Contents Chairman’s Christmas message 3 Corporate news 4-6 Steamships continues CBD development plans with Burns Haus purchase 4 10th Stevedoring Joint Venture between Steamships and Wakang 5 Café Bonjour partners with Coral Sea Hotels 6 Feature Stories 7-8 Samuel Sehuri - Portfolio Manager, Retail 7 Eddie Hota - man of courage 8 Special Features 9 Thank you, Ray Critchley 9 Our development 10-11 2020 Managing Director’s Award for Excellence - Vanessa Kagena 10 Pactow – Cadet bridging training 10 Jackson Ess 3rd year GDP Accounting graduate 11 Steamships Annual HR conference 11 Our Success 12 Joint Venture Port Services Milestone - ISO Accreditation 12 Our Community 13-14 Steamships Literacy Week Schools Competition 13 My life during the pandemic a short story by Lisa Tamanabae 14 Out & About 15 Everything Christmas 16 Chocolate Eddiction Recipes 16 How will you be spending Christmas 16 Health & Safety 17 10 Crucial Things to Know Before You Start Driving In The Rain 17 Bel isi PNG 18 Blow the Whistle on bad Behaviour 19 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2020/JANUARY 2021 | ISSUE No. 62 | EDITION SEVEN S&EMASEORNR’YS CGHRREEISTTINMGASS Send us your stories and high resolution images for publication in Tok Steamies Newsletter by 30th January 2021. Cover Photo: Steamships Finance team pose for a group photo. Your stories should be no more then 500 words. Email: [email protected]
Chairmans Christmas Message Geoff Cundle, Steamships Chairman. When I wrote my Chairman’s message Our balance sheet remains strong for 2020’s first edition of Tok Steamies, as does our commitment to long term “I remain I could not have imagined what was investment in the country, but we about to unfold. 2020 has certainly will continue to be disciplined in our confident that been a year like no other. decision making to ensure that we can things will continue to ride out the storm and be I can report, somewhat regrettably, positioned to take advantage of oppor- eventually turn that much of what we did envisage tunities that arise. around and for the year was accurately predicted, this year has on the back of a continuing tough I remain confident that things will economic cycle. Disappointingly, the eventually turn around and this year demonstrated hoped-for upside did not eventuate as has demonstrated beyond doubt that beyond doubt there were no new major project an- we have a strong team to take us into that we have a nouncements. The continued delay better times. strong team to and uncertainty around major project delivery, combined with the temporary Thank you once again for your take us into closure of the Porgera Mine, has result- ongoing commitment to Steamships ed in a worsening of market liquidity and all the best to you and your ”better times. conditions and a noticeable drop in families for a peaceful and joyous investor confidence. festive season. And then of course there was Enjoy the rest, you’ve earned it! Covid! No country or economy has been spared the ravages of this global Geoff Cundle pandemic and it could not have come Chairman at a worse time for PNG, adding more misery and challenge to an already bleak economic landscape. Business closures, travel restrictions, and job losses added to the economic woes and PNG’s GDP growth is forecast to drop to a record low of minus 3.8% this year, in the face of escalating nation- al debt. The tough economic cycle is expected to be around for some time to come. In spite of this unprecedented year of challenge, Steamships has displayed resilience and I wish to thank everyone for their dedication and hard work. Our businesses, particularly Properties and Hotels, have been severely im- pacted by the economic downturn and sadly we have lost a number of colleagues due to the extended market contraction. We will finish the year with all of our businesses ready to face the challenges of the New Year, thanks to your continuing loyalty and effort. TOK STEAMIES | 3
CORPORATE NEWS Steamships continues CBD development plans with Burns Haus purchase The purchase of Burns Haus from mixed-used hub where one can walk existing architecture with a fresh Nambawan Super provides Steamships freely and safely from the Grand Papua contemporary look. an opportunity to consolidate its Hotel or the planned OPH 1 commer- investments in Port Moresby’s Central cial tower (behind the old Steamies Mr. Toua concluded his remarks Business District, an important step in head office on Hunter Street) to by thanking Nambawan Super for its longer term plan for a connected, Harbourside, via Downtown Plaza and the purchase opportunity, “both our mixed use downtown precinct. Burns Haus”. organisations have substantial property investments and share a commitment “The transaction makes perfect This ambitious concept of a well- to create a well organised