Our Mission Products and ServicesWe are a company dedicated to creating exceptional settlement In addition to our Direct Operations, TRG also provides the follow-experiences for customers and communities through the passion- ing products and services:ate delivery of truly remarkable service. We pledge to promote afun, ful lling, and respectful environment that is open to change Title Insuranceand innovation, while providing personal growth opportunities to Title Resources is one of the nation’s largest underwriters. Since itsall. inception in 1984, the company has consistently maintained the highest nancial strength ratings. Title Resources is licensed in 31About Us states and the District of Columbia.Title Resource Group (TRG) is a driving force in the title and Private Label Servicessettlement services industry. TRG is national in scope, but local- TRG has the unique ability to build brand equity to its lenderly sta ed, with a wealth of experience in settlement services. clients through private label settlement services for rst mortgage,We operate in 48 states and the District of Columbia and re nance and HELOC transactions. This positions our clients toprovide closing services in all 50 states. TRG is a subsidiary of perpetuate brand awareness and strategically cross-sell otherRealogy Holdings Corp., a global provider of real estate products and services.services which franchises and owns several of the industry'sleading real estate brands and brokerages. For more informa- Title and Settlement Partnershipstion please visit www.trgc.com. TRG o ers joint venture and a liated business arrangement opportu- nities to real estate companies. Availability is subject to state and localWho We Are regulation.TRG operates over 40 distinct brand names throughout the United TRG is active in advancing the interests of the a liated businessStates such as TitleOne (ID), Sunbelt Title (FL), Equity Title Company model, working with our legislative leaders to help them better(CA), Texas American Title (TX), Mid-Atlantic Settlement (MD), understand the bene ts of that model.Burnet Title (MN/IL/WI), Independence Title (TX), and West CoastEscrow (CA). TRG Vendor Management Company TRG provides an e cient and e ective single source of coordina-Our Technology tion, control and contact for all title and closing needs, supported by state of the art technology designed to keep stakeholdersTRG maintains a variety of proprietary systems designed to create informed and moving to a seamless closing.transparent communication to all clients and consumers. Inaddition, we o er customized solutions aimed at catering to client Convenient Closing Services (CCS)requirements. TRG has developed a closing process for both re nance and Home Equity Lines of Credit (HELOCs) that puts control in the hands of theTRG focuses on the strategic development of technology tools like customer while yielding operational e ciencies and customerTitle!Snap, a mobile application that provides the real estate satisfaction levels of 97% or higher.professional and loan originator with a one-stop application fortheir local title and settlement calculation needs. Title!Snap Relocation Servicesprovides ease of use to industry professionals and builds a better TRG is partnered with Cartus to provide coordination and settle-customer experience. ment services for corporate relocations. Services for relocating customers and corporate clients include title/deed services, equityWhat We Do calculations and the coordination of the sale of a customer’s prop- erty to a buyer.TRG Local OperationsTRG operates approximately 460 branches, with over 2,500 employ-ees providing settlement services with a personalized approach.National ProviderOur network of companies provides coast-to-coast accessenabling TRG to successfully handle title and settlements in anycorner of the United States and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Power of RealogyREALOGY HOLDINGS CORP. (NYSE: RLGY) is a global leader in BUSINESS STRATEGYreal estate franchising with company-owned real estate broker- Realogy’s business model is structured around our uniqueages doing business under its franchise systems as well as “Value Circle” approach. Our four complementary businessesrelocation and title services. and joint venture with a leading mortgage company allow usOur leadership position as an integrated provider of real estate to generate revenue at various points along the typical realand relocation services began in 1995. Our expansion contin- estate transactional process. Each of our businesses bene tued through strategic acquisitions and organic growth. Today, from Realogy’s strong relationships and deep understanding ofRealogy is comprised of four business units: the real estate services industry. Unlike other industry partici-TITLE RESOURCE GROUP, a leading full-service title and settle- pants that o er only one or two services, we can o er home-ment services company in the United States. TRG serves real owners, our franchisees and our corporate and governmentestate companies, corporations and nancial institutions in clients ready access to numerous associated services thatsupport of residential and commercial real estate transactions. facilitate and simplify the home purchase and sale process.Headquartered in Mount Laurel, New Jersey, TRG is a nationallymanaged family of companies operating under well-knownlocal brands.REALOGY FRANCHISE GROUP, the leading franchisor of realestate brokerages in the world, includes global brands such as:Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate, CENTURY 21®, ColdwellBanker®, ERA®, Sotheby’s International Realty®, ZipRealty, andColdwell Banker Commercial®.CARTUS, a leading provider of relocation and workforce devel-opment solutions worldwide, provides trusted guidance to50% of the Fortune 50, serving more than 168,000 customersannually. With more than a half century of experience, Cartusprovides services to 150 countries.NRT LLC, the largest owner and operator of residential realestate brokerages in the United States, operates under thebanners of Coldwell Banker, ERA, The Corcoran Group andSotheby’s International Realty.
