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Home Explore Car and Driver Buyer's Guide 2010

Car and Driver Buyer's Guide 2010

Published by apeksharanavithanage, 2015-08-05 12:48:18

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Think About It SURVEY SAYS, \"HYUNDAI.\"First the critics voted Genesis 2009 North American Car of the Year, and now after a surwy of over 80,000 new vehicleowners, J. D. Power and Associates has named Genesis, \"The Most Appealing MidsIze Premium Car.\" But awardsaren·t our motivation for building quality vehicles. The reason we put so much focus on in novalion, design, safety,handling, drive r satIsfaction and value is because it's Ihe right thing to do, You see, we don't just want to make yournext ca.r a Hyundai, we also want 10 make your car after that a Hyundai as well Find out more at -_ _ _ _ _ \"\" ..... w .....,...,.. _ _ _ .._nr. ~_\"1\"4l _\" _nc..._ _ _ _ ,.\".,.....,.i\"Il\"_\"<l\"~_~_~..,\".._\"_~_/ \".... __·\",_\",\"_\"'-_-. l_ ,W., ...\"'\" \"__ .~. F--~,-Mty_l!l1il''.l,..I.i..w _ _ •...,. 1_w\",.,',-\"rIro}...'JFO_ _..... · __........._.-.......c.. H_ u·..,... . -......IIlI..,...,.,_.CIt,-_-..\".,<t.... _\"\"' __,._....\".. '.«1_oJ _ _

Tile HyulIlla; Genesis - 2009 Nortll America\" Car of tile Year\"Most Appea/illg Midsize Prem ium Ca r\"- J.D. Power and Associates (/3) HYUnDl=I1

Pump a little adrenafine into your life with the Impreza WAX. 265-horsepower SUBARU.provides the thrust. Symmetrical A I-\NheeI drive prO\lides the gip. Combined.they deliver a 0 to 60 IJme of Just 4.7 seconds,' and a shock 10 your heart fNefYbme you hit the accelerator, Love. It's what makes a Subaru, a Subaru.

BUYERS GUIDE 2010NEW VEHICLES ICAR5DRIVER I8 HYBRIDS PRESIDENT & CEQ, lwnpstartGo earth-friendly with these gasoline- electrics. Automotive Group18 CONVERTIBLES Steve WilhiteThere's nothing hotter than going topless. SENIORVP/ CHIEF BRAND OFFICER34 COUPES John C. Driscoll Jr.Two-doors from $12,500 to S1.9 million. EDITOR56 SEDANS Erik JohnsonSpeedy or sensible, there's a sedan for everyone. ART DmECTOR Daniel V. Winter87 WAGONS AND HATCHBACKS COPY EDITORSBecause some folks carry more junk in their trunks. Carolyn Pavia-Rauchman100 SPORT-UTILITY VEHICLES Cora WeberHaul stuff, tow stuff, ferry the family, and hit the trails. PRODUCTION EDITOR Juli Burke131 PICKUP TRUCKS TECHNICAl EDITORSThe ultimate workhorses. Mike Austin K.C.Colwell139 VANS AND MINIVANS Dave VanderWerpCarrying 15 people or 15 washing machines? Plan on a van. CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Index ................................... . .... ,..............7 Jared Gall Car-Dealer Tricks to Watch For. ............... . .. ... ...... 17 Mark Gillies David Gluckman Now Might Be the Right Time to Buy a Car ............. 33 Tony Quiroga What to Know Before Going to the Dealer .............. 54 Aaron Robinson Mike Sutton Tony Swan ONLlNE PRODUCTION MANAGER Scott Lawrence Mosher ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Susan Mathews ROAD WARRIORS Dana Barton Adam Feinberg Charley M. Ladd ZebSadiq »>How to Test-Drive a Car. ............................... 130 COVERWhat's the Right New Vehicle for Me? .... . . . ...... . . 138 PHOTOGRAPHY Tom Drew CARandORWER.(om 3

EXECUTIVE STAFF PRESIDENT & CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Alainl.enwcha.lll EXECUTIVE VP & CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Philiwelltelton EXECUTIVE VP & GENERAL COUNSEL ~RF1i:~ SENIOR VP/CHIEF BRAND OFFICER, LUXURY DESIGN GROUP ~Bums SENIOR VPfCHIEF BRAND OFFICER JimC.DriscdlJr. SENIOR VP/CHIEF BRAND orFICER, WOMAN'S DAY GROUP!drid SENIOR VPfCHIEF BRAND orriCER, CYCLE WORLD GROUP LanyLittle SENIOR VP/CHIEF BRAND OFFICER, ELLE GROUP CaroIA.Smith SENIOR VP/CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER PhiliweFWthuis SENIOR VPtCHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICER TmlIkmbue SENIOR VP/CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER !leru1'It11eimann SENIOR VP/CONSUMER MARKETING & MANUFACTURING Th:masM~ SENIOR VP/DIGITAL MEDIA Tt:OIAnderman SENIOR VP/CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS AIn!~~Jmas VP/INTEGRATED SALES & MARKETING JOOnWe• .,. VP/HUMAN RESOURCES EileenF.M:illinsHF MU. S. IS PART or LAGARDtRE ACTIVE, A DIVISION or LAGARDtRE: SCA (WWW.LAG AROCRC .COM1. CEO, LAGARDERE ACTIVE OidierQillllot CEO INTERNATIONAL OF MAGAZINE DIVISION, LAGARDERE ACTIVE Jiande&imeffre Published by Haebette Filipacc:.hi Media U.S., Inc. PRINTED IN THE U.S.A.EDITORIAL OFFICE ISBS Eisenhower Plare, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108; 734-971-3600 . ... ...I\"1\",,.F, . \\" I l JB . ,''''''\"., \"'\" .. \",~. ,,, ,'\"EAST COAST DETROiT AUTOMOTIVE1633 Broadwayth YorY., th Yon: 10019 4Z3l'bth Main Street. Suite 2<D212-767-ffl9SVPlAssociate PublisIEt, Marlmting ..........Zvia Hemnaou RayaI Oak, Michigan 48067Director 01 Operations ...... , .............. ,Patti Burns 248-284-2848&:ni(l' Marketing ~...............\})ana A.mrwio Midwestern Advertising ~ ........ Melissa Homan!Am:riate Mwtiog M~ .. .. .. .. .. . Crurtney Bistyga MKMstern Advertising ~r \" . BryanA, Westm 0flUe ~ ...................... Milklle MaguireMarlmting Coordinator ................. Danielle RellllinB WEST COASTDesigner.................. , .............. Ryan Patrick 5670 Wilshire Brule'l!u,tl. Suite lfOOEastern ~rtising IMoctor........... Jonathan Marshall !.os Angeles. California !m36Eastern AdVIlrtising Mana~r . ... .. .. .. ... ... Jmn tmis 323-954-4816 Vice President, Western Region ........... Rid DeMufSYVice President &Genera1 M~r, Western Advertising Manager.,. \"\"\".,.\" ,Bruce Kukuk Digital Automotil'll GIUIp ........... Robert Ames Western Aftermarb:t MaII1I3Cr .............. Bruce Bakke Sales A~ . .. ... ... . ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .Jmf fiallrtlehrnlade ~r . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .NadiJE Goody Arlvl:rtising Coonlioator.. . ... .. .. .. ... .Yrlnria SandersProd~tioo Directnr ..................... Diane Arlotta Director, Thlfillment &:1Vices ......... David C. Northrid~Productioo Ma~\" .... \"\",, ....... Gart Krystoflak Classilied Ad Sales ..................... 2\2-767-5751) Vice President,MIDWEST/TEXAS'nl North Michigan Avenue, Suite 2100 Cooswner Marketing ................Philip Kmlnisau~ Illinois 6Oi1l Vice President, Retail SalesJ12.<JZl-48OOMidwestern Advmising 0imct!I: .. ... .. ..RX:hard T. ~ &Marketing ............... William MidruopJU!osSales Assistant ..........................Megan JXms Senior Gt!JIIjI Cimilatxlll Director . . . . . . . . . William Carter Director, Newsstand Sales ................. Jmn KayserPERMISSIONS Materill in this pubt i ~ation may not be Driver BU)'8ls Guide, and Clllqd Drivel NewCsl Guide Irereproduced in any fo rmwithout permission. C8r aqd Drivel is registered trademarks of Hacnetle Fi lipacchi Media U,S .. lnc.a registered trademart 01Hachette Fiipacchi Media U.S., Inc, Copyright ,0 20[)9, Ha~hette Filipacchi ~ed i a U.S., In~, AllCopyright ~ 20[)9, Ha~hetle filipacchi ~ed i a lJ.S.. ln~, Ail rights reserved.rights reserved. REPRINTS For Inlormation on reprints and e-prints, pleaseCM 8nd Drivel Bri)'8rs GuidI! (ISS ~ 0008-6002) is published contlct Brian Kolb at Wright's Reprints, 877-652-5295 orannua lly by Ha~hene Fil ipacchi Med ia lJ.S.. lnc\" 1633 bkolh@wrighlsreprints,com,Broadway, ~ew York , ~ew Yo rk 10019. Cal and Driver, Car and '~\:7 Nir.~i6f;\"~E:soINnn TheOlfr~1 Filii P.m. al CAR AND ORIVUI2010 BUYERS GUIDE

INDEX 2010 CARS FORD MERCURY SUV~ PICKUPS,ACURA A DVANSRL 58 Fows ~oope '3 GraOO MJr\luis .1' ACURA Sa\"I:IIlID (201 1) 1>1R .. .58 FOOJS sed30.. .. 66 Milan . .. ~1SX 58 \"OX . 102 Sport3ge .. . .... 117lOXALfAAOMED \"' \"\"\"'Fusioo hybrid .66 Milan tr,trid 13 ROX 102 LAND ROVER BCSpljer 13 20 MINI .,.. 49 AUDI l R2.. .. 117ASTON MARTIN IAmi Coopej . .36 Mustangr3l1eiby GTSOO. .. 44 OS . 102 lR4.. .. 118 DBS 20 Mmi Cooper C1ubman 01 lro OOS_ .36 fAustiV1\l/SlleIby GTSOO Range R(IIIII' 118 089 .20 36 --OOt'Ml!1itlle .. 25 Mini Cooper lDMlI~ble .,.. 29 BMW Rooge Rmer S\IU1 ..... 118 D89Vwnle, . .S' MITSUBISHI 37 TauruslSHO.. .... 67 fditlse .o.w.el/)o1lrid X6. . 10 UXUS 119 Orla-77 21 HONDA lroRaplj e . o. 67 ~ lro GX460 \"S'. AI;(:ooj sedan . V·8 Vanl81l8 WllSE Spyder .30 X51X5/A. LX570 119 V-SVant81l8 GOOVertilllf:l ..\"21' Galoot. \".00 X61X6 IA. I~ RX350 .. 11 9AUDI 31 llInr;erlRaliartlE'lollllioo A3 CMl;hytn L 13 BUICK RX45flh hybrid IS A41S4 S. .60 CMcISi OOlJpe. .. 44 lanoor S\MllOOck . .. 94 Endave. I~ UNCOLN MAvanl . . 31 A5JS500111'ertitje 38 •CMrJSi setm .67 NISSAN CADILLAC 1\"8K~X 120 120 A5/S5~ . 21 Insigtrthytlrid . .~ Altima ~ .~ EscaiadeJESV I~ Escalade EXT.A6 A,ant 22 13 Mirna tr,UiIj, . ..16 m NavigiltcwlL . . . . 120 38 Altima se(foo..A61S6 .60 HYUNDAI .. 00 Escalade hybrid 10 MAZDAAS . 38 \"\"WI. .22 .l.(;(;entsefl an .68 .. ~ SAX lOS ~I 121rrms 60 Accent J1loor, .. ~5 CHEVROLET m ex·9 . . .... 121rrmsCOJr\'trtibie . . 10 Avalanclle m .22 Azera .. 68 Man . .. M Iroore ..... 101BENTlEY 23 .68 ,,~. .39 ''''', SeIltralS E-RlSE·RSpl)!; V .81 TritJule hytriI 12\",.r . 23 .. ~ Elantra loo nll'l Ve!5a ~oo . .. 81 EQOO.l~, lOS S. ..... 144 8Jll(lkiaOOs ..39 Genesis cou~ 'S Ve!5a W:Ijlon .% ElIlre5S \"0 MERCEDES-BENZConooental Ftfng Spll .. . 61 Genesis Seflan .69 . 12Conli1ental Gl ,...3roZ .~ Sit.moo~ G-tlaS$. 121Conooental GTe . ..00 SOl\ata . .. 69 370Z COI1>'eiWe, . .. 30 SOlvelaOOlSiMiiado HD . I~ GL·claS$ .. .. 122 M ~sanna. . 61 PORSCHE INFINlTI .30 \",\"roo\" lOS GLK-&i.JS$ 122BMW 23 .39 OOS .~ Talme . I~ M\"\"l4'50~BkieH)1lOO 122 AdMltfyOOj 7.. 61 15Z4, . G31C(1(1V1!rtible . .. 26 Corn· SI Toooe hytriI . . 12 I·series GOJI'VIlrtible .0 I·series GOlJIlIl . 2< G3700\1~ 'S P:I1amera .% ..Traverse 100 R·cIass . 1233·seriesIM3 OOI1I'ertKile . .69 \"0 . 52 G37 se~an 911 CooamfT3J1la SI CHRYSLER MERCURY 3 · seriesIM3~ 62 I~ M351lM5. .. 70 911 CalreialliltJo Cabriolet .. 31 TCM'Il &Country Manne! . .. 1013·seriesIM3 sedoo . . 623·series waQon 00 JAGUAR 911 GlJIGl3RS SI DODGE Marile!tr,iJrili 12 5·series 6T 5·seriesIM5 .~ XflXfR .. ... 70 ,,,.911 Tllbo. S2 ~ -,Moootainee!. .. ... IM 5·series waQon .~ M. 81 Gr:l1 dCaravan \"06·seriesIM600111'ertibie . .. 70 ROLLS-ROYCE .. ~ .Joomey 100 MITSUBISHI 1236·seriesIM6 coope . .~ XXIX~ I'IIilnlom .. EndJ)ilVllJ .. 123 7·series Outl:l1~er .BUGATTI 00 )(!(fXmW'lV!llti~Ie.. ... 26 Nitru 101 12< Veyron 16,4 NISSAN Yeyron 16.4 Grand Sport '\". ~ KIA ... 71 I'Ilaniom Coul* 52 Ram 1500 . I~BUICK . .. 71 31 l>Crow. '2\"4 .Forte Koop PMnIom Dropllead Coupe Ram 250013500 HD 13' II FORD\"\"'\"CADILLAC 4.1, Forte sellan . SAAB Frontiel . ..... 137CTSlCT5-V . <I ~tima . 9-3OO1wertible .. 31 Edge . 107 MUlano.. ..... 124CTS Sporl WaQCKl . 91 9·3 sedill .~ Esca~ 101 PatnfirldJ:II 12<\"m. M ROS .. 93 9·3 SportCombi wagooJ Escaoe h)tIid . . 12 ROOJue .. 125CHEVROLET .~ Aveo seflan, R\"', .~ 9·3X .% .....E-series. \"0 T.\" m 91 100 A~S .6S SOO ..~ SCION ElIlerkliooJEl 108 XtJ)Jl~. 12 S 2< LAMBORGHINIc\"o'o\"ait~sedill, . 6S Ga1l8rdo LP560-4/LP550·2. •< S2 PORSCHE .~ CobaltlSS cou~. .6S Explore! Sport Trae 13< Oy~. 12SCor'/etteIGmnd Sport r;oovertibli:l 91 ill ~CorvetteIG!andSpIlt coupe . . 42 Galtardo lP56/H Sp')'rler .26 A~ 10. SUBARUCrJr><etta ZRl 66Corvette ZOO 2S Murcii'Mgo lPWI coovertitlle 21 SMART F·1SO/SVT Ra ptor .. 13S Forester . .. 126 . 42 HHAISS MurCli'Mgo lPWII f... .. 53 F·2501 F·3~50 13 S Tribeca 126 2S Im~ . . 42 lP670·4 SV .•1 f(rtwo OOI1I'ertibli:l .~ RaJllj6r 13 S SUZUKI Malibu . .~ LEXUS SUBARU Troosit C()lIIec\, 1<1 Equator . . .... 131CHRYSlER ~ PI Cruiser. ES360 \"I. Im~ewOulllaci SportMW OMe Grand Yllara 126 GS35O/GS460 Se~ring . 511wagon ,. .. ~ I\cad~ . 1m09 TOYOTA C.1O)'on .sebn ng coovertibIe . GS4SlMl ~id \"\"· .. 74 hTlpr~w\'.'RX sedan . .. ~ \"0 FJ Wser. .. 121 flS250h hybrid s.= . 12\"..300I3OOCISRT8. 1S25O/1S.J5011S F . legacy se dan .83 Hi~anO€r 12T SiMa hytriI .DODGE OulbJli wagllO, .. 97 Hi~a100! trybrid 16 Al'eJlgel. 1S25OC1lS3~, . 27 SUZUKI SienalSrena HO I~ WI DUser .. ..... 121DIalefl'derlSRTa . TerrainD1aJllerISflT8 \"'601l .~ Kil\"asli .83 109 \"'V< 12' Vi~ SRT10 OOIIVertitJle LS6O(JJl hybrid \Ii~ SRT10 Coo~/A!:R. 5000 . \"27 SX4 nati1li);J1i .'1 Yukoo . I~ SeqtlOia 12' .. 144FERRARI SX4 seflan .. 83 M.. \"\"\", . 12 '\"MT3COI1Ii!. Califorria lOS 13. ~5B ltaha . LINCOLN TESLA Yukon XL 5W1ll BflOlalO .612Sca gUetti ..M\"K~l, ... 75 Roailst er .. ..... 32 HONDA TlIIdra ..... 136 1_\" · .. 7ro5 TOYOTA ,\",.\".,Acl;J)'\I CrossiOlf. 109 VeJUa 12' A,alon 11 0 4RuJ\JIJlf 129 LOT1JS .. 28 IlI·Y. 11 0 CMoy . .... 84 0_ 1<1 VOLKSWAGEN 16 '\"'\"CMoy \"\"'\" .. 97 Rootan .. 144 E:!ige S .•1 Ma~p:, 11 0 Tiguan. 129 MASERATI Rirlgel ~e, 136 Tooaffill . ..... 129 Qanlurismo C(I(IVI!rtible . .. 28 I'rm~d.. 11 HUMMER VOLVO Gr.mTurismolS .•1 YOO! sellan. .85 H2 III X~O 130 CiJattroporte . · .. 76 Va...s 3·door . .. 53 H2 SUI. 13 6 X~O ..... 130 H3 MAYBACH ro Yitis 5-door .~ 111 ~datJlet VOLKSWAGEN H3i. 136 57162, . 11 CC .. 85 HYUNOAI MAZDA E. .~ sm\" 111 112 MX·5 Miata ..28 GdllGTl 3·door .S3 Tucsoo . .. ~ RX< .. ~8 GoII1GT15,000r , VeraCIIJz 112 31Mall1aSl)lled 3 waQon J.~ .85 INFINIn 3 se dan 11 Jett.1 SporM'agen ~ FX351FX5O 112 6. 11 New 8eeUe.. .. 54 OX~ 113 MERCEDES-BENZ New Beelle CJI(l'fflfIi~e .33 JEEP C·dass . ... 78 p\"\" .. ~ ComJT\ilJl~er 113 Passat wagoo. .. ~ ct.·class . · ..48 \"'\"\"\"6rood Oler!iee (2011). 113 1l.S,,\"\" .26 VOLVO \" ..... , ..... \". 54 libilrty . \" .... , ...... , '\"\" 114 \" .. 48 CJO •• , Patriot . 116 E-c1as8 coope. , &class ~an ... 78 C70 . .. 33 S·dass .19 ~O .~ ....Wroogle!lIJnIim~ed 116 Sl·class . .. 29 SM . .. ~ KIA 116 '60 . .. ~ 8mego, SI.K-dass .. 29 '\" 5400 BIue!¥Jri d IS V701XC70 ~2010BUYERSGUlDE ,

HYBRIDS ,eo fuellflnk.. volume turning length/width/height, curb weight, 1iI.llonl drele, buoprico dtylhwympg f,ontl Ietl Ig0, Incho, pounds 22.S cubic'' '\" 'nt BMW A(tive~brid X6 $80,000' 17/19 22.5 192.0f78.1 f66.8 5600 BMWX6/X6 $57,125- $89,725 12- 15/17- 20 54144/60\" 42.0 19l.0m.l/66.H6.S 5050- 5350 16- 17f21- 22* 21.1 S4/NA/44/60 42.0 BMW ActiveHybrid 7 $105,OO(U 110,000' 13- 15/18- 22\" 21.7 199.8- 205.3/74.9/58.4- sa.5 4800-4850 BMW 7-serles $82,280-$140,425 20/21 (2WD) S7- 58/S0- S7!1l 41.1H2.7 199.8- 205.1/74.9/58.1 4600- 5000 $74,375- $SS,675 24.5 57- 58/49- 57/14 4O.1}-4].7 Cadillac Escalade hybrid $63,445- $85,075 12119 26.0-31.0 2<l2.5n9.0n4J 6050-6350 Cadillac [ualadl' 61{57fHl109 39.0 2025- m.Sfi9.0- 79.1/ 5701Hil$O $39,000-$42,500' wn 25.9 63-64/57/33- 46/ 39.0- 43.0 Chevrolet Sitverado hybrid $21,845- $42,770 26.0-34.0 74.3- 75.4 Chevrolet SiIYefado 12- 15119- 22 11>9- 137 40.4 ' Chevrolel Tahoe hybrid $51,SOO-- $54,500' 21/22 24.5 39.7- 51.2 130.1180.0/73.8- 74.0 5650- 5900 Chevrolel Tahoe 26.0 64il<! 205.6-249.2179.9/716-73.9 4600- 5550 Ford Erupf hybrid $38,230-$~,565 13- 15120- 21 64-65160 39.0 Ford ES(ape 30- 34/27- 31 15.0 39.0 202.0fi9.0/76.9- 77.0 5650- 5850 $25,995- $34,735 18- 22/23- 28 16.5 64/59/33/1 09 36.7 202.0fi9.0/75.9- 77.0 5300- 5850 Ford Fusion hybrid $2 1,240-$27,745 64157- 58133/109 36.7 Ford Fusion 41/36 17.0 375 174.7- 175.1171.1/67.7- 70.0 3700- 3850 GMC Sierra hybrid $27,995 17- 23124-34 16.5- 17.5 54-55/42-44/M 37.5 174.7- 175.1171.1/67.8- 70.2 3350- 3650 GMC Sierra $20,345- $28,755 54-55INAI42- 44/M 4{lA' GMCYukon hybrid 21122 25.9 39.7- 51.2 190.6ml/56.9 3800 GMCYukon $39,500-$42,500' 12- 15119- 22 26.0-34.0 54/45112 189.0- 190.6172.2156.9 3300- 3850 Honda Civic ~rid $21,845- $47,430 54146117 39.0 Honda Civic! IVic 5i 211n 24.5 39.0 230.1180.0173.8- 74.0 5650- 5900 $52,00-$62,00' 13- 15120- 21 26.0 64il<! 205.6-249.2179.9/716-73.9 4600- 5550 Honda Insigllt $38,970-$5M45 12.3 64-65160 3\" 5650- 5850 4{l/45 8.0- 13.2 34.8- 35.4 202.0fi9.0/76.9- 77.0 5300- 5850 lexusG~50h $24,5 10 21-26129- 36 64/59fHl 109 202.0fi9.0/75.9- 77.0 $16,365- $26,050 10.6 64/57- 581331109 36.1 2900 LeluS GS3SOlliS46O 4{l/43 177.3/69.0/56.3 2650- 3000 $20,510- $22,010 17.2 52/39/10 36.7 177.3/69.0/56.5 2700- 2750 Lexus HS250h 2VB 18.8 50- Sl/39/6-12 34.1- 35.4 Lexus LS600hL $57,425 17- 19/24- 26 172.3IM.9/56.2 4200 lexus LS460!L $45,000- S53,470 14.5 50/35/32 37.4 3800- 3950 Lexus RX4S0h 35/34 22.2 39.4 190.0171.7/56.1 3700- 3800 lexus RX350 m,075 201n 22.2 54/43111 35.4- 38.8 190.0171.7/56.1- 56.5 16/23- 24 17.2 54/43/B 5050 Mazda Tribute hybrid $110,000 ' 30-32128 19.2 50f4{l112 37.4 184.8nO.3/593 4350-4950 Maida Tributf $64,680-$73,750 18/24- 25 15.0 40.0 4550-4700 Mercedes-Benz Ml450 BlueHybrid 30- 34/27- 31 16.5 55/52112 202.8173.8/58.1 4200-4350 Mercedes-Benz M-das5/ML63 S42,535- $44,125 18- 22/23- 28 25.1 55/50- 52/16-18 36.7 198.0- 202.8173.8/57.7- $8.1 3700- 3850 $37,675- $39,075 17m' 25.1 36.7 3350- 3650 Mercedes-Benz 5400 BlueH~brid 11- 18/15- 25 57f46180 18ram.2/M3 Mercedes-Benz 5·dass/563 S6S $29,925- $34,195 57/NAl46/80 37.9 187.8/74.2/66.1 5200 Mercury Mariner hybrid $20,840- $29,150 19/26 37.9 4900- 5200 Mercury Mariner 11-15/17- 23 54-55142-44/M 174.7- 175.1171.1/67.7- 70.0 Mercury Milan hybrid $58,000' 30- 34/27- 31 54-551NA/42- 44/66 174.7- 175.1/71.1/67.8- 70.2 48\"4500- 5100 Mercury Milan $46,575- $91,925 18- llI23 - 28 Nissan lltlma hybrid 58155n2 1885176.3/71.5' 3700- 3850 Nissan Altima $88,825 41/36 58/NAl55/72 1881- 189.4/76.3- 77.8/ 3350- 3650 $92,475-$205,025 17- Bl24-34 Toyola Camry hybrid 23.8 54/55120 40.0 71.5- 713 Toyola (amry $30,720-$32,470 35/33 23.8 54155f20 40.0 $23,760-$27,580 20- 23/27- 32 15.0 36.7 206.5173.7/58.0 Toyola Highlander hybrid 16.5 54-55142-44/66 36.7 206.5173.7/58.0 Toyola Highlander S31,3OO Bl34 17.0 54- 55INAI42- 44/M 375 $22,260-$28,880 19- 22/28- 33 16.5- 17.5 37.5 174.7- 175.1/71.1/67.7- 70.0 To laPrius 54/45/12 36.1 174.7- 175.1/71.1/67.8- 70.2 m.$oo 27125 20.0 54146117 36.1-37.4 *eslimated heat area as applicable 17- 20/B- 27 20.0 190.6ml/S6.9 3800 $20,620-$25,220 58/42110 36.1 189.0-190.6172.2156.9 3300- 3850, CAR3r>dDRIVER.(om 51/48 17.2 58142115 36.1 $26,900 18.5 190.7/70.7/58.1 3500 $20,145- $29,795 53- 54/47- 48111 39.0 190.7/70.7/57.9- 58.0 3200- 3400 17.2 53- 54/47-48/15 38.7 $35,500-$41,820 19.2 34.2- 36.0 l89.Inn/57.5 3650 $26,505- $35,320 59- 61152132194 189.2/71.7157.9 3300- 3550 11 .9 59----61153/32{95 22750-$28 020 188.4/75.2169.1 4550- 4650 52142122 188.4/75.2/68.1-69.3 3850-4350 175.6/68.7/58.7 3050- 3200 2010 BUYERS GUIDE

The All-New Nissan Z Roadster SHIFT_tho woy you movoStarting at $36,970. Few things thrill like the full-sensory experience of 332-hp,top-down driving . And thanks to class-exc lusIVe seats- that provide direct heating andcooling comfort, you can enjoy thaI experience often. In spite of what the temperatureoutside says.lookCloser,Nlssan Delivers.For more mformation, visit Nis$ ~ ~ w !h ~ Spor1 f'ad<age .\".,. EIIad< Cheny !'aMI. f'rICetI Mr.maIlOn chatge. Deale< _ ..::tUlI pnce n Z ~ tt. booesI AUfl\"lberof problems Sp.e. .ty Se!!menI, 2010 371lZ Fbadst..- 'IS.<1, 371lZ Roado,-,M lhown, \"'45,170,n..' w...dIAuto.COII\"I ~3'/OZ: .iW.. .M..wSH.\"!N8Id..S0eCplI\"e'<w. 12l0II0o1.11I.oer'IMNanadal,Ioddllptf' lOO ~brCOl\"PlCl plern....... ICNIfIYCft .. tile ~J.D. Po_and A.aoc:N_ 200II Ir,flMOwl1yStudr St...\". ~ on~ ro..80,\"30~ ...................\"'11245 'IIOd*aIId _ _ QljnllMlo11f1f 90 dIIyI aI CWl*ShlJl· ~SI\"\"*f ,....... . . t.ed on G'p.neft';. and perafII.\",. of ownerI ......,ed .. ~~ '2009. 'IbJ..._ may\"'Y V.~ ~00IfI AIwap _row_boll, aM pie-. <Ion'ldtI~k and ....... <'2OO$N....., Narto'>Anwor..a, ~

