Figure 5. Map of Bolevac Municipality 4.1. THE LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PLAN The operational flood protection plan developed on the territory of the Municipality of Bolevac was prepared according to the local legislation. The main regulatory acts regulating the activities are: Water Act (Закон је објављен у „Службеном Гласнику Републике Србије“ , Број 30/10 Од 7.5.2010.) Strategy for water management until year 2034 (Стратегију управљања водама на територији републике србије до 2034. године) Ordinance approving the general flood protection plan for the years 2012 -2018 (Уредбу-о утврђивању општег плана за одбрану од поплава за период од 2012. до 2018. године) Emergency Situations Act (Законом о ванредним ситуацијама «Сл.гласник РС», број 111/09) 50 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
Ordinance approving the operational flood protection plan for year 2018 (Наредбу о утврђивању оперативног плана за одбрану од поплава за 2018. годину) Study on the flooded areas in the Bolevac municipality (Одлуке о утврђивању пописа вода i реда, процене угрожености за територију општине Бољевац и овим планом.) 4.2. CONTENT OF THE OPERATIONAL FLOOD PROTECTION PLAN ON THE TERRITORY OF BOLEVAC MUNICIPALITY The contents of the plan meet the requirements of local law. Describes in detail the responsible persons involved in the preparation and implementation of the plan and is given their hierarchical structure when implementing different scenarios of the plan. A description of the geographic, climatic, hydrographic and hydrological features on the territory of Bolevac Municipality has been made. Data on measurements for the average monthly precipitation in the municipality for the period 2002-2017 are given. The plan details the structure of the population of the municipality and the territorial units within its scope. A list of endangered buildings and farm buildings and services is attached. A description of the technical infrastructure in the municipality Water and sewerage networks, road network. A list is given of the structure of the agricultural land subject to protection on the territory of the municipality. The industrial sites subject to flood protection are described in detail. Described is the available storage base for fuels and lubricants. A work card with described activities and an emergency response sequence is attached. The rights and duties of the Commandant, Deputy Commander and Assistant Commander of the Municipal Staff are laid down. A list of people in charge of settlements, their names and telephones are attached. 51 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
A detailed description of the areas with increased flood risk is attached and maps have been mapped to give a clear idea of the location and scope of the affected urban areas and agricultural lands. Risks related to groundwater rise, development of erosion processes (landslides), interruption of irrigation infrastructure are described. In a separate chapter are presented the flood protection measures, divided into two main categories: Preventive measures for flood protection Protection measures in case of imminent danger. Chapter 7 describes the criteria for the significance of the floods and the values of the water levels over which are declared exceptional circumstances. Attached is a communication scheme for actions during flood protection and an index of names of the crisis center of action in the protection against flooding. The plan ends with financial support tables. 4.3. ANALYSIS OF THE CONTENTS OF THE PLAN IN TERMS OF EUROPEAN PRACTICES The plan thus drafted fully complies with the legislation of the Republic of Serbia. Here are the main events. A key point in the flood protection plan is the activities aimed at preparing and responding to floods. A major drawback is the insufficient information regarding the determination of the high risk areas for flooding when maximum water quantities are crossed with the Serbian regulatory provision. The enclosed mapping material does not give a clear idea of the exact definition of flood-prone areas and flood risk areas. There is a lack of clarity with regard to the methodology for identifying the territories and infrastructure concerned. Another important point to be clarified is the policies adopted at municipal level on protection, flood risk reduction and subsequent recovery. 52 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
PreventionWith regard to the comparison of the plan with the European guidelines and Protectionproposed strategies, the following flood risk management strategies can be identified for Decreasethe municipality of Bolevac. Preparation RestorationTable 10. Review of the relative importance of flood risk management strategies in the municipality of Bolevac Municipality of Bolevac 1. Before the flood: With regard to the prevention of flood risks, there are no guidelines and information in the Plan for Protection considered. This activity is related to the specific legislation and state and municipal policy. The main purpose of this strategy is to \"keep people away from the water\" by building only outside areas prone to flooding. In the next stages, recommendations to local authorities are to carry out the necessary policies to prevent construction in the floodplains or the differentiation of economic activities that may take place in these areas. This task is complex and should be decided on the basis of a comparison of the costs of prevention and the cost of protection \"in time\" and \"after\" the flood. Reducing the probability of flooding is another point that is not affected by this plan. It is recommended that the plan be followed at a later stage by policies to build flood-proofing infrastructure, with infrastructure elements, their monitoring and maintenance within the scope of the plan. For future floods, another important recommendation is to investigate areas with a high flood risk and, if possible, to seek retention measures for water volumes to reduce peak to high peak wave speeds. 53 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
2. During the flood: With regard to flood-preparedness and response measures, the plan is well structured and meets European flood protection practices. 3. After the flood: The main recommendation for the plan is to include municipal flood restoration policies that include reconstruction and recovery plans as well as public compensation or private insurance systems. 4.4. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS For the plan thus drafted, it should be noted that it is mainly focused on flood preparation (reaction). With regard to prevention, the plan does not have the required level of compliance with European practices. The attached map material does not comply with European practices and should be developed according to the guidance given in paragraph 3 of this study. On the other hand, as has been noted above, it is not the case that emergency plans cover and integrate all kinds of flood risk strategies. On this basis, the following important recommendations should be made to improve the Bolevac Emergency Plan, which should be part of the strategies and good European practices. 1. With regard to prevention, municipal plans for flood risk assessment and identification of risk areas should be developed. This task should be elaborated at the municipal level by elaborating the respective maps of flood risk areas and maps of flood risk areas. On the one hand, this activity will lead to a clear definition of the threatened territories and will provide a basis for elaborating and supplementing the existing plans. 2. Secondly, should provide additional resources to protect the population by building dikes, early warning systems, etc. 3. The Emergency Plan should pay particular attention to the means of restoring and eradicating the effects of floods. 54 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
Prevention4. From the point of view of flood response it is advisable that the warning Protectionsystems and the crisis headquarters of the Chiprovci and Bolevac Municipalities should Decreasehave a communication link for additional assistance. Preparation Restoration5. The objective of the Flood Crisis Plan project, set out in point 5 of this report, is to emphasize and increase the importance of at least the following strategies. Table 11. Increasing the relative importance of flood risk management strategies in the municipality of Bolevac Municipality of Bolevac 6. Attachments, subject to periodic update, should be made to the plan at a later stage: Information about past flooding in the municipality of Bolevac; Map with potentially endangered floodplains on the territory of Bolevac municipality Schedule of the training of the early warning system and disclosure to the executive authorities; Flood scenarios; Technique for performing UERWs; Mayor's Order on Early Warning and Disclosure to Executive Bodies and the Population; Estimation of evacuation and dislocation; Estimates of food, water, pharmaceuticals and medical equipment per 1 person for three days; Phonebook; 55 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
