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Home Explore Book of 20 Book Reviews of 2020

Book of 20 Book Reviews of 2020

Published by sundarray, 2020-12-24 04:49:41

Description: YES_Dec2020_Shruti_BookReviewsFinal (1)


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Book of 20 Book Reviews of 2020 EPW Engage

Does Merit Have a Caste? SURYAKANT WAGHMORE Critical scholarship on the dangers of the discourse of meritocracy has flourished in the West, something that has not been explored rigorously in India. The Caste of Merit: Engineering Education in India by Ajantha Subramanian is therefore a welcome addition to the scholarship on caste and meritocracy in higher education.

Book of 20 Book Reviews of 2020

Book of 20 Book Reviews of 2020

A History of Political Parties in India MAHENDRA PRASAD SINGH R K Tiwari’s book is welcome as an effort to underline the importance of political parties and manifestos. But it is mostly disappointing, partly because it has unrealistically taken a very long timeframe and partly for its failure to go beyond a superficial descriptive level and attain analytical and explanatory worth.

An Alternate Narrative of Agrarian Transformation in India APARAJITA BAKSHI This book provides an alternate narrative to the changes that have occurred in rural India post-1990 and enriches the discourse in significant ways. Though the articles cover a wide range of issues analysing various aspects of the agrarian transformation, the core emphasis in each remains how the economic and policy changes have affected the lives of the rural population.

Book of 20 Book Reviews of 2020

Book of 20 Book Reviews of 2020

The Return of Historical Demography CHINMAY TUMBE R K Tiwari’s book is welcome as an effort to underline the importance of political parties and manifestos. But it is mostly disappointing, partly because it has unrealistically taken a very long timeframe and partly for its failure to go beyond a superficial descriptive level and attain analytical and explanatory worth.

Being Dalit VALERIAN RODRIGUES While you may dismiss Caste Matters by Suraj Yengde as another rant on caste, it sizzles and draws the line with a renewed focus on Brahminism as the ideology that governs India’s public life, the core weaknesses of the Dalit movement, and the kind of radical action caste-embedded marginality calls for.

Book of 20 Book Reviews of 2020

Book of 20 Book Reviews of 2020

A History of Contemporary Economic Theories ALEX M THOMAS Alessandro Roncaglia’s The Age of Fragmentation: A History of Contemporary Economic Thought (2019) provides the readers with a clear analytical lens to understand the seemingly disparate and divergent streams of economics research which emerged after World War II.

Identity and Status of the Indian Muslim ABUSALEH SHARIFF The book is topical and relevant to the contemporary social and economic growth discourses of India ... Although the reading can be rather laborious, this book highlights multiple concepts and issues on the status of the Muslim community in India and makes the reader think.

Book of 20 Book Reviews of 2020

Book of 20 Book Reviews of 2020

Government School Teachers in India VIMALA RAMACHANDRAN The narratives of extraordinary teachers compel the reader to revisit many commonly held beliefs like teachers are basically work shirkers, not interested in teaching, have contempt for children from poor families and, most importantly, their duty is to finish the syllabus.

Indian Pharma Fraud and Beyond ANANT PHADKE Without getting into [the] complexities of pharma quality control, Eban has reduced the issue of quality regulation to mere BE [bioequivalence]. In a 400 plus page book on fraud in pharma quality, one expected a more nuanced and empirically solid approach beyond just suggesting that drug quality regulation in India indulges only in fraudulent practices.

Book of 20 Book Reviews of 2020

Book of 20 Book Reviews of 2020

Decoding the Grammar of Constitutionalism SUHAS PALSHIKAR Khosla’s work forms an important basis of the second moment of Constitutional scholarship which seeks to connect to the idea of constitution as a manifesto of social transformation … it is ironical but not surprising that the import and innovativeness of [the Constitution] is coming to light when the minimal adherence to the document is already eroding.

Conceptualising and Thinking about Subaltern Politics VIRGINIUS XAXA The book is one of the finest pieces of work on Adivasis and the state .… subalterns, subaltern politics, citizenship, civil society, political society, hegemony, local rationality, routine coercion, extraordinary coercion, and reformist reform. Such concepts have been thought through fieldwork data as well as historical material.

