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Home Explore Employee Handbook v Jan 2018

Employee Handbook v Jan 2018

Published by pcurson, 2019-05-09 10:01:40

Description: Employee Handbook v Jan 2018


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2 WELCOME We are delighted to welcome you to Servest and hope that you enjoy your time with us. Servest is a leading facilities management provider. We are part of Servest Group Pty - a global company based in South Africa who share the same vision and passion to deliver a seamless service as a single provider of facilities solutions to our diverse portfolio of customers. Our values are very important to us and you will find these embedded in all that we do. WE ARE PASSIONATE WE ARE REPUTABLE People are at the heart of our business, and we We operate with integrity and diligence. believe in relationships and human partnerships Our reputation for delivery is as important as to create mutual success. our focus on sound business ethics. WE ARE ORIGINAL WE ARE ACTIVE Our entrepreneurial foundation still drives our spirit We are proactive, and we respond to our of innovation and inventiveness, creating custom, customer’s needs with the adaptability and flexibility that makes us unique and valued. relevant solutions for a complex marketplace. Our people are the most important part about your first experiences with Servest. of our Company. Whether you are located Please use [email protected] to give us in one of our regional offices or on site at a your feedback. customer location, Servest prides itself on We hope that you enjoy your new role and being an inspirational place to work. we wish you the best of luck in your career We would be delighted to hear from you with us. COLLEAGUE HANDBOOK

3 HOW TO USE YOUR HANDBOOK This handbook is provided for your guidance and contains general information about Servest (‘the Company’). Your Contract of Employment (and Appendix 1 to your contract if you work within the catering or security teams) contains your Terms and Conditions of Employment. This handbook, does not form part of your Contract Servest Street. For those with access to The Hive (the of Employment however, we do ask you to abide by Company intranet site) you will be able to find it on its contents during the period of your employment to there too. ensure a happy and trouble free working environment To access Servest Street you will need to enter: is created for both yourself and your colleagues within into any internet browser the Company. Please read this handbook and keep it in and access it with your payroll number and password, a safe place as you may find it useful to refer to from which will be welcome1 on your first visit. To access it time to time during your employment. via the Hive, please log in as normal. If you are based in Northern Ireland ONLY, the We cannot include everything in this handbook so if Disciplinary and Grievance Policies contained in this you need any information not contained here, please handbook form part of your terms and conditions of contact your line manager who will be happy to help employment and therefore are contractual. and advise you. The Company reserves the right to review and amend This handbook is for internal use only by Servest colleagues. the Colleague Handbook when necessary. Should there be a change, you will be notified that a new version is available and this will be published on COLLEAGUE HANDBOOK

4 6 CONTENTS 6 6 A YOUR EMPLOYMENT 6 6 1. Right to Work 6 2. Security Checking 6 3. Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS check) 7 4. Notice Periods 7 5. Your Pay and Additional Hours 7 6. Business Expenses 7 7. Signing In and Out 7 8. Benefits 8 9. Holiday 8 10. Changes to Personal Details 8 11. General Fitness 8 12. Prosecutions 8 13. Attachment of Earnings Order 14. Engaged in Other Business or Employment 9 15. Union Recognition 16. TUPE Transfers 9 9 B CODE OF CONDUCT 9 9 1. Behaviour and Conduct 9 2. Uniform, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Dress Code and ID Badges 10 3. Company Property 10 4. Personal Belongings including Private Cars 10 5. Mobile Phones 10 6. Company and Customer Information 10 7. The Media: Disclosure of Information 10 8. Confidential Information 10 9. Related Persons 11 10. Personal Relationships at Work 11 11. Social Functions 12. The Use of Closed Circuit Television Cameras (CCTV) 13. Criminal Convictions 14. Quality Standards COLLEAGUE HANDBOOK

C POLICIES AND PROCEDURES 5 1. Drugs and Alcohol Policy 12 2. Right of Search 3. Disciplinary Policy 12 4. Performance Management Policy 12 5. Grievance Policy 12 6. Customer Removal 13 7. Sickness Absence 13 8. Other Absence 14 9. Family Focus 14 10. Flexible Working 14 11. Equal Opportunities/Diversity 15 12. Harassment and Victimisation 16 13. Whistleblowing 16 14. IT and Communications 16 15. Vehicle Policy 17 17 STATUTORY COMPLIANCE 17 D 1. Health and Safety 18 2. The Working Time Regulations (1998) 3. Smoke Free (Premises and Enforcement) Regulations 2006 18 4. The General Data Protection Regulation 2016 19 5. Modern Slavery Act 2015 19 6. Bribery Act 2010 19 7. The Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and Money Laundering Regulations 2007 20 21 GENERAL INFORMATION 21 E 1. Learning and Development 22 2. Continuous Conversation 3. Servest Street 22 4. Signpost 22 5. Hidden Talent Apprenticeships 22 22 22 COLLEAGUE HANDBOOK

6 A. YOUR EMPLOYMENT In this section we set out information that we hope transferring from one role to another. This may will be useful to you during your employment. include colleagues that are not usually subjected to these checks. 1. Right to Work 3. Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS check) Prior to being offered your new role, you provided the Company with evidence of your right to Your job role and/or place of work may require us work in the UK in accordance with the relevant to carry out a routine check on your background legislation. with the Disclosure and Barring Service (previously Your continued employment is subject to your CRB). This is normally the case if your role is legal right to work in the UK being maintained likely to bring you into contact with children or throughout the period of your employment and vulnerable adults but not always. We will advise you may be required at any time to prove that you you if we need you to complete a DBS application have the right to work in the UK. or to renew an existing DBS Certificate. Failure to provide such proof when requested may result in the termination of your employment. If an unsatisfactory disclosure is received, the Company reserves the right to terminate your employment without notice. If your documentation allows you to work in the More information about the DBS process UK for a specific time period only, you must make is available at: an application to the Home Office to extend or organisations/disclosure-and-barring-service vary your permission to be in the UK before your current permission expires. You must provide us 4. Notice Periods with a copy of this application so that we can verify this. If you do not, this will have an impact on your The notice period you can expect to have from the right to continue to work and your employment Company and the amount of notice you need to may be terminated. give to the Company is set out in your Contract of Employment. If you have the right to work in the UK, you will If you have transferred to the Company under the have a National Insurance number. You need TUPE Regulations your notice period may differ. to provide this to the Company when you start Please refer to your own contract of employment. work. If you do not have one, you must make an On leaving the business, you will be required to application straightaway and provide confirmation return all Company property/equipment on or of this to the Company. You must then give the prior to, your last day of employment. Company your National Insurance number as soon as it arrives. If you fail to do so within one month of starting work then your employment will be 5. Your Pay and Additional Hours terminated by the Company. Details of your pay and how payment will be made 2. Security Checking to you is set out in your Contract of Employment. On joining you will need to provide the Company with your personal email address so that your Dependent upon your new role and/or place of payslip can be sent to you electronically. If you do work, additional security checks may need to not have a personal email address, please set one be carried out. If this applies to you, your line up so that you are able to receive your payslip. manager may have explained this to you at your If you are unsure about how to do this, please interview and these checks may have already speak to your line manager in the first instance or been started. However, sometimes you may contact colleague support team who will guide you have already started your new role before the through the process. security checking process has been completed. As your employment (or continued employment if you have already joined the Company) is If you are eligible to work and receive pay for subject to security clearance being granted, your additional hours worked, the terms relating to this employment will be terminated if the result of the will be set out in your Contract of Employment. checks is not satisfactory. 6. Business Expenses From time to time the Company may carry out You will be reimbursed all reasonable expenses security checks on existing colleagues or colleagues that have been incurred by you in the proper performance of your duties. Expenditure should COLLEAGUE HANDBOOK

