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Great Conferences Start Here

Published by digital, 2019-08-20 11:19:53

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CATALYST® Abstract Management System • Digital Conference ContentPrinted Materials and Booklets • Mobile Conference AppGREATCONFERENCESSTARTHERE

ASIMPWAY YOU’RE BUSY. Conference planning is a never-ending, cyclical process. But what if it could be better? Simpler? What if you could alleviate the most frustrating parts of sourcing speakers, educational content and final conference materials—both print and digital? Omnipress has been serving the national association and conference industry for more than 40 years! We understand that the valuable, educational content you provide is the #1 reason attendees choose your event. We hope you choose to work with us from your initial call for abstracts to the delivery of your final conference materials based on our years of experience serving conference and event professionals just like you. Best,Jonny PoppGeneral ManagerOmnipressA SIMPLER WAY tocollect and deliverconference content.

LERDESIGNED WITH BEST PRACTICES IN MIND.Omnipress provides tools that improve processes for both event planners and submitters. Our suite of digital and print products and services include: GREATCONFERENCESSTART HERE01020304?=Q=IVPQԈ =>PQO=?Qҹ PMA=HAO Xh\"CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMMOBILE CONFERENCE APPPRINTED CONFERENCE MATERIALS@FCFQ=I ?LKBAOAK?A J=QAOF=IPTIME-SAVING FEATURES AND BENEFITS: Look for this icon throughout this booklet for ways Omnipress and our suite of conference products can save you time!

4 | 800.828.0305 | omnipress.comOUR MISSION IS TO PROVIDESUPERIOR SERVICE AND SOLUTIONS TO HELP OUR CUSTOMERS SHARE KNOWLEDGE.Omnipress is a privately-owned company located in Madison, Wisconsin. Our sole focus is to help associations and other organizations deliver educational content to their members, learners and stakeholders. As our name implies, Omnipress opened its doors back in 1977 as a printing company. We first catered to colleges anduniversities. By 1982, we were widely known by national associations as the “proceedings printer.”As digital technology became more prevalent in the 1990s, Omnipress expanded our products and services accordingly. Through it all, our focus has remained singular: to make the process of collecting, producing and sharing final educational materials as simple as possible.OMNIPRESS: A history of innovation.

BETTER CONTENT Better Conference.Educational content is the #1 reason people attend conferences. If you want higher-quality content, you need a better submission and review process. A better process requires a better system. A better system means a better experience for planners, submitters and reviewers. A better experience makes for more complete submissions...and you know, better content.CATALYST® by Omnipress was designed to make the content collection, review and distribution process simpler. Our platform offers the right tools, so you can work smarter.

6 | 800.828.0305 | omnipress.comCOLLECT CONTENT THAT BRINGS ATTENDEES BACKYEAR AFTER YEAR.CATALYST IS A FLEXIBLE ABSTRACT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM with an intuitive and configurable interface, useful speaker management tools and powerful reporting. It was designed with you in mind, so you can deliver true insights to your audience from the brightest minds in your industry. | 800.828.0305 | 7COLLECT THE RIGHT INFO, HOW YOU WANT ITFlexible and configurable, we set CATALYST up for you, per your requirements and specifications.A BETTER USER EXPERIENCE FOR MORE COMPLETE SUBMISSIONSAn intuitive design, clear visual cues, dynamic forms and role-based dashboards guide submitters and reviewers every step of the way.ENSURE THE INTEGRITY OF YOUR SUBMISSIONSUphold the quality of submissions with iThenticate® plagiarism detection software integration and a custom review scoring system for fair and consistent evaluation.SUPPORT FROM START TO FINISHFrom your own dedicated project manager to a searchable FAQ database, we provide the support you deserve.Tips for writing clear instructions submitterswill understand: keep it short, use contextual instructions and bulleted lists.GET MORE TIPS AT:

8 | 800.828.0305 | omnipress.comTHE TOOLS YOU NEED TO WORK SMARTER.SIMPLIFY YOUR WORKLOAD. Are you currently bouncing between multiple systems, emails or spreadsheets just to manage your conference content? Many planners find the process of gathering and scheduling final, attendee-facing content can also be a challenge. Not anymore. Manage all of your content processes with one tool—from collection to scheduling. | 800.828.0305 | 9BUILT-IN COMMUNICATIONS TOOLCreate custom batch emails to notify submitters and reviewers of your important messages.SCHEDULING TOOL WITH CONFLICT DETECTIONCreate your conference schedule and publish it to your website. Make last-minute changes and real-time updates.AMS INTEGRATIONSimplify data entry while reducing errors.PAYMENT COLLECTIONSecurely collect payment for submissions.FLEXIBLE REPORTINGCustomize reports to receive the data most important to you.PROJECTMANAGEMENTWE GET IT, YOU’RE BUSY.WELCOME TO A SIMPLER WAY.

