABL1 Qualitative – M & m ............................................................ 08 BCR-ABL1 Qualitative – M, m & µ ....................................................... 08 Transplant Panel .................................................................................. 02 BCR-ABL1 Quantitative – M ................................................................ 08 Tropical Fever Panel ........................................................................... 02 BCR-ABL1 Quantitative – m ................................................................ 08 UTI ID Panel ....................................................................................... 02 BCR-ABL1 Quantitative – M & m ....................................................... 08 BCR-ABL1 Quantitative – M, m & µ ................................................... 08 ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE (AMR) 02 BCR-ABL1 b2a2/b3a2 Differentiation ................................................ 08 02 BCR-ABL1 (EAC-DEL) Quantitative ....................................................... 08 AST Panel ............................................................................................ 02 BCR-ABL1 Transcript Screening ........................................................... Carbapenem Resistance Detection .................................................... 02 BRAF Mutations Detection ................................................................. Carbapenem Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) Detection ............. 02 ESBL & Carbapenem Resistance Detection ........................................ 02 C-Kit Mutations Detection .................................................................. 09 ESBL Producing Enterobacteriaceae (EPE) Detection ........................... 02 CALR Mutations Detection ................................................................. 09 ESBL Resistance Detection .................................................................. CXCR4 Mutations Detection ................................................................ 09 MRSA Detection .................................................................................. EGFR Mutations Detection ................................................................. 09 EGFRvIII Mutations Detection ............................................................ 09 Rifampicin Resistant MTB Detection ..................................................... 03 FLT3 Mutations Detection .................................................................. 09 Rifampicin & Isoniazid Resistant MTB Detection ................................... 03 IDH1/2 Mutations Detection ............................................................. 09 UTI AST Panel ....................................................................................... 03 IDH1/2 Detection & Differentiation .................................................... 09 Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci (VRE) ........................................... 03 JAK 2 Mutations Detection (Semi-Quant.) .......................................... 09 Vancomycin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (VRSA) ....................... 03 JAK 2 QT (Allele Burden) ..................................................................... 09 KRAS Mutations Detection ................................................................. 09 INFECTIOUS DISEASES (INDIVIDUAL MARKERS) 03 MGMT Methylation Detection ........................................................... 09 03 BKV Viral Load ...................................................................................... 03 MPL Mutations Detection ................................................................... 10 Chikungunya Virus Detection .............................................................. 03 MYD88 Mutations Detection ............................................................... 10 CMV Viral Load ..................................................................................... 03 NPM1 Mutations Detection ............................................................... 10 SARS-CoV-2 RT qPCR Kit (USFDA-EUA) ............................................... NPM1 Mutation Quantitative ............................................................. 10 SARS-CoV-2 RT qPCR Kit (V.3.2) .......................................................... NRAS Mutations Detection ................................................................. 10 NUP214 (CAN) Rearrangements ......................................................... 10 SARS-CoV-2 RT qPCR Kit (V.2.0-I) ....................................................... 04 PIK3CA Mutations Detection .............................................................. 10 SARS-CoV-2 RT qPCR Control (Batches) ................................................ 04 PML-RARA Qualitative (BCR1, BCR2 & BCR3) ..................................... 10 Direct SARS-CoV-2 RT qPCR (Extraction Less) ..................................... 04 PML-RARA Quantitative (BCR1, BCR2 & BCR3) ................................... 10 CT Detection ....................................................................................... 04 RBM15-MKL1 Fusion Detection ......................................................... 10 CT/NG Detection ................................................................................. 04 ROS1 Fusion Detection ....................................................................... 10 Dengue Virus Detection ...................................................................... 04 Dengue Virus QT ................................................................................. 04 HUMAN GENETICS 11 Dengue Virus Serotyping .................................................................... 04 11 Dengue & Chikungunya Detection ...................................................... 04 Coagulation / Thrombophilia Panel .................................................... 11 Dengue, Chikungunya & Malaria Detection ........................................ 04 Factor V Leiden Mutations Detection ................................................ 11 EBV Detection ..................................................................................... 04 Factor II Prothrombin Mutations Detection ....................................... 11 EBV Viral Load ..................................................................................... 04 HLA B27 Mutations Detection ............................................................ MTHFR Mutations Detection ............................................................. H1N1 Detection (CDC Protocol) ........................................................... 05 HBV Viral Load ...................................................................................... 05 MANUAL EXTRACTION 12 HCV Viral Load .................................................................................... 05 12 HCV Detection & Genotyping ............................................................. 05 Blood DNA Extraction ......................................................................... 12 HIV1 Viral Load .................................................................................... 05 Blood RNA Extraction ......................................................................... 12 HIV1 & 2 Detection ............................................................................. 05 BS DNA Extraction .............................................................................. 12 HPV 16 & 18 Detection & Differentiation ............................................ 05 FFPE Tissue DNA Extraction ................................................................ 12 HPV HR with 16 & 18 Genotyping ...................................................... 05 MTB/NTM DNA Extraction .................................................................. 12 HPV HR Genotyping ............................................................................ 05 Panel Extraction .................................................................................. 12 HSV1/2 Detection & Differentiation .................................................... 05 Tissue DNA Extraction ........................................................................ 12 Human Influenza with RSV Detection ................................................... 05 Total Nucleic Acid Extraction ............................................................. 12 Human Parvovirus B19 Quantitative .................................................. 05 Total Viral Nucleic Acid Extraction (500ul) .......................................... 12 Total Viral Nucleic Acid Extraction (200ul) .......................................... Leptospira Detection .......................................................................... 06 Viral RNA Extraction ........................................................................... Malaria Detection ............................................................................... 06 MTBC Detection ................................................................................. 06 AUTOMATED EXTRACTION 13 MTBC/NTM Detection ........................................................................ 06 13 Neisseria gonorrhoeae Detection ....................................................... 06 Magbead Blood DNA Extraction ........................................................ 13 Salmonella Enteritidis Detection ......................................................... 06 Magbead Blood RNA Extraction ......................................................... 13 Scrub Typhus Detection ....................................................................... 06 Magbead FFPE Tissue DNA Extraction ................................................ 13 Toxoplasma Detection ........................................................................ 06 Magbead MTB/NTM DNA Extraction .................................................. 13 Zika Virus Detection ............................................................................ 06 Magbead Tissue DNA Extraction ........................................................ 13 Magbead Total Nucleic Acid Extraction .............................................. 13 ONCOLOGY (PANELS) Magbead Total Viral Nucleic Acid Extraction ...................................... 07 Magbead Viral RNA Extraction ........................................................... Acute Leukemia Panel ......................................................................... 07 ALL Comprehensive Panel ................................................................... 07 SAMPLE MANAGEMENT AML Comprehensive Panel ................................................................. Viral Transport Medium ...................................................................... 13