city centre. sense”, explained Steamships General planned precinct including a wide This deal makes perfect sense…to all Manager Corporate Affairs, David range of inter-connected business and parties involved”. Toua, at a handover ceremony with leisure amenities will offer residents of Nambawan Super’s CEO Mr Paul the nation’s capital with an integrated Nambawan Super also commented Sayer and Deputy Chief Investment lifestyle choice, combining work and on the transaction. “Our priority at Officer, David Kitchnoge. leisure, all within a safe and secure Nambawan is to capture value for our Downtown environment. members, and that is achieved through “Our long-term plans align with a well-planned strategy of investment the NCD Governor’s vision of Port “The precinct is still in the concept and divestment,” Mr Sayer said. Moresby as a smart city. The purchase development stage”, continued David and improvement plans for Burns Toua, “but, as you can see with the “The sale of Burns Haus at this Haus reinforces the transformation current construction of Harbourside time fits within that strategy, and South and now the purchase of Burns given their plans for development of “of Downtown into a commercial Haus, there is a commitment to a pro- the CBD, we are happy with this sale you gressive and well planned CBD where to Steamships. We continue to main- can see with both business and community facilities tain a strong portfolio Downtown and the current can thrive.” look forward to working together with construction Steamships and other landlords and of Harbourside In the interim, Burns Haus will be developers to enhance the overall value South and now refurbished, revitalised and rebadged of the precinct.”. as @345, an office facility blending the purchase of Burns Haus, Mr David Kitchnoge, Deputy Chief Investment Officer of Nambawan Super and David Toua of Steamships as Nambawan Super formally hands over the keys for Burns Haus. there is a commitment to a progressive and well ”planned CBD... 4 | TOK STEAMIES
CORPORATE NEWS 10th Stevedoring Joint Venture between Steamships and Wakang David Toua and Rupert Bray at Wakang village during the MOU signing. Managing Director Rupert Bray and Wakang leaders at the MOU signing. The Managing Director of Steamships, “This partnership model is one that “This MOU Rupert Bray, travelled to Lae recently we at Steamships are very proud of ”, for the signing of an MOU between continued Bray, “today’s MOU marks represents United Stevedoring Limited and the 10th such joint venture. Our joint a new Wakang Association Incorporated, venture partnership businesses employ the business body representing the over 1000 people around the country opportunity Wakang community. and I’m pleased to say that 99.7% of for this those are Papua New Guineans”. The signing was witnessed by community, village elders, Neil Ellery, CEO of Lae All Steamships’ stevedoring an opportunity City Authority, former parliamen- joint ventures are partnerships with tarian and senior Morobe statesman, communities from areas impacted to co-own Bart Philemon, along with employ- by company operations. Each joint a business ees of United Stevedoring and many venture is a company registered with venture, grow community members. the IPA, with its own bank accounts it, and reap and operating independently, each Since 1979 Wakang village has with community board and manage- regular been a major supplier of employees for ment representation. United Stevedoring, with 63% of its ”dividends. workforce coming from the commu- Local Wakang village represen- nity. The latest MOU represents once tatives commended Steamships for again the formal recognition of this providing the community with an relationship. opportunity to engage in a meaning- ful business partnership that would Addressing over 100 men, women secure employment for future genera- and children from the village, Rupert tions and provide an ongoing source of Bray stated that he was pleased that income for their community. the relationship had progressed to a new level, “this MOU represents a new opportunity for this community, an opportunity to co-own a business venture, grow it, and reap regular dividends”. TOK STEAMIES | 5