7 be approved by your line manager, prior to being the holiday period requested is two days or less, in incurred and you will be required to produce which case one week’s notice will be satisfactory. expense receipts. Expenses are subject to the Company’s Expenses Policy. The Company reserves the right to require holidays to be taken to coincide with customer close downs, 7. Signing In and Out or in the case of some establishments, during out of term times. There will be some sites where If you work on site, it is likely you will need to use a taking holiday at certain times of the year may be time and attendance (clocking in) system in order restricted or not authorised because of operational to certify your hours of work. These hours will pressure. The amount of days you are able to be used by us to calculate your pay each month. It take at these times may also be restricted. You is therefore extremely important that you use the should also ensure that you understand any local system to clock in and out each day that you attend arrangements that exist so that you can comply work. Failure to do so may mean that you do not with them. get paid correctly. Bank/Public Holidays If you are unsure about the time and attendance Because of the nature of the business you may be process on your site, please speak to your required to work on some or all of the Bank/Public line manager. Holidays If you do not wish to work on a Bank Holiday 8. Benefits you must book leave from your annual holiday entitlement in the normal way. If you work part- Any benefits that you are entitled to are set out time and a Bank Holiday falls on your normal day in the terms and conditions of employment in your Contract. 9. Holiday of work and your office or site is closed on that day, you will need to save enough days from your Holiday Entitlement annual holiday allocation to cover these days off. The Company’s holiday year runs from 1st January to You will be paid at your normal rate for Bank 31st December Your annual holiday entitlement will Holidays on that you do not work. be set out in your Contract of Employment. If you have transferred to the Company under the 10. Changes to Personal Details TUPE Regulations, your holiday year may not have changed on transfer to Servest. Therefore you It is your responsibility to notify the Company of any changes to your personal details, so that the Company can maintain accurate records. This should check your existing Contract of Employment involves the notification of change of address, for details of your holiday year. telephone number, change in next of kin, emergency contact details and change of bank/ building society account details for payment of Holiday entitlement must be used during the year salary/wages. Your line manager will provide you that it is accrued and cannot be carried forward to with the correct form to complete which will need the next holiday year. to be sent to head office or you can contact the Booking Holiday colleague support team at head office directly. Holiday must be booked on the appropriate holiday authorisation form and arrangements Failure to notify the Company of changes to your to take holiday should not be made until your personal details may result in disciplinary action holiday has been signed off by your line manager/ being taken against you. supervisor. If your holiday is not authorised and you take leave without approval, this will be treated as 11. General Fitness unauthorised absence. You are expected to maintain a standard of fitness to enable you to carry out your job role. The Company may require you to undergo a medical examination at any time during your employment by a medical practitioner of its choice and at the Taking Holiday Company’s expense subject, where relevant, to the No more than ten working days’ holiday may be Access to Medical Reports Act 1988. taken at any one time unless authorised by your line manager. All holidays must be taken at times convenient to the Company agreed at least four weeks in advance with your line manager unless COLLEAGUE HANDBOOK

8 12. Prosecutions the Company acknowledges your right to belong to a trade union and recognises that, in certain You are required to disclose to your line manager, circumstances, you are able to be accompanied any incident which results, or may result in to formal meetings (for example: disciplinary, prosecution by the Police or private prosecution or grievance) by your Union Representative. any other matter which may lead to civil proceedings being taken against you. If you do not provide the 16. TUPE Transfers Company with details of prosecutions or potential prosecutions/proceedings, this may result in action TUPE refers to the ‘Transfer of Undertakings under the Company Disciplinary policy. (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006’ as amended by the ‘Collective Redundancies 13. Attachment of Earnings Order and Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) (Amendment) Regulations 2014’. You are required to notify the payroll team if you TUPE applies to Companies of all sizes and protects are subject to an Attachment of Earnings, Court or your rights when the organisation or service that Child Maintenance Order at any time. you work for transfers to a new employer. If you have transferred to the Servest Group 14. Engaged in Other Business via TUPE, you will need to supply us with or Employment the following: • A completed and signed new starter form which You must devote your whole time and attention to the business of the Company. You must not will ensure that you will be paid correctly be directly or indirectly engaged, concerned or • Present your right to work documentation, interested in any other business whether on an employed, self- employed or voluntary basis regardless of your nationality and whether or without the prior consent in writing of not you have previously presented this to your the Company. prior employer • Undertake the Servest vetting and security The Company will not unreasonably withhold checks, if required. its consent however if you are either directly or Those who have transferred under TUPE in the indirectly involved in any other business that conflicts absence of a collective agreement, will be subject with your employment and the services provided by to the Servest policies and procedures the Company, then consent will not be given. including disciplinary and grievance procedures. 15. Union Recognition Currently the Company holds no formal National Agreement with any trade union. However, COLLEAGUE HANDBOOK