N,:'00 2010BMW ActiveHybrid X6 Hi,hs:Performance near that Base pri(e: S80,OOO (est) Showing where its priorities lie, BMW has paired its of the nonhybridV-SX6, runs Vehid e type: front-engine, 4-lI1leel-drive; 5-door 4-p.1SSengtftwin-turbo V-8 with a two-mode hybrid syste m co-devel- electric-only up to37mph.oped by itself, GM, and the old DaimlerChrysler. The re- wagonsult: \"The most powerful hybrid vehicle in the world.\" llle Lows:Green slatus and aforce-rest is run-of-the-mill X6, which is to say anything but. fe\l eight-cylinderdon', really InteriorI'Olume,FIR (cuIt), ... 54/44 mix; powerful, yes, but it's expensive. too. GJ rgovolume,>eaBup/mal:im um (eu ft). 26/6(J (est) wbt's new: Introduced for 2010. Whffl lJa>e .. . 115.5 in ae\"tnd tIt whtd: The hybrid Length lwidthlh<i ght 192 ,0/78,1f66,8in X6 promises amore rewarding driving experience than. say, the lumin~ cirde A2 .0 1t Cadillac Escalade hybridwith ClIIbweight .. .......5600 Ib which it shares the two-mode EPA Cityihighway mpg .. .17/19 lechnol~y. Fuel-tankcapocity/range 22.5 (}l1/J83ml EDITORS' RATING POWERTRA1N 0000 tw in-turlxxha rged and intercooled 4.4-liter DOHC32-valve V-8, 400 hp, 450 Ib-It + 177-hp elf'CtriC motor a\~st (CGmbined po'M'r rating, 480 hpl;continuouslyvariableautowith7fixed ratios SUSPENSION F, .ind, uneq ual- length controlarm~ coM <,pri ngs. ant i-rol lbar R• ••• ind, m ult ili n~ , air springs. anti-roll bar SAfETY ..... ..vemed disc/vented diS( !\rakes. rIR .. ABS standard Stability/tracuoo cootrol ..... ..... standam/standard Pa\~V\' JeStra intl . . ,driller andpossenger front side, and curtainaiJbags: tearcurta inaimags N,:'\" 201 0BMW ActiveHybrid 7 Hi,hs: Exquisiteand roomy Bast' pritt': $105,000 (est); l, $1 10,000 (est) interior, d0e5 without amooing Nothing except frugality was overlooked with the new (VT, the best hybrid for burnouts. Vt'hid ~ type: Iront-eng ioe, rear-drive: 4-door 5-posseogerActiveHybrid 7, which offers space, luxury, and speed-plus decent fuel economy- at a stee p price. The engine is Lows:Huge price premium over \"\"\"Interiorvolume, F/RJeargo (cuIt). 57 58/50 57/13shared with the 750i, but it makes more power here; adding nonhybrid1'5 for aminor mMan e lectric motor means 60 mph in less than five seconds. bump, tiny trunk for ahuge car. Whef\"l1Ja>e .. ,120.9-126,4in wilt's nrw: Introduced for 2010. Lengt h/Width/height .199,8-205.3174,9/58,4-58.5 in aekind Ib whtd: Hybrid luming cirde 41.Q-4U ft operation in this electrified 7-series is mostly unobtrusive, ~~c~t~ ~pg:: 4800- 4850Ib Road-blurnng acceleration this 16-17/2H2(estl ain't your fathers hybrid-leads to high-speed serenity, although ruel-tan k(apocity/range , ...... 21.1gcll/33S-359mi(est) wind noise is abit high. POWERTRAIN EDITORS' RATING tw in-turlxxha rged and intercooled 4.4-liter DOff( 32-valV!' 00000 v-a, 440 hp, 480 Ib-It + lO-hp. 155-lb-ft electric motoc assist (combi ned PO'M'r rating. 455 hp. 515 Ib-ft); 8-sp auto with maou matic shifting SUSPE NSION F. ind,mullili nk,coil orair <,pri ngs. ant i·roI lbar R• ind,multilink,coil orair springs. anti-rol lbar SAFETY ..... ..vented disc/vented diS( !\rakes, rIR. . ABS standam Stability/tractioo cootrol ..... ..... stardam/standard p.,JjV€ rest ra ints. ,driver clnd passenger froot, Side, knee.and curtain aimags: rearcurta inaimagsCadillac Escalade Hi,hs:Seamless integration of Bas~ pric~: $74,3 75; 4wd, $76,925; Platinum, $86, 175; 4m! hybrid system, retains impressive Cadillac's hybrid luxury SUV is mechanically the sameas towing ca(Mcity, acceleration, Platinum, $88.675{he hybrid versions ofthe Chevy Tahoe and the GMCYukon .The 6.0-liter V-8 gets E85 fl ex-fue l capability, furtherin g Lows:Expensive, consumes on~ Vehide ty pe: front-engioe. rear- ()( rear/4- wheel-o-iV!'; 5-dOOIthe vehicle's green-ness. Fuel mileage is be tter than the slighdy less fuel.reg ular Escalade 's, but the price premium is pretty high. 8-passengerwagon Wl,t'suw: Introduced for 2009; flex-fuel E85 ca(Mbility and USB Interiorvo lum e, F/M/R(eu ft) ,63/57/B connectivityare newthis year GJ rgovolume,seaBup/maxim um (cu ft). . .1711 09 Bfl ind tb whtll: Drive'S much like the regular Slade.Takeoff Whef\"l oo>e.. . 116.0in from a>top gently, and it will briefly use only electricpower. Length lwidthlhl'ight Xl2.5f79.0f74J in Takes asoft touch 10 get decent fue l economy. Tuming cirde. .. J9,Oft EDITORS' RATING ClIIbweight .. .60S0-63S0 Ib 00000 [PA Cityihighwaympg 20/21(2WD only) Fuel-tankcapocily/range .14.5 g<l1/4'XJ ml (2WD only) POWERTRA1N 6.i)..liter pushrGd 16-valV!' V-8, m hp. 367 1tr-ft +80-hp. 236-lb-ft elfflri( motorasSist (com bined fXlwer rating. m hpj;COIltinuousiy variable auto with 4fixed ratiOS SUSPENSION F, .ind, uneq ual- length co ntrolarm~ coD <,pri ngs. ant i·rol lbar R ... Ji gid axl e, co~ springs. anti·roIl bar SAFETY !\rakes. FIR.. vented diSddisc ABS standam Stability/trclCtioo COOlrol stardam/standard Pa\~V\' restraints . ver and possengerlront and curtain airbags. middleand tearcurta inaimags10 CARaoxlDRIVER,(om 201 0 BUYERSGUIDE

i--i There's only one motor oil thai Porsche considers worthy 01 ils extraordinary new Panamera sports sedan: Mobil 1. Offering excep1ional performance and protection, as proven on both the track and the road, Mobil 1-.- e technology is the perfect choice to keep this incredible vehicfe safe at every turn. Learn more al Mobii D

Chevrolet Silverado/GMC Sierra Hi,hs:Stilltowsup to three tons, Base price: Sil verado, S39,(XXl (est); 4wd; S42,5OO (est)/Siwa, cruises in electric mode up to 30 GM extended its sophisticated two-mode hybrid system $39,500 (est); 4wj,$42,500 (est)to the Silverado and Sierra for 2009, giving its full- size mph, lo\s of GMtruck goodness.pickups the same market exclusivity as its big SUVs. The near-transparent hybridfu nction. Vehlde ty pe: fro nt-etlgifl€, rear- I)I' reJr/4-wheel-(hl'l'; 4-doorhybrid trucks claim a gain of up to 40 percent in city fueleconomy, with little loss in terms of payloads and towing. Lows: Morefuel efficient isn't 5- or 6- pas\ellgl'r rrock thesame as fuel effi Cient, big \"HYBRID\"decals are overdone, big InteriorI'O lume, FIR (cu It), .. .64/60 hybrid price premium. Cl rgo bed, letlgth/widlh/depth ,693/5O,6/21 ,8in Wiat'sntw: Introducedfor 2009; E85 caJ)<lbility for 2010. WheellJase .. . 143.5 in Bekind titwhttl:They drive big Length twidthfhl'ight 230. 1/80,0173.8-74,0 in but are competent, smooth, and Quiet. aside from low-level (VT Tum ingdrde .. ... 40.4 It (est) noise during Jcceleration. ~Pt.bc~~~~~~·~pg .56So-5'XJO Ib EDITORS' RATING .11/21 00000 Fuel-tankcapocity/range 25.9g<l1/544ml POWERTRA1N 6.l)..liter pusll rGd 16-~al\'t'V-8, m hp, 367 1tJ-1t +80-hp, 236- lb-1t electric moto rassiSl (wml)ned power ratill9. m hpj; cootinuously ~ariable auto with 4fixed ratiOS SUSPE NSION F•••••• ioo, uneqllill- Il'rlgthcontrolaml~ cOil sprill9s, anti·roIl bar R . ligidaxle, leafsprill9s, ant i-roll bat SAfETY !\rakes. rfR. . vented diS(fdisc ABS standard Stability/tracuoo cootrol .......... stlooard/standard PaI~V\' JeSlraintl. .. ...rover afld passengl'r ful nt iII1d curtain airbags,rearcurta in aimagsChevrolet Tahoe/GMC Yukon Hi,hs:Rugged chassis, refined Base price: Tahoe, $51,500 (est); 4wd, $54,500 (est)!Yukoo, insideand ou~ attractive styling, GM pioneered the full+si ze hybrid SUV in 2008 and is seamlesshybrid operation $52,lXXl (est); 4wd, $55,000 (est); Deflilli, $59,500; Denair 4wd,the only company currently offering a hybrid in this class.These big trucks combine a 6.0-liter V-8 with two electric Lows:Hefty at thescales, hefty $62,lXXl {esllmotors and a CVT, improving overall mpg by as much as hybrid price premium,snugthird-25 percent. Get the dealer to remove the ridiculous decals. rowseating. stillthirsty. Vehide ty pe: front- f'IlgifM', rear- 1)1' reJr/4-wheel-lii'll'; 5-door Wilt's nrw: Introduced for 2008; 7 8-pa\\eJlget wagon no changes for thisyear. InteriorI'OllJI1le,F/M/R (cu It) 64/59/33 ae.ind tb whtel: Exploiting the hybtid capabilities requires some GJ rgovolume, >l'atsup/maxim um (cu It). ....... 17/109 practice, andspongy brake feel isn't welcome in avehicle this WI\teI base .. ...... 116.0in size.But interior noise levels are low, and ride quality is nice. Length twidthlhl'ight :!o2.0179.0/76.'1-77.0 in EDITORS' RATING Tum ingcilde. . .. 59,01t 00000 ~p\"bc~t~~~·~pg .S6SQ-5850 Ib .11/21 Fuel-tankcapacity/raflge ,. 24.5g<l1/515mi POWERTRA1N 6Mter pulh roo 1 6-~al\'t'V-8, m hp, 367 1b-1t +80-hp, 236-1b-1t electric moto rassiSl (wml)ned power ratill9. m hpj; cootinuously variable auto with 4fixed r,xios SUSPENSION r, .ioo, uneqllill-Ietlgthcontrolarm~ cod sprill9s, ant i-roll bar R• ••••• rigid axle, cOil spriflgs, anti·roIl bar SAFETY !\rakes. rfR. . vented diSc/disc ABS st.3ndard Stability/tracuoo cootrol ......... . Itlooard /stlndard PasJjV€ reSl raints. .roverafld possenger fro nt iII1d cu rtain airba gs, middle and rear curtain aimagsFord Escape/Mercury Mariner/ HI,hs: Class-leading fuel Base price: Escape,m,m $34,735;Tribute, $29,925 $34,195;Mazda Tribute e<onomy, attractiw androomy interior,lots of safety features. Malinl'r, $30,721).. $31,470 Identical in all but cosmetic detail, this trio of hybridSUVs delivers best-in-class fuel efficiency. A new, more Lows: Sluggish accelerationoff Vehide type: fulnt-engine. fronr- or 4-wheel-driV€; 5-doorpowerful 2.S-liter four was added last yem, and brief theline, heavy at thescales,electric+only operation is possible, but performance is still typical hybrid price premium. 5-passengerwagontepid. Like other hybrids, there' s a hefty price premium. Wbt'sntw: RedeSigned for 2008; Interiorl'OlumdlR(cult) , 54 55/42 4412 CARaoxlDRIVER,( om new automatic park system and rearview camera Op\loos' Cl rgo l'O lume, seaBup/maximum (eu It). 28 31/66 Be.ind tb whttl:like Toyota's Whl'l'ibase.. .... 103,1in Prius, these SUVs can run on ele<uicpoweronly, but it's a Length/Width/htoight .174.7-175,1/71 ,1167.7-70,0in challenge. They'reeconomical but not very enjoyable todrive. Tum ingcirde 36.7 It EDITORS' RATING C[PuArbCwitydlghhigth~ay'~pg 3700-3850 Ib 30-34/27-31 00000 ruel-tankCap.lCity/raJ\ge , .......... 15.0g<ltf450-510mi POWERTRA1N 2.5-liter DOOC 16-valve inli nH, 153hp, 136 1b-1t + 94-hp electric motor asSist (combined power rating, 177 hpj;contin oousiy ~ariabl e auto SUSPENSION F. ,ioo,struts. coB <,prings, anti-rol lbar R .ind, mu ltilin k,coil springs, anti-roll bar SAfETY !\r.3kes, FIR. '/CfIted disc/m ABS.. ... stlndard Stability/traction control ............. stl ooard/standard Passive reSlraints. dril't'f andpossengerfrom, side, an d cuminalmags; rearcurtain atmags 2010 BUVERSGUIDE

•Comparison T~st lOBes! Winner ... WinnerFord Fusion/Mercury Milan Ba~ prlte: Fu~OIl. $27,995: Milan, $31,300 Hiyhs: Refined powenrain, Ford's updated hybrid powertrain, first seen in the Es- excellent gas mileage, fun to Vehide type; front-engi ne, fronr-drive; 4-door 5-passengercape and Mariner SUVs, is really well-matched to the up- dri ~e. clewr man-machinedated-for-20 10 Fusion and Milan. So well, in fact, that the interface. \"\"'\"Inrl'fior lUIume, F/R/wgo (eu It). ...... 54/45/11Fusion hybrid finished first in a comparison test, with 34mpg overall, and was named to our IOBest Cars list. Wheelbase .. . ...... 107.4 in length/wic!t h/heiljlt ,1 90 .6/72.2156 ,9 in Lows:Transmission surges on the Tu rningcircle ........ ,37.Str highway. intrusive engine noise. Curb wetghl. ...... . J800 lb Wh,t'sJleW: Introducedfor 2010. EPA CityfhighwaymfXj .. .............. 41136 leJriJ.d linie!):Ahybridthat 17,Oga1!697m i requires linle sacrifice and can rlIEl-ta n! CJPacity/rang€ .. PQWERTRAIN IS-liter DOff( 16-vJlve inline-4, 156 ~, 136 Ib-It + l06-hp dectn cmotor as;iSt (comb ned 1Xlwr\"r rat ing,191 hpj; (OIltinuO\)~y vari ableauto tie fun to hustle, thankstogood SUSPENSION ind, eOlltroi anm, coil~i ngs, ami-roll ba r steering and asupple chassis. F. ..... ind,multil irt, coil\jlI ings,anti- re ll ba r The customizable high-res gauge R• cluster makes tracking yourfuel economy fun. SAFETY EDITORS' RATING Ara~(1,f IR, vented tisc/disc 00000 ASS. Slandard Stability/tracnon eontrel . standard/standa rd Passive restraint>. . .... dri'll\"r andpaS5l\"rlgedron~ Side, !nee ldnveronly), and curtain elirbags; rear cu rtain elirbJgsHonda Civic Hiyhs:Slick Civicstyling,long list Ba~ prlte: $24,510 of features, quiet at all speeds, V@hid@ type: from-engi ne, front-drive; 4-door 5-passenger Though it's ec lipsed by Honda's new Insight hybrid, this simplehybrid technology, highCivic still represents a good way to achieve 40-mpg fuel fuel-economy ratings. \"\"'\"Iml'fior lUIume, F/Rlwgo(eu It). ...... 51139/10efficiency at a reasonable cost. Refreshed las.t year with ........... 106J innew lights and bumpers, the Civic hybrid offers a range of Lows:Pricey compared withother Wheelbase ..options from bare bones to leather and navigation. Civics, electricmotor assist has leng!h/widt h/heiljlt ,1 77.3/69.0/56,3 in limited duration, lu rningcircle J4 .8ft Curbweighr. whifsJleW: Redesigned for 2006; EPA Cityfhighway mfXj .. ........:1900 Ib no changes for 2010. . ......... 40/45 rlIEl-ta n! capacity/rang€ .. 'elriad liewieeJ:It deliversthe 11,3 gell/4g] mi same eager feel that distinguishes other (ivies, andthe electric PQWERTRAIN motor assist works well,but it's not the right ride if you'rein haste. 1.3-lner SOOC8-valve inline-4, 93 hp, 89 lb-1t + lO-hp, 76-lb-ft EDITORS' RAT ING dean emotoras>ist (eombned 1Xlwr\"r rati ng,110 hpj; (onllnuou~y 00000 ~elri elbleau!o SUSPENSION ..... ind, struts, coil~i ng~ ami- re ll bo r F•• ..ind, muttil irt, roi l~i ng~ ami- re ll bo r R• SAFfTY Arak(1,fIR , ,vented disc/chim ASS. standard Stabdity/tractlon (ontrel . standard/standa rd PasSiI'€ restrelin~ , ...dri'll\"r andpassenger froot Side, and curtelin elirbogs; reelr cu rtain elirbJgs COmpilnSOn Test ... WinnnHonda Insight Hiyhs: Taut handing, impressive Bast! prite: LX, Sl{),510; tx, Sn010 mpg, great front seats, hushed Eager to secure some Toyota Prius- like success, Honda intetior, plenty of dashboard Vehid@ type: front-engi ne, fro nt- drive; 5-door 5-passengerrevived the Insight name for this new-for-2010 five-door. graphics to follow,nice price.Its hybrid technology and mileage ratings can't match hatchbackthose of the Prius, but the price is a couple grand cheaper Lows:Not assophisticated asand it 's much more satisfying to drive. Ihe Prius, tiny back seat, limited Interior lUIu me, f/R .50/35 rea r view.2010 BUYERSGUtDE Glr90 volum e, seats up/maxi mum (cuft) 16/32 WhafsleW: Introducedfor2010. Wheelbase .. . ...... 100.4 in 'elriad liewieeJ:Useslhe l.3-liter powerlrain from the lrn gth/width/heiljlt ,172J/fJJ.7/SfJ ,2in Civic hybrid.Thankfully, il still dri ves like aHonda, with tight Tu rningcircle ........ ,36,ltr suspension motions and well- connected steering. Curbwetght .2700-mO lb EDITORS' RATING EPAcityfhwympg , ......... 40/43 0000 FlIEl-ta n! capacitylrang€ .. .... lQ,6gal/424mi PQWERTRAIN 1 ,3-I ~er SOOC 8-~elll'€ inline-4. 88 hp, 8S Ib-ft + 13-h p, 58-l b-tr dean emotor assist (com bined power rati ng. 9S hpj; (oollnuou~y vari aoleauto, (Qntin uous~ variableauto....ith manumatk shiftin g SUSPENSION f. .ind, SlrutS, coi l~i ngs, ami-re ll bo r R• .......... ind, trailing arms,coilsprings SAFETY Bra~es.F/R , ,vented diIC/lium ASS .. .. ...... Slandard Stabdity/t ractiOIl control..... .... ,stJndard (select modE ls)/ Slelnd.Jrd (select mooel,) ...driver andpaS'it'flger front Side, and curtain airbogs; rearcurtain ilirbags 13

Lexus GS4S0h Hi'Jhs:Lexu> quality, luxurious Base pri(e: $57,425 interior, ahighway inhaler with Novel, expensive, and sure to be rare, the gasoline- class-beating fuel ewnomy. Vehide type: fronH'ngifle. rear-dri ve; 4-door 5-p.1SS€ngtfelectric hybrid GS450h is al so heavy, insulated, and not assmooth or sporting as the all-gasoli ne GS. Fuel efficiency is Lows:Numb steering. hybrid \"\"\"Intenorl'Olume, FlRJcargo (cu h). .54/43/11commendably improved, but it function s best as a high·tech operation isherky-jerky, price\! forand luxurious conversation starter at the country club. people who don', ask the price. Whl'eI oo\e .. .1 1U in wilt's new:Introduced for 2007; Length /Width/ht'i ght 190.0171 .7/56.1in it has anew grillefor 2010. Tuming Circle .. ...36.7 1'1 ae\"tnd tIt whtd: Agreat technology lab, the GS is also Cllfbwdght .4lQO lb saddled with hundreds ofextra EPA City/highway mpg ....... .22125 pounds aimed by deadsteering. Fuel -taokCap.1city /Jange . 17.2 Serenityis lost tothe hybrid POWERTRAIN system's endless cycling. 15-liter DOHC 14-~all'!' V-6,19l hp, 167 1b-h + 197-h p, :!03-I b-ft EDITORS' RATING electricmoto rassist (wmbioed power rating,34{) hpj;cootinuousiy 00000 variabl eauto SUSPENSION F .ind, unl'q IJaI-l ength controlarrn~ cod spring~ ant i-rol lbar R .in d, multil ink, coft spring~ ant i -r~ 1 bar SAFETY Brakes. FIR. . ... .........vented dis(/VI'Ilted diS( ABS. . standard Stability/traction cOIltroi stl ooard/sta mla rd Pas>ive restra ints. dril'!'randpassenger !root,side,knee, aodcurtain airbag;; rea rside iII1d curta in aimags ',:''' Z010Lexus HS2S0h HI,hs: Best mpg ofanyluxury Base pri(e: $35,075 car, opulent interiorwithloads of The first hybrid-only lUXUry car, the HS250h is a com- features, lexus dealer experience. Vehide type: fro nt-engfle, front-oove; 4-tblr S- passengerpact fi ve-seater using the powenrain from the Camry hybrid.With a 2A-liter four-cy li nder and a Prius-style transmis- Lows:Way, way heavier than a \"\"\"InteriorI'Olume,FfR/cargo (cu 1'1) . .. .50/40/12sion, it's opulent but not quick or particularly fun to drive. Prius; numb and dumb on theThink Prius with a Lexus badge and a $5000 premium. road; abudget car underneath. Wlu'eloo \e _ 11)j3 in Wiat'snew: Introduced for 2010. Length /Width/hl'ight 184,81703/593 in Ifiind tit wheel: lexus hybrids TumingCircle. . . J 7 ,4ft arenot heart-rate raisers, and this one is no exception. Robotic Curb weight . .3700-3&10 Ib steeringand brakes make ita snooze10 drive.TheHSis strictly EPA city/highwaympg _35/34 for folks who Just have 10 have thelexus of Priuses. Fuel-tankcdp.lcitY/JilJlge , 14.5gal/50S ml EDITORS' RATING POWfRTRA1N 2.4-liter DOHC 16-~alve inli ne-4. 147 hp, 138 Ib-ft + 141-hp, 199- 000 Ib-ft electric a\~>t (coml::i ned power rat ing. 187 hpj; cootinuousiy variabl eauto SUSPENSION ,ind, strut~ cod springs. .nti-roI lbar r. R ,i nd. tJail ingarrn~ (O~ springs. ant i-rol lbar SAFETY Brakes, FIR.. vented dtcJdisc ABS.. ... standard St.Oility/traction cont~ ..... ..... sta ooard/standard Ptl)sive restra ints _ ,dril't'f dnd p.lSsenger front, side, knee, iII1d curta in alJbilgs; rearside and curtain almagsLexus LS600hL Hi'Jhs:As tound i ng~ smoothand Base pri(e: S110,(00 (est) hushed ride, five -starinterior, A mild styling change for 2010 puts a fresh face on this high-tech hybrid powertrain. Vehide type: front-engine. 4-vmeel-drive; 4-door 4-5-low-volume, high-tech limo. At more than 5000 pounds,th is 43S-hp, all-wheel-drive gas-electric hybrid is rated at Lows:2.5 tons of non-fu n, p.1SS€ngersediln20 mpg (city) and can hit 60 mph in 5.4 seconds. It's a V-8 suspension and steering notfreeway bolide with V- 12 power and a si x-digit price. tuned for passionate drivers. InteriorI'O lum e, FIRJcargo (cu h) . ,5S/5l/U Will'snew:Introduced in2008; Whl'eI OO\e .. . 121.7in receives amild restyle for 2010_ Length /Widthlhf'i ght ,202 ,8173.8!S8Jin Beiind tie wheel: The loudest sound isthe ticking of your Patek Tunt ing Circle .. ...39,41'1 Philippe as the lS600hLwafts forwa rd_It lips in astraight line Cllfbwdght _5050 Ib but is too soft for curvy-road fu n, EPA cityihighwaympg A21st-century airport limo. ... 20m Fuel-taokCap.1citY/Jange , 22.2 mi EDITORS' RATING POWERTRAIN 00000 S_O--liter OOHC 3l-~31 1'!' V-8, 389 hp, 385 Ib-ft + nl-hp electric rootor assist (combi ned ~wer rating. 438 hpj;cOlltinoously ~ariabl e auto SUSPENSION f ind, mult ili nk,air spring~ ant i-rol lbar R ind, mult ili nk,air spri ng~ ant i-r~ 1 bar SAFETY Brakes, FIR. . ... .........vented dis(/'II'Ilted diS( ABS.. standard Stability/traction cOlltroi stl ooard/sta nda rd Ptl)sive restra ints _ driver andpassenger !root,lide,knee, and curtain allb3gs; fear~ de (opt) and curta in aimags14 CARaoxlDRIVER,(om 2010 BUYERS GUIOE

\",:''' l010Lexus RX4S0h Hl,hs:Cushy ride, good fuel Base price: $42,535;4wd,$44,125 mileage, polished look inside and The original hybrid luxury SUV is rede signed for 2010, out, improved power delivery. Vehide typt!: froot-engine, Iroot- 1)1\" 4--Ml l'E'I-dri\'e; 5-doo rand fuel economy is up despite a massive weight gain and 5-paslenger wogoomore power. New interior and exterior styling update the lows:Pricey, driving experience islook, butthe RX remains instantly recognizable. Powertrain asnoozefest. Interior '/OIume, FIR(cuft).. ............. .57/46improvements make this hybrid better to dri ve. What'suw: Redesigned for 2010. cargov~um e. \eatsu p/maxim um (cuft) ........... .40/80 .ehitd linief); Thisgas- Wneelb.J\e . 107.9in electricis fa rbetter to drive than before The jumpythrottleand L l·tHlthlwi dt h / h e i ~t 187.8/74.1/663 in grabby brakes of the last model are gone infavor of controls that Turning Circle ............ .37.4ft feel more conventional. lmerplay I:tetween gas and electricpower is Cu mweight. ..... .......4550-4700 lb greatlysmoothed out, too. EPAeitylhigliway mM 30-32/18 EDITORS' RATING filet-to nk cop<l(ity/range 1n gaI/516-550 mi 00000 POWERTRAIN i s-literDOlI( 24-valv~V-6, 245 hp,134 Ib-ft + 167-hpand 67-hp (f.WD only) eit'CtriC motor~~\" (ccm bi ned power rat ing,295 hp); eootinuous/y variablealJlO SUSPENSION ..... ind,Slrut\" COi l~i ng~ anti-roll b.J r r.. R• .. ind,mullilirt,COil>j)'ings,anti-roll b.J r SAFETY Bra~es, FIR Vl'IltOO dsc/disc ABS.. .... Slaoda rd Stability/traction cootrol. .standard/Slaoda rd Pas~1'€ restraint> , dri\'et clndpdlSffifj€ rfroot,Side,knee, aoo curtain airruqs;[('clrcu rtain aimago; \",:''' l010Mercedes-Benz ML4S0 BlueHybrid Hi,hs: Improved fuel economy, Base price: SS8,OO) (~I) littleto no lossin performance, Vehide type: froot-l'flglne, 4-II'heeI-drivt; S-door 5-passtnget The ML450 utilizes the hybrid system co-developed by as refinedto drive andluxuriousGM , BMW, and the old DaimlerChrysler. A gas V-6 and inside as otherMLs, wagon Imerurmume,fi R(eu h)two electric motors combine to put out a V-S- like 335 lows:Price,the diesel ML offers 58/55horsepower, and Mercedes claims a fuel-economy improve- superiorfuel economy. Cargovolume,IM, up/maximum (eu h)ment of 30 percent compared with the V+8 ML550. 'Em Whit'sHew: Introduced for 2010. Wheelbase , . 114.7 in 'thitd lie wite): The gas leogth/wldth/height 188.51763/71.5 in(~t) engine shutsoff al stoplighls, Turni ng Circle . .. .37.9 fi and the ML4S0cancreep away (u rb wel(j ht from astop using onlytheelectric .5200 Ib motors.The gasengine and the EPA(~yfhighway mpg .. electricmOlors worKtogelherin 1 7m (~I) aseamless manner, Foo lankcap.3eity/ratlqt , 25.1901/427 mi EDITORS' RATING POWERTRAIN 0000 3.S liter DOHC24-vall'€ V·6, 268 hp ((,51), 258 lb-h (es1) + 80 hp (est), 236--Ib-/t (est) elearle motor a,';Ilt (eomblJloo power ming, 335hp); [0Il1lnuoo~ y variabl eautowith 7fixed ratios SUSPENSION F.. .... ,illd, unequa l-length(onlr~ anm, air,pring), anli-roIlba r R .ind, multillnl,air,prings, anti-rollba r SAFETY Bra~es, rIR , ...... ..vented di>C!venled disc 1)1\" di)( ASS. Slaoda rd Stability/traction (ootrol standardfSlaoda rd PasSive restraint; ,.. .. driver andpdS>enfj€ rfroo~ Side, knee, clod curtclin clirrugo;; feclrcu rlainaimago; \",:'cr l010Mercedes-Benz S400 BlueHybrid Hi,hs:Seventeen-percent more Base price: S88,825 economicalthananSSSO, as Vehide type: front-engine, t€af-drive; 4-doo r 5-passenger The S400 BlueHybrid is a mild hybrid, so its small , luxurious as any olher S-dass,electric Illotor and lithium-ion batteries are called upon seamless stop/start funct ion. \"\"'\"Imeriorvolume, f/Rlwgo(eu h) .54 /55flOonly for accelerative punch and to run the accessories . Hy- ....... 124.6inbrid operation is largely transparent, and, unusual for a gas- lows:(an't run on electricity Wneelb.Jse ..electric, it's the least-expensive car in the S-class lineup. alone,lypical hybrid-ybrakefeel, slower Ihan the SSSO. Ll'flgthl....idt hlhei~t . . ,\"&6.5173.7/58,0in What'snw: Introducedfor2010. Tu rningcircle . . . . . . . . .4O ,Oft .ehitd linief): It's an Cu mw ght .4lJ50 Ib S-class through and through, albeitaslower one, which EPA eitylhighway mM ......... 19/26 means asuppleride, sybaritic appointments, andlots of FlM'I-ta nk capacitylrange .. .... 23.8ga1/452 mi gadgels and safety technology, POWERTRAIN EDITORS' RATING J 5-liter DOHC 24-vatve Hi, 275 hp, 258 Ib-h + 2{)- hp, 118-lb-/t 0000 elecu;c motor a,'iist (com bined power rating. 195 hp); 7-sp auto ....ithmanu matic shifting SUSPENSION F. .ind,multilirt, COi l~i ngs, ami-roll ru r R .ind, multilirt,coil~i ngs, ami-ro ll ru r SAFETY Blakes,FIR , ,vented disc/vented di)( ASS. Slanda rd Stabnity/tr<l(Uon (ootrol standardfSlanda rd PasSiI'€ restraint;........dw andpdS>t'llg€l froo~ Side,and curtain airbags; rear~dI' aodcurtain aimags2010 BUYERS GUIDE 15

