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THE District Rotaract Representative TABLE OF CONTENT III Phone/Whatsapp +234-803-369-9311 EDITORS CORNER IV District Rotaract Representative-Elect District Secretary DRR MESSAGE 1 Rotaract Club of Agege RI MESSAGE 2 District Treasurer DG MESSAGE 2-3 Rotaract Club of Mushin IFTAR WITH THE DRR 4 Rotaract Club of Ijebu-Ode Rotaract Club of Omole-Golden ONLINE INTERACTIVE SESSION WITH Rotaract Club of Ijebu-Ode THE DRR 5-6 Rotaract Club of TASUED Rotaract Club of OOU, Ago Iwoye DRR VISIT TO ROTARACT CLUB OF 6 Rotaract Club of Olambe KINGFARM 7 THE PRE-PETS VIRTUAL SEMINAR 8 2022 ROTARACT CLUBS COLLABORATED TO BUILD ROTARACT AWARENESS SPACE AT ROTARY CENTER THE iii A MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF ROTARACT DISTRICT 9110, NIGERIA
of things we think, say or do: 1. Is it the truth? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIP? 4. Will it be BENEFICIARY to all concerned? PURPOSE AND GOALS OF ROTARACT Little by little, the year is gradually winding down, but we are not resting The purpose of Rotaract is to just yet. Once again, we bring you provide an opportunity for young another edition of the monthly men and women to enhance the publication of the District newsletter. As knowledge and skills that will assist always, this publication s lled with them in personal development, to interesting and informative contents address the physical and social about happenings and events around the needs of their communities, and to district. promote better relations between all Please take out time to read and digest people worldwide through a each column and nd inspiration in framework of friendship and them. service. Remember, there is always an opportunity to change lives while also The Goals of Rotaract: making a difference. 1. To develop professional and Tiamiyu Adetayo leadership skills; Editor-in-Chief Rotaract Club of Ijebu ode 2. To emphasize respect for the rights of others, and to iv promote ethical standards and the dignity of all useful occupations; 3. To provide opportunities for young people to address the needs and concerns of the community and our world; 4. To provide opportunities for working in cooperation with sponsoring Rotary clubs; 5. To motivate young people for eventual membership in Rotary. THE A MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF ROTARACT DISTRICT 9110, NIGERIA
DISTRICT ROTARACT REPRESENTATIVE’S MESSAGE FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH (WATER, SANITATION AND HYGIENE MONTH & ROTARACT DAY) DRR ADDRESS- APRIL, 2022 environment that compliments physiological and (MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH MONTH) psychological needs of youth, public image with great ambience and (the high point for me) the rst time in a long while, we had a Rotaract symposium that produced conference resolution to set up a Special Committee to Sometimes it is the journey that teaches you a lot about work with District towards the growth of the District. your destination because the only journey is within. I couldn’t be left with a better quote after relishing in our I am so pleased with the Conference Committee under successes together as a District in the past 9months. the chairmanship of my very good friend and brother PP Truly, this is changemaker year! Afolabi Afeez Abiola for giving us “Oyato” conference experience that has become the SI unit for other Without mincing words, we started year strongly and I Conferences in recent times and others to come. am very optimistic that we are going to end it strongly and in grand style. April according to Rotary Calendar is designated for Maternal and Child Health month. Rotaract Clubs are encouraged to carry out service projects to reduce DISTRICT UPDATES The 2021-22 week long Rotaract anniversary happens to statistics of infancy death rate, increase pregnancy care be one of the busiest Rotaract week celebration in recent and educate nursing mothers in our communities. The times. I feel so proud for the many commendations on D i s t r i c t w i l l a l s o b e a v a i l a b l e f o r p r o j e c t the gigantic led billboard for Rotaract anniversary collaboration/partnership that is capable of making awareness. It means a whole lot for Rotaract to be maximum impact. showcased in one of the most sophisticated streets in Lagos state. Fellow Rotaractors, we are still short of the minimum goal set by the District for The Rotary Foundation We had fun time and beautiful experience on media visit contribution but with as little as individuals can to the beatng radio station discussing Rotaract as a contribute, I am sure we will meet our target because I platform for young people and its impact on the know little drops of water makes the mighty ocean. Let communities and youths. us keep donating to the foundation and each club should at least qualify for Rotaract Giving Certicate. The Rotaract week celebration