Company Profile
Board Of DirectorsCeo MessageOrganization ChartOur ValuesOur Business and Our GoalsAksoy Iraq CompanyAksoy Middle East CompanyMilestonesLubricantsBattery & FilterInternational Logistics ServicesDistribution ServicesApppendix – Contact Information
Board OfDirectors
Youssef KOCHAR Najman KOCHARFounding Chairman CEO & Vice Chairman
Our group name Deyari means, “gift.” Company’s will continue to have partnerships and long-term projects founder, honorary president, my beloved father with leading energy companies and will continue to Yusuf Kochar, established and named the company contribute our country’s stability with production andin1980. His goal was to ensure the development of the distribution.region and country, to have continuous developmentwith qualified and innovative perspective, to build new I would like to take this opportunity to extend my sincerestvalues to existing moral foundations while respecting gratitude to our greatest strength, our employees forand preserving country’s values and heritage. their dedicated efforts as well as our distribution and sales channels. I would also like to thank to all our globalToday Company mainly operates in petroleum and energy and petroleum sector partners that we signedderivatives products and their main and sub segment Macro Distributorship agreement, for their continuousproducts in energy sector, battery sector and international support and experience.logistic services. Respectfully yours,I would like to say we will continue to create value for oursubsidiaries and countries. In an era that world, especially Najman Kocharemerging countries like Iraq, has considerable political CEO & Vice Chairmanuncertainty; we were able to perform successfully. We
Organization Chart
GENERAL AND INTERNATIONAL TRADING Deyari DEYARİ RojCompany GROUP Company Deyari Trio Deyari Logistic Company Enternasyonal Otomotiv Deyari San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. Factory Aksoy Middle Zin East Company Company Aksoy Iraq Company
Our Values
One of Deyari Group’s unrelieved values is being respectful and then being commercially and socially ethical.Within years, the group has added other principles to main two values:These Values are:• To provide the best quality products and and see them as an advantage and positive services to our customers. value.• To develop in a dynamic way and to improve • We only make promises that we can keep. • Thanks to our respectful reputation, we reach our infrastructure to adopt changes to reach success with sustainable relations. corporate success. • We are aware that fairness, empathy, and be• To make difference and to be a leader in its sensitivity are indispensable factors of studious operation area and have long term /stable relationships, therefore, we encourage, help managers and employees. and support our employees.• To have impartial relationship with each other and • To behave our partners as we wish to be treated with our partners is important part of our success. and be trustful and fair.• To be aware of cultural and regional differencesDeyari Group in one of the Middle East’s most rapidly developing and growing countries, it has become ourtradition to have partnerships with global leader companies in their areas.
Our Businessand Our Goals
Our Business and Our Goal Our GoalsThrough successful and sustainable collaborations we have Our main target is to build partnerships with guidingestablished, our goal is to provide best products and services global companies to meet main and sub-sectors needsto our customers with integration and diversification policy and to reach our strategic goals. With these partnershipsand as a result of this to have better quality services. we aim to be the best company determining production and service quality in Iraq market, to develop a value chain that protects the customer and innovations.
