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Published by hammaylshammas.afsanay, 2022-06-03 17:50:18

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Afsanay per aspera ad astra

Index Editors note............................................................1 The 101s of studying............................................3 Menstrual leaves...................................................6 Abdur Rehman Asim...........................................8 Khadeeja Fatima..................................................11 The boy with no eyes.........................................14 Honour by Elif Shafak.......................................16 How did your kdrama journey begin..........18 The languages of Pakistan...............................22 Spotify recommendations...............................25 Yum yum and Tum Tum..................................26 Hidden marvels...................................................28 Makebas.................................................................30 Self-acceptance and beauty standards.......33 A trend that will make you love yourself..35 Rumi's wedding...................................................37 Urdu poetry..........................................................40 Sat Manzila Asman.............................................43 Art & Photography............................................45 English Poetry......................................................48 Credentials............................................................50

Editor's Note Dear Readers, Hoping that the past month treated you well, although it is highly unlikely, owing to the exam fiasco, compromised ‘Eid’, and political turmoil we’ve unfortunately been faced with. Regardless, I decided to put down this editorial as a letter, because what better 157 way to keep up with the theme while pouring out the sentiments we have associated with this extraordinary magazine. So to begin, I’d like all of you to take a moment and just appreciate the efforts team Afsanay has been putting in to articulate this month’s edition. We sincerely hope you relish every bit that lies ahead. And as always we love feedback and hope, that you see the evident progress we’ve made. Moving on, we stand firm on our commitment to provide intellectual content that people with different interests enjoy. This month’s edition will introduce you to 1

emerging poets and poetesses, literature enthusiasts, as well as two of our favorite influencers! Come along as we embark on a journey of finesse and grandeur, amble upon the road less traveled hues and elegance of Victorian manuscripts. And to conclude, a quote by Arthur C. Clarke: “In my life, I have found two things of priceless worth- learning and loving. Nothing else, not fame, not power, not achievement for its own sake- can possibly have the same lasting value. For when your life is over, if you can say ‘I have learned’ and ‘I have loved’, you will also be able to say ‘I have been happy'”. While we realize that the times are difficult, we should remember that we must be beacons for ourselves and those around us. If you're going through a difficult time, remember that it will pass. And if you notice people hurting around you, try to help them in any way you can. Spread joy, share sorrows, and navigate your way out of life's magnificent maze. Yours sincerely, Hammayl Shammas 2

The 101s of Studying Managing both study and stress can be a challenge. Exam season is upon us, and everyone is anxious, stressed, or straining to complete their syllabus in such a short amount of time. This includes students who have been studying for the entire year, as well as those who have only begun studying in the last few months (such as me). I wanted this essay to be useful to you because examinations are approaching. We'll discuss techniques to prepare and crucial things to remember while studying in this article. The most common issue that students face is motivation, and I believe we can all agree that it serves as fuel for studies and helps you develop your grasp on various concepts. Here are some suggestions if you're having trouble staying motivated: ·After you get up in the morning, the first thing you should do is read something from your course, even if it's only a little paragraph or two lines. This will be you beginning your day by deciding what you want to do for the remainder of the day, therefore making up your mind. ·Talking to a friend is another thing that can help you get back on track to prepare correctly for your exams. Examine the progress of those around you to see if anyone is ahead of you. Try adapting their methods, and pay attention to what they're doing while you're not. This does not imply that you begin to compare yourself to others. Instead of becoming destructive, be encouraged by them. ·Putting sticky notes on my room's wall as reminders was a fun approach for me to gather inspiration. Subjects are separated into groups based on dates, for example. You're doing quite well if you have the motivation and enthusiasm to get up and study, but if it's becoming difficult to stay consistent and manage and memorize despite having the motivation. You don't have to be concerned any longer; I've compiled a list of practical solutions that may be of assistance to you. 3

1.Start off by making checklists! It may disinterest you because you think it’s a lot of work and time-consuming but it IS worth it. Divide your syllabus into parts and then proceed to assign each part with hours throughout your day. This will reduce the load and hence the stress too. 2.Breaks! Are very essential to keep you going and help you study consistently. There are 2 types of study breaks you can adapt. (a)2 hours of study (including water breaks) - 30 minutes break - 2 hours of study - repeat. (b)Or if your attention span is poor, study for 1 hour- 10 minutes break (do stuff that de-stresses you or you love)- 2 hours of study- 20 minutes break- and the cycle continues. 3.Solving past papers is a fairly common one. It's a well-known advice, but it would be remiss not to add it because it really improves your preparedness. Try solving at least one past paper a day. 4.Make Flashcards for Formulas. This one is very useful for people taking subjects like physics, mathematics, etc. Write down important formulas from the book and make flashcards (don’t forget to write down what the formula is used for, for better understanding). Read the flashcards daily and in no time you will get better at using them. 5.Mnemonics! They are helpful devices that aid information retention or retrieval in human memory. It can be a very useful technique for memorizing tables, facts, order/ sequence of a certain property. 6.Equal importance to every subject. Getting a high percentage/grades in exams means getting good marks in every subject. So if you are spending weeks on one subject, stop right there. You are sabotaging your preparation. I suggest doing one chapter on each subject every day. This way you will learn to balance out every subject and ace each one of them in your exams. 4

7.Shifts to study. For studying hours, prompt shifts are required. The first shift is after you wake up (the first three hours are the most productive), followed by the night shift after 7 p.m. until bedtime. This will assist you in maintaining a healthy sleep routine while also allowing you to focus on your academics. 8.Anti-social media! Believe it or not electronic devices can be really distracting and make it hard for you to focus. You may think that you can understand everything while using that damn phone. But as soon as you appear for the examination you will be lacking in the memorisation part. So do your revision without any multimedia devices nearby. It will really help you improve on memorising important information. We've talked about some study tips and strategies. Now let's talk about stress and how it affects your ability to learn. Exam stress is a natural occurrence that practically everyone goes through. What matters, though, is how one manages stress. The impact of stress on your studies is mostly determined by your ability to take the appropriate measures at the appropriate times. The actions I'm referring to are: not overburdening yourself with the syllabus, covering small portions of your course every day so the load doesn't become unbearable at the end of the month, being consistent and actually putting effort to complete the goal set for the day, observing your previous checked tests and learning from your mistakes so you don't repeat them. Try to relax one day before the exam, go out listen to some music, meditate or do anything that will help calm down your nerves because stress can affect how memories are formed. Stressed, people have a more difficult time creating short-term memories and turning those short-term memories into long-term memories, meaning that it is more difficult to learn when stressed. I hope this information is useful to you and that you ace your exam like the talented individual you are! Believe in yourself, and remember that hard work pays off in the end. Best of luck and stay hydrated ;) 5