also avail the opportunity for the District to coordinate and collaborate with Zones COUNCIL MEETING for service projects. Three projects were executed by The 4th Council meeting shall be held this month, April three Zones in two areas of focus (donation of exercise 30. Further details shall be disseminated as and when books to pupils, free eye screening and blood donation due. drive) to further improve the impact of Rotaract in our communities while the activities ended with colorful Let me also inform all Clubs to start putting their reports youth symposium and hangout. together to be able to meet up with the deadline which is 31st May, 2022. I want to once again appreciate the Rotaract Week Celebration Committee led by PP Fathia Adekeye for As we journey into the 10th month, there are whole lot several initiatives that epitomized the Rotaract image we we can still achieve together, let us continue to remain envisage. positive, passionate and hungry for more successes while I thank you for the cooperation and supports for I could remember vividly at the early hours of this same the past months. month of April- 1year ago, 4th day of April specically, when PP Afolabi Abiola addressed and raised the hope In the tenth month of Rotary Calendar, let us serve to of Rotaractors to anticipate a District Conference in the change lives central location of Lagos state albeit affordable. Fellow changemakers, it is not gainsaying to agree that Ayodeji Ezekiel Sobowale the 38th Rotaract District Conference was a gathering District Rotaract Representative Rotary International that will linger in memories for long because it is a conference with many rsts; topnotch speakers, scenic District 9110 [email protected] THE 08033699311 1 A MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF ROTARACT DISTRICT 9110, NIGERIA
Friends, one of my mantras in Rotary ROTARY focus — the environment — and how our has been do more, grow more. I am INTERNATIONAL work to protect our planet must support sure you are adopting this mantra. PRESIDENT’S our efforts to grow local economies, Do more, as in bigger and impactful MESSAGE especially in places with the greatest service projects, and grow more, as in poverty. I also had the honor to speak at increasing our membership. FOR THE MONTH the 26th United Nations climate change conference in Glasgow, Scotland, known There is so much excitement across the OF APRIL as COP26. This important meeting Rotary world about our Each One, Bring brought together nearly 100 heads of state One effort. Everywhere I travel, club members after far too much time apart. and government over a two-week period presidents, district governors, and Rotary to set new targets for fossil fuel emission. members — both veteran and new — As we grow more, we will have so much My call to action was to restore express appreciation that their more opportunity to do more. April is mangroves, a crucial ecosystem that can membership efforts are inspiring the Maternal and Child Health Month, a great mitigate the effects of climate change in Rotary world. opportunity for your clubs to consider coastal areas. Already, countries across what you are doing to support the health the world are showing great enthusiasm We are growing more, and I cannot wait of mothers and young children. for this plan. to celebrate all of this success with you at Improving access to care and the quality the Rotary International Convention in of care for women and children Our survival is at stake — the damage of Houston in June. There is still time to worldwide is an important focus for us environmental catastrophe is already register and make your plans to join us. and it also ties in very well with our upon us — and so, too, is our ability to lift We are looking forward to a once-in-a- Empowering Girls initiative. I appreciate the world’s most needy out of poverty lifetime experience that will unite our the work being done by various clubs in and offer them hope. We must nd ways this area of focus, and I would encourage to protect our planet while sustaining the you to think of ways to do more. economic growth necessary to achieve our highest humanitarian goals. It has been so exciting to see Rotary members come together at the This is a very exciting time in Rotary, a presidential conferences to share ideas time when the world needs us most. As about using our areas of focus to bring we Serve to Change Lives, remember that about big, lasting change in the world. we are also changing ourselves. We are The past and upcoming presidential becoming the world’s great change- conferences are looking at our new area of makers and peacebuilders. The world is ready for us. It’s time to rise to that call. The quote above succinctly captures our DISTRICT situation for the last nine months of the GOVERNOR’S Change Maker Year 2021-2022. We did not set out to become heroes overnight but MESSAGE we summoned courage to overcome