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Influence Strategies Exercises _ V3

Published by jaffar.nasir, 2016-10-10 06:48:41

Description: Influence Strategies Exercises _ V3


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Introduction to Influencing Strategies© Copyright 2010 Hay Group. All rightsreserved. No part of this publication maybe reproduced or transmitted in any formor by means, without written permissionfrom the Hay Group. © Copyright 2010 Hay Group. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by means, without written permission from the Hay Group.

Influencing others What does the 2 ISE workbook cover?Influencing others may be as simple as asking a 2colleague to do something, or as complex as Section1. How do we get our own way? 3building coalitions. Whatever your approach, yoursuccess depends upon the strategies you use, and • How do we influence others? 4when, how, and with whom you implement them. • Why these nine strategies? 4By completing Hay Group's influence strategies Section 2. What does each influence 6exercise (ISE) you'll discover which strategies you strategy look like? 8use most and least often. This workbook will help 10you to: • Empowerment 12 • Interpersonal awareness 14• develop your understanding of nine key • Bargaining 16influence strategies • Relationship building 18 • Organizational awareness 20• learn when each strategy is more effective or • Common visionless effective • Impact management 22 • Logical persuasion• reflect upon which strategies you use most • Coercion 22frequently, and which you tend not to use 24 Section 3. Profiling your influence• receive feedback from others on how they strategies 26experience your influence strategies • Your influence strategies self-assessment profile 26• learn helpful ways to enhance your use of each • Your influence strategies feedback profile 28of the influence strategies Section 4. Developing your influence• realize that being effective involves using a Strategiesvariety of influence strategies. • How can I be a better influencer? • Develop your influence strategies 1

Section 1 As you think through your situation in detail, you may feel that there are some influence strategies that youHow do we influence others? will never need- or will call upon only as a last resort! Others you will need to use on a daily basis.We're all under pressure to get things done- betterthan last time, ever more quickly and with fewer We've all met people who seem to have been bornresources. For most of us that means working with great influencers- they just seem to do it naturally!others: communicating effectively, sharing decisions,dividing resources and allocating responsibilities. The best influencers think carefully about what they're trying to achieve and how they want it to happen. TheyWhether we are managers, sales people, customer reflect on who they need to influence and how best toservice professionals or teachers, our intention is go about it. They have a variety of strategies that theythat our conversations with others lead to positive feel comfortable with. And they choose the strategiesresults - for them and for us. We communicate for a that they know will work- situation by situation.purpose. We work with others in order to makethings happen. We influence others to try and make Great influencers are true to themselves.sure that the right things happen. They are aware of their preferences. They play to their own strengths. But they areNo one influence strategy works in all situations- or also clear about the situations in whichwith all people. We can be most effective in they will use a less preferred strategy-influencing others if we choose a strategy that firs because they know they need to - andthe situation. It's worth thinking about your context. they use it with integrity and credibility.• Am I trying to influence one person or a group?• What is my relationship to them? Am I morepowerful? At the same level? Less powerful?• How capable are they? How knowledgeable arethey? Are they experienced or inexperienced?• How familiar are they to me? And me to them?• What do I know about their attitude or priorities?Are they willing? Is their performance an issue?• How do we do things round here? What are ournorms and values? What about the politics? 2