Financial plan provision to be updated for each budget year; Plan for updating the plan. 5. ELABORATION OF A PROPOSAL FOR A CRISIS PLAN OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CHIPROVCI FOR FLOOD PROTECTION, TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE GOOD EUROPEAN PRACTICES AND THE NATIONAL LEGISLATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA. CHIPROVCI MUNICIPALITY FLOOD PROTECTION PLAN (PROJECT) I. GENERAL PROVISIONS І.1. Reason for developing the plan. The flood protection plan was developed on the basis of Art. 9, para 10 and Art. 65 of the Disaster Protection Act (Official Gazette, issue 102 of 19.12.2006, amended, No. 41 of 22.05.2007, amended and supplemented No. 113 of 28.12.2007, Amended and supplemented SG No. 53 of 27 June 2014), taking into account the requirements of Directive 2007/60 / EU, also known as the European Floods Directive, in force since 26.11.2007 І.2. Aim of the plan The plan aims to create the necessary arrangements for the timely and accurate prediction of the nature and consequences of floods and successfully implement prevention activities, increasing the capacity of governing bodies at the municipal level in the organization and coordination of actions and interactions during floods as well as compensation for damages caused by them. Flood risk assessment maps and FRMP BDDR 2016-2020 should be adopted as the key information for flood risk assessment and analysis. It should identify areas with 56 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
significant potential flood risk in the Danube basin district management and to be taken into account in the development of this Plan. The FRMP of the Danube basin district was prepared for a period of 6 years (2016-2021) on the basis of Art. 146k of the Waters Act. It also contains the conclusions of the preliminary flood risk assessment, the maps of the areas under threat and the flood risk areas as well as a program of measures for each of the 26 identified areas with a significant potential flood risk. Detailed information is available at the following address: navodneniia/ No areas with significant flood risk have been identified in the FRMP, which should be taken into account when a specific threat from the high water flow passes through the riverbeds of the municipality of Chiprovci. І.3. Basic tasks. The main tasks arising from the possible flood situation are summarized as follows: Assessment of the situation, possible development of the emergency situations, classification of the hazards and assessment of the state of the own forces and means; creating groups of forces and funds and an organization to recover damaged infrastructure. timely disclosure of population in the floodplain and forces involved in rescue operations; evacuating the population and animals from floodplains; first aid if injured: providing shelter to people left homeless; feeding the injured population; Ensuring the protection of flooded sites: searching for missing people: 57 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
taking out of dead people and animals; drainage of buildings; helping clean up affected roads; setting up a monitoring system for the level of water and hydro-technical facilities in floodplains; preparing the population for flood action. flood relief in neighboring municipalities, including in the municipality of Bolevac on the territory of Serbia. І.4. Link to other plans. District Plan for Disaster Protection; Emergency Plans of Hydrotechnical Facilities and Objects; Interaction plans with District Services \"Fire Safety and Protection of the Population\" (DSFSPP) and other MoI authorities; FRB BDDR2016-2020 ERF - threat maps and flood risk maps Chiprovci Municipality; Flood Protection Plan Municipality of Bolevac, Republic of Serbia; І.5. Putting the plan into action. “The flood protection plan” should form part of the municipal disaster protection plan and be put into operation by order of the Mayor of Chiprovtzi Municipality in case of declaration of distress in the whole municipality or a part of it. In case of disaster situations according to Article 49, paragraph 1 of the Disaster Protection Act, the Mayor of the municipality declares with an order \"Deprivation\" for the whole or part of the territory of the municipality, depending on the area and extent of the disaster, as a copy of the order to the District Governor and the Minister of the Interior (MoI). II. ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF THE RISK OF FLOODING As a initial baseline for flood risk assessment, flood risk assessment maps and FRMP BDDR2016-2020 should be taken into account. In these studies, a detailed 58 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
assessment of the possible distribution, depth and speed of floods for the three probability periods, according to the provisions of Art. 146e, paragraph 1 of the WA, and the potential adverse effects on the four protected categories described below in this Plan. Detailed information on FRMP 2016-2021 can be found at the following address: navodneniia/ In addition to this Plan are attached: • FRMP 2016-2021 – Overview map of the areas with significant potential flood risk on the territory of the Danube Basin district. Appendix 1 (and on a magnetic carrier) • FRMP 2016-2021 - Certain areas with significant potential flood risks under Art. 146d of the Danube Basin district. Appendix 2 (and magnetic carrier) Floods are usually the result of flood rains from intense rainfall and / or intense snowfall, flooding of river beds due to accumulated waste, rock material and trees, resulting in a reduction in throughput. Basic terms - \"flood\" means the temporary cover with water of a land area which is not normally covered with water. This includes floods from rivers, mountain streams, Mediterranean seasonal water courses and sea-borne floods in coastal areas and can exclude floods from sewer systems; - \"flood risk\" means the combination of the probability of flooding and the possible adverse effects on human health, the environment, cultural heritage and the business of flooding. Floods cause huge damage as they affect populated areas, industrial areas and productive agricultural land. According to the scientific classification for this type of disaster, the following types of floods are characteristic: 59 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
1. Natural floods: - river overflow floods - floods from river spills in urban areas, damage to the nearest landed property, buildings and infrastructure, and in non-urbanized areas - agricultural production, transmission networks of communal enterprises and others. objects. River overflow protection is a complex activity involving a wide range of preventive, engineering, territorial, spatial planning, legal, administrative, organizational activities and other measures. The engineering and construction measures for protection against river spills have a tradition and are carried out through the built partial corrections of rivers, protective dikes along the banks of the flooded river banks, coastal structures, etc. - torrent floods - The protection against floods is mainly carried out by the construction of rainwater sewerage systems in the settlements, open industrial technological sites, protective collecting slopes and through drainage systems in the meliorative areas of agriculture. Regarding the state of torrent floods protection, the following findings can be made: sewerage systems are not yet built in all areas, but where they exist, they do not cover the entire territory; in the predominant number of villages (individual areas) there is no sewerage system; the dimensioning parameters of the existing sewerage systems in many of the areas do not correspond to the modern development of the urbanized areas; the technical support of the existing sewerage systems is in many cases unsatisfactory and does not ensure the drainage of water with the project security. 2. Technogenic floods: - accidents in large hydrotechnical facilities; - floods due to accidents and improper management of hydrotechnical facilities; 60 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
In these floods, a difficult complicated environment can occur in the sub-dam due to the unexpected occurrence of a high wave, even in a relaxed hydrometeorological setting. Incorrect manipulation with these facilities (which is generally excluded from the rules for their management) may cause a sudden flood in the sub-dam riverbed area. A more probable cause is the occurrence of an accident when manipulating with them, which can lead to the same result. Artificial flooding can also occur in a poorly maintained or unsupervised riverbed after the dam, which naturally becomes a forest due to the passing of minimal water quantities through the river. After the dam there is no spring high water, which naturally clears it from the plant species. A special danger is represented by the small municipal dams, due to the fact that the walls and the relief facilities are not maintained in technical condition and there is no technical control in compliance with the requirements of the legislation. According to the Floods Directive, the impacts on protected categories of \"human health\", \"environment\", \"cultural heritage\" and \"economic activity\" are covered by the flood risk assessment. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to define clear criteria for assessing the negative impacts for each of the protected categories individually. ІІ.1. Protected category \"human health\" For assessing the negative impact on the protected category of \"human health\" in relation to past floods, the number of people affected by the floods is mainly used. Other criteria that can be used are criteria based on the number of human victims and / or the number of injured people. Damaged people means: temporary or long-term disability of a group of people (to varying degrees, including to human casuaties). The definition of a group of people is taken from the Methodology, namely: a group of people - more than three people. Where detailed information on the scale and extent of past floods is available, other criteria may also be considered with respect to the protected category of “human health”: 61 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