Menstrual Leaves: a need or a luxury? Period leaves or menstrual leaves have been a debate for a long time and many countries namely Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, and even Spain was the first Western country have allowed women to have a leave from school, university, or work when they are suffering from their periods. Now is it time for Pakistan to attain this milestone too? Well, many people would argue it's not and period leaves shouldn't be allowed. But why not? It is a stated fact that periods could be hard for women, 4 out of 5 women suffer from different symptoms such as cramps, headaches, lack of sleep, emotional breakdowns, and mood swings. Now, what should bother us all is why do we have to suffer silently and act unaffected. Without a genuine leave policy during periods, we girls have to choose either attending school or the workplace with pain and suffering or either taking a sick leave or time from vacation leaves. In a survey by a British journal, it was found that 14% had taken time off from school or work during their periods. While other women had to show up to their workplaces or school with the pain and discomfort enduring their symptoms. However, this proved to be very ineffective as they could be barely productive. A big issue about being on periods is that women tend to lose their productivity and still expecting them to work, act normal, and produce good outputs at school or workplace is an exploitation of women's labor rights. Now the debate about period leaves is that this policy might back off feminism to 100 years back and what's worse is this toxicity comes from women themselves!! Many women in Pakistan and around the world think that taking a period 6

By Zeesha Ali of leave would indicate them as weak and they are fearful about this as they work with men and want to be equal to them. Another issue is Stigma around periods – the idea that menstruation is dirty, shameful, and unmentionable – can keep girls and women away from school and out of the workforce. For example, a woman without access to sanitary products may have to stay at home during her period, while a garment worker risks losing her job for getting up to change her pad before break time, provided there are facilities for her to manage her menstruation at all. Even women working in office environments with conveniently located toilets and flexible schedules go to great lengths to hide periods: relatively few researchers have explored how the knowledge that a woman is on her period affects her public perception, but one 2002 study suggested that people viewed tampon-toting women as less competent, less likable and physically off-putting. Yet women now make up nearly 40% of the global workforce, and up to 20% of women experience extreme cramps at the onset of a period – a condition called dysmenorrhea, which is intense enough to derail their daily lives. For these women, menstrual leaves might represent relief, but not if it holds them back professionally. So how do we make it work? Well, simply, the government should grant paid leaves to women for a week just like maternity leave and this could solve the issue well. 7

In Converstation With Abdul Rehman Asim Abdul Rehman Asim, more commonly known as the \"CEO of the towel dupatta\", is one of the countries fastest growing TikTokers. With a fan following of more than 100k, he continues to win hearts through his hearty and relatable TikToks which hold the power to make anybody laugh. Here at Afsanay we were awed by this young man's talent, and wanted to give our readers an insight into his life. Read more about Abdul Rehman's interests and ideas in the interview down below. 8

What inspired you to become an influencer? And why TikTok specifically? I felt that TikTok Pakistan required unique and original content to improve its image because we are all aware that TikTok has had a bad reputation in the past, owing to the content being posted on it. I saw a lot of potential in TikTok because we've seen many people grow from the platform. Tell us about yourself, your hobbies and interests. I don't have any hobbies. I'm usually watching Netflix or hanging out with my friends. In your opinion, what's the best thing about being famous at a young age? I don’t really consider myself “famous” but Alhumduillah I do have a good amount of audience on my account & I feel like the best part about it is that I can find people like myself, who can relate to me and my content. How do you handle the constant judgement and negative comments ? I just never let them get to me, because firstly, in 100’s of positive comments, there will be 10 negative ones. And I believe that not everyone is bound to like you, there will always be people to pull you down, so I just don’t let it get me. And whenever I feel like it’s getting too much, I usually just upload and don’t check the comments or don’t use the app much. I remember doing this for a long time. 9

What's the most exciting event/moment you've experienced since becoming an influencer? It’s when my followers come up to me & meet me, it really feels nice that there are people out there who acknowledge my efforts & the craziest moment I’ve experienced is that I was on a school trip, we stopped at Bhera, a bunch of girls came up to me and they were screaming and wanted pictures. How many hours a week do you spend working as an influencer and all that goes with it. How do you try to maintain a work-life balance? It usually doesn’t take me a lot of time making content because I pre-plan everything, and I obviously sorted out timings. I typically make & post content when I’m done with my tuitions or other commitments. Many young people nowadays find Social Media as a platform to express themselves. What is the best advice you could give to a newbie who wants to follow in your footsteps? I would advise them to not listen to people and keep going because even when I started, there were so many people in my circle who wouldn’t support me, and even up until a certain point, my family wasn't aware that I made content etc. but just don’t listen to people & continue to do what you want to because every single person will have a different opinion. 10

In Converstation With Khadeeja Fatima Khadeeja Fatima is your go-to charming aesthetic Queen who makes heads turn through her creative outfit ideas and relatable vlogs. A literature enthusiast whom you can always look up to for the best book suggestions. With over 50k YouTube subscribers Khadeeja has shown us what it takes to become successful at a very young age. Read more about her ideas and interests in the interview down below. 11

What's the most exciting event/moment you've experienced since becoming an influencer? Every time someone comes up to me and meets me is so exciting for me because it feels so surreal that people actually know me and like me enough to want a picture. How many hours a week do you spend working as an influencer and all that goes with it. How do you try to maintain a work-life balance? I try to make my studies my first priority especially when its exam season so during that time, I barely come on social media. However, when I’m free, I spend about 18 hours a week working on my content. I used to spend a lot more than this but it affected my mental health adversely so I cut back on the time I used to spend planning every single post and outfit. I kind of like to go with the flow now and instead of planning out every aspect and later on crying when it does not go my way, I let moments where I can capture what I’m doing come to me naturally. Many young people nowadays find Social Media as a platform to express themselves. What is the best piece of advice you could give to a newbie who wants to follow your footsteps? Social Media is a great way to express yourself and show your creative side. However, balance is very important. You must not let social media consume you enough to let the numbers and stats describe your worth. You need to be able to differentiate who you are from your social media platform in order to be happy making content. Other than that, your content must reflect who you are as a person and there is nothing wrong with getting inspired by people but do not rip off ideas of other creators because at the end even if it goes viral, you’ll know deep down this effort was not yours and you are not the one who deserves to be rewarded for this. 12

What's the most exciting event/moment you've experienced since becoming an influencer? Every time someone comes up to me and meets me is so exciting for me because it feels so surreal that people actually know me and like me enough to want a picture. How many hours a week do you spend working as an influencer and all that goes with it. How do you try to maintain a work-life balance? I try to make my studies my first priority especially when its exam season so during that time, I barely come on social media. However, when I’m free, I spend about 18 hours a week working on my content. I used to spend a lot more than this but it affected my mental health adversely so I cut back on the time I used to spend planning every single post and outfit. I kind of like to go with the flow now and instead of planning out every aspect and later on crying when it does not go my way, I let moments where I can capture what I’m doing come to me naturally. Many young people nowadays find Social Media as a platform to express themselves. What is the best piece of advice you could give to a newbie who wants to follow your footsteps? Social Media is a great way to express yourself and show your creative side. However, balance is very important. You must not let social media consume you enough to let the numbers and stats describe your worth. You need to be able to differentiate who you are from your social media platform in order to be happy making content. Other than that, your content must reflect who you are as a person and there is nothing wrong with getting inspired by people but do not rip off ideas of other creators because at the end even if it goes viral, you’ll know deep down this effort was not yours and you are not the one who deserves to be rewarded for this. 13