challenges because we wanted to ‘beat the FOR THE clock’ and win with Rotarians in our District. MONTH OF APRIL We are now in our 10th month and looking back, we discovered that no mountain was too high to climb in order to serve humanity. Fellow Rotarians, we took step at a time when Covid-19 was still much around full of fear and doubt of to be or not to be. We were not deterred, started with various running to a close. I welcome you to the month of Maternal and training of our Ofcers and Change Maker However as I keep saying, there is still time to Child Health having had Water, Sanitation Presidents training seminar, my rst-class ‘Beat the Clock’ most especially in area of The and Hygiene in the month of March. Our installation as the CMDG, clubs’ DG visit, Rotary Foundation contribution and clubs continued to ‘serve to change lives’ in energy sapping Districting agenda, participation by Rotarians. the last nine months and without a doubt in institution of a new culture of accountability MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH my mind, the month of April will not be an and transparency in the District among other MONTH exception. activities that involved thinking out of the box and before we realised it, the year is THE 2 A MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF ROTARACT DISTRICT 9110, NIGERIA
DG message contd. It is disheartening to report Clubs’ poor attended by the leadership of the District led RECOGNITION AND AWARDS response in sponsoring indigent members by my humble self with my wife; the It may be necessary that I remind all of our society for the subsidised maximum Incoming DG, DGN as well as PDG Deinde Rotarians that the month of April is the micro-credit scheme of 100,000 per Shoga and Jide Akeredolu among other month clubs are expected to put together beneciary. Rotarians from the District. and submit the report of their activities to the District Awards and Recognition May I please appeal to our members to The District Maputo Presidential Committee chaired by PAG Ayo Olumoko. support our indigent people by sponsoring Conference Committee was chaired by PAG them for loans. Gabriel Onyema who regrettably could not The committee will conduct an appraisal to 2022-2023 TRAINING PROGRAMMES make the trip due to domestic accident but know whichClub and Change Maker The rst combined PETS and DTA took the Committee’s Secretary, supported by President will ‘dethrone’Opportunities place from 25thto 27th March, 2022. It was a PAG Ade-Oyenekan, gave the participants President Funke Doris Salau of the Rotary huge success! Once again, I congratulate a Presidential experience at the conference. Club of Ota by winning the “Best Club” and the Incoming District Governor Omotunde PDG DR. TUNJI FUNSHO, CHAIRMAN, “Most Outstanding President of the Change Lawson for a successful start. Let me also NIGERIA NATIONAL POLIOPLUS Maker Year” and enter the newly use this medium to congratulate our District COMMITTEE,TRANSITIONING TO inaugurated Hall of Fame in the District. Leaders, especially our District Trainer, REGIONAL AND GLOBAL DG’S VISIT PDG Kamoru Omotosho, and his team for RESPONSIBILITIES very impacting programmes. DISTRICT CONFERENCE (DISCON) 2022 For some reasons amongst which are time DISCON 2022 preparation is going on Through an announcement made by Mike and cost saving, some clubs held their DG’s smoothly. I am happy to say that McGovern, Rotary International Nigeria visit at The Rotary Centre. Holding the visit information at my disposal shows that the National PolioPlus Committee Chair Dr. at The Rotary Centre did not affect the Conference will be a well-attended Tunji Funsho, a key Rotary leader who was primary objectives of the Clubs receiving conference considering the number of instrumental in steering Nigeria to its status the DG, though the practice is not in any registered members for the conference. as a country free of the wild polio virus, will way encouraged by the CMDG. I’m condent that it will be a conference be transitioning to Regional and Nevertheless the Clubs fullled one of the with a different experience in terms of International polio responsibilities for elements of a functioning rotary club by networking, fellowship and fun, Rotary on 1 July, 2022. receiving the DG on the ofcial visit. As at motivational and inspirational speakers. He will pass on the responsibilities of the the last count, a total of 116 clubs have been Get ready to dance at the conference; so Nigerian National PolioPlus Committee to visited out of the 129 clubs as at end of come along with your dancing shoes. Our PDG Joshua Hassanwho has been March 2022. social events will be full of pomp and announced as the new Chairman of pageantry. Once again, the preparation so NNPPCin July. far is very encouraging and I give kudos to Chairman PAG Lanre Adedoyin and CLUBS’ INDEBTEDNESS members of his committee. PDG Funsho will continue as a member of the