UNIT OPERATION MECHANICAL DRAWING & C Y C L O N EDESIGN SPECIFICATION OF Performance Flue Gas Inlet For particle size > 5nm: 98% Flowrate gas: 0.015m3/s For particle size >10nm: 99% Assume 98% mass flowrate is mixture of gas, and 2% is the fly ash Mass flowrate in feed: 2600.6kg/hr Side View Cyclone Height...........................1.6456 m Cylinder Height..........................0.6171 m Cone Height................................1.0285 m Exit tube Length.........................0.2057 m Cyclone Diameter......................0.4114 m Gas Exit Diameter......................0.2057 m Inlet Height..................................0.2057 m Dust Outlet Diameter................0.1543 m Top View Inlet Width .................................0.08228 m Optimum Inlet Velocity............15 m/s PREPARED BY SUPERVISED BY MUHAMMAD IKMAL HAZIQ BIN KHAIRUL ANUAR (199078) Professor Dr. Zurina bt. Zainal Abidin ROOBARAJ A/L YATHEVEN (198240) DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL AND KHAIRUL BIN ABDULLAH (196826) ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING ATHIRAH AZEMI (199208) UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA NUR SOFEA HANI BINTI AMAT TAZAM (198689) [email protected] Dr Faizah bt Mohd Yasin DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA [email protected]
1.0 INTRODUCTION Figure 1 : Schematic diagram of cyclone Cyclones are basically centrifugal separators, the barrel and a lower conical part referred to as a co separator’ while for a larger scale it is often called a cyclones which are gas cyclone and hydro-cyclone. G stream while hydro-cyclones will separate the fluids cyclones will be used to extract fly ashes from a gas s Gas cyclones have two main classifications, re in this project where the gas will enter the top of the s and dust particles will be separated and exit the cycl separator has a simple design and there is no moving also a settling device in which the outward force on th the force of gravity. Therefore, cyclones accomplis chambers. A method of extracting particulate matter f maintenance is provided by cyclone separators. Gas co down to the apex of the conical section then moves up top (top product stream). They simply transform the in by means of a vortex generated in the cyclone body. down the walls, and are collected at the bottom (botto Flue gas is the feed in this project. Flue gas i plants which contains the reaction products of fuel particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, and protection program, flue gases must comply with stric of pollutants. To meet these limit values power plants
, consisting of an upper cylindrical part referred to as one (Figure 1). For a smaller unit, it is called a ‘dust a ‘cyclone separator’. There are mainly two types of Gas cyclones will remove the particulates from a gas s based on its distinct densities. In this project, gas stream. everse-flow and axial-flow. Reverse-flow will be used separator body in a reactant stream while clean air gas lone in the product streams. A reverse-flow cyclone g part in the separator (Work shaft = 0). A cyclone is he particles at high tangential velocities is many times sh a more effective separation than gravity settling from air or other gas streams at low cost and low omponent reaches the top chamber tangentially-spirals pward, and exits through a central vertical pipe at the nertia force of gas particle flows to a centrifugal force . The solid particles move radially to the walls, slide om product stream). is the gas that emanates from combustion and power and combustion air and residual substances such as d carbon dioxides. As part of a national environmental ct governmental regulations regarding the limit values s are equipped with flue gas cleaning systems such as 2
cyclone separators. Fly ash is one of the componen entering the flue gas analyzer. Fly ash is a byprod generating plants. During combustion, mineral imp combustion chamber with the flue gas. Fly ash is remo part of lungs, triggers asthma, causes inflammation an To summarize, there are several calculations design a suitable cyclone for a given requirement. The types of software such as Aspen Simulation and Micr
nts that should be removed from the flue gas before duct from burning pulverized coal in electric power purities in the coal fuse in suspension and exit the oved because the particles can be lodged in the deepest nd results in immunological reactions. s and discussions were carried out in this project to calculation for cyclone was performed using different rosoft Excel. 3
2.0 PROCESS DESCRIPTION The particle air stream enters tangentially at cone forming an outer vortex. The increasing air velo on the particles separating them from the air stream. W to spiral inwards and flows out the top as clean air downward and upward spirals will be in the same di thrown toward the wall of the cyclone will fall downw chamber at the bottom of the cone. Cyclone consists of 1 inlet stream and 2 outlet of gases and fly ash. Outlet streams separate the clean will flow through the top outlet stream while the dust a outlet stream. The principle type of cyclones is gas-so a research, cyclones give low efficiency for separatin efficiency of 98% can be accomplished on dust with m 2007). In this project, fly ashes are required to be re gas is sent to an analyzer. Therefore, a cyclone sepa contains fly ash with several size distributions. Some r the cyclone such as the temperature and pressure of th The composition of flue gas at the feed was given, whi H2O. The rate of flow of the flue gas entering the cyclon efficiencies of the cyclone removing particles greater 10 5 microns are removed with desired efficiency of 90%.
