MyCareer A Colleague guide to career development.
MyCareer A Colleague guide to career development.
TABLE OF CONTENTS 01 02 Ethics and Values Working at Salis & Evans 03 04 Company Policies Code of Conduct 05 Meet the Team
ETHICS AND VALUES Booklets are printed materials with four or more pages, containing details about a business, event, product, promotion, etc. They are also known as catalogs or pamphlets, and are usually created to communicate a message to a wide variety of audiences. Aside from keeping people informed, beautifully designed booklets can also be brought home as a keepsake. These visually appealing platforms are easy to distribute as well, and can be handed out during expos and other events, making your brand truly memorable. Just like most print publications, the key to creating an effective booklet lies in curation. Consistency in branding is important for businesses, but good design also applies to personal or event booklets. Make sure you have clear, accurate information on each page. Choose compelling photos, fonts, and images. Pick colors that suit your style. You need to communicate well with your audience, so always keep them in mind as you design. Need more ideas? Create an outline of the important sections you want to include in your booklet. Businesses often include their vision and mission, in addition to their yearly goals and metrics. For an event booklet, include the day's schedule or a list of speakers. Shops also hand out catalogs, listing their products and the prices. What's important is that you know the purpose of your booklet, and from there, you'll have millions of ideas ready! Whether you're creating a compilation of your recipes or showcasing your latest promotions, just create a good balance of content and you're on your way to a clear, effective booklet. pn
WORKING AT SALIS & EVANS Booklets are printed materials with four or more Choose compelling photos, fonts, and images. pages, containing details about a business, event, Pick colors that suit your style. You need to product, promotion, etc. They are also known as communicate well with your audience, so always catalogs or pamphlets, and are usually created to keep them in mind as you design. communicate a message to a wide variety of audiences. Need more ideas? Create an outline of the important sections you want to include in your Aside from keeping people informed, beautifully booklet. Businesses often include their vision and designed booklets can also be brought home as a mission, in addition to their yearly goals and keepsake. These visually appealing platforms are metrics. For an event booklet, include the day's easy to distribute as well, and can be handed out schedule or a list of speakers. Shops also hand out during expos and other events, making your brand catalogs, listing their products and the prices. truly memorable. What's important is that you know the purpose of your booklet, and from there, you'll have millions of Just like most print publications, the key to ideas ready! creating an effective booklet lies in curation. Consistency in branding is important for Whether you're creating a compilation of your businesses, but good design also applies to recipes or showcasing your latest promotions, just personal or event booklets. Make sure you have create a good balance of content and you're on clear, accurate information on each page. your way to a clear, effective booklet. EMPLOYEE METRICS FROM 2025 TO 2029 40 30 20 10 0 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 1
COMPANY POLICIES These guidelines apply to all employees of Salis & Evans HEALTH AND SAFETY DATA PRIVACY Booklets are printed materials with four or more Just like most print publications, the key to pages, containing details about a business, event, creating an effective booklet lies in curation. product, promotion, etc. They are also known as Consistency in branding is important for catalogs or pamphlets, and are usually created to businesses, but good design also applies to communicate a message to a wide variety of personal or event booklets. Make sure you have audiences. clear, accurate information on each page. Choose compelling photos, fonts, and images. Aside from keeping people informed, beautifully Pick colors that suit your style. You need to designed booklets can also be brought home as a communicate well with your audience, so always keepsake. These visually appealing platforms are keep them in mind as you design. easy to distribute as well, and can be handed out during expos and other events, making your brand Whether you're creating a compilation of your truly memorable. recipes or showcasing your latest promotions, just create a good balance of content and you're on your way to a clear, effective booklet. pn
CODE OF CONDUCT 01 02 JOB DUTIES BENEFITS Booklets are printed materials with four or more Booklets are printed materials with four or more pages, containing details about a business, event, pages, containing details about a business, event, product, promotion, etc. They are also known as product, promotion, etc. They are also known as catalogs or pamphlets, and are usually created to catalogs or pamphlets, and are usually created to communicate a message to a wide variety of communicate a message to a wide variety of audiences. audiences. Aside from keeping people informed, beautifully Aside from keeping people informed, beautifully designed booklets can also be brought home as a designed booklets can also be brought home as a keepsake. These visually appealing platforms are keepsake. These visually appealing platforms are easy to distribute as well, and can be handed out easy to distribute as well, and can be handed out during expos and other events, making your brand during expos and other events, making your brand truly memorable. truly memorable. 03 COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Booklets are printed materials with four or more pages, containing details about a business, event, product, promotion, etc. They are also known as catalogs or pamphlets, and are usually created to communicate a message to a wide variety of audiences. Aside from keeping people informed, beautifully designed booklets can also be brought home as a keepsake. These visually appealing platforms are easy to distribute as well, and can be handed out during expos and other events, making your brand truly memorable. pn
MEET THE TEAM JEANNE HALLUM CEO and President Booklets are printed materials with four or more pages, containing details about a business, event, product, promotion, etc. They are also known as catalogs or pamphlets, and are usually created to communicate a message to a wide variety of audiences. ALICIA MOORE HR Manager Booklets are printed materials with four or more pages, containing details about a business, event, product, promotion, etc. They are also known as catalogs or pamphlets, and are usually created to communicate a message to a wide variety of audiences. DEVIN BANKS Lead Accountant Booklets are printed materials with four or more pages, containing details about a business, event, product, promotion, etc. They are also known as catalogs or pamphlets, and are usually created to communicate a message to a wide variety of audiences. pn
SALIS & EVANS GET IN TOUCH 123 Anywhere St., Any City, ST 12345 123-456-7890 @reallygreatsite
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