- Criterion based on flood-threatening or flooded elements of critical infrastructure; - Criterion based on pouring a road from a national or regional road network or an obstruction for more than 6 hours; - Criterion based on impossibility to use more than 6 hours of electricity, heat, gas, water and sewerage as a result of the flood. It is important to note that the assessment of the flood threat with regard to the protected category \"human health\" also takes into account the areas of water protection, water sources for drinking water supply, sanitary and hygienic needs, deposits of mineral water, sanitary-protection zones around water sources for drinking and domestic water supply. It is also taken into account not only whether these areas are polluted as a result of flooding, but also whether water abstraction facilities and / or parts of the water transmission system have been destroyed, which would cause disruption to the water supply of the population. In assessing the negative impact on the protected \"human health\" category, in the case of a potential flood threat, the criterion is the number of inhabitants affected by the flood, with a threshold of 100 inhabitants. The use of this much higher threshold is linked to the fact that as a result of past floods in most of the affected river sections (especially in the case of the affected settlements), actions have been taken to build reinforcement facilities to prevent and / or limit the harmful impact of water. As a result of these facilities to date, it can be said that the risk is to a large extent controlled, and precisely for these reasons a threshold of 100 affected residents is adopted. ІІ.2. Protected category of “business activity” Floods can cause significant material damage such as: damage to buildings, respectively damage to the equipment and machinery found in them, destruction and / or damage to road infrastructure (bridges, roads and streets), damage to industrial sites. The great damage is most pronounced in the areas where most people live. Since material damage from floods is closely related to the threat to people in the affected area, the 62 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
number of flood victims is both an important indicator of economic/business damage. That is why the assessment of the protected category of economic activity is carried out according to different criteria, but in combination with the criterion of the number of affected inhabitants, in the same way as in the protected category \"human health\". In addition to the number of affected residents, as criteria for assessing the negative impacts of past floods, the following can also be used: - Criterion damages on the territory of a municipality - 100 000 BGN; - Criterion of damage to economic assets - 10% of the value of movable and immovable property; - Criterion of 30% proven damage to agro production value; - Criterion flooded area - 3% of the territory of the settlement for at least 1 day; - Criterion based on risk from flooding or flooded elements of critical infrastructure. Taking into account the negative impact of potential floods on the protected category “business”, the following importance criteria apply: - Criterion based on damages related to break-down and destruction of buildings and equipment - EUR 100,000 or equivalent in BGN; - Criterion based on the economic activity of 500 people (from settlements with more than 2,000 inhabitants) for more than 6 hours due to flooding of roads, railroad lines, industrial sites, pumping stations and other infrastructure sites or total damages of EUR 100,000 or the equivalent value in BGN; - Criterion based on the plant's suspension of the main production process due to flooding directly or indirectly for more than one hour, or a cumulative loss of 100,000 euros or the equivalent value in BGN; ІІ.3. Protected category \"environment\" The same importance criteria are used to assess the threat of past and potential floods for a protected \"environment\" category: 63 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
- Criterion based on affected Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) installations and / or other wastewater sources - Pollutant sources under Regulation 166/2006 of the EC; - Criterion based on affected Protected Areas under Directive 92/43 / EEC on the Conservation of Natural Habitats and Wild Fauna and / or Protected Areas under the Wild Birds Directive 79/409 / EEC; - Criterion based on affected areas for the protection of waters under Article 119a of the Waters Act. ІІ.4. Protected category \"cultural heritage\" According to the recommendations of the Methodology, for the EERF's needs, the following criteria of significance are applied in assessing the threat of past and potential floods for the protected cultural heritage category: - Criterion based on affected, damaged, destroyed or threatened World Heritage Sites listed on the World Heritage List; - Criterion based on Affected, damaged, destroyed or threatened objects of category of “national importance” (archaeological, historical, architectural and ethnographic sites and complexes), according to Article 50, paragraph 1 of the Cultural Heritage Act. When the threshold value of the criterion of significance is exceeded for one of the protected categories, it is said that there is a significant potential flood risk for the designated riverbed or flooded area respectively. Criteria for the significance of past and potential floods for the Danube basin district are given in Annex 3. In the municipality of Chiprovci many floods of different scale have arisen. Provision should be made, at a later stage, for the establishment of an archive with detailed information that will be annexed to the plan in the future. 64 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
For the potentially endangered floodplains on the territory of the municipality of Chiprovci, provision should also be made for the establishment of a map, which in the future will be an annex to the plan. In the municipality of Chiprovci floods can occur in torrential rains and intensive melting of snow. The most characteristic will be along the Ogosta River. In case of an accident at the dam \"Varbovets\" it is possible to flood the road III-class Vidin - Montana, it is necessary to warn the residents of the village of Gavril Genovo. The heaviest setting will be created when the dam “Martinovo” is overpowered and a sudden demolition of the wall. The most destructive consequences will be part of the town of Chiprovci and part of the village of Zhelezna. On the basis of this analysis, it can be concluded that risk mitigation measures are necessary. ІІ.5. Characteristics of dams, equalizers, ponds and rivers. Dams are built on the territory of the municipality. The dams with the largest volume are the dam “Martinovo” in the village of Martinovo and the \"Varbovets\" dam, which is located in the village of Gorna Kovachitsa. The basic technical data for the dam are given in Annex 4 and Annex 5. Another main potentially dangerous site is the Golyam Bukovets tailings pond on the land of the village of Jelyazna, Chiprovci Municipality Annex 6. The following rivers pass through the territory of the municipality: - River Ogosta - Springs to the northeast of Gorno Yazovo (1573.2 m), Azov Mountain (in Chiprovci part of Stara Planina). The total length is 87.5 km and the catchment area is 3157.1 km2. It flows northeast and before the village of Prevala accepts direction east-southeast. After the village of Erden, it is oriented eastward to form sleeves and islands. At the village of Portitovtsi it continues again in the northeast, forming a convex arc in the north and running southeast. Near the village of Lehchevo changes its direction to the northeast. It flows into the Danube River west of the town of Oryahovo; 65 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
- River Levica - It springs under the Austro-chuck (1440,8 m). It flows to the northeast and accepts the waters of several prime tributaries. It flows into the Ogosta river to the right of the Prevala village. - River Rajin dol - short left tributary of the Prevalska Ogosta river, which starts its flow from a spring southeast of Tippchenka (940,6 m) in the Shiroka mountain. It flows southeast and flows into the main river after Prevala village. - The River River - The river springs from a spring to the west of Vranski kamak (1223,1 m). It flows to the northeast. It flows to the right of the Prevalska Ogosta River near the village of Gorna Luka. It drains the eastern slopes with numerous short tributaries of Chukata and the northwest of the Necina hammer. - The Ornichky Dol River - has a spring that is situated between the peaks of Vranski kamak (1223.1 m) to the west and Mitovska hamka (1024.9 m) to the east. It runs to the northeast and flows as a right tributary of the Prevalska Ogosta River near the village of Mitrovci. - The Chiprovska River - starts its flow northwest from the Golema Chuka (1967,2 m), Chiprovci mountain called Naydenitsa. Originally it was oriented to the northeast. Prior to the village of Martinovo, it turns east and then south-east. At the village of Zhelezna, it reaches the northeast direction and flows to the right of the Ogosta River before the village of Belimel. Before the village of Martinovo was built the Martinovo Dam. - Tributary of the Chiprovska River: - The Rastochka River - starts its stream from a spring south of Gorno Yazovo. Initially it flows southwards, and in the lower reaches of the southeast. It flows into the Chiprovska River near the village of Martinovo. - Androvitsa River - springs to the southeast of the Vrazhda Chapter (1935,7 m), Chiprovska Mountain, a few kilometers from the border with Serbia. It runs north-northeast. It flows into the Chiprovsza River as a right tributary before the town of Chiprovci. It forms a fan-shaped 66 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