t the top of the barrel and travels downward into the ocity in the outer vortex results in a centrifugal force When the air reaches the bottom of the cone, it begins r or gas. Thus, a double vortex will be formed. The irection. On the other hand, the particles which were ward and leave the cyclone through the dust collection t streams. Inlet stream contains flue gas which consists n air gas from dust or dirty particles. The clean air gas and dirty particles will be removed through the bottom olid separator by using centrifugal force. According to ng particles which are smaller than 5μm while a high molecule sizes around 0.1-0.2 μm (Coker & A. Kayode, emoved from the flue gas of a power plant before the arator has to be designed to clean the flue gas which requirements were given to ease the work of designing he flue gas are provided at 30°C and 1 atm respectively. ich are 15% of CO2, 5% of O2, 68% of N2 and 12% of ne was also given the value of 0.0015 m3/s. The desired 0 microns are given are 99% while particles greater than 4
3.0 MASS & ENERGY BALANCE In this project, fly ash with more than 5 mi cyclone before the gas is sent to an analyzer. The cycl as per requirement. The temperature of the flue gas is involved is 15% ������������2, 5% ������2, 68% ������2 and 12% ������2������ remove particles greater than 10 microns with 99% e microns. There are some assumptions that we made. F is gas component and 2% is solid (fly ash). The assum of gas component was calculated using an online cal density by putting gas compositions which are performance.com/calc-flue-gas-prop.html). Density o ash was assumed to be 2400 kg/m³ after reviewing a specific gravity can be chosen in range 1.6 to 3.1 henc Figure 2 : Table of basic design parameters Figure 3 : Physical and chemical properties of fly ash
icron diameter will be removed from flue gas using lone designed by using the size distribution of fly ash -30 C and the pressure is 1 atm. The gas composition ������. The flowrate of gas is 0.015 ������3/������. It is desired to efficiency while 90% for the particles greater than 5 Firstly, an assumption was made that 98% of flue gas mption referred to a journal (figure 2). Next, the density lculator from a website which will auto-calculate the CO2, O2, CO and H2O. (http://www.increase- of gas component is 1.1822 kg/m³. Next, density of fly a journal about fly ash properties (figure 3). Value of nce the value of 2.4 is taken and multiplied by 1000. h 5
From volumetric flow rate of gas given in q determined by multiplying volume flow rate with de removal of fly ash from flue gas will be used to find o Aspen Plus software used to find flow rate by solid particle size, mass flow rate, temperature and pr each solid particle size is taken from the unit operatio Figure 4: Process flow diagram in Excel calculation. Figure 5: Process flow diagram in Aspen Plus simula For the energy balance part, in excel calcula because there are no changes in temperature for Exce enthalpy flow is low which is 3.821 kW for inlet stre flow stream.
