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Home Explore anatomy


Published by patumrassamee, 2018-03-29 04:00:04

Description: anatomy


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Uterine artery has reached the supravaginal portion of the cervix, itdivides. smaller cervicovaginal a. arcuate a. coiled spiral a. basal a. (straight a.) ovarian br. tubal br. fundal br.

Blood supply Ovarian artery is a direct branch of aorta and enters the broad ligament through the infundibulopelvic ligament. it divides into smaller branches that enter the ovary several branches through the mesosalpinx to supply the fallopian tubes (runs along the hilum) main br. traverses the entire length of the broad ligament and makes its way to the uterine cornu. (anastomosis with ovarian branch of the uterine artery)

Lymphatic Lymphatics from cervix terminate mainly in internal iliac nodes. Lymphatics from the uterine corpus are distributed to 2 groups of nodes. drains into internal iliac nodes joining lymphatics from the ovarian region, terminates in paraaortic LN

Ovary position also varies, but they usually lie in ovarian fossa of Waldeyer (between external and internal iliac vessels).Ovary consists of : cortex smooth, dull white surface (tunica albuginea) single layer of cuboidal epithelium (germinal epithelium of Waldeyer) Beneath this epithelium, the cortex contains oocytes and developing follicles. medulla is the central portion composed of loose CNT, large number of arteries & veins, small number of smooth muscle fibers.

Fallopian tubes (Oviducts) extend 8 - 14 cm classified along their length as interstitial portion isthmus ampulla infundibulum


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