...And Justice For All2016-17 THE NEWSLETTER OF THE LEGAL AID SOCIETY OF PALM BEACH COUNTY WINTER 2017BOARD OF DIRECTORS OUR MISSION:EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR To provide high quality civil legal advice, representation, and education to disadvantaged of PalmRobert A. Bertisch, Esq. Beach County so as to protect their personal safety, enhance their opportunities and living conditions, and promote self-sufficiency.ADMINISTRATORMichael Spillane Legal Aid’s Fair Housing Project Attorney Teams with Holland & Knight To Win Case for TenantsDIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENTHarreen Bertisch Alison Brown of the law firm of Holland & cause the landlords, Michael and Jennifer Diaz, Knight and Denise Mutamba of The Legal failed to use the rent money to pay them. In Sep-BOARD OF TRUSTEES Aid Society of Palm Beach County recently won tember, 2014, the situation turned dire when theDavid Ackerman, Esq. more than $40,000 for a group of low-income ten- landlord collected rent for the next month and,Claire Arnold ants who were forced out of their extended-stay days later, forced them to leave. The tenants hadF. Greg Barnhart, Esq. ww motel rooms by unethical landlords. The monies to find emergency housing and many were not ableBill Bone, Esq. awarded are intended to compensate each victim to take their belongings with them. Some had toPatrick J. Casey, Esq. fairly for the violations of their rights, and, in some place their pets in a shelter.Melinda Penney Gamot, Esq. cases, emotional distress.Mariano Garcia, Esq. Alison and Denise represented eight of the tenantsDavid M. Gaspari, Esq. The tenants, some of whom are disabled, had been pro bono in a jury trial before Judge CherylGarry Glickman, Esq. living in squalor for many years at the Breezeway Caracuzzo of Florida’s 15th Judicial Circuit onCarey Haughwout, Esq. Inn in Lake Worth, FL. Their rooms were roach September 12th. They successfully proved that theThomas Kingcade, Esq. and bed bug infested. In fact, one of the tenant’s landlords had violated Florida’s Landlord-TenantJane Kreusler-Walsh, Esq. children had to go to the hospital as a result of ex- Act, the Fair Housing Act and had committed aRichard Lubin, Esq. tensive bed bug bites. While utilities were included breach of rental agreement. The plaintiffs plan toRafael J. Roca, Esq. in the rent, they were regularly disconnected be- file a motion for attorney’s fees and costs.Michael Salnick, Esq.Victoria A. Vilchez, Esq. WINTER 2017 • 1BOARD OF DIRECTORSPresidentMichelle R. Suskauer, Esq.Immediate Past Pres.Miriam Acosta-Castriz, Esq.1st Vice-PresidentLawrence P. Rocheforte, Esq.2nd Vice-PresidentRobert H. Friedman, Esq.SecretaryScott C. Murray, Esq.TreasurerJerry Beer, Esq.DIRECTORSLeslie Artsis AdamsRichard M. Benrubi, Esq.Bridget A. Berry, Esq.Robin Bresky, Esq.Carla Tharp BrownSarah Cortvriend, Esq.Cheryl K. CrowleyVincent F. CuomoJeffrey A. DevoreHoward D. DuBosar, Esq.Karis Engle, M.S.Joseph G. Galardi, Esq.Richard D. GreenfieldJack P. Hill, Esq.John Howe, Esq.Denise Rappaport Isaacs, Esq.W. Hampton Keen, Esq.Nancy LambrechtEllen S. Malasky, Esq.J. Grier Pressly, III, Esq.Devin S. Radkay, Esq.Matthew Sackel, Esq.Robert M.W. Shalhoub, Esq.Grasford W. Smith, Esq.Rebecca Mercier Vargas, Esq.Gary Woodfield, Esq.