CORPORATE NEWS Café Bonjour partners with Coral Sea Hotels “Dining and Total E&P PNG has reached an Hotels, an organisation with a proven agreement with the Coral Sea Hotels track record in the hospitality space. hospitality are to operate its Café Bonjour under We certainly look forward to future a core their corporate offices in downtown collaborations between our two organ- Port Moresby. The revitalised café has isations,” remarked Philippe Cabus, function of our a broad array of high-quality products Managing Director of Total E&P hotels, and and services to serve the needs of local PNG. clientele. we’re proud of General Manager for Coral the dining Following its closure due to Sea Hotels, Peter Laigaard Jensen, Covid-19 restrictions, Café Bonjour expressed his excitement about the experience we under Deloitte Haus re-opened its new collaboration, “Dining and hospi- provide our doors on Monday November 2nd with tality are a core function of our hotels, a fresh new look and a brand-new and we’re proud of the dining experi- ”customers... operating partnership. Café Bonjour ence we provide our customers. This has an extensive menu, providing a new venture gives Coral Sea Hotels good selection of high-quality café the perfect opportunity to expand our products, hot and cold meals, as well capabilities in dining and catering. as in-house dining and takeaway We are very grateful to Total and Café options. The outlet also offers Bonjour for this opportunity.” luncheon delivery and function catering services to commercial offices. Café Bonjour is located on the ground floor of Deloitte Haus on “We are very enthusiastic about MacGregor Street in downtown Port re-opening Café Bonjour and pleased Moresby. that it will be operated by Coral Sea Total E&P PNG Managing Director Philippe Cabus and Coral Sea Hotel’s General Manager Peter Laigaard Jensen at the reopened Café Bonjour. 6 | TOK STEAMIES
FEATURE STORIES Samuel Sehuri - Portfolio Manager, Retail Samuel Mena Sehuri – Pacific Palms Portfolio Manager, Retail “I like to go home Samuel Mena Sehuri, Sam for To overcome these challenges Sam knowing that short, from Mortlock Island in the has learnt that self-control, remaining I have been Autonomous Region of Bougainville, calm and positive when dealing with able to achieve is a Portfolio Manager with Pacific certain clients, is important. He says, something at Palms Properties. “I always try to reason out matters and the end of the work out a good approach to deal with With a Diploma in ICT Sam a situation first, knowing that whatev- ”day, that is job joined PPP in February 2018, initially er I do must support and comply with being employed as a sales and market- company policies and procedures.” satisfaction. ing executive. Sam demonstrated his virtues of resilience, humility, compet- “Having a work plan also makes it I faced many challenges, but I didn’t itiveness and importantly the ability to easier to track my progress and identi- give up. I looked at these challenges as learn as much as possible, as quickly as fy issues that can be quickly addressed. a stepping stone to push myself to do possible. These qualities did not go un- Being a team player is important as better. I always trust my God, he has noticed. His manager soon promoted each team member comes with his or made things possible.” Sam to the role of Portfolio Manager- her own set of skills and experience, so Retail. “I was offered this role in June, we are able to share ideas and support Samuel is grateful to have been so it’s been over three months now in each other to achieve deadlines or set trusted to undertake his new role. Its my new position,” states Sam. targets.” impact on him professionally and per- sonally have brought him another step Every new role comes with new Samuel says that customer satisfac- closer to achieving his goals. Samuel challenges. Sam explains, “Being a tion is paramount for him in the job. acknowledges his immediate manager Portfolio Manager means at some “I like to go home knowing that I have and the management of PPP for giving point you will have to deal with been able to achieve something at the him the opportunity. “Also, to help me difficult clients. Coming up with a end of the day, that is job satisfaction.” get here, I am thankful and blessed to work plan that suits your workload have a beautiful and supportive family can also be difficult, whilst teamwork When asked what it took to get who believe in me. I also acknowledge and communication barriers are also him this far Samuel responds, “We my team here at PPP, I am privileged sometimes a hassle.” all have our fair share of hardships in to work with a great bunch of people.” life. My education was disturbed, and Samuel aims to be more efficient and grow in the organisation, l stating that he is blessed to be where he is to- day. He is committed to work hard and reap the benefits that come with it. TOK STEAMIES | 7
