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Home Explore Chapter 1_2_3 Word Study Workbook

Chapter 1_2_3 Word Study Workbook

Published by aryform0824, 2020-11-30 07:39:01

Description: Chapter 1_2_3 Word Study Workbook


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Contents Preface........................................................................................................................................... 2 Chapter 1 Spelling Patterns........................................................................................................ 3 Chapter 2 Word Meaning............................................................................................................ 4 Worksheet 1 Raise Up Your Homophones ......................................................................... 4 Worksheet 2 What is the real meaning? ......................................................................... 5 Worksheet 3 ................................................................................................................................ 6 Worksheet 4 Unravel Words Using Greek Roots ....................................................................... 7 Worksheet 5 Irony or Oxymoron Match The Drawing .............................................................. 9 Worksheet 6 Tic-Tac-Toe ......................................................................................................... 10 Chapter 3 Word Solving Actions.................................................................................................. 12 Worksheet 1 Matching Root Words, Prefixes and Suffixes .................................................... 12 Worksheet 2 Figure Out Base Words, Prefixes and Suffixes .................................................. 13 Worksheet 3 Pave the Way To The Future .............................................................................. 14 Answer Key .................................................................................................................................. 16 1

Preface Word Study Games, Drills and Exercises is a workbook consisting of different worksheets designed to strengthen the literacy skills of Grade 6 students. It has three (3) main goals: (1) To familiarize students with spelling patterns so that they can spell words correctly (2) To expand their vocabularies by introducing the following:  Homonyms and homophones  Words with Latin roots  Words with Greek roots  Oxymoron and Irony figures of speech (3) To identify word parts by means of prefixes, suffixes, root words or base words Worksheets shall cover the following:  Structured exercises  Games  Puzzles  Visual exercises Each worksheet shall have a corresponding answer key. 2

Chapter 1 Spelling Patterns Name: _____________ Class: ___________ Date: ________ Worksheet 1 Unjumble the Words Instructions: Fill in the blanks by re-arranging each jumbled word in the sentence. Read each sentence carefully. It shall provide the necessary clue. Write the correct word on each blank. Name: _____________ Class: ___________ Date: ________ 1. Last year, the Grade 6 student were ___________ (a u t h t g) to write personal narratives. 2. Precious (e a l m t s) ___________ are rare and have a high economic value. 3. After the war, there was a lack of (c e p a e) ___________ and order in all cities and towns. 4. Due to Covid-19 pandemic, children are not allowed to go out. Parents have to find (o o i r n d) ___________ activities for them. 5. When the policemen came, the robbers ran (y a w a) ___________. 6. Xavier won the basketball tournament. The students (c m r e s a d e) ________ on top of their lungs. 7. Her children like sports. Their favorite sport is (l y v l o b e l a l) ____________. 8. Aetas are (o n u s e g i i n d) _________ people who inhabit in scattered, isolated mountainous parts of the Philippines. 9. Nina is our school valedictorian. She received several (d a s a w r) __________. 10. The floods brought about by typhoon Ulysses (u a c e s) ___________ countless deaths. 3

Chapter 2 Word Meaning Date: ________ Name: _____________ Class: ___________ Worksheet 1 Raise Up Your Homophones Instructions: Distribute one set of homophone cards to each participant. Read the story below to them. Each participant needs to raise up his homophone card when he hears the homophone on his card being used correctly. If he raises his card first and is able to identify it correctly, he shall earn one (1) point. The participant, with the most number of points, shall win the game, when the story reading ends. Homophone Cards As sunshine came into my sight, I rolled out of my bed. The cold, steel floor touched my feet, as I bent down to find my slippers. I packed some math and science textbooks inside my bag. I had a quick breakfast, before I left the house. As I sneaked out of my house, I felt a gentle air whipped around my hair. I followed the path going to my friend’s house. On my way, I saw an ad of BlackPink concert. I started to add my savings mentally. “Will this sum of money be enough to buy a concert ticket? I can invite my friend so the two of us can attend the concert.” I passed by Mini Stop and saw a pair of air pods. I lost my old one and I wish for a new one. I know it is not right to steal them. Finally, I arrived at my friend’s house that is near a veterinary site. I exclaimed, “Wow, Jenny! Your house looks so grand. I think you are going to be the next heir to this house.” Jenny replied, “You think so too?” I smiled. 4

Name: _____________ Class: ___________ Date: ________ Worksheet 2 What is the real meaning? Instructions: Read the definitions carefully for each word. Next, write the letter for the corresponding definition that best describes how the word is used in the sentence. Word: bark a. A top protective outer sheath of a trunk b. A noise emitted by an animal _________ 1. The gardener stripped the tree of its bark. _________ 2. She woke up because of Snowy’s bark. Word: suit a. A set of outer clothes made of the same fabric b. Of appropriate fit _________ 3. The new uniforms really suit the students well. _________ 4. He wore a formal suit to the party last night. Word: mean a. Not kind, not generous b. To explain something _________ 5. What do you mean? _________ 6. Her friend was really mean to her when she left her alone. Word: right a. Morally good or acceptable b. Indicating a direction _________ 7. The taxi driver turned right at that corner. _________ 8. I hope we did the right thing. Word: ring a. To sound resonantly b. A precious metal in a circular form _________ 9. Her husband gave her a ring during their wedding anniversary. ________ 10. Her husband gave a ring to remind her of today’s event. 5