Letter from the President and Executive DirectorDear Friends and Supporters, Robert A. Bertisch, Esq. This issue recognizes the outstanding work being done by the Florida Bar’s Standing Executive Director Committee on Pro Bono Services in re-energizing the 20 Pro Bono Committees throughout the state of Florida including our own 15th Judicial Circuit Committee.Michelle R. Suskauer, Esq. Thanks to the leadership of Circuit Court Judge Ashley B. Moody of the 13th Judicial Board President Circuit in Tampa, the committees in each circuit have renewed their commitment to expand and enhance the pro bono services provided by the private bar in their areas. Here in Palm Beach County, Chief Judge Jeffrey Colbath has appointed Circuit Court Judge Samantha Schossberg Feuer to chair the 15th Judicial Circuit Pro Bono Com- mittee. The Committee is comprised of representatives from all the county’s voluntary bar associations, members of the judiciary, and representatives from the Legal Aid So- ciety and Florida Rural Legal Services. Judge Feuer’s energy and enthusiasm have in- fused committee members with the desire to strengthen efforts to increase legal services to the disadvantaged by enlarging the number of private attorneys accepting pro bono referrals. Through the committee’s efforts, new and innovative projects to attract additional pro bono attorneys have been created. These include the “100% Club” which recognizes and honors all firms in our community which achieve 100% participation in Legal Aid’s Pro Bono Project by either handling one or more pro bono matters or contribut- ing $350 or more to the program. In 2016, 40% of those attorneys who made financial gifts donated between $400 and $2,000 to the campaign. On October 24, 2016, in observance of the American Bar Association’s National Pro Bono Week, the West Palm Beach office of Greenberg Traurig, P.A. hosted a 15th Cir- cuit Pro Bono event to raise awareness of the legal needs of the low and moderate in- come residents of our county. The evening honored both Equal Justice Works (EJW) Fellows and Legal Aid of Palm Beach County’s staff and volunteer attorneys for their contribution and commitment to access to equal justice. This issue also highlights successful partnerships between Legal Aid lawyers and pro bono attorneys in protecting the rights and safety of the low-income clients we serve, as well as an article on pro bono services from a judicial perspective. Once again, I wish to thank the Palm Beach County legal, business, and social action groups for their unwavering support of the work we do to enhance the health, safety and welfare of all residents of Palm Beach County. Hoping you all had a wonderful holiday and a happy and healthy new year. Robert A. Bertisch, Esq. Michelle Suskauer, Esq. Executive Director Board President2 • LEGAL AID SOCIETY
Legal Aid Welcomes New Board Members Carla Tharp Brown, the New Executive Director of the Palm Beach County Bar Association, is a recent transplant from Atlanta, Georgia. She served as the Director of the Atlanta Bar As- sociation’s Lawyer Referral and Information Service and Modest Means Program for 14 years. Brown received her Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing from Ohio University. She also received her paralegal certificate from the National Association of Paralegals in 2002. She currently serves as a consultant on the American Bar Association’s Program of Assistance and Review.Cheryl K. Crowley is the Founder and Creative Master of ImMediacy Public Relations, Inc.Cheryl has more than 25 years of public relations, community relations, and marketing expe-rience. She is one of the best known and most accomplished public relations professionals inSouth Florida. Her clients have ranged from major national corporations to local non-profitorganizations, and small businesses. In 2008, President George W. Bush presented Cherylwith the U.S. Freedom Corps President’s Call to Service Award, for her nearly 20 years ofpublic relations and marketing work on behalf of the Literacy Coalition of Palm Beach County.Cheryl is very active in the community, including roles as Co-Chair of the Public RelationsCommittee for the Executive Women of the Palm Beaches, Pooch Prom Founder and Co-Chairwoman for DATA, and a Judge for the Jefferson Award. Cheryl lives in Palm BeachGardens with her husband Brian.15TH CIRCUIT PRESENTS 100% CLUBT he re-energized 15th Judicial Circuit’s Pro Bono Committee under the leadership of Judge Samantha Feuer has created a number of new initiatives to promote andexpand pro bono services to the disadvantaged children, families, elders and individualsresiding in our community. Chief among the initiatives is the establishment of the 100%Club which recognizes