THE BOY WITH NO EYES I woke up rather abruptly and looked around to find myself in my bedroom. I let out a heavy sigh and reminded myself it was a dream. I had been getting nightmares for a couple of days now and they were all the same. I was being dragged by someone across a dark marble floor, surrounded by greasy walls. Screams and laughter filled the place but stopped once I was made to stand in front of a metal door. The nightmare usually ended there but this time the door opened and I was thrown in. I didn’t get to see what dragged me across the floor and threw me in but as soon as I entered the room, the screams and laughter resumed. The door was closed shut and I found myself enclosed in a small room. There was a metal chair in the middle of the room, but it wasn’t a normal chair. It had buckles and straps on the handles and legs as if it were designed to hold someone and there was a large helmet of sorts above it. For a few minutes, I stood in the room before I heard a voice ‘wake up and the nightmare ended. I shivered as I recalled it and checked the alarm clock positioned on the bedside table to find that it was 3 in the morning. I laid my head back on my pillow and tried to forget the dream. Just as I closed my eyes I felt someone sit at the foot of my bed. Thinking it was my mother I didn’t think much about it. But then I realised that my bedroom 14 door hadn’t opened and the

9 weight at the foot of my bed was that of a large cat. I pulled the comforter off of my head and quickly sat up. There he By: Manal Abbas was. A walking nightmare. He looked 10 years old and was dressed in blue and white striped pyjamas. He was quite scrawny and looked extremely weak. He would have looked like a normal boy if it wasn’t for his eyes. There were none. All I could see were black pits of darkness instead of eyes. I opened my mouth to scream but it was as if I lost my voice. Seeing my fear, he smiled. I felt a shiver go down my spine as he flashed his jagged shark-like teeth. His laughter filled my bedroom and I wanted to yell out but no words came out. I blinked and suddenly, he was gone. The laughter didn’t stop though. It continued for a minute or so and faded to a whisper. I just looked around my room, trying to convince myself that I was just hallucinating and that it wasn’t real. Just as I turned my head to the bedside table to check the time. There he stood, inches away from my face, and whispered ‘Boo’. I jerked back and felt as if I was falling off my bed but I didn’t fall on my bedroom floor, but onto a marble slab. I groaned and massaged the back of my head as I stood up. My eyes widened as I realised where I was. I was surrounded by four grey walls. And there it was. The chair from my dream. It looked the same as my nightmare but felt even more real. Screams and laughter filled my ears and I closed my eyes wanting to wake up from this nightmare. Suddenly I felt a pair of hands grab me and push me into the chair. The straps buckled themselves onto me and I was held in place and the helmet positioned itself onto my head. I looked up to see him standing before me with pure joy on his face. He laughed as he snapped his fingers and I felt a pain surge through my body and screams erupted from my mouth. 15

One cannot possibly imagine how difficult it Honour -Elif Shafak is to challenge the violent norms set against A book review by Zuha Aamir women in a patriarchal society. To be able to pen down the barbaric practice of honor killing, stemming from generations of inherited misogyny. This novel is written by a Turkish novelist, Elif Shafak, and is dedicated to “those who hear, those who see”. Honour is a thought-provoking and heart-wrenching novel that explores a plethora of emotions passed down in three generations. The novel opens in 1992 with Esma, a British-Turkish woman, reflecting on the circumstances that led to her brother Iskender's incarceration. Iskender was convicted of stabbing his mother when he was just 16 years old. During the 14 years of his imprisonment, Esma has repeatedly considered killing Iskender in retaliation, but she is now willing to take him in and assist him in readjusting to life outside of jail. It is revealed that the murder takes place under the guise of honor killing, the reason for which is revealed later in the novel. The story then moves back to a remote village near the river Euphrates in 1945, where a woman named Naze is about to give birth. Already being a mother to six daughters Naze believes she now must bear a son. Instead, she gives birth to two identical twin daughters; Pembe and Jamila. They were born in an era where the belief that men have honor and women have shame was reinforced over and over again. “Modesty is a woman’s only shield... if you lose that you will be worth no more than a chipped kurus” The girls grow up to be identical in appearance but have contrasting personalities. It is in 1961 when a young man named Adem Toprak falls in love with Jamila, but ends up marrying Pembe after he realizes that Jamila’s honor might be at stake. The couple then moves to London with their three children; Iskender, Esma, and Younus. A place where cultural and traditional values clash with the freedom of living in a multicultural society. 16

Torn between their Islamic upbringing and the charisma of a westernized world, the Toprak family finds themselves in a mess that would end in a tragedy. When Adam’s affair with an exotic dancer leads to his absence in his house, the young Iskender takes over as the patriarch. In her novel, Shafak juxtaposes the violent and strict behavior of Iskander with his family and his gentle behavior with his English girlfriend, Kate. Another juxtaposition is portrayed between Adem’s affair with the dancer and Pembe’s affair with Elias which is frowned upon by her entire family. When Iskander learns about Pembe’s affair he takes the responsibility upon himself to defend the honor of his family. With Pembe’s unwed identical by her side, Iskender, blinded with fury, takes a hit. The consequences of his actions lead to a series of events that one could not possibly imagine. We see a problem when society condemns the wrongdoings of women but glorifies the sin committed by men. When a woman’s sexuality and her social behavior are associated with honor and become a matter of life and death. Lastly, when this society forces a man to act in a manner that would otherwise bring shame to their masculinity. The struggle between ancient ideas that have stayed constant for generations and the wider freedoms of a cosmopolitan society is revealed in Honour. The twisted secrets and intrigues of this novel draw the reader in from the start, and while the fragmented and frequent changes in time frame have the potential to be confusing, Shafak creates all her characters with such compassion that the motivations of each one, however flawed, can be understood. Her statements at the literature festival, that it's hard for males too, still rings true as she discloses the nuances underlying the family strife that leads to shocking headlines of 'honor-killing.' “Not everyone would understand this, but their honor was all that some men had in this world” 17

How did your K- drama journey begin? There is no doubt that the Korean entertainment industry has gained immense popularity over the course of the past few years. Follow along as Irza Saqib, a writer here at Afsanay, asks a very pertinent question to some die-hard K-Culture fans. So this no way back journey began when I was 14. There was this channel called Filmazia at that time, which aired Urdu dubbed K-dramas, and I fell in love with them. I remember being glued to the TV, watching each episode over and over again. I was hooked on the stories and the stunning performances. It felt like I was in a different world while watching K-dramas, and I just couldn't get enough. I grew fond of this one drama called \"The Heirs\", my sisters and I would sit in front of the TV, eyes glued to the screen, and binge it every Saturday. That was when I got introduced to K-dramas, but that was not where the craze began. I still very vividly remember my friends and I were sitting on the floor in the corner of the library, surrounded by magazines, looking through them to find the K-drama section because we were just that obsessed. My craze for K-dramas began with ‘legends of the blue sea’. It started with 16 episodes in 16 days and eventually came down to 16 episodes in 3 days. I know it isn't something to brag about, but I have literally watched over 200 K-dramas. Watching K-dramas is a part of my daily routine now, even if it is one episode, it relieves all the everyday stress. Cuteness, comedy, suspense, and K-dramas that combine so many genres transport me to another planet. 18