Nissa n Alti rna Hi,hs: Fueleconomy, e>:Celien! Base pri(e: S27,SOO (VT manumaticfunction. the way This is Nissan 's first hybrid, but it's offered only in the Vehide type: Wo nt-t'Ilg lle. froot-O'il'{'; 4-cIoo r 5-p.1SSengtfnine states that have California emissions standards. It uses it doesn't offend anyone.Toyota's hybrid system under license, with a 2.5-1iter, four- \"\"\"Imenorl'Olume, F/RJcargo (cu h). .58/42/1 0cylinder gas engine and an electric motor. The motor also Lows: Bland, slow. reduced trunk . 101.3 inserves as a generator to recharge the system batteries. wact', hybrid price premium, Whl'eI OOIe .. limite\! availability. Length /Width/ht'i ght 190.7{70.7/SSJin Wilt's new: Introduced for 2007; no majorchanges for 2010. TumingCircle .. . ..36.11'1 ae\"tnd tIt whtd: Shuts off the Cllfbwdght .3500 Ib engine at stoplights and can drive on electric-only power. EPA City/highway mpg ........ l5IH Unlike most hybrids,it acts pretty normal and isactual~ slightly Fuel -tankcapacity /lange. 2O.0 g.a1{700mi sporty compared withrivals. POWERTRAIN EDITORS' RATING 2.5-liter OOHC 16-~alw inhne-4, 158 hp, 162 Ib-ft + 141-hp, 00000 19~- l b -ft el ~tric motor a\~1t (combi ned pO.'\" riJtin9, 198 hpj; cootin uOlJs/y variable auto SUSPENSION f ind, strut~ codspring~ anti-rol loor R .in d, multilink,coft spring~ anti -roHbar SAfETY vented diS<\"/diS( !\rak6. r/R. . ABS standard Stability/tracuoo cootrol ..... ..... stlndaJd/standard Pa\~ve restraints . . .dri l'et\" andpassenger Iroot side,iII1d curtainairbags: rear curtain aimagsToyota (arnry Hi,hs: DriVl's likearegular car, Base prite: $26,900 550 milf'5 on atank ofgas, easy In the Camry hybrid, a 2.4-liter four-cylinder mates to wheel alDund, comfo rtable. Vehid~ type: fro nt-en9 ine, Iroot-oo'/('; 4-cIoor 5-p.lssen9l'1\"to a continuously variable transmission with two electricmotors. A smaller trunk and a roughly $3000 premium are Lows: bpensive, smaller trunk. \"\"\"InteriorI'Olume, F/RJcargo (cu 1'1). 53 54/47 48/11the only trade-oils. We saw fuel economy in the low- 30sbut achieved higher numbers with the Ford Fusion hybrid. Wiat's ntw: Introduced for 2007; W\"heeI OO Ie .. .. .. 109.3 in 2010 models gel refresherl st0ing and minorinterior tweaks. Lengt h/Width/height 189.2171 .7/57.5 in ae\"ind Ib whtd: Adifferent lumingcirde J6.1fi instrument cluster gives instantaneousmileage. Figure ~~c~t~~ay·mpg ..3650 Ib low-30s for regulardrMng. ... ... 13/l4 Regularly mat the throttle-this car isquite quick-and mileage r~eI-tan k Cclp.l(iry/rclnge . 17.1gal/568mi plummetsinto the 20s. POWERTRAIN EDITORS' RATING H -Iner DOHC16-valve inline-4, 147 hp, 138 Ib-ft + 141-hp. 00000 199-lb-fi ell'Ctric motor al~Sl: (combined !Xlwer rating. 187 hpj; cootin UOlJs/y variable auto SUSPENSION f. ·ind, strut~ cod spri ng~ anti -rol lbar R .in d, multilink. coa spring~ anti -rol lbar SAfETY !\rakes. F/R.. vented disddil( ABS .. standaJd Stobilityltraclloo cootrol StlMaJd/standaJd PaIli've restraintl . driver andpaslffiger front, side, knee (driver only).and curta in clirbags: rearcurtain airbagsToyota Highlander Hi,hs: Beuer mpg, comfort Bas~ prite: $35,500: Uml1ed, $41,820 and convenience ofl he regular Restyled for '08, thi s hybrid carries over its gasoline- Vehid~ type: !root-engine, 4-Mll'rI-drive; 5-0001 5-7-electric powertrain- and everything else- unchanged. H~hlander.Outside of the hybrid bits and badges, this is just a high- passengerwagonend Highlander, which means interior versatility, carlike Lows: Heavy, a$5650 premium,refinement, and a spacious cabin, albeit at extra cost. only the sharp-eyed notice that InteriorI'O lum e. F/M/R (eu It) 59 - 61/5 2/32 it's a hybrid. GJ rgo l'O lume,lI'ats up/maJ:im um (eu It) . 10 42/94 Wilt'S ntw: Redesigned for 2008; unchanged in 2010 W\"heeI OO Ie .. .109.8in Bflind tbwhttl: The hybrid Length /Width/hl'ight Igs.4{75.2169.3 in systemworks diligentlyand efficiently as it hums down the Tumin gcirde. . . .39.0 ft road. Not many thrills except the jOy from passing gas stations. ~~C~~~~h~·ay·mpg .4550-4650 Ib Standard four-wheel drive a ~us. ... 27/25 EDITORS' RATING Fuel -tankcap.lci tY/ lilnge. 17.1gal/4M mr 00000 POWERTRAIN l 3-liter DOHC 24-valve V-6.209 hp. 2121b-ft + 167-hp. 247-Ib-ft and 58-hp, 96-l b-f1 ell'Ctric motor aSIlSl (cOOl bined poI'Ier IiItin(). 270 hpj; (()[ltinuous/y variable iJU to SUSPENSION f. ·ind ostrut~ coB spring~ anti -rol lbar R ·ind ostrut~ cod spri ng~ clnti-roI loor SAFETY Srakes, FIR.. vented diSc/diS( ABS .. standaJd Stabilityltroctioo cootrol stlndaJd/standaJd Paslive restraintl. driver andpassengerfront, side, knee (driver only).and curtainairbags: middle and rear curtain aimags16 CARaoxlDRIVER.(om 2010 BUVERS GUIDE

\",: 1\" 2010Toyota Prius Hi,hs: Engine remains silky at Base price: II,$12,750; III,sn)5O; IV, S26,5SO;V, SZ8,Ol() max revs, rides like an old Town In our hands, this new Prius returned an observed 42 Car.dead quietat any speed. Vehide type: frolll-engi ne, trc nt-driVl.'; S-door S-passeng<Crrnpg, four better than the latest Honda Insight. Bm it' s nofun to drive, and it seems intentional, what with aggressive Lows:No semblance of handling, \'logonstability control that can't be turned off. Unless mileage is too much body roll, steering soeverything 10 you, be sure to sample the Insight first. vague Y'lu'li forge! what day it is. Intl'lior 'IOIume, f1R/c.Jfgo (eu It) .511411ll what'SlI!W: Redesigned for 2010. Wheelba'it' .. ..... .. 1(l63 in lehlId l.tWIte!; At firS\.lhe Ll'Ilgthl....idthlheigJt . . ,175.6/f},.7/58.7 in ~us is charming because. like Mel forme. it's velvety and Turningeircle ... 34,1-.l6,Ofl smoothin all its moves. After aboutan hour, however, you Curbwght .3050-3200 Ib realize you're not part of the driving experience, EPA eitylhwympg, ..... ... .51/48 EDITORS' RATING Fuel-tank eapiKitylranqe .. ... . 11,9gal/607mi 0000 POWERTRAIN 1,g-lilerOOHC 16-vclll'e inline-4, 98 hp, 105 1b-1t + 8O-hp elE(tri( motor as~sl (cOOlbined Ill\'ler rallog. 134 hpj;continuousJy variab le ow SUSPENSION r.. ..... ind, SIMs, COil>PIings, anti-roll bar R .ind, trailing arms. roil springs SAFETY Brakes,FIR , .. .vented (h e/diS( ASS.. .... Slandard Stclbnity/triKllOO wntrol standard/Slandard P.r;sive restraints, .. dri'll'l and passenger froo~ side, knee (dri'll'r only),and curtain airbags; fl'ar curtain airbagsCAR-DEALER TRICKS TO WATCH FORNot all car dealerships are unscrupulous. afford, and you tack on another 50 b ucks. the lot u nti l all the paperwork is fil led outBut there is a simple reaso n so many In you r mi nd, you were theorizing, but c o m p letely,people dread buying a new car: The to the salesman, you just committedpotential fo r ri p-off is astronom ica l, and to a $500 minimum monthly payment. RANSOMING YOUR CHECKcom mon practices have often j ustified Instead, when asked how much you ca n You'll negotiate a price, and theconsumers' fears. If you catch a whi ff of pay each month, say t hat you wil l not sa lesma n will leave to get app roval fromany of t he scams below, be on the alert. discuss monthly payments and only wa nt t he sa les manager, pa inti ng himself as to ta lk p urchase price. you r ally and the manager as a commonJUGGLING THE FOURSQUARE enemy, Be wary if asked for a chec k toTh is isn't really a trick, but awareness FHS AND EXTRAS p rove to the manager you are is im portant. During negotiations, Delivery charges, t itling fees, and other Sometimes your offer wil l be rejected,the salesperson may use a \"foursquare\" closing costs are inevitable extras. but your check won't be returned rightworksheet to figu re out the terms of the But most fees or extra-cost items are away- it's been \"misplaced\" or somedeal, record ing pu rchase p rice, down inflated or altogether unnecessary. simila r nonsense. Now they have yourpayment. monthly payments, and trade- Negotiate fees down, or outrig ht refuse money, and you fee l p ressured toin value. He wi ll fi ll in t he sheet as you to pay them. Deny ext ras offered by concede to their terms. Remembe r thatta lk, working the dea l like a shell game. If the finance and insurance manager; you ca n always wal k away and ca ncelyou seem preoccupied with a fair trade- particu larly egregious are paint and the check later,in, he m ight g ive you a good p rice for fa b ric protection- essentia lly wax andthat and then nudge u p the pu rchase 5cotchgard for w hich dealersh ips often LYING ABOUT YOURprice. Focus on one ite m at a time and be ch.:Hge hund reds of dollars. CREDIT SCOREcom fortable with each aspect. In addition to shopping around fo r INTEREST-RATE BUMPING finanCi ng, you shou ld learn you r creditPROFITING FROM REBATES You should always shop fo r finanCi ng score before you go to a dea lershi p.Don't let a dealer tel l you tha t you are before you head to the dealership, Maybe Many of the best offers to be had ongetti ng a good deal because of a rebate; you 'll get a better rate; maybe you'l l Just new cars are contingent on the buye rrebates come from the maker and usually get a better idea of what rate you qualify having qualifying credit, and dea lersh ipsapply regardless of the p urchase price. fOLlt's not uncommon for the dealership have been occaSional ly known to lie toNegotiate as if there are no rebates. Also, to secure financing for you at o ne APR customers about thei r credit scores andmake sure rebates are deducted from t he but offer you a rate one percentage poi nt t he financing for w hich they qualify. higher-and then pocket t he d ifference.purchase price. If you allow a check to be MISPLACING TRADE-IN KEYS ALTERING THE BILL OF SALE If you are think ing of trading in your oldmai led to you after the sale, you pay tax Never sig n a bil l of sale with bla nks ca r when you buy a new one, someoneand interest on the rebate. Never let an or terms that are'subject to ban k m ig ht borrow your keys to evaluate yourincentive like a low APRor a rebate rush approval\"or have similar wording. Some ri de. If negotiations stal l and you try toyou into a purchase; if there's an incentive dealerships w ill let you sig n suc h a leave, you mig ht find that your keys haveon a car today, odds are there wi ll be document, only to ca ll later to say that been \"misplaced \"in order to prevent youlater, too. the loan fell through and you need to from leaving and entice you to ma ke a return to sig n new paperwork, w hich deal you aren't comfortable with , If youINFLATING PAYMENTS just happens to cost you more than the bring two sets of keys with you, this won'tA salesperson asks how m uch you are negotiated price. Never d rive your car off be a p roblem,wil ling to pay, and you t hrow out, say,$450. He asks how much more you could2010 BUYERS GUIDE 17

CONVERTIBLES $286,400 11- 12117- 18' 20.5 50/ 18/7 39.4 185.9/75.0/50.4 4050 $199,620 11- 13/17- 20 21.1 50/ 18/7Auon Manin D89VoIanit $1l6,SOO 12- 14119-20 21.1 52/NA/ll 39.4 185.5173.8/50.0 4100--4200Aston Martin Y-8 Vantage $42,825- $59,075 17- 23126-30 16.9- 17.1 52132111- 13 $41,625- $49,725 14.5- 15.9 48INAl9 36.5 172.4173.4/49.4 3800Alldi A5I55 21129 25.4 53/NA/11AlldiTTfTT5 $370,095 9/15 23.8 5413619 37.4 182.1m.0/54.4 3900--4250Bentley Azure T $207,795- $237,695 10/17 16.6 5113319Bentley Continental GTC 13-14{20 18.5 52130!11 36.0 164.5- 165.3/7H/53.1-53.5 3350- 3450BMWMl $69,025 11 /17 '4.5 SIINA/8BMWM6 $111,725 17- 19124- 29 16.1 5113319 40.4 212.6174.8f58) 6000BMWl4 $46,575- $52,475 13- 18110-27 18.5 52130f11 - 12BMW3-seri es $45,375- $51,525 11- 15/17- 23 26.4 50INAf l 37.4 189.1175.9/~.6 - 55.0 5600 8/14 18.0 52fNAf8- 11BMW6·series $87,425 15- 16125- 26 38.4 181.Sn1.0{54.8 4150Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport $2,200,000 16.0 48INAf7(IInro1et (orvette/Grand S])Ort $54,530- $59,530 13m 20.6 52/23/8-12 41.0 191.81710{54.2 4400 13/19 16.0 53128110 14-18122- 26 20.0 54/25110 35.1 166.9170.5{SO.8 3300- 3550 16-17n4- 25 16.1 51/1917- 10 15- 16/22 21.1 36.1 180.6170.2f54.5 3800-4150 12- 13120 26.4 49INAf4 9- 10/14-16 19.8 491NAf6 37.4 190.21710/54.1 4300 16/23 10.6 50125/9 20- 21n6-27 19.8 46INAf4 39.3 175.7178.7/45.1-47.4 4750 11/19' 21.1 51/29/6' 11- 13118- 21 18.5 51/NA/l0 39.0 174.6-175.6172.6-75.91 3300 14- 19122- 26 49/NA/ll 48.7- 49.0 16.9Dodge Viper 5RTlO $89,000' 19- 20{.16-19 16.9- 17.7 48/N,lJ l 0 40.5 175.6175.2/47.6 3450Fenari California $197,350 15- 19124-27' 471 1614Ford Shelby GT500 21.1 NA 179.6174.9/51.5 4150Infinhi G37 553,175 11/18 16.4 54/40/11JaguarXK/XKR $44,800' 19- 20m- 19 53 kWh 51/31/8- 12 37.7 1&8.2173.9/56.1 4000Lamborghinl Gallardo lP561H $89,000- $102,000lamborghini Murdelago lP640 $226)00 ' NA 46IN,lJ4 36.1 183.3172.9/55.1 4100- 4150lexus 5(00 $390,000 ' 35.8 1&8.7174.5/52.3 3900- 4100lolUS Elise 568380Maserati GranTurismo $48,375- $56,115 37.7 171.1174.8/46.6 3800Mercedes-Benz sl·dass/Sl6J/Sl6SMercedes-Benz slK·dass/SlKSS $150,OI:XI' 41.2 181.5181.0/44.7 4100 5102,0I:XI- $2OO,OClO' 36.7 178.5172.0/53.1 39M $47,775- $67,525 32.8 149.0167.7/44.0 2000- 2050 NA 192.2175.4/513 4400 37.9 178.5171.5/51.0 4250-4700 34.5 161.5170.4- 70.6/ 3250- 3500 50.7- 51.1Ponelle Bonter 548,550- 558,950 35.8 172.1/70.9/50.9 2950- 3050Ponelle 91 1CabrioletfTurbo Cabriolet 589,750- $144,750 36.0 17S1- 176Jfi1.2- 72.9/ 3300- 3750 511- 51.6RolIs·Royce PI1antom Dropllead Coupe $.wg,ooo 43.0 220.8n8.2/62.2 5800saab 9-J $45,500' - $48,500Tesla Roadster $110,950- $130,450 39.0 181.4169.3/56.4 3550- 3900 I 36.7 155.4/68.0/44.4 2750(hrysler Sebring $28,590- $35,445 16-20{.16-19 16.9 54/34- 35/13 36.5 193.8171.5/58.5 3750-4100 $26,845- $33,845 14- 18122- 26 16.0 53/28110 33.4- 37.7 1&8. 1173.9 /55.9 3550--4000Ford Mustang $39,365- $44,815 18- 21{.15- 19 17.2 53/24/11 182.5170.9/55.7- 55.9 3850- 3900l.exus Is2SOC/Is3SCK $13,560- $29,000 12.7 33.5 157.3/67.7/ 49.0-49.4 2450- 2550Mazda MH Miata $24,950- $34,700 21 - 22/28 13.2 49--50/NA/5 30.8 145.6- 146.2166.3/55.4 2750- 2950Mini Cooper $28,519- $33,548 24- 228/32- 36 17.7 4712516 35.1 180.4172.2/54.4- 54.7MitstJbishi Edipse spyder 16-19{.14-26 19.0 5312315 40.0 3500- 3800Himn 1701 8.7 52/NA/4 32.8- 34.1' 167.1/7l.8/S1.lSmart Fortwo 18m 14.5 451NAf8 106. 1161.4 f60.7 3450-3500Volkswagen Eos 33141 28.7 173.6170.5 f56.8 1850 21 - 22f29- 31 5012817- 11 35.8 I 3550- 3600\" CARaoxlDRIVER.(om 2010 BUYERS GUIDE

The Soul. A new way to roll. <1<1';)8 MP3 I..,put O 'BluetOQth ~ 50+ Accessories aau\ 31 MPG!HWV .... $ 5tllrts under Sl<1k KIA MOTORS \"\" ., , . '. Front\"l Cr,,\"sh RlItlng ThorPow6 los...rprlse' <e, . ,, \" j \" , 01 1 kla~uI,com

Alfa Romeo 8e Spider ',,:''' Z010 At $30 I,600, it's ridiculously ex pensive, but it 's a lso Hi'j'hs:Sublime looks, beautiful Base prl(e: $30!,600very beauti ful , very mre-just 500 will be made, with 35 interior, amazing engine nOise,coming to the U.S.- and very fast, wi th a top speed of 181 performance. handling. brakes. Vehide type: fronH·ngine. rear-dnve; 2-door 2-paSS€nge-rmph. The car has a 4.7-1iter V-8 that makes 444 horsepowerand one of the best and loudest exhaust notes on earth . Lows:It's real~. reallyexpensive; roadster .50/4 (est) jU5135 will make it tothe US InteriorI'Olume, FIcargo (cu h) Wilt's nN: Introduced for 2010. Whl'eIOOI(' .. .104.1in Lengt h/Width/ht'ight 172.5174.6153.9 in Be. ind tb whtel:TheFenari- derive<:! enginemakes agreat TumingCircle .. . .....tlA noise and moves theBC Spider from Oto60 mphin4.4 Se<onds. Curb weight .. .J700 lb The aulomated manualgearbox EPACitylhighway mpg ... 12-17(est) isveryfast10 swap gears, the brakes are amazing. and the Fuel-tankcapacity/lange . .............. .23.8 gal/286mi (est) handling is sensational. POWERTRAIN EDITORS' RATING 4.7-liter DOHC 3l-valve V-8, 444 hp, 354Ib-ft; 6-spautorrnted 00000 \"'\"SUSPE NSION F .ioo, unequal-ll'Ilgth control arm~ co~ springs. anti-roll bar R .ioo, unequal-ll'Ilgth control arm~ cod springs. anti-roll bar SAFETY Brakes, FIR.. vrotf'd, cross-tilled disc!ventf'd . cross-drilled disc ABS standard Stabilityltracuoo cootrol ..... .. ... staooardlstandard Pas~ve restraints. .. ...Oi ver afld passenger tro nt iII1d side airbags ',,:''' Z010Aston Martin DBS Volante Hi'j'hs:Stunninglybeautifu l. Base prl(e: $286,400 intoxicatingsoundtrack. standard In a feat we hardl y thought possible, Aston has made ca rbon -wamicbrakes. Vehid ~ type: from- l'Il~n~, rear-drive; 2-d oo r 2+ 2-pas'mgerthe DBS coupe even more attractive by remov ing its roof.Beautiful ly detai led i nside and out, the Volante oozes luxu- Lows: Sticke rshoc k,la ugh able conl'ffiibiery and style and provides a thri lli ng experience on an wind- backseats, heav ierand less rigiding road. One of the world's greatest tanning salons. than thecoupe, hard~ discreet. InteriorI'Olume,FfR/cargo (cu ft) . .. .. 50/1817 WhfflOO:.e .. .107 ,gin Wh l'snf W: Introduced for 2010. Length /Width/hl'ight 18591750/504in ae. ind tb whtd:BigV-12 thrust, prod igiousstoppi ng Tum ing rn:Ie. ..J9,4h power. andsure-footed handling areallon thedocket. Yet the Curb weight .. ..4050 Ib DBsVolante won't lIeat youup. since il goes down the road as EPAcitylhighway mpg 11-12/17-18 (est) fantasticallyas it looks. Fuel-tan kcapacity/r.nge .205 gal/226-146mi (est) EDITORS' RATING POWERTRAIN 0000 5.9-liter 001l( 48-valve V-12, 5to hp, 420 Ib-ft; 6-sp man, 6-sp auto with manumatic shifting SU SPENSION F .ioo, unequal-ll'Ilgth control arm~ coil springs. .nti-roll bar R .ioo, unequal-ll'Ilgthco ntrot arm~ cod springs. anti -roll bar SAFETY Brakes, FIR.. V(' nted,cross-drilled cerilmicdisc!venrf'd , cross-drilled ceramicdisc ASS standard Stability/tractioo control sta rdardlstandard Pas~ve restra ints . .Oiver and passenger fro nt oi'ld sir,. airbagsAston Martin DB9 Volante Hi'j'hs:Stiff structure minimizes Base prl(t: $199,620 shimmying. almost assexy as Meant to be more of a sunny-day cruiser than the hardtop, theOBS Volante. the sound of Vehide type: tront-l'Ilgine. rear-dri\'€; Hoo r 2+2-paSS€nge-rthe gorgeous V- 12- powered DB9 Volante exudes class and theV-12,style second only to the more aggressive DBS Volante. It's coovertiblenot as much fun as some other topless supercars, but the Lows: Lose the top, andsomeDB9 sounds great and will impress the ne ighbors. st~e goes with it; back seat is a InteriorI'O l um~, FfR/cargo (cuft) 50/1 817 joke. and trunk is hardlylienee _= _ _~ • 7 Whl'eIOOI(' .. .108 ,1in wb t's new: Introduce<:! fo r2006; 2010 brings smallequipment Ll'Ilgth/Widthlheight 185.5173.8/50,0in changes, TumingCircle .. . ..39 ,4h Be. ind tbwhtd:Thisdroptop gets allthe stares and make5 all Curb weight 4100--4lQO Ib theright noises. but itdoesn't have the paceofits rivals, EPAcitylhighway mpg 11 13/17 10 EDITORS' RATING Fuel-tankcapacityllange , .............. 21.1gal/m-274mi 0000 POWERTRAiN 5.9-liter OOHC 48-valvl' V-11, 470 hp, 443 Ib-h; 6-sp man, 6-sp auto with manwnatic shihlllg SUSPENSION F,. .ioo, unequal-lengthcontrot arm~ cod spring~ anti·roIl bar R .ioo, unequal-ll'Ilgth control arm~ cod springs. anti-roll bar SAfETY Brakes, FIR ..... ,vented, grooved discfvemed.grooved disc ABS .. standard Slaoility/tractioo control .......... stardard/standard Passive restra ints. .Oi\'€rand passenger fro nt iII1d sir,. alrbags20 CARaoxlDRIVER,( om 2Ot OBUVERSGUIDE

Aston Martin V-8 Vantage Base price: Sl36,800 Yehide type: front-erqine. rEar-drive; 2-doo r 2-pa5>e!lger Removing the shapely roof oflhe Vantage detracts little Hi,hs:Spectacular >tyling, deft Iml'fior lUIume, F/cargo(euIt).from its stunn ing shape, while also allowing prying eyes to handling.thrilling exhaust note, ......... 52/11see you behind the wheel. The aluminum-intensive roadster well-insulatedtop. no folding -\"Wheelbase .. ....... 102.4 inis both Aston's cheapest and best convertible, and now with hardtop.more power, it's the most rewarding to drive, too. lengthlwic!t h/heiljlt .1 72.4/73.4/49.4 in Lows:Low roof can rubheadsand has visibility issues, not as quick Tu rningcircle .........36.5ft as you might hope at thisprice. Cu rb w ght J!JOO lb whit'sleW: Introducedfor2008; 2010 brings anew grille and EPACity/highwaymfXj .. ...... 12-14/19-20 variousequipment updates. FlI('l-tank capacitylra nge .. 21.1 gal1253-295 mi Belriad liewi eel:Prff ise steering, progressive brakes, and PQWERTRAIN arigid chassis make forthrilling top-down touring. 4.?-llter DOH( 32 -va~ v-a, 4:!O hp, 347 Ib-ft; 6-sp man, 6-sp EDITORS' RATING autom ated man 00000 SUSPENSION r....... ind, uneqwl-Ierqth cootrol arms. COil>j)\"irq\.anti-roll iJa r R .ind, uneqwl-Ie rqth cootrol arms,coil>j)\"irqs,anti-roll iJa r SAFETY .vented. g roo~d di>c/I'ffited.groO'led disc flra~(1. r/R. ASS. Slanda rd Stability/tracnon control . standard/Slanda rd Passive restraint> ............driver andpasstrlger front and Side airbags \",:''' 2010Audi AS/55 Hi'fhs: Fuel-efficient turbofour, Base prite: A52.m, $42,825; 2.0TQu.Jttro, $44,925/55 Qu.Jt!ro, Slrong superchargedV-6,elegant The ragtop A4 and S4 are no more, as they have been styling,interiorquality, available $59,075repl aced by the fetchi ng andenticingA5 and S5 convert ibles. all-whee ldrive.The 55 uses the S4 sedan's supercharged V-6; the A5 gets Yehide type: from-engine, front- or 4-wh eel-drive; 2-doorAudi's fuel-efficient, turbocharged four-cylinder engine. Lows:Smallbad seat, 55 getsBoth are e legant and ente rtain ing to drive. expensive, porky curbweighl 4-pas'it'nger cotlVl'ltibie Wh,t'SIeW: Introducedfor 2010. Iml'fior lUIume, FIR/cargo(eu It). ..52/32111 13 Wheelba'it' 1(18} in Belriad Inwiefl: Sporty and entertaining, these handsome If'llgthl....idthlheiljlt .. ... 182.1/73.0/54.4 in convertibles drive like theircoupe counterpans, wh ichis toSJy Tu rn ingCirci e ............. .37.4 ft that they are veryrefined and Germanicin their manners. 5peed Cu rb wght Jo:o:J---4250 lb brokers should step up 10 the55. EPACity/highwaymfXj. ..... 17-23/26-30 EDITORS' RATING FLJeI-ta nkcapacitylrange .......... 16,9-17.1 gaI/287-393 mi 00000 PQWERTRAIN turbocharged and intercooled l ,(}- li ter OOHC 1 6-val~ inlill€-4, 21 1 hp. 2S8lb-fI; supercharged and intftcooled 3.(}-liter DOlte 24-vaIve V-6, m hp. m lb-ft;6-sp .!\Itowith manumall(shifting, 7-sp dual-dutch automated man, continuously variable auto with ma numclliCsh ifting SUSPENSION F•• .. indomultil irt, COi l>j)\"i rq~ anti-roll lJa r R• ........ ind,multilirt,COilSlXirqs,anti- roll tJa r SAFnY flra k(1, r/ R, ...... ..vented di>Uvented disc or disc ASS. Slanda rd Stabdity/tracllon control. standard/Slanda rd PasSive restrain~ , ...... ..driver andpa\>e!lgerfroot and Side airbJgsAudiTTITTS Hi'fhs:Adesign iconwithoutthe -\"Base price:11. $41,625;TIS, $49) 25 iconic roofi ine, can't go wrong Unlike the TI coupe, the ragtop TI is a two-seater. The with eitherengine, powerful Yehide type: front-engine, 4-wheel-oove; l -dOOI 2-pa5>e!lger2.0T is plenty strong, but for those with more money to bra kes, h~h -qu ality interior. Iml'fior lUIu me, F/ca rgo(euIt). .......... 48/9spend, the TIS is quicker and olTers more direc t responses . Wheelbase.. ........ 97,l inStructural rigidity is excellent, and the convertible offers a Lows:Quattroversion handles likebaseba ll-g love-stitched interior that is beautiful to behold. afronl-drivecarat thelimit. n01 lengthl....idt hlheiljlt .......... 164.5-165.3/72.5/53.1-53.5 in as sporty as aPorsche Boxster,2010 BUYERSGUtDE Tu rningcircle . . . . . . . . .36 ,Oft What'snw: Re{!esignedfor 2008, TTS introduced for 21Xl9;V-f; Cu rb w ght nmJ 3SQ-J450 Ib version is dead, EPA (ity/highway m~ ........ . Belriad lie wi eel:Feelsdeft, FlI('l-tank capacitylrange .......... 14.5-15.9 gal/305- 334 mi qUick, and small. The TT droptoD isan interesting, ifno! assporty, POWERTRAIN alternative tothe Porsche Boxster. tu rbocharged and intercooled 2.0-liter OOHC16-valve inline-4, 200 EDITORS' RATING or265 hp,107or 258 Ib-ft;6-sp dual-dutch automated man 00000 SUSPENSION F•• ........ ind, struts. COilSlXirqs,anti- roll tJa r R .ind,multilirt, coil>j)\"irqs,anti-roll iJa r SAFnY ...... ..vented di>Uvented disc or disc flra k(1 ,f / R, ASS. Slanda rd Stabnity/tracllon control standard/Slanda rd PasSive restraint> .......dw andpaSstrlgel froo~ Side,and kneeairbags 21