question which is 0.015 ������3/s, mass flow rate can be ensity of substances. (F= vp). Efficiency of 98.04% outlet top flow and underflow streams. y entering input parameters such as efficiency for each ressure and running the simulation. The efficiency for on design calculation. . ation. ation, the value of enthalpy flow is assumed as zero el calculation. For Aspen Plus simulation, the value of eam, 3.769 kW for top flow and 0.052 kW for bottom 6
In cyclone, there is one inlet stream and two value of inlet and outlet flow rate, inlet and outlet tem enthalpy for excel and Aspen calculation. Inlet stream: Excel calculation Total mass flow rate (kg/hr) 2762.562 Gas component flow rate (kg/hr) 2707.3108 Fly ash flow rate (kg/hr) 55.2512 Temperature (°C) 30 Pressure (bar) 1 Enthalpy (kj/kg) 0 Outflow stream: Excel calculation Total mass flow rate (kg/hr) 2715.0265 Gas component flow rate (kg/hr) 2707.3108 Fly ash flow rate (kg/hr) 7.7157 Temperature (°C) 30 Pressure (bar) 1 Enthalpy (kj/kg) 0 Underflow stream: Excel calculation Total mass flow rate (kg/hr) 47.5356 Gas component flow rate (kg/hr) 0 Fly ash flow rate (kg/hr) 47.5356 Temperature (°C) 30 Pressure (bar) 1 Enthalpy (kj/kg) 0
o outlet streams. In these tables is the comparison the mperature, inlet and outlet pressure, and inlet and out Aspen calculation Total mass flow rate (kg/hr) 2762.5612 Gas component flow rate (kg/hr) 2707.311 Fly ash flow rate (kg/hr) 55.2512 Temperature (°C) 30 Pressure (bar) 1.0133 Enthalpy (kj/kg) Aspen calculation Total mass flow rate (kg/hr) 2709.8902 Gas component flow rate (kg/hr) 2707.311 Fly ash flow rate (kg/hr) 2.5802 Temperature (°C) 30 Pressure (bar) 1.0117 Enthalpy (kj/kg) Aspen calculation Total mass flow rate (kg/hr) 52.671 Gas component flow rate (kg/hr) 0 Fly ash flow rate (kg/hr) 52.671 Temperature (°C) 30 Pressure (bar) 1.0117 Enthalpy (kj/kg) 7
4.0 UNIT OPERATION & DESIGN CA The separation devices (dry scrubbers) that u from flue gases are cyclone separators or simply cycl as pre-cleaners is cyclone separators, since they typic prevents finer filtration techniques from subsequent Moreover, in parallel, multiple cyclone separators wi cyclone. It is important to remember that in their inten cyclone mainly depends on the amount of flue gas th require larger cyclones. In order to control and remo diameter, most cyclones are constructed. High efficie effective on particles as small as 2.5 micrometers. L separators are not effective. For this cyclone design, the flow rate of the assumed to be gas and another 2% is the fly ash. F calculation is 1.6456 m, the cylinder height is 0.6171 exit tube length is 0.2057 m, the cyclone diameter is the last two parts of the side view of the cyclone is, the is 0.1543 m. For the top view, the inlet width is 0.082 For particle size exceeding 5 μm, the perform μm, the performance is 99% which both meet t 0.03 ������������������������������������������������/������2. Thus, this shows that the cyclone c we use an inlet velocity of 15 m/s. Next, the pressure drop in the cyclone is ver cyclone itself. Shepherd and Lapple (1939) claim tha gas when it enters the cyclone chamber. It also could h chamber or wall fraction in the cyclone chamber. Fo 1000 ������������2. For the diameter of cyclone which is 0.4 Parameter ψ which is 1.0686 is calculated with the va inlet duct and surface area. Lastly, in order to get the value of the total p inlet duct velocity, radius of circle to center line o 0.0331������2, 0.4527 m/s, 15 m/s, 1.8 m and 0.78 respec is 2.615 millibar.