US-FDA ICMR EUA APPROVED 3 GENES ENDOGENOUS 15 MILLION* USED ACROSS (E, N & RdRp) CONTROL + TESTS 800+ LABS FIRST AND ONLY INDIAN MOLECULAR TESTING KIT EVER TO RECEIVE US-FDA (EUA)*. *As on March 2022 Image source: PHIL ID #23313 | Image Library | CDC F Highly sensitive and specific F Available with quantitative standards also F Used for Covaxin Phase-1 trial (Published by NIV-ICMR) F Extraction & Platform Agnostic F Also available as extraction-less format Turn to page 03 and 04 for PCR based solutions of SARS-CoV-2 detection SOME NOTABLE PUBLICATIONS ON TRUPCR® SARS-CoV-2 RT qPCR KIT ICMR Ÿ Garg et al. 2020. Evaluation of seven commercial RT-PCR kits for COVID-19 testing in pooled clinical APPROVED specimens TRURAPID® Ÿ Gupta et al. 2020. SARS-CoV-2 Detection in Gingival Crevicular Fluid COVID-19 Ag Ÿ Moharir et al. 2020. Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in the air from hospitals and closed rooms occupied by COVID-19 TRURAPID RAPID ANTIGEN patients COVID-19 TEST FOR Ÿ Mishra DK et al. 2020. The Importance of Intra- and Inter-Institutional Networks for Capacity Building in Severe SARS COVID 2 Ag Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction Services: Experience from an Oncology Centre in Eastern India10.4103/ijmm.IJMM_20_255 C Ÿ Algarasu et al. 2020. Evaluation of RdRp & ORF-1b-nsp14-based real-time RT-PCR assays for confirmation of SARS- T CoV-2 infection: An observational study10.4103/ijmr.IJMR_1256_20 Ÿ Ella et al. 2021. Safety and immunogenicity of an inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, BBV152: a double-blind, S randomised, phase 1 trial Ÿ Mehta et al. 2021. Respiratory Co-Infections: Modulators of SARS-CoV-2 Patients’ Clinical Sub- Phenotype Ÿ Gaur et al. 2021. Buccal swabs as non-invasive specimens for detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 Ÿ Jain et al. 2021. Investigation of Different Commercially Available Real Time-Polymerase Chain Reaction Kits for SARS-CoV-2 Diagnosis Ÿ Dharmadhikari et al. 2021. High throughput sequencing based detection of SARS-CoV-2 prevailing in 2 wastewater of Pune, West India Ÿ Kanakan et al. 2022. Clinico-Genomic Analysis Reiterates Mild Symptoms Post-vaccination Breakthrough: Should We Focus on Low-Frequency Mutations?

INFECTIOUS DISEASES Panels Real-Time PCR Kits Cat. No. Pack Sizes 3B312 100 TRUPCR® COVID-19 & Flu Panel Kit (RUO) 3B221 48 Qualitative detection & differentiation of Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, Influenza A viruses, Influenza B 3B222 96 viruses, Pandemic H1 Influenza virus, H3N2 Influenza virus, Human respiratory syncytial virus (A/B) & Human RNaseP Gene (IC) on Real-Time PCR TRUPCR® Flu Panel with RSV Detection Kit Qualitative detection & differentiation of Influenza A viruses, Influenza B viruses, Pandemic H1 Influenza virus, H3N2 Influenza virus, Human respiratory syncytial virus (A/B) & Human RNaseP Gene (IC) on Real-Time PCR TRUPCR® Influenza Panel Kit / TRUPCR® H1N1/H3N2 with Inf B Detection Kit 3B244 48 3B243 96 Qualitative detection & differentiation of Influenza A viruses, Influenza B viruses, Pandemic H1 Influenza virus, H3N2 Influenza virus & Human RNaseP Gene (IC) on Real-Time PCR TRUPCR® NAAT Kit (RUO) 3B251 48 3B252 96 Qualitative detection & differentiation of HIV1/2, HBV & HCV (NAAT) on Real-Time PCR TRUPCR® Neuro Panel Kit 3B240 48 3B239 96 Qualitative detection & differentiation of Enterovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, Herpes simplex virus 1 & 2, Human adenovirus, Human cytomegalovirus, Human herpesvirus 6 & 7, Human parechovirus, Human parvovirus 3B331 48 B19 & Varicella zoster virus on Real-Time PCR 3B332 96 TRUPCR® Pan-Mucormycosis Panel Kit Qualita ve detec on & differen a on of Rhizopus spp., Mucor spp., Lichtheimia spp., Cunninghamella spp. & Rhizomucor spp. on Real-Time PCR TRUPCR® Respiratory Bacterial Pathogen Panel Kit 3B287-B 48 3B288-B 96 Qualita ve detec on & differen a on of Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Salmonella spp., Streptococcus pyogens, Bordetella spp., Chlamydia 3B287-V 48 pneumoniae, Streptococcus agalac ae, Acinetobacter baumanii, Pseudomonas aerugenosa, Legionella 3B288-V 96 pneumophila, Haemophilius influenzae A-F & Moraxella catarrhalis on Real-Time PCR 3B287 48 TRUPCR® Respiratory Viral Pathogen Panel Kit 3B288 96 Qualitative detection & differentiation of Human parecho virus, Human corona virus (alpha and beta), Human 3B291 48 parainfluenza 1-4, Influenza A virus, Enterovirus, Influenza A (H3N2) virus, Human metapneumo virus (A/B), 3B292 96 Pandemic H1 influenza virus, Influenza B virus, Influenza C virus, Human adeno virus, Human respiratory syncytial virus (A/B), Human rhino virus & Human boca virus on Real-Time PCR 3B1271 48 3B1272 96 TRUPCR® Respiratory Pathogen Panel Kit Qualitative detection & differentiation of Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Klebsiella, pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Salmonella spp., Streptococcus pyogens, Bordetella spp., Chlamydia pneumoniae, Streptococcus agalactiae, Acinetobacter baumanii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Legionella pneumophila, Haemophilius influenzae A-F, Moraxella catarrhalis, Human parecho virus, Human corona virus (alpha and beta), Human parainfluenza 1-4, Influenza A virus, Enterovirus, Influenza A (H3N2) virus, Human metapneumo virus (A/B), Pandemic H1 influenza virus, Influenza B virus, Influenza C virus, Human adeno virus, Human respiratory syncytial virus (A/B), Human rhino virus & Human boca virus on Real- Time PCR TRUPCR® STD Panel Kit Qualitative detection & differentiation of Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Mycoplasma genitalium, Herpes simplex viruses 1 & 2, Gardnerella vaginalis, Ureaplasma urealyticum/parvum & Trichomonas vaginalis on Real-Time PCR TRUPCR® TORCH Panel Kit Qualitative detection & differentiation of Toxoplasma gondii, Rubella virus, Cytomegalovirus & Herpes simplex virus 1 & 2 on Real-Time PCR 01