Rotary International PolioPlus It is important I touch the issue of clubs’ Committee with a particular focus leading indebtedness to Rotary International and HOUSTON CONVENTION 2022 the District. This is not the best of time for the review of Rotary’s annual global grant of US$150 million to the Global Polio our clubs to owe either of these bodies. Houston, Texas Convention 2022 is holding Eradication Initiative. between 4thand 8th June, 2022. Rotarians May I appeal to those clubs in this category and family members have started obtaining He will also serve as the Rotary polio to devise ways and means to clear representative to meetings of their debts in order to ensure continuity of the clubs in the new the World Health Organisation Rotary Year starting 1stJuly, 2022. AFRO region, and continue as a DISTRICT 9110 EDUCATION Courage is more exhilarating than fear and in the special adviser to the Nigerian AND WELFARE ENDOWMENT long run, it is easier. We do not have to become National PolioPlus Committee. FUND (DEWEF) heroes overnight. Just a step at a time, meeting each Please join me in congratulating thing that comes up, seeing it is not as dreadful as it our PDG Tunji Funsho and appeared, discovering we have the strength to stare PDG Joshua Hassan on their it down. Arrangement is at top gear to issue -- Eleanor Roosevelt well-deserved elevation,and another 120 scholarships of wish the duo continued success N100,000.00 each to indigent but in their new roles towards total brilliant students from our eradication of Poliomyelitis in District. WAEC has been engaged our world. to conduct the usual aptitude test for the prospective candidates. The their visas. scholarship award ceremony is likely to take “Together we can, together we will”. place on 6th May, 2022. Let me use this medium to express my The On-To-Houston Convention Let me end this address by saying that I sincere appreciation to our clubs and Committee of the District, under its cannot thank youenough, on behalf of Chairman, PAG Niyi Adesanya, is myself and my wife, Nike, for the constant stillgoing ahead with the plan for a betting support and plead that it is not over until it hospitality by the District. individual Rotarians for your pledge of is over. about N52.9m out of which N31.074m has been redeemed to-date. I wish to encourage clubs and Rotarians to fulll their promise RI PRESIDENTIAL CONFERENCE – The clock is still begging to be beaten; let us of supporting this good cause. AFRICA continue to beat the clock and be the conrmed ‘Change Makers’ as we ‘serve to O n e o f t h e s e v e n R I P r e s i d e n t i a l change lives’. DISTRICT ECONOMIC AND Conferences, the Africa version, was held in EMPOWERMENT PROGRAMME (DEEP) Maputo Mozambique between 4thand 5th March, 2022. The Conference was well THE 3 A MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF ROTARACT DISTRICT 9110, NIGERIA
IFTAR WITH THE DRR Rotary is diverse!! International District 9110 Rtn. Remi attendees and also appreciated the Bello FCA was in attendance and he massive turnout and support gotten Rotary is all inclusive!! appreciated the effort of the from all Rotaractors, Rotarians and Muslim Faithfuls of Rotaract District organizers and he further express the well wishers towards the success of approach to be in accordance with the event \"Iftar with the DRR\" and Rotary International's newest further hoped that all things being approach to DEI - Diversity, Equity equal the program would be held continuously in Rotary years to come. Rotaractor Adam Mustapha from the Rotaract club of Kingsfarm recited some verse from the Holy Quran (Q2 vs 183-186) while Rotaractor Rabiu Muritala gave the translation of the verse as a sermon to admonish the congregation. At an instance, the total sum of $15 was raised and donated to The Rotary Foundation to further promote the good works of \"Doing Good in the World\" 9110 Nigeria had an Iftar session with and Inclusion. Rotaractor Eleto Isiak the DRR; this session was borne out Kolawole gave a general on the purpose of sharing loving prayer and a vote of thanks on moments with one another and to also behalf of the planning committee. share joyous and peaceful moments The session ended with lots of Fruits, as we observe the holy month of Foods and Halal Drinks to break the Ramadan . fast of Ramadan day 19. The event which has the theme: \"Break the Fast, Show some Love\" was not only for the Muslim Faithfuls but an open event for all Rotaractors regardless of their religious beliefs; with the sole aim of oneness and tolerance which is the core aim of Rotary International's existence. The District Governor Rotary He called for all Rotaractors to shamelessly promote their religion at any given opportunity. As Rotary is known to create no barrier we all should also act in oneness and see ourselves as Human before anything else. The DRR Deji Sobowale; The DRRE Afolabi A. Abdullahi; The DRRN Mujib Olamilekan Abisogun all had their wonderful time to address the THE 4 A MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF ROTARACT DISTRICT 9110, NIGERIA
