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Home Explore Telescopic Conveyors Datasheet

Telescopic Conveyors Datasheet

Published by fatih gnnc, 2021-10-08 13:22:59

Description: Telescopic Conveyors Datasheet


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Telescop�c Conveyors Datasheet 21’

Funct�ons Furn�shed w�th further and custom-ma- de funct�ons to prov�de flow eff�c�ency, utmost safety, ergonom�cs and proper commun�cat�on.

S�nce 1998 CE Cert�f�ed Fully compl�ant w�th the Mach�nery Belted or Grav�ty D�rect�ve Rollers 2006/42/EC. Safe and PLC based 700 a year eff�c�ent load�ng commun�cat�- product�on and unload�ng on �nterface capac�ty funct�ons Des�gn Eng�neered and espec�ally welded �n-house and ta�lored to users’ expec- tat�ons s�nce 1998. Shaped to f�t and forged to prov�de max�mum levels of operator’s safety.

M C1 C2 L Belt Extend�bles C3 E Type Model No L1 (mm) M1 (mm) E1 (mm) B B1 Belted B-TLS 2,5/1/1/3,5 3.500 2.500 1.000 1 C+286 3 C+394 Belted B-TLS 4/3/7,5/11,5 11.500 4.000 7.500 2 C+340 2 C+340 Belted B-TLS 5/2/7/12 12.000 5.000 7.000 3 C+394 3 C+394 Belted B-TLS 6/2/9/13 12.000 6.000 9.000 4 C+450 3 C+394 Belted B-TLS 6/3/13/19 19.000 6.000 13.000 Belted B-TLS 7,5/3/15/22,5 23.000 7.500 15.000 Belted B-TLS 7,5/4/20/27,5 27.000 7.500 20.000 Belted B-TLS 9/3/21/30 30.000 9.000 29.000 1 Custom�zed lengths are ava�lable 2 D�fferent convey�ng w�dths are ava�lable

C2 H (mm) W C 600/800/1000 550 C+340 H 600/800/1000 750 C+450 600/800/1000 600 C+394 W 600/800/1000 600 C+394 600/800/1000 750 C+450 L Total Length 600/800/1000 750 C+450 M Ma�n Base Length 600/800/1000 900 C+510 E Extens�on 600/800/1000 750 C+450 B Booms B1 Boom #1 W�dth C Convey�ng W�dth H Ma�n Base He�ght W Ma�n Base W�dth

Type Shape Model No L1 (mm) M1 (mm) Grav�ty Roller G-TLS 4/3/7,5/11,5 11.500 4.000 Grav�ty Roller G-TLS 5/2/7/12 Grav�ty Roller G-TLS 6/2/9/13 15.500 5.000 Grav�ty Roller G-TLS 6/3/13/19 19.000 6.000 22.000 6.000 1 Custom�zed lengths are ava�lable 2 D�fferent convey�ng w�dths are a Belt Exten M C1 L C2 E L Total Length M Ma�n Base Length E Extens�on B Booms

E1 (mm) B B1 C2 H3 (mm) W 7.500 3 C+200 800/1000 850 C+242 7.000 2 C+164 800/1000 9.000 2 C+164 800/1000 620 C+200 13.000 3 C+200 800/1000 620 C+200 850 C+242 ava�lable 3 Convey�ng He�ght �s 77 mm lower than ma�n base he�ght. nd�bles C H W C3 B1 Boom #1 W�dth C Convey�ng W�dth H Ma�n Base He�ght W Ma�n Base W�dth

Telescop�c Conveyors and Savfety We have gathered �t under 6 head�ngs for you. Pop-out roller. Safety Sk�rts. Safety Crush Bar. Bottom Guards. P�nch Po�nt Protect�on. Always on boom brake system.

Telescop�c Conveyors and Savfety Always on boom Pop-out roller. brake system. On load�ng (outfeed) extend�bles. Grav�ty Roller Telescop�c Prevents hands be�ng pulled �n by conveyors must rema�n a drum pulley. When pops-out belt m�n�mum 3,5° angle to stops �mmed�ately. assure parcel flow. Cons�- der�ng the suff�c�ent Safety Sk�rts. angle that may allow booms extend freely �n On Hydraul�c t�lt adjusted extend�bles. case of a motor or cha�n Prevents feet go�ng under the un�t. fa�lure an always on boom brake system �s P�nch Po�nt Protect�on embedded to all Grav�ty Roller Extend�bles or any All mov�ng parts are covered to allow belt extend�ble w�th a gaps max�mum 4mm. cons�derable

Safety Crush Bar. On all extend�bles. Prevents coll�s�ons from front and from bottom. When pushed stops the extens�on or lower�ng �mmed�ately and pulls/l�fts �tself back for a few seconds. Always on boom brake system. Grav�ty Roller Telescop�c conveyors must rema�n a m�n�mum 3,5° angle to assure parcel flow. Cons�der�ng the suff�c�ent angle that may allow booms extend freely �n case of a

Add�t�onal Funct�ons and Opt�ons

Operator Platforms L�ft A�ds Operators platforms can be E�ther a vacuum l�fter or a snoot to embedded to the front boom. It �s prov�de further ergonom�cs can be commonly used �n t�re �ndustry. The �mplemented on extend�bles. platform can be equ�pped w�th foot pedal buttons �f requested. Parcel Flow Eff�c�ency Bended Front Boom For flow eff�c�ency, parcel flow can be managed by photo eyes �n order It �s commonly used on gates where to buffer, over-range detect�ons, d�fferent he�ght of veh�cles loaded/unlo- d�e-back etc. aded. The front sect�on lowers to max�mum 17° angle. Custom�zed Commun�cat�on Interface. Hoods We process the s�gnals between the Hoods can be f�xed or sl�d�ng based on system and the conveyor follow�ng the l�ft funct�ons and p�vot po�nts. customer's request.

General Spec�f�cat�ons Type Shape Ma�n Supply 400 ACV, 3ph+PE+N, 50Hz, 16 A Transport Speed 0,25 - 0,55 m / sec (Adjustable speed) Extend Speed 0,20 - 0,30 m / sec Load Capac�ty 50 kg / m Emergency Stop Both s�des of the front boom and one on the control cab�net Control Voltage 24 VDC Power Supply Connect�on Isolated power supply to be prov�ded by customer Controls Buttons Both front s�des of the front boom Safety Crush Bar 2 Way ant�-coll�s�on protect�on on the t�p of front boom. Ral Code (Color) TBD Control Cab�net Pos�t�on Left / R�ght (Look�ng from the rear of the mach�ne) Ma�ntenance Entrance W�ndows Left and R�ght Safety Pop-Up Roller On Load�ng Un�ts Belt Dr�ve Drum Motor *PLC Yes (S�emens S7 1214) *Commun�cat�on Interface V�a hardw�red 24VAC S�gnals *EMS Interface V�a Safety Relay 24VAC S�gnals

Berr-Snoot Berr-Snoot �s an add�t�onal belt sect�on embedded to the front of telescop�c con- veyor. By mov�ng upwards and downwards, Berr-Snoot prov�des opera- tors a more ergonom�c and work�ng en- v�ronment. Dur�ng the unload�ng operat�on Ber- r-Snoot �s capable of mov�ng up and down to make unload�ng operat�on eas�er. Us�ng th�s funct�on operator can reach the parcels on the h�gher or lower levels w�th unloader. Operator can cont- rol Berr-Snoot and telescop�c conveyor v�a the control panels located on each s�de of Berr-Snoot. Berr-Snoot un�ts can be used for unload�ng and load�ng ope- rat�ons.

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