INFECTIOUS DISEASES Panels Real-Time PCR Kits Cat. No. Pack Sizes TRUPCR® Transplant Panel Kit 3B367 48 3B368 96 Qualitative detection & differentiation of Cytomegalovirus, BKV, Epstein-Barr virus, Herpes simplex virus 1 & 2, Varicella zoster virus & Human parvovirus B19 on Real-Time PCR 3B250 48 3B299 96 TRUPCR® Tropical Fever Panel Kit 3B319 48 Qualitative detection & differentiation of Dengue virus, Chikungunya virus, Salmonella spp., West Nile virus, 3B320 96 Plasmodium spp., Rickettsia spp. (including Orientia tsutsugamushi), Leptospira spp. & ZIKA virus on Real- Time PCR TRUPCR® UTI ID Panel Kit Qualitative detection & differentiation of Enterococcus faecalis, Klebsiella oxytoca, Escherichia coli, Acinetobacter baumannii, Streptococcus agalactiae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecium, Proteus mirabilis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Candida albicans, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Morganella morganii & Pseudomonas aeruginosa on Real-Time PCR ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE (AMR) Panels Real-Time PCR Kits Cat. No. Pack Sizes AST TRUPCR® AST Panel Kit 3B361 48 3B362 96 Carbapenem Qualitative detection & differentiation of antimicrobial resistance genes associated with the non- Resistance susceptibility to antibiotics: Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole (SXT - dfrA1, dfrA5, Sul2), Extended-spectrum 3B289 48 beta-lactams (ESBLs - blaCTX-M gr1, blaTEM, blaSHV), Carbapenems (blaKPC, blaNDM, blaVIM, blaOXA-48, & 3B290 96 blaIMP), Vancomycin (vanA, vanB) & Methicillin (mecA) on Real-Time PCR Sample Type: Rectal swab, Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), Sputum, Urine, Blood culture, Culture isolates TRUPCR® Carbapenem Resistance Detec on Kit Qualita ve detec on & differen a on of the blaKPC, blaNDM, blaVIM, blaOXA-48, & blaIMP gene sequences associated with Carbapenem non-suscep bility on Real-Time PCR Sample Type: Bacterial culture, Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), Sputum Carbapenem TRUPCR® Carbapenem Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) Detec on Kit COMING SOON Resistant Enterobacteriaceae Qualita ve detec on & differen a on of the Enterobacteriaceae (Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae) as well as blaKPC, blaNDM, blaVIM, blaOXA-48, & blaIMP gene sequences associated with the Carbapenem non-suscep bility on Real-Time PCR  Sample Type: Rectal swab, Urine, Blood culture, Culture isolates ESBL & TRUPCR® ESBL & Carbapenem Resistance Detec on Kit COMING SOON Carbapenem Resistance Qualita ve detec on & differen a on of the blaCTX-M gr1, blaTEM and blaSHV gene sequences associated COMING SOON with the resistance of Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactams as well as blaKPC, blaNDM, blaVIM, blaOXA-48 & EPE blaIMP gene sequences associated with the Carbapenem non-suscep bility on Real-Time PCR Sample Type: Rectal swab, Urine, Blood culture, Culture isolates TRUPCR® ESBL Producing Enterobacteriaceae (EPE) Detec on Kit Qualita ve detec on & differen a on of the Enterobacteriaceae (Escherichia coli & Klebsiella pneumoniae) as well as blaCTX-M gr1, blaTEM & blaSHV gene sequences associated with the non-suscep bility of Extended- Spectrum Beta-Lactams on Real-Time PCR Sample Type: Rectal swab, Urine, Blood culture, Culture isolates ESBL TRUPCR® ESBL Resistance Detec on Kit COMING SOON Qualita ve detec on & differen a on of the blaCTX-M gr1, blaTEM & blaSHV gene sequences associated with the non-suscep bility of Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactams of bacteria on Real-Time PCR Sample Type: Rectal swab, Urine, Blood culture, Culture isolates MRSA TRUPCR® MRSA Detec on Kit 3B1283 48 3B1284 96 Qualita ve detec on of Staphylococcus aureus and its Methicillin-Resistant / Suscep ble status on Real- Time PCR Sample Type: Bacterial culture, Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), Sputum 02

ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE (AMR) Panels Real-Time PCR Kits Cat. No. Pack Sizes MDR-TB TRUPCR® Rifampicin Resistant MTB Detec on Kit 3B1281 48 3B1282 96 Qualita ve detec on of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex (MTBC) & iden fica on of rpoB gene muta ons in pulmonary and extrapulmonary clinical samples on Real-Time PCR MDR-TB TRUPCR® Rifampicin & Isoniazid Resistant MTB Detec on Kit 3B1280 48 Comprehensive 3B1275 96 Qualita ve detec on of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex (MTBC) & iden fica on of rpoB, katG and inhA gene muta ons in pulmonary and extrapulmonary clinical samples on Real-Time PCR UTI AST TRUPCR® UTI AST Panel Kit 3B343 48 VRE 3B344 96 VRSA Qualitative detection & differentiation of antibiotic resistant genes: Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole (sul2, dfrA1, dfrA5), ESBLs (blaCTX-M gr1, blaTEM and blaSHV) Carbapenems (blaKPC, blaNDM, blaVIM, blaOXA-48, 3B373 48 and blaIMP),Vancomycin (vanA, vanB) & Methicillin (mecA) for uropathogens on Real-Time PCR 3B374 96 Sample Type: Urine, Culture isolates COMING SOON TRUPCR® VRE Detec on Kit Qualita ve detec on & differen a on of vanA & vanB mediated Vancomycin non-suscep bility of Enterococcus faecium and Enterococcus faecalis on Real-Time PCR Sample Type: Rectal swab, Urine, Blood culture, Culture isolates TRUPCR® VRSA Detec on Kit Qualita ve detec on & differen a on of vanA & vanB mediated Vancomycin non-suscep bility of Staphylococcus aureus on Real-Time PCR Sample Type: Urine, Blood culture, Skin swab, Culture isolates INFECTIOUS DISEASES Individual Markers Real-Time PCR Kits Cat. No. Pack Sizes BKV QT TRUPCR® BKV Viral Load Kit 3B264 48 3B265 96 Quan ta ve detec on of BK virus on Real-Time PCR Chikungunya TRUPCR® Chikungunya Virus Detec on Kit 3B1240 48 3B1241 96 Qualita ve detec on of Chikungunya virus on Real-Time PCR CMV QT TRUPCR® CMV Viral Load Kit 3B1215 48 3B1216 96 Quan ta ve detec on of Cytomegalovirus on Real-Time PCR COVID-19 TRUPCR® SARS-CoV-2 RT qPCR Kit (USFDA-EUA) 3B304 100 (SARS-CoV-2) Qualita ve detec on of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) on Real-Time PCR (Two Tube Format) 3B306 100 COVID-19 3B307 200 (SARS-CoV-2) TRUPCR® SARS-CoV-2 RT qPCR Kit (V.3.2) ICMR Approved 3B308 500 03 Qualita ve detec on of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) on Real-Time PCR (Single Tube Format)

INFECTIOUS DISEASES Individual Markers Real-Time PCR Kits Cat. No. Pack Sizes 3B304 100 COVID-19 TRUPCR® SARS-CoV-2 RT qPCR Kit (Version 2.0-I) - (CE-IVD) (SARS-CoV-2) Qualitative detection of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) on Real-Time PCR (Single Tube Format) COVID-19 TRUPCR® SARS-CoV-2 RT qPCR Control (Batches) 3B310 10 (SARS-CoV-2) 3B311 5 Standard controls for quan ta ve detec on of SARS-CoV-2 virus COVID-19 3B313 100 (SARS-CoV-2) TRUPCR® Direct SARS-CoV-2 RT qPCR Kit (Extrac on Less) (RUO) Qualita ve detec on of SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID - 19) from direct Viral Transport Medium on Real-Time PCR Chlamydia TRUPCR® CT Detec on Kit 3B276 48 Trachoma s 3B273 96 Qualita ve detec on of Chlamydia trachoma s on Real-Time PCR CT/ NG 3B281 48 TRUPCR® CT/NG Detec on Kit 3B282 96 Dengue Qualita ve detec on & differen a on of Chlamydia trachoma s (CT) & Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) on 3B266 48 Dengue QT Real-Time PCR 3B267 96 Dengue TRUPCR® Dengue Virus Detec on Kit 3B270 48 Serotyping 3B301 96 Qualita ve detec on of Dengue virus on Real-Time PCR Dengue & 3B238 48 Chikungunya TRUPCR® Dengue Virus QT Kit 3B237 96 Dengue, Quan ta ve detec on of Dengue virus on Real-Time PCR 3B262 48 Chikungunya 3B263 96 & Malaria TRUPCR® Dengue Virus Serotyping Kit EBV 3B235 48 Qualita ve detec on & differen a on of Dengue virus Serotypes 1 to 4 on Real-Time PCR 3B236 96 EBV QT TRUPCR® Dengue & Chikungunya Detec on Kit 3B283 48 3B295 96 Qualita ve detec on & differen a on of Dengue virus & Chikungunya virus on Real-Time PCR 3B363 48 TRUPCR® Dengue, Chikungunya & Malaria Detec on Kit 3B364 96 Qualita ve detec on & differen a on of Dengue Virus, Chikungunya Virus & Plasmodium spp. on Real- Time PCR TRUPCR® EBV Detection Kit Qualitative detection of Epstein-Barr virus on Real-Time PCR TRUPCR® EBV Viral Load Kit Quantitative detection of Epstein-Barr virus on Real-Time PCR 04

INFECTIOUS DISEASES Individual Markers Real-Time PCR Kits Cat. No. Pack Sizes H1N1 TRUPCR® H1N1 Detection Kit (CDC Protocol) 3B1244 48 3B1245 96 Qualitative detection & differentiation of Type A Influenza viruses, Pandemic Influenza A viruses, Pandemic H1 Influenza virus & Human RNaseP gene (IC) on Real-Time PCR HBV QT TRUPCR® HBV Viral Load Kit 3B341 24 3B293 48 Quantitative detection of Hepatitis B viruses on Real-Time PCR 3B294 96 3B342 24 HCV QT TRUPCR® HCV Viral Load Kit 3B296 48 3B297 96 Quantitative detection of Hepatitis C viruses on Real-Time PCR 3B253 48 HCV Detec on & TRUPCR® HCV Detec on & Genotyping Kit 3B254 96 Genotyping Qualita ve detec on of Hepa s C viruses along with differen a on of genotypes 1 to 6 on Real-Time PCR HIV 1 QT TRUPCR® HIV1 Viral Load Kit (RUO) 3B257 48 3B258 96 Quan ta ve detec on of Human Immuno Deficiency virus 1 on Real-Time PCR HIV 1/2 TRUPCR® HIV1 & 2 Detec on Kit (RUO) 3B259 48 3B260 96 Qualita ve detec on & differen a on of Human Immuno Deficiency virus 1 & 2 on Real-Time PCR HPV 16/18 QL TRUPCR® HPV 16 & 18 Detec on Kit 3B1276 48 3B1277 96 Qualita ve detec on & differen a on of genotypes 16 & 18 of Human papilloma viruses (HPV) on Real- Time PCR HPV HR 16 & 18 TRUPCR® HPV HR with 16 & 18 Genotyping Kit 3B1289 48 3B1290 96 Qualita ve detec on of 14 High-Risk HPV Genotypes & differen a on of HPV 16 & 18 genotypes of Human papilloma viruses (HPV) on Real-Time PCR HPV HR Genotyping TRUPCR® HPV HR Genotyping Kit 3B1423 48 3B1424 96 Qualita ve detec on & genotyping of 14 High Risk Human papilloma viruses (HPV) on Real-Time PCR HSV TRUPCR® HSV1/2 Detec on Kit 3B1217 48 3B1218 96 Qualita ve detec on & differen a on of Herpes simplex virus 1 & 2 on Real-Time PCR Human Influenza TRUPCR® Human Influenza with RSV Detec on Kit 3B223 48 (A&B) with RSV 3B224 96 (A&B) Detec on Kit Qualita ve detec on & differen a on of Influenza A viruses, Influenza B viruses & Human respiratory syncy al virus (A/B) on Real-Time PCR Human TRUPCR® Human Parvovirus B19 Viral Load Kit 3B1219 48 Parvovirus B19 QT 3B1220 96 Quan ta ve detec on of Human Parvovirus B19 on Real-Time PCR 05