FEATURE STORIES Eddie Hota - man of courage “Now when Papua New Guineans working there Eddie Hota –Gateway Hotel driver and administration at the time, tried to flee the province. assistant. I think back to Unfortunately, Eddie did not make it to those the airport where the plane he intend- Eddie is a father figure to many of the ed to board left without him. Captured staff at the Gateway Hotel, providing seven years, on the road by local rebels, Eddie was them with good council and encour- I do not have shot once, stabbed, and severely beaten agement. “I always encourage fellow any dislike or up. A few days later he found himself colleagues that when going through hate for the in a remote village turned prison camp. the storms of life, one has to tackle it people that This was where the next seven years of head on.” He states firmly. kept me. I do his life was spent. Outside of work Eddie enjoys not see “The first three years was really watching rugby, fishing, and diving at anyone as my bad.” states Eddie, “All you do is work, his home village. Now 58 years old, enemy. I am watch and wait. I could not keep track he says he knows retirement is nearing still alive and of time and missed my family, wife and but he still feels fit and sharp enough to for that I am my daughter.” His voice breaks, “the work. “As long as the body and mind is only thing I had was the hope that one strong, you can do anything.” ”grateful. day I would be free and with my loved ones.” Whilst imprisoned Eddie found Eddie still carries the scars from the Eddie Hota is driver and administra- friends with whom he prayed and who past, but he has made peace with that tion assistant at the Gateway Hotel. gave him strength. part of his life. “Now when I think From Gaire village in Central Province, back to those seven years, I do not have he is someone whose story is really The years passed but Eddie never any dislike or hate for the people that worth telling. gave up on his faith and after seven kept me. I do not see anyone as my en- years Eddie managed to escape. With emy. I am still alive and for that I am When we first met Eddie, he the help of some good friends, he crept grateful.” seemed quiet and reserved. He was out of the village and made a two-day deep in thought, but once we were set- journey on foot to a safe house where tled in his story started to unfold. he was given shelter and passage out of the province. Arriving in Port Moresby, In the late 1980s, Eddie was work- Eddie found out that his wife had mar- ing in Bougainville when the worst ried another man since she and all his of the civil unrest started to unfold. family thought he had died years be- Realising that the situation was get- fore. His daughter by then was already ting out of hand Eddie, like many a teenager. Eddie started a new life for him- self and Coral Sea Hotels came to be a part of that new life after he joined the company in May 2014. When asked if he ever previously saw himself working in the hotel industry Eddie chuckles, saying “I did not see myself working in this Industry but I can tell you now that it has allowed me to move on with my life and help others as well.” Eddie says that the work keeps him busy and he manages his tasks by prioritising which to do first. He takes one day at a time and tackles through. Apart from his daily work duties 8 | TOK STEAMIES
SPECIAL FEATURE Thank you, Ray Critchley After working in PNG for more than always been a giving person. Besides He has committed himself to 50 years, Ray Chritchley has finally his own family, Ray has helped working in PNG for the last 52 years, retired from Swire Shipping. The many others. He would rarely say no the last 30 years with Steamships and article below was written for Tok to someone who asked for, or just Swire Shipping. I believe Swire and Steamies by one of his sons. needed, his help. the shipping community in Lae will never be the same with Ray gone, since Ray has five children, two daugh- As we all know, Ray is a very hard he is definitely one of the pioneers in ters Renae and Honi, and three sons worker. We have watched our father the shipping industry in Lae. Gregory, Robert, and Jamie. work tirelessly all his life. He has never really had a good break, nor The Critchley family would like Ray has always been a very caring spared time for himself. So now after to thank Swire for supporting and and loving father, providing the best he 52 years, we are all very happy and keeping the “Old Man” busy for could for his family. All of us kids were relieved to finally know that our father is so long. sent overseas to get a good education “pulling up his anchor”, so that he can and the opportunity to start up new deservedly have that long By Robert Critchley lives there. overdue holiday, just chill out, and hopefully concentrate on the things As all families do, the Critchley that will make him happy. family has faced its fair share of hard- ship and pain, but Ray has always Ray with his farewell gift and work colleagues. managed to keep everyone togeth- er and happy. He has always been a private man, very rarely showing his emotions to the family or others. He did not have many friends, not that he did not want friends, but he was just was very choosy as to who he would consider a genuine friend. Ray was a very active person, always keeping himself fit and healthy by eating well and exercising on a regular basis, weightlifting, running, or gardening around the house. He loved the outdoors and nature and has Front row: Ray (5th from left) and his colleagues and his colleagues pose for a group photo. TOK STEAMIES | 9