those law firms in our county, no matter the size, who achieve100% participation in Legal Aid’s Annual Campaign for Equal Justice. Participationincludes each attorney in the firm annually handling a Legal Aid referral or contributing$350 or more to Legal Aid’s Annual Campaign.Judge Feuer announced the creation of the 100% Club at the 28th Annual Pro BonoRecognition Evening held on May 7, 2016. The first Campaign for Equal Justice letterwas sent to all Florida Bar members in the circuit on October 24, 2016, and responsesare quickly coming in. When your firm reaches the 100% mark it will be recognizedin Legal Aid’s Monthly Buzz E-Newsletter, on the home page of our website, and atthe 29th Annual Pro Bono Recognition Evening to be held on Saturday, June 3, 2017 atthe Palm Beach County Convention Center. The firm will also be recognized in thePalm Beach County Bar Bulletin. WINTER 2017 • 3
E X A M P L E S O F In House Attorneys working with Pro Bono AttorneysTypically, staff attorneys in the Domestic Violence Project of the Legal Aid Society assist victims of violenceand stalking by obtaining Final Judgments of Injunction for Protection (restraining orders) against abusersin Circuit Court. However, recently, the Project’s attorneys working together with pro bono attorneys fromThe Law Offices of Robin Bresky and the Law Office of Kreusler-Walsh, Compiani & Vargas, P.A., have ob-tained positive results for victims from the Florida 4th District Court of Appeals. In doing so, they were ableto not only provide specific legal relief for their clients, but also to help shape important case law whichaffects all victims of abuse. 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men a hearing. The 4th District Court of Appeals agreed and remanded the case back to the Circuit Court for have experienced some form of physical a hearing on the victim’s allegations. violence by an intimate partner In the second case, Domestic Violence Project At- In the first case, the client, a 39 year old Russian immi- torney Megan McDonough, had represented Jen- grant, had requested an Injunction for Protection From nifer, the victim, in an extensive hearing on her Domestic Violence against her husband of three years, which petition for a Final Judgment of Injunction for Pro- had been denied outright by the court without a hearing, tection Against Repeat Violence. Jennifer, the vic- even though her initial petition specially described repeated tim, had ended the relationship with her abusive acts of violence by her spouse. With the help of Attorney boyfriend. However he would not leave her alone John Mann from the Law Offices of Robin Bresky, an Ap- and stalked her by repeatedly calling, leaving peal was filed arguing that the initial petition contained threatening messages, showing up at her work and enough specific acts of violence to require the judge to hold threatening to kill her. He choked her on two sepa- rate occasions , one time so badly she was sent4 • LEGAL AID SOCIETY home from work because of the bruises on her neck. Legal Aid Attorney, Megan McDonough, presented this evidence to the court. After the hear- ing, the Judge denied to enter a Final Judgment of Injunction because they stated that the victim had only presented evidence as to one incident of violence, not satisfying the “repeat” requirement. With the help of Attor- ney Rebecca Mercier Vargas, of the Law Office of Kreusler- Walsh Compiani & Vargas, P.A. and Legal Aid Board member, an appeal was filed and the 4th District Court of Appeals agreed with Megan’s position that stalking behavior is included in the definition of “violence” and required the District Court to enter the injunction indefinitely. THESE APPEAL CASES ARE EXCELLENT EXAMPLES OF POSITIVE OUTCOMES THAT CAN RESULT WHEN PRO BONO ATTORNEYS AND LEGAL AID JOIN FORCES TO MEET THE LEGAL NEEDS IN OUR COMMUNITY.
Pro Bono Services From a Judicial PerspectiveJudges can and should support pro bono legal services. Often judges feel hamstrung in their abilities to assist legal aid organi-zations. However JEAC Opinion 2014-26, November 26, 2014states that “a judge’s contribution to a legal aid organization sendsone message: the judge supports the concept that all persons are en-titled to legal services regardless of their ability to pay, and that sup-port of legal services to the indigent is a ‘core value’ of the legalprofession.”Recently, the Florida Bar Foundation hosted a webinar regardingHow Judges Can Support Pro Bono and not run afoul of JudicialCanons and Judicial Ethics Advisory Opinions. First and foremost,they can speak publicly at events to lawyers about the importanceof handling pro bono cases both from an altruistic perspective aswell as a learning experience