The aura of Park Seo Joon, the butterflies I get from Song Kang, our favorite mafia and corn salad Vincenzo, the Okie Dokie dance of Hwang In Yeop, and the jaw-dropping performances of Kim So Hyun in \"It's okay not to be okay\" and \"one ordinary day\", trust me, the list goes on and on. Overall, the cinematography, versatile acting, and incredibly gorgeous actors, (especially Lee Jong Suk in 'W two world' and the handsome Lee Min-Ho) got me on board with this K-dramas craze. 'Twenty-five twenty one' and 'Business proposal' are currently my personal favorite Korean dramas. By: Irza Saqib Have you ever had the urge to visit the countryside of Daegu in person? Or maybe spend a day at Lotte world? Perhaps just walk down the brightly lit street somewhere in Seoul on a cold night sipping your iced Americano or in a lovely cafe at sunset in Busan? Yeah, me too. Dear fellow netizens, be it our obsession with K-pop, K-dramas, or Korean culture collectively, we are in this together. Needless to say, the trend of getting to know Korean culture is one of the fastest to reach its apex all over the world. My journey of discovering Korean culture started with K-dramas. It was February of 2020, and I was scrolling and swiping around Netflix, anxious to binge-watch a new \"interesting\" series, when I came across a drama titled 'It's okay to not be okay.' Not only was the title strikingly different, but so were the genre and the plot. The only thing I remember for the rest of that week is me diligently staring at my screen for hours (despite my mom yelling at me to get things done, but let’s not talk about that). And that was how it all began. Now, only heaven knows the extensive amount of K-dramas I have binge-watched, but I am nowhere near being done. From Park Seo Joon's outstanding acting skills to Choi Woo Shik's Ayegyo, Lee Min Ho's visuals, and Bae Suzy and Shin Mina’s versatility, watching them is always an escape mechanism from the worlds' harsh and cruel realities. Watching all of these dramas, I have not only discovered the Korean culture but have also grown emotionally. I learned so much about social interactions, how to have your imagination run wild (wink), and definitely learned some Korean words and phrases (‘Daebak ‘right? ). I would end this by saying that there is so much more to this culture than one can ever imagine. So if you ever feel like pouring out your excitement after something happened in your Korean series, or presenting your analysis of the lyricism of a K-pop song, I will be more than happy to cater to you.=) By: Wajiha Wajid 19

It all began in late 2020, during Covid days. Schools closed, and exams were canceled. Boredom was at its peak, and I could longer resist my cousin forcing me to watch a K- drama. I remember “It’s ok to not be ok” was my first one. I really liked how it was different from my usual playlist and how amazed I was to see their acting skills. This is where I became a binge-watcher, and the next thing I know, my friends introduced me to BTS. I have to admit my favorite K-song yet is “spring day” because the lyrics are something I can relate to myself, and of course, the vocals are OUT OF THIS WORLD. cannot go any further without appreciating their looks and appearance, and quite honestly, they look UNREAL. Undoubtedly one of the reasons why I started loving Korea. To sum up, I believe that K-dramas and K-pop now have a significant influence on me. I never pictured myself abandoning American television in favor of K-dramas. But I sure am delighted I found out about them at the right time! By: Masooma Khawaja My K-journey started off in 2013 in an unus ual way. So there was this idol anime called \"Pretty Rhythm: Dear my future\" featuring an idol girl group from Korea called Puretty (Somin from KARD and Chaekyung from April were a part of it as kids). They had this song called \"Cheki Cheki Love\" on YouTube. I stumbled on its Korean version (as in the anime, all the songs were Japanese). Because I listened to the Korean version often, I started listening to some SNSD songs. Eventually, \"no more dreams\" came up in my recommendations. Honestly, their unique twist on the music industry kept me obsessed. Also, I'd highly recommend you check out \"dreamcatcher\" because honestly, the queens are serving. As for K-dramas, back in the day when I used to watch loads of K-dramas, in 2016, I stumbled upon \"My Amazing Boyfriend\" whose lead actor \"Kim Tae Hwan\" was Korean. It led me to check K-dramas out, and well, I was OBSESSED there and then. In terms of K-dramas, I'd highly recommend watching heaven, sky castle, hospital playlist, and Waikiki, so check them out if they suit your tastes. By: Mahgul 20

BTS's song Life Goes On was my introduction to K-pop. I never really understood why people listened to K-pop when they didn't understand a word. But, with the passing of the time I've realized that perhaps not knowing the language is only a minor impediment. Their music brought me solace throughout Corona's difficult times, and with plenty of time on my hands, I continued to listen to it and watch their movies and documentaries. It was new to me, and I loved it. Even though there are hundreds of groups, I was drawn to BTS. Yes, their songs are lovely, but what made them THE ONE was their immense struggle, a passion that continues to drive me to do better, and the friendship, the link they share. It's uncommon to encounter people who care about each other, but they give me hope that somewhere in the two-faced world, I might find someone decent. By: Manal Fatima 21

THE LANGUAGES OF PAKISTAN Language reflects a country's existence, culture, and day-to-day activities. The history of a language is entwined with the history of its speakers. It is how people connect, form bonds, and form a sense of belonging. Today, there are around 6,500 spoken languages around the globe, each of which is distinct in numerous aspects. A language is essential to the expression of culture because it allows us to convey our feelings and thoughts. It serves a crucial social purpose by fostering sentiments of group identity and solidarity by transmitting values, beliefs, and practices. The importance of language in defining one's cultural identity cannot be overstated. Putting Pakistan into perspective, it is a mix of intricate, unique, and historical languages. Every country needs some identification. Pakistan is a federation of four provinces with Urdu as its official language. Quaid-e- Azam also declared Urdu to be Pakistan's national language. It was also the most popular language throughout the early phases of the Pakistan Movement. It created unity among the people. Many Muslim leaders like Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Abdul Majeed Sindhi, Allama Iqbal, Hasrat Mohani, Allama Shibli Nomani, Quaid-e-Azam, and others favored Urdu. Urdu is approximately 300 years old and has always been regarded as the Muslim language. It originates from a mix of the Arabian, Persian, and Turkish languages. Urdu has evolved into a symbol of national cohesion and unity. It symbolizes Pakistan's common culture, tradition, and identity. And, is dear to all Pakistanis since it played a significant role in the struggle for independence from colonization. 22

PUNJABI: Punjabi is an Indo-Aryan language spoken by Punjabi people native to India and Pakistan's Punjab area. Punjabi is the world's ninth most widely spoken language. The names Punjabi and Punjab come from the Persian phrases for 5 (panj ‫ ) –آب پنج‬and water (ab ) and refer back to the five main tributaries of the Indus River that stream by way of Punjab: the Chenab, Jhelum, Ravi, Sutlej, and Beas. The Punjabi language is the language of honesty, brotherhood, and truth as it is created by the holy 10 Gurus. SINDHI: Sindhi is considered a melodious language. It sounds like music and each word in Sindhi ends with a vowel sound. Its importance can be judged by the fact that it is the only language in Pakistan used to issue Identity cards to citizens other than Urdu. The language of the people of Sindh has a solid base of Prakrit and Sanskrit, showing great susceptibility towards borrowings from Arabic, Persian, and Dravidian (such as Brahui in Baluchistan). Sindhi’s history dates back to long before colonial rule, however, the roots of the Sindhi language can be traced as far back as 1500 BC. 23