How do we do it? What strategies do we use when How do we get our own way?we're influencing others? Which strategies are mosteffective? Why these nine strategies?When we're at our best, we choose from - and In 1959 French and Raven 1 published an historic studycombine - nine key influence strategies. These are on the sources of managerial power, which started aspecific behaviors that help us influence others most trend among researchers and theorists to studysuccessfully: influence tactics. The Hay Group combined all this research with 15 years of its own applied researchThere are no right or wrong strategies. All nine can studies to identify the most effective strategies.make our conversations more effective, in the rightsituation. This research began with an exploratory study2 that developed a questionnaire to assess eight influence Empowerment: making others feel valued by tactics reported by students. The results from using involving them in decision-making, and giving this questionnaire, and from measuring other factors, them recognition revealed that logical persuasion and consultation were used more frequently than other tactics3. People also Interpersonal awareness: identifying - and decided on different tactics to influence a superior, a addressing -other people's concerns peer or a subordinate. Bargaining: gaining support by negotiating a In addition to this published research, Hay Group mutually satisfactory outcome carried out its own applied research with client organizations into the behaviors required for superior Relationship building: establishing and performance4. These competency studies focus on maintaining constructive relationships with people specific jobs in specific organizations and compare that you may need to influence outstanding performers with average performers. These studies were not designed specifically to identify Organizational awareness: identifying - and influence strategies. However, we found that getting the support of- key people outstanding performers consistently demonstrated key influence strategies. We drew on the most frequently Common vision: showing how our ideas support occurring influencing strategies and behaviors to the organization's broader goals construct the influence strategies exercise5. Impact management: choosing the most The nine strategies included i n the ISE are the most interesting, memorable or dramatic way to commonly used and the most effective. present ideas Other strategies, such as ingratiating oneself with the Logical persuasion: using logical reasons, other person and appealing to the other person's expertise or data to convince and persuade others manager, are not included. Outstanding performers tend not to use Coercion: using threats or pressure to get others these strategies. to do what you want1 French, J.R.P., Jr., & Raven, B. (1959), The bases of social power. In D. Cartwright (ed.), Studies in Social Power. Ann Arbour, Michigan: Institute for Social Research. 32 Kipnis, D., Schmidt, S.M. & Wilkinson, I. (1980), lntraorganizationa l infiuence tactics: Explorations in getting one's way. Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 65, pp. 440-452.3 Yuki, G. & Falbe, C.M. (1990), lnfluence tactics and objectives in upward, downward, and lateral infiuence attempts. Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 75, pp. 132-140.4 30 years of unpublished McBer and Hay Group studies.5 First developed by Joni Jay Fink and published by McBer and Company in 1993

Section 2EmpowermentMaking others feel valued by involving them in decision-making, and giving them recognition.The purpose of empowerment is to gain the This strategy is most effective:commitment of those who will carry out a plan.Empowerment stimulates people to take the • when the people you want to influence have ainitiative and keeps them motivated. high level of knowledge and expertise A manufacturing manager needs to get his team’s • when the culture of your organization supports commitment for a new product line. He invites participation them to a meeting and asks for their ideas on how to improve quality in the new production process. • when it is important to maintain positive relationships with colleagues at your level and below.What does empowerment look like in This strategy is least effective:action? • if those who are empowered don't have theWhen you use the empowerment strategy others capability - or will - to achieve the desired goalwill see you: • when the organization does not support• getting others' support by involving them in the participation in crisis situations or when decisionsdecision- making process must be made quickly• adapting your own ideas by accepting suggestionsfrom others • when power is given to others without support or• giving credit, praise or recognition to others- in follow-up.private and in public• involving others in the process of planning how toimplement an approach• looking for solutions that will benefit everyoneinvolved• instilling confidence in the people who willimplement ideas• asking questions to get others to reach the desiredconclusion. 4

What can I do to increase my What does each influence strategy look like?use of empowerment? You feel you're usingFind a Win-Win. empowerment, but it's justCreate situations in which both parties can win not working. Think about theby agreeing to a solution that satisfies both following:sides. Are you trying to influence people above youDon't take for granted what people do. in the organization?Look for opportunities to praise, thank or give If so, a number of other strategies are likelycredit to others. Even if they do what is to work better, depending upon theexpected of them in their role, they will situation: organizational awareness, logicalappreciate being thanked for it. persuasion, impact management or interpersonal awareness.Before telling someone how to do something,stop! Are you trying to deal with someone with aInstead tell the person what you need them to performance issue or an attitude problem indo. Then ask how they would approach it. your team?Praise the good ideas and, if needed, add your If so, do you need to consider using coercionown ideas. or bargaining?Have confidence in others! Or have you assumed that the person, orTake the risk of letting them get involved in people, you are trying to influence are moremaking decisions. Let others know you have capable than they are?confidence in them. Will interpersonal awareness be more effective with individuals? And commonRead about quality improvement initiatives in vision more effective with groups?organizations.These initiatives have shown that involvingemployees- by getting their ideas - keeps themmotivated and contributes to productivityimprovement. 5