Aksoy Iraq Company
Gazpromneft - Lubricants and G-Energy Middle East Macro DistributorDeyari Group started the partnership with Enak management with Aksoy Iraq Company. Iraq Company (which is a Aksoy Holding A.Ş. partnership company) to extract and refine of Gazpromneft is the fastest growing energy companycrude oil, and sell Gazpromneft - Lubricants and operates in petroleum and gas field in Russia.Gazpromneft brand started in 2011. Company already is ranked among first 20 petroleum companies in worlds market. Gazpromneft –In Middle East market, Deyari Group continues Lubricants is one of the biggest hydrocarbon andto sell, market, transport, distribute and storage energy firms and targets to become the leaderGazpromneft – Lubricants’ more than 300 lubricant company of Middle East.oil products under supply chain and logistic serviceVarta Iraq Macro Distributorship Agreement with Johnson ControlsInternationalDuring 2000’s due to the increasing battery demand A.Ş. in 2009). As a result of this negotiation, Iraqin Middle East, Deyari Group decided to expand its Macro Distributor Agreement was signed for sale ofoperations in battery sector. Delphi brand batteries as well as Varta batteries. Since 2012, Deyari Group is selling Varta batteriesDeyari Group, in accordance with understanding of in Iraq.continuous reliable supply management, has startednegotiations with world’s number one battery producer Aksoy middle east is part of Aksoy Holding andJohnson Controls International (JCI) regarding Varta Deyari Group Partnership Company.brand batteries in 2011 with their partner Enak Iraqcompany (partnership was built with Aksoy Holding For more information, please
Aksoy MiddleEast Company
Royal Dutch Shell and Iraq Macro Distributor AgreementIn 2007, Deyari Group started commercial sales, Shell Mineral Oil is produced and developed to meetmarketing, transportation, distribution and storage sector’s needs all around the world. Thanks to Shellof the Royal Dutch Shell products as well as and its experience in the sector, we try to provide theoperational services in Iraq market. In 2009, Enak best service to our customers. Shell Mineral Oil isIraq Company was built with partnership of Aksoy number one oil supplier with 70 years of innovationHolding A.Ş. (Turcas Petrol A.Ş.’ main affiliate in fuel history.and lubricant oil with 51.6% share and with AksoyHolding A.Ş that is 30% owner of Shell&Turcas) Aksoy Middle East is part of Aksoy Holding and Deyari Group partnership Company.Royal Dutch Shell products B2B Corporate Sales,and B2C Customer Sales were distributed to Iraq For more information, please www.aksoy.ıqmarket with these 2 channels through Iraq MacroDistributor Agreement with Royal Dutch ShellMineral oil in 2013.
MILE 1980s 1990s in 2002 in 2004STONES Company with “Deyari As one of the Iraq’s first Deyari Company First agreement was Company” commercial importer group, with completed the Macro Distributorship title started its border and free trade, construction of new agreement with BP and commercial activities in we mainly transport storages with 10.000 ton Castrol. North Iraq-Zaho. food, General Electric, capacity. Philips and Paşabahçe products to neighbors and 2005 in 2007 in 2008 in 2010 in 2010After the Macro Superfix Lubricants We sign partnership Deyari Group was Deyari Group has beenDistributorship Engine Oil brand was agreement with Staroil becoming Macro be Macro Distributor ofagreement, new close created. Petroleum. Distributor for Lukoil buildings were Akpet. During thisconstructed and we period Deyari Groupincreased capacity. established big fleet for delivery and distribution.
in 2011 in 2011 in 2012 in 2012 in 2012Partnership Agreement Macro Distributor Deyari Enternasyonal Deyari Group started Deyari Group becomewas signed with Aksoy Agreement was signed for Otomotiv San. Tic. to manufacture Adblue Macro Distributor forHolding A.Ş. And sale of Delphi and Varta Ltd. Şti., established products in Superfix Gazpromneft LubricantsAksoy Iraq Company batteries. in Mersin, Turkey. This brand. during Aksoy Iraqestablished. branch export products Company. to many countries in Middle East 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2014 in 2017Aksoy Middle East Leon and Triomax Auto Deyari Group become Deyari Group has been Deyari Group becomeCompany established batteries brand were Macro Distributor for be Macro Distributor of Macro Distributor forbetween Aksoy Holding created. Royal Dutch Shell Ferra Filter Yuko Lubricants.and Deyari Group Lubricants during Aksoy Middle East Company.