OUR DEVELOPMENT 2020 Managing Director’s Award for Excellence - Vanessa KageNa L-R: Vanessa Kagena and Arthur Burnand on site at Vanessa led the design process for proven that not only do we have strong Harbourside South. the Harbourside shade, deck and pi- design capabilities in country, we have rate ship which has helped transform an extremely capable female Papua The 2020 MD’s Award has been the precinct and assisted with the New Guinean with a huge amount of given to Vanessa Kagena, a Graduate Beachside food and beverage outlets potential working for Steamships. Architect with PPP. at Ela Beach Hotel which are going to be game changers for the city. Most Vanessa’s design skills and hard- Joining PPP in 2019, straight out importantly she has taken a lead role working ethic have made her stand of University, Vanessa has built up an in the exterior design of the rehabilita- out as a star who performs excellently impressive resume of achievements in a tion of Burns House into @345 with and has a huge amount of potential. very short space of time. her impressive images and perspectives She has seamlessly stepped up to man- used in a STC/PPP advertisement in age the ongoing development projects the local newspaper in November. while some key project managers are out of country further highlighting Her design work for development that she has many strings to her bow. projects has also been used for Board and senior management presentations, Steamships congratulates Vanessa both internal and external. Her work Kagena on receiving the 2020 has meant that we have avoided ex- Managing Director’s Award for pensive external architectural fees and Excellence. Pactow – Cadet bridging training Deck and engine cadets from PacTow’s Deck & engine cadets at the Cadet Bridging Course. (Marine Engineer Class 1). Trainees two cadetship programs completed were both deck and engine cadets important Bridge Training in August. Swire make this training compulsory from the 2018/19 Australian Awards Cadets received theoretical and to mitigate human error risks that may program, as well as Pacific Towing’s practical training on shipboard exist and which could ultimately result own program from the 2019 and safety and its culture on ships, as well in injury to personnel or pollute the 2020 in takes. as within employing organisations. environment. Safety leadership was also an integral component of the training, allow- The training was prepared in-house ing candidates to understand what is by Captain Virgil Toanchina (Master required of them on board ship. This Class 1 FG) and Cyril Mudilega contributes to the safety of individuals to become effective future leaders on ships to direct, coordinate, and super- vise activities of crews. Deck cadets also received familiar- isation training on the basic elements of navigation and seamanship. The Cadet Bridging Course is not a statutory requirement, and not part of the cadet program, but certain companies including Consort and 10 | TOK STEAMIES
OUR DEVELOPMENT Jackson Ess 3rd year GDP Accounting graduate Jackson Ess – 3rd year in the GDP. big city and out to Baruni to join individual has developed better com- East West Transport. He is currently munication skills and learnt to work Jackson Ess is a third year accounting a Junior Port Accountant in charge of well with his female colleagues which graduate in the Steamships GDP, look- EWT Kimbe Accounts, overseeing the was a struggle for him during his first ing forward to finishing his last year in full P&L and Balance Sheets. Jackson year. He now engages as much as pos- 2021 on a high note. is also tasked with performing Account sible with his team members regardless receivables for key accounts like Swire of gender and promotes the empow- Over the 3 years in the GDP Shipping, Lamana Development erment of all colleagues and juniors. Jackson has gained experience through Limited and invoicing the fuel When asked for final comments about three divisions of Steamships which recharges at EWT. his journey to date, Jackson expressed were Coral Sea Hotels, Consort and “every little contribution that we do to currently he is with EWT. Professionally Jackson has any organizations we should do it for increased his level of understanding the greater good- as a Christian I do This year Jackson returned to the of STC as a whole and has learnt to it for the Lord- and not to impress in deal with various work pressure as his order to receive praise.” responsibilities increased. He finds work pressure to be a positive chal- Jackson plans to get