9 B. CODE OF CONDUCT Our code of conduct covers the areas that we believe Where dress down days are held, the dress code is are important areas of individual responsibility for flexible however colleagues should ensure clothing our colleagues. does not have motifs or slogans which may cause offence and clothing must still preserve modesty. 1. Behaviour and Conduct ID Badges Your identification card or Company ID badge All colleagues working within the Company are must be visible at all times. Any loss of ID card treated with respect and we recognise that must be reported to the Company. Some ID cards everyone has an important contribution to make. may expire annually. If you are given one of these, please ensure you obtain a new card prior to the Always behave in a considerate and co-operative expiry date of your current card. manner at work. You are part of a team and the If you work within the Security team your valid SIA success of that team depends upon everyone Licence must also be displayed at all times while on working together. Remember that you are an duty. ambassador for the Company and your behaviour, good or bad, reflects on the reputation of the Company. 2. Uniform, Personal Protective Equipment 3. Company Property (PPE), Dress Code and ID Badges You will be held responsible for the care and Uniform and PPE safekeeping of all equipment, apparatus, A uniform and PPE will be issued for roles that documentation and any Company property require this. If a uniform is provided you are (including IT equipment) supplied to you during required to wear it at all times while at work and the course of your employment. All property you must ensure that it is kept clean and in a good belonging to the Company must be returned state of repair. before leaving the Company’s employment or, at the Company’s request, during your notice period. You should not misuse Company or customer If you leave your employment with the Company property, or use it for private purposes. for any reason (including failing your security vetting) and do not return your uniform, the Company reserves the right to deduct a sum Please note, the Company does not supply small for the cost of your uniform from your final tools relative to a trade. It is your responsibility to salary payment. provide these and keep them in a usable condition. We would recommend these are insured by you as the Company cannot accept responsibility for any Dress Code loss or theft. If your job role does not require a uniform, you will be expected to maintain appropriate standards of appearance within your workplace. Clothing 4. Personal Belongings Including selected for work should be smart and reflect the Private Cars environment in which you work. Trainers, flip flops, jeans (or other denim items), t-shirts, football You are responsible for any personal belongings shirts, collarless shirts, ‘spaghetti strap’ tops and that you bring or wear to work or while on leggings (except where sensibly worn below other Company business. The Company will not work items) are not permitted. assume responsibility for missing or damaged personal property. When attending meetings with external parties 5. Mobile Phones or customers, formal business attire should be worn. Colleagues in customer facing roles who You are not permitted to use your personal mobile have visible tattoos should ensure that where phone during working hours. Any calls that you possible, these are covered when interacting with need to make should be made during your breaks. customers. Excessive piercings should also be On some sites you are not permitted to carry removed for these interactions. your personal mobile phone while on customer You must ensure that you have good levels of premises. In such instances mobile phones must be personal hygiene and must appear presentable kept with your personal belongings on site. Failure at all times. Your shoes must be clean and in to adhere to site rules regarding the use of mobile good condition. telephones may lead to disciplinary action. In case of an emergency, should you need to use your mobile phone, authority from management COLLEAGUE HANDBOOK

10 should be sought. Mobile phones belonging to the together there is no possible compromise of Company or any of its customers must not be used company policy. The Company requests that you for any other purpose than Company business. let your line manager know if you are working with a relative. If you are responsible for any form It is specifically prohibited to use a mobile of recruitment you must seek approval prior to phone while driving a vehicle in line with current employing any person in any way relating to or legislation. Failure to comply will result in action known by you. being taken under the Company disciplinary policy. 10. Personal Relationships at Work 6. Company and Customer Information The Company recognises that colleagues who work During the course of your employment, you may together may form personal friendships and in have access to, or be trusted with information some cases, close personal relationships. We do not regarding the Company and/or its customers, wish to interfere with these personal relationships, colleagues or contractors which is confidential. however, it is necessary for the Company to ensure You must not disclose sensitive or confidential that all colleagues behave in an appropriate and information to any other third party. professional manner at work. Nothing in the section will prevent you from Reporting of a relationship must be made where disclosing information that you are entitled to there are direct reporting lines or where there disclose under the Public Interest Disclosure Act is a potential of real or perceived favouritism 1998 provided that the disclosure is made in the or a conflict of interest. Where a personal appropriate way to an appropriate person (see relationship or where people working together are Section D - 13 Whistleblowing). related (see paragraph 9) but this has not been reported or creates a conflict of interest or where Breach of this clause in relation to Company, unprofessional behaviour has been reported, customer and/or customer information will be the Company will take any action it considers treated as a disciplinary offence and, depending appropriate to safeguard its reputation and values, upon the seriousness, may be treated as gross including disciplinary action if necessary. misconduct resulting in dismissal. 7. The Media: Disclosure of Information 11. Social Functions No colleague is, without the prior written There may be occasions when you are invited permission of the Company, permitted to make to a social function such as a Christmas party or any statement to or to provide information to the corporate event at your place of work or other media or any other outside body concerning any location. incident which may occur during the course of their duties, except if required to do so by law. While the Company wishes to encourage a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere, colleagues are still No colleague is permitted to write, broadcast or responsible for their actions on such occasions, publish information concerning the Company even if they have been consuming alcohol. Any its customers or its customers or to provide any unacceptable behaviour will be held to account. information to any third party for such purposes. Colleagues must remember that they continue to represent the Company in ‘out of hours’ social 8. Confidential Information events and have a responsibility to treat each other Line managers and designated people must not and members of the public with dignity and respect. disclose confidential information to anyone other than to those who need to know as part of an 12. The Use of Closed Circuit Television acceptable operating procedure. Personal details Cameras (CCTV) relating to all colleagues are subject to the General In the carrying out of your day to day duties there Data Protection Regulation 2016 and any breach of may be occasions when you are required to work confidentiality may lead to disciplinary action up to in a place where Closed Circuit Television Cameras and concluding gross misconduct. (CCTV) are in use. 9. Related Persons These cameras are in place primarily to ensure the safety and security of the premises on which It is inevitable that there will be times when you are working, but there are also there to assist people who are related to each other are working in providing a safe working environment for all together in business. The Company aims to ensure Company colleagues. There will, therefore, be that where there are related persons working COLLEAGUE HANDBOOK

11 times when your actions, whilst working, will management system and the confidentiality, integrity be recorded on CCTV. You should be aware that and availability of its and our customer’s information in certain circumstances recordings from these throughout the business and has committed itself to cameras may be used, if appropriate, as evidence the requirements of ISO 27001:2017. in disciplinary proceedings. To underpin these commitments, the Company operates to British Standards - BS7499 for Manned If you have any concerns or queries regarding the Guarding; BS 7984 for Key Holding and Response use of CCTV then you should speak to your line Service; BS 7858 for Security Screening and the manager or supervisor or contact a member of the relevant CCTV Installation and Maintenance Codes of HR team at head office. Practice. We also operate in full compliance with the SIA 13. Criminal Convictions Approved Contractor Scheme. It is the objective of the Company to provide the Your employment with the Company is based on highest levels of service that deliver customer assurances that you have no criminal record (other satisfaction in all aspects and by focusing on: than any record you are permitted to withhold • Continual improvement of all systems and under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974). If it comes to the Company’s knowledge that you have practices a criminal record and this has not been declared, • Prevention of all forms of pollution this will be deemed to be gross misconduct and the • Adherence to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and Company will be entitled to dismiss you without notice or payment in lieu of notice. ISO27001, including associated British Standards • Compliance with the requirements of our 14. Quality Standards customer and all regulations and legislation applicable to our business The Company is committed to the continued • Achievement of customer satisfaction. development of a quality culture throughout the We will also establish and set relevant business, business and has committed itself to the requirements quality and environmental objectives and review of ISO 9001:2008. these at regular intervals. The Company also recognises that its activities can have a negative impact on the environment and therefore has committed itself to the requirements of ISO 14001:2004. The Company has further committed itself to the continual improvement of its information security COLLEAGUE HANDBOOK

