When Is The Best Age To Start Baby Sleep Program? Sleep coaches agree that the best time to start sleep training (or encourage independent sleep and not necessarily using the cry-it-out method) is between three to six months. This is when your baby hasn't had time to learn to rock to sleep or nurse. Marissa Wallis, a Baby Sleep Consultant, CEO & founder of Sleep School, says that most babies at this age are ready to fall asleep on their own. Some babies experience a sleep regression around three months old. This happens because their sleep cycles are changing, and they have longer periods of light sleep. Marissa Wallis says, \"It's an excellent time to work on independent sleeping skills.\" Because they are learning new skills like rolling and moving, other babies won't fall asleep as much. Some parents wait for things to settle before they start a sleep-training program, while others do not. Marissa suggests that babies older than six months can still have good sleep habits. Baby Sleep School believes nine months is a good age for parents to get their baby to sleep through the night. He says that they are at an age where they can understand routines and don't need to eat throughout the night. However, the age of your baby could influence what sleep training method or Baby Sleep Program you use. A gentle shush-pat method with a five-month-old might work, but a one-year-old will likely be left in their crib while they cry or scream about the new bedtime. You shouldn't try a formal sleep-training technique before your baby is three months old. This will allow them to be able to take longer breaks between meals and develop their circadian rhythm. Many babies at this age still eat in the evening, but sleep training is not synonymous with night weaning. Many Baby Sleep Consultant states that most four-month-old babies can go through the
night alone without needing to be fed, but it doesn't mean that you should not respond and feed your baby if other methods are not working. Every situation is unique, so we recommend consulting a Baby Sleep Consultant before withholding night-time feedings for your baby. Baby Sleep School is such a place where you can get to know about all these in simple terms. You can also choose the most effective Newborn Sleep Program when you visit Baby Sleep School. For more info about Baby Sleep Program, to book an appointment with our Baby Sleep Consultant, or for Sleepy Sounds Machine, visit https://sleepschool.co/.
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