Section 2Interpersonal awarenessIdentifying other people's concerns and positioning one's ideas to address these concerns.The purpose of interpersonal awareness is to ensure This strategy is most effective:that one's ideas address other people's concerns,based on a genuine understanding of those concerns. • in most one-to-one influence situations A manager needs a team member to make a • when you don't know the other person very presentation to senior management, but he well already seems reluctant to do so. She asks him how he feels about it and finds that he is nervous. He is • when it is important to develop trust and concerned about the risk of being unable to rapport with the other person answer their tough questions. The manager works with her team member to anticipate possible • when there is an underlying tension with the questions and minimize the risk of other person that you need to understand and embarrassment. resolve.What does interpersonal awareness This strategy is least effective:look like in action? • in crisis situations or when decisions must beWhen you use the interpersonal awareness strategy made quicklyothers will see you: • when the other person's decision will be based• trying to understand the needs and concerns that are on objective criteria such as pricereally motivating the other person• listening to the other person in a way that conveys • if your concern for the other person preventsyour genuine concern you from completing the task that needs to be• asking questions to understand the other person's doneposition• anticipating how individuals will react to ideas, • when the attempt to understand the otherinformation or presentations person is seen as insincere or manipulative.• calculating the most effective way to get an ideaacross toan individual• tailoring your approach to the needs and concerns ofthe other person. 6

What can I do to increase my What does each influence strategy look like?use of interpersonalawareness? You feel you're using interpersonal awareness, butObserve the other person's behavior. Observe it's just not working. Thinkthe messages that come across to you - verbal about the following:and nonverbal. Try to imagine what the otherperson is thinking and feeling. Are you trying to influence a group of people? If so, a number of other strategies are likely toPut yourself in the other person's shoes. Try to work better, depending upon the situation:imagine the concerns that the other person organizational awareness, common vision orwants to address. Think about the values they impact management.may have. Interpersonal awareness is more effective on a one-to-one basis.Have you understood the messages?Test out your understanding of what the other Are you trying to influence someone you areperson is saying, thinking or feeling. State your already familiar with?view and ask them how accurate your Using interpersonal awareness will have servedunderstanding is. you well in gaining this familiarity. Now it may be time to move to using relationship building,Develop your interpersonal skills. common vision or organizational awareness.Get some practice through formal courses:Listening skills, communication skills, etc. Do you have a good relationship with the person, but now you need to secure greater motivation or commitment from them? Will empowerment or logical persuasion help to gain their agreement or stimulate their initiative? 7

Section 2BargainingGaining support by negotiating a mutually satisfactory outcome; exchanging favors, sharing resources, makingconcessions.The purpose of bargaining is to meet the needs of This strategy is most effective:everyone involved. It involves working out what otherswant, and what you are prepared to give, and then • in a political environmentstriking a deal. • when asking someone to do something they A supplier is trying to make an important would not otherwise do sale with a new customer. They offer a good discount if the buyer commits to a • when there is an adversarial quality to the large, regular order. relationship What does bargaining look like in • when you are in a position to do things for the action? other person When you use the bargaining strategy others will see • when you want to meet the needs of all parties you: involved. • offering to reward people if they will do what you This strategy is least effective: want • offering to do something for the other person, in • with people you work with on a daily basis return for that person's support • reminding people of what you have done for them in • when either party feels it has got the bad end the past of the deal • asking for more than you expect to get • looking for solutions that will benefit everyone • for the person who is a less sophisticated involved negotiator • suggesting mutual compromises when you encounter resistance. • with people at a higher level than you • when there is a lack of trust that the deal you have agreed will actually be delivered. 8

What does each influence strategy look like?What can I do to increase my What can I do to moderate myuse of bargaining? use of bargaining?Try to understand the other person's position. You feel you're using bargaining, but it's justThink about what they may be willing- and not not working. Think about the following:willing- to give up in order to reach anagreement. Are you trying to influence people above you in the organization?Think about your position. Organizational awareness is likely to workWhat are you willing and not willing to give up? better.What are you able to offer that the other personmight want or need? Are you trying to influence someone you work with on a daily basis?Practice in a safe situation. Using bargaining is a risky approach. Can youTry different bargaining approaches in a low-risk tolerate the consequences if either party feelssituation, where losing your side of the bargain it has got the bad end of a deal? Commondoesn't matter too much. vision or organizational awareness may give you a better outcome in the long-term.Develop your confidence.Get some practice through formal courses, e.g. Do you feel that you can build trust and rapportnegotiating skills program. with the other person? If so, it may be worth investing in using interpersonal awareness. 9