perspective. For example, judges canspeak to new lawyers at their swearing-in ceremonies, younglawyers events, bar events, and CLE programs. Judges can also helporganize trainings, summits and CLEs for attorneys to take pro bonocases in the areas of foreclosure or foster care. Judges can assist insetting up self-help centers in courthouses for pro se litigants, canorganize meeting rooms in the courthouse for lawyers to meet withpro bono litigants and should try to call pro bono cases first on theirdockets.Public and private recognition of those attorneys who dedicate theirvaluable time to take pro bono cases is important and they shouldbe lauded for their efforts. For instance, judges can write thank youletters to lawyers who handled pro bono cases after the case has con-cluded. Attorneys can also be recognized through awards, thank younotes from the Chief Judge, through articles in local bar news, barjournals, and op-ed pieces.Judges set the example for lawyers and our legal community. Wehave a duty to demonstrate the importance of pro bono legal serv-ices. If we do our part others will follow suit and in doing so we willensure equal access to our judicial system.Sincerely,Chief Judge Jeffrey ColbathCircuit Court Judge Samantha Schosberg Feuer WINTER 2017 • 5
“Celebrating Justice”28TH ANNUAL PRO BONO RECOGNITION EVENINGOn Saturday, May 7, 2016, at “DERBY”, Legal Aid’s 28th Annual Pro Bono Recognition Evening & Auction,the following individuals were honored for their outstanding pro bono work for our clients.L-R (top) Maria J. Patullo, Staci Burton, Danet Figg, Matthew Sackel,Elizabeth Jones, Bob Goldberg, Robert Hauser, Amanda Rae Keller, (seated) Andrew Thomson, Lisa Markofsky, Holly Tabernilla and Anthony Vernace Patience A. Burns Event Chairs Rick and Karen Benrubi with Suzanne Foley Molly and Scott Smith “Serving Justice Award” Staci Burton Gregory Huber and Family Law Award Jennifer Lish Greg Coleman And Justice for All Award Judge Samantha Schosberg Feuer, Commissioner Melissa Bob Goldberg McKinley, and Michelle McGovern Special Services Award Robert J. Hauser Appellate Law Award Amanda Rae Keller Civil Litigation Award Lisa Markofsy & Andy Thomson Non Profit Award Maria J. Patullo Veterans Advocacy Award Shutts & Bowen LLP Firm Award Holly Tabernilla Immigration Law Award Anthony Vernace Community Services AwardPage 6 • Winter 2017
“Celebrating Justice”4 WONDERFUL GIFT GATHERING GALASGuests donated over 300 gifts at our four wonderful Gift front row: Janet Teebagy, Jennifer Rabin, Adam Rabin, Al Malefatto,Gathering Galas. The first event was held at the Moria Rozenson, Cynthia Napoleone, Michael Napoleone,Wellington Club at the Palm Beach International Eques-trian Center and hosted by Karen & Neil Anthony, Sherry Michelle McGovern back row: Steven Teebagy, Karen Anthony,& Jon Derrevere, Nicole Hessen Hammack, Michelle & Jon Derrevere, Sherry Derrevere, Nicole Hessen, John McGovernJohn McGovern, Cynthia & Michael Napoleone, Jennifer& Adam Rabin, Moria Rozenson & Al Malefatto, andJanet & Steven Teebagy. Ellen and Bruce Malaskyhosted the second event in their home. The third eventwas a Mimosa Brunch hosted by Amy Triggs and Jen-nifer Galardi. Donald Weidenfeld, Weidenfeld FinancialGroup of Raymond James & Associates, Peter Schorr,CEO, The Retreat, The South Palm Beach County BarAssociation, Robin Bresky, Lloyd A. Comiter, Denise R.Isaacs, Mark R. Osherow, Andrea O. Reid and Taryn G.Sinatra sponsored the final gala at the home of Steve &Zoe Greenberg. All four were wonderful social eventsin support of Legal Aid’s 28th Annual Pro Bono Eveningand Auction. Gary Betensky, Leonard Feuer, Jason LazarusPatricia Christensen, Ellen Malasky, Jessica Mason Donald & Fabiola Weidenfeld Zoe & Steve GreenbergKim Tendrich, Bob Bertisch, Gregory Tendrich, Bruce Malasky, Anatole Conde, Judge Lisa Small, Robin Bresky and John Mann Lisette Seigel and Debra Greenberg Winter 2017 • Page 7
“Celebrating Justice”16TH ANNUAL CUP OF JUSTICE GOLF CLASSICDespite Hurricane Matthew, the 2016 Cup of Justice Tournament Champions: Schwed, Adams, Sobel & McGinley:Golf Classic went off without a hitch and a great day of John Powers, Stephen Schwed, Evan Frederick,golf was enjoyed by all the participants.The tournament Brad Ball not shownraised $45,000 for Legal Aid’s Educational AdvocacyProject which strives to ensure equal access to publiceducation for children with disabilities in Palm BeachCounty. For the 16th year Board Member Robert M. W.Shalhoub chaired the event. Legal Aid was pleased tohave Sabadell United Bank as the Presenting Sponsor,Florida Crystals as Lunch Sponsor and Dex Imaging asDinner Sponsors once again this year. Congratulationsto Schwed, Adams, Sobel & McGinley, P. A., this year’sChampions.Bob Shalhoub, Bernadette Shalhoub, Paul Shalhoub and Top: Mark Luther, Christian Searcy, Jessica and Mike Goodfellow Danielle Shalhoub Jr., Bottom: Steve Walker and Christian Searcy, Jr Doug Clevenger, Erik Johnson, Nick Bezek Michael Cohn, Matt Tavolacci, Scott Perry, Jason GuariPage 8 • Winter 2017