Technology & InnovationIn the fast paced world we live in, technology is a vital component Service Analyticsto any company’s competitive advantage in the marketplace, andTRG is no exception to that rule. At TRG, we invest millions of The piece that holds everything together is service analytics,dollars annually to ensure that our portfolio of companies canhave more than just a competitive advantage but can also assure as data is nothing without the ability to turn it into informa-our customers that their Personally Identi able Information (PII) isprotected at levels which far exceed those normally found in the tion. We have the tools to aggregate, assimilate and make welltitle industry. informed decisions because of the reporting engine we haveIn order to deliver on TRG’s attention to detail and focus on thecustomer, we maintain a portfolio of proprietary systems in a built to maintain and facilitate the growth of our business.secure private cloud. This structure allows us to not only deliver toour customers the products and services they demand, but to do S Y ST E M Sso with their customer information as secure as possible. S NT TIPTRLEOSY&DSUCTCLEOTMISOINNG TIn order to meet the varying needs that each TRG company has,each business has a proprietary application aligned with a Sdedicated technology team. Each team is intimate with itsrespective business, how it competes in the local market, how it USINE ITLE!SNAP MOBILEmanages its fees and how its operations tick second-to-secondand day-to-day. This alignment between IT and the business MASYNVSATEEGNEMDMEORallows for TRG to move faster to meet or exceed market demands. BEach company is armed with a portfolio of tools allowing it to getthe job done - TRG’s proprietary Title/Closing Software, its customer CORE ON THE G APPSwebsite(s), its vendor management engine and one or more mobileapps for their market allowing it to act locally while possessing the DELRATWFRIOTRINMGpower of a larger national player supporting their e orts. UN O POur Underwriter is no exception. It is equipped withtools dedicated to its speci c cause and ASNEARLVYITCICE Scustomer base, running on its ownproprietary operating system Mobile toolswhich supports electronicremittances from our As nothing in this world stays still, our mobile business strategyTitle & Closing system. focuses on the fast pace of Real Estate today with Title!Snap andNew integrations ON THE GO. These mobile apps enable our operations and ourwith several leading Title Resources agents to generate seller net sheets, buyer costtitle production calculations and re nance fees on the go to help Real Estateplatforms will help Agents and Loan O cers get deals done!our agents moreeasily work with us.