Section 2Relationship buildingTaking the time to get to know others personally; to maintain friendly communications so that they will be inclined tosupport your ideas in the future.The purpose of relationship building is to maintain This strategy is most effective:potentially useful relationships through friendlycommunications. This takes time- it's about • when getting support depends uponsecuring support in the long term. positive relationships An accountant and her husband spend • to establish people's long-term support time socializing with an important client at the golf club at weekends, and invest time • with peers in developing a friendship. • with clients and potential clientsWhat does relationship buildinglook like in action? • with people you see on a regular basis, over timeWhen you use the relationship building strategyothers will see you: • when you could benefit from the support of people outside your regular work group.• establishing a good rapport with others• maintaining a wide network of contacts This strategy is least effective:• making an effort to become friends with businessassociates, fellow professionals and colleagues • if insincere• socializing with people you may want to influence• working to maintain constructive relationships • in crisis situationswith those people at work that you may need toinfluence • when you need support immediately and• voluntarily going out of your way to help others there is no time to develop a relationship• periodically telephoning or writing to businesscontacts you don't see on a regular basis. • with people at a lower level than you • when the support of others is likely to be based on objective criteria and logical arguments. 10

What can I do to increase my use What does each influence strategy look like?of relationship building? You feel you're using relationshipTake an interest. building, but it's just not working.Ask about the other person's background, their Think about the following:interests, their values, what gives them a buzz.People love it when someone Are you trying to influence people above you inelse shows an interest in them. the organization? Organizational awareness is likely toFind common ground. work better.Think about what you and the other person Are you trying to influence a group of people?have in common. Do you have shared interests If so, a number of other strategies are likely toor circumstances that can help you initiate and work better, depending upon the situation:maintain a relationship? organizational awareness, common vision or impact management.Make the most of existing relationships. Reflect relationship building is more effective on aon relationships that are working well for you. one-to-one basis.Why do they work? What can you learn from Are you trying to influence someone you arethem and apply to new relationships? unfamiliar with? You may need to start with interpersonalInvest some time. awareness. This will help you initiate a soundThink about how you structure your working relationship, before moving on to usingday. Do you need to build in some time to relationship building, common vision ormaintain contact with others? If relationship organizational awareness.building is a key strategy in your role, think of itas being as important as other aspects of your 11work.Make the most of your opportunities.Look out for networking opportunities in yourorganization, sector or profession. Takeadvantage of opportunities that are alreadythere.Develop your networking skillsTalk to good networkers. How do they go aboutit? What difficulties do they overcome alongthe way? What value do they get fromnetworking?

Section 2Organizational awarenessIdentifying the key people in your organization, and getting their support. Knowing who the key influencers are.The purpose of organizational awareness is to get This strategy is most effective:to the people who matter - the ones who makedecisions and influence others. • when there are key people in the organization who can influence a decision An internal consultant develops a new favorably or unfavorably executive training program. He finds out which of the senior managers can really influence the • with colleagues at your level and above decision to adopt the program. He talks to them individually in advance and asks for their • when it is necessary to influence a number support and advice, to ensure he will be of people from different parts of a large successful when formally presenting his organization program to the senior management team. • when the organization's formal structureWhat does organizational awareness does not reflect the real patterns of influencelook like in action? within the organizationWhen you use the organizational aware ness strategy • in highly politicized organizations.others will see you: This strategy is least effective:• asking questions to find out which people are likely toinfluence a decision • when the person you want to influence is• working behind the scenes to get the support of key not acting as a member of the organizationdecision makers• enlisting the support of individuals, one by one, to • when the person you want to influencebuild support for a n idea does not have to consider the reactions of• gathering support by bringing together people from others within the organizationdifferent areas of the organization• attempting to persuade others by letting them know • when the decision will actually be based onwho else is supporting your idea objective criteria such as cost.• getting things done by identifying the existingcoalitions and working through them. 12