ONLINE INTERACTIVE SESSION WITH THE DRR At exactly 8:04pm, the District Installation, Membership seminar, Great the success of the donations to the rotary Rotaract Representative, Rotr. Trek, TRF seminar, Family of Rotary, foundation. He charged that we can do Ayodeji Ezekiel SOBOWALE Rotaract week and District Conference. better in the ladt few months and declared the session open. encourage everyone to donate their cent The session was anchored by Rotr. Still to come we have Rotaculture and to TRF. AKANNI, Damola Olaide from the award dinner. Rotaract Club of Olambe and Co- The DRR in response appreciated the anchored by Rotr. Mustafa Omobusola Membership and New Club DRRN for his contribution. He from the Rotaract Club of Ikoyi. development; mentioned that TRF has become a major Total number of Rotaractors: 1,358 project as far as D9110 is concerned SESSION PROPER 6 news clubs have been chartered because that’s the least we can do to better our clubs for more impactful Rotr. ADENEKAN, Abdulazeez from TRF: 3,000+ Dollars donated and 14 opportunities. the Rotaract Club of Gbagada South led Clubs already qualied for Rotaract He assured that the donations will the ROTARY GRACE while Rotr. Giving Certicate further increase as he remains optimistic. IBRAHIM, p Inumidun from the He gave all of the credits to Rotaractors. Rotaract Club of Ikoyi took us through 2.SERVICE PROJECTS the four way test of the things we think, The district have executed projects in the CHALLENGES THE say or do. following Rotary’s areas of focus; ADMINISTRATION HAVE FACED -Supporting the environment The DRR started his welcome address by - community economic development The DRR said one of the challenges is the recognizing the DRRE, PDR, CMPs and - Peacebuilding and conict prevention inability to meet the targeted $5000 all Rotaractors present, he proceeded to - Disease prevention and treatment donation to TRF. He charged that our $2, appreciate every Rotaractor who gave - Basic education and literacy $3, $5 would go a long way in making their supports in creating evergreen this target achievable. He quoted the moments through the Rotary year. He Still to come maternal and child Health saying “ A little drop of water makes the reminisced the past months, he project and complimentary Basic mighty ocean.” mentioned that there have been a lot of education project in Partnership with He says the other challenges are what the great moments together and of course, it clubs in District 9110. district have always been facing. wouldn't have been possible without everyone involvement. He mentioned that the district is looking 1. Late registration for events He iterated that all he would loved to say forward to have partnership with clubs 2. Reluctance to do basics on rotary.org have mostly been said in his monthly for global grant water and sanitation which seriously pose challenge and address note (a fantastic channel of project and the district have partnered causes data uctuations. communication that have proven with Lagos State Government, Rotary effective) and as well in the monthly District 9110, Rotaract Clubs, Zones and The positive is that, awareness on these newsletters. Areas. challenges is becoming pronounced and gradually, things would change. The DRR gave gave a remarkable update 3.AWARDS AND RECOGNITION He added by saying; on the TRF achievement. The District has There misconception at times when the recorded over 3,000 Dollars contribution The district have received certicate District invite clubs for partnership. to the Rotary Foundation this year. He from RI for participation in Rotary Day Many feels the district wants to extort further emphasized on the success of the of Service them or seek favour meanwhile the District Conference and he promised district is only doing the basic and rotaractors the best ever Rota-Cultural We have constitently produce monthly performing her duties i.e bringing clubs esta with other projects in the pipeline. newsletter without missing any month together for fellowship and service. He further assured that the soon be be unveiled Award and Dinner event will He said the above are facts and gures so The district have information and be fun lled. far and if there are others to be included, platform to enhance collaboration for The DRR encouraged everyone to donate he will denitely add in due time. clubs to come together for bigger and to the Rotary Foundation as the District better impact. has set a target of 5,000 Dollars which we The Rotaract District Membership look at achieving. Chairperson and District Rotaract He charged that whenever clubs get a Representative Nominee, Rotr. call from the district to participate in an INSIGHT ON THE JOURNEY SO FAR ABISOGUN, Mujib from the Rotaract idea, they should see it as a privilege to The District Rotaract Representative, Club of Maryland gave some words of further expand the impact of their club Rotr. Ayodeji Ezekiel SOBOWALE said a encouragement to the DRR. He beyond its current state. lot have been achieved some of which appreciated the success the current are stated below; administration have recorded. He QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS extended his appreciation to the TRF Rotaractors were given the platform to 1. ADMINISTRATIONS team and gave kudos to the district on ask questions from the District Rotaract The district have had 7 programs; THE 5 A MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF ROTARACT DISTRICT 9110, NIGERIA