Book of 20 Book Reviews of 2020

Book of 20 Book Reviews of 2020

The Long Sweep of India–China History NIRMOLA SHARMA By unravelling the global nature of India– China long-term historical connections and the complexities of these connections ... Sen’s book has enriched our understanding of the field. The book adeptly shows and articulates that India and China did not exist in silos but there were many levels of interactions that had escaped the notice of scholars and pundits of this field.

Critique as a Way of Life NANDAGOPAL R MENON The provocation, so to say, for the book is the Orientalist–Islamophobic claim that reason and critique are alien to Islam. And, the author responds to this by saying that Islam is not averse to critical thinking and drives home this point with substantial evidence.

Book of 20 Book Reviews of 2020

Book of 20 Book Reviews of 2020

The ‘Ideal Brahmin’ SUKANYA SARBADHIKARY Based on the readings of ancient and medieval texts, the book’s novelty lies in moving away from the understandings of caste based on object-centred discourses of purity– pollution, to a subject-centred ethic of touch-un-ability....The ontological and ethical locale of untouchability shifts from the other to the self.

Media, Gender and the Neo-liberal Indian State MOCHISH K S AND KUNAL RAY Through her nuanced reading and analysis of the media paradigm, which undergoes a significant transition after India embraces liberalism, Chaudhuri lays out the pitfalls of the new economic model and its resultant impact on the Indian media ecosystem that is increasingly corporatised and serves the interests of the market or a handful who control the means of production.

Book of 20 Book Reviews of 2020

Book of 20 Book Reviews of 2020

Incomplete Story of the Political Economy of the Power Sector TEJAL KANITKAR As part of the process of economic liberalisation that began in 1991, the power sector was one of the first sectors of the economy to be “reformed.”… By refusing to engage with the ideology of the reforms, the book provides an incomplete story of the political economy of the power sector in India. It is a map which presents the trees but misses the woods.

Language and Translation in a Multilingual Nation MITHILESH KUMAR JHA This volume re-examines notions such as language, translation, meaning, and utterances by critically engaging with the everyday lived realities and performances of various linguistic communities in South Asia.

Book of 20 Book Reviews of 2020

Book of 20 Book Reviews of 2020

Dalits and the Environment RAJ KAITHWAR The [book’s] intent is to showcase the play of power and caste within the environmental politics and highlight the multiple perspectives on environment that have been neglected. At a time when “going native” and “indigenous lifestyle” is being propagated as a pill of the environmental ills, Sharma brings in a cautionary interjection.

Impacts of Stereotyping on the Criminal Justice System VIJAY RAGHAVAN Shadows of Doubt: Stereotypes, Crime, and the Pursuit of Justice, by Brendan O’Flaherty and Rajiv Sethi, makes an important contribution to the understanding of how stereotypes are implicated in the working of the criminal justice system in the United States, and how they have made an impact on social justice.

Book of 20 Book Reviews of 2020

Book of 20 Book Reviews of 2020

Women in the Puranas ARSHIA SATTAR The Puranas proffer an eccentric and - idiosyncratic mix of myth and history, a fact that leads to some rather specious arguments about the status of myth as chronicles of real events and even as “truth.” Saxena avoids these troubled waters as she unpacks the contents of the Puranas, focusing on how women are depicted as goddesses in stories and how they become increasingly constrained by codes of idealised behaviour as wives and as members of upper-caste society

NOTABLE MENTIONS Continuity of Madness, the Border, and Partition of India SRISHTEE SETHI Appointments, Autonomy, and Accountability of Appellate Courts UPENDRA BAXI Muslim Minorities and UPA Regime MAIDUL ISLAM Genetically Modified Crop Technology R V BHAVANI Much More Than a Sport: Beginnings of Cricket in India DINYAR PATEL To Flog an Elephant: Foucault and South Asia KHALIQ PARKAR

Book of 20 Book Reviews of 2020

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