Bentley Azure T Hi,hs: Yacht-like style. yacht-like Base pri(e: mo,ws thrust, yacht-like appointments, Vehide type: fronH'ngifle. rear-dnve: 2-door 4-p.1SS€llgtf Bigger than life, the Azure is an ultraexclusive yacht-like presence.convertible. Think Brooklands sans roof. Powered by an cOIlvertibieancient turbocharged V-8 that provides 50 more horsepower Lows: Yacht-like fuel economy,for 20 I0, the perfectly finished Azure is just the thing to yacht-like handling. yacht-like Imeriorl'Olume, F/RJcargo (cu h). 53INNl lshow that you can afford a $370,000 car. price, yacht-like practicality Whl'eIoo\e .. . 122.7in Wilt's new: Redesigned fOf 2007; sails into 2010 with SO additional Length /Width/ht'ight .212.6f74.8/SS.7 in horsepower. Tum ingCircle .. . ..4O.4h Ifiind tit whetl: TheV-8moans but mo~es the giant Azure with Cllfbwdght .6000 Ib aplomb. Otherwise, the carfeels huge. expensive, and alot like EPA City/highway mpg ......... 9/15 your grandfather's Bentley, Fuel-taokcapacity/lange . 25.4g.a1/219mi EDITORS' RATING POWERTRAIN 000 twin-turbocharQCd and imerrooled 6.8-hter ~shrod 16-valve V-8, SOO hp, 738Ib-It:6-sp auto with manumalic llilfilng SUSPENSION r. .ind, uneqLklI-lt\"Ilgth control arm~ (O~ sprillgs, clnti-roIl bar R .ind, uneqLklI-l t\"Ilgth control arm~ cod springs. ant i-roll bar SAfETY &rak6. fIR .. ...... .Vt\"llted disc/vented disc ABS standard Stability/tracuoo cootrol ..... ..... stardard/standard Pal~ve restraintl. .. ...oover afld passengl'f fro nt iIIld si(» airbags. rear ~(» aimagsBentley Continental GTC Hi,hs: The top goes down, looks Bast' pritt': GTe $207.795; GTe Speed,$237.695 good, goes quite fast in Speed The open-air Continental gives up little to the GT guise, unabashedly de<adent. Vt'hid~ typ~: li\"ont- t\"Ilg ine, 4-l'Aleel-dri~; 2-d(Xlf 4-pas\eflgl'fcoupe in terms of style and performance, but it is the mostexpensive member of the standard Continental line. Regular Lows: Heavyweight moves, small conl'fflibieGTCs have 552 horsepower; the new Speed model gets 600 rearseat big-time price.horses and a sportier chassis that quickens its reflexes. ImeriorI'O lume, F/RJcargo (cu h) . . 54/36{9 Wbt's new: Introduced for 2007; Speed model is new for 2010. W\"heeIoo\e .. . 108.t in ae\"ind tbwhtd: Awhaleof a Lengt h/Width/height ....... t89.tf75 .9/54.6-55.0in carthat moves quickly despiteits prodigious curb weight. Speed Tuming cirde .37.4h version rides more harshly, but the chassisis more willing to ~~c~t~~ay·mpg ..SWO lb playwhen the road tums twisty. ...... 10/17 Structuralrigidity is excellent. r~eI-tcln k Cclp.l(ity/rclnge . 23.8g.a1/238mi EDITORS' RATING POWERTRAIN 0000 tw in-turbocha rged . nd intl'fcooled OOHC6.0-1iter 48-valve W-12, 552 or600 hp. 479 or 553 Ib-ft;6-sp auto with milnumauc lliihlng SUSPENSION .ind, mult ilink.air sprillgs, clnti-roIl bar r. R .ind,mult ilink.air springs. anti-rol lbar SAFETY ..... ..vt\"llted disc/vented disc &rakes.. fIR.. st\"ndard ASS ..... ..... stardard/standard .OOV€rafld passenger front iIIld Stability/tractioo control P.,siV€ rest raints. ,i(» climag,BMWZ4 Hi,hs: Handsome looks, silky- Bas~ pritt': IDrive3Qj, $46,575; sDrive35i, $51,475 smooth inline-sixengines, year- Boasting a folding aluminum roof, the new version of round practicality. Vehide type: frool-t\"Ilgille. rear-drive: 2-door 2-p.lSS€nge-rBMW's roadster offers traffic-stopping styling with the topup or down. T he interior is beautiful as well, and cabin Lows: Trunk access limited with rw&;tercomfort and storage have greatly improved. Options will thetop down, brakes prone toquickly infl ate the price, but that's the cost of luxury. fade after repeate<l hardstops. InteriorI'O lume, F/cargo ((0 hl 51/8 ~I wbt's ntw: Redesigned for 2009; Whl'eIoo\e .. ..98Jin unchanged for 2010LI Ll'flgth /Width/he;ght llii.9f70.5/SO.8in Bf\"ind titwhtel: The turbo is fantastic. but its cushy suspension Turn ingCircle .. ...35.t h makes the Z4 more suited for touring than thetrack. The Cllfbwdght 3300-3550 1b sDrive35i offers BMW's first dual- dutch gearbox inanon-Mcar. EPA city/highway mM 17 19/14 29 EDITORS' RATING Fuel-laokcapacitY/lange . .............. 14.5g.a1/247-276mi 000 POWERTRA1N 10-iiter OOHC 24-valve inline-6, 155 hp, 220 Ib-h; twin- turbocharged and intercooled 3.0-liter OOHC14-va l~ inlin e-6, 300 hp, 300 Ib-It; 6-sp mao, 6-sp auto, 7-sp ooal-cl ut(h automated \"\"SUSPENSION .ind,strut~ coil springs. ant i-rollbar .ind,multilin k. coD springs. anti-rol lbar F R SAFETY &ra kes. FIR. . . .. .......Vt\"llted disc/vented disc ABS st\"ndard Stdbility/trclCtioo control stardard/standard PaI~V€ reltraintl. ... ....... driver and p.ll\enger front afld si(» aimags22 CARaoxlORIVER.(om 2010 BUYERS GUIOE

BMW' -series Hi,hs: 135i isfos{, steering feelis Base price: ]lSi, $34,825; 135i, $40,975 impeccable. top can beoperated Based on a longtime CID favorite, the 3-series, the little at speeds up 10 25 mph. Vehide type: front-erqine, rEar-drive; 2-doo r 4-pa5>e!lgerI-series also makes use of that model's inline six-cylinderengines. II is, of course, fantastic to drive. TIle cloth roof Lows:Dropping the top means co!wertibledrops in jusl over 20 seconds, and the climate-control dropping serious cash versus a 1-series coupe, even lighter back Imerior lUIume, F/R/cargo(eu It). ...... .50/18/8system has a spec ial setting for w hen you go top less. seal1hanthe coupe's. Wheelba'it' .. ....... 1047 in whit'sleW: Introducedfor2008; unchanged for 2010. length/wiclt h/heiljlt ,1 72.1158.8/55 ,6in lelriad lie wi fel: Reallywailing Tu rningcircle ........ .35,1ft on the 1-series tends to get the front end pushing. and the Cu rb werght J500-3700 lb convertible topadds weight, but thisremains avery rewarding car. EPA(ityfhighwaymfXj .. ...... 17-18/26-18 EDITORS' RATING FlI('l-tank (apacitylra nge .. ItOgal123S-152 mi 00000 PQWERTRAIN Jo-Ilter OOfl( 14-va lve inlirf-6, 130 hp, 100 Ib-It; IWin- ru rtOOMflJed and imercooled lo-liter OOHC14-vall'!' inline-{), 300 hp, 300 Ib-It: 6-spma n,6-sp ilUtowith manurnatiC sliifting SUSPENSION F. .ind,Slruts, coil~i ngs, ami-roll ba r R• ..ind, multil iri,coil~i ng~ ami- roll ba r SAFETY flra ~(1 .r IR, ,vented dWvented disc ASS. Slanda rd Stability/tracnon control . standard/Slanda rd Passive restraint> ............driver andpa$>e!lger front and SideairbagsBMW 3-series/M3 IOBest•Winner Ba ~ prlte: 32&, $45,375; 335i, $51,525;M3,$69,025 T his convertible's fo lding hardtop provides top-up Hi'fhs:Fa ntastica l ~ supportiVl'refinement and outward visibility to go along with trademark and comforlable seats,silken six- Vehide type: from-engwoe, fl'ar- drive; 2-doo r 4-passenger3-series dynamics, A 328i finished first in a comparo of five cylinders, 335i is arocket. M3'sluxury droptops, and no convertible combines practicality V-8power andexhaust note. corll'ertibleand road-shredd ing ab ility as well as the M3 does. Lows:Quite heavy,steepbonom Imerior lUIume, F/R/cargo(CU It) . ........... 51133 /9 line,small trunk with top down. Wheelba'it'.. ....... lM.7 in Whlfsuw: Re\lesigned for 2007, M3 for'08; unchanged for 2010. lenglh/Wldth/heiljlt 100.6- 181 .8/70.1-71 .0/545-54.8 in lellid Inw.eel; The r~ul a r Tu rningCircie ........ 36,1 -3S.4 1t carsoffer precise steering and brakes as well as enthusiast- Cu rb weight. ..... .......3300-4150 Ib satisfying agility through the Iwislies; the M3 is the world's EPAcityfhigliwaymM 13-t8/20- 17 best droptop with four realseats, FlI('l-ta nk(apacity/rarH}E:' .......... 16,1-16.6 gal/216-290 mi EDITORS' RATING PQWERTRAIN 00000 Jo-Ilter OOfl( 14-valve inlirf-6, 130 hp, 100 Ib-It; IWin- turbocharged and intercooled 3.o-li ter OOHC 24-valve iolill€-{), 300 hp, 300 Ib-It; 4.I)..U!er OOIl( 32-valve V-a. 414 hp. 295 Ib-ft : 6-sp man, 6-sp ilUtOWIth rrunurnatic shilting. 7-sp dua l-cl utch ilUtomated man SUSPfNSION F. .ind,struts,coil~i ng~ anti-roll b.J r R• .. indomultil iri, coil~i ng~ anti-roll b.J r SAFETY Bla~('S, FIR , \'eIlted. (foss-drilled diS( or\'eIlted di>d vented,cross-drill ed (Ise orvented disc ASS. startda rd Stabdity/tractron control . standard/standa rd PasSive restrain~ , ...... .driver and paSSEflgt1\" Iront,Side. andknee airbagsBMW 6-series/M6 Hi'fhs:Wonderful race-car Ba~ prite:65Oi, S87,425; 1.16,S111}25 sounds, great handling, luxury There's nothing really wrong with the way the 650i trimmings, polarizing styling. Vehide type: front-engill€, rEar-drive; 2-doo r 4-pa5>e!lgerdrives- it just isn 't as good as some of the sponiercompetitors from Mercedes, Porsche, and l aguar. The M6's Lows:M6'sjerky sequemial- co!wertiblesell ing points are styli ng and presence, since the cheaper manual. useless back seats, smallM3 droptop outperforms the M6 and has a real back seat. interior and Irunk for asucha big Imerior lUIu me, F/R/cargo(eu It). ..52/3011 1 12 car, polarizing st~ i ng. Wheelba'it'.. .10'1.4- 109.5 in what's JeW: Introduced for 2004, M6 reintroduced for lfiJ7; no lenglh/.,.,iclthlheiljlt .......... 1'XJ,2-191.8/73.0/54.1-54.2 in changes for 2010, Tu rningcircle ... 37.4-41.0ft lellid t.ew.eel:The 650iis built fo rcruising, but the M6's Cu rb werght .4300-4400 lb high-strungV-10begs to be unleashe\l on back fwds. EPA cityihighway mM .11 15/17 13 EDITORS' RATING FlI('l-tank capacitylrange. . 18.5 gaI!204-278 mi 000 PQWERTRAIN 4.8-llter OOHC 32-valve V-8, 360 hp, 360 Ib-It; 50-liter OOHC 40- valve V-10, 500 hp, 383 Ib-It;6-sp man, 6-sp auto with rnanu mallc shifting, 7-sp ilUtOOIated man SUSPENSION F. .ind,Slruts,coil~i ngs, anti-roll b.J r R .ind, multil iri,coil~i ngs, anti-ro ll b.J r SAFETY ilfa~E\"i.F/R , . vented,cross-drilled disc orI'ffited ri>el vented.cross-drill ed (Ise or vented disc ASS. Slartda rd Stabnity/tractlon wmrol standord!Slartda rd PasSive restraint>. . .....driver and paS'it'ngt1\" Iront side, and knee airbags2010 BUYERS GUIDE 23

Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport Hi,hs: So fast you won't know Base pri(e: $2,100,(0) what to do with iI, I~en da ry Bugatti now offers a convertible version of the Veyron performance. 1001horsepower. Vehide type: mid-engine, 4-wheel-driYe; 2-cIoor 2-p.1SSengtfthat costs more than $2 million. The Grand Sport hits 253mph with its clear plastic top, the same speed as the coupe; Lows: The price. Ferraris and targathe topless maximum speed is a \"mere\" 224 mph. With the Lamborghinis sound better.fabric \"rain\" top in place, 81 mph is the suggested li mit. chintzy fab ric lop_ Imeriorl'Olume, F/cargo (cu h) .... 50/1 wilt's new: Introduced during Wheeloo\e .. .11)).7in 2009, nochanges for 2010. Length /Width/ht'ight ....... 175.7178.7/45.1-47.4in ae\"tnd tIt whtd: The Veyron convertible is everybit as fast and Turn ingCircle .. . ..39.3h every bit as overthe top as the Cllfbwdght .4750 1b r~ularVeyron_ Surprisingly sharp steering and responses from such EPA City/highway rnpg ......... 8/14 aheavy car. Fuel-tankcapacity/lange . 26.4g.a1/211mi EDITORS' RATING POWERTRA1N 00000 quad-tu rOOcharged and intercooled 8.o-hter OOHC 64-~al '/(' W-16, 1001hp,922Ib-It; 7-sp mao with automated shihinganddutch SUSPENSION r. .ind, uneqLklI-l t\"Ilgthcontrol arm~ co~ sprillgs, anti-roil bar R .ind, uneqLklI-l t\"Ilgth control arm~ cod springs. anti-roil bar SAFETY Brakes, FIR.. ve nted.cross-drilled cerMTlicdisc/vemed, UIlli-drilled ceramicdisc ABS. . standard Stability/traction control ...... .... stardard/standard Pas>iVl' Jl'Straints. ...drlvl'rand passenger front aimagsChevrolet Corvette/Grand Sport Hi,hs: Plentifu lpower, improved Bast' pritt': $54,530:Grand Spor~ $59,530 seats, luggage capacity,lovely There have been Corvette droptops si nce the beginning exhaust note. Vehid~ type: front-l'flgioe, rear-drive: 2-door 2-pa\\engerin 1953, and continuous development has given it veneratedstatus among open sports cars. Fast, furious , and relatively Lows: Electric push-bunondoors, roodstercomfortable, although the chassis flexes more than those ofits competition, and the automatic is a bit slow to react. ease of entryand exit. some InteriorVOIIlllll', F/cargo (cu h) 52/8 11 I interior plastics look cheap. W\"heeIoose .. ... 105.7 in Wilt's nrw: Redesigned for 2005; Lengt h/Width/hei ght t74.6- t7S.6f72 .6-75.9f48.7-49.0in 2010 models get launch control on manualmodels; Grand Sport Tum ingcirde .390h model replaces lSI package. ~~c~t~~ay'mpg ..3300 lb Bf.ind tbwktll: Heavy 15-16125-26 low-speedsteering, quick and accurateotherwise. Eager r~eI -tank cap.l(ity/range . .......... tS.0g.a1/27Q-2S8mi responses, outstanding brakes. POWERTRAIN EDITORS' RATING 6.2-hter pushrod 16-valve V-8, 430 OJ 436 hp, 424 OJ 428 1trh: 6-sp 0000 man, 6-sp autoWIth manu matic shlhing SUSPENSION r. ... indo unequal-lengthcontrol arms.tran~~€\"F.>e leafspring. anti-rol lbar ... ind, unequal-length controlarms.trans~er>e leafspring. anti-roil bar SAfETY Brakes. F!R.. vented,cross-dril led disc OJ vented (jSC/ vented, uos,..(hlled diS( or '/('!lted disc ASS standard Stability/traction control ........ .. stardard/standard PasJjVE rest raints. .roVErafld passenger ITont ao d siOe aimagsChrysler Sebring Hi,hs: Choice of power-lOp Bas~ prite: LX, S28.s~: LX I. S29,950; lim ited, S35.445 materials, room for bad-seat Value and convertible-top packaging are the Sebring's passengers, decent trunk space. Vehide type: front-l'flglle. front-Iii\'{'; 2-cIoo r 4-passengerstrong points, blll things can get expensive quickly. You 'llwant to pass on the tepid four-cy linder and head straight Lows:Hardtop version starts convertiblefor a V-6 if you want to get anywhere soon . A new hood above S3SK, Iacks passion andaims to tone down the funky looks. refinement, rental-fleetstalwart. InteriorVO I Illll~, F/R!cJfgo (cu h) 54/34-3511324 CARaoxlORIVER.(om Wiat'sntw: Redesigned for 2008; Wheeloo\e .. .108 .9in new hood offerssmootherlooks, while revised gauges and active Length /Width/hei ght 193.8f71.5fSS.5 in fro nt headrestsare also new. Turn ingCircle .. ...36.5h Btkind tbwhtd: There isa distinct lack of sportiness inthis Cllfbwdght 375D-4100 Ib comerllble, especially withthe wheezy four-cylinder. EPA city/highway mpg 16- 20/26 29 EDITORS' RATING Fuel-rankcapacitY/lange . .............. 16.9g.a1127Q-338mi o POWERTRAIN 2.4-liter OOHC 16-va lve inline-4, 173hp, 166 ltrh: U-liter [)QHC 24-~a l ve V-6, 186 hp, 191Ib-h: 3.5-liter SOHC 24-~alveV-6, m hp, m Ib-It; 4-spauto,6-sp auto I'.ithmanumaticshihing SUSPENSION f ifld, strut~ cod springs. anti-roil bar R in d, mu ltilin k, coil springs. ant i-roll bar SAfETY Brakes, FIR.. vented disc/disc ABS .. .. standard Stability/rractioo cootroi ........ optiooal(seifft models)! optioJldllseifft models) Passive Jl'Straints. .ooverand passenger fro nt ao d side aimags 2010 BUYERS GUIOE

Dodge Viper SRTlO Base price: S89,!XXl (~t ) Vehide type: front-erqine, rear-drive; 2-doo r 2-pa5>e!lger The Corvette Z06 is a better value and more civilized, but Hi,hs: POWl'r, sunshine. envy. Iml'fior lUIu me, F/ca rgo (cuIt).it only comes as a coupe and has two fewer cylinders-and .......... 4817if it's a Viper you're after, \"civilized'\" likely isn't high on Lows:Gas-guzzler extraordinaire, -\"Wheelba'it' .. . ....... 9a ,8inyour priority list. Available in more than 80 color combos, rough ride on poor roads, storagethere are few better ways to get noticed than th is snake. spate is laughable, stretching length/wic!t h/heiljll ,175.6/75.2/47,6in limbs is out ofthe question Tu rningcircle .........4O.5ft whlt'suw: Redesigned for 2003; Ianleather interiorand tancanvas Cu rb w ghl 3450 lb top are nevvlyoffered for 2010. EPA (ityfhighway mfXj .. .............. 13122 lehid lit witt!; AslOunding~ fasl and loud.the Viper can beat FlM'I-ta nk (apacitylra nge .. .... 16,Ogal/203 mi almost anything from astoplight. You'll want toput the top down PQWERTRAIN to vent heat from the cabin- and hear the glorious exhaust. B.4-llterpushroo 2O-valve V-1 0, 600 hp, 560 Ib-It;6-sp man EDITORS' RATING SUSPENSION 0000 F...... ind, unequal-Ierqth (ootrol arms, roi lS(Xirqs,anti- roll ba r R...... indo unequa l-Ierqth cootrol arms, roi lSl)\"irq\,anti-roll lJa r SAFETY flra~(1,f/R , , vent~ diSc/vented disc ASS. Slandard Stability/tracnon control.... ..... not available/not available Passive restraint> .........driver andpasseogl'f front airbags Companion Test • WinnerFerrari California Hi'fhs: Snarling V-8engine, Ba~ prlte: $197.150 superfast seven-speed tranny, Vehide type: front-engine, redr-drive; 2-door 2+2-pa5>e!lger Until a 458 !tal ia Spider is created, the California is the composed road's only convertible. It has FetTari 's first folding convertiblehardtop and dual-clutch transmission, as well as a stunn ing lows:Folding hardtop forcesV-8 engine and great handling. The rear seat is best suited compromised rear -end st~ing, Iml'fior lUIu me, FIR/cargo(eu It). ... 52/23/8 11for golf bags or cases of villo. small rearseats, price. Wheelbase .. ........... 105,1 in Whlfsuw: Introduced during 2009; nochanges for 2010, length!wic!t h/heiljll ,179.6/74.9/51.5 in lellid Inw.eel: With453 lu rningcircle NA horsepower, the Californiagoes from 0to 60 mph inless than four Cu rb weight. ....... ,4150 Ib seconds.It stops well,too, but the steering is very light at around- EPA (ityfhighway mfXj .. . ......... 13/19 town speeds. 2O,6gaI/268 mi rlI€l-Mnk capacity/ra nge .. EDITORS' RATING PQWERTRAIN 00000 4,l-lner DOHC3l-valve V-8, 453 hp. 358 Ib-It: 7-W dua l-clutch automated man SUSPENSION r....... ind, unequal-Ierqth cootrol arms, roilS(Xirqs,anti-roll OO r R. ..ind,multil iri, coil~i rq~ anti- ro ll ba r SAFETY Bla~('S, F/R , vented, (ross-drill ~ (erami( dischented, cross-d rill ~ ceramiC disc ASS. Slartdard Stabdity/tractlon control. standard/Slartdard PasSive restrain~ , ...... ..driver andPiJ\>e!l gerfronl and Side airbagsFord Mustang/Shelby GTSOO Hi'fhs: Seductive rumble of Ba~ prite: $26,845;61 $33,845; 5he111)' 61500, $53,175 optionaIV-8s; looks great inside The original pony car shows no signs of slow ing down and out, lOp up ortop down; a Vehide type: front-erqine, rear-drive; 2-doo r 4-pa5>e!lgeras it rolls into its 46th year. A subtle freshening and V-S retro classicdone right.power increases lead a list of 2010 tweaks. The ragtop's convertiblechassis could use a little more starch, but th is all-American lows:Live-axle rear suspensionclassic is stil l a treat, and the GT500 is a menac ing cruiser. i)elongs to an earlier era, cowl Iml'fior lUIu me, FIR/cargo(eu It). ...... 53/18/1 0 shake, Shelby's price premium.2010 BUYERS GUIDE Wheelba'it' .. ....... 107,1 in What'snw: Redesigned for 2010. length/wic!t h/heiljll ....... 188,1-188.2173.9/55.9-56 ,1 in lellid In w.eel; Predictable responses andgood ride, but Tu rningcircle ... 33.4-37.7 ft don't expect asports car. The GT500 reso l ute~ understeers in Cu rb w ght .3550-4000 Ib hard cornering, but its straight- line thrust islii)erating. EPA cityfhighwaym~ .14 18m 26 EDITORS' RATING FlM'I-ta nk capacitylrange .. 16.0gal1224-288 mi 0000 PQWERTRAIN 4.Q-lllerSOHC 12-valve V-6,110 hp, 140 Ib-It; 4.6-lite rSOH( 24- valve V-S,315 hp, 325 1b-It;5IJpercharg~ and i ntercool ~ SA-lite r DOHe32-valveV-B,540 hp. 510Ib·ft; 5- Gr 6-sp man, 5-sp auto SUSPENSION F. .ind,SlrutS. roi l~i rqs, anti-roll lJa r R rii}d axle,roi lSl)\"irqs,anti-ro ll ba r SAFHY flrak(1,f/R , , vent~ diSc/vented disc ASS. Slartdard Stability/tractlon control. standard/Slartdard Passive restraint> ............driver andpa$>e!lger front and side airbags 25

Infiniti 637 Hi'Jhs: Retains the (oupe's ,ery Base pri(e: S44.800 (est) Given the success oflhe G37 and the ex istence of a con- shape and strong V-6, retractable Vehide type: front-engine, rear-dri\'€; Hoor 1+2-p.1SS€ngtfve rtible Nissan Z-with which the G shares its underpin- hardtop allows year-round use.nings-thi s convertible was an inevitability. It finall y ar- cOllvertibierived last year, and if s a looker, with a three-piece folding Lows: Compromised trunk spate,hardtop. Pack light. though, as the top ealS cargo space. fold ing metalroof ups weight Imeriorl'Olume, F/RJcargo (cu h), ,54/25/10 Whl'eIOOI(' ,, ,1 12.2 in Wiat's nN: Introduced for 2009; 2010 models gel an updated Length /Width/ht'i ght 183.3172.9/55,I in centerconsole and gaugeduster. Tuming Cirde \" .. J6,lh ae\"tnd tktwhtd: The droptop is moreofagrand tourerthanthe Cllfbwdght 4100-4150 1b sporty Gcoupe.BMW's 3-series EPA city/highway mpg 16-17124- 25 droplOp isn't as good-looking, butit retains more of its brand Fuel-tookcap.1city/Jange, ............. , 20,09.11/3 20-34<l mi identity and is more practical. POWERTRAIN EDITORS' RATING 17-literDOOC 14-valveV-6,m hp. 167 Ib-h; 6-sp man, 7-sp auto 000 with manumaticshihing SUSPENSION r, ,ind, unequal-lengthcontrolarm~ co~ springs. ant i-rol lbar R ind, multil ink, codsprings. ant i-rol lbar SAFETY Brakes, FIR.. ,,,,,..vented disc/'lffited disc ABS.. standard Slability/tractioo cOlltroi \"\"\" \"\" sta rdard/standard PaIli've JNra ims. ,driver andp.llsenger fioot. lide,...,d curta in aimagsJaguar XKJXKR Hi,hs: Head-turning good look\" Base pri(e: XI;. $89,OOO:XKR, $102,000 leather-linM c(l(kpi~ qUiCK- The handsome XK droptops continue a tradition of acting tran5mi55ion. Vehid~ type: from- en~n~, rear-drive; 2-door 2+2-p.l\scngl'fhighly desirable Jaguar convertibles dating back to the1950s. An aluminum-intensive structure makes the XKs Lows: laughab le rea rseat, cOllverti bl~both light and stiff, and new engines for 2010 do a good unintu~ i l'i' nav control\" not quitejob closing any power gap relative to the competition. theknockoutofpa5t XK5, poor ImeriorI'Olume, F/RJcargo (cu h) . 51 /19/7 10 rearward visibility with top up, YJheeI oo\e .. . 108.3 in Will'snew: Redesigned for 2007; new pair ofS,O-liter engines Lengt h/Width/height 1&8.7(74.5/52.3 in offers 385 or510 hp for 2010. Tuming circle J58 h Bf.ind tbwkttl: Excels at ooth crui5ing andanacking back road5; ~~c~t~~ay'mpg 3900- 4100 Ib accurate5tt'ering, 5upple ride, and .... 15-16/22 beautiful-sounding engines. r~eI -tan k cap.lcity/range, ...... .... 16.19.11/242-258 mi EDITORS' RATING POWERTRAIN 0000 S.o-hter OOHC 32-va lve ~-S, 385 hp, 3&l lb-h; \lIpeKharged and intercooled S,O-ilter DO OC 32-valve V-8,510hp,461Ib-h: &-IIJ auto with manum at icshihing SUSPENSION F, .ind, unequal-lengthco ntrolarm~ codsprings. ant i-rol lbar R •ind, unequal-lengthcontrolarm~ coasprings. ant i-rol lbar SAFETY ..... ..vented disc/'lffited disc BrakesJ/R .. st.3ndard ASS ..... ..... Itlooard/ltlndard .OOverand p.1ssengtf front...,d Stability/traction cOlltroi PasJjve restra ints. siOe airoagsLamborghini Gallardo Hi,hs: Knockout styling avoids Bas~ pri(e: S226,700 (est)LPS60-4Spyder Ol'i'rkill; enormOU5, thrilling power; six-speed transmission Vehide type: mid-engine, 4-wheel-driYe; 2-door 2-p.1ssengtf Thi s hedonisti c plaything may only make sense as a toy perfect at aggressive speeds.for hedge-fund managers who haven 't been arrested yet, rwdster Lows: The payment will competebut il does most everything right. This Italian sports car is with yourmortgage. InteriorI'O lume, F/cargo (co h) .... 49/4stylish, powerful , and reliable (thanks to German engineer-ing). It ought to be; it costs as much as a decent house. Wi. t'sJltw: Introduced for 2007; Whl'eIOOI(' .. . 100,8in '09 brought lPS60-45tatu5 and Length /Width/ht'i ght extra power. No changes for '10. 171.t{74,8/46,6in Bf.ind titwhtd: The steering Tuming Cirde .. ...37.7 h i, racetrack heavy but loosens a, speedincrea5e5.There'5 enough Cllfbwdght JIlOO Ib powerlO scare and thrillyou. Only EPA city/highway mpg awhiff of cowlshake detract>, 12 13m Fuel-tookCap.lcity/Jange, .............. 21.19.11/253-274 mi EDITORS' RATING POWERTRAIN 00000 S.2-liter [X)HC4O--valve V-to, 551 hp, 398 Ib-h; 6-sp man, 6-sp manwith automated Ihihing and clutch SUSPENSION F,. .ioo, unequal-lengthcontrolarm~ cod spri ngs. ant i·roI lbar R .ioo, unequal-length control .3rm~ codsprings. ant i-rol lbar SAFm Brakes, FIR.. vented, UO'is-liilled disc or ceramicdisc (opt)lwnted, c(()'il-dJi lled disc or ceJilmicdisc (opt) ABS .. st.3ndard Slability/tractiOO cOlltroi ...... .... \tardard/standard PasJjve JNraints. .OO \'€r.3nd p.lssengl'f front aIld Ii&- almagl26 CARaoxlORIVER,(om 2010 BUYERSGUIOE