ALCULATION use the inertia principle to extract particulate matter lones. One of the air pollution control devices known cally remove larger pieces of particulate matter. This tly having to deal with big, more abrasive particles. ill operate, and this mechanism is known as a multi- nsity, cyclones can differ dramatically. The size of the hat needs to be filtered, so larger operations appear to ove particulate matter larger than 10 micrometers in ency cyclones, however, exist that are designed to be Likewise, on extremely large particulate matter, these e gas is 0.0015 ������3/������ . 98% of the mass flow rate is For the side view, the cyclone height obtained after 1 m and the cone height is 1.0285 m. Moreover, the 0.4114 m and the gas exit diameter is 0.2057 m. For e inlet height is 0.2057 m while the dust outlet diameter 228 m and the optimum inlet velocity is 15 m/s. mance is 98% while for the particle size exceeding 10 the requirement. The viscosity of gas mixture is can remove particles with the desired efficiency when ry significant as it can affect the performance of the at the pressure drop could occur due to expansion of happen due to kinetic energy of rotation in the cyclone or inlet velocity of 15 m/s, the area of the inlet duct is 4114 m, the cyclone surface area is 213726.23������������2. alue of friction factor of 0.005 for a gas along with the pressure drop, the area of exit duct, exit duct velocity, over radius of exit pipe and Φ is needed which are ctively. Hence, the total pressure drop in the cyclone 8
5.0 MECHANICAL DESIGN & DRAW Gas-Solid Cyclone Separator Figure 6 : Mechanica
WING al drawing of cyclone 9
SUMMARY SPECIFICATION Cyclone Diameter Cyclone Height Cylinder Height Cone Height Exit Tube Length Gas Exit Diameter Inlet Height Inlet Width Dust Outlet Diameter
VALUE (m) 0.4114 1.6456 0.6171 1.0285 0.2057 0.2057 0.2057 0.08228 0.1543 10
6.0 DISCUSSION Cyclone separators function just like a ce continuously. Contaminated flue gas is introduced in forms the interior of the room, similar to a tornado. T gas, so it is easier for them to be affected by and pass t matter components have more inertia and are not a particles have trouble following the gas and the vorte container's inside walls and drop down into a colle particles at the bottom of the jar, these chambers are s chamber, the cleaned flue gas escapes. Based on the cyclone designed for the requir the overflow product is 2555.8 kg/hr and the underflo kg solid/kg and 0.98 kg gas/kg mass fraction. The o 0.9972 kg gas/kg mass fraction. For the underflow pr density of flue gas 48.159 ������������/������3. To compare both Excel and Aspen value, the n is good enough. The small difference between value that have been included in Aspen is not quite accurat to remove particles more than 5 micron. Logically, if 5 micron also will be removed. Hence we just use assumptions for density and etc have been included in For energy balance, the value of enthalpy flow change at inlet and outlet streams. In addition, there vice versa hence there is no potential energy. Last bu there is no particular example for calculation of energ streams from Aspen Plus software are small hence ca Usually, cyclone separators are able to extra flue gas anywhere. How well this matter can actually b on particle size. If a significant volume of lighter part of these particles. Cyclone separators function best particulate matter because of this. There are many variables that can influence the density of particles, the size of particles, the volu cone, the length of the body, the acceptance port to inner surfaces of the cyclone. A large design consideration affecting the separate larger particles more easily than smaller pa
entrifuge, except with contaminated air being fed nto a chamber in a cyclone separator. A spiral vortex There is less inertia in the lighter components of this through the vortex. Contrary to this, larger particulate as easily impacted by the vortex. Since these larger ex's high-speed spiral motion, the particles reach the ection hopper. To facilitate the aggregation of these shaped like an upside-down cone. From the top of the rement of this project, the inlet feed is 2600.6 kg/hr, ow product is 44.748 kg/hr. The feed consists of 0.02 overflow product consists of 0.0028 kg solid/kg and roduct, it consists of 1 kg solid/kg mass fraction. The numbers are almost similar hence the excel calculation in Excel and Aspen may occur due to the parameters te. Next, we calculate the efficiency which is 98.04% 5 micron of particles are removed, the particle above one efficiency in the mass balance calculation. All n the mass balance part. w is assumed as zero because there is no temperature is no movement for the cyclone from up to down or ut not least, the enthalpy cannot be determined since gy balance for cyclones. Values of enthalpy flow in all an be neglected. act between 50-99 percent of all particulate matter in be removed by the cyclone separators depends largely ticulate matter is present, it is possible to separate less t on flue gases containing large quantities of large the efficiency of a cyclone separator. These include umetric flow rate, the pressure drop, the length of the body diameter ratio and even the smoothness of the efficiency of a separator is particle size. They can articles. Without using very tiny separators, particles 11