catchment and a river system of numerous tributaries, among which the longest is the Spasis Salan River, which springs from a southeast spring from the Vrazhda Chapter. It runs to the north-northeast, it takes the waters of Kreshnin dol to the right and to the left of the Tippachka River and flows to the left of the Androvitsa River. - The Gnilli Dol River - has its origin southwest from Mitovska Chuka (1024.9 m), has a meridional, north-south direction of the flow and flows into the Chiprovska river near Chiprovci as a left tributary - The Malki Bukovets River - runs from a source northeast of the Aarachitsa hamka (811.8 m). It flows northeast. Right flow of the Chiprovska River before the village of Zhelezna. - The Serbin Dol River - a very short right-hand tributary of the Chiprovska River, starting east of Cherni vrah (975.6 m), runs to the northwest and flows into the village of Jelezna. - The Benovorshki Dol River - south of Mitova Chuka flows south of the Chiprovska River after the village of Jelezna. - The Parasinski Dol River - springs southwest from the Red Stone peak (811.2 m), has a north-western direction and flows into the Chiprovska River after the village of Zhelezna as a right inflow. - The Babichki Dol River - starts from the southern slope of Babichki peak (789.2 m). It flows southeast. Left Chiprovska River in the lower stream. ІІ.6. Analysis and assessment of the possible situation. Potential floods on the territory of the municipality can be expected from the waters of the \"Martinovo\", \"Varbovets\" reservoirs and the Golyam Bukovets tailings pond. If the walls of the dams and the tailings pond are destroyed, the water level along the Chiprovska River will increase significantly and the settlements along the Chiprovska River will be affected, infrastructure, agricultural lands, agricultural buildings. 67 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
Other possible forms of high waves in the valley of the rivers on the territory of the Municipality of Chiprovci are heavy rainfalls and intense snow melting. The formed high waves will pass through the main settlements of the municipality, leading to considerable damage. It is necessary to draw up a map of the municipality with a flood risk assessment in the river valleys and the establishment of the floodplains The built-up regulations in the settlements should be checked for the updated maximum water quantity with regulatory provision and, if necessary, provision should be made for measures for their reconstruction and upgrading. III. MEASURES TO PREVENT OR REDUCE THE RISK OF FLOODS. ІІІ.1. Preliminary assessment of flood risk on the territory of Chiprovci Municipality. A preliminary risk assessment is essential to prevent flood risk. In FRMP and EERF for rivers in the Danube region, the territory of Chiprovtzi Municipality is not defined as an area with increased risk. This is due to various reasons and above all to the fact that the territory of the municipality has a small area and in the upper course of the Ogosta River. For this reason, FRMP and EERF have missed the fact that flood damage was recorded in previous years. For a fuller picture of the consequences of the supposed flood and the measures to be taken in connection with this, it is advisable to develop possible flood scenarios for the municipality; on the basis of the scenarios developed, information on possible floodplains, the threatened population, the endangered infrastructure and the environment, and hence on what measures to build additional facilities, to strengthen and use the building stock, to build monitoring systems , Early Warning and Disclosure, / Formation and Attraction of Reaction Force. ІІІ.2. Major measures to prevent and mitigate the effects of floods. - Establishment of a monitoring and early warning system; - Cleaning the riverbeds and the gullies passing through the city after every more heavy rain; 68 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
- Prohibition of construction in floodplains; - Preparation of projects for correction of potentially dangerous gullies on the territory of the municipality; - The operators of the Martinovo Dam and the Varbovetz dam to prepare and submit an expert report for the risk assessment of the dams and maintain the prescribed free volume; - Timely updating of the emergency plans of the water bodies on the territory of the municipality (Irrigation systems, Martinovo Dam, Varbovets dam, Golyam Bukovets tailing pond and the corrections of the Ogosta river): - Creating groups of forces and means to perform rescue and localization actions; - When flood hazard occurs, it is necessary to constantly monitor the level of water. (BDDR expert, appointed by order of the Mayor of Chiprovci Municipality); - Training of management bodies, forces and populations to prevent and mitigate the effects of floods. - Effective insurance system; - Conduct trainings and exercises to work out the interaction between the governing bodies, the parts of the Joint Rescue System and the population, on schedule or on the day of the training of the early warning system and the disclosure to the executive authorities. - In order to perform adequate and effective actions in the event of floods, scenarios will be played annually. - Conclusion of contracts with individual companies for the use of equipment in carrying out UERW. It should be borne in mind that the measures in the FRMP 2016-2020 are priorities and any additional measures that would be taken to implement this Plan should be coordinated and provide for funding from the Municipality of Chiprovci and / or interested parties . 69 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
ІІІ.3. Construction and restoration of facilities. Annually in connection with Article 65, paragraph 1, point 3 of the Law on the Protection of the Environment, and Article 140, paragraph 4, point 1 of the Water Act, commission appointed by an order of the mayor of Chiprovci Municipality, shall make a thorough inspection of the infrastructure elements and the conductivity of the rivers in urbanized territory of the municipality. The Commission prepares proposals with timely measures to prevent damage and limit the harmful impact of water. The budget of the municipality is planned annually for projects and construction and for correction of rivers and gullies passing through settlements. Representatives of the municipal administration for reconstruction and construction of facilities are the Deputy Mayor of Construction and Security, the Head of Department of Spatial Planning, Municipal Property and Projects and Programs and the main experts in the Department. By order of the mayor of the municipality a commission is established, which defines the victims in accordance with the Territorial Planning Act. Commission under the leadership of the Deputy Mayor of Construction and Security, experts from the municipality and Regional Inspectorates of Environment and Waters (RIEW), District Office \"Fire Safety and Protection of the Population\" (DOFSPP) and BDDRs representatives of the site owners identify the priority sites and facilities for restoration, starting from the importance of the sites necessary for ensuring the life and normal functioning of the municipality (road infrastructure and facilities to it, production buildings, health facilities, schools, kindergartens, the supply of essential goods, etc.) ІІІ.4. Expertise on the condition of critical and potentially hazardous sites and facilities. Probable flood danger exists for Chiprovci from the Ogosta River and the Chiprovska River. A flood threat is the \"Martinovo\" dam, \"Varbovets\" dam and \"Golyam Bukovets\" tailings pond for which it is necessary to prepare an assessment report for the flood risk assessment. Facility operators are responsible for preparing the risk assessment expertise. 70 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
ІІІ.5. Surveillance, early warning and disclosure systems for control bodies, response forces and the population. At this stage on the territory of the municipality there is no special surveillance system. On the Martiniovo dam should be provided secured permanent guard, which is provided with a mobile connection. The level of the Ogosta River is monitored by the Irrigation Systems Chiprovci Hydrotechnic District. Information on the hydrometeorological environment will be obtained from the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology, the Geophysical Institute of BAS, the Operational Center of the DOFSPP - MoI and from neighboring municipalities, including the municipality of Bolevac - Serbia. Chief Expert in the Department of Spatial Planning, Municipal Property, Programs and Projects (SPMPPP), appointed by order of the mayor, will be responsible for the implementation of the activities in the event of floods. The early warning and announcement of the executive authorities and the population shall be carried out according to the Ordinance for Early Warning and Disclosure in Disasters according to the established order by an order of the mayor. ІІІ.6. Training of control bodies, response forces and population. The preparation of Disaster Management Guides is organized and carried out through training sessions, participation in organized seminars at regional and national level, staff and practical trainings for the implementation of disaster protection plans. The Deputy Mayor organizes the training of the employees of the municipal administration, offices and other operational structures for the implementation of the protection activities. The population is trained through periodic broadcasting and publication of interviews, lectures, information, instructional materials, flood hazard behavior and actions, through local and regional print and electronic media. The exercises for interaction between the control bodies and the response forces are conducted annually. 71 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