Battery & Filter
International Logistics Services
Organization and Operational InfrastructureDeyari Logistic works with professional customs brokerages under supervision of specialized personnel who are experts of custom legislation. Company continuously provides the best qualified service such as National and international custom areas, import, export, free trade zone, transit operations and paysattention to complete the process without any interruption.• Import/Export Services • Free Zone Processes• Foreign Trade Services • Container Transportation Services• Identifying The Origin • Multimode Transportation• Circulation Documents • Installation, Evacuation And Oversight Services• Transit Custom Procedures • Lowbed Transportation• Temporary Import Transactions • Project Transportation• Bonded warehouse servicesCompany Fleet25 trucks deliver products from Mersin Port to Companies’ warehouses in Iraq. 10 trucks, 4 lorries, 25 smalllorries, 50 cars, 10 forklift these all machines working to deliver products from our warehouses to customers’sales points in definite time.
Distribution Services
Delivery Assurance with Deyari GroupOne of our quality factors is the direct distributor system created between suppliers and consumers.Our service basis provided in many regions of Iraq with continuous development and improvement is: Shipments of allbrands in our supply chain are delivered for free from our storage to branches, distributors and all sale points.Our network in Iraq is our basic.Our trucks have to cover 437.072 km² area to deliver goods on time and safely in many regions of Iraq.We organize all goods from Zakho and Erbil headquarters and Dohuk, Baghdad, Kerkuk, Suleymaniye, Hillah, Mosul andBasra centers depending on common delivery points and guarantee you on time and safe delivery, We supply goodsgood from different regions in a fast way, distribute them and make them reach you as fast as possible.Since we were able to locate direct routes, platforms and transportation centers in a rational way, we can guarantee toprovide services in many regions in Iraq.All branches practices the same organization rules and practicesWith its homogeneous branch network and logistic processes Deyari Group can provide interrupted transportation in Iraq.Group has widespread service and distribution network in Middle East contries. Group provides the best service withhigh technology and high quality brands to its industrial customers. Bellowed are the factors helping us to offer goodswith self-confidence:• Headquarters in Zakho and Erbil, • Subsidiaries in different cities directed from center,• Export Office in Mersin, Turkey, • More than 60 wholesale distributors,• District offices in Dohuk, Baghdad, Kirkuk, Mosul, • After sales technical support services, • Dynamic human resource with 150 qualified and Suleymaniye, Hillah, Basra and Kamishli• 20.000 m² closed and 30.000 m² open transshipping fields, specialized staff and managers,• Replenishing and stock depots more than 20.000 ton • Technical after sales services for diesel vehicles. capacity,
APPENDIX - CONTACT INFORMATIONDeyari Company - Corporate HeadquartersAddress: Tilkeber Street block 14 No: 2 Zakho - IRAQTelephone : +964750 732 50 00 E-Mail : [email protected] Company - Mersin OfficeAddress: Camişerif Mah. Uğur Plaza 7/28, Akdeniz Mersin - TURKEYTelephone : +90 542 732 50 01 E-Mail : [email protected] CompanyAddress: Tilkeber Street block 14 No: 2 Zakho - IRAQTelephone : +964750 732 50 00 E-Mail : [email protected] Baghdad CompanyAddress: University Street 18 No 908 Baghdad, IRAQTelephone : +964772 330 10 00 E-Mail : [email protected] CompanyAddress: Haseki Street No:47 Amude Qamishli, SyriaTelephone : +90 542 732 40 04 E-Mail : [email protected] Middle East Company - Erbil Head OfficeAddress: Kerkuk Street Block 17 No : 1 Erbil –IRAQTelephone : +964750 731 50 00 E-Mail : [email protected] Iraq CompanyAddress: Tilkeber Street block 14 No: 2 Zakho - IRAQTelephone : +964750 732 50 00 E-Mail : [email protected]
Deyari Company - Corporate HeadquartersAddress: Tilkeber Street block 14 No: 2 Zakho - IRAQPhone: +964750 732 50 00Deyari Company - Mersin OfficeAddress: Camişerif Mah. Uğur Plaza 7/28, Akdeniz Mersin - TURKEYPhone: +90 542 732 50 01E-Mail: [email protected] |
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