10 | 800.828.0305 | omnipress.comTURN SUBMISSIONS INTOFINAL CONFERENCE CONTENT.CATALYST IS A CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM for all your accepted, attendee-facing content. After your submissions have been accepted and scheduled in CATALYST, turn them into final print and digital materials your entire audience will love before, during and after your event. | 800.828.0305 | 11MANAGE DIGITAL AND PRINT MATERIALSBecause Omnipress is both an event tech and a printing company, we produce both print and digital materials—right from CATALYST. CENTRALIZED CONTENT HUBSimplicity means one place to house all of your conference content. Even if you don’t use CATALYST for abstract management this year, use our system to organize and finalize digital or print materials now. REAL-TIME SCHEDULE UPDATES Make real-time updates to a digital schedule, so attendees always have the latest information at their fingertips. REPURPOSE CONTENT FOR MULTIPLE CHANNELSShare content on your conference website, mobile app, as a downloadable file, on a USB drive, CD or DVD and in printed materials like your conference booklet.CONTENTMANAGEMENTCOLLECT, MANAGE, SHARE,LEARN, LOVE.

12 | 800.828.0305 | omnipress.comWe design events to create opportunities that create interactions.“~ unknown | 800.828.0305 | 13BRAINSTORM TIME! Answer the questions below regardingyour own abstract management, content collection and distribution processes. YOUR TURN!The most cumbersome and time-consuming aspects of my current call-for-papers process are:If I could change just one thing about my process it would be: Features I’d love to see in an abstract management system are: 010203010203Psst! One of our abstractmanagement specialistscan help you with thisexercise!We love to think beyond the status quo to help youfind new ways to dothings better!

Notes:Quotes? Thoughts? Ideas?Jot them down here:14 | 800.828.0305 |



THERE’S FOUR GENERATIONSin the workforce today.Omnipress helps you reach all of them. From Baby Boomers to Generation Z, your conference now serves four generations—each with different learning styles and content delivery preferences. Ensure you’re meeting the needs of all attendees, while also increasing the value of your conference materials with event schedule softwareby Omnipress. Our event scheduling tool helps you serve up session schedules along with corresponding digital content that’s accessible and user-friendly for everyone.

16 | 800.828.0305 | omnipress.comUSER-FRIENDLY EVENT SCHEDULE AND DIGITAL CONTENT SOFTWARE.WHEN SOMETHING SO SIMPLE IS SO USEFUL, it’s easy to do more, a lot more. Stop publishing .pdfs to random places on your conference website. Instead, schedule and organize sessions and content thoughtfully. Even make last-minute changes in real time. Our searchable event schedule software allows users to browse content by session, track, author, topic and keyword, so they can find what they need faster. Even offer access to digital content like papers, presentations, images, videos and more. After the conference ends, create opportunities to reinforce learning, provide a way for attendees to explore sessions they didn’t attend and share educational materials with colleagues. Even create a multi-year library so your relevant content doesn’t have to disappear just because your conference ends—providing an added value to attendees. | 800.828.0305 | 17INTERACTIVE EVENT SCHEDULE AND SESSION CONTENTAttendees can easily interact with your event schedule and access digital content with an intuitve tool designed to optimize their experience. 4 WAYS TO SHARE YOUR SCHEDULE AND CONTENTShare your event schedule and digital content online by embedding it on your conference website or share it with a simple link. Share offline with a downloadable file or on a USB drive, CD or DVD INTEGRATE WITH CATALYST—PLUS YOUR AMS, CRM OR REGISTRATION SOFTWAREOur event schedule software integrates with CATALYST Abstract Management System by Omnipress. It also integrates with your existing AMS, CRM or registration software, so attendees receive a seamless experience. DIGITAL CONTENTCONTENT IS KING. WE HELPBUILD THE KINGDOM.

t18 | 800.828.0305 | omnipress.comMIX IT UP. You don’t have to choose between offering online and offline content to your attendees. A mix of delivery optionsprovides them with a choice in how they want to recieve it.HOW SHOULD I DELIVER MY DIGITAL CONFERENCE CONTENT TO ATTENDEES? ONLINEURL LINKWe host your event schedule and online digital session content for you. Link to it from your website or distribute it to your attendees with a simple url through an email or even on social media.EMBED A WIDGET ON YOUR WEBSITEEmbed our searchable schedule and content widget on your conference website with a small code snippet— we can implement for you! | 800.828.0305 | 19MEET THE NEEDS OF DIVERSE ATTENDEES. Distributing content offline is a great way for attendees to view even the most complex educational content and papers without the need for internet connectivity. OFFLINEHERE’S A GREAT IDEA: Both online and offline delivery channels provide opportunities to increasesponsorship dollars through advertising placements. USB, CD OR DVDSwag with a higher purpose. Facilitate learning after the event with our schedule and content tool on a portable device.DOWNLOADABLE ELECTRONIC FILEOur schedule and content tool in a downloadable format attendees can access any time.

20 | 800.828.0305 | omnipress.comTo achieve greatthings, two things areneeded; a plan andnot enough time.“~ Leonard Bernstein | 800.828.0305 | 21BRAINSTORM TIME! Use this area as an “idea sandbox.” Get creative. Doodle if it helps! The purpose of this section isto find ways to optimize your digital conference content. YOUR TURN!How could I re-use the most popular session content to attractnew attendees?How could I increase the usage and value of session content to increase attendee retention? How might I generate revenue from my content?Psst! We work with hundreds of conference planners each year and would love to share ideas with you on what other professionals are doing with digital materials!