What can I do to increase my use of What does each influence strategy look like?organizational awareness? You feel you're usingKeep your ear to the ground. organizational awareness, but it'sPay attention to what people say about others in just not working. Think about thethe organization so that you can determine who following:the key influencers are. Are you trying to influence people at your levelLearn by example. or below in the organization?Watch and talk to influential people to understand If so, a number of other strategies arehow they exert their influence. likely to work better, depending upon the situation: empowerment, common vision,Find out who is calling the shots. bargaining or coercion.Listen to the 'office gossip' about how decisions getmade. Be careful - what you hear may not be true! Are you trying to influence an individual?But it may provide some insights into the issues and Organizational awareness is just the start. It willrelationships that can lie behind key decisions. help you read a group and gain insights into who to influence- and how you can then moveGet others' points of view. on to using other strategies like interpersonalAsk your boss or mentor for their view on the key awareness or relationship building.influencers. Their position in the organization willgive them a different perspective. Are you trying to influence someone you are unfamiliar with?Get support from the right places. If so, you may need to start with interpersonalWhen you want to get support for your idea think awareness to help you initiate a soundabout the full range of people who might be relationship or impact management to catchinvolved. their interest. Then you might move on to usingWho will your idea affect? Who will organizational awareness, common vision orhelp implement it? Who might be most interested? relationship building.Who else might have similar ideas on their agenda?Who might want to block it?Then you can plan how you might approach eachperson individually or dealwith different groups. 13

Section 2Common visionShowing how your ideas support the organization's broader goals.The purpose of common vision is to show This strategy is most effective:others that their support is good for theorganization. It is about demonstrating that • when managing a team with colleagues at youryour idea, and their energy, loyalty and level and belowteamwork, will help you all to achieve the • when you have high personal credibility - peopleorganization's goals. want to work with you for the organization • when your position gives you the authority to seek A team manager wants to adopt the support in this way. organization's customer service policy. She communicates a vision of what heir This strategy is least effective: department can become, and shows her team how their work can really improve the • when the organization's goals and values are customer experience and help make the vision about to change in unpredictable ways a reality. • with people above you in the organization • when you lack credibility - in the eyes of theWhat does common vision look people you are trying to influencelike in action? • when the people you are trying to influence are cynical about the organization.When you use the common vision strategy otherswill see you: 14• using group meetings or speeches to build pride inthe team• showing people how their work is important to thebroader goals of the organization• creating and using symbols of group identity tobuild a sense of team• explaining how your idea helps advance thebroader goals of the organization• appealing to values or principles, such as concernfor the customer, quality or fairness• presenting ideas by linking them to an inspiringvision of what the organization can become.

What does each influence strategy look like?What can I do to increase my You feel you're using commonuse of common vision? vision, but it's just not working. Think about theThink about the end result you want. following:Why might others want that end result too?How would it benefit them? What values Are you trying to influence people above youwould it appeal to in them? What would it do in the organization?for your organization that is good for all its Maybe other strategies will work better,members? depending upon the situation. Try organizational awareness, logical persuasion,Think about the impact of the end result impact management or interpersonalwhat difference will it actually make? awareness.What will it do for your customers, or thepeople who benefit from your organization's Are you trying to influence an individual?work? Tell a story- an anecdote - that Interpersonal awareness or relationshipdescribes the difference the end result will building are likely to work better. Commonmake to someone. Make the goal real for the vision is more effective with groups.people whose support you need. Are you trying to influence someone you areGet others involved. unfamiliar with?Think about the contributions you need from If so, you may need to start with interpersonalothers. Make each person aware of the part awareness to help you initiate a soundthey are playing in achieving the end result. relationship, or impact management, to catch their interest. Then you might move on toThink about the 'big picture'. using common vision, organizationalStep back from the details of what you are awareness or relationship building.doing. How can you make people feel like partof a team contributing to a biggergoal? How can you communicate this? Readthe speeches of campaigners, or politiciansyou respect for ideas. 15