BALOCHI: Balochi has a vague history like some other languages. One of the oldest living languages of the Indo-Iranian group of the Indo-European languages. Balochi is a West Iranian language, and spoken by about five million people as a first or second language in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, India, and Baloch diaspora communities. Balochi is generally divided into eastern, southern, and western dialect groups. Balochi poetry dates to at least the middle of the 15th century CE. PASHTO: Pashto is a widely spoken language that provides a multitude of learning opportunities and insight into Pashtun and Afghan culture. Pashto, like every other language, has its own set of characteristics. The number of Pashto speakers worldwide is estimated to be between 40 and 50 million. The beauty of the language reflects in its sentences for example, ‘Zama num…de’ means ‘my name is’. Any culture's beauty is derived from its languages, people, and nationality. As a great nation, we must maintain our resolve and keep the flame of tradition blazing at all times. 24

Spotify Recommendations Aayla Zainab Between Friends, in my opinion, possibly have no bad songs. However, this one HAS to be my favourite one after Affection. From the vibe to the chorus, everything is perfect, especially for a date *winks* my very uncultured cultured friends got me hooked to this song. it apparently gives them a 'hit' better than nicotine. lol jokes apart, i really don't care if you've already heard it. i have good enough memories with this one to just put it out there ;) One word. Neoni. My current favourite. They as well, have NO bad song. They probably own the goth genre tbh. Listen to their songs, your inner rebel will crawl out of the grounds that reside within you. 25

YUM YUM & TUM TUM By Fatima Hammad We desi people have this special bond with food. Our birth is celebrated with kormas and niharis, our weddings are loaded with flavors of different cultures (aur agar khana kam par jaye tu we know the hassle), all our celebrations have food in common, and when various cuisines are a constant to our lives how can team Afsanay not add them here. So here we are upon special request, a segment for recipes! :( Tarka to life ;)) Starting off with something simpler, pair these dishes together and you’ll be set for a hearty snack. 1. Beverage: Cucumber lemonade This is one of the most refreshing drinks I have ever made or had .From its name to its taste it is a perfect pick in the scorching heat(garm mizaaj ka ilaj bhi is drink main hay) Ingredients: Cucumber 3-4 medium Water 1 cup Sugar 6 to 7 tablespoons Lemon juice ¼ cup Kala namak (which is more pinkish in color) Mint leaves (make sure to not confuse it with dhania) Ice, lemon slice and more mint leaves to garnish 1. In a blender, blend cucumber and water and then strain the pulp 2. Then add sugar, salt, lemon, and mint 3. Blend it all together 4. Serve with ice :)) 26 13

1. Chicken Popcorn All of us have this love hate relationship with snacks .A few of us treat them as the only meal of the day however plenty of youngsters out there are a little too impressed by the idea of keto and thus these snacks are a big NO for calorie conscious ones Anyways, dropping in next is a wonderful and easy recipe for all of u try and have (diet walay can have it on their cheat day) Chicken popcorn -One beaten egg -Soy sauce 2 tbsp -bbq sauce ½ tsp -Lemon juice ½ tbsp -Lal mirch powder (Red chili powder) 1 tsp -Lehsan powder (Garlic powder) 1 tbsp -Oregano 1 tbsp -Kali mirch powder (Black pepper powder) ½ tsp -Namak (Salt) 1 tsp or to taste -Maida (All-purpose flour) 1 tbsp -Corn flour 2 tbsp -Chicken Bite size 500 grams Coating: -Maida (All-purpose flour) 1 & ½ Cups -Corn flour 4 tbsp -black pepper½ tsp -Salt½ tsp -Eggs beaten 2 -Oil for frying Procedure: 1-In a bowl add egg, soy sauce, bbq sauce, oregano, salt, pepper and mix well 2-Add chicken in the bowl, add all-purpose flour, corn flour, black pepper powder and salt, mix well and set aside. 3-Now take chicken pieces, coat in flour mixture and dip in beaten eggs and then coat in flour mixture. 4-In wok, heat oil and fry until golden brown (make sure u do not forget them on fire). 27 Enjoy! 13

Balochistan has always been known for its untapped resources and places that are full of awe. Not very recently, another marvel that has been present in Balochistan has been rediscovered which is no doubt an epitome of beauty and is very distinct and divergent. It is Sapat beach (A single standing mountain). Situated in the middle of Makran coastal highway is this famous destination for its caved beach. Now as it's always been known that difficult tracks lead to beautiful destinations, this perfectly fits the journey to Sapt beach. It’s a little hard to get there as the road becomes exceptionally bad. With mobile signals ending shortly after the Makran Coastal Highway begins, the only way to know its exact location is through its GPS coordinates. That is probably how it ended up getting tagged on Google Maps, but the maps won’t be able to show you a clear route to the spot. A famous photographer Shoaib Rumi who took a trip to this strip quoted, “We can use Sygic [an offline maps app] but there’s still no proper route marked.\"The closest landmark to this beach is the famous mud volcano in Chandragupta. Sept is a wide, gritty, and stony beach in proximity. This beach is a very ideal summer vacation spot; however not so ideal to visit during the rainy season. The heart of this beach is Buji Koh. Hidden Marvels 28

A desolate, wild and isolated rock in the middle, adds melancholy to the beach. It's a cliff rising above the sand surface entirely on its own, separate from the cliff wall stretching around the sea. Buji Koh's base encounters the tides of the sea. According to people who have been there, this beach is a colony of crabs that are light in color and huge in size. Other than the big rock another hub of this beach is its unexplored caves. According to a few local fishermen, there are some caves on this beach which haven't been discovered yet....maybe one day any of you people reading this article could explore them!! Sapt beach is relieving and peaceful spot free from pollution and population. If you are looking for a beautiful and adventurous summer then Sapt beach should be your ideal spot because it's hard to stop yourself from visiting such a place because of its phenomenon of bioluminescence. These places are often seen in National Geographic photos of beaches far, far away but aren't we a lucky nation because we have such a beach here in our home. So why not explore them and show the world what Pakistan has. by: Zeesha Ali 29