INFECTIOUS DISEASES Individual Markers Real-Time PCR Kits Cat. No. Pack Sizes Leptospira TRUPCR® Leptospira Detec on Kit 3B249 48 3B230 96 Qualita ve detec on of Leptospira on Real-Time PCR Malaria TRUPCR® Malaria Detec on Kit 3B255 48 3B256 96 Qualita ve detec on of Plasmodium spp. on Real-Time PCR MTB TRUPCR® MTBC Detec on Kit 3B277 48 3B278 96 MTB/NTM Qualita ve detec on of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex (MTBC) in pulmonary and extrapulmonary clinical samples on Single Step Nested Real-Time PCR 3B268 48 Neisseria 3B269 96 Gonorrhoeae TRUPCR® MTBC/NTM Detec on Kit 3B285 48 Qualita ve detec on & differen a on of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex & Nontuberculous 3B286 96 Mycobacteria in pulmonary and extrapulmonary clinical samples on Single Step Nested Real-Time PCR TRUPCR® Neisseria gonorrhoeae Detec on Kit Qualita ve detec on of Neisseria gonorrhoeae on Real-Time PCR Salmonella TRUPCR® Salmonella Enteritidis Detection Kit 3B284 48 3B298 96 Qualitative detection of Salmonella Enteritidis on Real-Time PCR Orientia tsutsugamushi TRUPCR® Scrub Typhus Detection Kit (RUO) 3B349 48 3B350 96 (Scrub Typhus) Qualitative detection of Orientia tsutsugamushi (Scrub Typhus) on Real-Time PCR Toxoplasma TRUPCR® Toxoplasma Detec on Kit (RUO) 3B279 48 3B280 96 Qualita ve detec on of Toxoplasma gondii on Real-Time PCR Zika Virus TRUPCR® Zika Virus Detection Kit (RUO) 3B1242 48 3B1243 96 Qualitative detection of Zika virus on Real-Time PCR 06

ONCOLOGY Panels Real-Time PCR Kits Cat. No. Pack Sizes TRUPCR® Acute Leukemia Panel Kit 3B1406 24 3B1407 48 Comprehensive muta on detec on & differen a on of 18 Markers: BCR-ABL1 (Mmμ), TEL-AML1, MLL-AF4, MLL-AF6, MLL-AF9, MLL-AF10, MLL-ENL, E2A-PBX1, PML-RARA (LSV), CBFB-MYH11, AML1-ETO, FLT3 (ITD/TKD 3B1405 24 (D835, I836)), NPM1 (A,B,D), C-KIT(D816V), DEK-CAN, SET-CAN, RBM15-MKL1 & IDH1/2 on Real-Time PCR 3B1408 48 TRUPCR® ALL Comprehensive Panel Kit Comprehensive muta on detec on & differen a on of 8 Markers: BCR-ABL1 (Mmμ), TEL-AML1, MLL-AF4, MLL-AF9, MLL-ENL, E2A-PBX1, MLL-AF6 & MLL-AF10 on Real-Time PCR TRUPCR® AML Comprehensive Panel Kit 3B1401 24 3B1402 48 Comprehensive muta on detec on & differen a on of 10 Markers: BCR-ABL1 (Mmμ), PML-RARA (LSV), AML1-ETO, CBFB-MYH11, FLT3 (ITD/TKD (D835, I836)), NPM1 (A,B,D), C-KIT(D816V), DEK-CAN, SET-CAN & 3B1413 24 RBM15-MKL1 on Real-Time PCR 3B1414 48 TRUPCR® Colorectal Cancer Muta ons Panel Kit Comprehensive detec on of muta ons across KRAS, NRAS & BRAF on Real-Time PCR TRUPCR® Glioblastoma Muta ons Panel Kit COMING SOON Comprehensive detec on of MGMT Promoter methyla on, IDH 1/2 & EGFRvIII Muta ons on Real-Time PCR TRUPCR® Leukemia Fusion Panel Kit 3B1404 24 3B1410 48 Comprehensive muta on detec on & differen a on of 14 Markers: BCR-ABL1 (Mmμ), TEL-AML1, MLL-AF4, MLL-AF6, MLL-AF9, MLL-AF10, MLL-ENL, E2A-PBX1, PML-RARA (LSV), CBFB-MYH11, AML1-ETO, DEK-CAN, 3B1411 24 SET-CAN & RBM15-MKL1 on Real-Time PCR 3B1412 48 TRUPCR® Lung Cancer Muta ons Panel Kit COMING SOON Comprehensive detec on of muta ons across EGFR, PIK3CA & ALK on Real-Time PCR TRUPCR® Melanoma Muta ons Panel Kit Comprehensive detec on of muta ons across BRAF, NRAS & C-KIT on Real-Time PCR TRUPCR® MPN Muta ons Panel Kit 3B1303 24 3B1304 48 Comprehensive muta on detec on & differen a on of 4 Markers: BCR-ABL1 (Mmµ), JAK2, CALR & MPL on Real-Time PCR 3B1415 24 3B1416 48 TRUPCR® Paediatric Leukemia Panel kit Comprehensive detec on of 18 Markers: ETV6-RUNX1 (TEL-AML1), E2A-PBX1, BCR-ABL1(Mmµ), MLL-AF4, MLL-AF6, MLL-AF9, MLL-AF10, P2RY8-CRLF2, TCF3-HLF, ETV6-ABL1, NUP214-ABL1, RCSD1-ABL1, PAX5- JAK2, TERF2-JAK2, BCR-JAK2, PAG1-ABL2, SSBP2-CSF1R & RCSD1-ABL2 on Real-Time PCR 07