Name: _____________ Class: ___________ Date: ________ Worksheet 3 Across Down 6 Convincing or believable 1 Go away or remain away 8 The natural abode of plant or 2 Give training or information on a animal specific field 9 Means “You shall have the 3 Form a theory about something body.” in Latin without evidence 10 Favorable or advantageous 4 Charming or capable of attracting interest 5 Dismiss as inappropriate 7 Compliance with standards or rules 6

Name: _____________ Class: ___________ Date: ________ Worksheet 4 Unravel Words Using Greek Roots Instructions: Find the missing word that fits the sentence using the Greek roots in the parentheses. 1. Richie sang a song in a (mono) __________ voice. It never altered in pitch. 2. Eratosthenes, a famous (geo) ___________, calculated the size of the Earth. 3. The Philippines practices (dem) __________. It holds its elections every 6 years. 4. The heat in March and April is very high. The (therm) ____________ reaches 40 degrees Celsius. 5. Plato, an Athenian (phil) ____________, stated that \" Justice means minding one's own business and not meddling with other men's concerns. 7

6. _________(logy) is the study of living organisms. 7. The car’s speed is not accurate because its _________(meter) broke down. 8. You will be accused of plagiarism, if you do not attach a (biblio)_____________at the end of your research paper. 9. (Hydr)_____________ power plants are being used to generate electricity nowadays. 10. The school librarian kept a ________(log) to record the list of books in the library. 11. She created a timeline by listing the events in (chron)______________ order. 8

Name: _____________ Class: ___________ Date: ________ Worksheet 5 Irony or Oxymoron Match The Drawing Instructions: Match each drawing with the appropriate irony or oxymoron by writing the sentences given on the provided space. After writing the sentence, identify if it is an irony or an oxymoron. List of Ironies and Oxymorons 1. The clown was seriously funny. 2. A fire station was on fire. 3. A police station was robbed. 4. I screamed silently, as my cat walked in with a dead rat hanging in his mouth. 9

Name: _____________ Class: ___________ Date: ________ Worksheet 6 Tic-Tac-Toe Players: Two (2) Instructions: A dice shall be tossed to determine the player to start the game. The person, who gets the most number shown on the dice, will be the first one to draw a slip of paper. He shall identify if it is an irony or an oxymoron. If he identifies it correctly, he shall get another chance to draw his icon on the 4x4 board. If he identifies it incorrectly, he shall forfeit his chance of drawing a slip of paper to the second player. The same rules apply to the second player. Who shall be the winner? The winner shall be the player who forms a vertical line or a horizontal line or a diagonal line with his icon. The following oxymorons and ironies shall be written on the slips of paper: 1. Her life is an open secret. 2. The marriage counselor filed a divorce herself. 3. She was walking alone in a crowd. 4. Her brother is a pilot who is afraid of heights. 5. The scientist discovered an invisible ink. 6. The traffic enforcer was caught violating traffic rules. 7. Did you eat one whole piece of chicken? 8. His Math teacher failed to answer his self-created word problem. 9. The baby had a restless sleep. 10. A woman tries to escape death by staying inside her house. Unfortunately, her house burned down and death caught up with her. 11. The newscaster was reporting some old news. 12. His intelligent son flunked the Ateneo College Entrance Exam. 13. She had some bitter sweet memories of her childhood. 14. Her sister is a famous singer who sings like a fire siren. 15. May I have the original copy of the contract? 16. A blind dog is leading a blind man. 10

4 x 4 Board 11

Chapter 3 Word Solving Actions Date: ________ Name: _____________ Class: ___________ Worksheet 1 Matching Root Words, Prefixes and Suffixes Instructions: Form a new word with a prefix and a suffix. You may need to drop the final e from the root word to add a suffix. Write your answers on the space provided below. 1. ______________________ 2. ______________________ 3. ______________________ 4. ______________________ 5. ______________________ Choose two (2) words and make a sentence for each one. 1. _____________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________ 12

Name: _____________ Class: ___________ Date: ________ Worksheet 2 Figure Out Base Words, Prefixes and Suffixes Instructions: Read the short paragraph below. Underline at least five (5) words that have prefix or suffix or both prefix and suffix. Write down the word on the space provided, then break them down accordingly. Indicate the meaning of the prefix or suffix or both, as well as the meaning of the base word. The process of learning technology can be a source of enjoyment or disappointment. Some people learn the skills quickly and become programmers. Others find it difficult and feel incapable. As such, they give up out of frustration. It depends on how people look at it, as well as how they live up to the challenge. Word Prefix + Base Word Or Meaning of Base Word + Suffix Or Prefix, Base Word, Suffix 1. Prefix + Base Word +Suffix (whichever is applicable) 2. 3. 4. 5. 13