his CPA and lenge that pushes him to meet targets. complete the GDP next year. He aims Jackson has grown and this shows in to fill a management role in account- his work ethics. Through the GDP ing for Steamships in the long run and Jackson is able to step out of his com- is determined to keep aiming high! fort zone and has overcome some of his challenges. Jackson who once was a shy Steamships Annual HR conference On 16th October 2020 Steamships Steamships HR and Administration managers and staff at the annual HR conference at the Grand Papua Hotel held their Annual Human Resource in October. conference at the Grand Papua Hotel. HR managers from all company busi- • Establish a robust and capable HR strategy plans to the group ness units attended to discuss key objectives to achieve the overall subjects including the 2020 - 2023 HR function that is accountable Steamships mission to ‘Build HR Strategy and HR Administration and adds value to all employ- businesses that build PNG’. processes. A key highlight was the ees and operational activities. introduction of group wide objectives Each division is now tasked to after a strategy discussion. There was appropriately align their individual agreement to achieve three goals by 2023, as follows, to: • Embed a logical framework and approach to boost leadership sustainability in the organisation. • Ensure all Steamships employees are heard, fairly treated, valued and duly recognised for their services to the company. TOK STEAMIES | 11
OUR SUCCESS Joint Venture Port Services Milestone ISO Accreditation Front row: Alma Urakowi (4th from left) with Joint Venture Port Services Port Moresby staff. In July this year Joint Venture Port Pictured above are the ISO accreditations. After successfully complet- Services management organised a ing all the above agenda items, celebration in recognition of the Also covered was operation Joint Venture Port Services was group attaining ISO accreditation planning and control, infrastructure awarded ISO Accreditation, a milestone for its Quality Management System, (plant & maintenance, IT equipment, achievement for both Joint Venture Occupational Health & Safety System lifting equipment), non-conformanc- Port Services and Steamships. and Environment Management es, complaints and feedback processes, System. contractor management/ Permit to Work & risk assessments, emergency The ISO audit was carried out preparedness and response and past remotely from Australia via a audit action items. Zoom call. The audit for Quality Management Systems did not focus solely on HSSE but extended to the other parts of the business including senior management, HSEQ manage- ment and Human Resources which covered organisational roles, respon- sibilities and accountability, training and competence, communication and awareness, sales, purchasing/ external services providers/outsourced processes, and commercial services (data management). 12 | TOK STEAMIES
OUR COMMUNITY Steamships Literacy Week Schools Competition In September Steamships launched its competition allowed students to ex- and Miss Sharisse Ila of Port Moresby Literacy Week Schools competition press their knowledge on Covid-19 International School and Miss which ran for a month in all schools and what the “New Normal” meant to Sandy Levi and Miss Ruth Ila of St. across the nation. them creatively. Charles Lwanga Secondary School. Congratulations also to all winners of The competition consisted of The competition generated ma- the Poster Competition. creative story writing for high and ny great stories and plenty of posters secondary schools and a poster com- were submitted, proof that young petition for primary and elementary Papua New Guineans are still eager to schools. The purpose of the competi- develop their literacy skills and keen tion was to encourage students to focus to get back to attending formal school on books and literacy despite circum- classes. stances such as the current Covid-19 pandemic which has affected the Congratulations to the win- education of many students. The ners of the Creative Story Writing Competition - Miss Lisa Tamanabae Teacher Miss Martin and Lisa Tamanabae. Sandy Levi receiving her prize at STC Head Office. Sharisse Ila and her mother. One of the poster competition winners Miss Audrey Galewa Kaiulo. TOK STEAMIES | 13