Lamborghini Murcielago LP640 Base price: $390,00) (est) Vehide type: mid-engi ne, 4-1'Ihe€1-drive; 2-door 2-pa5>e!lger With a bloodline that includes the Miura and the Hiths:The V-l 2's song and Interior lUiume, F/cargo(cuIt) .Countach , it 's no surprise that the LP640 is one orlhe most performance,exotic shape, ....... ... 49/6outrageous supercars ever built. The ragtop version has a shrinksthe fasterit is driven, -\"Wheelba'it' .. ....... 1()4,9incheap-looking cloth roof, but owners are unlikely to care asthe rest of the car can make one weak in the knees. Lows:Toplooks like an length/wiclt h/heiljll ,181.5/81.0/44.7 in afterthoug h~ hand·built build quality. the price. Tu rningcircle ........ .41.2 ft Wh,t'sJlew: Introduced for 2005, Curbwghl .4100 lb updated for2009; nochanges for 2010. EPA cityfhighwaymfXj .. ........9-10/14- 16 lelriad liniee); Despite its FlI('l-lank capacitylranqe .. 26.4ga1!238-264 mi massivewidth, the LPfeelslikea big LolU5 Elise The magnificent PQWERTRAIN V-12 effortlessly propels the Murcieinto triple-digit spews. 6.5-llter OOHC 4ll-valve V-Il, 631 lip. 4117 Ib-It; 6-sp rrnn, 6-sp EDITORS' RATING manwith automated sllifting anddutch 00000 SUSPENSION f....... ind, uneqw l-Iength (Olltrol arm\" COil>j)\"ing\,anti-roll iJa r R .ind, uneqw l-Ie ngth cOIltroi anm, COil>j)\"ings, ami-roll iJa r SAFETY flra~es, fiR, ..... I'('tlted, ~-dril l ed disc/vented, cross-drill(1j disc ASS.. .... standard Stability/tractiOll cGntrol standard/standa rd PasSive restraint> ,. ...driver and pa,'it'ngf'r front airbagsLexus IS2S0UIS3S0C Hiths: Twenty-secondroof drop, Ba~ price: 15250, $39J65;153SO, $44,815 still leaves trunk space,Lexus fit To battle BMW's 3-series, Lexus expands the IS lineup andfinish, quiet withthetopup. Vehide type: frolll-engine, rear-drive; 1-door 2+1-pas>e!lgerwith the IS C convertible. Its folding hardtop dives into thetrunk in 20 seconds, leaving room for a golf bag. Pickup is Lows:Heavy and feels it, tlase corwertibleleisurely with the base V-6, less so with the 3.5-liler. The IS engine is510001'1, rolls incomers.C is priced right, but the BMW is the driver's choice. IllIerior lUiu me, F/R/cJ!go(cu It). ......... .53/24/11 What'slew: Introducedfor2010. Wheelbase .. ....... 107.5 in Belriad liewieel:To helpquell structureshake, the springs length/wiclt h/heiljll 182.5170.9/55.7-55 ,9in andshocks are set lOner, which means it leans abit but offers a lu rningcircle 315ft smoothride,Quiet,composed, Curbweighr. . .3850- 1900 Ib andwell finished,the IS (is a fine boulevard cruiser,but get a EPA cityfhighway mfXj .. . 18-21/25-29 3-series droptopfor thrills. flI€l-Mnk capacity/range .. 17.2 gal/310-361 mi EDITORS' RATING PQWERTRAIN 00 1,5-lner OOHC 24-valve V-6, 204 hp. t85 Ib-It; 3.5-liter OOHC 24- valve v-6, 306 hp, 277 lb-h; 6-sp ma n, 6-sp auto with manu rrntic shifting SUSPENSION F•• ind, cOIltroi aOllS, coi l>j)\"i ng~ ami- roll bo r R• .. ind, multil iri, COi l>j)\"i ng~ ami- roll bo r SAFnY ventl'd dis(!vem(1j disc Brakes, fIR ASS. Slandard Stabdity/lractlOll coolrol standard/Sianda rd PasSiI'€ restrain~ , ......... drive rand passenger ftont and Side airbagsLexusSC430 Hiths:Sumptuous interior, quick- Base price: S68,380 and-easy top, artsy styling. quiet Dating to 2002, this luxury convertible was once highly interior, Lexusrefinement. Vehide type: front-engine, rear-drive; 2-door 2+2-pa5>e!lgeroriginal and avant garde but is now aged and selling inFerrari numbers. Dynamically, it's soft, vague, and jiggly Lows:Stiff suspension andlow- colwertiblecompared with the latest machinery, and a bit pricey. It is a profile tires bring out the jiggles,boulevard cru iser for dawdling sun+seekers, well past itssell-by date. Interior lUiume, F/R/cargo(cu It). ....... 50/25/92010 BUYERS GUIDE Wh,t'sJleW: Introduced for2002; Wheelba'it' .. ....... 103.1in updated interiorelectronics onboardfor2010. length/....iclt hlheiljll . . ,1 78.5172.0/511in Belriad lie wieel: Bener suited Tu rningcircle .........36.7ft to slow roaming oftheaVl'nues than serious driving,the 5(430 Curbwghl .1900 Ib shakes and rallleso~e r bumps and rolls in the twisties. EPA cityfhighway m~ ....... .. 16/23 oEDITORS' RATING FlI('l-lank capacitylranqe .. .... 19,8gaI/317 mi PQWERTRAIN 4.3-liter OOHC32-valve V-8, 188 hp, 317 Ib-It; 6-sp <l\IIOwith manumali( sllifting SUSPENSION F....... ind, uneqw l-Ie ngth coolrol aOlls, COilSj\"Xings,anti- roll bo r R .ind, uneqw l-Ie ngth cOIltroi aOlls, COil>j)\"ings, ami-roll bo r SAFHY flra~es .r IR, vented disc/disc ASS. standard Stabnity/tractlOll (oolrol standord/standa rd PasSiI'€ restraint>. . .dw andpaS>erlger froo~ Side, and kneeairbags 27

Lotus Elise Hi'Jhs: Looks like it's from Base pri(e: $48.375;sc. $56,115 another planet. balanced Vehide typ4!: mid-engil1€, reclr-dri~e; 2-door 2-passeng€f torga The purest driving experience on the road is essentially and communicoti~e chassis,unchanged for 20 IO-wh ich is no bad thing , as it retains formidable track-day weapon. Interior vo lum e, r/cargo (cu It) .... 4614the direct, race-car-like handling, supple ride, and excellentperformance we love. The trade-off, of course , is a lack of Lows: Buuy Toyota engine. Wlu'eloo\e .. .. ~, 5 inweather protection or any creature comforts whatsoever. difficult to get intoand out of. Lengthlwidthlheight 149,0/67.7/44 ,0 in wilt's new: Introduced fo r2005; unchanged for 2010. Tuming Circle .. ... .32,8fr ae\"tnd tktwhtd: Quick and Curb Weight. ,2OO}-2050 Ib jnformatj~e steering, balanced and reactil'f' handling, track-ready EPAcitylhighwoy mpg 20-21116-27 butstill entertaining on the streel Fuel-tookcapacitylraflge ,.... ............ 10.6gall212-m mi Supercharged version is smoother butnOl much faste r. POWfRTRAIN l 8-liter DOHC 16-vol\'(' in li ne-4, 189 hp, 133 Ib-It; supercha rged EDITORS' RATING l 8-liter DOff( 16-volve inhne-4, 118hp, 156 lb-It; 6-sp rrnn 00000 SUSPENSION F,.. . .ioo, unequal-Iffigthcontrola!TTIs. coil springs. ant i-rol lbar R ••••••••••• ind, unequal-Ienglh control arms. COilspriog'i SAfETY !\rak6. rIR. . vent€'d, cros,-Ii\"ill ed disc/vented, cross-drilled disc ABS.. standard Stabilityltraction control .... ......... not ava ilableloption.ll Pas>ive Jl'\traints . ...drl\rerandpa\\eIlgeI front aimagsMaserati GranTurismo Hi,hs: Pininfarina styling that's Base prite: $l SO,OOO {est) as good as it gets, sonorous V-8 The drophead version of the GranTurismo is as equally engine, it's exclusive Vehide type: front-engine. rear-drive; 2-door 4-pass€ng€falluring as that coupe. There is just one model , fitted witha 433-hp V-8 engine. The car uses a folding metal hardtop, Lows: Serious~ expensive, conl'fflibiewhich alTects trunk space, but it looks great. and the rear serious~ heavy, the foldingseats can fit humans, albeit small ones. hardtop impinge-:; on trunk space. Interiorvo lume, F/RJeargo (cu h) . 51/1916 (est) Wilt's nrw: Introduced for 2010. W'heeIoo\e .. .1 15,8io ae\"ind tbwhtd: This is atruly Lengt h/Widthfheight 192,2/75.4153.3 in specialcar, from the way it looks 10 the snarlingV-S. Because of its Tuming Circle .NA bulk, however, it's not as fast as one might expect-but that just Curb weight. ..4400 lb give-:; bystanders extra time toget insanely jealous. EPA cityfhighway mpg 11119(est) EDITORS' RATING ruel-tankcap.lcitylrange, ..... ..... 19,8gaI1218 mi {est) 0000 POWERTRAIN 4.7-lner DOff( 32-va lve V-8, 433 hp, 361 Ib-h; 6-sp auto with rrnllUrrnne sllIhing SUSPENSION f, .ioo, unequal-lengthcontrola!TTI~ co~ springs. .nti-roI lbar R .ioo, unequal-lengthco ntrola!TTIS, coil springs. onti-roIloor SAFETY !\rakes, FIR.. .. ventt'd, uoss-Ii\"ill ed disc/verut'd, crO>s-dril led disc ASS standard Stabilityltraction control ..... ..... staooardlstandard p.,JjV€ restra ints. .rover and passeng€f ITont <Vld siOe aimag, IOBest•Win• .,Mazda MX-S Miata Base price: Spell, $23,560; Too ring, $25,900; Grand Tooring, Hi,hs: No bener gnn generator Sell everything and buy a Miata. The most popular available, 1015 of options, power $27,160lf\:INer Retractable Ha rdtop louring,. $21,600; GraMsports car in history is still lovable, and it embodies what hardtop adds just 75 pounds anda traditional roadster should be : light, tossabte, and a con- doesn't cut into trunk sPJce at all. Too ring, S29.1:MXltinuous joy. There have been e mulators of thi s Mazda butno real competitors. A power hardtop is available. Lows: Urn, we'll get back to you. Vehide type: from-engine, rea r-drive; 2-door 2-passengl'r28 CARaoxlDRIVER,(om Wlal'suw: Redesigned for 2006; rwdster gets amild nose job and aslight power boost for2010. Interior vo lume, rlcargo (cu It) 49-5015 Bflind tbwhtll: If you're not Whl'eioo\e .. .. 91.7in totally charmed by the Miata's ..... .. 157.3/67.7/49,0 49,4in deft handling, telepathic steering, Length lwidthlheight comfy seats, and two-finger(or one-bunon) top operation, then Tuming Circle .. . ..3O,8 fr don't sell your(amry. ~P~dV;t;~~·~pg .245O--2550 1b EDITORS' RATING ... 21 2l}28 00000 fuel-tank(apacitylrange, ..... ..... t2.7gaI/267-279 mi POWERTRAIN 2.o-hter DOHC 16-valve inli ne-4, 158 or 167 hp, 140 Ib-fr; 5-or 6-sp rrnn. 6-5p auto withmanuntatiC shifring SUSPENSION F, .ioo, unequal- lengthcontrolann~ coil spring~ ant i-rol lbar R •ind, mu ltili nk, cod springs. ant i-rollbar SAFETY Srakes, FIR.. vented diSc/diS( ABS .. standard Stobilityltroction control optional (Glilnd looringonly)! optional (Grandlooringonly) Pa\~V€ reltra ints . .. .. ...rover aMpassengl'r front <Vld side aimags 2OtO BUYERSGUIDE

Mercedes-Benz SL-class/SL63 AMG/ Hiyhs: Pace and grace, every Base price: SlSSO. $102,1))) {est!. Sl63 AMG, $14{l,00J {est!:SL6SAMG engine is awinner, SL63 has launch control,elegam cabin, Sl600,S144,000 {estl; Sl65 AMG, $200,000 {est! After an extensive rework last year, Benz's retractable- draws envious stares from50- Vehide type:front-l'rM]irle, rear-drrve: 2-000r 2-paslell9er road<;ter year-ol dmen .hardtop roadster soldiers into 20[0 unchanged. The pricey, InTerl(l( \QIlITlt. F/cargokuftl . . . . . . . 51/10iconic two-seater continues to offer a blend of luxury and lows:Heavy,dear,draws e n~ioussportiness that other carmakers can 't quite match. Twin- stares from 50-year-old men. Wllee!llase. 100.8 inturho V-12 versions are expensive but insanely quick. What'slew: Redesigned for 2009; Lengtfllwitlthlhl'ighT 178,Sn1SIS LOin Black Series isdead, b ning cnc li! 37.9ft lewd tiewieel:More refined an dheav ierth ananall-out Cumweig ht 4250-4700lb sports car, the Sl stillhas the performance 10 embarrassmost, EPAdtyftlghway mpg . 11-13118- 21 andthe luxury quotient ishigh. . . ..211 gaU232-274mi Fuel-tank(apacnyirange .. EDITORS' RATING PO WERTRAIN 00000 5S-liler OOHC32-vall'e V-B, 382 hp, 391 Ib-ft; oon-turbocharge.j and imercooled 55-lilersOlie 36-yal~ V-12, 510hp, 612 Ib-ft;oon- tutboctIJr9td and intercooled 6,Q-liter 'iOH( 36-vai'le V-Ii, 604 hp, 738 lb-ft; 6,2-ltter [X)H( 32-var.t V-S. SIS hp, 4651b-ft: S- C( 7-sp aUl0wnh m<'lllLmlTkshifting SUSPEN SION F. iTld, mullillnk, coil ond hyd raull( sprif'Ol<; R inti, multilink, coil am h)'drau li:: sprif'Ol<; SAFETY &akl\"S,F/R , ... ... Vf'flted,oos-s-drilled orvroted di>C! \'!:'flted, [loss-drilled orvroted diS( ASS.. .. .. <;tancLl rd Sta bility/traClion control stand. rd/<;tancLl rd P.r;'iive restraints, ..drivl'T andpaS'>l'Tlget fron~ side,and kn~ airilagsMercedes-Benz SLK-class/ m,hs:Mini-Mclaren styling, Base price: SLK300, $47.775; 5LK3SO, $52.775; 5LKS5 AMG,SLK55 AMG great se~en-speed automatic, -\"$67,525 A diminutive roadster with a power-retractable hardtop, retractable hardtop, menacingthe SLK offers Mercedes levels of refinement and a sporty look andsoundofSLK55. Yehide type: front-engine, rear-drive; 2-doo r 2-pa\Sf'flgerand fun-to-drive nature that can approach that of the sports Intl'Tior 'IOIume,Flcargo (eu ft) . 491 11cars from Porsche. A new and more powerful 3.5-liter V-6 Lows:Premiumpricing. non-AMG Wheelbase.. ........ 95.7 inarrived last year and spiced things up nicely. versionsare more dull than rivals. Ll'flgthf....idthlheig-.t ........... 161.5170.4-70.6150}-511in what's JeW: Redesigned for 2005, refres hedfor 2009; unchan ged Tu rningcircle ........ J4.5ft for 2010. Cu ril ~ght ,3250-3500 Ib lewd tiewi eel: I('salittle tight inside,but theSLKisafeisty EPAcitylhighway m ~ .. 14 19/22 26 andfun-to-drive roadster, albeit slightly less connectedto theroad FlI('l-tankcapacityira nge.. 18.5 galf259-m mi thanaPorsche Boxster. POWERTRAIN 3D-Iller OOHC 2halve V-6, 228 hp, m Ib-ft; 35-liler DOHC 24- ~.I \'e V--6, 300 hp, 265 Ib-ft; SA-liler SOHC 24-va l~ V-B, m hp, 376 Ib-ft;6-sp man, 7-sp auto I'<ith manu mati( shifting SUSPENSION .ind, <;tTUt';, wi~i ngs, anti-roll ba r F. R• ..ind, multil ir'l::, coi l~i ng~ anti- ro ll ba r SAFETY Bla~l\"S, FIR , ... .... vl'flTed,cTOs-s-dnlled orvroted di>C! vroted diS( ASS. <;tancLl rd Srability/trdClion wntrol standord/<;tancLl rd P.r;'iive restraints, ..... .driver and passeng l'T front,side, and II\('(' airilagsMini Cooper Hi,hs: Convenient power Base price: $24,950:5, $17,850;JohnCoo per Wo rk5,$14,700 top, Sdme Minicharismaand For a car that emphasizes fun iiber alles, a droptop is a performance as the coupe, Yehide type: front-engi ne, front-driYe; 1-do<Jr 2+2-pasSf'flgernatural derivation, and the lack of a roof only adds to thewhimsy. T here's even a gauge called an \"openomete(' that Lows:Not ~ery much luggage corwertiblerecords how long the top is down . The cloth top lowers space, options can qUicklyquickly, but it blocks rearward vision when down. dri ve price above those of more Intl'Tior 'IOIume, FIR/Cargo (eu ft).. .. .... .47/2516 desirable convertibles. Wheelbase .. .. .... .. 97,1 in what's JeW: Redesignedfor 2009; 208-hp John (ooperWorks Lf'fl gthf....idt hlheigJt . 145,6-146.2166.1155.4 in edition arrives for2010, Tu rningcircle ........ J5,tft lewd Ike wkeel:It's noticeably flimsier than the hardtopbut Cu ril ~ght .2750-2950 Ib retains the hard-wired controls and delightful handling. EPA citylhighway m ~ . 14 28132 36 EDITORS' RATING FlI('l-tank capdCityira nge .. 13.2 gaI/317-370 mi 0000 POWERTRAIN 1.6-lller DOH( 1 6-va l~ inline-4, 118 hp, 114 Ib-ft; turiloch.Jrged andinterwoled 16-liter OOH( 16-volve inline-4,172 or 2()8 hp, 192 or ]fJ7Ib-ft; 6-,p mao, 6-sp autowith maoumat ic,rifting SUSPENSION .ind, <;tTUt';, wi~i ngs, anti-roll ba r F. R .ind, multil ir'l::, coi l~i ngs, anti-ro ll ba r SAFHY flra k(1 ,fIR, vented disc/diS( ASS. <;tanda rd Srabnity/trd(tron control stand. rd/<;tartda rd P.r;live restraifll> ............driver aodp.lS'>l'Tlgerfront and lide airilags2010 BUYERS GUIDE 29

Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder Hi,hs: Top stows tidily, torquey Base pri(e: GS,$28,519;GT. m ,541! and musicalV-6engine, seriously The Eclipse Spyder offers lots of bang for the buck , assertive st~ i ng for the money. Vehide type: front-engine. front-drive; 2-door 2+2-p.1SSenge-rwith styling unmatched at its price and a top that drops injust 19 seconds. T he growl ing V-6 and the slippery exterior Lows: Torque steer, some (owl coovertibleshape make sure its owners get noticed, and it is reasonably shake, no IDllover protection,qu iet with the top up and draft-free with it dow n. could afford to 5hed 50me weight Imeriorl'O lume,FlRJeargo (cuh). .53/]315 wilt's ntw: Redesigned for 2007; Wheel oo \e .. .101.4in manual transmissionsare dropped for 2010, and5tability Length /Width/ht'ight ....... I80.417W54,4-54.7in control i5 standard. Tum ingCircle .. . ..40,Oft Btkind Ib whtd: Not the m05t 50phisticated performer Cllfbwdght 3500-3IlOO Ib but hang5 on wellincorners; entertainingly qukk with theV-6. EPAcity/highway mpg 16-19124-26 Fuel-tankcapacity/lange , .............. 17.7gal!283-336mi ED ITORS ' RATING POWERTRAIN 00 2.4-liter SOHC16--valYe inhne-4, 162 hp, 161 Ib-ft; 38-llter SOHC 24-va1Ye V-6, 265 hp. 2621b-h; 4- or 5-spautowith man um atic shifting SUSPENSION f ind ,strut~ cod spring~ ant i-rol lbar R ,in d, multilink, coft spring~ anti -r~ 1 bar SAFETY ·'Il'nteddisclvemed disc or disc Brakes, FIR .. standard AB$, . ...... .... staMard/standard Stabilit y/tractioo cootrol P.lSsive restraims. .oover and passenger front .o'ld side aimags ',:''' Z010Nissan 370Z HI,hs: Solidfeel, the wayit looK5 Base pri(e: $37.69:1 with thetop down, impressive Less chunky than its predecessor, the new Z convertible acceleration, excellent seven- Vehide type: front- engine, lear-drive: 2-door 2-p.lssengeris also qu ic ke r, more rig id, and better to drive. Li ke the speed automaticcoupe, the convertible never feels light on its feet, and its rwdster .... 52/4large V-6 sounds somewhat rough, but it's still a remark- Lows: V-6cansound unrefined,able, entertain ing, and so mewhat affordable roadster. incred ib~ dorky-looking with the Interiorl'Olume,r/Cilrgo (cu ft) top up, heavy fet'1. Wheeloose .. .loo,4in Wilt's ntw; Redesignedfor 2010. Length /Width/hl'ight 167.2/72.8/522 in Btkind Ibwhttl: The latest Z roodster is more 5Olid-fee ling Tumingcircle. J1.8 34.1ft (est) andquicKer thanbefore,Hea'l)' Curbwdght .. steeringgives the car aleaden .34So-3SOO lb feel,but the grip, brakes, and acceleration arebreathtaking EPAcity/highway mpg ... 18/25 EDITORS' RATING Fuel-tan kcapocity/range 19.0g<l1/342ml 0000 POWERTRAIN H-liter OOIK24-valveY-<5, m hp. 270 Ib-ft;6-spman, 7-1fl auto with manum at icshifting SUSPENSION F, .ind, uneq ual- length controlarm~ coD spring~ anti -r~ 1 bilr R .in d, multilin k, co~ spring\, anti -roll bilr SAfETY Brakes, F/R.. ... .........vented dis(/VI'Ilted disc ASS standard Stability/traction cootrol stJ ooard/standard Passive II'ltraints. ·... driver andp.l\sengel front and side airbags lOBes! Winner •Companson Tl!st .. WinnerPorsche Boxster Base pri(e: $48,550; 5,$58,950 Hi,hs: Attainableperformance, The littlest Porsche offers sharp steeri ng, slick handling, steel-cut exhau5t5ounds, dire<1ly Vehlde type: mid-engine, rear- dr il'l.'; 2-dw 2-p.lsserrgerand sweet sounds and rotates around its m id-mounted connected5teering, two trunK5,engine with a safecracker's precision. Others have more rwdsterluxury, but the line for drivers forms behi nd the Boxster, Lows: OptiOn) ain't cheap (doesand last year's revised styling hardened its looks a bit. anyone real~ need leather-lined InteriorI'O lume,FIcargo ((U ft) .48/10 vent slat5?),les5 money canbuy you more power. Wheeloose . 95 .1in Length /Width/hf'i ght Wilt's nnt: Redesigned for 2005; 172 ,1170,9/50,9 in unchangedfor 2010. TumingCirde. . . J 5 ,8 ft Bekind Ib whed: Aperfect blend of bri5k power, athletic Cllfbwdght 2950-3050 1b suspension, mid-engine balance, andmarvelous brakes.Sitsinthe EPAcity/highway mpg 19-20/26-29 highestechelon ofdnvers'cars. Fuel-tankcdp.lcitY/lilllge , .......... 16.9g<l11321 338 mi EDITORS' RATING POWERTRAIN 00000 2.9-liter DOH( 24-valve fiat -<5, 255 hp, 214 Ib-ft; lA-liter OOHC 24-valYe flat--6, 310 hp, lUi Ib-ft; 6--sp rrnn, 7-1fl dua l dutch automated man SUSPENSION .ind,struts,co~ springs. anti-roll bal r. R ind,struts, coil springs. ant i-r~1 bar SAFETY ·....I'ffited,cross-drilled rj'l.i Brakes, FIR .. I'I.'nted,cross-dril led disc AB$, . Stability/traction cootrol standard Passive restra ints. ItJ ooard/standard ·... driver and paSserl\rrfroot, sid~, and curta in aimags30 CARaoxlORIVER,(om 2010 BUYERS GUIDE

Porsche 911 Carrera Cabriolet! Hi,hs: Porsche handling, Base price: 539.750: 4, $96,050;5, $100,750; 45,$107,OSOfTorbo.Turbo Cabriolet awesome brakes, the ripofaflat- six without aroof to insulate it. $144,750 Like its coupe counterpart, the 911 Carrera cabriolet canbe had with a variety of drivetrain s. Whatever flavor you Lows:Some Potsche stiffness Vehide type: fellr-engi ne, rear- oI 4-wh~-drive: 2-door 2+2-choose-and despite its \"pansy 911'\" rep---you'll find thi s traded for the removable roof. po\senger convertibledroptop is an indulgent thrill machine and a proper Porsche. whlt'sl!w: Redesigned for 2005;Choose the PDK duaklutch for etfortless cruising. Turbo isupdated with anew tnteri~voI ume, F/f!Jcargo (cu It) 47/16/4 engine,optional PDK,tweaked looks, and more fo r2010 \VheeIb.J1C .925 in lelriad li ewiee): As with all length/width/height .. 17S.2- 176.3fi l.2-72.9f51 .2-51 .6in Potsches,the 911 cabconstantly streamsdatatothe driver, so you Turriog circle .. ..... 36.0ft can push it to theerlge while enjoying the sunshine. Curbwt'i~ h! 3300-3750 1b EDITORS' RATING EPA citylhighwllY mpg ...... 15-19/24-27(('$1) FIJd-ta nkGlpJCny!rllnl)f 0000 16.9- 17.7 gal/254 336 mi (esl) PQWERTRAI N 3.6-liter OOHC 2H.ll'ef1ilt-{i. 345 hp, 28Sl b-ft; 3.S-liler DOHC24- vdll'e fut-6, 385 hp, 310Ib-ft: turboch.Jr()ed and intercooled 3.S-liter 24-valve Oal-6,500 hp. 479 or 516 Ib-ft; 6-W man,7-Wdwl- dulch .utomoted man SUSPEN SION f. ind, \!Iur;, co il Ipri n~>. anti -rol lba r R ind, multil irt, co il Iprin~>. . nti-roI lba r SAFfTY Blakes. FIR . . ............. .Vl'flted.OW-drilled Ii>el \'€\"!lted. cross-drilled di>e ASS. Slandard Sta bility!tracnon control . standard/Slanda rd Passive> .......dri'/('t andPOS>l'rlgel froo~ lide, and curtain airtlagsRolls-Royce Phantom Hi,hs:Tradition, quality, luxury, Ba ~ prlte: $448,1XXlDrophead Coupe and allthe best-things-that- money-can-buy-type stuff that Vehide type: from-erqltle, rear-drive; 2-doo r 4-pa\\CIlger Somehow- and we're not quite sure how- the Rolls its name represents, including anPhantom convertible manages to be both ostentatious and ava ilab lestain less -stee l\"bonnet\" convertibletastefuL Nothing quite spell s \"money\" like thi s 5800- and teakdecking. Interior 'iOIu me, F!R/cargo(eu It) .. ..... .54/4<l!11pound behemoth, yet the elegant interior and optional teak Lows:Notexactly the rightdecking are old-world craftsmanship at its finest. statement intough times. Wheelbase .. ........ 130} in whit'slew:Introduced for 2008; letlglhlwidt h/hei~1 .220.8/78.2/62.2 in no changes for 2010. lu rniogcircle .410ft lelriad li ewiee):For acarofits size andmass, motions are well Cu rtl weight. ........5800 Ib controlled. There's plenty ofpower for quick, ifnot spirited, dri~ing. EPA Cityfhighway mpg .. . ......... 11/18 mi EDITORS' RATING rU€I-Mnk copacity/range .. 00000 POWERTRAIN 6.8-lner DOHC 48-valve V-l], 453 hp. 531Ib-ft: 6-111 aUlO SUSPEN SION ...ird. m Llh~ink, .ir~i rq~ omi-roll ba r r.. R• ...ird, muhdink, ai r>j) irqs.ami-roll ba r SAFETY flrakt\"S.f/R . .venled dWvenled di>e ASS. Slartdard Sta bdity!tracllon control . standard!Slartda rd Paslive ........driver .od pd\\CIlgerfronl and lide IlirtlogsSaab 9-3 Hi,hs: xandinav iandesign, Ba ~ prite: $45,sOO ({'It); Aero. $48.500 excellent seats, strOllg turbo The best parts oflhe 9-3 convertible are its strong turbo engine, roomy rearseat. Vehide type: front-engi ne. front-drive; 2-door 4-po\\CIlgerengine, cool interior design , and distinctive looks. But itsdemeanor is pretty soft compared with that of its best rivals, Lows:Some torque Sleer, minor convertibleand it is quite pricey, too. Droptop customers don ' t get the turbo lag, gets expensi~e as youall~wheel-drive option available on other 9· 3s. climb the lineup, cowl shake. Imerior 'iOIu me, F!R!cargo(eu It) .. ... 51!31/8122010 BUYERSGUIDE whit'SJIew: Refreshed for 2008; WheelbaIC .. ....... 105.3 in the turbo V-6engine is dropped for 2010. ll'flgthl....idt hlheigJt . . .182.4/69.1/56.4 in lelriad li ewiee):The 9-3is Tu rniogcircle ........ .39.0ft beginning tofeel dated, and although the engine is terrific, the Cu rtlwelght ,355O-3900 lb car's handling is merely average, with alow fun factor. EPA cityfhighway mpg . 19 20117 19 16.4ga1/11H28 mi EDITORS' RATING FU€I-ta nkcapacitylrange .. 000 POWERTRAIN turbocharged and intercooled 20-liter OOHC16-vaJve inline-4, 210 hp, ll1 lb-ft; 6-lpman, 5- 1J16-sp.UIO withII13numaticshifting SUSPENSION f.. ........ ind, struts. w i >j)irKJs.anti-roll ba r R .ind, multilirt, coil>j)irqs, anti-roll ba r SAFETY flrakt\"S.f/R . ........vented di>C!vented disc IJI disc ASS. Slartdard Sto bnity!tracllon wntrol slandord/Slartdard Paslive restraint> ............driver aod pa$>I'rlgerfroot and lideairtlags 31