Name: _____________ Class: ___________ Date: ________ Worksheet 3 Pave the Way To The Future Instructions: Pave the way to your future word solving actions by connecting words that are related to each other. How? Think of words that have the same base or root word. For example, D for dictator, dictate, dictatorship. For each letter of the given word below, think of at least three words that have the same base or root word. PA VE WA Y 14

Choose two (2) letters from the given words. Create two (2) sentences: one (1) sentence per letter using all three (3) words written underneath the letter chosen. 15

Answer Key Chapter 1 Spelling Patterns Worksheet 1 Unjumble the Words 1. taught 2. metals 3. peace 4. indoor 5. away 6. screamed 7. volleyball 8. indigenous 9. awards 10. cause Chapter 2 Word Meaning Worksheet 1 Raise Up Your Homophones The answers are in bold. As sunshine came into my sight, I rolled out of my bed. The cold, steel floor touched my feet, as I bent down to find my slippers. I packed some math and science textbooks inside my bag. I had a quick breakfast, before I left the house. As I sneaked out of my house, I felt a gentle air whipped around my hair. I followed the path going to my friend’s house. On my way, I saw an ad of BlackPink concert. I started to add my savings mentally. “Will this sum of money be enough to buy a concert ticket? I can invite my friend so the two of us can attend the concert.” I passed by Mini Stop and saw a pair of air pods. I lost my old one and I wish for a new one. I know it is not right to steal them. Finally, I arrived at my friend’s house that is near a veterinary site. I exclaimed, “Wow, Jenny! Your house looks so grand. I think you are going to be the next heir to this house.” Jenny replied, “You think so too?” I smiled. Worksheet 2 What is the real meaning? 16

1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. b 7. b 8. a 9. b 10. a Worksheet 3 Discover Puzzling Words Using Latin Roots Across 6 credible 8 habitat 9 habeas corpus 10 beneficial Down 1 absent 2 educate 3 speculate 4 captivating 5 reject 7 conformity Worksheet 4 Unravel Words Using Greek Roots 1. monotone 2. geologist 3. democracy 4. thermometer 5. philosopher 6. Biology 7. speedometer 8. bibliography 9. Hydroelectric 10. catalog 11. chronological Worksheet 5 17

Irony or Oxymoron Match The Drawing A fire station was on I screamed silently, A police station was The clown was fire. as my cat walked in robbed. seriously funny. with a dead rat Irony hanging in his Irony Oxymoron mouth. Oxymoron Worksheet 6 Tic-Tac-Toe 1. oxymoron 2. irony 3. oxymoron 4. irony 5. oxymoron 6. irony 7. oxymoron 8. irony 9. oxymoron 10. irony 11. oxymoron 12. irony 13. oxymoron 14. irony 15. oxymoron 16. irony 18

Chapter 3 Word Solving Actions Worksheet 1 Matching Root Words, Prefixes and Suffixes 1. abnormality or abnormally 2. unconsciousness 3. immortally or immortality 4. disappointment 5. indescribable Sample 2 sentences 1. When Nina failed the entrance exam, she herself experienced great disappointment. 2. She felt an indescribable pain when the knife pierced her tummy. Worksheet 2 Figure Out Base Words, Prefixes and Suffixes Sample five (5) words Word Prefix + Base Word Or Meaning of Base Word + Suffix Or 1. enjoyment Prefix + Base Word +Suffix Prefix, Base Word, Suffix 2. disappointment Base Word: enjoy (whichever is applicable) 3. quickly Suffix: ment Suffix “ment” means act or process of. Enjoyment means the act or process of enjoying. Prefix: dis Prefix “dis” means not. Base Word: appoint Suffix “ment” means act or process of. Suffix: ment Disappointment means the act or process of not keeping an appointment. To put simply, it means letting somebody down or failing to meet the expectations of someone. Base Word: quick Suffix “ly” creates adverbs. Suffix: ly Quickly means at a fast speed or rapidly. 19

4. frustration Base Word: frustrate Suffix “tion” turns a verb into a noun. 5. incapable Suffix: tion Frustration is the noun form of frustrate. Prefix: in Prefix “in” means not. Base Word: capable Incapable means not capable or unable to do something. Worksheet 3 Pave the Way To The Future Sample words P = play, player, playing A = architect, architectural, architecture V = vet, veterinarian, veterinary E = elevate, elevated, elevation W = watery, watermelon, waterproof A = appear, appearance, appearing Y = youngster, younger, young Sample sentences 1. The watery watermelon spilled on her waterproof jacket. 2. The youngster looked younger than his brother when he was young. 20


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