“Celebrating Justice”PPANaKnAUkSKaI PuOsUkR i PourOver 200 wine aficionados enjoyed a fun- Ozzie Medeiros, Bob Bertisch, Harreen Bertisch Howard and Stacy DuBosarfilled evening of wine and beer tasting, & Eddie Schmidtwhile sampling amazing hors d-oeuvreshosted by noted attorney and wine con-noisseur John Pankauski. Sponsors ofthe event were Coral Gables Trust andBraman Motor Cars. Wines were pro-vided by The Blind Monk, J. Lohr, OneHope Wines, Southern Wine & Spirits, Vir-ginia Phillips, and the Pankauski Winery.Beer was provided by Due South Breweryand World of Beer. Table 26, Trader Joe’s,Hot Pies, and Publix contributed deliciousdelicacies. The evening raised $7,000 tohelp Legal Aid continue to provide muchneeded legal services to 8,000 disadvan-taged individuals and families each year. Dave and Lynn Aronberg, Kelsey Burke, Masimba Mutamba, John Pankauski Natalia Datena & Scott Perry13TH ANNUAL BOOKFEST The 13th Annual Holiday Bookfest at Palm Beach Gar- dens Barnes & Noble was sponsored by FAWL, Palm Beach County Chapter, F. Malcolm Cunningham, Sr. Bar Association, Lesser, Lesser, Landy & Smith, PLLC, Palm Beach County Hispanic Bar Association and Suskauer Feuer, LLC. In addition to raising funds, items were pur- chased for Legal Aid’s upcoming silent auction. Morgan & Cameron Bertisch read with Arielle, Mary Poppins & Captain HookBob Bertisch & Michelle Suskauer Rob & Ruth Friedman with Ryan, Heather & Jason Lazarus Winter 2017 • Page 9 daughter Rose and sons Sam & Max
“Celebrating Justice”BROOKS BROTHERS EVENT Brooks Brothers in the Gardens Mall once again hosted a wonderful evening of shopping to benefit the Legal Aid Society. This year’s event included a fashion show which highlighted the modeling skills of five renowned Palm Beach County attorneys – Abigail Beebe, Theo Kypreos, Gary Lesser, Patricia Leonard, and Michelle Suskauer. Christian Searcy, Abigail Beebe, Adam Rabin, Harreen Bertisch, Ellen Malasky, Patricia Leonard, Amy DevoreArmando Tabernilla, Holly Tabernilla, Bob BertischDavid Glatthorn, John Howe, Phillip Hutchinson Scott and Jamie Murray Misty and Richard Chaves Edward Downey, Catherine and David White Our Models: Michelle Suskauer, Abigail Beebe, Gary Lesser,Page 10 • Winter 2017 Patricia Leonard, Theo Kypreos
Giving Opportunities:Pankauski PourAnnouncing Sponsorship Opportunies for Saturday, June 3, 2017GRAND BENEFACTORS $10,000 DONORS $1,500• Prominent exposure in advertising, the event • Listing in advertising, the event program, sponsorprogram, sponsor board and event invitation board and event invitation• Special recognition during the event • 6 complimentary event tickets• Reserved seating at premiere tables CHAMPIONS $1,000• 20 complimentary event tickets • Listing in advertising, the event program, sponsorBENEFACTORS $5,000 board and invitation• Prominent exposure in advertising, the event • 5 complimentary event ticketsprogram, sponsor board and event invitation LEADERS $700• Special recognition during the event• 10 complimentary event tickets • Listing in advertising, the event program, sponsor board and event invitationPATRONS $3,000 • 4 complimentary event tickets• Prominent exposure in advertising, the event SPONSORS $500program, sponsor board and event invitation• Special recognition at pre-event parties and during • Listing in advertising, the event program, sponsorthe event board and event invitation• 8 complimentary event tickets • 2 complimentary event tickets Sponsor online at www.legalaidpbc.org For more sponsorship information contact Harreen Bertisch at 561.822.9763 or [email protected] Winter 2017 • Page 11
Legal Aid Society Nonprofit Org.of Palm Beach County, Inc. U.S. Postage423 Fern Street, Suite 200West Palm Beach, FL 33461 PAIDwww.legalaidpbc.orgFighting for Fairness West Palm Beach, FLPromoting Justice Permit No. 1445This newsletter is published by the Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County, Inc. at 423 Fern Street, Suite 200, West Plam Beach, FL 33401. TEL (561) 655-8944. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced in any form without the express consent of the Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County, Inc. Copyright 2012, all rights reserved. Look who can’t wait to see you at Legal Aid’s 29th Annual Pro Bono Recognition Event! Adam & Jennifer Rabin with Molly & Scott SmithSave the date and choose your sponsorship now!
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