Section 2Impact managementChoosing the most interesting, memorable or dramatic way to present ideas, in order to gain people's support.The purpose of impact management is to win This strategy is most effective:others' support by catching their attention. Thethings you say and do grab people's interest and • when it is important to make a very strong firststick in their mind. impression • when dealing with people you don't know very A sales director is talking to a group of sales well managers about recruiting sales representatives. He • when creating or delivering presentations knows they tend to follow their first impressions, • when dealing with groups. and wants to get them thinking about assessing the motivation levels of potential recruits. This strategy is least effective: So he tells a story about a young man who was very • when the decision to support an idea will be nervous and stuttered throughout his job interview. based on rigorous, quantitative or logical criteria But the recruiting sales manager could see that the • when trying to influence people you know very man was highly motivated, and hired him. ''That well young man,\" the sales director goes on to say, \"was • when it is important to identify the other me.\" person's specific concerns.What does impact management look 16like in action? When you use the impact management strategy others will see you: • presenting ideas convincingly and with self- confidence • using interesting ways to present information or ideas • making points by using stories that arouse emotions • finding and presenting examples with high impact in order to support your case • using eye-catching graphics and visuals aids during presentations • demonstrating an energetic, can-do attitude.

What does each influence strategy look like?What can I do to increase my You feel you're using impactuse of impact management? management, but it's just not working. Think about theWho has had an impact on you? following:Reflect on situations when someone hashad an impact on you at work or Are you trying to influence an individual?elsewhere. What did they say or do thatstuck in your mind? What emotions did A number of other strategies are likely tothey arouse in you? What did you do as aresult? work better, depending upon theTry different approaches. situation: interpersonal awareness orThink of stories, examples, metaphorsor humor that will help to get your point relationship building. Impactacross. management is more effective withWatch how others do it.Observe public figures or colleagues at who have a strong effect on people.Notice the words they choose and the Are you trying to influence someone youbody language they use. are already familiar with? If so, they may know you too well forLearn from the experts. impact management to catch theirListen to outstanding politicians or public interest. Common vision, organizationalfigures when they give televised awarenessspeeches. Notice their use of repetition, or relationship building is more likely toanalogy, metaphor, appeals to the be engaging for them.listener's values or emotions, voicemodulation, etc. Are you trying to influence a decision that is usually taken on the basis ofDevelop your presentation skills. rigorous, logical criteria?Get some practice through formal Impact management is unlikely to helpcourses, e.g. public speaking or you win your argument, unless you backpresentation skills. it up with logical persuasion. 17

Section 2Logical persuasionUsing logical reasons, expertise or data to convince and persuade others.The purpose of logical persuasion is to This strategy is most effective:demonstrate thatyour idea is logical, reasonable - and therefore • with people who rely on logic and reason, forright! Logical persuasion sets out to convince example engineers and scientistsothers that no other approach can be so sound • when the person you are trying to influence isnor so appropriate. systematically comparing several products, ideas or alternatives. A software designer presents her approach to developing a new application to the This strategy is least effective: managers of her department. She shows the advantages of her recommended • when the people whose support you seek a approach by systematically comparing it re strongly influenced by personal with three other alternatives. relationships, rather than logic • when personal goals, hopes or concernsWhat does logical persuasion look affect people's reasoninglike in action? • when the other person is concerned with how ideas are presented - not just their contentWhen you use the logical persuasion strategy • when the decision is affected by politicalothers will see you: factors within the organization.• taking time to gather data to support your 18position• preparing well thought-out arguments to supportyour case• persuading others by pointing out the advantagesof your idea• offering several different reasons that support aposition• systematically comparing approaches to showthe advantages of your approach• relying on facts, data and logical arguments toconvince others.

What can I do to increase my What does each influence strategy look like?use of logical persuasion? You feel you're using logicalBe prepared. persuasion, but it's just notThink of more than one reason that working. Think about thesupports the validity of your idea. Gather following:data or evidence to support your case. Have you assumed that the person, orKnow the outcome. people, you are trying to influence makeEstimate the consequences and costs to decisions on the basis of rigorous, logicalthe other person of not adopting your criteria?approach. Be clear on the benefits of If decisions in your organization are affectedyour approach. by political factors, relationships or emotional engagement, then organizationalBe clear. awareness, relationship building, impactDivide your presentation into separate management or empowerment are morepoints that show how each conclusion likely to be effective.leads to the next. Have you assumed that those you are tryingDo your research. to influence are capable of understandingRead articles from authoritative sources the data and following your argument?that evaluate products to get ideas on If they are not, then interpersonalhow to organize and present data and awareness or common vision are morefindings. likely to be effective. Have you assumed that those you are trying to influence are interested and enthusiastic about your argument? If they are not, then bargaining -or even coercion - is more likely to be effective. 19

