सि चका सं कृ त- वभागः के य व ालसरू तगढ़सै य े म ्
स पादक यम ् वना वदे ं वना गीतां , वना रामायणीं कथाम ् | वना सं कृ तभाषां च ,भारतं भारतं न ह || भारतीयसं कृ तेः मु याधारः सं कृ तेवाि त | व य ाचीनतमा भाषा ,सम तभारतीयभाषाणां जननी च वतते सं कृ तभाषा | अ याः ाचीनता एव कारणं नाि त े तायाः अ पतु सं कृ त य वै ा नकता अ स पणू व े अ याः मह वम ् तपादय त | सम े व े आधु नकवै ा नकाः सं कृ तभाषां स गणक य कृ ते सव मभाषा पेण वीकु वि त | ‘ई- व ालयप का 2022-2023’ इ त के य व ालसरू तगढ़सै य े य अ यां सि चकायां सं कृ तभाषायाः व वधवणाः तयू ते | व ालय य सं कृ तछा ाणां एषः यि कि चत ् यासः| य प नाि त एताः रचनाः मूलतः बालकानां तथा प तेषां सं कृ तानरु ागः अ मा भः अ भन दनीयः | पाठकाः अ माकं भारतवष य गौरवभूतायाः सं कृ तभाषायाः रचनाः प ठ वा आनि दताः भ व यि त इ त म ये| सादरं सम पतम ् | नवदे कः मोहन सहः श त- नातक- श कः(सं कृ त) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “The Sanskrit language, whether, be its antiquity, is of wonderful structure, more perfect than Greek, more copious than the Latin and more refined then either.” -: Sir William Jones “Sanskrit is the most scientific language in which the words are written exactly in the manner they are spoken or thought of.” - NASA
सं कृ तभाषायाः मह वम ् सं कृ तं जगतः एकतमा अ त ाचीना समृ ा शा ीया च भाषा वतते | सं कृ तं भारत य जगतः वा भाषासु एकतमा ाचीनतमा | भारती ,सरु भारती ,अमरवाणी, अमरभारती,सरु वाणी ,गीवाणी ,देववाणी ,देवभाषा ,सं कृ ता,वाक् दैवीवाक् इ या द भः नाम भः एषा भाषा स ा| भारतीयभाषासु बाहु येन सं कृ तश दाः उपयु ाः | सं कृ तात ् एव अ धका भारतीयभाषा उ तू ाः|तावदेव भारत-यरू ोपीय-भाषावग याः अनके ाः भाषाः सं कृ त भावं सं कृ तश द ाचुय च दशयि त| याकरणेन सुसं कृ ता भाषा जनानां सं कार दा यनी भव त | अ ा यायी इ त नाि न मह षपा णनःे वरचना जगतः सवासां भाषाणाम ् याकरण थषे ु अ यतमा ,वैयाकरणानां भाषा वदां भाषा व ा ननां च रे णा थानम ् इवाि त | सं कृ तवा यं व वा गमये अ तीयं थानम ् अल करो त | सं कृ त य ाचीनतम थाः वेदाः सि त | वेद-शा -पुराण-इ तहास –का य-नाटक –दशना द भः अन तवा य पणे वलसि त अि त एषा देववाक् | न के वलं धम-अथ-काम- मो ा मकाः चतु वदपु षाथहेतुभूताः वषयाः अ याः सा ह य य शोभां वध यतुं अ पतु धा मक –नै तक- आ ाि मक –लौ कक –वै ा नक –पारलौ कक वषयःै अ प सुसंप ना इयं देववाणी | -: सपना क ा –अ मी ‘अ’ “Sanskrit is like the river Ganga for our languages. I always feel that if it were to dry up the regional language also would lose their vitality and power. It seems to me that an elementary knowledge of Sanskrit is essential. It is not sentiment on my part that makes me say so, but practical consideration of the utility to our country of this great language and the vast knowledge held by it.” -: Mahatma Gandhi शुभाशयाः (Good Wishes) नववष यशभु ाशयाः Happy New Year नववष नवो साहं ददातु द पावल –शभु ाशयाः let the new year bring new hopes. सफलतायै अ भन दनम ् Good wishes for Diwali. शुभं ज म दनम ् Congratulations for the success. ज म दन य शभु ाशयाः Happy Birthday . शवा ते प थानः स तु Many Happy returns of the day. Wish you a pleasant journey. सकं लनम ् :- अपूवा र तोगी क ा – नवमी ‘अ’