Smart Fortwo Hi,hs: Roll-cage-like safety Base pri(e: S17,635; Brabus,S21,635 cellkeeps it rigid. the (heape'll Vehid e type: mid-el1gine, rear-drive; l -door 2-p.1SS€llgtf Miniaturized motoring exemplified, the Smart Fortwo {On~ertible in the U.S.fulfills the basic needs of urban commuters with two spa- rwdstercious seats and enough cargo room to haul a few bags of Lows:Top doesn'tstow fullygroceries . It's cheap, blll amacti ve inside, and the power and omtru(ts rear view when InteriorI'Olume, F/cargo (cu h) .... 45/8top can also open halfway to act as a sunroof. retracted, same dim-witted transmission as thecoupe. Whl'eIoo\e .. ..73.5in wb t's new: Introduced for 2008; Lengt h/Width/ht'ight 106.1161.4/60.7 in no majOrchanges for 2010 Tum ingCircle .. . .. 28.7h Ifi ind lit wktll:Controls are heavy for such alight car,which Cllfbwdght .1850 1b gives it asporty feel until you try 10 accelerate. Gearchanges might EPA City/highway mpg ....... .13/41 take longer than yourcommute. Fuel-tankcapacity/lange . 8.7 g,lII287 mi EDITORS' RATING POWERTRAIN o 1.O-liter OOf( 12-valw inlioe-3, 70 hp, 68 lb-h; S-sp aU1l)mated \"'\"SUSPE NSION .ind ostru!~ co~ sprillg>. anti-roll bar de Dion rigid axle, cod sprillgs, anti-rol lbar f. R SAfETY !\rak6.r/R.. disc/lium ABS standard Stability/tracuoo cootroi ..... ..... stlndard/standard PaI~VI' restraints. ... ...... driver andpalsengedroot and side aimagsTesla Roadster Hi,hs: HummmmslO 60 mph in Base prite: $110,950; Sport, $130,450 about fourseconds, range of upto Proving that electric cars aren't just slow+moving cu- 240 miles, starts asan Elise. Vehid ~ type: mid-engine, rear-driVl'; 2-door 2-passengl'l targabicles, the Tesla is a I22+mph screamer powered by 6831lithiu m-ion batteries. A two-seat roadster based on the sub- Lows:Moonshot expensi~e, InteriorI'OllJIIle. F/cargo ((U hJ 46/4lime Lotus Elise, it carries a Pentagon price tag and has unproven powertrain, how longlimited practicality but kilowatts of eco-cachet. willTesla bearound? Whl'eIoo\e.. .. 92.6in Wilt's nrw:Introduced in 2008; Ll'Ilgth/Widthlhf'ight 155 .4/68 .0/44.4io arevised interiorand aharder- edged Sport are new for 2010. Tum ingCircle. ...36.7 h Bfl ind tit whtll:Slings you Cllfbwdght .2750 1b forwardlikearubber band off the finger of God; the Tesla is fast and EPAcitylhighwoy mpg ......NA's not silen~ but it sounds like ajel, which is cooler. il.111et)' capacity/range 53kWh/240mi EDITORS' RATING POWERTRAIN 0000 AC petmanl'llt-mognet s)1lchroooo> ete<:triC motor,l4S 1)1\" 288 hp, m or280 Ib-It; l -spdt1.'Ctdrive SU SPE NSION r. .ind, unequal-Ietlgth(o ntrol arm~ co~ sprillg>. anti-rol lbar R •ind, unequal-Ietlgthcontrol arm~ co~ sprillg>. anti-roll bar SAFETY .......vetlted disc/vented disc !\rakes,r/R.. lIandard ASS .........l1Ot availa ble/standard Stilbility/tracuoo cootroi .driverand pa»enger front aimag, PclSJjVl' restra ints.Volkswagen Eos Hi,hs:Solid and refined feel. Bas~ prite: Komfurt, $3],740; Lu~, $36)40 clever lOp design, nicely furnished An entertaining hardtop convertible that has a sol id, re- and finished inside, attractive Vehide type: front-etlglle. froot-O-il't'; 2-cIoo r 4-passengtffined feel and an attractive interior that its ri vals can't quite base price.match. The rear seat is smallish, and the cargo room shrinks coovertibleradically when the top goes down. Superb turbo four pro+ Lows: Appears dumpy from somevides good power and returns respectable fue l econo my. angles, cargo capacily shrinks InteriorI'OllJIIle, F/R!cJlI}O (cu h) 50128/7-1 1 with the lOp down, lacKsthe32 CARaoxlDRIVER.( om precise feel ofotherWI products. Whl'eIoo\e .. . 101.5 in Wiat'sntw:Introduced for2007; Ll'Ilgth/Widthlhf'ight 173.6170.5/56.8io unchanged for 2010. Tum ingCircle .. . . .3S .8h Btl ind titwhtll: Asmooth customer with nicelyweighted Cllfbwdght 3SSo-3fiJO ib steering and aIOrquey engine, but thisisn't asports car. EPA citylhighway mpg 21 22/19 31 EDITORS' RATING Fuel-tankcapacity/lange . .............. t4.5gaI/305-319mi 000 POWERTRAIN turbocharged andintercooled 2.0-liler OOHC 1 6-va l~ inline-4,200 hp, Xillb-h; 6-sp man, 6-1P ooal-dutdl automated man SUSPENSION F.. ..... indostruts\" cod sprillgs, anti·roIl bar R ind,mullilin k, cod sprillgs, anti-rol lbar SAfETY ve!lted disc/disc !\rakes, FIR.. standard ABS .. .......... stardard/standard Staoility/tractioo cootrol .OOVl'rand passeogl'l front aIld PclSliVl' restra ints. curtain almags 2010 BUYERS GUIDE

Volkswagen New Beetle Hi,hs:Speedy power top. Base price: S16,91() The New Beetle conve rtible is so cute it 's almost impressive quality, solid chassis, Vehide type: fronl-engi ne, front-drive; l -door 4-pa5>e!lgerridiculous. The well-padded top is power operated and surprising interior room-didfolds itself neatly behind the rear seats- which, in truth, corwertiblearen't that spacious. There's just one engine, a 2.S-liter we mention cuteness?inline-five, allied with a slick six -speed automatic. Interior lUIume, F/R/wgo (eu It).. ..... .. 49mI5 Lows:Pokey five -cylinder engine, automatictransmission only, one Wheelbase .. ..... ... 9a,g in trimleve l. length/wic!t h/heiljlt ,161.1/67.9159,1 in whit'slew: Introduced for 2003; there are on~ minor trim changes Turningcircle ..... ... .35,8ft forlhe 2010 model year. Curbwght .3250 Ib Belriad tiewieel: Built on a previous-generation Golf chassis, EPA cityfhighway mfXj .. ..... ......... 20/28 this ragtop feels Eurofirm-jusl don't expectathleticresponses. FlM'I-tank capacitylranqe .. ... . 14.5 9al/290 mi EDITORS' RATING PQWERTRAIN 00 IS-liter [X)HC lQ-valve inline-5, 1SO hp, 170 Ib-It; 6-sp auto with ma nu mcllicsli ifiing SUSPENSION f.. ·.... ind, SlrutS. COil>j)\"ings, anti-roll lJa r R ind,tra ili l\"H] anm, coil>j)\"ings, anti-roll lJa r 5AFfTY Bra~es, FIR , vented ,j>e/di>e ASS.. .... Slandard Stability/tractiOll cootrol . standardlSlandard P.r;sive restraints, .. .. ....driver andpassenger front and Sidl' airbagsVolvo (70 Hi'fhs:Folding metal roof Ba ~ prlte: $40,850 Like most Volvos, the C70 is high on style but lacking provides the security of acoupe Vehide type: front-engine, front- d ri~; l -door 4-passengerin driving excitement. The folding metal hardtop gives thesecurity of a coupe and year-round usability, but it lacks the and the joy ofaconvertible, wrwertibledri ver appeal of a BMW, Aud i, or Infin iti convertible. For handsome exterior st0ing.2010, there's overhau led styling inside and out. Interior lUIume, F/Rlwgo (eu It).. . .. SfJ/33/6 13 Lows:Not much trunk space with the top down, dull to drive. Wheelbase .. ........ 103.9 in WhIt'SUW: Re<lesigned for 2006; length/wic!t h/heiljlt ,180.41723155,1 in refreshed intelior and exterior for 2010. lurningcircle J81fr 'elriad liewieeJ: The turoo Curb weight. . .3800 }SSO Ib engine is willing, and the six- spee\! manual and five-speed EPA cityfhighway mfXj .. ..... 19-20/28 auto are slick, but the handling 16.4 gai/312-328mi isn't sporting enough for us. rlIEl-Mnk CJpacity/range .. EDITORS' RATING mPQWERTRAIN 000 rurOOdlarged and intercooled 2.5-liter OOHC 2O-valve inline-5, hp, 236 Ib-ft;6-sp man, 5-sp auto withmanumancsliihlng SUSPENSION f.. ·.... ind, SIMS,COil>j)\"ings, anti-roll bJ r R• ·.ind, multiliri, coi l>j)\"i ng~ anti- ro ll bJ r SAFnY Brak~, FIR , ... vented o>e/di>e ASS. Slandard Stability/tractlOll wnt rol standard/Siandard P.r;sive restraims, ..drivl'l\" and passenger frOll~ side, and curtain airbagsNOW MIGHT BE THE RIGHT rushed overhau lsof entire prod uctec:=TIME TO BUY ACAR fl lineups, we could be on the verge of industry-wide corner- and cost-Now more than ever, people are thousands of dol lars off and cut-rate cutting prac tices that result in a slowscrutinizing every cent they spend. As a financi ng- although be sure to read the deterioration of the modern ca r from itsresu lt. new-ca r sales have fallen off, but fine print, because that's often reserved current may actually be a good ti me to buy. for the exclusive few with near-perfectHere's why, cred it. Regardless, it's a buyers' market for THE ONLY CERTAINTY IS more than j ust houses. UNCERTAINTYTHERE ARE AMAZING DEALSTOBEHAD CARS TODAY ARE Of course, the re are plenty of reasons not BETTER THAN EVER to buy a car now, too. It's unwise to getWhi le American automa kers may be in over your head on a loan, and now isgetti ng the majority of the bad-news From dependabi lity and longevity to proba bly not the time to ra id the collegecoverage these days, it's no secret that pe rformance and fuel economy, today's fund for a midl ife-crisis sportscar. Theseforeig n carmakers are hurting as well. ca rs are the best we've ever seen. are uncertain t imes, and the appropriateTu rn on your TV, and you'll see that Warranties last longer and cover more course of act ion isdifferent for each ofanyone sel ling cars has j uicy dea lsto lu re miles because t he cars do. But with us. But apprehension need not scarebuye rs into the showroom, including pe nding legislat ion that could force customers away from the showroom. Everybody needs a new ca r sooner or later, and in today's market, sooner might be smarte r.2010 BUYERSGUIDE 33

COUPES inlerior volume turnlnlil eirel.. EPA fuel In\"\" front/rnr/cargo, f. .t lengthlwidth(height. curb weight. dtylhw)' mpg IiIIIHo..., cubic ' H I Inchlli pounds OVER $40,000 5266.350 11- 11117- 18 1ll 50118/7 39.4 185.9fi5.0/SO.4 3BOO Aston Martin DBS $186,12<1 11- B/17- M 21.1 50118/7 39.4 4050- 4150 Aston Martin D89 $1,750,000' 21.1' Se/NAn' 39.0' 185.5/73.8/50.0 Aslon Martin Ont-n $123,800 lOllS' 1ll 51lNMl l 36.4 3350 Aston Martin V-8 Vantage $117,500-$150,200 lH4/19- l{I 23.8 49/NAl4 38.7 180.2 n 1.0'/48.2 3600- 3700 AlldiR8 12-13f18- 2{I 3550- 3700 $348,085 53{47{14 40.4 17l.4fi3.s/49.4 Bentley Brooklands $189,095-5273,195 9/ 15 25.4 54/36/13 36.8 6000 Bentley Continental GT 10/17 21.8 51/37/11 36.1- 38.7 174.5- 174.6/7S.0- 76.0f 5400 BMWM) $59,975 14-18/20- 28 16.1- 16.6 49.3 3400- 3800 52/31/13 37.4- 41,0 BMWM6 $105,925 11- 15/17- 23 18.5 213.0n4.8/SlI.O 3850- 3950 52/31/13 37.4- 41 ,0 BMW6-s!!rt!!S $79,025 11- 15/17- 23 18.5 189.1/77.4/54.3- 54.7 3850- 3950 SO/NA/l' 39.3 Bugattl V!!yron 16.4 $1,91)0,000 .14 26.4 S1/NA/ll 39.0 180.&-181 .8/70.2- 71.0/ 4500 C\"!!Vrol!!t Corvett!!/Grand Sport $49,&80- $SS,720 18.0 54.1 - 55.8 3300- 3350 15-16125- 26 SllNAlll 39.0 C\"!!Vrol!!t Corvett!! ZRl SI09,130 S1/N,IJl2 39.0 190J- 191.3filO/ 3350 C\"!!Vrol!!t (orvett!! ZG6 $7S,235 14120 18.0 48/NA/l$ 40.5 54.0--S4.1 3lOO Dodg!! Viper SRTlO Coup!!/ACR $90,000--$102,000 • 18.0 S1/N,lJS ' HA 3400- 3450 Ferrari 4S81tatia $m,OOO' IS/14 16.0 190J- 191.8filO/ llOO 11.7 54.0--S4.134 CARaoxlDRIVER.(om 13m 175.7/78.7/45.1- 47.4 13/17 ' 174.6 - 17S.6172.6-7S.9/ 48.7- 49.0 176.1I7S.9/49.0 175.6flS.9/49.0 17S.6flS,2J47.6 178.2176.3/47.8 2010 BUYERS GUIDE

,,. interior volume turning leng1hlwldthlheight,. curb weight,. fuellllnk, frontlru ,/nrgo, clrde, bueprice citylhwy mpg gallon. cubicf...t feet inch.. pound. OVER $40,000 (continued) 5316,693- $326,730 11/lS 27.7 481NA/l l 40A 183.7m.2/52.6 3950-4000 mO,038 9/16 1910m.0/52.9 4100-4150Ferrari 599G1B Fiorano $48,175 14-18f22- 26 28.5 53/3619 40.1 188.1- 188.2m .9/ 3450-3900Ferrari 612 xagliettiFord stJelby G1500 16.0 52- 53128- 31/10- 13 314- 37.7 54.5- 56.1 )800-4000 188.7n4.5/52.0JaguarXK/XKR $83,(1(X1- $96,ooo 15- 16/22- 24 16.1 51124/10 35.8 171.1n4.8/45.9 moLamborghini Gallardo LPS60-41LPSSG-2 $202,100- $223,900 12- 14/20 23.8 491NA!4 37.7 181.5- 185.1/81.0/44.7Lamborgllini Murdelago lP640I $362,395- 5458,395 8- 9113- 14 26.4 491NA!6 41.2 3850-4050 149.S/68.0/45.6 LP670-4 SV $66,81S- $76,120 20 f26 10.6 41!NA!4 32.8 192.2n2.715lJ 1100LolUS Exlge S $121,400- $125,400 12f19 22.7 51/32/9 3S.1 199.4- 20CUm.7155.8 4400Maserati GranTurismo $112,575- S211,045 11- 14117- 21 218 53- 55/37- 40114 38.1 185.0n0.1/54.0 4600- 5050Mercedes-Benz (l-dass 548,925- 556,825 15- 17123-26 17.4 52133110 35.1 183. 1n4.9/54.0 3800- 3950Mertedes-Benz E-dass 1612 1 19.5 53/1619 172.3nO.9/51.3- 51.4Nlssan GT-R 581)90 19- 20/26- 29 16.9 481NA! 14 )66 175.8/71 .2- 72.91 )900Porsdle Cayman $52,350- $62,450 18- 19f25- 27 16.9- 17.7 48/16f4 176.4m.2150.4Porsdle 911 Carrera/Targa $78,750-$104,050 14121 17.7- B.8 48!NA!20 36.4 176.1nl.9/51.2 2950- 3050Porsthe 911 GT3/GT3 RS $113,150- 5133,595 16123* 17.7 48/1614 36.0 220.9/78.2162.9 3200- 3400Porsthe 911 Turbo 11/18 26.4 53/4Of11 36.0Rolls-Royce Phantom (oupe $IB,595 36.0 mo $413,000 43.0 $25,000-$40,000 3500- 3600 536,815-$54,525 14-Uf22- 30 16.6-17.2 5S137/12 37.4 182.1/73.0154.0Audl AS/SS $38,625- $46)25 21f29 14.5- 15.9 48126/13 36.0 \"\"'Audi 1T1TTS 164.5- 16S.1nl.51 49137/10 35.1 53.0- 53.5 3600- 3950BMW1 -series $29,825- $36,675 17- 18!2S- 28 14.0 51137111 36.1- 38.7 3200- 3300BMW J-series 536,575- $44,915 172.2/68.8/55.4- S6.0 14- 1811{H8 16.1-16.6 51 - 54131/7 36.1- 36.7 Boo- J400 50- 52/37/8 34.8 180.6- 181.8170.2- 71.01 3400- 3800Infiniti 637 536,765- 539,565 17- 1811S- 26 10.0 34.1 54.1- 55.8MazdaRH 16/22- 21 15.9 52!NA!7 3650- 3850Nissan 370Z m,245- $32)40 18f16 19.0 181lfi18/54.7- 553 3100- 3150 mO-J400 $18,000- $25,000 $30,5OO- S40,5OO* 176.8/69.7152.8(heVl\"olet (amaro m,04O - 531,04O 167.1- 174.3/71.6/51.8Dodge Challenger/SRT8 523,460-$43,706Ford Mustang $21,845- $28,845 16-17fl4- 29 19.0 5111611 1 37.7 190.4fi5.5/54.1 3800-3950 13- 17/19- 25 37.5- 38.9 197J- 197.8nS.7/S7.1 3850- 4100 14- 18/22- 26 18.0- 19.0 56138/16 314-37.7 3450---3900 188.1- 188.2n19/ 17- 21125- 31 16.0 52- 53/28- 31/10- 13 54.5- 56.1 3250-3550 17- 21f26- 30 3400- 3500Hand. Accord $23,265-$30.015 24-28132-37 18.5 53- 56/36/11 37.1 - 38.6 190.9fl2.8/56.4 2550- 2750Hyundal Genesis $22,750- 530,250 24- 28f32- 36 17.2 57132110 37.4 182.3I73.4f54.5 2750---2900Mini Cooper 519,500- $29,500 10.6-13.2 47/29116 35.1Mini (ooperCiubman 521,150- $31,700 16-20f2H8 13.2 4713219 36.1 145.6-146.2/66.3/55.4 3300-3650 18- 13f17- 31 3150- 3350Mitsubishi Edipse $21,419- $29,128 21-l0f30- 42 17.7 50-52/29/16 40.0 155.0- 155.8166.3/ 3000- 3100Nissan A!lima $13,160- 530,310 56.1- 56.4Volkswagen Golf/GTI $18,240- $24,239 20/28- 29 10.0 49- 53137/8 34.7- 36.1 2900---3000 21129- 30 180.4n2.2153.5- 51.8 3150-3300 14.5 51142115 35.8 180.9fi0.7/55.9Volkswagen NewBeetle $19,290 14.5 46/35/12 35.8 165.4-165.9/70.0-70.11Volvo 00 524,950- Sl7,150 15.9 50138flO 38.1 57.9- 58.2 UNDER $18,000 $15,710- $25,255 $17,570- 519,180 161.1167.9/59.0Chevrolet (obah/Cobah SS 516,165- $22,765 167.4fiO.2157.0Ford Fotus 510,690- $16,915Hand. CIYk/Clvtt51 $17,290- $18,390 22- 25/30- 37 110 50133/1 4 37.4-39.4 180.3/67.9155.7 2750- 3000Hyundai A«ent 24/34- 35 U.S 51143/14 34.2- 36.5 175.0f67.9/58.6 2700- 1800Kia Forte Koup W,670 13.2 50/32/11 3S.4-35.6 175.S/68.9/55.0 16OO- l9IXlSaan t( $12,635- $18,635 21-26129- 36 11.9 51140/16 159.3/66.7/57.9 2450- 1550Smart Fortwo 27- 181l4- 36 13J 54136/13 33.1 176.4/69.5155.1 2750- 2950Toyola Varis $13.105 22- 2SI31 - 34 14.5 49/36/B 33.9- 35.4 174.0/69.1/55.7 2950- 31>00-estimated 20- 21n7- 29 45!NA!8 106.1161.4/60.7 \"11.1 47/3719- 10 36.1 150.6/66.7/60.0 1850 33141 18J 2350- 2400 29/35-36 30.82010 BUYERS GUIDE 35

Aston Martin DBS Hi'Jhs:Lookslike James Bond's Base pri(e: $266,350 cafshould, fa st enough to escape The DBS is Aston's top-of-the-line supercar, next to the most baddies, seductive shape. Vehide type: front- engine, rear-drNe; 2-door 2- or 2+2-very-limited-edition One-77. Essentially a DB9 with morepower and grip but less weight, it's highly capable and a Lows:lighter than the OB9 passengercoop€joy to listen to, but it 's not as focused as other 500-plus-hp butstill feels heavy, powerexotics from Italy and GelTllany. upgrades to the DB9 shrinkthe Imeriofl'Olume, FlRJeargo (cu II) . · SOI18/7 performance gap. Wheeloo\e .. . 107.9in wbt'suw: Introduced for 2008; six-speed automatic availableas Lengt h/Width/ht'i ght 185 .9175 .0/50.4in of late 2009. minor trim changes added for2010. TumingCircle .. ...39.41'1 ae\"ind tit wheel: Composed Cllfbwdght .3IlOO Ib handling. great brakes, and a hair-raising V-12 yowl. EPACity/highway mpg 11-12/17-18 EDITORS' RATING Fuel-tankcapacity/lange . .............. 21.19.11/212-253 mi 0000 POWERTRAIN 5.9-liter DOHC48-vaivl' V-1 2. 510 hp. 420 Ib-II; 6-W man, 6-W auto ....ith manumat iC shilling SUSPENSION r. .iOO, unequal-lt\"Ilgthcontrolarm~ co~ sprillgs, clnti-roI lbelr R .ioo, uneq ual-lt\"Ilgth controlarm~ codsprings, anti-rol lbelr SAFETY Brakes, F/R.. ve nted.cfOSs-dolied Cl'filrTliCdi;c!ventf'd. cro;s-drilled Cetclmicdisc ABS standard Siability/tracuoo cootroi ..... ..... stardard/standard PaI~V\' restraintl . .. ...liiver and pas>enger fro nt iII1d side aimagsAston Martin DB9 Hi,hs:Gorgeous >tyling, V-12 Base prite: S186,120 power and sound,responsive Vehid~ type: from- t\"Il~n~, rear-drive; 2-d oo r l+2-pas\enger The pricey, largely handmade, v- 12- propelled DB9 is a automatic transmission, a bargaincompared with the DBS, COO~ · SO/ 18/7beautifully detailed grand tourer that packs enough leather incredible cabin. ... . 108.t intrim, style, and performance to impress any enthusiast. [t Imeriorvo lume, FlRJeargo (cu II) .lacks the agility of a true sports car, and its back seat is Lows: Heavy, not as fun to drivemostly for decoration, but ifs sti ll mighty e legant. as otherexotics, pricey, upstaged W\"heeIoo\e .. by its v-aVantage little brother. Lengt h/Width/height t85.5173.8/5O.0in Wilt'S new:Introduced for 2004; Turn ing cirde .39.411 changes for 2010 are limited to 4050- 4150 1b minor equipment tweaks. ~~c~t~~ay'mpg 11-13/17-20 ae\"ind litwhtd: The DB9 r~eI-lan k Cclp.l(ily/rallge . ..... ..... 21.1gal/232-274 mi sounds great but has to bedriven POWERTRAIN deliberately tobe driven fast. 5.9-hter DOHC48-vaivl' V-12, 470 hp, 443 Ib-II; 6-W man, 6-sp EDITORS' RATING amo with manumat iC shiflln~ 0000 SUSPENSION r. .ind, unequal-lt\"Ilgthcontrolarm~ co~ sprillgs, clnti-roI lbell R .ioo, unequal- Iffigthcontrolarm~ codspri ng~ anti -rol lbar SAFETY Brakes,f/R ..... .vented, grooved disc/Venlf'd. grooved disc ABS standard Stilbility/tracuoo comroi ..... ..... stardard/standard PasJjV\' rest raints. .roverand passenger front iII1d ,ide aimag, ',:''' Z010Aston Martin One-77 Hi,hs: Super high-tech, Bas~ prite: S1)50'()(X) (est) beautifullyfinished everywhere, Limited 10 77 units worldwide and sporting a carbon impressive performance figures. Vehide type: from- ffigine, rea r-drive; 2-door 2-pas\engermonocoque chass is, a 7.3- liter V-12 with at least 700 horse-power, and a hand-formed aluminum body, the near-two- Lows:Super-duper, hyper-limited COO~ .5On(est)million-dollar One-77 is what happens when an automaker availability; almost too ridiculous;builds a car without ever saying \"no\" to its engineers. no! being able10 see all oflhe Interiorvo lume. r/cargo(cu It) craftsmanship;good luck trying 10 gel on the lis! for one. Whl'eioo\e. t09.9in ..... ... t80.2n1.0 (est)/48.2in Wi.t'snfw: Introduced for 2010. Length /Widthlheight Turn ing(irde . .. 39.01l(est) ae\"ind Ibwhtel: Despiteits ~PAbc~~~~ay'mpg ·.3350 Ib st~ i sh, show-car body and lOllS (est) exquisite detailing, the Dne-77 is Fuel-tankcclp.lcity/rclnge 21 .t gal (est)/l11 ml (est) acutting-edge, racing-inspired POWERTRAIN sporls carunderneath. 7.3-liter DOH( -IS-valve V-12. 700 hp (es!). 516 1b-ft (est); 6-sp EDITORS' RATING au!Omiltf'd man 00000 SUSPENSION F. .ioo, unequal- Iffigthcontrolarm~ codsprings. anti-rol lbar R .ioo, uneq ual-ll\"rlgthcontrolamls. codsprings. anti·roI lbar SAFETY Brakes, FIR. ve nt!'\!, cross-drill!,\! CffMTlicdisdvenl~ . cross-drilled ceramicdisc ABS .. standard Stclbility/tractioo control ..... ..... stardard/standard Passive restraints. driver clnd passenger froot and side almags36 CARaoxlDRIVER.(om 2010 BUYERS GUIDE

Aston Martin V-8 Vantage Hi,hs:The most affordableand Base price: sm,800 best-driving Aston to date, exotic Although it's the smallest and least-ex pensive car in the look and feel, the solid wall of Vehide type: front-erqine, rear-drive; 3-doo r 2-pa5>e!lgerAston lineup, the Vantage is a true driver's car, not j ust a sound bsuing from theV-S.beautifully crafted one. When new, it lost to the Audi R8 batchbJckand the Porsche 911 Turbo in a camparo, bur it now has Lows:Heavy for atwo-seater,more power to back up is spine-tingling exhaust wail. c05ts more than aPorsche 91 1 Interior lUIume, F/cargo (cuIt). ..... .... 52/11 Wh,t'sJleW: Introduced for2006; Wheelba'it' .. ..... .. 102.4 in anewsix-bar grille and small lengthlwic!t h/heiljlt ,172.4/73.5/49.4 in equipment and trim updates are newfor2010, Tu rningcircle ..... .. ..36.4 It Belriad liewieel:It wants to Cu rb w ght J600-3700 lb bum brakes, drill sideways, and I:Iomb down straights. Bener EPA(ityfhighway mfXj .. .... .. 12-14/19-20 connected than any Aston yet. FlM'I-tank (apacitylrange .. 21.1 gaI/253-295 mi EDITORS' RATING PQWERTRAIN 00000 4)-liter OOOC 32-val\'e V-8, 420 hp. 347Ib-ft; 6-W man IJt 6-W automated man SUSPENSION r....... ind, uneqwl-Ie rqth control arms,COil>j)\"irq\,anti-roll iJa r R .ind, uneqw l-Ie rqth control anm,coil>j)\"irqs, anti-roll iJa r SAFETY flr\"a~(1, rIR , ,vented. grOO\'eddi>cl\'ellted. grooved disc ASS. standard Stability/tracnon control . standard/standard Passive restraint> ............driver andpasSl'rlger front and Side airbagsAudi AS/S5 Hi,hs:Sexy body, luxurious Ba~ prlte:A52,0T. $36.825:A5 l2, $44.825;55, $54,525 interior, handling nears sports-car Arguably the most beautiful models inAudi 's lineup, the lewis, improved fuel economy, Vehide type: front-ffi gine. 4-wheel-oo\'e; 2-door 4-pa\>e!lgerAS and S5 serve up refinement and luxut)'. A new engi neis the big news for 2010. A fuel-effi cient and pu nchy turbo Lows:Premium pricing, heavy, coo~ ...... 55137/12four from the A4 is now available in the AS , and the S5 tight backseat. ....... I08J insoldiers on with the great-sounding 340-hp, 4.2-1iter V-S. Interior lUIume, F/R/cargo (eu It). What's lew: Introduced for2008; Wheelbase.. for 201O,theV-6 isnolonger If'llgthl....ictthlheiljlt .. . . .182. 1/73. 0/54,0 in availablewith amanual,and a lu rning circle J7.41t 2.0-literfourisnew tothe AS Cu rb w ght J600-3950 Ib Belriad IiI wi,,): Apleasing compromisebetween sportiness EPA(ityfhighway mfXj . .. ... 14-22122-30 and luxury The S5 is seriously quick, make51ustworthy noises, FlM't-tank (opacity/range .......... 16,6-17.2 gal /m-378 mi and is ahoot todrive. PQWERTRAIN EDITORS' RATING 1\Irbocharged and intercooled 20-liter OOHC 16-valveinline-4, 211 00000 hp, 2S8 lb-It; 3.2-liter DOHC14-va lve V-6, 165 hp. 243 Ib-It; 4,2- liter DOlle 32-wJi ve V-8. 354hp,325tb-It;6-sp man, 6-sp autowith IDil numalicsh ifting SUSPENStON F•• ..ind, multil iri, coi l>j)\"irq~ anti- roll ba r R• . .. .... indomutul iri,COilIIXirqs,an!i-roll bar SAFETY Brakes, FIR Vl'flted lise/disc ASS. standard Stability/tractlon control . standard/standard Passive restraint> .......driver and paSSl'rlgel froo~ Side, and curtain airbags;rear curtain air1JagsAudiR8 Hi,hs:Strong 4.2-literV-8, Base price: 4,2 FSI, S117,500;5.2 FSI, S150,200 monger S.2-literV-1O, just look Vehide type: mid-engi ne. 4-wheel-drive; 2-door 2-pa5>e!lger Practical for a supercar and beautiful to behold, the at it. comfortable enough for dailyR8 is a true-blue supercar that will thrill the driver and use, gated manual shifter, \"Int'er~ior lUIume, F/cargo (cuIt). ..... ..... 4914passersby alike . T he V-8 version offers e noug h for some,but for about $30K more, the new V-I 0 offers a Ferrari- and Lows: Audi badge does not have Wheelba'it' .. ..... .. 1()43 inLamborg hini-grade driving experience and soundtrack . as much cachet as anItalian badge, clunky automate<! manual lengthl....ictthlheiljlt .......... 174.5-174.6/75.0-76.0/493 in gearbox. Tu rningcircle ........ .38.7 ft what'SJleW: Introduced for2008; S2S-hp V-IO isnew. Cu rb w ght J550-1700 lb Belriad lie wieel: As easy to EPA citylhighway m ~ . 12 13118 10 operate as an M, the R8 is a 23.8gall286- 309 mi 5upercarthat can be driwn daily. FlM'I-tank (apacitylra nge. . Both engines sing majestically, POWERTRAIN EDITORS' RATING 4.2-llter OOHC 32-va1ve V-8. 420 hp, 317 Ib-It; 5.2-llter DOHC 40- 00000 ~al ve V-10, 525hp, 391 Ib-It;6-sp man, 6-sp autom ated man SUSPENStON F....... ind, unequ.J l-terqth (ootrol anlls,COilIIXirqs,anti- roll ba r R .ind, uneqw l-Ie rqth control arms,coil>j)\"irqs, anti-roll ba r SAFETY llfakE'SJ/R , ...... vented, cross-drilled discJvented, cross-drilled disc ASS. standard St.3 bnity/tractlon control standard/standard PasSi\'e restraint>. . .....driver andpasseng('r front. side, andknee airbags2010 BUYERSGUIDE 37