Section 2CoercionUsing threats, reprimands or pressure to get others to do what you want.The purpose of coercion is to get others to do what This strategy is most effective:you want whether they are happy to or not. Coercionassumes that others will not give their support or • when there is an emergency or crisiscompliance willingly, but pushes for it anyway • to get short-term compliance from a team A manager is dealing with a poor member who has performance problems performing employee. The manager states clearly what the employee must do to reach • with colleagues below your level who are much the required standard. He makes it clear less knowledgeable and just need to be told that the consequences of not improving their performance will result in disciplinary • when threats and pressure are expected proceedings. methods of contra within the organization • when other influence strategies have been tried and have failed.What does coercion look like in This strategy is least effective:action? • when long-term support is neededWhen you use the coercion strategy others will seeyou: • when others need to understand or agree with the reasons for your actions or decisions• using the power of your position to demand thatothers do what you want • when used with colleagues at your level or• making clear what the consequences to people abovewill be if they do not do what you want• reprimanding people if they are not pulling their • when used with others who have high levels ofweight knowledge and expertise• putting pressure on people who do not carry outyour requests • when threats and pressure are not accepted• telling people what you want, with the \"or else ...\" ways of gettin things done in the organizationmade clear• letting people feel the negative consequences if • when it is important to maintain a positivethey do not follow your wishes. relationship with the other person. 20

What does each influence strategy look like?What can I do to increase my You feel you're using coercion,use of coercion? but it's just not working. Think about the following:Think about who you are trying to influence.Think hard about the capability, potential and Are you trying to influence people aboveattitude of the team member you want to you in the organization?influence. Are they really interested in doing If so, a number of other strategies are likely tothe best they can? Are they willing to learn? Are work better, depending upon the situation:they capable of development? organizational awareness,If not, then other influence strategies are logical persuasion, impact management orunlikely to work. Coercion will ensure that your interpersonal awareness.expectations- and the consequences of notmeeting them -are absolutely clear. Could the person, or people, you are trying to influence be more capable than you haveConsider other options. assumed?You need to be confident that what you are If so, will logical persuasion engage theirdemanding is the best solution. thinking better? Will empowerment stimulate their motivation and initiative? Will commonPractice in a safe environment. vision secure their contribution andIn appropriate situations with team members, commitment?practice setting deadlinesand demanding that people meet them. If you Have you written off all hope of trust anddon't feel confident using this rapport with the person or people you want tostyle try getting some practice through formal influence?courses e.g. assertiveness training programs. If not, then interpersonal awareness or relationship building may help to reinstate aBe clear about the consequences. more positive relationship.If a team member has repeatedly failed todeliver on expectations, tell this person whatthe negative consequences will be if theproblem continues. 21

Section 3Your influence strategies self-assessment profileThe self-assessment questionnaire assesses the influence strategies that you believe you use. If you have not already doneso, take some time to work through the questionnaire. Add up the scores down each column (A, B, C, etc.) of your questionnaire. Now transfer each score to the appropriate box (Total A, Total B, etc.) at the bottom of the chart. Finally plot each score in the shaded area of the profile chart by filling in the circle where the line for each influence strategy meets the line for your score

Profiling your influence strategiesThe pattern that your scores create tells you how often you feel thatyou use each influence strategy.Which strategies do you see yourself using most Which strategies do you see yourself using leastoften? often?_____________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ _____________________What else occurs to you as you look at your own profile?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What factors might be playing a part in your self-assessment profile?• How accurately do you feel you have assessed your influence strategies?• Does your profile reflect the kinds of influence behaviors that your job requires?• Does it reflect the kinds of influence strategies that you see others around you using?• Does it reflect the kinds of strategies that your organization encourages? 23