सं कृ त कथा लोभी कृ षीवलः एकि मन ् ामे एकः कृ षीवलः वस त म | त य समीपे एका कु कु ट आसीत ् | सा कु कु ट त दनम ् एकं सुवणमयम ् अ डं ददा त म | सवु णमया न अ डा न ा य सः कृ षीवलः बहु धनवान ् अभवत ् | “कु कु याः उदरे बहू न अ डा न सि त | उदर य कतनं कृ वा सवा ण अ डा न ा नो म” इ त सः अ च तयत ् | कु कु याःउदर य कतनाय सः एकं छु रकया कु कु याःउदर य कतनम ् अकरोत ् |पर तु कु कु याःउदरे एकम ् अ प अ डम ् न आसीत ् | कु कु ट मतृ ा | अ डम ् अ प न ा म ् | कृ षीवलः पुनः नधनः अभवत ् | नी त :- अ तलोभो न करणीयः | -: मुथु महाल मी क ा – स मी ‘ब’ मम मातभृ ू मः “जननी ज मभू म वगाद प गर य स”| मातभृ ू मः ज मतः आर य मृ यपु य तम ् अ माकं र णं पोषणं च करो त | ‘माता भू मः पु ोऽहं पृ थ याः’ इ त वेदवा यम ् अि त | मातभृ ू मः सवः नरैः व दनीया भव त | येन-के न कारेण मातभृ मू ःे र णं करणीयम ् | -: ज तन रो ह ला क ा- अ मी ‘अ’
सभु ा षता न अथ - कल कसका न कि द प जाना त कं क य ो भ व य त । आज ह कर ल । अतः ः करणीया न कु याद वै बु मान ् ।। या होगा यह कोई नह ं जानता है, इस लए बु मान ् पु ष कल करने वाले काय जल ब दु नपातेन मशः पयू ते घटः । स हेतुः सव व ानां धम य च धन य च ।। अथ -जैसे पानी क एक-एक बँदू से घड़ा भर जाता है, उसी कार सभी व ाय भी नर तर पढ़ते रहने से ा हो जाती ह । और वैसे ह मनु य थोड़ा-थोड़ा धन एक त कर के धनवान ् बन जाता है । थमे नािजता व ा तीये नािजतं धनम ् । ततृ ीये नािजतं पु यं चतुथ कं क र य त ।। अथ -जो मनु य थम अव था म (१ से २५ वष म) व ा अजन नह ं करता, तीय अव था म (२६ से ५० वष म) धनाजन नह ं करता, ततृ ीय अव था म (५१ से ७५ वष म) पु य (धम) नह ं करता तो वह चतुथ अव था म (७६ से १०० वष म) म या करेगा ? अथात ् जीवन के अि तम भाग म वह वृ ाव था के कारण कु छ भी करने म समथ नह ं होता है । न कि त ् क य चि म ं न कि त ् क य च पःु । यवहारेण जाय ते म ा ण रपव तथा ।। अथ - संसार म कोई कसी का म नह ं है और ना ह कोई कसी का श ु है । श ु और म तो पर पर यवहार के कारण ह बनते ह । णशः कणश वै व ामथ च साधयेत ् । ण यागे कु तो व ा कण यागे कु तो धनम ् ॥ अथ - येक ण व ा का अ यास करना चा हए । और एक-एक कण का यय न करते हुए धन का स ह करना चा हए । य क ण के याग से व ा ा नह ं हो सकती और कण के याग से अथ (धन) का सं ह नह हो सकता । संकलनम ् :- सरु भ राय क ा –अ मी ‘अ’
सं कृ त ोकाः काकचे ा वको यानं ान न ा तथवै च | यायामात ् लभते वा यं द घायु यं बलं सखु म ् | अ पाहार गहृ यागी व ा थनः प चल णम ् || आरो यं परमं भा यं वा यं सवाथसाधकम ् || अ ादशपुराणेषु यास य वचन यम ् | अ नदानं परं दानं व ादानमतः परम ् । परोपकारः पु याय पापाय परपीडनम ् || व वं च नपृ वं चा नैव तु यं कदाचन ् | अ नेन णका तृ याव जीवं च व या ।। वदेशे पू यते राजा व ान सव पू यते || न कि त क य चत म ं न कि त क य चत रप:ु । एके ना प सुपु ेण सहं व प त नभयम ् | यवहारेण जाय ते, म ा ण र व तथा।। सहैव दश भः पु ःै भारं वह त गद भः || गु ा गु व णःु गु दवो महे रः | उ मेन ह स यि त काया ण न मनोरथःै | गु ः सा ात ् परं ः त मै ी गरु वे नमः || न ह सु य सहं य वशि त मुखे मगृ ाः || ग छन ् पपी लको या त योजनानां शता य प | सव भव तु सु खनः सव स तु नरामयाः | अग छन ् वनै तेयोऽ प पदमके ं न ग छ त || सव भ ा ण प य तु मा कि त ् दःु खभागभवेत ् || सकं लनम ् :- वधा कं वर संकलनम ् :- सदं प कौर क ा –अ मी ‘अ’ क ा –अ मी ‘अ’ -: पु पे महे रा, क ा – एकादश ‘ व ान वगः