Notes:Quotes? Thoughts? Ideas?Jot them down here:22 | 800.828.0305 |



THE QUALITY YOU EXPECTdelivered on time, every time.Omnipress is not your standard printer. We have specialized in printing conference materials for over 40 years! We are set up to deal with the tight deadlines and last-minute changes event planners are accustomed to—without sacrificing quality. Now, you only have to focus on getting yourself to the conference. We’ll take care of your printed materials.

24 | 800.828.0305 | omnipress.comOMNIPRESS HAS PRINTEDCONFERENCE MATERIALS FOR MORE THAN 40 YEARS.PRINT WITH THE CONFERENCE EXPERTS. We know that final conference details often come together at the last minute, leaving planners with a nearly impossible timeline to print and ship program materials.Our team of skilled, career professionals have worked on tens of thousands of conferences. We are set up to handle theproducts you need, from program booklets to posters—all delivered on time, every time.Think user experience (UX) is a concept reserved for websites? Think again. The usability of your program book is important too. READ MORE AT: | 800.828.0305 | 25FLEXIBLE PRINT RUN QUANTITIESIt doesn’t matter if you need to print a few hundred or a few thousand. A WIDE RANGE OF PRODUCT CAPABILITIES SO YOU CAN GET CREATIVEBooklets, posters, postcards and more. Plus, paper, tab and binding options. FORMATTING AND DESIGN SERVICESWe can take one more thing off your plate and ensure your printed materials look great. YOUR OWN ASSIGNED PROJECT MANAGERWork with a dedicated contact for the duration of your project.PRINTED MATERIALSWORKING WITH A SPECIALISTMAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE.

26 | 800.828.0305 | omnipress.comDesign is wherescience & artbreak even.“~ Robin Mathew | 800.828.0305 | 27BRAINSTORM TIME! Have you considered the design and layout of your printed conference materials? Do you look beyond your industry to find inspirational design ideas?YOUR TURN!List printed pieces you’ve come across that could serve asdesign inspiration for your next program booklet. Consider books from other conferences, online resources, etc.—the sky’s the limit! Your conference book can—and should—do more than just provide logistical information. An inspiring design can shape the attendee experience well before the opening session.READ MORE AT:

Notes:Quotes? Thoughts? Ideas?Jot them down here:28 | 800.828.0305 |



DELIVER MORE VALUEwith a fully-featured app.Attendees want the ability to manage their conferenceexperience from their smartphones. Which means theyexpect you to provide an app they can use to customizetheir schedule, access session content, network withfellow attendees and, of course, post selfies.CATALYST Abstract Management System works seamlessly with Attendify® mobile event app—one of the leading conference apps in the industry. It's fully loaded with the features attendees will love.

30 | 800.828.0305 | omnipress.comCREATE AN EXCEPTIONALMOBILE EXPERIENCE FOREVENT ATTENDEES.WE PAIR CATALYST WITH ATTENDIFY, A LEADING MOBILE EVENT APP so you can deliver the on-site experience attendees expect. Increase engagement with program content, generate sponsorship revenue and provide opportunities for attendees to network and share ideas.We do all the set up for you!According to some studies, 55% of Gen Z-ers spend 5+ hours on their phones each day. Is your conference ready for these mobile natives?READ MORE AT: | 800.828.0305 | 31POPULATE SESSION CONTENT FROM CATALYSTWe sync session schedule and program content including presentations, papers and more right from CATALYST. Users can then build their personal itineraries from the app. INTERACTIVE FLOOR MAPSHelp your attendees find their way around your event. SPONSORED POSTSIncrease sponsorship dollars by offering paid ads on user timelines that promote speakers, sponsors or exhibitors. IN-APP MESSAGINGGive attendees another way to connect with each other.REAL-TIME ANALYTICSGet insights into how attendees are engaging with the app. GAMIFICATIONIncrease engagement and the “fun factor” by including a gamification strategy for your event. MOBILEEVENT APPPOWER ENGAGING SOCIAL &CONTENT OPPORTUNITIES.

32 | 800.828.0305 | omnipress.comTell me and I forget,teach me and I may remember, involve meand I learn.“~ Benjamin Franklin | 800.828.0305 | 33BRAINSTORM TIME! Interactive and experiential conferencesand events are currently trending. Are you finding ways to provide attendees with memorable, immersive experiences?YOUR TURN!Use this space to brainstorm ways you can increase app adoption and usage at your next conference. Remember, event tech shouldenhance—not distract from—the attendee experience.What are some ways you could promote and increase the value of your mobile app to sponsors?Psst! Want to know what others are doing to increase the value of their mobile event app? We’ve gathered some great ideas from our customers that we’d love to share with you!

34 | 800.828.0305 | omnipress.comNotes:Quotes? Thoughts? Ideas?Jot them down here: | 800.828.0305 | 35

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Omnipress | Madison, Wisconsinwww.omnipress.com800-828-0305 [email protected]

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