12 C. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES This section sets out the policies and procedures that take disciplinary action against you, in accordance the Company has in place so that all colleagues are with our Disciplinary Policy, up to and including able to work in a safe and supportive environment. dismissal. Below are summaries of each of these policies. These are not re-printed in full here however they Searches are available on Servest Street, The Hive or you can Your working premises may be searched for drugs request them from the HR team based in head office. or alcohol at any time, including in your lockers The Company reserves the right to review and amend and desks. If we have grounds to believe that them from time to time, particularly when legislation there are illegal drugs in your personal possessions in the UK changes. (including but not limited to; your pockets or your bags), we expect you to cooperate with reasonable 1. Drugs and Alcohol Policy requests to search them. We will allow you to have a witness present should you ask for one. Servest Group Limited is committed to providing a safe, healthy and productive working environment We may retain or destroy any alcohol or drugs for its colleagues, customers and visitors. This found in contravention of this policy and use it includes ensuring that all colleagues are fit to as evidence, along with any refusal to cooperate carry out their jobs safely and effectively in a with a search, in any future disciplinary action. working environment that is free from alcohol and Possession of and/or dealing in illegal substances substance misuse. may be reported to the Police.  This policy covers all individuals working at all levels and grades, including senior managers, 2. Right of Search officers, directors, colleagues, consultants, contractors, trainees, home-workers, part-time At times, you may be requested to undergo a and fixed-term colleagues, casual and agency search when entering and/or leaving the premises colleagues and volunteers (collectively referred to of Servest or those of Company customers. These as colleagues in this policy). searches are random and do not imply suspicion in All colleagues are expected to arrive at work fit relation to any individual concerned. to carry out their jobs and able to perform their duties safely without any limitations due to the use We accept no liability for any loss or damage, that or after effects of alcohol or substances (whether may occur to your clothing or personal property prescribed, over the counter or illegal including while on the Company or customer’s premises or psychoactive substances, formerly known as ‘legal on the way to or from work. highs’ and now banned under the Psychoactive Substances Act). 3. Disciplinary Policy The Company will not accept colleagues arriving at work under the influence of alcohol or substances, The Company recognises the need for line managers and/or whose ability to work is impaired in any to be able to manage in a supportive, consistent way by reason of the consumption of alcohol and fair manner. Nevertheless, it is recognised or substances, or who consume alcohol or take that problems may occur from time to time. The substances (other than certain prescription or Disciplinary Policy is designed to facilitate and over the counter medication, as directed) on the encourage all colleagues to maintain acceptable Company’s premises. standards of conduct, whilst safeguarding the This policy does not form part of any colleague’s interests of Servest and its customers. contract of employment and it may be amended at any time by the Company. If the Company considers it appropriate, minor Screening problems may be dealt with informally by your If we suspect you of being under the influence of immediate line manager. If such concerns are not drugs or alcohol, or if your role is critical to health satisfactorily resolved informally, or if the matter is and safety, then we may ask you to submit to more serious, the Company will consider starting random screening for drugs or alcohol. This will be the Disciplinary Procedure. conducted by an external provider in accordance with our legal obligations. If you refuse, we may The Policy applies to all colleagues under a contract of employment with Servest Group Ltd. However the procedure does not form part of your contract of employment (unless you are based in Northern Ireland where this policy does form part of your contract of employment) and the Company reserves the right to review and amend this policy at any time. COLLEAGUE HANDBOOK

13 The formal disciplinary process is used to address General Principles of the Performance issues relating to conduct (behaviour) at work. For Management Policy issues of poor performance (capability), ie; where • No action will be taken against you until training or support may be needed to carry out the tasks covered by your job role, the performance the issues of poor performance have been management process will be used instead. investigated. This is usually by way of review General Principles of the Disciplinary Policy of the notes from the informal meeting with • No disciplinary action will be taken against you you, review of the PIP drawn up at the informal stage and any relevant training logs until the case has been fully investigated • At every stage of the procedure you will be • At every stage of the procedure you will be given the opportunity to state your case before any decision is made advised of the nature of the allegation against • You have the right to be accompanied you and will be given the opportunity to state by a work colleague or trade union your case before any decision is made representative at all stages of the • You have the right to be accompanied by a formal performance management and work colleague or trade union representative appeals procedures at all stages of the formal disciplinary and • You have the right to appeal against any appeals procedures penalty imposed • You have the right to appeal against any • Warnings will be disregarded as spent or disciplinary penalty imposed expired after a specific period • Warnings will be disregarded as spent or • The procedure may be implemented at any expired after a specific period stage if your alleged performance warrants • The procedure may be implemented at any such action. stage if your alleged misconduct warrants such action. 5. Grievance Policy 4. Performance Management Policy The Company recognises that from time to time, you may wish to raise matters which are causing A Performance Management Policy is designed you concern. The grievance procedure provides a to help and encourage all colleagues to maintain structured framework to allow grievances to be acceptable standards of performance. If the handled fairly and line managers will ensure they Company considers it appropriate, minor consistently address issues or grievances raised performance issues can be dealt with informally by by colleagues. your immediate line manager. If performance issues The first stage is to always try and resolve matters are not satisfactorily resolved informally, or if the informally prior to invoking the formal process. matter is more serious, the Company will consider When raising a formal grievance, it is important starting the Performance Management Procedure. that all issues are raised at the beginning of the process. Once a grievance has been submitted, The Policy applies to all colleagues under a additional issues will not be considered as part of contract of employment with the Company that grievance. however the procedure does not form part of If you have difficulty expressing yourself on paper your contract of employment and the Company or if your first language is not English, you are reserves the right to review and amend this policy encouraged to seek help from a colleague, trade at any time. union official or other colleague representative to assist you. All line managers are responsible for applying the For the avoidance of doubt the Servest grievance Performance Management Policy and decisions procedure is internal and you are therefore to initiate any form of performance management not permitted to be accompanied by a legal action should be consistently applied and based on representative at any meeting held under objective facts. this procedure. The formal performance management process is used to address issues relating to poor performance (capability) at work. For issues of unacceptable conduct (behaviour), the disciplinary policy and procedure will be used. COLLEAGUE HANDBOOK