OUR COMMUNITY My life during the pandemic a short story by Lisa Tamanabae Lisa Tamanabae, student at Port Moresby International School and one of the winners of the Steamships Literacy family and back home. I also limited Week Competition. the time I spent on reading newspapers and watching news segments on the The year 2020 does not have to be with everything that was going on, I Pandemic updates, as it only brought jotted down in my high school diary was worried about my education. With fear and panic to me. I tried as much to be remembered. It is a year that is the ongoing lock down and the rumors as possible to remain calm throughout signed, sealed and will remain in my of cancelation of the academic year, it the situation. Before I knew it, I was heart forever, not only as a painful had a huge impact on me psychologi- adjusting faster as it became part of my reminder of the global pandemic that cally. To be honest I was more worried daily walk of life. brought the world to a standstill, but about my studies than the virus itself, also as a year that made me strong and but I never turned a blind eye on the In doing so, it helped me to taught me a lot of lessons in life. fact that we were in a pandemic. But understand the “New Normal” and as time passed I started to accept the to really abide by it. As an individu- The Coronavirus global pan- fact that the virus was here to stay and al, the “New Normal” to me means demic took us all by surprise, and we just had to adapt and cope with the following the basic SOE rules and there are times that I sit up and tell rules and regulations set in place to regulations like wearing of mask, social myself “If only we had a warning prevent & protect us from Covid-19. distancing, temperature checks and two or three years back that we would hand sanitising. Being able to make have a pandemic” but then life doesn’t I started reviewing my timetables this things part of your daily life is the give warnings, it just happens. With both school and household to reor- “New Normal”. Also, being able to that thought being my drive, I wake ganize myself. I added in the SOE take extra precaution and being health up every morning motivated to make rules in every duty or task that I need- conscious is the “New Normal”. strategic decisions to adopt and abide ed to get done. I tried as much as by the State of Emergency rules that possible to have my mask and hand Looking back to the person I was were put in place due to the global sanitizer with me everywhere I went. I before the pandemic, I really changed. pandemic. avoided moving around too much in Well the good thing is I changed for the crowded places. My movements were better. These hard times really showed Being a secondary school student just from home to school and back, me that life brings up unexpected in my final year (Year 12) it was not then out for shopping only with my challenges that will test you and your easy to stay focused on my studies and capability and it is up to you to face it or fail it. As for me, my life during the pandemic was challenging but me and my family managed to survive, and we give credit to Our Lord Jesus in Heaven who guided and protected us through it all. As a student and a young citizen of our country, I hope for everyone to patch up before the year ends for PNG and even the world. So, we all can walk into 2021 with our heads high and work towards rebuilding our economy, our government and our social lives that was badly affected during the global pandemic. 14 | TOK STEAMIES
HEALOTUHT&&SAABFOEUTYT Joint Venture Port Services long serving staffer Benny Pacific Palms Harbourside site attendant Jet Li Shisei Coral Seas IT operations team - Paneng John, Mark Bulut and his wife at his farewell party. making his rounds. Nabure and Bino Carven running back-up servers. Verave Kana behind the wheels at East West Transport. Graduates and interns catching up over lunch at Randy Ordona, IT Technical Support Manager, caught Harbourside Port Moresby. at his desk looking busy. Training conducted by Joint Venture Port Services for Rupert and Port Services stevedoring staff in Madang Pacific Palms Harbourside West concierge officer Laka PNG Ports Corporation at the wharf. The training having a briefing. Kala smiling behind the mask. provided was Introduction to Safety at the Waterfront and IMDG Training. Naina Gabutu of Joint Venture Port Service graduated Hagara (right) from Seamships head office graduated Quincy Noese of East West Transport graduated with a with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Journalism & Public from the school of Humanities and Social Sciences. Diploma in Law Prosecution from the School of Law. Relations. TOK STEAMIES | 15