AudiTTITTS Hi,hs: konicgood looks,quick- Base pri(e: n,S38,625:TIS,$46,725 shifting dual-clutchgearbox. A design icon, the a luminum and steel IT is a sports car trusty handling, feels light and Vehide type: front- engine, 4-lI1leel-drive; 3-door 4-p.1SSengtfthat is easy to drive quickly. Base versions have a 200-hp, sma ll,2.0-li ter turbo engine that returns good fuel economy. The hiltchbilckTIS offers even more power and even sharper handling. Lows: Tiny backsea ~ behavesatBoth versions have tiny rear seats. thelimit like afront-dril'l'f.even Imeriorl'Olum e, FlRJeargo ([uh). .4I!/16/B with AWD; ride can be harsh, Wheel oo \e .. ..97.2in wbt's new: Redesigned for 2008, Lengt h/Width/ht'ight .164.5-165.3172.5/53.0-53.5 in ns introduced for 2009;V-6 Turn ingCircle .. . ..36.0h discontinuedthis year, Cllfbwdght 3200-3300 Ib Bekind lit whtd: Sporty and refined. Rear-drivecompetition EPACity/highwayrnpg ........ 21/29 might be moresatisfying on a track,but theTT isstillajOy. Fuel-tankcapacity/lange . ......... 14.H5.9gal/305-334mi EDITORS' RATING POWERTRA1N 00000 rurbochargl'd andintercooled l.O-liter OOHC1 6-va l~ inline-4,200 (K 265hp, ~7 or258 Ib-h; 6-1P ooill-cl utchautomilled miln SUSPENSION f. .ind ostru!~ co~ sprillg>. elnti-roIl belr R ind, rn ultilin k,cod sprillgs, anti-rol lbelr SAfETY .vented di';(/vented diSc (K\" disc !\rak6. r/R.. ABS standard Siability/tracuoo cootrol ..... ..... stlndard/standard Pas~V\' restraints . ... ...... driver and pa5l/'rlge r!root. ~de, andknee aimagsBentley Brooklands Hi,hs: Rare,leather-lined interior, Base prite: $343,085 classicand clmy exterior,the Vehid~ type: Irom-l'Ogioe, rear-drive: 2-door 4- pa\\engl'l Named after an old racetrack in jolly old England, the thrust ofthebig V-8on boost.Brooklands is a coupe version of the Azure convertib le. roo~ .53/47/1 4It's rare and beautiful, and a lthough it feels special and Lows:Holycrap, this thing isbig;expens ive, it also feels heavy and a bit old. The 6.S-liter, fuelthirst;costsafortune; you'll Interiorvo lum e, FIRJcargo (cuh) .turbo V-8 offers serious thrust and is seriously thirsty. probablynever see one, much less drive one. W\"heeIoo\e .. · t22.7in Lengt h/Width/height .213.0174.8/SB.Oin Will's new: Introduced for 2009; unchangedfor 2010. Turn ingcirde .40.4h ..6000 Ib Bflind titwhtll: TheV-8 ~~c~t~~ay·mpg ....... 9/15 doesn't make particula~y pleasing sounds, but it moves the r~eI -teln k (elp.l(ity/relnge . 25.4gal/219mi Brooklands withauthority; never stops feelinghuge~ massive. POWERTRAtN EDITORS' RATING tw in-turlxxho rged and interrooled 6.8-liter ~shmd 16-va lveV-8, 530hp,774l b-h; 6-sp aUlawith manumaticshihing 0000 SUSPENSION r. .ind, unequal-l l'Ogthcontrolarm~ co~ sprillg>. elnti-roI lbelr R .ind, uneq ual- ll'Ogthco ntrolarm~ cod spri llg~ anti -rol lbar SAFETY ..... ..vl'Oted disc/vented disc !\rakes.. r/R.. standard ASS ..... ..... stlndard/stlndard Stilbility/tracuoo cootrol .roVErand passenger fro nt <Vld P.,JjVE rest raints. side elirb3g>. reelrJjde elimagsBentley Continental GT Hi,hs: UnmistakableBentley Bas~ prite: CiT, $t89,095: GT S!X'l'd. S213,995; SUpefSpO rtI, good looks,leatheryinterior, The entry-level GT helped Bentley boost its sales to effonless1UrOO W-12. $273 ,295newfound heights. TIle shape is sporty yet elegant, and thetwin-turbo W-12 has no trouble moving the heavy GT with Lows: Abit obese,tiny rearseat. Vehlde type: front-l'Ogioe. 4-YAl~I-dri~; 2-door 2-4-furious anger. Bent into comers, the GT proves willing, but atouchhard to see out of, slightlyits massive weight conspires against it. dull reflexes. passengercou pe38 CARaoxlDRIVER.( om Wilt'S ntw: Introduced for 2004; Interiorvo lum e, FIRJcargo (cuh) . .54/36/13 new Supersports model is lighter andhas 21 morehor5es than the Vo'heeloo\e .. ·.. lOS.1 600-hpGT Speed. Lengt h/Widthlh<ight ......... 189.1n7.4/54.3-54.7 Btlind titwhtd: Quickand quiet,the GT i5 moreabout high- Turn ingcirde 368 h 5peedcrui5i ngtha nback -road bruising.Theride can bebrinle. ~~c~t;h~ay·mpg ·.5400 Ib ... 10/17 EDITORS' RATING Fuel-tankCilpacity/lange .. B.8gal/238mi 0000 POWERTRAtN twin-turbocho rged <Vl d intl'lcool l'd DOHC 6.o-llter 4I!-val~ W-12; 552, 600, Of 621 hp:479, 553. Of 590 Ib·lt; 6-1P auw with maoo rn.lticshihing SUSPENSION F ind, mult ilink,air sprillgs, anti-roll belr R .ind, multilink.air sprillgs, anti-rollbar SAFETY !\rakes, FIR. . . .. .......Vl'Oted disc/vented disc ABS standard Stability/trelCliOO cootrol \tl rdard/stlndard Pas~V\' re\traints. . .driver andp.lssengerfront side, <Vld curtainaimags: rearcurta in aimags 2010 BUVERS GUIDE

BMW' -series Hi,hs: Superbinline six-cylinder Base price: ]lSi, $29,825; 135i, $36,675 engines, great neride Vehide type: front-erqine, rEar-drive; 2-doo r 4-pa5>e!lger The I-series is essentially a shortened ve rsion of its quality, 135i is incrediblyquick,3-series big brother, a perennial Car and Driver IOBest \"Int'er~ior lUIume, F/R/wgo(eu It). ..... .49/37/10winner. There's less space than in a 3-series coupe, but the 128i is abargainfor aBMW ..... .. I()U in1 has equally good road manners at a lower price. The 135 i Wheelba'it' lightning fast, especially for the money. Lows: Too much front-end letlgth/wic!t h/heiljlt 171.2158.8/5 5.4-56 ,0in push at the limit, 135ican get Turningcircle expensiveincredi blyquic kly. ..... ... .35,1ft whit'sleW: Introduced for2008; Curbwelght .3300-3400 lb unchanged for 2010. EPA Cityfhighway mfXj .. ..... . 17-1 8115- 18 lelriad liewiffJ: The cabinis simpleandstraightforward, Just FlM'I-ta nk capacitylrange .. l tOgal123S-15 2mi like inthe 3-series Bea ut~u l balance and rewarding handling PQWERTRAIN complement smooth power. Jo-Ilter OOfl( 14-valve inlirf-6, 130 hp, 100 Ib-It; twin- EDITORS' RATING rurOOdlarged and imercooled lo-litl'f ooHC14-vall'!' inline-{),300 00000 hp, 300 Ib-It; 6-spma n,6-sp ilUtowithmanumatiC sliifting SUSPENSION ·ind, SlIUl'i, coil~i ngs, anti-roll ba r F. ..ind, multiliri, coil~i ng~ anti- roll ba r R• SAFETY flra~(1 .r IR, ,l'eIlted diSdl'ellted disc ASS . Slandard Stability/tracnon control. standard/Slanda rd Passive restraint> .......dri'l('r andpaS>I'Ilgel froo~ side, and curtain airbags; rear curlain airbags IOBest Winner •Comparison Test ... WianerBMW 3-series/M3 Base price: llSi, $36.575; 328i!Drive. $38,475; 335i, $43,025; Hi,hs:Stellar steering feel, 335i~Drive, $44,925; M3,$59,975 A IOBest winner many times over, the 3-series coupe sports-car handling.. powerfulcomes in three tasty flavors: the 328i, which balances speed andquiet twin-turoo six, fuel- Yehlde type: IToot-f\"rlgine, rear- or 4-wheel-drive; 2-doo rand efficiency almost petfeclly; the 335i , whi ch offers efficient base engine. basicallybig-time petformance in a sleeperish package; and the everythingabout theM3 4-passenger coupeV-S- tolin ' M3, which is perhaps the best car on the planet. Lows:Fully optioned examples Interior lUIume, FIR/cargo(eu It)... ..... .51137/11 can tie pricey. WheelbaSE .. \"\"\" , ..... .. ..... .. 108.7 in whlt'suw: Re<lesigned for 2007, Ll'fl(llhiWlc!th/heiljlt 100.6-181.8/70.2-71.0154.1-55.8in M3 for 2008;autohigh-beams Turning circle ... 36,1 38.7ft are newly optional this year. Cu rb weighl. .. ..3400-3800 lb lehid tie wieel: Refined,quick, and funto drive everylevel of EPA cityfhighwaymM 14-1 8/10-18 3-seriescoupe offersaveritable FlM'I-tank Glpacity/raf1ge ..... ..... 16,1 16.6 ga11232 190 mi feastofenthusiast delighl5. PQWERTRAIN 3.o-llter OOfl( 14-valve inlirf-6, 130 hp, 100 Ib-It; twin- turOOdlarged and intercooled l O-liter ooliC 24-vall'!' inline-{), 300 hp, 300 Ib-ft; 4.0-~ler 001-{ 32-valve V-8, 414 hp, 295 Ib-ft ; 6-sp man, 6-sp ilUtOWIth manumatic shilting. 7-sp duo l-clutch au tomated man SUSPENSION f. ·ind, SlIUl'i, coil~i ngs, <wi-roll ba r R• ... ... .. indo multiliri,roi l\PI ings,anti- roll ba r SAFETY Brakes, FIR vented,cross-dri lled disc or vented disc/vemed, CMs-drill ed a scorl'ellted disc ASS .. .. ..... Slilrlda rd Stabilityftractioo control. standardfSlilrlda rd Passil'!' restraints .driver andp.lS'it'nger front, side, and curtain Jirbags;reorcu rtain Jirba gsBMW 6-series/M6 Hi,hs:Unique looks, mellifluous Base price: 65Oi, $79,025; 1.16, $105,925 V-8or re~-h appyV- l0, luxurious, Yehide type: front-erqine, f€ar-dril'€; 2-doo r 4-pa5>e!lger More of a luxurious crui ser than a sports coupe, the 650ioffers a great engine note, a comfortable and quiet interior, Lows: M6's jerkysequential \"Int'er~ior lUIume, F/R/wgo(eu It). ..... .52131/13quick acceleration , and a bit of exclusivity. The M6 stitTens manual. not asinvolving to drivethings up and adds quickness by way of a 500-hp V-10, asmost BMWS,limited rear-seat Wheelba'it'.. .1IJ'J.4- 109.5 inwith its highe r sticker increasing the excl usivity level. space,unique looks,porky, ll'flgth/....idt hlheiljlt .......... 1'X),2- 191.SI7l0/54.o-54,1in Whit's!leW: Reintroduced for 1004, M6 reintroduced for 2006; Turningcircle ... 37,4-41.0ft unchanged for 2010. Curb weight .3850-3950 Ib lehiad tiewieel:The650i is perfect forthe interstatebut too EPA cityfhighwaymM . 11 15/17 13 heavy tofeel truly nimble.The FlM'I-ta nk capacitylrange .. 18.5 galf204-278 mi M6 ismoreofaperformer, but it's outdoneby the cheaper Ml PQWERTRAIN EDITORS' RATING 4.8-llter ooHC 32-valve V-8, 360 hp, 360 Ib-It; S.O-lltl'f OOHC40- 000 valve V-10, 400 hp,383 Ib-It; 6-sp man, 6-sp auto with manutn.lIlC shifting, 7-sp ilUtomated man SUSPENSION ·ind, SlIUl'i, coil~i ngs, anti-roll ba r F. .ind,multiliri, coil~i ngs, anti-ro ll ba r R SAFETY BrakE'S,FIR, . I'ffited, cross-drilled disc orI'ffited Ii>el vented. cross-drill ed a sc orvented disc ASS . SI<lIldard Sta bnity/tr(l(\lon control stand. rdfSl<lllda rd Passive restraint> ..... dril'l'f andp.lS'it'llgerfroo~ side, knee, and curtain .irbags; rear{urlain airbags2010 BUYERSGUIDE 39

Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Hi'Jhs:El'i'rything-the PO'M'f, Base pri(e: S1,0;0:),00) the spee\!, the acceleration, and Vehide type: mid-engine, 4-wheel-driYe: 2-cIoor 2-p.1SSengtf The Veyron 16.4 is the car with the most of everything: the exclusi~ i ty, The interior setsprice tag, power, lOp speed (253 mph), and the quickest anew standard for all-around 'OO ~ .5011 (est)acceleration. As befits a car with a sticker of $1.9 million, opulence in supercdrs. .11)).7 inthe Veyron is exquisitely made and is super high·tech, with Imenorl'Olume, F/cargo (cu It) ..... .. 175.7178.7/45.1-47.4ina quad-turbo W- 16 engine that produces 100 [ horsepower. Lows:So expensive, ewn ...39.3 ft dreaming about it willcost you Whl'eIoo\e .. thirty bucks. Length /Width/ht'i ght TumingCircle .. Wiat'sntw: Introduced for 2006; there are no changes for 2010. Cllfbwdght .4500 lb Btkind lit whtd:Surp rising~ EPA City/highway mpg ... ...... 8/14 docilefor 1001 horsepower, until you hil1he gas and black out. The Fuel -taokcapacity /lange. 26.4 g.a1/211mi grip and brakes areamazing, too. POWERTRA1N EDITORS' RATING quad-turOOcharged and imercooled 8.o-hter OOHC 64-~al '/(' W- 1 6, 00000 1001 hp, 922Ib-It; 7-sp dual-clutchilutOOlated mao SU SPENSION r. .ind, uneq ual-l t\"Ilgthcontrolarm~ (O~ springs. clnti-roI lbelr R .ind, unequal-length controlarm~ codsprings. ant i-rol lbelr SAfETY l\rclk6. f/R.. l'ented. cross-drilled cer¥n i( disdl'erlted. cross-dri lled ceram icdisc ABS. . standard Stilbilityltractioo cootrol .... ........... stardard/standard Pmive restraints . ...drlvl'rand passenger front aimags ',:''' Z010Comparison T!!rt ... WinnerChevrolet Camaro HI,hs: Classic styling made Base price: l5.$23,040; 55,$31 .040 modern, excellent chassis, lots of Vehide type: front- engine, rear-drive: 2-door 4- p,]S';enger Returning after an eight-year hiatus, Chevy 's pony car power available, approachablewas inspired by its 1969 predecessor but isn't as slavi shly prices. ,OO~ .5 2126111retro as its competitors from Ford and Dodge. Thorough-ly modern underpinnings yield sports-car responses, and Lows: Weighs in surprisingly Interiorl'Olurn e. r!Rfeargo (cu It).powertrain optio ns include a 426-hp, 6.2-liter V-8. heavy and dri ~es like it hard seals,limiled trunk space. WhfflOO \e .. . 112.3 in Wilt's nflii': Introduced for 2010. Length/Width/hl'ighI 11}().4175.5/54.2 in Be.ind Ib whttl: Although il Turn ingcircle. . . .37.7 ft fe€lsbig, and its steering tends towardnumb, the new Camaro is Cllfbwdght .. J800- 3950Ib quid on its feel, and the 426-hp 55 V-8isan eyeball fialtener. EPA cily!highway mpg 16- 18/24-29 Prepare for Slart'S. Fuel-tankcclpocilyIrclnge t9.0g.a1/304-342 ml EDITORS' RATING POWERTRAIN 0000 l6-liter DOll( 24-valveV~, 304 hp. 273 lb-ft; 6.2-liter pushrod 16- val~e V-8,400 1)1\" 426hp. 410 or420 Ib-It; 6-sp man. 6-sp clutawith maoo mallc shifting SUSPENSION F.• .. .ird.strulS, co~ springs, anti·roI lbar R .indo mul tilin k. co~ springs. clnti-roI lbar SAFETY Brakes, FIR.. ..... ..~enlro disc/l'erlted disc ABS. . . . standard Stabilityltractioo control ............... stardard/standard Passive restra ints. driver andpassenger frool,-;ide, ...,d curtoinalmags: rearcurtain almagsChevrolet Cobalt/Cobalt SS HI,hs: Better-looking than the Base price: $15,710;IS, $16,390; Ll. 517,190; SS, Sl5,m sedan, excellent structure, high Choices are limited in the compact market, where the comfort quotient. attra(\i~e Vehid ~ type: front-engine, frOOI-oove; 2-000r 5-passengerCobalt coupe is more of a player than its sedan counterpart. pricing. hot-rod 55 model.It 's even better in SS trim, where its big-ti me power and 'OO ~ .. .SOt:l3/14razor-sharp handling make it a winner. The SS is coupe- Lows:Steering could be moreonly for 2010; the Pontiac 05 twin is discontinued. precise, four-speed auto. InteriorI'Olurne, FfRfcargo (cu It).4(1 CARaoxlDRIVER.(om Wbl's nt w: Introduced for 2005, WhfflOOse .. . 103.3 in 55 for 2008; Pontiac GS clone killed, minor trimchanges. Length /Width/hl'ighI 1803/67.9/55.7 in Bellnd Ib whttl: Thanksto solid Turning circle . 37 .4-39.4ft architeclUre, the standard Cobalt coupes are competent and comfy. Curbwdght .. .2750-3OCJO Ib Tighter tuning and apotent turbo motor makethe 55 atiger EPA cily!highwclY mpg 22-25/30- 37 EDITORS' RATING Fuel-tankcclpocilyIrtlnge 13.0g.a1f286-325 mi 000 POWfRTR A1N 2.2-liter DOIIC 16-~al ve inline-4, 155 hp, ISO Ib-It; turbocharged clnd intercoolro 2.o-l ~€1\" DO H( 16-vcll~e inli ne -4. 260 hp. 260 Ib-ft; 5-sp man, 4-sp cluta SUSPENSION F.• ... .ird.struts.coil spri ngs. anti-rol lbar R .indo trail ingarm~ co~ springs. clnt i-roI lbelr SAFETY Brakes, FIR. . ve!lted disdwnted disc I}I\" Gum ABS. . .opttollcll Stcloility/trclctioo control ... stclndord {55 ooi)'l/optiallcll Passive rest raints. driver clndpassertg€1\" front clnd ell/Min ai!bags. rearcurtain almags 2010 BUYERS GUIDE

Comparison Test .... WinnerChevrolet Corvette/Grand Sport m,hs:Exemplarychassis rigidity, Bast! price: $49,880; Grond S~r1 S55,no menacing good looks, decent llle Corvette has been with us for 50-plus years, making luggage space, awesomeV-8, Vehide type: fro nH'ngine, rea r-dnvt: 3-doo rl -passenger targait the subject of an ongoing development program that few upgraded seats can match. Perl'olTllance is formidable in the basic coupe Interior '/OIume, F/cargo(cuIt) ...... ..... ........ .52122and improves with the new Grand Spon option rackage. For Lows: Imerior plastics still abitthe money, there is no better blend of style and speed. tacky, push-oottoo doorhandles. Wheelbase .. .......... 105.7 in What'snw: Redesigned for 2005; Ll'flgthiWldthlheiijlt 174.6-175.6/72.6-75.9/411J-49.0in Grand Sport package replaces Z51 and brings stiffer suspt'nsion, Turning circle ..... ... .39,01t larger brakes, and Z06 bodywork. Curb weight. .. .. ... .3300-3350 Ib lellid Ike WItt!; The Corvette is aprffision instrument even more EPA Cltylhlghway mpg . 15-16125-26 so withthe Grand Sport package. Bigpower, race-strength brakes. fllel-lO ni capacity/range. 18.0 gaI/llO-l811 mi EDITORS' RATING POWERTRAIN 0000 6,2-lner pushrod 1 6-~alvt V-8, 430 or 436 hp, 424 or 418 Ib-ft; 6-sp meln, 6-spelutowith melnumaticshilting SUSPENSION F..... .... ind, unequal-lengthcontrol arms, uansverse leaf spring, anti- roll ba r ·... .... iM. unequell-Iengthcontrol elrms. Uelnsverse lEaf spring, anti-roll bar SAFETY I'rmed, cross-drilled disc orI'rnJed ascI Bra~es, F/R vented, cross-drill ed asc or vented disc ASS .. ..... standa rd Stab~ity/trJ(tion (l)mrol . stelndclrd/standa rd Passive restraints .driver andpassenger !rom and sideairtJago; Companion Test • WinnerChevrolet Corvette ZRl Hi,hs: Ma}si~e supercharged Ba~ prlte: $109,130 V-8power, high-wattage envy Vehide type: !rolll-erqllle, rear-drive; 3-door l -passenger Conceived before G M's financ ia l imp losion, the Z R I generator, certain toachie~eis perhaps the hottest production car ever made in the U.S. collectible status, coo~With a top speed of more than 200 mph, it's the fastest Cor-vette ever; with a price topping $IOOK, it's also the most Lows:Seats and interiormaterials Interior '/OIume, F/cargo (cuIt) . ..... .... 52/22expensive. Buy now. Who knows how long it can persist? don't measure upto Sl00K price Wheelbase .. .... .. ..... 105.7 in Whlfsuw: Introduced for2009; new traction-management ll'flgth/widt h/heiijll ,176.2175.9/49 ,0 in system with laun(h control. lurn ingc ircl e .39 Oft .elriad liniee); Vast power isright-now instantaneous, but CurtJweight. ..... ...mO lb chassis and suspension handle it well; easierto drive and more EPA citylhighway mpg .. . ......... 14120 comfonable than the ZQ6, 18,09el1/252 mi rlIel-Mn! CJpacity/ra nge .. EDITORS' RATING POWERTRAIN 00000 su percharged and intercooled 6.1-liler pusll roo 1 6-~all'r V-8, 638 hp, 604 Ib-ft: 6-spma n SUSPENSION r..... .... iM, unequal-lengthcontrol elrms, Irelnsverse leaf spring, anti- roll ba r ·... .... ind, unequal-lengthcontrolarms, transverse leaf spring, anti- roll ba r SAFETY Bla~('), F/R , ... ...... vented, cross-d rilled disc/vented, CfOSs-drilled disc ASS. Slandard Slabdity/tracllon (ootrol . slaodard/Siandard Passive restrelin~ , ........driver elod passetlgerfrOilI and side elirb.go;Chevrolet Corvette Z06 Hi,hs: 7.0-literV-8muscle, rigid Ba~ prite: S75,m chassis, race-ready styling, huge Although the Z06 has lost its title as the fastest Corvette bang forthe buck. V~ide type:iront-l'flljoe,reM-drive; 3-cIoor 2-passenger coupeto the mighty 638-hp ZR I, it is still the lightest with itsaluminu m frame and carbon-fiber bodywork. The Z06 Lows:Interior plastics don't Interior '/OIume, r/cargo (eu It) . ..... .... 52122might be a little hard-edged- and hard to tame- fo r some, measure up to price, suspensionbut it's an exceptional perfo lTllance buy. tuning stiff on bumpy roads. Wheelbase.. ..... .. 105.7 in Whlt's!leW: Reintroduced for Ll'flgth/....ldth/heiijlt ,175.6175.9/411.7 in 2006; launchcontrol is standard for 2010. Turning cirde .. .......... .39.0ft .elriad liewiee): The ZIXi is Curb weight. ..... .. .3200 Ib all about low laptimes on road circuits. It's powerful, with race- EPA citylhighway mpg 15/14 car reflexes, and requires skillto exploit itsmax performance. Fliel-tl ni capacity/range . 18,Ogal1270 mi EDITORS' RATING POWERTRAIN 0000 7.o-literp\lSh rGd 16-vall'e v-a, 505 hp,470 Ib-It; 6-sp man SUSPENSION f. iM, unequcll-Iengthcontrolarms, transverse leafspring, anti- roll ba r ·....... ind, uoequell-Iengthcomrot arms, transverse teaf spring, anti-roll ba r SAFETY ilfa~E\"i, FIR, . ..... vented, cross-d rilled disc/vented, cross-drilled disc ASS. Slandard Sl.bnity/rracllon control stand.rd/Siandard Passive restraint> ............driver aod passenger!root and sideairtJago;2010 BUYERSGUIDE 41

Dodge Challenger/SRT8 Hi'Jhs:Drop-dead good looks, Base pri(e: SE, m,46O; RIT, $3 1,585; SRT8, $43)06 5upportive wort bucket seats, Based on the Dodge Charger, this Tetro coupe embodies pistol-grip manual, most models Vehide type: fronH'ngifle. rea r-dnve; 2-door 5-p.1SS€llgtfthe classic looks and tire-shredding power of the 1970& offerlots of bang forlhe buck.ori ginal yet has modern-day sophisticat ion. While not as 'OO ~ .56/38/16dynamic as the Ford Mustang or the Chevrolet Camara, the Lows:Lots of mass, SR18's loftyC hallenger' s presence on the road is pure muscle car. price, disappointing interiorin Imenorl'Olume, FlRJcargo (cu h) . both design and quality. Whl'eIOOIe .. . 116.0in wbt's new: Introduced for 2008; interior tweaks and new Plum Lengt h/Width/ht'ight ...... 197.7-197.8175.7/57.1in Crazy SRT8 model for 2010. Tuming Circle .. 37 .H 8.9 h Btkind litwhtel:Decent responses in spite ofitsporcine Cllfbwdght J85D-4l()(l lb curb weight. The SRTS's power is ha bit-form ing , EPA City/highway mpg 13-17/19-25 EDITORS' RATING Fuel-tankCap.1city/Jange . ......... 18.0--19.0 9.11/247-31)6 mi 0000 POWERTRAIN 15-literSOHC24-~al'({' V-6, lSO hp, 150 Ib-h; 5.7-liter ~shrod 16- val~eV-8, 372 or376 hp, 400 or410 Ib-h; 6.1-liter ~shrodV-8, 425 hp, 420 Ib-h;6-\1.1 man, 5-\1.1 autowithmanu matic shihing SUSPENSION f ind, multil ink, cod springs. ant i-rol lOOr R .ind, multil ink, coft springs. ant i-roHbar SAFETY Brakes. FIR.. .. venlf'd, grooved diS( (If vrotf'd (jsd vented diSc (If diS( ABS opllon.J1 Stability/tracuoo coolJoi .......... .optiooal/oplion.J1 Pas~V\' restra ints. .. ...oover and p.1ssenger ITo nt and curtainairbags. rearcurta inaimagsDodge Viper SRT1 0 Coupe/ACR Hi,hs:Crazy power, shortlhronle Base prite: $90,000 (est); AeR, $102,(0) (est) response, agile handling. Vehid ~ type: from-engine, rea r-drive; 3-door 2-passeoger One of the most affordable paths to 600 horses, the rough ,cramped Viper is highly exhilarating yet not for the timid. Lows:Noisy; not for the faint ,OO~Little compares with the visceral rush of the 100cyl inder of heart, as it lacks electronicengine hurtling you toward the horizon- but being shot out helpers; hot cockpit. InteriorI'O lume, F/cargo (cu h) ... 48/15of a cannon while tied to an angry bear comes close. Wbt's new: Redesigned for W\"heeIOO\e .. .. 9S.8in 2(0); new exterior colors and apremium tan-leather interior Lengt h/Width/height t75.6/75 .2147 .6 in package are new for 2010. luming cirde .40.5h Bflind Ib whetl:Stellar power, grip, braking, and suspension. ~~c~t~~ay·mpg 3400- 3500 lb Updated chassishas smoothed .. .... 13122 theride slightly, but the loud, stuffy cabin hampers livability. r~eI -tank . t6.09.1t /208 mi EDITORS' RATING POWERTRAIN 0000 8.4-hter pushrOO 2O-~al'l(' V-I0, 600 ~, 560 Ib-h;6-\1.1 man SUSPENSION r. .iod, unequal-lengthco ntrol arm~ co~ springs, ant i-rol lOOr R •ind, unequal-lengthcontrolarm~ co~ springs, ant i-rol lbar SAFm '(entf'd diS(/vrotf'd diS( Brakes, FIR. standard ABS .. .... not ava il.ble/not .vailable St.bility/tractioo cOlltroi .driverand palSel\"J9€l front aimags PassJl'€ rest ra ints.Ferrari 4S81talia Hi,hs:The gold standardof Bas~ prite: sm,COO(est) superws, intoxicating arias of Replacing the F430 as Ferrari's entry-level screamer, sound, unbelievai)le levels of Vehid e typ4!: mid-engil1€. rear-dri~e; 2-door 2-p.1ssengtf coupethe 458 has a new, direct-injected, 570-hp 4.5-liter V-8 and pe rformance.a sultry bod shaped for better aero. The cockpit layout is Interior I'Olume. rIc.rgo (cu It) .52/8 (est)heavy on Fl style, and the seven-speed gearbox is paddle- Lows:Expensive, amultiyearshift only. Competitors? On ly real, actual sex . wait, not for shy folk. WhroOOIe. 1043 in - wbt's new:Introduced for2010. Length/Widthlheight .178.2/76.3/47 .8in Bflind Ibwh.eel: You don't drive Tuming cude. . . . . . .NA aFerrari, you plug into itssocket and brace for high voltage. The Cllfb Weight . ..3300 Ib air-rippling roar, the slashing controls, the unbelievable grip, EPA city/highwaympg 13/17 (est) and the pure Ferrari-ness of it all make itwell wonh the dough. Fuel-tank capa[itY/Jilnge . ...... .... .22.7 gal/295 mi (est) EDITORS' RATING POWERTRAIN 00000 4.5-liter OO IK 32-~al~e V-8, 570 hp, 540 Ib-It; 7-\1.1 dual-clutch all!omatf'd man SUSPENSION F... . .iod,uneq ual- lengthcontrolarms, coil springs, .nti-roI lbar R .iod,uneq ual- lengthcontrolarms, cod springs. ant i·roI lbar SAFETY Brakes, FIR.. ve nti'd.clOSs-drillf'd cer¥TliCdisdvrotf'd. cross-drilled ceramicdiS( ABS standard Stability/tractioo cootrol ............... stardard/standard Pas~V\' restra ints . ...driverand p.1ssertqer front aimags42 CARaoxlDRIVER.(om 2010 BUVERSGUIDE