14 There are certain circumstances where the nature of your absence and provide any support Grievance Policy cannot be used: you require on your return to work. • To raise issues that occurred three months ago If you have been absent for more than four weeks, your absence will be viewed as ‘long-term’. or more Your line manager will arrange a welfare visit • Where there are concern over terms and with you. At that meeting we will request your consent to obtain a report from your doctor or conditions of employment our occupational health provider so that we can • To raise issues that are covered by statute understand how we can best manage your return • To raise issues that have been previously to work. You will be asked to give your consent for considered under this policy the Company to obtain this report. Should • Because of a dislike of a particular policy, you withhold consent for such a report, the Company will make a decision on your continued agreement or accepted practice within Servest employment using the facts that it already holds. • Where a separate process (that has included In cases where you are unable to return to work during an acceptable time period, we may have an appeal process) has already been to discuss with you, the termination of your exhausted. employment on grounds of ill-health. (Please note: If you are based in Northern Ireland this grievance policy forms part of your contract 8. Other Absence of employment) There may be times that you need to take 6. Customer Removal additional leave for reasons other than holiday. In that case, the Company may agree to grant At any time a customer may request the removal you additional leave over and above your holiday of a colleague from their site. Should you find entitlement, as set out below: yourself in such a situation, the Company will first Compassionate Leave endeavour to resolve the problems that have led We recognise the difficulties associated with losing to the customer’s request but if this is not possible a close member of your family and we endeavour alternative work will be sought for you. to support you in these circumstances, we have If no alternative work is available or if you reject compassionate leave arrangements that entitle all the offer of alternative work then your contract of colleagues to paid leave. employment may be terminated for Some Other Jury Service Substantial Reason. If you are called for jury service, please advise your line manager as soon as possible and provide the 7. Sickness Absence relevant documentation. Your line manager will make the appropriate arrangements for your work If you are unable to work due to sickness, injury cover. Your pay will normally be stopped while you or any other reason, you (or someone acting on are on Jury Service and you should ensure that you your behalf) should notify your line manager by complete the forms given to you by the court and telephone no later than two hours before your claim back any entitlements due to you. scheduled start time. You will need to let them Special Leave know the reason for your absence and, if possible, There may be times when you need to take time the likely date of your return. Where a phone call off from work for other reasons, for example is made to your line manager and is not answered military reservist training and services, study first time, you must leave a voicemail and your line leave, and public duties. Special leave must be manager will respond to you as soon as possible. agreed and authorised by your line manager and is Text messages are only acceptable in cases of very normally unpaid. early shift working. Adverse Weather – Unable to Travel to Work You should record your absence using a self- In the event of you being unable to journey to your certificate covering the first seven calendar days normal place of work as a result of snow, storms of absence. Thereafter a doctor’s note will be etc. the following guidelines will apply: required. No payments of Statutory Sick Pay or Company Sick Pay (if entitled) will be made without appropriate certification. An appropriate line manager will conduct a return to work interview with you to fully understand the COLLEAGUE HANDBOOK

15 • Telephone your normal place of work as soon 9. Family Focus as possible and to inform them of your absence Set out below are summaries of the Company’s family friendly policies. If you need advice and • Consider working from home if you are able to guidance on any of these policies we suggest you and advise your line manager obtain and read a copy of these as soon as possible Those colleagues who take advantage of the as there are a number of important criteria and situation may be dealt with through disciplinary timescales that need to be complied with to action at the Company’s discretion. ensure that you are able to take advantage of Adverse Weather – While at Work these policies. If you cannot access these on any of In the event of adverse weather conditions the Company systems, please ask the HR team in occurring while at work, line managers are asked head office for full details. to review the conditions and circumstances of each Maternity individual to decide if it is appropriate to allow On becoming pregnant, you should notify your line them to leave early. manager as soon as possible. This is important as Unpaid Holiday Leave there are health and safety considerations for the As a general rule, the Company will not allow you Company. You must also provide a MATB1 form, to increase your normal holiday leave entitlement which is a certificate from a doctor or midwife on a ‘without pay’ basis. confirming the expected week of childbirth. The Appointments form must have either your doctor’s name and In any other circumstances that require you to address or the midwife’s name and registration be absent from work for example; doctor/dentist number on it. appointments, permission will be given at the To take time off for antenatal care, you are Company’s discretion. You should try and make any required to produce a certificate from your doctor, such appointment either at the beginning or end registered midwife or registered health visitor, of your working day and must get prior approval stating that you are pregnant. Except for the first from your line manager. You will not normally be appointment, you should also produce evidence paid for this time off. of the appointment, such as a medical certificate Emergencies or appointment card, if requested to do so. You Should you need to be absent from work due to should give your line manager as much notice as an emergency situation, you should contact your possible of antenatal appointments and try to line manager to explain the situation as soon as arrange them as near to the start or end of your possible. If you are unable to do so yourself, a working day as possible. friend or relation must contact your line manager Your line manager will make the appropriate at the beginning of your period of absence. arrangements for your maternity leave and If contact is not made, this will be treated as Statutory Maternity Pay. unauthorised absence, see below. Unauthorised Absence (AWOL) Paternity Any period of absence where you fail to contact If you are to become a father you may have the the Company to explain the circumstances of your right to time off and may also qualify for Statutory absence or where the Company does not feel Paternity Pay. you have given a satisfactory explanation for your You will be eligible for paternity leave and pay absence, may be subject to disciplinary action up if you: to and including dismissal at the Company’s sole • Are the father of the child, the husband or discretion (under the Absence Without Leave Policy). While there are some circumstances of absence partner of the mother (including same-sex where it will be appropriate to continue to be paid, partner) or you are one of a couple who are there are other circumstances where the Company eligible for and intend to apply for a Parental may consider that it has no liability to make Order in respect of the child payment. Therefore, before taking time off, you • Have worked for the employer for a minimum should ensure that you clarify the position with of 26 weeks by the ‘notification week’ your line manager. COLLEAGUE HANDBOOK