The training is funded by the municipal budget. IV. MEASURES TO PROTECT THE POPULATION. ІV.1. Temporary restrictions and measures to protect the population. 1. According to a decision of the City headquarters, part of the population is being taken out of the area due to flood danger. Radio stations are constantly given instructions to the population about the way and routes to take. 2. Restriction of free movement and residence in a certain part of the territory of the municipality, inaccessible and potentially dangerous due to the flood; 3. Limitation of the right to engage in activities that would hinder or prevent the implementation of rescue activities; 4. Prohibition of movement of personal and company motor vehicles; 5. Broadcast of cross-sectional traffic information on the street network; 6. Identify immediate enforcement measures by citizens to reduce the risk of movement. 7. Temporary removal of population and material values from flood-affected areas. 8. Temporary accommodation of the population from flood-affected municipalities in the area in predetermined regions. 9. Determine landings for URS forces from other non-affected municipalities. 10. Assessment of the needs of food, water, medical devices, medicinal products and others. 11. Perform drainage actions in the flood-affected area. 12. Clean up roads and facilities from dams, restore and build dikes as a result of damage caused by the flood. 13. Clearing of drowned animals from the flood. 14. Disinfection, disinsection and deratization in the flood area and water monitoring. 15. Organization of communications for timely public disclosure of the 72 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
population and coordination of URS forces. 16. Ensuring legality and order in more than one destitute municipalities in flood. 17. Logistics in more than one destitute municipalities in flood. 18. Providing transportation to more than one destitute municipality. 19. Health and medical insurance in the flood area. 20. Restoration and support of the affected infrastructure and population in the flood area. ІV.2. Control of the water level of the dams The control of dams' dykes is carried out by the Operators hired by users and / or their owners. They keep continuous monitoring of the water level and, as the critical point of transfusion approaches, take immediate release of water volumes to reduce the water level. At the same time, they monitor the appearance of wet spots and cracks on the dry ridge of the dykes and the performance of the exhaust. ІV.3. Informing the population. Informing the population about flood hazard and how to behave and act is done through local radio nets (if available) and all available means of supply. If necessary and at the order of the Chairman of the Municipal Staff, the OSH duty officer through a siren system shall disclose the population from the threatened settlements. ІV.4. Temporary removal of the population. Evacuation and distraction. According to Art. 65, para. 2, item 8 of the Disaster Protection Act, the mayor of the municipality organizes and coordinates the temporary removal and provides emergency assistance to the injured persons. Evacuation of people and the diversification of cultural and material values is planned at the municipal level through the preparation of estimates. The information includes: - ways and means of disclosure; 73 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
- places of Combined Evacuation Points (CEPs), Evacuation Centers (ECs) and Accommodation Places (APs); - the responsible persons and personnel of the CEP, the EC and the AP, and their duties in conducting evacuation and dislocation; - the transportation units necessary to carry out evacuation and dismantling; - main and back-up routes for evacuation and dislocation and traffic organization; - the procedure for accommodation and provision of evacuated persons and for the preservation of disturbed cultural and material assets; - measures to ensure the public order and protection of the evacuated property; - the order for the return of the evacuees to the places of permanent residence and of the distorted cultural and material values. The evacuation estimate was developed on the basis of the flood scenarios, which were developed on the basis of a preliminary flood risk assessment. The Deputy Mayor is a deputy head of the headquarters and is responsible for bringing and caring for people in need of special assistance, food, drink, shelter, etc. ІV.5. Order for proclamation of the population during evacuation organizing. Proclamation of the population in endangered areas is done through: 1. The resources of the URS and local media; 2. Local on-site announcement systems; 3. Vehicles of MoI Directorate and DOFSPP; 4. Sirens \"Signal 1\" mounted on light vehicles. In the absence should be provided. The evacuation message contains: 1. The decision (order) of the Mayor of the municipality to conduct an evacuation; 2. Date and time of issue; 74 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
3. Exact description of the disaster or hazard and area that is or is likely to be affected; 4. Evacuation instructions according to the estimates - CEP, evacuation routes and EC, as well as what evacuees to take with them; 5. Time of the next message. ІV.6. Temporary accommodation places for disasters. Priority evacuates children, the sick and the elderly. Those in need of temporary accommodation will be accommodated in safe areas, and should be identified and equipped with an order from the mayor. A Deputy Mayor is appointed in Chiprovci municipal administration as responsible for accommodation. The Deputy Mayor manages the housing activities for the needy. If the accommodation places are scarce homeless population can be evacuated in neighboring, unaffected municipalities in the region, by reasoned request from the Mayor to the Governor and municipalities’ in contiguous area, with a reasoned request to the Minister of Interior through Governor. V. DISTRIBUTION OF DUTIES AND RESPONSIBLE PERSONS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ENVISAGED MEASURES. V.1. Assessment of the needs for food, water, medical supplies, medicines and other essential and follow-up supplies. The officials, who assess the needs of food, water, medical devices, medicinal products, etc., shall be appointed by an order of the Mayor of the municipality, which includes experts from the municipal administration and representatives of BRC (if present), Regional Health Inspectorate availability (if present), Regional Directorate for Food Safety (where available), Social Assistance Directorate. The sources for ensuring the shortage of equipment are, if necessary, adjacent municipalities, districts, BRC, MoI and MoD following a motivated request to the Governor for providing assistance. 75 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
Forecasts of food, water, pharmaceuticals and medical devices per person for three days should be provided. The Deputy Mayor of Humanitarian Affairs manages and coordinates the needs of food, water, medical devices, medicinal products, and more. V.2. Organization of communications. Chiprovci Municipality is connected to the country and the world through telephone, fax and internet. In organizing the interaction, coordination and management of forces and engineering techniques, a mobile telephone connection will be used. A directory of responsible institutions and positions should be prepared. In case of flooding, the duty officer on Municipal Security Council announces the Operational Communication and Information Center (OCIC), the chairman and secretary of the City Hall, offices and companies designated for UERW participation by telephone. V.3. Legality and order A junior expert, appointed by order of the mayor, is responsible for the order and lawfulness, the coordination of the activity with the specialized bodies for security and public order. The order and the throughput in the flood area are provided by the authorities of Regional Police Station (RPS) Chiprovci. The main tasks of the aforementioned officers for observing the order and the law in the event of floods are: 1. Separation of areas with the greatest losses; 2. Providing order during the removal and evacuation of the injured people and the material values of the destroyed buildings; 3. 3. Provide routes for introducing intervention teams and Emergency Medical Center (EMC) to conduct urgent emergency-repair works (UERW) and assistance to victims; 76 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
4. Establishing an organization for omitting health authorities, providing first aid and identifying the perpetrators; 5. Ensuring the public order of the flooded areas and organizing the fight with the marauders and rumors; 6. Ensure the safety of accommodation for the population that is left without shelter; 7. Making the order when giving food, medicine, water, etc. accessories of the injured population. V.4. Logistics. An official in charge of the municipal administration, coordinating the implementation of the activities of the interaction between the different departments of the municipal administration and the conclusion of the contractual agreements with the individual suppliers, is the Chief Budget Expert of the Budget and Finance Department. The main tasks facing him are: 1. Food, commodities, medication and emergency food needs planning; 2. Identifying sources (suppliers); 3. Provision of transport - supplier (point of distribution); 4. Planning and management of funds for payment of basic goods and services. V.5. Transportation. The Chief Expert \"Tourism and Sports Facilities\" coordinates and guides the activities of providing transport in the event of floods. Provision should be made for the means of transport, techniques and forces necessary for flood action. V.5. Healthcare. Deputy Mayor, Chief Specialist \"EPA and humanitarian activities\" together with general practitioners on the territory of Chiprovci Municipality, led and coordinates the activities of the medical units and teams. 77 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