Representative 1. Can you name a person who has had a 5. What is that one thing you have in plan tremendous impact on you as a DRR? as a DRR and yet to achieve? . The DRR Rotr. SOLIU, Olarenwaju from the Maybe someone who has been a mentor responded saying “maybe at the end of Rotaract Club of Ikoyi. asked what are to you? Why and how did this person the year, I will be able to answer it the challenges the district is facing as impact your life and journey as a DRR? . properly but for now, it is only the TRF regards projects and events and what The DRR responded saying GOD. target of 5,000 Dollars.” advice does the DRR have for clubs. The DRR responded that 2. What is one characteristic that you At the end of the Questions and Answes, personally, he prefers believe every leader should possess?. the DRR gave a closing remark. He says it partnership/collaboration. Although, it The DRR responded saying PATIENCE. has been a great time having everyone was hard at the beginning but thanks to around. the project chairpersons for their tenacity 3. What is the one behavior or trait that He charged that we started strongly and to properly convey the idea when you have seen derail more leaders’ we are breaking grounds in required. careers?. The DRR Responded saying togetherness. PRIDE. He advised that clubs should set more The only way we can nish strongly is to realistic plans for their projects. 4. What are few resources you would ensure our characters, activities and recommend to someone looking to gain ideas are changing lives. Rotr. ELETO, Isiak Kolawole from the insight into becoming a better leader?. Rotaract Club of Agege asked the The DRR responded saying Bible or The session was adjourned by Rotr. following questions: Quran. They never fade nor outdated. Jephtha O. Benson from the Rotaract Club of Ijebu Ife. DRR VISIT TO ROTARCAT CLUB OF KINGFARM “The ultimate measure of a man is not opportunity to challenge one's self as a into Rotaract club of King Farm. This where he stands in moments of comfort club on how to do better whilst sharing implies that the club has outdone her and convenience, but the attempts he idea for the sustainability of the club. He membership recruitment quota for the make towards growth. as well, congratulated the club's year. The DRR Ayodeji On the 24th day of April, President for setting precedence. Sobowale, DRRE Afolabi 2022, Rotaract Club of The DRRE in his own words expressed Abdullahi, Rotary Club King Farm for the rst how elated he was to be part of the of Mushin Golden Youth time since their charter history, he emphasized on the need to chair, Rotn. Hammed took the bold step to host leverage on all the suggestions and Rauf, PDR Rotn. Yomi the District Rotaract recommendations earlier passed by the Sobowale inducted the Representative and his board chair and wish the club's new Rotaractors and entourage on an ofcial Leadership well for the bold step. charged them on best working visit for the The major highlight of the visit is the practices. Rotary calendar year. induction of four (4) new Rotaractors The Change Maker The DRR, Ayodeji President, Rotr. Atitebi Sobowale who in his Ismail Abiodun in his capacity acted as the address appreciated District board chairman everyone present starting and members of the from the District Board district board present kick Members ably led by the started the historical visit with meeting DRR, Rotarians, with the apex decision making of the Rotaractors, friends and guest. He Club, the Board of directors. This assured that the club is on a quest to meeting availed the chair a glimpse as to become an enviable club in the district how the club has been faring, their lapses and they aren't resting on their oars and how to work on it, prospects they anytime soon. should be working on and most importantly, appreciated the Leadership 6 of the club for taking the bold step. In his words, DRR's visit is not meant to castigate or rubbish whatever it is a Rotaract club has done rather, it is an THE A MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF ROTARACT DISTRICT 9110, NIGERIA