Ferrari S99GTB Fiorano Hi,hs:You won't see many of Base price: $3t6,693;Fl,$326,730 them, currently Ferrari's most Ferrari's most powerful front-engined car ever, the powerful car, driving it. Oh, and Yehide type: front-erqine, rear-drive; 2-door 2-pa5>e!lger599GTB features aluminum construction, a fantastic V-12, it's reasonably practical, too.and a driving experience that makes the price seem almost \"Im'l'f~ior lUIume, F/ca rgo (euIt). ......... 411/11reasonable. TIle $30,095 HGTE (Handling Gran Turismo Lows:(05tS as much asa McMansion, not driving it Wheelba'it' .. ....... 10IU inEvoluzione) package further sharpens the handling. length/wic!t h/heiljll ,183.7177.2/52 ,6in Wh,t'sJlew: Introduced for 2007; •• • the HGTEpackage isnew for the Tu rningeircle .........4O.4ft 1010modelyear. ,3950-4000 Ib Curbwghl ............. .11/15 lelriad liniee): Anearly EPA CityfhighwaymfXj .. flawless blend oftextbook road .. .. 27.7 gal/}()5 mi manners, V-12 power,and driving FlI('l-tank capacitylrange .. camfon that no other carmaker on the planet can match. PQWERTRAIN 6O--llter OOHC 4ll-valve V-tl, 611 lip. 448 Ib-It; 6-sp rrno, 6-sp EDITORS' RATING automated man 00000 SUSPENSION r....... ind, uneqwl-Ierqth control arms, COil>j)\"irq\,anti-roll iJa r R .ind, uneqw l-Ie rqth control anm, COil>j)\"irqs, anti-roll iJa r 5AFfTY Blakes,FIR , vented, cross-drill ed cf'ramk dischented, cross-drill€'d ceramic disc ASS. Slandard Stability/rracnon control. standard/Slandard Passive restraint> ............driver andpa$strlger front and SideairbagsFerrari 612 Scaglietti Hi,hs: Afleet-footedfour -seater Ba~ prlte: $12O.D38 that alm05t seems worth the Yehide type: front-erqme, rear-drive; l -door 4-pas>e!lger Although the words \"practical\" and \"Ferrari\" aren't price; stillahead turner;they'reusually synonymous, the Scaglietti is very usable, with a sticking in showrooms, so you coo~decent trunk, space in back for reasonably sized humans, may t>e able to strikeadeal. Iml'fior lUIu me, FIR/cargo (eu It).and a wonderfully flexible V-12 engine. T his may be one of ...... .53/36/9the last 12-cylinder Ferraris, too. Lows:Less attractive than other Ferraris, getting abitlong in the Wheelbase .. ....... 116,1 in tooth. leng!h/widt h/hei~1 ,1 93.0177.0/52 ,9 in whit'sJlew: Introduced for 2004; unchanged for 2010. lu rningcircle .4O .1ft lelriad lie wiee); Despiteits Curbweight. ..4100- 4150 Ib physicalsize, itdrives like a small, powerful. and lightweight EPA Cityfhighway mfXj .. . .......... 9/16 sports car, rlI€l-lank capacity/ra nge .. 28.5 9al/257 mi EDITORS' RATING mPQWERTRAIN 00000 5.7-lner OOHC48-v.lve V-12, hp, 414 Ib-ft; 6-sp automated S~US\" PENSION r....... ind, uneqwl-Ierqth control arms, COil>j)irqs,anti-roll bJr R...... ind, urteqw l-Ierqth control anns, (oi l>j)i rq~ anti- ro ll bJ r SAFETY Bla~('S, FIR , vented, cross-drill ed cf'ramk dischented, cross-drill €'d ceramiC disc ASS. Slandard Slabdity/tra(uon (ontrol. standard/Slanda rd PasSive restrain~ , ........driver andpa\>e!lger fronl and Side airbagsFord Focus Hi,hs: Long list of safety fealu res, Base price: SE, S17,570: SES, $19,180 VQice-operated Sync, respectable Yehide type: front-engi ne, frOnl-drive; 2-door 5-pa5>e!lger Formal coupes are rare in the current compact segment, mileage, maxheadroom.and if the two-door Focus isn't quite as sexy as its few \"Im'l'f~ior lUIu me, FIR/cargo (eu ft). ...... 51/43/14rivals, it 's reasonably priced and offers lots of sophisticated Lows:FOKjellable styling, lacks ....... 102,9inelectronic extras, such as the Sync infotainment and hatchthlck u5efulness, aging Wheelba'it' ..communications system. Do not expect excitement. platform, low comfortquotient. . ,1 75.0/67.9/58 ,6in length/....idt hlheiljlt .2010 BUYERS GUIDE Wh,t'sJleW: Redesigned for 2008; Tu rningcircle ... 34,2-36.5/t keyle5s entryand 5tability control Curbwght now come as standardfeatures EPA (itylhighway m~ .2100-2800 Ib on allmodels for 2010. FlI('l-tank capacitylrange .. ..... 24/34 35 lelriad lie wiee): Competent, PQWERTRAIN .... 13.5 gal/324 mi quiet, and smooth, but soft in its response5; the idealdriving In-liter OOHC 16-v.lve inhnr--4; 132, 140, or 143 hp; 1331)1136 position i5 difficult to find. Ib-/t;5-sp rrnn, 4-sp auto EDITORS' RATING SUSPENSION 00 F•• ........ ind, Slruts, COil>j)ir9$,anti- roll bJ r R .ind,multiliri, COil>j)irqs, anti-roll ba r SAFHY flrak(1,f/ R, ,venteddi:.cbtu m ASS. Slandard St.3 bnity/rracuon wntrol stand.rd/Slanda rd PasSive restraint> .......dw and pa$strl9l'f froo~ Side, and curtain airbags; rearcurtain airbags 43

Comparison Test .. WinnerFord Mustang/Shelby GTSOO Hi'j'hs: Pony-car roar, fun,broad Baseprite: V-6, $21,845;GT. $28,845; GTSOO.$48,175 model range,5equential turn America's pony car gets fresh sheetmetal, a nicer interi- indicatorsare just plain (001, Vehide type: fronH·ngifl€. rear-drive; 2-door 4-p.1SS€ngt'l\"or, and suspens ion tweaks for '10. Better materials in side GT500's superchargedpower.and sharper dynamics make the Mustang- V-6, GT, or COO~GT500-tons (literally) of fun. The Camara and the Chal- Lows:Lackssophistication, suckslenger are morc sophisticated but aren't as enjoyabl e. fue l,smallbackseat InteriorI'OIWIle.F/RJeargo (ru It) ..... ....52 53/28 31110 13 wilt's nrw: Redesignedfor 2010. 'Nl\"ll'f'lbillt .. ...... 107,1in aekind Ib whtd: More Lengt h/Width/hti ght .188,1-188,2173.9/54.5-56,1in con fi dent and less fioaty,the Tumin gcirde 314-37.7 1t 2010 Mustang is imprO'ledin dynamics and fit andfi nish. The Curb weight. ..... . 3450-3'nl lb Trackpackiseven better, though EPA {ity/highwaympg 14-18122-26 theridesuffers.TheGT500 rides hard but launches hard, too. fuel-tank{apocity/range . .......... 16.0gal/224-288 mi ED ITORS ' RATING POWERTRAIN 4.o-liter 50HC1l-valve V-6, 210 hp, 240 Ib-It; 4.6-lller )()HC24- 00000 valve V-B, 315hp, 325 Ib-It; superehilrgl'd and intercooll'd 5.4-liter OOH( 32-valw V-S,540 hp, 5to Ib-It; 5- OI 6-sp man.5-spauto SUSPENSION .ioo,strut~ coa spri ng~ anti-rol l bar F. rigid axle. coD spring~ anti-roll bar R SAFETY Brakes,F!R. .Vl'fltl'd disc/ventl'd disc AS5 standard Stability/tractioo comrol ..... ..... staooaJd/standaJd Pa,~V\' ({'ltrainl, . ... ... .... driver andpa,ltnger froot aoo side airbagsHonda Accord Hi,hs:Bigger and roomier 10Besl•Winne, The distinction between Accord coupe and sedan be· thanits predecessor,stylish Base prk e: LX-S, $23.265: [ X,$24,590: [X-l, $26,790: [ X-l V-6,came more pronounced with their 2008 redesign, and this and functional interior, potenttwo-door acquired some tfuly sexy sheetmetal. With the engines, first-rate fit and fi nish. $30.0 15dem ise of the 52000, the V-6 Accord is the hottest Honda Vehid ~ type: fro nt-l'flglle, froot-oove; 2-000r 5-paSS€llgl'lgoing except for perhaps the Civic 5i . Lows:Pricey toward the top of the ,OO~ .5H6/l6I12 range, four-cylinder coulduse a .. ... 107,9in six-speed transmission. InteriorI'OllIIlle. F/RJeargo (cu It) . IW.9/72 .8/56.4in Wlat'suw: Redesigned for 2008; Yhil'f'lbillt .. minor detail changes for 2010 Length /Width/hl'ight aekind tb wkttl: It's not a lumin gcirde 371-38 .61t .m0-3550 1b sports car, but thisbig (oupe is Curb weight .. exceptionally agilebyfront-drive EPA {itylhighwaympg 17-22125-31 standards. Six-speed manual and V-6add upto serioushustle. fuel-tankcapacity/range , .......... 18.5gal/315-4(17mi EDITORS' RATING POWERTRAIN 00000 H-Iller OOHC16-v.11Ie inllnH, 1 ~ hp, 162Ib-It; 3.5-liter SOOC 24-valll(' V-6, 271hp, 251or254Ib-ft;5- or 6-sp man, 5-sp auto SUSPENSION F .ioo,unl'qIJaI-Il'flgth co ntrol arm~ co~ spring~ anti-rol l bilr R ,ind,multilink, cod spring~ anti-rol l bar SAfETY Brakes. f/R.. ventl'd diSddisc AB5 standaJd 5tability/tractioo cootrol ..... ..... staooaJd/standaJd Pas~V\' restraints . . ,drill('! andp.1sseogerfroot >ide, iWld curtain airbags;I€arcurtain airbagsHonda CiviC/Civic Si Hi,hs:Artful exterior design, Baseprice: OX,S16,165;LX,SIB,1 15; EX,SLD,165; EH S21.715; $i, $22,765 The stylish Civic coupe comes in two flavors: standard solidstructure, bulletproofand the 197-hp Si. Build quality is excellent. reliability is reliability, highcomfort quotient. Vehide type: fro nt-l'flglle. froot-o-iV{'; 2-00015-p.mengt'l\"beyond reproach, and all models are nothing if not afford- lOIS of funfor nOI much Though upstaged by hotties such as the Mazdaspeed ,OO~ ,SO/32!1l3, the Si is still one of our favorite pocket rockets. Lows:Multilevel dash draws Interiorl'Olume, F/RJeargo (cuIt). mixed reviews, cramped back seat. Si could use more power. Vlhl'f'lbil\e.. . 104.3 in Lengt h/Widthlh<i ght 175.5/68,9/55 ,0in wbt's ntw: Redesigned for 2006; unchanged for 2010 lumingcirde 35 .4-35 .61t aekind tbwhtd:The slandard ~~{~t;h~ay'mpg 'i~J:j~ Fuel-lank{ap.1{ity/range ,. .............. ll2 gal/277-343 mi Civic coupe is agile, but the$i addspaceto the program as well POWERTRAIN as decisive transient response. All offeraway intoinexpensive style. l8-liter SOHC16--valve inlifl€-4, 140 lip. 128 Ib-ft; 2.0-1iter OOOC 16-vallle inlinH, 197hp, 139lb-/t; 5- or6-sp man,5-sp auto EDITORS' RATING SUSPE NSION ioo,strut~ cod spring~ anti-rol l bilr 0000 F ind,multilink, coil spring~ anti-roll bilr R SAFETY Srakes. FIR.. .. . ........veotl'd disc/diS( t)I (Jurn ABS .. standard 5tabilityltractioo cootrol .lIandard (selea models)! standard(sele!:t models) Pas~V\' reltraints . . ,driVl' andp.1sseogerfroot >ide,iWld curtainairbags: ({'arcurtain airbags44 CARaoxlDRIVER,( om 2010 BUVERS GUIDE

Hyundai Accent Hi,hs: Laudablestyling, useful Base price: Blllt', $10,690;GS.$14,165; SE.$16,915 package, q uie~ great sport-to- Thrifty three-door hatches are rare, as most shoppers dollarratio,quick for itsclass, Vehide type: front-engine. front-drive; 3-door 5-passengerprefer fi ve doors. Hyundai's Accent e ntry shoots for sporty soc iallyaccep SE guise, but the new-for-20ID Blue trim level with hatchbJckrevised gearing puts the emphasis on fuel economy. Not Lows: Ha rd l yfas~ aplebeianpowerful, the Accent is at least tossable and so lidly built. comm uter corpusc le. Iml'fior lUIume, F/R/wgo(eu Itl . ..... .52/40/16 Wh,t'sJleW: Introduced for2007; Wheelba'it' .. ..... ... 9M in aBluehigh-mileage model isthe big news for 2010 letlgth/wic!t h/heiljlt .1 59.3/66.7/57.9in lelriad liewieeJ: It's fun!O drive Turningcircle ..... ... .33. 1ft aslow carfast andthethree- door Accent-especially the Curbwght .245O-1550 Ib SE- prO'les it withlots of spirit if not outright muscle. EPA Cityfhighway mfXj .. ..... . 27-28/34-16 EDITORS' RATING Fllt'I-tank capacitylrange .. 11.9ga1/321-m mi 0000 PQWERTRAIN 1.6-llterOO OC 16-valve i nl i ~-4, 110hp, 1()6 lb-ft; 5-sprrun, 4-sp ~to SUSPENSION f.. ..... indoSlruts,COil>j)'ing\,anti-roll lJar R .ind,trailing arms. coil springs SAFETY Brakes, fiR ml\('d diS(/\hIm ASS . I)ptiOlklI(standitd onSE) Stability/tractiOll cOIltrol ......... not iJ'Iailable/not available Passive restraint> .. .....drivl'f andpaS>/\"rlgel froo~ side. and curtain airlJaqs;\('arcurtain airbago;Hyundai Genesis Hi,ks: Rear-wheel drive, low Base price: 2.0T, $22]SO; 2.0TPremium, $2S,00J: 2.0TTrack, base price, manuals availableon Hyundai breaks ground with an all-new, rear-drive fOUT- all !Jims, Track packhas serious m,5OO; 3.8, $25}5O; 18 Grand bJring. $28.250; 18 Track,seat sports coupe with shapely lines and tight handling. equipment. ahandsome devil.Based on the Genesis sedan, the coupe comes with a 2.0- $30,250liler turbo four or 3.g-l iter V-6, all for thousands less than a Lows: Somecheapness inside, Vehide type: frnm-engl~, rear-drive; 1-door 4-pasSl'flgerNissan 370Z. Think Korean Mustang. slower thana370Z, heavyclutch, Trackmodels' brutal ride. <OO~ ..... ...... 57/32110 wkit'sleW: Introduced for2010. intl'fior lUIume, FIR/cargo(eu Itl. lehid IbwieeJ: Natural WheeibaSl' 11 10in steeringfeel and solid grip mean Hyundai nailedthehandling. The LetlgthiWlc!th/heiljlt 182.3/714/545 in ... ......... J7.4 ft Genesiscoupe may not be asfast Turning Circle .. ... J400-3500 lb as aNissan370Z, but it'scheaper Curb weight. .. 17- 21/16-30 and sounds manly. EPA cityfhighway mfXj EDITORS' RATING flle l-lO nkcapacity/range. 17.2 gaI/192-361mi 0000 POWERTRAIN turbocharged and intercooted 2.0-titl'f OOIiC16·valve intine-4, 210 ~ m Ib-ft; 18-liter OOHC 24-valV€ V--6, 306 hp, 266 Ib-ft; 6-sp rrun,5- or 6-sp aUlawithmanumaticshifting SUSPENSION F•• . .... ..... ind, SlrutS,COil IIXings,anti-roll oor R• .. ind, mu\tiliri:, COil >j)'i ng~ anti-roll oor SAFETY Brakes, FIR .vented disc/vented oS( or disc ASS. Slandard Stability/tractlOll cootrol . standard/Slan da rd Passive restraint> .......driver andpaSSt'rlgel froo~ side, and curtain airoogo;;rearcurtainairbal)'iInfiniti G37 Hi,ks: Strongengine, responsive Base price: $36)65; .kJumry,$37,515; Spon6MT, $37,865:G3h. steering, sportychassis, low base $39,565 A Japanese alternative to a BMW 3-series, the fetching price, attractive styling. Vehide type: front-engine, t€ar-driv€; 2-door 4-passengerG coupe costs less than the BMW and offers more standardhorsepower. T he G37's handling is on par with that of the Lows: Grrtlyenginesounds, 'OO ~ ... 51 54/31/73-series, but the big V-6 and balky manual shifter lack polish. high-effort shifter, tight backseat, ... ........ 112.2 inAvailable AWD allows for all-weather acceleration. weighsmore thanthe G37 sedan. Iml'fior lUIume, FIR/cargo(cuItl . WheelbaSl' .. 183.1/71.8/54.7-55.3 in2010 BUYERSGUtDE Wh,t'sJleW: Redesignedfor 2008; 36 .1-361 ft minor trimchanges for 2010 l€'llgthiwic!t h/hei~t .J650- 3850 Ib lelriad liewieeJ: Taclilesteering lurningcircl e andquick-willed handling make .. 17-t8125-26 the G37funto drive, but its coarse Curbwght. 2O.0gal/HO-360 mi engineand high-effort manual shift erdon't measureup10 those EPA Cityfhighway mfXj .. Filel-tankcapacitylrange .. of its BMWrival. PQWERTRAIN EDITORS' RATING J 7-lnerOOHCl4-valve V-6, 330 hp,l7O Ib-ft; 6-sp man, 7-Ill auto 00000 ....ithmanurrutic shifting SUSPENSiON F. .ind,urteqUclI-length cOlltroi anm, COil \!Xings, ami-roll lJar R .ind,multiliri:, coil>j)'ings,ami-ro ll bar SAfETY Bra~es, F/R . .vented disc/vented diS( ASS.. .... Slandard Stclbility/tractiOll (l)ntrol . standard/Slanda rd Passive restraints .drivl'f ondpa\Sl'flget frOOL side,and curtain airooqs; rearcurtain airbago; 45

Jaguar XKJXKR Hi'Jhs: Superb road manners, Base pri(e: XK, S83,OOO:XKR, $96,000 supple ride. qUick-shifting Th is is a handsome and elegant coupe that perfectly six-speed automatic. gorgeous Vehide type: front-engine, rear-dri\'€; 3-door 2+2-p.1SS€rlgtfblends luxury and sportiness. Interior trappings are first-rate , interior and exterior st~ i ng.and the ride is supple yet taut, Rear-seat space is a joke, but hiltchbackthe rest oflile XK is so well executed that it can be forgiven . Lows:uteriorstyling subtle byThe XKR is a seri ously quick and competent sports coupe. Jaguar's breathtaking standards, InteriorI'Olume, F/RJ(argo ([u h) , ,5 1/14/1 0 we'd like amanual transmission. r Wheeloo\e ,, .IOSJ in wbt's new: Redesigned for 2007; all-new engine lineup seriously Length /Width/ht'ight 1S8.7f74.5/52,Oin boosts power for 2010. Tuming Circle \" .. .35,gh Btkind lit whtd: Precise and communicative steering. eager Curbwdght 3300-4000 Ib responses, powerful brakes, and gratifying thrust and sound. EPA City/highway mpg 15-1 6122-24 EDITORS' RATING Fuel-tankCap.1(ity/range, .............. 16.19.111242-258 mi 0000 POWERTRAIN 5.0-1iter OOHC3l-~a lve V-8, 385 hp, 380 Ib-h; SlJpeKh.Jrged and intef(ooled 5,0-lite rIX)flC 32-valvev-a,510hp,461Ib-h;ti- Ill auto with rnanumaticshihing SUSPENSION F .ind,unl'qIJilI-Il'ngth controlarm~ codspring~ ant i-rol lbar R •ind, unl'qIJilI-Il'ngth controlarm~ coft springs, ant i-roHbar SAfETY ..... ..vented diS(/vented diS( !\rakes, r/R. . ABS standard SiabilitY/lra[UOO cootroi ..... ..... stardard/standard Pas~ve restra ints . .. ...Oiver and p.1ssengl'f front iII1d side aimagsKia Forte Koup Hi,hs: Standout good looks; Base prite: [X, S17,l(I; SX,S18J'Xl best-in-class performance; lots Vehide type: fro nt-engine, froot-Ii'ive; 2-cIoo r 5-p.1ssengtf The company 's first-ever coupe definitely continues the of standard equipment includingtrend of dramatic improvement from the Hyundai/ Kiajug- stability comrol, six ai rbags, and 'OO~ 54/36/13gernaut. With a positively stylish look, a well-laid-out in- an iPod hookup. .... . 104.3 interior providing excellent back-seat space for its class, and Interior I'O l lJIIl ~, F/RJcJrgo ([u h)loads of standard features, this is an impressive new entry. Lows: Excessively stiff suspension, YhIee1oo \e.. limited headroom,lOuchythronle hampers smooth starts. Ll'flgth /Widthlheight 176.4/69.5/55,1in Will's new: Introduced for 2010. luming cirde 33.'1-- 35.4h Ifiind titwktel; Competent Curbwdght 2750-2950 1b dynamically, other than atoo-stiff [PA City/highway mpg 22-25 /1 1-34 ride, but it doesn't quite have the Ol'l'rall ride-and-handling polish Fuel-rankcapacity/range,. .... .......... ll 79.1I!lOI-141 mi of a Honda Ci~ i c ora Mazda 3. POWERTRA1N EDITORS' RATING 2.0-1iter OOOC 1 6-~al\'€ inline-4, 154 or 156 hp, 139 or 144Ib-ft; 0000 H -liter OOOC 16-~al\'e inlinH, 165 or 173 hp, 161 or 168 Ib-h; 5- or 6-sp man, 4-sp auto. 5-spauro with manumatic shihing SUSPENSION ind, struls, co~ springs, anti-rollbar F ,ind,llilillngarm~ codsprings, ant i-rol lbar R SAfETY vented diSddisc !\rakes, r/R. . ABS standard StdDility/rra[tioo (ootrol ..... ..... stardard/standard Pas~VI' restra ints . . ,dri\'el andp.1\\eIlger froot. side, iII1d curtainairbags; I€arcurtainaimagsLamborghini Gallardo LPS60-4/ Hi'Jhs: Looks like aLambe, Base prite: LP560-4,S201,100;LP550-2,sm,':lOOLPSSO-2 sounds like a lombo, smellslike Vehide type: mid-engine, I€ar- or 4-wheel-dri\'€; 2-ooor 2- lombo, new rear-drive LP550-2is Shocking in person and a bona fide supercar, the sportier than the LP560-4. p.1SS€ngerCOO[lELP560-4 wil l put its driver into sensory overload. The all- Lows: Price, annoying brake feel, Interior I'O l lJIIl~, F/cargo(cu h) 49/4wheel-drive LP560-4 has 552 horsepower from its 5.2-liter the crowds it attracts.V-10. The new-for-20lO LP550-2 has 10 fe wer ponies but Wheeloo\e .. . 100,8indrives only the rear wheels to save weight. Will'snew: New in2004, revised in 2008; lPSSQ-2 is new Ll'flgth /Widthlheight 171.1f74,8/45 ,9in Ifiind tie wheel; With an Turning Circle .. ...37.7 h engine that sounds like Krakatoa, the Gallardo is sun: to draw a Curbwdght ,3350 1b crowd whe rever it g0e5.lnsanely QUid, but the ceramic brakes are EPA citylhighway mpg 12 14/20 grabby and unrewa rding. Fuel-rankCap.1(ity/range, .............. B.89.1tl286-m mi EDITORS' RATING POWERTRAIN 00000 5.1-liter OOHC 4O-valVl' V-IO, 541 or 552 hp, 398 Ib-h; 6-'11 man, 6-1Il autom.3ted rrnn SUSPENSION F,. .ioo, unl'qIJilI-lengthcontrolaml~ cod springs, anti·roI lbar R .ioo, unl'qIJilI-Il'ngth controlarm~ codsprings, ant i-rollbar SAFETY Stakes. FIR.. ventl'd, cross-Ii'illed disc/lIl'fltl'd, ClOSs-drilled disc ABS standard StdbilitY/lraclioo cOfltroi stardord/standard Pas~VI' II'ltraints . ... ...Oi ver and p.1ssengl'f front iII1d side aimags46 CARaoxlDRIVER,(om 2010 BUVERSGUIOE

Lamborghini Murcielago LP6401 Hi,hs:Styling that makes you Base price: LP640,$362,395; lP 67!H SuperVdoce, $458,39SLP670-4SV weak in the knees, de<:adent V-12, muchmore dociletodrive Vehide type: mid-engine, 4-1'Ihe€1-drive; 2-door 2-pa5>e!lger From the mellifluous sound of its 6.S-liter V-12 to its that illooks.much-copied sc issor doors, the big Lambo never fail s to \"Int'er~ior lUiume, F/cargo (cuIt) .. ....... ... 49/6draw attention. But it's not all show: The LP640 and the new Lows:Shocking pricetag. ....... 1()4,9inLP 670-4 are refined, blisteringly quick, and entertaining momma mia build quality Wheelba'it' drive. They're surprisingly easy to live with, too. Lengthlwiclt h/ heil j l l tSI.5-185.2/SI.0/44.7 in Wh,t'sJlew: Introduced for 2002; Tu rningcircle .........mlt lighler and mote powerful LP670 J85Q-4050 Ib Curbwght .........8-9/13-14 $V is newfor2010. EPA CityfhighwaymfXj .. 26.4 gaI/211-238 mi lelriad li n i ee!: Asidefrom its FlI('l-tank capacitylranqe .. PQWERTRAIN highsleering effort thisLambo issurp rising~ easy to drive 6.5-llter OOHC48-vatve V-11, 631 or 661 hp, 487 Ib-It; 6-sp man, considering its immense power; it looks more intimidating than it is, 6-spautomatt'd man EDITORS' RATING SUSPENSION 00000 r....... ind, uneqwl-Iength COIltroi arms, COil>j)\"ing\,anti-roll iJar R .ind, uneqwl-Iength cOIltroi anm, coil >j)\"ings, ami-roll iJar SAFETY rflr\"a~(1, /R , vented. cross-dril led ct1\"ami( (opt) disc/vented, cross-drill t'd ceramic(opt) disc ASS.. .... standard Stability/tractiOll (Gntrol . standard/standard PasSive restraint> .. ......driver and paS'it'ng f'r front airbagsLotus Exige S Hi'fhs: Race-car reflexes; organic Ba ~ prlce: S240,$66,815; S260 Sport, $76,120 This track-ready miss ile shares its chassis and interior sleering; monsler grip; head- Vehide type: mid-engine, rear-drive;1-d!XJf l-pas>e!l~er COIJpt'with the Elise but has a fixed roof, different body panels, turning, aggressive looks.and a rear wing to increase downforce. The S has 240 Interior lUiume,Flcargo (eu It) .41/4horsepower; the limited-edition 260 Sport gets 257. For lows: Aloud and confined cabin,2010, there's a front-end refresh and revised wing. Wheelba'it'.. ........ 'Xl.5 in minimal comforls, relatively expensive. Lengthl....iclthlheiljlt . ... 149.5/&8.0/45.6 in WhIt'S I!W: Introduced for 2006; Tu rningcircle ........ J2,8ft there's aminor restyle for 2010, Curbwght J l00 lb l ellid luWietl Undiluted EPA cityihighway m~ ......... 20/16 driving at itsbest with fantastic FlI('l-tank capacitylrarH}E:'. . .. 10,6gal/212 mi steering and brake fee l,and PQWERTRAIN unstoppable on aracetrack Only supercharged and inten:ooIed I.S-litt1\" DOH( 16-~alve inline-4, 240 masochists woulduse this as a dai ly driver. IX 157hp, 170 or 174 Ib-It: 6-sp man EDITORS' RATING SUSPENSION 0000 r....... ind, uneqwl-Iength COIltroi arms, COil>j)\"i ng~ anti-roll bJr R• ind,lIIlequal-length oontrol arms, coitsprings SAFnY ..... ventt'd,cross-drillt'd disc/l'ented, rflr\"a~(1, /R , cross-drilled disc ABS.. .... standard Stab~ity/t ractiOll WllI rol . nO! clI'ailabie/opliOllal PasSiI'e restraint> , ....driver and passengt1\" front airbagsMaserati GranTurismo/S Hi'fhs:Sensuous sheetmetat Base price: SI11,400; S, $115,400 V, hide type: front-engine, tEar-drive; 2-door 4-pa5>e!lger Too portly to be taken seriously as a sports car, this l:Ieautiful interior craftsmanship,elegant four-seat coupe delivers respectable performance lovely engine sounds, useful rear \"Int'er~ior lUiume, FIR/cargo (cu It) .. ....... 51/31/9along with seductive Pininfarina styling and gorgeous interi- seat rarity. ....... l1 S,8inor decor. Offered in regular form and a more potent S edi- Wheelba'it' ..tion, these are pricey- but exclus ivity never comes cheap. lows:Seats lack lateral support, Lengthl....iclthlheiljlt . . ,192.2172.7/53J in Tu rningcircle2010 BUYERS GUIDE substantial mass, small trunk. Curbwght ........ J5,tft EPA cityihighway m~ Wh,t'SJleW: Introduced for2008; FlI('t-tank capacitylranqe .. .4400 lb ......... 11/19 no changes for 2010. PQWERTRAIN .... 22.7 9al/272 mi lelriadli ewiee!:Although the 4.1-llter OOHC 31-va1ve V-8, 405 hp, 340 Ib-It; 4.7-llt('[ DOHC 31- ~al ve V-8, 433hp,361Ib-It;6-sp auto\11th manumatic shilting steering is abit numband mass SUSPENSION issubstantial,this seductil'i' and exclu5ive coupe is5ure-fOOled F....... ind, uneqwl-Iength (ootrol anlls, COil \!Xings,anti- roll bJr and far from slow, particularly with the 4.7-literV-8. R .ind, uneqwl-Iength cOIltroi arms, coil >j)\"ings, anti-roll bJr EDITORS' RATING SAFnY 00000 BrakE'S, F/R, . ..... ventt'd, cross-drilled disc/vented, cross-drilled disc ASS. standard Stabnity/tractlOll wllIrol standard/standa rd PasSive restraint> .......dw and paS>l'flger froo~ Side, and curtainairbags 47

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