The medical provision of the affected population is based on the system of two- stage treatment. The first stage of the medical insurance is ensured by deploying a host sorting point. The same is provided by staff from the Medical Center - Chiprovci in the immediate vicinity of the accident site. The second stage includes the provision of specialized medical assistance at Multiprofile Hospital for Active Treatment (MPHAT) \"Dr. Stamen Iliev\" Hospital - Montana AD. In case of shortage of hospital bed, there are used unaffected buildings (holiday homes, hotels, schools) by decision of the Mayor of the municipality. If necessary, the hospital and dispensaries show the mildly ill, the planned operations are stopped. Blood Center applies to the National Blood Delivery Center. It also requires assistance from the National Medical Coordination Center. The MPHAT is equipped to provide the necessary specialized assistance. For sanitary transport, 1 pc. ambulances of the Center for Emergency Medical Assistance Chiprovci. General medical practice - 4 pcs. V.6. Restoration of the services and infrastructure of the municipality. The management of the activities for restoration of services and infrastructure will be carried out by the Deputy Mayor of the Municipality on Construction and Security. Responsible officials from the municipal administration for determining and grading for the restoration of the damaged infrastructure are: - Head of the \"SPMPPP\" Department; - Chief Experts in the SPMPPP. The order of coordination and the degree of reconstruction of the disturbed infrastructure shall be determined by the Deputy Mayor of the municipality. Head of \"BF\" Department and Head of Department \"SPMPPP\" are responsible for coordinating the activities for the recovery and spending of the allocated financial resources. 78 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
The major efforts to recover damaged flood infrastructure are directed to: 1. Restoring work and buildings and facilities from the critical infrastructure that provide public service. 2. Maintenance of the routes for evacuation of the population and for the introduction of the forces and means for carrying out the Rescue and emergency restoration works (RERW). The activity is coordinated by the Deputy Mayor of Construction and Security; 3. Localization of accidents on the energy and water supply networks will be carried out by the specialized groups of CEZ \"Electricity Distribution\" - Chiprovci district, Montana Water Supply, Chiprovci Branch. Coordinated by the Head of SPMPPP in the municipality. Chief Expert \"SPMPPP\" together with Montana Water Supply Chain, Chiprovci Branch, controls the status of the Drinking Water Treatment Plant and the adjacent facilities, with particular attention to the chlorination station. 4. Buildings and structures with a broken structure (can not be restored) are destroyed by the available technique. 5. Disinfection works are carried out in flooded sites and plots. V.7. Assistance (emergency help) to the affected population. The feeding and temporary accommodation of the injured persons and domestic animals, the distribution of clothing and household property to the injured persons are organized and managed by the Deputy Mayor of the Humanitarian Activities. The reconstruction assistance for the emergency reconstruction robots after a disaster will be carried out under the conditions, order and sizes specified in the Rules for the organization and operation of the Interdepartmental Commission for Reconstruction and Support. A commission, appointed by order of the Mayor of the municipality, will inspect and evaluate the affected property, the need for shelter, food, water and other essential necessities. On the ground floor of the municipal administration the received benefits will be accepted and distributed. 79 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
V.8. Perform of UERW а) reinforcement of sections of dykes ERW in case of violation of the integrity or upgrade of individual sections of supporting walls of river beds shall be carried out with available equipment of the municipality. In case of necessity or lack of equipment, machines are attracted by private persons or companies from the town of Chiprovci and from the nearby settlements. Upgrading sacks are provided by the District Administration \"Fire Safety and Protection of the Population\" (DA “FSPP”). Participation by workers under Operational Programme “Human Resources Development” (OP “HRD”) in the Chiprovci Municipality in case of disasters and accidents and members of the voluntary formation in the municipality of Chiprovci. In order to strengthen the formation, volunteers from the threatened settlements are also involved. б) cleaning the streets and the roads from alluvion and mud It is carried out with available equipment of the municipality. In case of necessity or lack of equipment, machines are attracted by private persons or companies from the town of Chiprovci and from the nearby settlements. Participants in the OP \"HRD\" in Chiprovci municipality are involved in disasters in case of disasters and accidents and members of the voluntary formation in the municipality of Chiprovci. In order to strengthen the formation, volunteers from the threatened settlements are also involved в) troubleshooting on utility - energy systems - power supply - carried out by the CEZ emergency teams; - telecommunications - carried out by the emergency services of the mobile operators; г) Drainage of flooded residential and administrative buildings Basic drainage activities are carried out by the DA's \"FSPP\" teams, with the available equipment and personnel. The distributions of tasks are performed by the Chairman of the municipal headquarters, and in his absence by the Vice - Chairman. 80 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
V.9. Material-technical support. If necessary, the injured population shall be given clothing, shoes, nappies and other items and equipment from the reserve of DA \"FSPP\" and the stock of the BRC. The technique provided for in the plan is fair and fuel-efficient at least for one day at the expense of the departments and organizations involved in the UERW. Suply of fueling and lubrication materials and repairs of the vehicles are carried out by the municipal service stations and repairers in the area where the disaster occurred. If the repairs are light, the same is done on site. If the disaster affects objects that comprise chemical contamination, the necessary processing of the technique is organized by the DA \"FSPP\" forces and the degassing units in the municipalities. The decontamination sites are determined depending on the distribution of the pollution or contamination and according to the instructions of the experts of RIEW - Montana. V.10. Announcement of a distress situation. In accordance with the Article 52 of the \"Disaster Protection Act\", in the case of declared disaster in the inevitably necessary volume and duration, may be limited: - - the right to privacy of the persons and homes for temporary removal from places where the life or health of persons are directly threatened; - - the right to use property due to the need to protect the life, health and property of persons or the environment; - freedom of movement and residence in a particular part of the territory threatened or affected by the flood; - the right to engage in activities that would hinder or prevent the implementation of flood relief. In case of a declared disaster, the necessary measures can be taken: - temporary removal of persons, pets and farm animals and removal of property from the specified territory; 81 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
- a ban on entry, residence and movement in certain places or territories. The execution of the above actions shall be carried out in accordance with Article 7 of the MoI Act and includes: - separation (isolation) of the area struck by flooding; - ensuring public order and organization of the movement; - ensuring the supervision of the implementation of the regime's actions - livelihood of the population, distribution of medicines, protection of the public order, etc .; - ensuring order and safety in the evacuation of the population and the material values of the area, by regulating the movement on the evacuation routes; - providing conditions for the introduction of the specialized forces; - helping the health authorities to provide qualified assistance to victims and identifying the drowned people; - organizing the protection of public and private property in settlements where evacuation has taken place; - assisting local authorities in attracting the population, transport and other means belonging to companies, organizations and non-legal persons to carry out evacuation and rescue activities in the flood. VI. tools and resources provided for liquidation of consequences of disasters. 1. Expenditure related to pre-provision of resources for the implementation of rescue and emergency emergency reconstruction works in case of disasters shall be utilized by the municipal budget. 2. The unforeseen additional expenses for the execution of rescue and emergency works shall be utilized by the reserve for eradication of the consequences of natural disasters and accidents provided for in Article 1, paragraph 2, item 4 of the Law on the State Budget of the Republic of Bulgaria for the respective year. 3. The funds referred to in Item 2 shall be declared to the Interdepartmental Commission for Rehabilitation and Assistance at a motivated request of the mayor of the 82 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