16 • Have or expect to have responsibility All colleagues who have been employed for 26 for the upbringing of the child if you are the continuous weeks or more by the end of the 15th father or expect to have the main responsibility week before the expected week of child birth (or for the upbringing of the child if you are the by the date you are matched with your adopted mother’s husband or partner but not the child)or more may be entitled to shared parental child’s father leave for new born and adopted children born on or after 5th April 2015. • Have given the correct notice (on or before the 15th week before the EWC) SPL must be taken between the birth of the child or adoption date and the child’s first birthday. • Have not requested a period of shared parental leave in respect of the child. 10. Flexible Working You can choose to take either one week or two You have the right to request a flexible working consecutive weeks’ paternity leave (not occasional arrangement, provided that you meet the eligibility days or separate weeks). criteria which is as follows: You should notify your line manager in accordance with the above guidelines and they will make the • Be a colleague (not an agency worker) appropriate arrangements for your paternity leave and Statutory Paternity Pay. • Have at least 26 weeks’ continuous Adoption Leave employment with the Company at the date Adoption leave and pay may allow one member the application is made of an adoptive couple to take paid time off work when their new child starts to live with them. • Not have made a request under the statutory Paternity leave and pay may be available for the scheme for at least 12 months. other member of the couple. Parental Leave The process requires you to submit a formal Parental Leave is taken to look after children or application. Please ask your line manager or the make arrangements for the good of a child. This HR team for further advice or guidance on how to leave is unpaid. All eligible parents are entitled submit an application. to take statutory leave for each child under the required qualifying age. 11. Equal Opportunities/Diversity Shared Parental Leave Shared parental leave (SPL) is a flexible option The Company is committed to ensuring that all for parents of children born on or after the 5th colleagues will be given equal opportunities, April 2015. This will enable eligible Mothers, irrespective of their age, disability, gender Partners and Adopters to choose how to share reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, time off work after their child is born or placed pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, for adoption. This allows parents to share a pot of sex, sexual orientation leave to enable time off together or consecutively to look after the child. This commitment is more than a legal, moral or The amount of leave available is calculated using ethical necessity, it is good employment practice. the Mothers entitlement to Maternity/Adoption The implementation of an Equal Opportunities/ leave that allows a maximum of 52 weeks leave to be taken (of that 39 are paid). If maternity leave is Diversity Policy stimulates a healthy and more stopped for example after 12 weeks, this leaves 40 productive atmosphere and creates better quality weeks that can be taken as Shared Parental Leave of life. (if the eligibility criteria is met) and these weeks can be shared between the parents of the child. 12. Harassment and Victimisation Harassment is SPL allows flexibility for parents to share the caring responsibilities and to return to work between unwanted conduct that either violates a person’s periods of leave if required giving the correct dignity or creates an intimidating, hostile, notice. degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for a person. Harassment can be a persistent course of unwanted conduct or an isolated incident. The Company does not condone harassment in any form, including harassment that involves abusive behaviour with regard to gender, race, sexuality, sexual orientation, disability, religion or age. COLLEAGUE HANDBOOK

17 During your employment, if you believe that you 15. Vehicle Policy are the subject of harassment, you should first make it clear to the person responsible that their The Company recognises that under the Health behaviour is unwelcome and ask them to stop, and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, it has the ideally with a witness present. This action may be responsibility to ensure, so far as is reasonably enough to stop it. practicable, the health and safety of all colleagues while at work and to also ensure that others are Should the behaviour continue, you should talk to not put at risk by the Company’s work-related your line manager or the HR team, and report the driving activities. alleged incident as soon as possible. The complaint To enable the Company to ensure it carries out its’ should be the confirmed in writing, and will be duties as a responsible Employer, it has created regarded as a grievance under the Company’s the ‘Vehicle Policy’ that sets out the duties and grievance procedure. obligations that all colleagues who drive on Company business are required to abide by. Any complaint will be dealt with sensitively, Any reference to ‘vehicle(s)’ within the policy mean confidentially and as quickly as possible. any vehicle driven on Company business such as; Company Cars, Private Vehicle (Grey Fleet), Hire Car 13. Whistleblowing or Company Van. If clauses are specific to one type of vehicle, this will be clearly stated. Our colleagues are often the first to realise that You must possess a full and valid UK, driving licence there may be something seriously wrong within throughout your period of employment with the the Company. However, they may not express their Company. You may be required to produce your concerns because they feel that speaking up would driving licence or any other documents as required be disloyal to their colleagues or to the Company. by the Company at any time. They may also fear harassment or victimisation. If you do not have a Company vehicle, you may In these circumstances it may be easier to ignore need to use your private vehicle for business and the concern rather than report what may be just a you should ensure that you obtain and read a copy suspicion of malpractice. of the ‘Vehicle Policy’ as this also relates to drivers of private cars. The Company is committed to the highest Please note that to drive your own vehicle on possible standards of openness, integrity and business, you must insure it for business use, this accountability. In line with that commitment we includes travel between different sites/offices expect colleagues and others that we deal with, or locations other than your usual place of work who have serious concerns about any aspect of the (please see the Statutory Compliance 1. Health and Company’s work to come forward and voice those Safety - Driving for Work clause below). concerns. It is recognised that most cases will have Additional payments may be made to colleagues to proceed on a confidential basis. for business journeys provided there is a benefit to the department and the mileage rate represents You will not be victimised for raising a concern under the most cost-effective means of transport for this procedure. Any attempt to victimise a member the journey. of colleagues for having raised a legitimate concern If you drive for work in your own vehicle, you must about malpractice or to deter anyone from raising ensure that it is legally compliant, is in a safe and such a concern is a serious disciplinary offence. roadworthy condition and is suitable for its purpose. There are existing procedures in place to enable You should note that the Vehicle Policy is part of you to lodge a grievance relating to your own your Terms and Conditions of Employment and you employment. The above is intended to cover will be given a copy of this to sign and return to the concerns that fall outside the scope of other Company should you have any vehicle provided to procedures. you by the Company albeit it a Company Car, Hire Car or Company Van. 14. IT and Communications If you drive your own car, you will be expected to abide by the Terms and Conditions in the Vehicle Some roles may have access to email and the Policy in regard to driving your personal car for internet. If this applies to your job, you will be business use. asked to complete an Individual User Agreement. It is important that you use the system and any IT/ mobile equipment provided to you appropriately and for business purposes in line with the agreement. Breaches of the agreement or the IT Policy may result in disciplinary action being taken against you, up to and including dismissal in serious cases. COLLEAGUE HANDBOOK