ONCOLOGY Cat. No. Pack Sizes Individual Markers Real-Time PCR Kits 3B1343 24 3B1344 48 ALK TRUPCR® ALK Fusion Detec on Kit Qualita ve detec on of 29 ALK fusions transcripts on Real-Time PCR BCR-ABL1 TRUPCR® BCR-ABL1 Qualita ve Kit – Major 3B1201 48 QL M 3B1202 96 Qualita ve detec on of BCR-ABL1 Major (P210) transcript on Real-Time PCR BCR-ABL1 TRUPCR® BCR-ABL1 Qualita ve Kit – Major & Minor 3B1203 48 QL Mm 3B1204 96 Qualita ve detec on & differen a on of BCR-ABL1 Major (P210) & Minor (P190) transcripts on Real-Time PCR BCR-ABL1 TRUPCR® BCR-ABL1 Qualita ve Kit – Major, Minor & Micro 3B1205 48 QL Mmµ 3B1206 96 Qualita ve detec on & differen a on of BCR-ABL1 Major (P210), Minor (P190) & Micro (P230) transcripts on Real-Time PCR BCR-ABL1 TRUPCR® BCR-ABL1 Quan ta ve Kit – Major (WHO IS) 3B1251 48 QT M 3B1252 96 Quan ta ve detec on of BCR-ABL1 Major (P210) transcript on IS scale for deep molecular response on Real-Time PCR BCR-ABL1 TRUPCR® BCR-ABL1 Minor Quan ta ve Kit 3B1291 24 QT m 3B1292 48 Quan ta ve detec on of BCR-ABL1 Minor (P190) transcript on Real-Time PCR BCR-ABL1 TRUPCR® BCR-ABL1 Quan ta ve Kit – Major (WHO IS) & Minor 3B1253 48 QT Mm 3B1254 96 Quan ta ve detec on of BCR-ABL1 Major (P210) IS Scale & Minor (P190) transcripts for deep molecular response on Real-Time PCR BCR-ABL1 TRUPCR® BCR-ABL1 Quan ta ve Kit – Major (WHO IS), Minor & Micro 3B1267 48 QT Mmµ 3B1268 96 Quan ta ve detec on of BCR-ABL1 Major (P210) IS Scale, Minor (P190) & Micro (P230) transcripts for Deep Molecular Response on Real-Time PCR BCR-ABL1 TRUPCR® BCR-ABL1 b2a2/b3a2 Differen a on Kit 3B1250 48 b2a2/b3a2 3B1256 96 Qualita ve detec on & differen a on BCR-ABL1 b2a2 & b3a2 (P210) transcripts on Real-Time PCR BCR-ABL1 QT TRUPCR® BCR-ABL1 (EAC-DEL) Quan ta ve Kit 3B1251A 48 (EAC-DEL) Quan ta ve detec on of BCR-ABL1 Major (EAC-DEL) transcript which presents dele on in EAC design on Real-Time PCR BCR-ABL 1 TRUPCR® BCR-ABL1 Transcript Screening Kit 3B1239 48 Transcript Screen 3B1238 96 Qualita ve detec on & differen a on of 12 different BCR-ABL1 transcripts (e6a2, e6a3, e8a2, e8a3, e13a2, e13a3, e14a2, e14a3, e1a2, e1a3, e19a2 & e19a3) on Real-Time PCR BRAF TRUPCR® BRAF Muta ons Detec on Kit 3B1287 24 3B1288 48 Qualita ve detec on & differen a on of 7 muta ons of Codon 600 of BRAF gene on Real-Time PCR 08

ONCOLOGY Individual Markers Real-Time PCR Kits Cat. No. Pack Sizes C-KIT TRUPCR® C-Kit Muta ons Detec on Kit 3B1341 24 3B1342 48 Qualita ve detec on of D816V muta on of C-KIT gene on Real-Time PCR CALR TRUPCR® CALR Muta ons Detec on Kit 3B1351 24 3B1352 48 Qualita ve detec on & differen a on of Type 1 & Type 2 muta ons of CALR gene on Real-Time PCR CXCR4 TRUPCR® CXCR4 Mutations Detection Kit 3B1425 48 3B1426 96 Qualitative detection of S338X ( c.1013C>G & c.1013C>A) mutations in CXCR4 gene on Real-Time PCR EGFR TRUPCR® EGFR Muta ons Detec on Kit 3B1311 24 3B1312 48 Qualita ve detec on of 32 muta ons across exons 18, 19, 20 & 21 of EGFR gene on Real-Time PCR EGFRvIII TRUPCR® EGFRvIII Detection Kit 3B1347 24 3B1348 48 Qualitative detection of the EGFRvIII mutations of EGFR gene on Real-Time PCR FLT3 TRUPCR® FLT3 Muta ons Detec on Kit 3B1313 24 IDH 1/2 3B1314 48 Qualita ve detec on of TKD (D835, I836) & ITD muta ons of FLT3 gene on Real-Time PCR & Conven onal PCR 3B1329 24 3B1330 48 TRUPCR® IDH1/2 Muta ons Detec on Kit Qualita ve detec on of IDH1 & IDH2 muta ons on Real-Time PCR IDH 1/2 TRUPCR® IDH1/2 Detection & Differentiation Kit Differentiation Qualitative detection & differentiation of IDH1 & IDH2 mutations on Real-Time PCR JAK2 TRUPCR® JAK 2 Muta ons Detec on Kit 3B1246 24 3B1247 48 JAK2 QT Qualita ve detec on of V617F muta on of JAK 2 gene on Real-Time PCR 3B1248 24 KRAS TRUPCR® JAK 2 QT Kit (Allele Burden) 3B1249 48 MGMT Quan ta ve detec on of JAK 2 V617F muta on allele burden on Real-Time PCR 3B1295 24 Methyla on 3B1261 48 TRUPCR® KRAS Muta ons Detec on Kit 3B1262 96 09 Qualita ve detec on of 22 muta ons across codons 12, 13, 59, 61, 117 & 146 of KRAS gene on Real-Time 3B1339 24 PCR 3B1340 48 TRUPCR® MGMT Methyla on Detec on Kit Qualita ve detec on of Promotor Methyla on of MGMT gene on Real-Time PCR