Makebas By Ayesha Tariq A rock flew in from the window landing right in front of the teenage girl who was busy reading a journal she had found in her sister's drawer. She looked at the rock and sighed “it’s normal anyway”. She conversed herself and again her eyes traveled to the journal in her delicate little hands. It was an elegant bundle of pages, crimson with cursive writing in gold that read ‘Makebas’. She’d always known that they were different and as other people liked to taunt “weird”. She’d always had to pretend it didn’t affect her. The door flew open and her sister dashed in franticly. She was panicked but said in a surprisingly calm tone. “Dolores, get ready we have to leave” “But where Evelyn” “We’ll figure that out, come on now” Dolores didn’t spend any time questioning her sister and got up, grabbing a rusty almost broken bag, stuffing in the journal she was reading, along with a few clothes. Her sister came and they both climbed out of the window, over to where other women were also gathered. “Let’s go,” one of them said. They all were makebas including dolore. Makes were born different – or, more appropriately born with special abilities which allowed them to go through the thoughts 30

of people. They could even read the deepest thoughts anyone had in their mind. That was the reason the people of their village started calling them “weird”, and the men got furious at the thought of how these women were wholly independent. For that reason, they took advantage of them and forced them to leave the village. Dolores was almost 17 when they were forcibly exiled. It was time for her to get her ritual done and learn to control her powers….. Dolores was a special child. She was a pure Makeba – her mom was also a Makeba but, she never mated with anyone. Instead, she got Dolore and her sister by a ritual that was sacred and yet still a mystery for their kind. Her mom was killed for having more than one child, that too both girls. Dolore was blessed with pure night blood as an effect of the ritual which naturally made her a skilled fighter without even training it was hard to believe but she was different, even from her sister. They left their previous village and traveled for hours and hours in the blistering hot weather. When they came across an abandoned place that had damaged houses, surprisingly no people the makes took it upon themselves to rebuild the place for their comfortable residence. They started their own culture there, naming the place ‘Abydos’. “no one’s challenging enough”, Dolore yelled in frustration as she threw the sword she was holding on the ground speaking to nothing but thin air. Her silver eyes shone as the sun was setting, settling them sparkling in an eerie, predator- like glow. “Isn’t she the weird girl with those scary eyes?”, She heard from someone’s thoughts. She scanned the area and her gaze settled upon two teenage girls who were seemingly “gossiping” “It would be better if you started practicing. I am pretty sure none of you would want me to fail you in physical training. Unless you don’t know who you’re messing with. Or you simply crave a taste of failure. Both are fine with 31

me”, she spoke with a sarcastic grin, eyes dead of emotion. A predator incarnate. They dared to simply roll their eyes and leave spoiled younglings. “Makebas; and yet they’ve somehow managed to adopt these ugly habits” She looked at her bag and took out the journal she had kept. Her sole prized possession is her mother’s diary. 27th June. This is the day I will be experimenting. May she be born with night blood and use it for good. May she defeat all the evil coming toward her. Dolore- as powerful as her name. May she have the strength to overcome all the pain she greets in her journey to her Destin brighter than the starlit night sky. She didn’t know how many times she’ll read that paragraph but one thing was for sure – she was the only one who could maintain the peace and barn in albedos. She looked at the sky a dark mass of nothingness littered with stars, the large expense of it as grand and welcoming as her future, and flashed a smile, Waving as she did well aware that her mom was watching from above, a proud smile gracing her lip’s. Waving Back. 32

I still remember my 13-year-old cousin Self-acceptance and Beauty Standards apologising for not being “beautiful”. Her voice still resonates in my ears; haunting. Having then asked her about the reason behind this painful belief, I came to learn that she was going through an experience not foreign to any of us; we’re truly all in the same boat. Ironically, the maker of this “boat” is none other than man himself. Society tends to construct such boats through its opinions, beliefs and prejudices. Like the constricting embrace of a snake tightening against its prey, we feel it suffocate it every second of every day. We really don't talk about these so-called “beauty standards” much and so most of our life is spent snubbing; a true concoction for destruction. It’s a social construct that quantifies beauty- inherently unquantifiable- according to how one lives up to these certain standards. This rat race of being the “most attractive” one and the idea of “attractiveness” is what infuriates me. Being “lamba/lambi, gora/gori and patla/patli” is the basis of being regarded as “khoobsurat”. 33

This infinite need for validation and acceptance is what provokes us to busy ourselves in making efforts to look merely “presentable”. The issue of being dissatisfied with your appearance is widespread in all ages and sexes. We are intimidated by the idea of aging, wrinkles, stretch marks, dark circles, discoloration, etc- things that are completely natural. This, therefore, leads to severe physical, mental as well as emotional problems! The whole concept of “beauty standards” is just absurd because it disqualifies people as humans. No one is superior to the other because of how they look. I, personally, believe that the beauty of the soul is far more significant! Rather than seeking fleeting validation we should accept and embrace ourselves. So, if you’re reading this and you have curly hair, twist them once or twice or as many times as you want and tell yourself that this is what makes you unique, if you’ve got straight hair, let then flow with the wind. If you’re plus-size, skinny, short, tall, get up and tell yourself that you’re perfect and you’re worth more than how much you conform to “beauty standards”. If you’re insecure about those freckles, pimples, wrinkles, or literally anything, embrace it like the queen/king you are, fix up that crown and go conquer the world! Lubaina Aman 34

A trend that'll make you love yourself By Nimra Rashid The era we live in is highly dependent on trends and fame dragging people into the same hole. They can be addicting, fun, weird and the list of adjectives continues… Trends of rating clothing from different brands or food from fast food seem to have taken a turn in the social media world. People advertise, sponsor, and make value by doing such little, and trendy tasks. Similarly, DIYs are what the internet world has a hold on. Making your charcuterie board, making your outfit out of other clothes, skincare, house decor, and so much stuff that is recreated and shown out to the world for it to enjoy and learn. Although there is one trend that stands out the most, and surprisingly not many are aware of it, or they don’t put value to it. Romanticizing your life is the trend that we want people to talk about and enjoy doing the most. Even if it starts with a trend where recording, pretending is what it takes to step on the ladder to make your life worthy for yourself. Romanticism a word that feels like a luxury applies everywhere; it’s a path to success. Whether it be studying, cooking, eating, or nourishing your body and mind, romanticism allows you to look at yourself the way you look at others. Being the main character in your own story is supposedly the most important trend that one should follow. It can level up your life right now to somewhere where the fog fades away, and one can see clearly what lays ahead of them. If putting makeup on to feel better is what it takes to start a day feeling like you are on a roll, so be it. If dancing in your kitchen makes you feel as if the spotlight in your life is on you, so be it. If dressing well at your workplace or school makes you think people will treat you as the main character of a film, so be it. 35

These small tasks you incorporate towards yourself will only help you flourish. Stepping out of your bizarre reality is where the first glare of light is seen, it might seem hard, and it might take a lot of effort, but once it’s done everything will look better. It’s the same as watching a tv show or a movie, where the main character has the most dialogue, is seen with the most expressions and has the camera and light always towards them. It’s a character that is shown doing more than the bare minimum towards them and every element of their day is recorded. Even if they are nasty emotions or shattered dreams, what follows shortly after is always success and justice. That is what the main character is being about, that is what romanticism is about. If one treats their life honorably there is no way life will lead them downwards. What this article wishes for is that whoever happens to read this article is left with a smile and even a spark of motivation to do something worthy towards themselves at that time. This is the best trend that we can follow in these times of media and its influence. Plus with such a main character vibe, there is no way one won’t gain any followers or have likes. So when it comes to posting on social about how romanticism is all elegant, neat and healthy, one should make sure that this aspect is felt too. The main character always stays the hero, and that is what a person is in their own little lives. 36