smaller than five microns are hard to separate. Other separate particles exceeding 200 microns. A reductio in efficiency. The geometry of a separator greatly impacts diameter will not be able to separate particles as e separator's efficiency increases as the diameter of the cone allows finer and finer particles to be removed. A from a gas stream than a larger diameter cone. Next, since the cyclone separator can remove widely used as air pollution control devices in most eliminate huge particulate matter. It helps to remove enters a finer filtration method cyclone to avoid any p removal of dirty particulate from the inlet flue gas Hence, this shows that the cyclone separator has posit prevent air pollution. The society also could benefit on the cleaner f that, cyclone separators are very beneficial as they ar the non moving part in the cyclone separator that hel Since there are non moving parts in the cyclone sepa much easier and cheaper. Moreover, the dust and dir are dry which make it no hassle to clean it. Hence, th separator in their process plant. Lastly, the cyclone separator is simple, com separation accuracy and efficiency compared to the b interest in pursuing the technology development of cyclone separator worldwide. The easy maintenanc sustainability of the product as it can hardly break dow help the industry to save costs on their materials and l
r means, such as gravity-settling chambers, can often on in particle size will give a corresponding reduction s the unit's efficiency. A larger cyclone separator in effectively as a smaller separator in diameter. The cone decreases. Thus, decreasing the diameter of the A small diameter cone will extract much finer particles e moderate to larger particles of dust from the gas, it is t industries. It is also known as pre-cleaner as it can e larger dirty particulates from the gas before the gas problem from separators occurring in the future. The will help to provide cleaner air to the environment. tive impacts on the environment as it is a great help to fresh air provided by the cyclone separator. On top of re cheap and easy to be installed. This may be due to lps to keep maintenance cost and operating cost low. arator, the cleaning process of the separator also is so rty particulates are collected and removed when they he society and industry could afford to use the cyclone mpact, light and inexpensive as well as has a higher bulky gravity settler. So, the industry has shown some the cyclone separator to design a more sustainable ce of the cyclone separator also contributes to the wn so the separator can last longer. Hence, this could labor. 12
7.0 CONCLUSION In conclusion, using cyclone separators has both bene or maintain, and they have no moving parts, cyclone keeps costs for repairs and operations down. Second, which makes it simpler to dispose of. Finally, ver successful, the use of cyclone separators also has draw to efficiently capture particulate matter smaller than 1 sticky or tacky materials well. Next, cyclone separato with the pressure where usually there is large press pollution control device as it has a high efficiency worthwhile as most of the company sets a highest prio of the performance will lead the cyclone separator t function of the cyclone separator to remove dust in the the air pollution. Hence, this shows that the device is in a cleaner air environment.
efits and drawbacks. Since they are not costly to install separators are very beneficial and cost-friendly. This when dry, the removed particulate matter is gathered, ry little room is taken up by these units. Although wbacks. Mainly because the usual models are unable 10 micrometers and the devices are unable to handle ors also can increase operating cost when associated sure drop. The cyclone separator is a sustainable air of the performance. Sustainability of the device is ority on the company’s profit. Thus, greater efficiency to be a profitable device for the manufacturers. The e flue gas also helps to contribute to the prevention of s beneficial to society as it helps to allow them to live 13
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APPENDICES Figure 7 : Cyclon Figure 8 : Assumption and info
ne unit with details ormation to do material balance 16
Figure 9 : Manual Calcul Figure 10 : Asp
lation of material balance pen simulation 17
Figure 11 : Aspen
simulation results 18
Figure 12 : Aspen
simulation results 19
Figure 13 : Aspen
simulation results 20
Figure 14 : Aspen
simulation results 21
Figure 15 : Aspen
simulation results 22
Figure 16 : Aspen
simulation results 23
Figure 17 : Aspen
simulation results 24
Figure 18 : Unit operat Figure 19 : Unit operat