municipality for granting of financial aid and shall be used after a positive decision of the Interdepartmental Commission for Reconstruction and Support. The amount of the requested financial assistance shall be evidenced by the submission of copies of the primary financial accounting documents or the financial estimates of the necessary expenditure. 4. Where the recipient of the funds is a budget organization whose payments are made through The system for electronic budget payments (SEBRA)., the amounts under item 3 shall be provided and expended through a compensated correction of the central budget and the budget of the respective primary spending unit under Art. 34 of the Law on the Structure of the State Budget. 5. The funds under item 4 shall be provided and spent by increasing the respective payment limits in the system for electronic budget payments (SEBRA). 6. Where the recipient of the funds is a budget organization whose payments are not made through the SEBRA electronic payment system, the amounts under item 3 shall be provided through the procedure of immediate collection. 7. The feeding of the affected population and of the participants in the UERW is carried out by the Home Social Patronage - Chiprovci. VII. WAY OF INTERACTION BETWEEN THE COMPONENTS OF THE SINGLE LIFE-SAVING SYSTEM AND COORDINATING THE STRUCTURES OF THE SINGLE FLOOD EMERGENCY SYSTEM (URS) VІІ.1. General Conditions. The procedure determines the order to bring the forces and resources from URS for flood action and was developed on the basis of Art. 29, para. 2, item 2 of the Disaster Protection Act. Application procedure - in case of flooding in urban areas. 83 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
VІІ.2. Disclosure by URS and Authorities: The staff on duty at the National Operational Center (NOC) - GDFSPP receives a message from the duty station at the Operational Center (OC) of the SM/DMFSPP Hospital, the operative staff of the MEET and MAF or the European Emergency Number Association (EENA) 112. The duty officer at the Operational Center: а. verify and collect additional information; б. informs: - operational duty by level of subordination; - operational duty of the relevant executive authority (operational duty of ministries, regional / municipal staffs to implement appropriate plans for disaster protection); - respective head; в. performs the disclosure of the groups in the order specified in the Ordinance on the conditions and order for the functioning of the National Early Warning System and Disclosure of the Executive and Population Disasters and Disclosure in the Event of Air Danger; г. collects, processes and provides information to the Ministry of Interior Press Office about the flood and the measures taken. VІІ.3. Organization of the interaction between the operational duty centers of the URS structures. The interaction is carried out according to the attached scheme: 84 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
Operational duty / situation centers receive, process and exchange timely information about the situation. Operational duty / situational centers of ministries, departments, on duty to local authorities and on duty on legal persons and sole traders under Art. 35 and Art. 36 of the Disaster Protection Act (DPA) organize the implementation of activities under the disaster protection plans and provide information on actions taken in the NOC of the GDFSPP or OC of the DMFSPP. Coordination of URS forces and resources in the disaster area is organized by the OC of the DSFSPP, which: - Keep in touch with the on-site supervisor - Receives from the site manager information on the magnitude of the disaster, the protective activities carried out, the necessary forces and means, analyzes the information and provides it to the relevant headquarters for the implementation of the regional and municipal disaster protection plans and of the GDFSPP NOC; - Organizes the deployment of additional forces and funds at the request of the site manager, the mayor of the municipality or the district governor. 85 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
- In coordination with local authorities coordinate the logistics of the URS parts. The mayor of the Municipality organizes and manages the actions of the headquarters for the disaster protection of the population. The management of the parts of the single rescue system involved in rescue and emergency emergency restoration work in the area of the disaster shall be conducted by the site supervisor. The Head of the DSFSPP Montana or an official appointed by him, except in the case of epidemics and epizootic diseases, is the head of the site where the head of the RHI or the RDP is the head of the site (Article 31 of the DPA). In the event of major floods, the mayor of the municipality declares by order an emergency situation for the whole or part of the territory of the municipality. A copy of the order is sent immediately to the Minister of the Interior and to the District Governor. Disclosure and Coordination of Unitary Rescue System forces is carried out through the OC at the DSFSPP. 86 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
VІІ.4. Interaction and distribution of URS component activities in case of flood: № DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES RESPONSIBLE AUTHORITIES AND INDIVIDUALS They get information about the place of the flood and are there victims. EENA 112, OC, Operational on duty unit-MoI (ODU-MoI) 1 Proclamation Putting the forces and resources of URS ready MDMoI, RDFSPP, RHI, RIEW, BDDR, RFD, RDFS, BRC, mayors in municipalities, volunteers Announcement of groups at national, regional and municipal level to coordinate RDFSPP the implementation of national, regional and municipal disaster protection plans in the flood part. 2 Urgent measures to reduce the impact Undertaking measures to reduce the harmful effects of water (restoration and RIEW, BDDR, RDFS, MER, District Governors, upgrade of dykes, limiting water flow, emergency release of water reservoirs and Mayors of Municipalities diversion of water streams). Stopping traffic on endangered roads and railways sections RPS, EAAA, RTM Ensuring public order, regulating traffic, restricting access to flooded sites. RPS 87 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
3 Rescue operations Putting the endangered population in a safe place. RDFSPP, MDMOI, RHI, Social Assistance Directorate, district governors, mayors of municipalities Facilities and the strengthening or destruction of damaged buildings (buildings EAAA and infrastructure damage owned by companies and state-owned enterprises in the transport system). Recovery of destroyed railway sections. National Railway Infrastructure Company (NRIC) Restoring the road network. RTM, mayors of municipalities Retrieving damaged technology. RDFSPP, RTM Construction of tent camps for population uninhabitable in a housing. Provision of housing for state institutions RTM, RPS, district governors Temporary restoration of damaged bridges. Ministry of TITC, RTM 6 Limiting the spread and eradication of emerging epidemic outbreaks, epidemics and epizooties from infectious and parasitic diseases Isolation of the epidemic / pandemic area MDMOI, RDFSPP Taking and analysis of samples. RHI, RDFS 88 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
Localization and eradication of infections. RHI, RDFS 7 Other security-related operations Recognizing, documenting and organizing the funeral of those killed. MDMOI, UERW, mayors of municipalities Organizing the collection of dead animals and creation of an organization for RDFS, mayors of municipalities, volunteers their transportation to the incinerator. Granting aid to the injured population. MDMOI, RDFSPP, BRC, NGA, RDFS, mayors of municipalities 89 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
VIII. PROCEDURE FOR EARLY WARNING AND DISCLOSURE OF EXECUTIVE BODIES OF THE CONSTITUENT PARTS OF URS AND THE POPULATION IN CASE OF DANGER OR EARTHQUAKE VІІІ.1. Responsible officials and their functions; Officials responsible for the disclosure to the executive authorities of floods are the duty officers at the DSFSPP - Montana Operational Center and the Municipal Security Council (MSC) on duty. Pursuant to the Ordinance on the conditions and procedure for functioning of the National System for Early Warning and Disclosure of the Executive Bodies and Population in Disasters adopted by Decree 48 / 01.03.2012 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria, the early warning and disclosure of the executive authorities is carried out by OC (Operational Center) of DOFSPP Montana. Disclosure by URS and Controls: The on-call duty at the OC - DSFSPP receives a flood message; The Duty Officer at OC: 1. verify and collect information from the area in which the flood is registered; 2. notifies the operational duty officer by subordination level; - the operational watchdog of the respective executive body (the operative duty of the territorial bodies of the ministries, the municipal staffs for the implementation of the respective plans for protection in case of disasters). 3. performs the disclosure of the groups in the order specified in the Ordinance on the Terms and Procedures for the Functioning of the National Early Warning System and Disclosure of the Executive and Disaster Disciplinary Bodies and for Disclosure in the Event of Air Disruption by Order or Order. Disclosure of the population is done by the MSC on duty, the mayors of the settlements or the mayor's deputies on the orders of the mayor of the municipality. For further clarification of the situation in the event of flooding, the MoI authorities carry out with mobile teams clarification of the messages or orders of the authorities for the management of the disaster. 90 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
