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Home Explore Phonics


Published by kathairza, 2020-08-22 04:23:10

Description: Phonics


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Totschooling fn aei lp i ae bx oe i pp aio

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Totschooling jm aei ct oa i bd ae i tn aie

Totschooling fn aei lp oa i bx oeu pp uio

Totschooling sn aui ct uao nt ueo fx aoe

Totschooling jm ct bd tn

Totschooling fn lp bx pp

Totschooling sn ct nt fx

Totschooling jm aei ct oa i bd ae i tn aie

Totschooling fn aei lp i ae bx oe i pp aio

Totschooling sn uei ct oau nt au i fx aoe

Totschooling jm ct bd tn

Totschooling fn lp bx pp

Totschooling sn ct nt fx

Totschooling jm aei ct oa i ct ae i ct aie

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Totschooling sn aui ct uao nt ueo fx aoe

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ตวั อย่างคาแบบ CV,CVC สาหรบั การอา่ นออกเสยี งในข้นั ตอนท่ี 3

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it if in on

us up mat sat

rat fat cat pat

bat hat man ran

fan pan can ham

yam bam cap map

tap lap sit fit

pit bit sip lip

tip rip fin bin

tin win kid did

hid dig pig fig

wig big hop pop

top mop hot pot

got lot dot hog

pog fog log jog

dog men ten pen

hen ben den get

set bet met let

bed fed red led

run fun sun bun

hut but cut gut

cup pup mud rug

mug pug dug

aaaa eeee iiii oooo uuuu

bcdf l kgj m n ll w xy s t pqrs

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