Subsidiary Company YA subsidiary is an enterprise that is controlled by Yield to Maturityanother enterprise (known as the parent). Discount rate at which the present value of future payments would equal the security’s current price.Substance Over FormThe consideration that the accounting treatmentand the presentation in Financial Statements oftransactions and events should be governed by theirsubstance and financial reality and not merely bylegal form.SWAPS (Currency)The simultaneous purchase of an amount of acurrency for spot settlement and the sale of thesame amount of the same currency for forwardsettlement. Alternatively a simultaneous spot saleand forward purchase of a currency.TTier I Capital (Core Capital)Core Capital includes selected items of capital funds.Ma jor core capital items are share capital, sharepremium, statutory reserve funds, retained profits,general reserves, surpluses/losses after tax arisingfrom the sale of fixed and long-term investments.Tier II Capital (Supplementary Capital)Supplementary Capital includes, approvedrevaluation reserves, general provisions, hybrid(debt/equity) capital items and approvedsubordinated term debts.Total CapitalCapital base is summation of the core capital (Tier I)and the supplementary capital (Tier II).Transaction CostsTransaction costs are incremental costs that aredirectly attributable to the acquisition, issue ordisposal of a financial asset or financial liabilityU Annual Report 2013 Sampath Bank PLCUnit TrustAn undertaking formed to invest in securities underthe terms of a trust deed.VValue AddedWealth created by providing banking and otherservices less the cost of providing such services. Thevalue added is allocated among the employees, theproviders of capital, to government by way of taxesand retained for expansion and growth. 349
NOTICE OF ANNUALGENERAL MEETINGNotice is hereby given that the 28th Annual General 8. To re-appoint M/s Ernst & Young, CharteredMeeting of Sampath Bank PLC will be held at the Accountants as Auditors of the Company for the“Balmoral” Hall, The Kingsbury, No 48, Janadhipathi ensuing year and to authorize the Directors toMawatha, Colombo 01, on 31st March 2014 at 9.30 determine their remuneration.a.m. for the following purposes. By Order of the Board1. To receive and consider the Annual Report of the Board of Directors on the affairs of the Company S Sudarshan and the Statement of Audited Accounts for the Group Company Secretary year ended 31st December 2013 with the Report of the Auditors thereon. 18th February 20142. To declare the recommended Cash Dividend of Note:- Rs 8.00 per share for the Financial Year 2013. A member is entitled to appoint a Proxy to attend and vote on his/her behalf and a Proxy need not be a3. To re-elect Mr Channa Palansuriya who retires member of the Company. A Form of Proxy is attached at the Annual General Meeting as a Director for the purpose. The instrument appointing a Proxy in terms of Article No 87 of the Articles of must be deposited at the Registered Office of the Association of the Company. Bank at No 110, Sir James Peiris Mawatha, Colombo 02, not less than forty eight (48) hours before the4. To re-elect Mr Deshal De Mel who retires at the time fixed for holding of the Meeting. Annual General Meeting as a Director in terms of Article No 87 of the Articles of Association of the You are kindly requested to bring with you, your Company. National Identity Card or any valid source of identification (eg Driving license, Passport).5. To re-elect Miss Annika Senanayake who retires at the Annual General Meeting as a Director in terms of Article No 87 of the Articles of Association of the Company.6. To re-elect Mr Ranil Pathirana who retires at the Annual General Meeting as a Director in terms of Article No 87 of the Articles of Association of the Company.7. To approve the Donations and Contributions made by the Directors during the year under Review.350
FORM OF PROXY Annual Report 2013 Sampath Bank PLCTwenty Eighth Annual General MeetingSampath Bank PLC110, Sir James Peiris MawathaColombo 02I/We, ............................................................................................................... of ..............................................................................................................being a member/members of Sampath Bank PLC hereby appoint Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ven/Rev ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................of………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….......................................Failing him/her Mr Dhammika Perera of 27th Floor, East Tower, World Trade Centre, Echelon Square, Colombo01, failing him Mr Channa Palansuriya of 110/1 Dr N M Perera Mawatha, Colombo 08, failing him Mr SanjivaSenanayake of 164/16, Nawala Road, Nugegoda, failing him Mr Aravinda Perera of 370 F/2, Lake Road,Averihena, Hokandara (South), failing him Mr Ranjith Samaranayake of 51A, Weerapuranappu Mawatha,Laxapathiya, Moratuwa, failing him Mr Deepal Sooriyaarachchi of 28/10 Birnamwood, Wijesekera Mawatha,Mirihana, Nugegoda, failing him Prof Malik Ranasinghe of 18, Layards Road, Colombo 05, failing him Mrs DharaniWijayatilake of 78/1, Old Road, Nawala, failing her Mr Deshal De Mel of 103/1, Rosemead Place, Colombo 07,failing him Mr. Ranil Pathirana of 243/5, Lake Gardens, Sri Jayawardenapura Mawatha, Ra jagiriya, failing himMiss Annika Senanayake of 18/1, Alfred Place, Colombo 03, failing her Mrs Saumya Amarasekera of 03, SravastiPlace, Colombo 07. as my/our proxy to attend and vote for me/us on my/our behalf at the Twenty Eighth AnnualGeneral Meeting of the Company to be held on “ Balmoral”, The Kingsbury, No 48, Janadhipathi Mawatha,Colombo 01, on 31st March 2014 at 9.30a.m. and at any adjournment thereof. FOR AGAINST1. To receive the Audited Financial Statements and the Annual Report of the Board for the year ended 31st December 2013.2. To declare the recommended Cash Dividend of Rs 8.00 per share for the Financial Year 2013.3. To re-elect Mr Channa Palansuriya as a Director under Article No 87 of The Articles of Association of the Company.4. To re-elect Mr Deshal De Mel as a Director under Article No 87 of The Articles of Association of the Company.5. To re-elect Miss Annika Senanayake as a Director under Article No 87 of The Articles of Association of the Company.6. To re-elect Mr Ranil Pathirana as a Director under Article No 87 of The Articles of Association of the Company.7. To approve donations/contributions made by the Directors during the year under review.8. To re-appoint M/s Ernst & Young, Chartered Accountants as Auditors of the Company for the ensuing year and authorise the Directors to determine their remuneration.Mark your preference with “X”Signed on this ...................... Day of ........................... 2014Signature ..........................................................Note: 1. Proxy need not be a member of the Company 2. Instructions regarding completion of Proxy are given in next page 351
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