Companies whose equipment is intended to run UERW shall be notified by the MSC on duty at the request of the Mayor of the Municipality. The Chief Public Relations Expert at the Mayor's Direction provides timely information to the population on the location, type and nature of the disaster, behavior and action of the population of regional and municipal mass media. At the municipal level groups for disclosure of executive bodies are: 1. Mayor and Mayor substitutes; 2. Headquarters for the implementation of the Municipal Plan for Disaster Protection; 3. The components of the URS at the municipal level; 4. Voluntary formations. On the territory of the Municipality of Chiprovci, the current siren notification system is based on technical disclosure complex - TDC (electro-mechanical sirens). На територията на Община Chiprovci действащата сиренно оповестителна система е базирана на TDC (electro-mechanical sirens). A new system for early alertness and notification of the population with sirens of the ECN 1200 type should be built. Information on the population will also be broadcast via BNT, BNR, local operators (cable and broadcast) performing radio and / or television activities and local radio relay units. The Chief Public Relations Expert of the municipality, as instructed by the Mayor, provides timely information to the population on the location, type and nature of the flood, behavior and action of the population of regional and municipal mass media. The order and the way of early warning and disclosure of the bodies of the executive power, of the URS constituents and of the population in case of flooding on the territory of the municipality is implemented through a communication - information system called \"National Early Warning and Disclosure Disaster System\". 91 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
Ways of connecting through the early warning system and disclosure to executive bodies and constituent parts of the URS are: alert, disclosure, urgent contact with one person, emergency conference, scheduled conference for a particular hour. The alarm is sending a pre-recorded message according to the persons in the groups in case of a disaster with the following text: You have a message! Please enter your PIN! You have a message! Please enter your PIN! Warning, Danger of Flooding! Warning, Danger of Flooding! Warning, Danger of Flooding! Or: You have a message! Please enter your PIN! You have a message! Please enter your PIN! Warning, flood! Warning, flood! Warning, flood! Disclosure is to send a message to the persons in the groups with additional information prepared at the time of danger or when a flood occurred, specifying the event and instructions for actions of the persons. Urgent connection is a contact with a person in a group for consultation and / or expert advice. An urgent conference is the parallel selection of certain persons involved in a conference to coordinate actions and decide on a response to the flood. Scheduled conference for a specific time is the parallel selection of certain persons who are included in a conference call for which they have been notified in advance. The Early Warning and Disclosure at District and Municipal Levels, City Hall and Locality are carried out by the OCIC at the DD FSPPD of Montana, at the order of the Chief of District Fire Safety and Population Protection Department of Montana. In the event of a flood, requiring coordination at district and municipal level, mayoralty and settlement, early warning and disclosure shall be made also upon request of the Regional Governor. The mayor of the affected municipality, the head of the unit of the Joint Rescue System or the head of the intervention site. 92 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
Applications are accepted through the OCIC at the DD FSPPD of Montana. VІІІ.2. Implementation, review and updating of the municipality plan. The implementation of the plan by the individual officials will take place through familiarization and participation in the staff training. All designated officials of this plan are responsible for reviewing the same in their volume. The Disaster Relief Plan Implementation Team and Flood Protection Activities Implementation Team and Plan Officials participate in its annual play. The Head of the Headquarters is responsible for updating and maintaining the plan. 93 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
IX. INFORMATION ABOUT THE TEAMS AND THE RESOURCES OF THE URS COMPONENTS № Names of the Subordinatio Resources for the URS Tasks (normative document) Location Way of Ready to URS n of the URS component and opportunities for Disclosure respond components component conducting RERW time 12 34 5 6 78 ACTIVITIES POPULATION PROTECTION IN CASE OF THREATS OR OCCURRENCE OF DISASTERS:: WARNING MC-Chiprovci DSFSPP - information systems Warning as Possible Chiprovci Phone, E- immediatel mail, The y Montana - Disaster Disclosure of Early Warning and Ministry of Executive Bodies and URS Disclosure System of Interior Population (EWDS) for Executives 94 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
and URS IMPLEMENTATION OF URGENT MEASURES TO REDUCE THE IMPACT Group of DSFSPP - Rescue teams of the Getting first aid. Perform Montana MC A + 20 Rescue Montana RDFSPP / DSFSPP activities in rescuing people. min. Activities (RA) Perform firefighting. - Chiprovci DSFSPP - DSFSPP - Rescue teams of the Getting first aid. Perform Montana MC A + 20 Montana Montana RDFSPP / DSFSPP activities in rescuing people. min. Perform firefighting. RPS MDMOI - Полицейски екипи бр. Getting first aid. Perform Chiprovci MC Chiprovci activities in rescuing people. MDMOI Perform firefighting. Duty Phone 112 Voluntary Chiprovci no. Formations by Getting first aid. Perform Building of MC formation Municipality …………… activities in rescuing people. municipal Dedicated to Perform firefighting. administrati MSC 95 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
on Companies The head of type of equipment Points for MC with a contract the company number of equipment dislocation Dedicated to MSC DISCLOSURE OF EXECUTIVE AUTHORITIES AND CONSTITUENTS OF URS MC MOI Early Warning and Transmit Distress alert to the Montana DAKS immediatel Reporting System for executive and core parts of the District phone y Executive Bodies and URS. URS DISCLOSURE OF THE POPULATION Mayors and Mayor of the Siren message system Ordinance on the system and Table with Duty MSC immediatel mayoral municipality functioning of NEWDS location of TKO y deputies sirens in Chiprovci municipality Municipal municipal Siren message system Ordinance on the system and Table with Duty MSC immediatel Security administration functioning of NEWDS location of TKO y 96 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
Council sirens in Chiprovci municipality RESCUE OPERATIONS Teams of DSFSPP - Teams and Cars of Performing rescue, first aid to Montana MC A + 20 Telephone, min. DSFSPP - Montana DSFSPP: injured persons. Detecting the VHF radio and e- mail Montana - ………….pcs. aut. with location of people in distress MC A + 20 the main purpose of Telephone, min. VHF radio extinguishing with water and e- mail and foam MC immediatel - pcs. fire-fighting auto. Group Teams DSFSPP - DSFSPP, Groups SD - Performing rescue, first aid to Chiprovci SD -Chiprovci Montana Chiprovci injured persons. Detecting the Emergency UERW - ………………pcs. location of people in distress Specialized car. Chemical Cars first aid to victims. Chiprovci ………….no. teams 97 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
medical branch Phone, y RPS MDMOI National Military unit MD Emergency 26400 Call System - 112 RPS 01 first aid to victims and Chiprovci MC immediatel ……….no. autopatrols; establishment of public order. RPS 02 Phone, y ……….employees. National Emergency Call System - 112 Modular units according Performing rescue operations Montana Through A + 30 to no. ……….employees District num. ………..technique NOC (with min. permission of Minister of Defense, Phone) 98 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
MEDICAL ASSISTANCE IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS Emergency UERW ………….no. teams first aid to injured and transport Chiprovci MC immediatel medical branch of severely ill to close MPHAT Phone, y National Emergency Call System - 112 MPHAT MH …………no. beds Accepting injured and treating Montana MC A + 30 Montana Phone min. PULS - MH …………no. beds Accepting injured and treating MC A + 30 Chiprovci Phone min. The Municipal Regional Teams of specialists - Render psychological Chiprovci MC H + 2 h. Council of the Council of the psychologists assistance to victims Phone Bulgarian Red Bulgarian Red experiencing stress and mental Cross Cross crisis 99 The study is carried out under project CB007.1.31.364 \"Measures for the establishment of flood prevention and rapid reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac\" under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program, CCI Number: CCI 2014TC16I5CB007-1.
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