ONCOLOGY Individual Markers Real-Time PCR Kits Cat. No. Pack Sizes MPL TRUPCR® MPL Muta ons Detec on Kit 3B1305 48 3B1306 96 Qualita ve detec on & differen a on of W515K, W515L, W515A & S505N muta ons of MPL gene on Real- Time PCR MYD88 TRUPCR® MYD88 Muta ons Detec on Kit 3B1427 48 3B1428 96 Qualita ve detec on of L265P muta on in MYD88 gene on Real-Time PCR NPM1 TRUPCR® NPM1 Muta ons Detec on Kit 3B1327 24 3B1328 48 Qualita ve detec on of type A, B & D muta ons of NPM1 gene on Real-Time PCR NPM1 QT TRUPCR® NPM1 Mutations Quantitative Kit 3B325 24 3B326 48 Quantitative detection of mutant allele burden of NPM1 gene on Real-Time PCR NRAS TRUPCR® NRAS Muta ons Detec on Kit 3B1296 24 3B1273 48 Qualita ve detec on of 24 muta ons across codons 12, 13, 59, 61, 117 & 146 of NRAS gene on Real-Time 3B1274 96 PCR NUP214 (CAN) TRUPCR® NUP214 (CAN) Rearrangements Kit 3B1335 24 Rearrangements 3B1336 48 Qualita ve detec on of DEK-NUP214 & SET-NUP214 transcripts on Real-Time PCR PIK3CA TRUPCR® PIK3CA Muta ons Detec on Kit 3B1345 24 3B1346 48 Qualita ve detec on of 13 muta ons across exon 7, 9 & 20 of PIK3CA gene on Real-Time PCR PML-RARA TRUPCR® PML-RARA Qualita ve Kit (BCR1, BCR2 & BCR3) 3B1297 24 QL 3B1258 48 Qualita ve detec on & differen a on of BCR1, BCR2 & BCR3 transcripts of PML-RARA Real-Time PCR 3B1255 96 PML-RARA TRUPCR® PML-RARA Quantitative Kit (BCR1, BCR2 & BCR3) 3B1259 24 QT 3B1260 48 Detection, differentiation and quantification of BCR1, BCR2 & BCR3 transcripts of PML-RARA Real-Time PCR RBM15-MKL1 3B1333 24 TRUPCR® RBM15-MKL1 Fusion Detec on Kit 3B1334 48 Qualita ve detec on of RBM15-MKL1 fusion transcript on Real-Time PCR ROS1 TRUPCR® ROS1 Fusion Detec on Kit 3B1349 24 3B1350 48 Qualita ve detec on of 14 gene fusions of ROS1 gene on Real-Time PCR 10

HUMAN GENETICS Individual Markers/ Real-Time PCR Kits Cat. No. Pack Sizes Panels Coagulation / TRUPCR® Coagulation / Thrombophilia Panel Kit 3B1400 24 Thrombophilia 3B1399 48 Panel Comprehensive detection & differentiation of Mutations on 3 genetic Markers: Factor V, Factor II & MTHFR on Real-Time PCR 3B1301 48 Factor V 3B1302 96 TRUPCR® Factor V Leiden Mutations (G1691A) Detection Kit Qualitative detection of Factor V Leiden Mutation (G1691A) on Real-Time PCR Factor II TRUPCR® Factor II Prothrombin Mutations (G20210A) Detection Kit 3B1321 48 3B1322 96 Qualitative detection of Factor II Prothrombin Mutation (G20210A) on Real-Time PCR HLA B27 TRUPCR® HLA B27 Kit 3B247 48 3B248 96 Comprehensive detection of HLA B27 alleles on Real-Time PCR MTHFR TRUPCR® MTHFR Mutations Detection Kit 3B1331 48 3B1332 96 Qualitative detection & differentiation of MTHFR (C677T) & MTHFR (A1298C) mutations on Real-Time PCR 11

TRUPCR® EXTRACTION KITS MANUAL EXTRACTIONS Cat. No. Pack Sizes Blood DNA TRUPCR® Blood DNA Extraction Kit 3B205 50 3B206 100 To be used for DNA based testing from blood samples. Example: JAK2, CALR, MPL, FLT3, C-Kit, Malaria, HLA etc. Blood RNA TRUPCR® Blood RNA Extraction Kit 3B1200 50 To be used for RNA based testing from blood samples. Example: BCR-ABL1, PML-RaRa, AML-ETO, CBFB-MYH11 etc. Bacterial/ TRUPCR® Bacterial/Fungal DNA Extraction Kit 3B345 50 Fungal DNA 3B346 100 Isolation To be used for extraction of genomic DNA from: urine samples (e.g. bacteria, fungus). Example : UTI ID and UTI AST etc. 3B215 50 DNA Methylation TRUPCR® BS DNA Extraction Kit (For Extraction of Methylated DNA) To be used for extraction of Methylated DNA. Example: MGMT FFPE Tissue DNA TRUPCR® FFPE Tissue DNA Extraction Kit 3B207F 50 To be used for DNA based testing from FFPE tissue samples. Example: EGFR, KRAS, BRAF, NRAS, PIK3CA etc. MTB/NTM DNA TRUPCR® MTB/NTM DNA Extraction Kit 3B268E 50 To be used for Mycobacterium DNA testing from multiple sample types. Example: MTB, MTB/NTM, MDR-TB etc. Panel Extraction TRUPCR® Panel Extraction Kit 3B1401E 50 To be used for genomic DNA and total RNA extraction for multi-gene panel testing. Example: AML, ALL, MPN, Acute Leukemia etc. Tissue DNA TRUPCR® Tissue DNA Extraction Kit 3B207 50 To be used for DNA based testing from tissue samples. Example: HPV16/18, HPV HR, CT/NG etc. Total Nucleic Acid TRUPCR® Total Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit 3B347 50 3B348 100 Total Viral To be used for Total Nucleic Acid testing from samples like plasma, serum, respiratory specimens, VTM & urine. Nucleic Acid Example: HBV, HCV, HIV1, HCV Genotyping, CMV, HSV1/2, EBV, BKV, Dengue, ChikV, NAAT, Mucormycosis 3B213 50 (Black Fungus), Respiratory Panel, STD Panel, etc. TRUPCR® Total Viral Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit (500ul) To be used for Viral Nucleic Acid testing from samples like Serum or Plasma. Example: HBV, HCV, HIV1, HIV1/2, HCV Genotyping, CMV, HSV1/2, EBV, BKV, Dengue, ChikV, NAAT etc. Total Viral TRUPCR® Total Viral Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit (200ul) 3B357 50 Nucleic Acid 3B358 100 To be used for viral nucleic acid testing from samples like serum or plasma. Example: HSV1/2, EBV, BKV, Dengue, ChikV etc. Viral RNA TRUPCR® Viral RNA Extraction Kit 3B214V 50 3B213V 100 To be used for viral RNA extraction from multiple sample types. Example: H1N1, Dengue Virus, Chikungunya Virus, COVID-19 etc. 12