THE PRE-PETS VIRTUAL SEMINAR 2022 The District Leadership Training Representative-Elect Rotr. Abdullahi A. FEATURES OF THE TRAINING Committee for 2022-2023 Imagine AFOLABI. • Pitching of Club Project Rotary Year hosted a PRE-PETS. • General Knowledge of Rotary In attendance was the District Governor- International Date: 20th of April, 2022 Elect - Rotn Omotunde LAWSON. • My Rotary.Org practical session Virtual: Google Meet + She gave her remarks by acknowledging • Project Proposal Writing/Reporting the effort of the District leaders and the And many more...... In preparation for the 2022-2023 Imagine activities that have been carried out so far DTA -District Training Assembly Rotary Year. Presidents-Elect of over 70 by the DRR - Ayodeji Sobowale and his The DTA was also explained as an Rotaract clubs in Rotaract District 9110 Change Maker Team. important aspect of training for all was engaged in a virtual seminar. Presidents, secretaries, Treasurer and Furthermore, she charged all the representatives of all clubs must attend. A training that was aimed at putting club Presidents-Elect to adequately prepare The DTA is scheduled to hold: leaders in the know of what is expected to ahead for the 2022-2023 Imagine Rotary Date: 21st of May, 2022 lead an effective Rotaract club come 2022- Year which is loaded with so many Venue: Rotary Centre, 8 Ladoke Akintola 2023. opportunities from Rotary International Street, GRA Ikeja, Lagos. with the advent of Global Grant which Several questions were asked by The training was called to order at exactly would be made available for Rotaract participants during the virtual session and 4:10 pm by the District Rotaract clubs to access. they were duly responded to by the Representative-Elect Rotr. Abdullahi A. District Training Committee. AFOLABI Effective partnership with sponsoring The session was called to a close at about Rotary club was encouraged for all 5:20 pm with a vote of thanks made by ROTARACT REMINDERS Rotaract clubs to abide by; She further Rotr. Nurudeen WAHEED on behalf of • 4-Way Test - Rotr. Kehinde ONIKE explained that, towards achieving the the 2022-2023 Class of Imaginative (President-Elect, Rotaract club of Epe) effective partnership, All Rotary and Presidents. • Purpose and Goals of Rotaract - Rotr. Rotaract clubs would be classied and Together we bring imagination to the Nurudeen WAHEED grouped into clusters and each cluster reality of purpose (President-Elect, Rotaract club of Ota) would be expected to carry out projects and activities for the year, most especially 7 The District Rotaract Representative-Elect attempting projects that are worthy of the gave his welcome remarks and urged all Global Grant. Presidents-Elect to pay much attention as the engagement would go on. The itinerary of the forthcoming Presidents-Elect Training Seminar was The District Leadership Training presented by the Incoming District Committee Chairman - Rotr. Taiwo Trainer PP Taiwo JONES; He Highlighted JONES (Past President, Rotaract Club of the schedule of activities; Lagos) was introduced to the Presidents- Elect by the District Rotaract PETS- Presidents-Elect Training Seminar The PETS is scheduled to hold on Friday THE 6th - 7th May 2022. Venue: Airport Hotel Ikeja, Lagos. A MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF ROTARACT DISTRICT 9110, NIGERIA • Arrival/Registration 9 AM - 10 AM • 1st session of training 10 AM - 1 PM • Lunch, Accommodation/Jumat Prayer 1 PM - 2:30 PM • 2nd Session of Training 2:30 PM - 5 PM • Recess 5 pm - 7 pm • 3rd Session (Welcome Party) 7:30 PM - 10 PM • Light out Day 2 - Saturday 7th May 2022 • Breakfast 7 AM - 8 AM • 1st Session of Training 8 AM - 11 AM • Check out 11:30 AM - 12NOON • 2nd session 12NOON - 2 PM • Lunch/Departure 3 PM
ROTARACT CLUBS COLLABORATED TO BUILD ROTARACT AWARENESS SPACE AT ROTARY CENTRE The fourth council meeting was The DRR in his address appreciate the remarkable and once again the clubs involved and also Rotaract District experienced acknowledged the efforts of all the impact of collaborative effort Changemaker Presidents. The DRR during council meeting recess when shared the story behind release of the the District Rotaract Representative space and approval granted by the Ayodeji Sobowale was led to the amiable Changemaker DG, ‘Remi Rotaract space project at the Rotary Bello. District ofce for commissioning of the Rotaract Awareness space done The space simply now afford Rotaract by the collaborative effort of some to showcase our activities and events Rotaract Clubs, namely; Rotaract on the board space just like the Club of Abeokuta, Rotaract Club of Rotarians do. Orile Iganmu, Rotaract Club of Ojodu Ambassadors, Rotaract Club Ijanikin There was general appreciation to the Central, Rotaract Club of Lagos District Governor for yet another Mainland and Rotaract Club of laudable gesture that will enhance Egbeda. Rotaract activities and promote Rotaract image. THE 8 A MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF ROTARACT DISTRICT 9110, NIGERIA
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