18 D. STATUTORY COMPLIANCE This section is to ensure that the Company and you, interests of health, safety and welfare as a colleague, follow all statutory obligations that • You must carry out your tasks in a safe manner are related to your employment. The Company has to take any breaches extremely seriously and therefore, and follow the requirements of any instructions if any breach does occur, the Company will be entitled or safe systems of work that may be provided to treat this as gross misconduct. The Company has for you. Should you feel that there are situations put in place policies and reporting procedures relating that may pose a hazard you have a duty to to all statutory compliance and you should ensure report such findings to your line manager that you read and comply with these during your • You have a duty to ensure that any personal period of employment. protective equipment provided for your protection is worn, maintained and stored 1. Health and Safety in the correct manner as directed by management. The Company has a culture of individuals taking The Company promotes the health and safety of responsibility and, in addition to the above legal all its colleagues as well as suppliers, customers or responsibilities, we ask every colleague to consider visitors whilst on our premises. We are committed the following points and ask themselves “how can as a Company to prevent injury and ill health I contribute?”: and strive towards continual improvement in • Be confident that you have done everything all activities related to the performance of our possible to prevent risk to yourself, your Occupational Health and Safety. colleagues and anyone else you come into The Company places a great emphasis on all contact with aspects of safety relating to our business activities • Positively challenge unsafe behaviour and ask where it may effect: for help if you think that someone is at risk • Colleagues of the Company • Work in a way that encourages continuous • The Company’s customers improvement and challenge yourself to find • Members of the General Public. a better way of doing things We actively encourage the co‐operation of all • Stop work if it is unsafe to continue and colleagues in the development of this policy and seek advice of all other Health and Safety matters. The policy • Ensure there is good, two way communication is reviewed periodically to ensure that it remains between individual, team and line management relevant and appropriate to the Company’s • Ensure that our sub‐contractors and/or agency operations and service provisions. colleagues operate to the same high standards as In line with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 we do. and the regulations made under it, you have a legal Eye Care - DSE Users responsibility to: Under the Health and Safety (Display Screen • Take reasonable care of yourself and others Equipment) Regulations 1992 (as amended in 2002), colleagues who regularly use DSE equipment and ensure that you co‐operate with (namely computer screens and laptops), are entitled management and colleagues on points to reimbursement of eye tests and corrective of health and safety spectacles for DSE equipment use. • Ensure that you comply with all the emergency If you require an eye test in relation to DSE use, arrangements that are communicated to you we will reimburse you up to a maximum of £25. and ensure others in your charge are aware of You will need to provide proof of this eye test by emergency arrangements way of a receipt from the Company that carried • You must ensure that you report all accidents, out the test. If you require corrective spectacles near misses or damage to machinery and for DSE screen use (not ordinary use spectacles), property as soon as possible. You must we will reimburse you up to a maximum of £100 co‐operate with any accident/incident towards your spectacles, again, a receipt will be investigations that you are requested to required. For further information, please speak to assist with your line manager. • You must refrain from wilful measures or interference with anything provided in the COLLEAGUE HANDBOOK

19 Driving for Work 3. Smoke Free (Premises and Enforcement) If you drive your own car on company business, even if it is only occasionally, you should ensure Regulations 2006 your vehicle is roadworthy, you are fit to drive and you are insured for business use (if you drive Smoking is not permitted within the Company’s between local offices eg. in Bury St. Edmunds, this premises, except in certain designated outside is business use and you will need to be covered areas. Receptacles are provided for smokers to under your insurance policy). You should not use dispose of cigarette butts and other smoking waste your mobile phone, text or email while driving. at all outside locations where smoking is allowed. If For further information please ensure you obtain a you wish to go outside to smoke, you are restricted copy of the Company Vehicle Policy. to doing this within your designated breaks. Smoking in non-smoking areas on customer’s First Aid premises will be dealt with under the Company disciplinary policy. All offices/sites have trained first aid colleagues and suitably stocked first aid boxes. Smoking is not permitted at any time in Company vehicles. Fire and Emergency Arrangements Each office/site has an emergency evacuation plan Please note this policy also extends to the use and what to do in the event of a fire/emergency. of E-Cigarettes You should make yourself familiar with the plan 4. The General Data Protection Regulation and the location of fire exits relating to your office/ 2016 site or any that you may be visiting. Risk Assessments The General Data Protection Regulation 2016 Risk Assessments are carried out on a regular basis (effective 25 May 2018) replaces the UK Data within the Company. You are required to assist Protection Act 1998 and any prior EU Data and co-operate with this process where applicable Protection Directives. Its purpose is to protect the to yourself. ‘rights and freedoms’ of living individuals, and to ensure that personal data is not processed without their knowledge, and, wherever possible, that it is 2. The Working Time Regulations (1998) processed with their consent. Use of Data These provide rights to: The data gathered is used primarily to pay you for your work. Accurate bank details help us ensure we • A limit of an average 48 hours a week that you can be required to work You can agree to work beyond the 48 hour are paying the right person and hourly rate/ salary limit, however if you do agree to do this, you and hours worked information is used to ensure must put this in writing and this is generally we are paying you the correct amount. We use known as an opt-out. You have the right to personal email for sending payslips to the email cancel the opt-out agreement, although address given or send it to the home address if this you must give the Company at least 3 is not possible. We will also send any other letters or months’ notice. communications we might need to send throughout • 11 consecutive hours’ rest in any the course of the contract such as letters relating to 24-hour period recruitment (e.g. offer letter, starter form, contract), current employment (e.g. grievance, discipline, pension etc.) or termination (e.g. exit interview). • A 20-minute rest break if the working day is longer than six hours We use gender, date of birth and ethnic origin to report on the diversity across the Company, we also • One day off each week hold next of kin details in case of an emergency. We require your right to work details to make sure that • A limit on the normal working hours of night we adhere to right to work regulations and the law. workers to an average eight hours in any 24- For this reason, in some cases you do not have the hour period, and an entitlement for night right to withdraw data once provided, as it is a legal workers to receive regular health assessments. The average weekly working time is calculated over requirement for the Company to check it. We need to process all right to work documents to validate 17 weeks but does not include travelling, lunch their authenticity and to make sure all colleagues breaks or courses/classes. are hired legally. COLLEAGUE HANDBOOK