Rumi's Wedding By Nomail Maryum Summer was not my favorite season but in moments like these. Nothing could be better, I bet nothing! A group of five little girls, sprightly, vivacious with full of life bright eyes searching for an immaculate corner in an enormously expanded backyard. This day had always been special to us. With ceaseless hopes and a perfect image of life in our eyes, we were all set to observe the magnificent wedding of our beloved doll Rumi. In her beautifully hand-stitched wine red gown, she looked exceptionally pretty. Our favorite fairy lights were detangled again to glorify the wedding. The day was perfect, the bride was perfect even the groom was Perfect! It was going to be the perfect ending to their story..... All children dream. Some dream of fairies and dancing with them, some dream of getting wings and flying higher in the sky, and Some dream of catching butterflies. There is nothing like a dream to create the future. One should never stop dreaming. All I dreamed of was a life-like Rumi, a picture-perfect life! -------------------------------- I was half asleep when the nurse entered the room. Through half-opened drowsy eyes, I squinted at her face, a young beautiful lady with a kind smile. I have become acquainted with that face since she visited me every hour. It was a typical hospital room, sparse and functional. It was devoid of beauty as I was devoid of hope. The cold in that room always reminded me of his cold-eyed stare when Beydaar divorced me. How painless and undemanding it was for him! I have been hospitalized for three months. They said “We have discovered a “mass’ in your lower abdomen” I knew from the outset that I had some form of cancer because the doctor didn’t equivocate and I was right, it was Ovarian cancer, in its final stages. I took the news calmly agreeing that immediate hospitalization was the most prudent course of action. I had never desired to live throughout my life, but now! 37

“You were delicate as a rose petal and your face was as bright as a full moon that was why we named you Mahgul, moonflower,” said my father. “In the darkest of my nights, I think about you and your bright smile and it gives me hope and a promise for the brighter days to come, my dearest Mahgula!!” he further added cupping my face with his hands. A father’s love has no match in the world. He sows the seed and waters it until it becomes a plantlet. Although he knows that the plantlet is fragile and dear to him and there are some wild animals outside, still he protects her, trusts her, and always gives her enough confidence to move in the society. To let her grow by herself. I remained that same Mahgul, fresh like a flower waiting for spring to bloom, as bright as a full moon until Beydaar came into my life. ---------------------------------------------- My life was exactly like that of Rumi’s during the first few months after I tied the knot with Beydaar. A picture-perfect life! My mother got me the same wine red gown for my wedding. Everything was perfect, at least it seemed so... It was after six months of our marriage that I discovered that he consumes cocaine. He lost his job as he was found guilty of using drugs at his workplace. He lost interest in everything. With every passing day, his condition was getting worse. Every coming day was more grueling than the previous one. I got to see his new face of him every day. I had two miscarriages due to hypertension and being access to medical facilities. Devastated and hopeless, I wanted to end my life. But my fate had a lot to offer me. When I told him that I wanted to do a job and earn for myself, he locked me up in a small storeroom. Devoid of food, water, and fresh air, I thought I and the small life inside my womb were going to end. After a few days, one night in the same storeroom I gave birth to my boy, Muzzamil. I was scared, unsure of what to do, I cut the umbilical cord by myself. How it feels to separate your body part from yourself!! 38

I couldn’t see his face but I could feel it. That little soul gave me hope to live. Those tiny hands needed support. It reminded me of what my father said, “ You are like a full moon in the darkest of my nights”. His bright eyes gave me a promise for the better days to come. Finally, I could see a light in that dark room. Soon that haunted room turned into a garden pregnant with seductive aromas and scintillating colors. His weak shrilling cries sounded like a bird’s song on a fresh spring morning. I pledged that I have to live for him! After eight months of our divorce, I received the news of Beydaar’s death. They said his clothes caught fire and he was so heavily drugged that he didn’t realize it until his whole body got wrapped up in flames. He turned my life into hell, and he ended up burning himself in the hell created by him. -------------------------------------- On my death bed, I often think about Rumi. Was her life the same? Do her eyes still shine? When I look back at my life, it seems like a bunch of fairy lights strands, intertwined with each other. It took my entire life to detangle them. I don’t remember anything about my wine red wedding gown, all I remember is my eyes that turned wine red every time I cried for hours. My eyes look sad because they had dreamed of happy endings, of green meadows and rainbows with thousand colors but all they saw were some broken promises and stolen dreams and hurting words. They have forgotten how to unsee. Yes! The sadness wouldn’t go away; but yes I didn’t fail Yes! I am a survivor........ -------------------------------------------------- 39


‫اے کاتب اس درد کی حقیقت کیا ہے‬ ‫مرے سفِر حسِن ذوق کا انجام کب آۓ‬ Ae Kaatib is dard ki haqeeqat kiya hai Mere safr-e-husn-e-zouq ka anjaam kab aye (Oh Writer what is the truth behind this pain When will I complete my journey of passion) ‫بنیاِد ہستی پر قائم جو گھومتا ہوں میں‬ ‫سوچوں ضمیر کی جرأت آخر کام کب آۓ‬ Bunyad-e-hasti par qaym jo ghumta houn mein Sochun zameer ki jurat aakhir kaam kab aye (I proceed firmly on my own foundation Wondering when does the effort of the mind work out) ‫نہ جان کر بھی بولنے والے کیا بولتے ہیں‬ ‫ان کی حقیقِت پست ہمتی کا پیغام کب آۓ‬ Na jaan kar bhi bolne walay kia boltay hain Un ki haqeeqat-e-past himmati ka peghaam kab aye (How the talkers like to speak without knowing When will their low struggles be truthfully exposed) ‫حسِن ترتیب و نظِم ضبط کا مفسر ہوں میں‬ ‫دنیا کے روشن چراغوں میں مرا نام کب آۓ‬ Husn-e-tarteeb aur nazm-o-sabt ka mufassir houn mein Dunya ke roshan chiraaghon mein mera naam kab aye 41

(I explain the beauty of order and balance When I be among the illuminators of the world) ‫اگر جہاِد زندگانی میں فاتح بھی ہو جاؤں‬ ‫رضامنِد کامل نہ ہوں تو آرام کب آۓ‬ Agar jihad-e-zindagani mein fateh bhi hojaon Razamand-e-kamil na houn to araam kab aye (Even if I am a conqueror in the battle of life When will I rest without complete satisfaction) ‫وقت کا کیا معلوم ہے مقصد رسانی میں‬ ‫نہ جانوں کرِن احساس کب شام کب آۓ‬ Waqt ka kiya maaloom hai maqsad rasani mein Na jaanun kirn-e-ehsaas kab shaam kab aye (There is no track of time in the achievement of objective When does the ray of hope and the evening arrive) ‫اے کاتب حیؔدر کیسے تری بڑائی جانے‬ ‫منتظر ہوں کہ الہاِم علِم مقام کب آۓ‬ Ae Kaatib Haider kese teri barayi janay Muntazir houn ke ilham-e-ilm-e-muqam kab (Oh Writer, how can Haider understand your Greatness I await the realisation of the knowledge of my place) 42