TRUPCR® EXTRACTION KITS AUTOMATED EXTRACTIONS* Cat. No. Pack Sizes Blood DNA TRUPCR® Magbead Blood DNA Extraction Kit 3B333 50 3B433 100 To be used for DNA based testing from blood samples. Example: JAK2, CALR, MPL, FLT3, C-Kit, Malaria, HLA etc. Blood RNA TRUPCR® Magbead Blood RNA Extraction Kit 3B338 50 3B438 100 To be used for RNA based testing from blood samples. Example: BCR-ABL, PML-RARA, AML-ETO, CBFB-MYH11 etc. FFPE Tissue DNA TRUPCR® Magbead FFPE Tissue DNA Extraction Kit 3B335 50 3B435 100 To be used for DNA based testing from FFPE Tissue Samples. Example: EGFR, KRAS, BRAF, NRAS etc. MTB/NTM DNA TRUPCR® Magbead MTB/NTM DNA Extraction Kit 3B337 50 3B437 100 To be used for Mycobacterium DNA testing from multiple sample types. *Compatible with various magnetic bead based automated extraction systems Example: MTB, MTB/NTM, MDR-TB etc. Tissue DNA TRUPCR® Magbead Tissue DNA Extraction Kit 3B334 50 3B434 100 To be used for DNA based testing from tissue samples. Example: HPV16/18, HPV HR, CT/NG etc. Total Nucleic Acid TRUPCR® Magbead Total Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit 3B339 50 3B340 100 Total Viral To be used for Total Nucleic Acid testing from samples like plasma, serum, respiratory specimens, VTM and Nucleic Acid urine. Example: HBV, HCV, HIV1, HCV Genotyping, CMV, HSV1/2, EBV, BKV, Dengue, ChikV, NAAT, 3B336 50 Mucormycosis (Black Fungus), Respiratory Panel, STD Panel, etc. 3B436 100 TRUPCR® Magbead Total Viral Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit To be used for Viral Nucleic Acid testing from samples like Serum or Plasma. Example: HBV, HCV, HIV1, HIV1/2, HCV Genotyping, CMV, HSV1/2, EBV, BKV, Dengue, ChikV, NAAT etc. Viral RNA TRUPCR® Magbead Viral RNA Extraction Kit 3B213B 50 3B214B 100 To be used for viral RNA extraction from multiple sample types. Example: H1N1, Dengue, Chikungunya Virus, COVID-19 etc. SAMPLE MANAGEMENT 3B305 100 VTM TRUPCR® Viral Transport Medium Kit Viral Transport Medium 13

TRU NGS TRUNGS® BRCA1 and BRCA2 PANEL KIT (Software Included*) This panel contains primer pairs that target the coding regions of the tumor suppressor genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 which have been implicated in hereditary breast and ovarian cancers. · Targets coding regions of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes · Stringent design to ensure that primers do not overlap · 100% of all targeted coding exons and exon–intron boundaries · Low input DNA required · Amplicons overlap for sequence coverage redundancy · Fast turnaround time coupled with throughput flexibility TRUNGS® LUNG CANCER PANEL KIT (Software Included*) This panel has single pool for hotspots and targeted regions for 14 known genes and 4 fusion genes associated lung tumor tissue. · Smaller panel with highly relevant genes: larger number of samples in single run · Inclusion of fusion with other mutations: comprehensive panel for Solid Tumor · Fast turnaround time coupled with throughput flexibility · Validated on FFPE samples TRUNGS® FAMILIAL HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA (FH) PANEL KIT (Software Included*) This panel has primer pairs in targeted regions for 9 known genes associated hereditary hypercholesterolemia · 38 pairs of primers in two primer pair pools with an average length of 375 bp · 9 genes (LDLR, APOB, APOE, GHR, LDLRAP1, LIPA, PCSK9, SLCO1B1, STAP1) covered · Fast turnaround time coupled with throughput flexibility · Low input DNA required *Cloud Based software is available with all the available TRUNGS® Panels for clinical interpretation of variants as per ACMG/AMP guidelines with up-to-date information & evidence on biomarkers with therapeutic prognostic and diagnostic value. COMING SOON RAPID ANTIGEN TEST PARAMETERS FOR HBsAg HIV 1/2 Ag LEPTOSPIRA SYPHILIS DENGUE HCV INFLUENZA MALARIA TYPHOID Ag-Ab A&B Ag 14

AWARDS & RECOGNITION 3B BlackBio Biotech India Ltd.’s parent company, Kilpest India Ltd. has been listed under “FORBES Asia’s Best Under A Billion” list on September 8, 2021. This list identifies companies with long-term sustainable performance across a variety of financial and corporate governance metrics. 2021 OUTSTANDING NATIONAL MSME OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT AWARD- 2018 ACHIEVEMENT by Hon'ble AWARD President of India, AWARD for excellence in R&D for excellence in R&D by FMPCCI, Bhopal. Shri Ram Nath Kovind. by FMPCCI, Bhopal. 2017 2018 2022 3B BlackBio Biotech India Ltd. is 3B BlackBio Biotech India Ltd. is 3B BlackBio Biotech India Ltd. is awarded with the ‘Outstanding awarded ‘National MSME Award- awarded with the ‘Outstanding Achievement Award’ in recognition of 2018' by Hon’ble President of India, Achievement Award’ in recognition of excellence in R&D through technology Shri Ram Nath Kovind on 11th May, excellence in R&D and Innovative by FMPCCI, Bhopal during the 4th 2018 under MSME category for the Products category through during the Outstanding Achievement Award 2016 successful commercialization of a 6th Outstanding Achievement Award by Hon’ble Chief Minister of Madhya technology based product. 2022 by Hon’ble Governor Madhya Pradesh, held on 12th Aug. 2017. Pradesh, held on 10th April 2022. QUALITY CERTIFICATES

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