20 Finally, we hold all your contract details or TUPE respect of company systems and equipment. For transfer details to make certain that we are adhering the avoidance of doubt, this includes: telephone to the terms and conditions of employment agreed systems, computer systems, use of e-mail and at your point of entry to the business. When we win Internet, and the postal system. contracts and you transfer into the Company under ‘TUPE in’ regulations, your terms and conditions The Company reserves the right, without notice, to transfer with you, therefore, we need to be certain access, listen to or read any communication made that we maintain and keep a copy on file for any or received by you on its computers or telephone future queries or ‘TUPE out’ transfers. system for the following purposes: to establish the existence of facts, to ascertain compliance Security of Data with regulatory or self-regulatory practices and We are committed to ensuring that your information procedures, for quality control and colleague is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access training purposes, to prevent or detect crime or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, (including ‘hacking’), to intercept for operational electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard purposes, such as protecting against viruses and and secure the information we collect. making routine interceptions such as forwarding emails to correct destinations, to check voicemail Consent systems when you are on holiday or on sick leave. In order to hold and process your data, the Company will ask you to consent to us holding and The Company will endeavour to minimise any processing, both electronically and manually, the contact with you outside work hours but reserves personal and sensitive data it collects in relation to the right to contact you in the event of an you and your employment (in the course of your emergency or for urgent operational reasons. employment). 5. Modern Slavery Act 2015 Your consent must be freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous and you will be issued Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of with the appropriate notice document and a fundamental human rights. It takes various forms, consent form that you should sign and return. There such as slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory is no detriment to you for non-completion. labour and human trafficking, all of which have in common the deprivation of a person’s liberty Removal of Consent by another in order to exploit them for personal If at any time you wish for your data to be removed or commercial gain. The Company has a zero- and no longer used by the Company, you may tolerance approach to modern slavery and we are request this at any point in your employment. committed to acting ethically and with integrity in However, be aware that this may impact on our all our business dealings and relationships and to communication with you and an alternative may not implementing and enforcing effective systems and be available. Please check the possible implications controls to ensure modern slavery is not taking first before requesting deletion of information. place anywhere in our own business or in any of If you have previously agreed to us using your our supply chains. personal information, and wish to change your mind write to us using the form available on either The The Company is also committed to ensuring there Hive or Servest Street and email it to us at: is transparency in our own business and in our [email protected] approach to tackling modern slavery throughout our supply chains, consistent with our disclosure Subject Access Request obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015. You may request details of personal information We expect the same high standards from all of our that we hold about you under the General Data contractors, suppliers and other business partners, Protection Regulations (GDPR). There is no fee and as part of our contracting processes, we payable. To do so, please see the separate Subject include specific prohibitions against the use Access Request Policy. of forced, compulsory or trafficked labour, or anyone held in slavery or servitude, whether adults General or children, and we expect that our suppliers will It is the Company’s policy to take all reasonable hold their own suppliers to the same steps to protect its interests. This includes ensuring high standards. that systems and equipment are used for the proper purposes. There will be regular checks. Therefore This policy applies to all persons working for us or you should not have any expectation of privacy in on our behalf in any capacity, including colleagues at all levels, directors, officers, agency workers, COLLEAGUE HANDBOOK

21 seconded workers, volunteers, interns, agents, 7. The Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and contractors, external consultants, third-party Money Laundering Regulations 2007 representatives and business partners. This Act and Regulations make provision to combat 6. Bribery Act 2010 money laundering which all colleagues must comply with. Failure to do so is a criminal offence The Company is committed to the highest and can lead to long jail sentences. You must standards of ethical conduct and integrity in its familiarise yourself with the Company’s provisions business activities in the UK and overseas. The as set out in the Company Compliance Manual. Company will not tolerate any form of bribery Failure to adhere to any company procedure may by, or of, its colleagues, agents or consultants or lead to disciplinary action up to and including any person or body acting on its behalf. Senior dismissal for gross misconduct. management is committed to implementing effective measures to prevent, monitor and In particular, you must adhere to the following eliminate bribery. requirements: The Company is committed to complying with the • You must not in any way become involved Bribery Act 2010 in its business activities in the UK in any arrangement that you know or suspect and overseas. Under this Act, a bribe is a financial involves money laundering or other type of advantage that is offered or requested with the: • If at any time during your work you have cause to suspect that money laundering may be • Intention of inducing or rewarding improper carried out by anyone, you are obliged to performance of a function or activity; or report it immediately. Failure to report your suspicion is a criminal offence • Knowledge or belief that accepting such a reward would constitute the improper You must follow all instructions from the performance of such a function or activity. Company and under no circumstances disclose to another person that you have made such A relevant function or activity includes public, state a report – especially to the customers and or business activities or any activity performed in including colleagues, superiors etc. the course of a person’s employment, or on behalf of another company or individual, where the person • Please note that it is not a defence to say performing that activity is expected to perform it you have not reported because you did not in good faith, impartially, or in accordance with a suspect money laundering where there were position of trust. reasonable grounds for suspecting money laundering existed. A criminal offence will be committed under the Bribery Act 2010 if: • Attend training as and when required. • Any colleague or associated person acting for, or on behalf of, the Company offers, promises, gives, requests, receives or agrees to receive bribes; or • Any colleague or associated person acting for, or on behalf of, the Company offers, promises or gives a bribe to a foreign public official with the intention of influencing that official in the performance of his/her duties (where local law does not permit or require such influence). All colleagues and associated persons are required to comply with this statement, in accordance with the Bribery Act 2010. COLLEAGUE HANDBOOK

22 E. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Learning and Development and your line manager and involves dedicated meetings/conversations between the two of you. From time to time you may be asked to attend The time will also be used to discuss any issues training or learning and development events. or development/training needs to help you work The training and development of all colleagues towards your goals and ensure you perform to the is extremely important to the Company and best of your ability. we regard this as an investment in our most important asset, you. In addition to creating a 3. Servest Street suitably qualified and experienced workforce, offering opportunities for continual professional You will be able to gain access to Servest Street via development is part of our strategy for retaining your payroll number and the password - welcome1. colleagues. By ensuring that you have received appropriate training and personal development, Servest Street is your gateway to the Company we can equip you to progress within the Company in terms of your induction programme and your should you wish. learning and development. It’s also where to go for policies and procedures and everything Your performance will be regularly reviewed, else relating to your employment and career not only during your probationary period but within Servest. during your whole period of employment and any training and development needs will be identified 4. Signpost and acted on where necessary. This may lead to external training and qualifications. The Company also produces a ‘Signpost Booklet’. This will point you in the right direction for your There are some training courses that may require journey through Servest and enable you to access you to sign up to a Training Agreement which even more information and help. includes a re-payment clause which will require you to pay back any fees to the Company should 5. Hidden Talent Apprenticeships you decide to leave the business. Hidden Talent is the name for our Apprenticeship 2. Continuous Conversation schemes. Undertaking a Hidden Talent programme is a great opportunity to gain a certified qualification, The Company prefers all colleagues to have output as well as learn and develop new skills which will agreements rather than job descriptions. These support your progress within the Company. outputs are agreed between you and your line manager and your performance is measured We offer a wide selection of Hidden Talent against these on a continual basis. We therefore programmes, accessible to new and existing have ‘Continuous Conversation’ which is the colleagues. There should be a suitable programme term used to describe the performance review available to you, subject to meeting the relevant process. It is used throughout the year to create eligibility criteria. To access the course content and an environment for supporting, coaching and further information, please visit the Hidden Talent mentoring, providing oversight and doing whatever dashboard on Servest Street. is required to help you to perform successfully. It is based on two way accountability between you COLLEAGUE HANDBOOK


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