Family of Companies
Our BenefitsThe Benefits of Working at TRG DisabilityIf you’re thinking of joining TRG, we’d like you to know The Company’s disability plans are designed to work togeth-about the comprehensive program of bene ts we o er to er to continue a portion of your bene t salary during absenc-our full-time employees. For more information on the es due to non-occupational illnesses or injuries.Company, we invite you to visit our website,www.trgc.com. Educational AssistanceMedical The Educational Assistance Program is intended to encour- age and support your e orts to improve your skills andWe o er all eligible employees a choice for medical cover- educate yourself for advancement.age. Each option covers a wide range of services frompreventive and routine care to hospitalization and Paid Time Offsurgery. We continuously review the plans we o er tomake sure they are competitive. The Company o ers paid time o for personal days, holidays, your birthday, vacation, sick days, and a volunteer day.Each medical option comes with free preventative careand a prescription drug bene t, which covers prescrip- Employee Assistance Programtions at participating pharmacies, as well as mail-ordermaintenance drugs. Our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides traditional support to help you resolve you and your family’s personalDental and work-related problems – plus customized concierge services to help you manage your day-to-day responsibilities.Our dental plans are designed to help you with dental Other bene ts for which you mayexpenses. Each plan covers diagnostic and preventive, be eligible include:basic restorative, major restorative and orthodontic dentalservices. Your share of the cost of your covered expenses, • Adoption Assistanceincluding your deductibles, coinsurance and copays, will • 401 (K) Savings Plandepend on which plan you choose. • Flexible Work Arrangements • Employee Referral AwardsVision • Matching Gifts to CharitableParticipation in the Vision Service Plan (VSP) is also avail- Institutionsable. The plan helps you pay for a wide range of vision-re- • Employee Discountslated services and products, including periodic eye exams,eyeglasses and contact lenses. Your covered expenses arepaid at a higher level when you use a provider in the VSPnetwork.Flexible Spending AccountsOur Flexible Spending Accounts let you put aside moneythat you can use to pay a wide range of healthcare and daycare expenses.Life & Accident InsuranceThe Company’s Life & Accident Insurance plans pay bene- ts to your bene ciary if you die or are seriously injured.Basic coverage is provided by TRG, while voluntary cover-ages are available on an optional basis.
Ethics and ComplianceAt TRG, we understand that having strong ethical Our parent company, Realogy Holdings Corp. (NYSE:policies is only the beginning. It takes a strong tone at RLGY) has earned the global recognition of being onethe top to insure that all employees make ethics the of Ethisphere’s “World’s Most Ethical Companies” fordriving culture of our company. That is why every man- several consecutive years. As a subsidiary of Realogy,ager, starting with the CEO, makes it a practice to we know that we carry a weighty responsibility in onediscuss the importance of ethics regularly. By putting of the largest transactions of a consumer’s life—buyingethics front and center, we are able to ensure that a a home. Therefore, ethics are of the utmost importancecommitment to ethical behavior is not simply our in order to ensure our client’s assets are securelymantra; it is part of our culture. handled. We are deeply honored to be among an eliteOne example of our ethical culture is our approach to group of world-class companies that were selected bycompliance in protecting personally identi able infor- Ethisphere Institute® for this award.mation (PII) throughout our organization. Team play-ers and management work under the mantra of “You 52collect it, we protect it,” adhering to our PII policies. 63This dedication ensures that our clients’ personal infor- 74mation handled throughout a transaction remainsprotected at all times, making for a more securecustomer experience.
DiversityDIVERSITY & INCLUSION WEEK SUPPORTING OUR VETERANSTRG not only embraces diversity, but celebrates it each year with TRG is committed to honoring Veterans and theiran annual Diversity & Inclusion week. One of the highlights of service to our country. Each year, our team players putthe week is International Food Day, where team players prepare together a wall of honor that expresses their gratitudetheir favorite ethnic dish to share with their fellow team players. to our Veterans. Team players also volunteer at a Veter- ans hospital in Philadelphia, and our parent company,TRG DIVERSITY AWARD Realogy, has formed a committee to explore how we can become an ideal workplace for service men andEach year, TRG presents an award to the team player who best women transitioning into civilian life.represents the company’s spirit of diversity and inclusion.SHOWING SUPPORTIn support of GLAAD’s annual Spirit Day, TRG employees wearpurple to take a stand against bullying and to show support forlesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals.