EVERYTHING CHRISTMAS By Chef Hemadri Somadder Head Baker-Ela Beach Hotel Chocolate Addiction Chocolate Marquise Chocolate Financier Sponge Butter 250g Dark Chocolate 400g Chocolate 337g Castor Sugar 95g Thicken Cream 337g Butter 125g Egg Yolk 150g Cocoa Powder 35g Icing Sugar 125g Gold Gelatin Sheet 3 No’s Flour 75g Almond Powder 75g Whipped Cream 250g Baking Powder 10g Egg White 250g Method Of Chocolate Marquise Chef Hemadri Somadder. Method Of Chocolate Financier :- Make cold sabayon with egg Sponge :- First warm the cream then yolk and sugar then add the melted minutes later again add another half of add the chocolate and butter and make chocolate and melted butter into it. cream and fold gently. ganache. Then add all the ingredients Then add cocoa powder and make a Now let the sponge cut in proper shape and make a nice smooth batter. smooth batter. Now add the meted and pour the chocolate marquise on gelatin with it and when the tempera- top and let it set in to the freezer for ˚Bake it at 170 C for 15 minutes. 6 hours. ˚ture of the batter is less then 35 C then Then glaze the cake and serve in a nice plate. slowly fold half of cream in it and keep inside the cold room and after 15 How will you be spending Christmas We asked our staff how they will be Asi Tongia (Joint Venture Port and laughter. Food is just so abun- spending Christmas and here’s what Services) dantly shared with everyone during some of them had to say: Working through Christmas ensuring Christmas and that’s what counts the Ronzo Pouna (East West Transport) our operations team nationwide are most. And most of all, my family and Spending Christmas with fam- looked after during the festive season I reflect on the true gift of Christmas ily & friends at home/village with any general needs from the Port which is Jesus, the birth of our Saviour. with some kaikai, drinks, and Moresby office. But taking time off Jeneth Ole (Steamships Corporate exchanging of presents. Otherwise, Christmas Eve/Day with family to go Office) attending other Christmas functions/ home to the village - Gabagaba. Spending time with family and attend- parties somewhere. Rupert Bray (MD) ing the Christmas church service. Elaine Aquila (East West Transport) Spending Christmas on Conflict Margaret Tiriman (Steamships Unlike other public holidays when all Island with my family and New Year Corporate Office) I think of is having a little sleep over at Black Beach near Gaire village. Christmas is a time to relax with past 8:00am and basically rest the Papua New Guinea has some amazing family and celebrate the festive whole day. Christmas is special, it’s the and adventurous holiday destinations season. I will be with my family and will time I truly want to spend quality time in the world. enjoy all the activities on the day and with my family and friends, share a Jean Sovek (Pactow) of course, the food! table of home cooked meal and reflect I love spending my Christmas with on experiences throughout the year. I family and friends, as there is so never regret if I haven’t had a good rest much sharing, love, life, fun, light on this day. 16 | TOK STEAMIES
HEALTH & SAFETY 10 Crucial Things to Know Before You Start Driving In The Rain Driving in rain, whether a sprinkle • Slow down - not only should • Let of your gas when hydro or a heavy downpour, can be one of you adhere to the posted speed planing the most difficult driving situations a limit when driving in wet weath- driver encounters. Rainy conditions er conditions, you should drive • Ventilate your car - Rain causes are directly associated with higher considerably slower than you humidity levels to increase. You may accident rates. No matter what part normally would. Wet roads are very find that your vehicle’s windows of the country you live in, it is almost dangerous. Your vehicle’s reaction become foggy when you operate certain that you will be required to time is much slower when it is your vehicle while it is raining. drive your vehicle in the rain at some raining. Reduced speed is impera- Most cars’ ventilation systems point. Knowing how wet roads and tive in rainy weather. include a function that will work reduced visibility affects the way your to reduce this type of fog that vehicle handles will help you drive • Turn on your headlights develops on the interior of your safely in rainy conditions. • Use your windshield wipers windows and windshield. It may • Wait until the weather improves • Maintain a safe distance between be necessary to pull over if you are no longer able to see through your if possible cars - keep a greater distance be- windows. • Double check car equipment - tween your vehicle and the car in front of you. Stopping your vehicle (Source: check your headlights, tail lights, will be more difficult when driving beginner-drivers/how-to-drive- and windshield wipers to make sure in the rain. Maintain a distance of in-rain/) that they will work efficiently when several car lengths between your car they are needed. Also check the and other vehicles. tread of your vehicle’s tires. Balding • Avoid heavy braking tires can severely reduce traction on • Watch out for standing water wet roadways. TOK STEAMIES | 17
Send us your stories and high resolution images for publication in Tok Steamies Newsletter by 30th January 2021. Your stories should be no more then 500 words. Email: [email protected] TOK STEAMIES | 19
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