25 April 2015 Indian Bank Zonal Office GuwahatiVolume 1 Issue 1 e-NEws e-North East WonderS (Inhouse Monthly Highlights)Inside this issue: •From Zonal Managers DeskWe are now ISO 2 “As we step into new fi- uted in CASA, a keyCertified nancial year, I congratu- component of the busi-We are now ISO 3 late each one of you for ness margin and henceCertified your contribution and profits.Business Position 4 encouragement. Your zone has crossedMesmerizing 5 We had huge targets in the 3100cr mark in busi-Memories 6 front of us. You all re- ness, which is no smallOLC issue sponded in such a posi- achievement. tive way to ensure thatSome Special 6 goals were achieved al- I wish you all a financialHighlights most all the key parame- year full of efforts and ters have been met.. joys of achievement.” Most Importantly , we ensured that we contrib- S.P Deb Zonal Manager Heartly Congratulation to top 5 branches CASA Achievement RMRC, Khanapara, Golaghat, Mangaldoi, Athgaon Advances Achievement Bijaynagar, Air force Station, Naharlagoon, Mangaldoi, Nazira
e-North East WonderSPage 2 Volume 1 Issue 1e-NEwse-North East WonderS We are now ISO27001:2013 Certified (Among a few Banks in India to be certified) Indian Bank’s Information Security processes have been successfully assessed for ISO27001:2013 security standard and is among the very few Banks who are certified world-wide. An ISO Certification is the provision by an independent body ofwritten assurance (a certificate) that the product, service or system meets specific require-ments. Apart from being a best practice, the certification is a useful tool to add credibility andreassure the Indian Bank’s clients that the Bank’s information security is of high quality. This certified security standard has additional controls in cryptography, secured devel-opment, security testing, supplier relationship etc. The standard also lays emphasis on meas-uring and evaluating performance of information security management system (ISMS). With the state of the art technology, Indian Bank provides all banking services underone roof with 24*7 internet banking facility, 2411 branches and 2336 ATMs spread across allover India and having international presence in Singapore and SriLanka.
e-North East WonderS Volume 1 Issue 1 Page 3सघं र्ष मं आदमी अके ऱा होता है सफऱता मं दनु िया उसके साथ होती है जब जब जग ककसी पर हंसा है तब तब उसी िे इनतहास रचा है |
e-North East WonderS Volume 1 Issue 1 Page 4 YOY Growth In CASA YOY Growth In Core DepositMar-12 593.61 Mar-12 1744.91 Mar-12Mar-13 618.22 Mar-13 Mar-13Mar-14 Mar-14 2365.35 Mar-14Mar-15 675.87 Mar-15 Mar-15 831.72 1931.52 1919.61800 YOY Growth In Term Deposit16001400 1313.3 1533.6212001000 1151.31 1243.73 Mar-12 Mar-13 800 Mar-14 600 Mar-15 400 200 0 Mar-12 Mar-13 Mar-14 Mar-15 YOY Growth In Advances 774.91 800 417.72 488.85 498.54 Mar-12 600 Mar-13 Mar-14 400 Mar-15 200 0 Mar-12 Mar-13 Mar-14 Mar-15
Page 5 e-North East WonderS Volume 1 Issue 1 “The Two Most Beautiful Words In The English Language Are ‘Cheque Enclosed’
आपका प्रौद्योनगकी कहतरै ्ी बकं Acceptance सकार, स्वीकृ नत Your Tech-Friendly Bank Account ऱेखा, खाता Account Book ऱेखा बहीZonal Office Account holder खातेदारSharma & Sharma Market Account payee आदाता के खाते मे2nd Floor Chandmari Accountant ऱेखाकरGuwahati Accounting method ऱेखा पद्धनत Accounting system ऱेखा प्रणाऱी Accounts Department ऱेखा ववभाग Acknowledgement पावती,प्रानि सचू िा,रसीद LOGO
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