Section 3Your influence strategies self-assessment profileThe self-assessment questionnaire assesses the influence strategies that you believe you use. If you have notalready done so, take some time to work through the questionnaire.Whenever possiblefeedback should becollected and scored by athird party or facilitator.This ensures confidentialityfor your respondents.If this is possible, they willneed to follow theinstructions below:Collect all your feedbackquestionnaires.Now go through each oneand:• Add up the scores for column A – from each questionnaire – and write the total in the first box “Total A’• Do the same for every other column (B to I)• Divide each score by the number of completed Feedback Questionnaires• Record this average score in the top box• Plot this average score in the shaded area. 24

Profiling your influence strategiesPeople who see you in action on a regular basis are in a good position to give accuratefeedback. The profile is their view of what you actually do - of how your influencestrategies come across to them.Which strategies do other people see you using most Which strategies do other people see you using leastoften? often_______________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ ___________________________Now can you compare your self-assessment with the feedback. What occurs to you as you make thiscomparison?(Note: It is more important to compare the pattern of high and low scores, rather than focus on the absolutenumbers.)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________If there are differences think about: 25• Whether others only see part of your behavior, or only see you in certain situations• Whether others are able to be more objective than you, or recognize other sides to you• Whether the influence strategy you intend to use is perceived by others as something different

How can I be a better influencer? Section 4You'll have noticed from your profiles that there are some influence strategies that you use more often, and some that youuse less often. This may be because of the demands of your situation, the culture of your organization, others'expectations of your profession, or the needs of the people you work with. Alternately you may choose certain strategiesbecause of your own personal preferences, self-image, or the range of behaviors you feel most comfortable using.Think about someone whohad a significant – positive– impact on you. Whatinfluence strategies did youexperience them using?Think about someone whohad a significant – negative –impact on you. Whatinfluence strategies did youexperience them using?How do you see yourself?What kind of person do youwant to be?Circle the words or phrases Supporter. Coach. Listener. Negotiator. Arbitrator. Referee.which mean something for Networker. Politician. Standard bearer. Direction provider. Co-you. What might this mean ordinator. Drama queen. Expert. Mr. Spock. Controller. Enforcer.for your preferred influencestrategies?How would you describe Habits canyour strengths? What become a traphabits have you formed to – they can stopplay to your strengths? you trying out new behaviors.How would you describe yourweaknesses? What habits haveyou formed to avoid yourweaknesses? 26

Developing your influence strategies• Do your homework. Re-read Section 2: What does each influence strategylook like? It describes what you can actually do to use each strategy. The firststep is to be aware of these behaviors. The next is to give them a try!• Practice makes perfect. Try new behaviors in low-risk situations - until youare comfortable using them.• Ask a friend. Let someone you trust know that you are trying a particularstrategy. Ask for feedback on how well you are doing and how you canimprove.• Watch others at work. Observe the ways in which other people influence-verbally, non-verbally, in writing, through other media. Isolate specificbehaviors they use and try them yourself.• Make a commitment. Go through your diary and decide specific dates forreviewing your progress. Decide what you want to have practiced or achievedby each date.• Seek feedback again in six months time. See how you're doing with thestrategies you want to use more.• And remember... no influence strategy is inherently good or bad. The keyto success is knowing when to use each strategy, how and with whom. 27

Develop your influence strategies Section 4If you want to develop your influence strategies, you will have most success if you experiment in specific situationswith specific people. Think about the individuals or groups whose support you need most, or people that you knowyou need to influence more effectively. 1hese may include your peers, your customers (internal or external), yourmanager, people who report to you, stakeholders, etc. Is there a situation where you know you need to be a moreeffective influencer?For each person or group, think through the following:Who do I want to influence - the person or group?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What outcome do I want (support, agreement, involvement, etc.)?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Which influence strategy (or strategies) am I currently using?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What results have I had so far (what's working well; what could go better)?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Which influence strategy (or strategies) do I plan to experiment with?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2_8 _

Section 4 Developing your influence strategiesHow do I believe this approach will help?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What specific actions will I take - and by when?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What resources or support do I need?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What potential obstacles do I face?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How do I plan to overcome these obstacles?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How will I know my new approach is working? Who can I ask for feedback?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2_9_

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