Community ServiceTRG CARES OUR NATIONAL WEAR RED DAY INCOMMUNITY CONNECTION SUPPORT OF THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION’S GO RED FORTRG CARES is our company’s community service initiative WOMEN MOVEMENTthat was founded in 2010. TRG CARES raises money andprovides volunteers for charitable organizations such as TRG team players wear red on the rst Friday in February toProvidence House, Food Bank of South Jersey, American demonstrate support for the American Heart Association.Cancer Society, Autism Speaks, Burlington County Animal Since the rst National Wear Red Day in 2003, tremendousAlliance, Operation Backpack, Ronald McDonald House, strides have been made in the ght against heart disease inand many others. women. PARTNER IN PEACE AWARD TRG CARES received the “Partner in Peace” award from Provi- dence House, an organization that provides services and shelter to domestic abuse victims and their children. TRG team players volunteer countless hours each year. HUMANITARIAN AWARD TRG employees received Realogy’s Humanitarian Award after raising over $4,500 to help o set the medical expenses of one of their fellow employees.
The Realogy Way Serving the agents is our first priority We bring the power of Realogy to help real esate agents become more productive and build more pro table businesses. This makes our franchise brand and brokerage o ces the most attractive destination to call home.
Agent Value Proposition HIGH TOUCH CLOSING CUSTOMER SERVICE source source source source Mobile access to Mobile access to A mobile app TRG’s proprietary A platform property data, seller and buter protecting systemsupplying real Training classes market data, side real esate estate and for agents’ cost calculators consumers from standardizing settlement professional recorded wire fraud how we docontent to our documents attempts customers advancement business with agents
Core Values CIVI L OUR CORE VALUESBEGIN AND END WITH OUR PEOPLECOMMUNITY VALUE LEADERSHIPWe believe in giving back Our success is measured We are leaders in allto our communities through through the incremental value aspects of our industrythe charitable contribution we create for our customers, through activeof our time, resources and which ultimately benefits our engagement andexpertise. shareholders. advocacy.C I V I L PEOPLEINTEGRITY INNOVATION PEOPLEWe act in all matters We anticipate change Our commitment to ourwith integrity. and create solutions for core values is made our customers through possible through the practical, strategic passion and energy of innovation. our diverse team members.
Testimonials Nearly 15 years ago I started with TRG and have always felt a sense of loyalty, not only from myself to the company, but from the company back to me. TRG has grown so much and is going in so many amazing directions, it makes me proud to say that I work for for them. The support, friendship, great co-workers, warm environment and constant challenge to be the best you can be… who could ask for more really? TOD CALLISEducation Development What’s not to like about working for TRG? I get to come to work every day surrounded by an amazing group of people. A place where everyone knows your name, a beautiful work environ- ment, modern equipment and an outstanding support sta who help with a smile and work as a team. We have clients who are loyal and feel like family. Some days may be challenging but knowing I am not alone in this adventure makes it all worth it. STACEY KUITHEVP Sales & Marketing MARCUS SMITH My experience with TRG has been great so far! I have been learning so much about the IT eldTRG Application Support and the company as a whole from the amazing people I have met here at TRG. Everyone here is extremely helpful and eager to provide the best service possible to our customers. I am eager to continue absorbing as much information as I can so I can continue growing into the best employ- ee that I can be. Interacting with our di erent IT teams has taught me a great deal about the processes that happen on a daily basis to support a business while our di erent business units have taught me so much about how important a business like ours is. All in all, I am very happy that my learning has continued even after I graduated college.DENNIS YORK I have been working at TRG since 2012. From the time I walked through the doors until now, I Paralegal have loved working here. Being part of a team that strives to be the best at what we do is such a rewarding feeling. I am proud to be a part of TRG CARES. Our committee works together to spon- sor our targeted charities throughout the year. I am also part of the SERVICE committee, which supports the engagement of REALOGY Veterans in a committed e ort. My father was a Marine and what better way to honor his memory than to help make this company a place where Veter- ans want to work. I am proud to say that I am part of a wonderful family called TRG. The thing I appreciate the most about working for TRG is the culture. There is a spirit of coopera- tion and team work, so I never feel like I am on an island. It is a great atmosphere to work in, and everyone is always so positive that I actually look forward to Mondays for the rst time in my professional life. I can’t imagine nding a job that would be a better t for my skill set and disposi- tion than the one I have found at TRG! TUG McERLAINMarketing Manager
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