‫‪D‬‬ ‫سات منزلہ آسمان‬‫‪q‬‬ ‫بچپن میں ہم سنتے تھے کہ یہ کائنات سات آسمانوں اور سات دنیاؤں پر مشتمل ہے‪ .‬ساتوں آسمان ایک‬ ‫دوسرے کے اوپر تہ در تہ ہیں تو‪ ،‬ہمارے ذہن میں آتا کے ہوسکتا ہے یہ دنیا بھی ایسی ہو‪ .‬اگر ہم زمین کو بہت‬ ‫زیادہ کریدیں گے تو اس کے نیچے ایک اور دنیا ہو گی اور پھر اس کے نیچے ایک اور پھر ایک اور‪ .‬لیکن دنیا ایسی‬ ‫نہیں ہوتی‪.‬‬ ‫ ‬ ‫میرا دفتر جس عمارت میں ہے ساخت کے لحاظ سے آسمانوں کی طرح ہے لیکن ہر آسمان میں ایک الگ دنیا‬ ‫بسی ہوئی ہے‪.‬‬ ‫ ‬ ‫عمارت میں داخل ہوتی ہی ایک دنیا ہے جس میں لوگوں کا پیشہ تو ایک سا ہے لیکن سب ایک دوسرے سے‬ ‫بیگانے ہیں‪ .‬چوکیدار ایک رضوان (جّنت کا فرشتہ) کی مانند ہے جو ہر آنے والے کو یوں دیکھتا ہے کہ آیا یہ جّنتی‬ ‫ہے یا نہیں‪.‬‬ ‫ ‬ ‫یہاں زندگی کی دوڑ لگی رہتی ہے اور ہر ایک اپنے کاموں‪ ،‬خیالوں‪ ،‬اور سوچوں میں ڈوبا رہتا ہے‪ .‬پہلی منزل پر‬ ‫پوھنچتے ہی یوں لگتا ہے کے یہ فریب کی دنیا ہے چونکے دکان میڈیکل اسٹور کی ہوتی ہے اور اس میں چپل کے‬ ‫گودام ہیں‪ .‬یہ بھی کہ سکتے ہیں کہ اس دنیا کے لوگوں کے اعمال اور تقدیر اس آسمان میں جمع ہوتے ہیں‪.‬‬ ‫ ‬ ‫اگلے آسمان (دوسری منزل) پر شریعت کی حکومت ہے چونکے وہاں شریعت کورٹ کے وکلاء کے دفاتر ہیں‪.‬‬ ‫لیکن یہ بول سکتے ہیں کہ یہاں کا راجہ گیگیانی‬ ‫صاحب ہے کیونکہ ان کے دفتر میں زیادہ تر لوگوں کا آنا جانا رہتا ہے‪ .‬ان کے دفتر کے باہر فائلز کی ڈھیر ہوتی ہے‪،‬‬ ‫یوں لگتا ہے شریعت کے سارے مسائل کا حل انہی کے پاس موجود ہے‪.‬‬ ‫‪urr Akhla‬‬ ‫‪43‬‬

‫‪D‬‬‫تیسری منزل میں مشرقی طرف پر دو میز پڑے رہتے ہیں‪ .‬جس پر دو آدمی لیٹے رہتے ہیں‪ .‬یہاں کی خاموشی یا‬‫‪q‬‬ ‫تو ان دونوں کی باتیں توڑتی ہیں یا تو ان کے خراٹے‪ -‬کبھی کبھار یہاں سکوت ہوتا ہے‪-‬‬ ‫ ‬ ‫چوتھی منزل پر یوں لگتا ہے یہ دنیا رہائش کے کابل نہیں کیونکہ یہاں نہ کوئی انسان دکھائی دیتا ہے اور نہ‬ ‫کوئی جانور‪ .‬یا تو یوں کہہ لو یہ مردوں کا آسمان ہے جہاں ہر وقت خاموشی چھائی رہتی ہے‪-‬‬ ‫ ‬ ‫پانچوے آسمان پر زمین والون کے مسائل کا حل ملتا ہے‪ -‬ویسے یہاں کوئی انسان تو کبھی نظر نہیں آتا مگر‬ ‫سامنے ایک بورڈ پڑا رہتا ہے جس پر لکھا ہے ریل ‪ estate‬ایجنٹ‪ -‬زمین اور زمین والوں ک مسائل‪---‬‬ ‫ ‬ ‫چھٹی منزل پر ہر مسلے کا حل مل سکتا ہے بشرط کبھی ہاشم رضا صاحب مل جی‪ -‬اس منزل پر پوھنچتے ہی‬ ‫آپ سامنے دیوار پر ہاشم رضا (ایڈووکیٹ ہائی کورٹ) لکھا نظر اتا ہے‪ -‬لیکن صرف نام ہی نظر اتا ہے بندا کبھی‬ ‫نظر نہیں آیا‪-‬‬ ‫ ‬ ‫ ‬ ‫ساتویں منزل پر ہماری دنیا‪ ،‬یعنی ہمارا دفتر ہے‪ -‬دنیا کی طرح یہاں بھی ہر وقت زندگی کی دوڑ لگی رہتی ہے‪-‬‬ ‫بس یہاں سب پراےء نہیں اپنے ہیں لیکن یہاں کے انسان مصنوعی ہیں‪ .‬ان کی ہنسی مصنوعی‪ ،‬جذبات‪،‬‬ ‫احساسات‪ ،‬الفاظ سب مصنوعی ہیں‪-‬‬ ‫یہاں اکثر مرد ہی نظر آتے ہیں جن کی بحث کا مرکز جنس مخالف‪ --‬کچھ لوگ ان آسمانوں سے بےخبر اور بےنیاز‬ ‫ہونے کے لیے ایک کونے کا انتخاب کرتے ہیں‪ -‬یعنی کونے میں لگی لفٹ کا استمال کرتے ہیں اور خاموشی سے دنیا‬ ‫سے ساتوے آسمان تک کا سفر ایک بند کمرے میں کرتے ہیں‬ ‫‪urr Akhla‬‬ ‫‪44‬‬

Life imitates art? Art imitates life? Here's a glimpse at Minahil Rizwan's (@minahilsartt) incredible 45 artwork!


PHOTOGRAPHY by Sarah Ranjha & @Naktsfeja 47

HOMECOMING Days and weeks are floating in the past, By Fartima Riaz Abandoning me in the present. Winters are asleep and the seeds of summer endear But my soul, you are still as cold as snow. Come back home, for it’s been long and long ago, To spring again yet another year. I lost you in the crimson blue of the sky, Turned my eye and let you die. Now, I search for you in every blow of the wind; That blinds the moment I’m in And caresses every inch of my skin. For the roads are unending for me to find. You departed, leaving no trace behind Like words did to my poetry And my dreams did to the dawn. The pale moonlight knocks my window and be gone; Maybe its light is the path that will some night, Bring you back home to me. My soul, I am writing this to you For you drifted into a world I never knew. Maybe this letter never reaches your shore, But before the sun kisses the night and time be no more; Come back home, for it’s been long and long ago, To spring again yet another year. 48

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