प चत म ् प चत ं सरलकथानां शृ खला पेण ल खतम ् अि त | येकं कथायाः एकः दाश नकः वषयः भव त | मानव वभावम ् अवगत ् जीवने सफलतां कथं ा ुं श यते इ त अ माकं मागदशनं करो त | पि डत व णु शमा इ यनने ल खतम ् आसीत ् | अ य प च ख डाः सि त - म भदे ं , म सं ा ,काकोलकू यं ,ल ध णाश तथा अपर तकारकम ् | एतषे ु प चसु ख डषे ु 70 कथाः ९०० ोकाः च सि त | एतावता व य 50 वा अ धके षु भाषासु अनवु ादः कृ तः अि त | अ य कथाः अतीव ेरणादायकाः सि त | - न श शमा क ा-अ मी ‘ब ’ सं कृ तगीतम ् नवै ि ल टा न च क ठना सुरस सुबोधा व वमनो ा, ल लता या रमणीया । अमतृ वाणी सं कृ तभाषा, नवै ि ल टा न च क ठना ॥ क वकु लगु वा मी क वर चता, रामायण रमणीय कथा । अतीव सरला मधुर मंजलु ा ,नैव ि टा न च क ठना ॥ यास वर चता गणेश ल खता, महाभारत पु य कथा । कौरव पा डव संगर म थता ,नवै ि ल टा न च क ठना ॥ कु े समरांगणगीता, व ववं दता भगव गीता । अतीव मधुरा कमद पका ,नवै ि ल टा न च क ठना ॥ क व कु लगु नव रसो मषे जा ,ऋतु रघु कु मार क वता । व म शाकु तल माल वका, नवै ि ल टा न च क ठना ॥ सकं लनम ् – अ ता शमा क ा –नवमी ‘अ’
माता पतरौ गुरवो ये ाः मम देवाः देवाः खलु तान ् णमामः | अ त थब धःु सकलो लोकः सयू तारा गगनं व ाः ननु तान ् णमामः | ेवा तान ् णमामः || धेनवु षृ भः खगा पशवः जननीं भू मं भारतदेशं उपकतनृ ् तान ् णमामः || भ या वयं नु णमामः | ग रन ् त ण प न द कू पान ् अ नलजलाद न ् अनलतणृ ाद न ् सवान ् मनसा णमामः| भातकाले णमामः || वा देवीं तां ानदा यनीं यता नयतं णमामः || - न श शमा क ा-अ मी ‘ब’ लोको यः 1.गुणी गणु ं वे न वे नगुणः | (ह रे क परख जौहर ह जाने |) 2.अध घटो घोषमुपै त नूनम ् | (थोथा चना बाजे घना |) 3.उ ो गनं पु ष सहं मुपै त ल मीः | (प र म सफलता क कंु जी है| ) 4.ये गजि त मुहुमुहुजलधरा वषि त नतै ा शाः | (जो गरजते ह वे बरसते नह ं |) -:सदं प कौर क ा – अ मी ‘अ’
व भ न वभागानां सं कृ ते येयवा या न (Mottos in Sanskrit of Different Department) वभाग य नाम येयवा या न भारत सरकार स यमेव जयते सव च यायालय यतो धम ततो जयः सेवा अ माकं धमः भारतीयसेना भारतीय-जलसने ा शं नो व णः भारतीय-वायुसने ा नभः पशृ ं द तम ् बहुजन हताय बहुजनसुखाय आकाशवाणी स यं शवं सु दरम ् दरू दशन बल य मलू ं व ानम ् र ा अनसु धान एवं वकास सगं ठन व याऽमतृ म तु े ( DRDO ) तत ् वं पूषन ् अपावणृ ु एन सी ई आर ट ानं के य व ालय सगं ठन धम र त र तः नवोदय व ालय स म त अनुस धान एवं व लेषण वगं (R&AW) के य मा य मक श ा बोड असतो मा स मय अ खल भारतीय अनुसधं ान प रषद शर रा ं खलु धमसाधनम ् (AIIMS) योगः कमसु कौशलम ् भारतीय ौ यो गक न ा धृ तः स यम ् सं थान,खड़गपुर उ ोगः पु ष य ल णम ् द ल व व व यालय व ा व नयोगात ् वकासः रा य ौ यो दक सं थान ,दगु ापुर भारतीय बंधन सं थान ,अहमदाबाद सकं लनम ् – ाची कु मार पटेल क ा- अ मी ‘अ’
Saksham 7A V.Vishal 7A Aman IX B
Aman IX B
Nature Nature Created by god with love Embraced by creatures Peace as dove A pearl on the leaf Rain in summer giving relief Rivers with a continuos flow Omnidirectional wind with its blow Lush green tall trees And tireless honey seeking bees Birds chirping melodiously Mother loving selflessly Seems insignificant being an ant Another mightly reliable being man Both inhabiting the same place Yet distinguished by god in his own ways. These,my friend make nature Loved by god yet endangered Whether living or non living Having a balance taking and giving to us by the nature . Name - Prachi Kumari Patel Class - 8th A
WALK WITH ME DADDY Walk along side me Daddy And held my little hand I have so many things to learn that I don ‘t yet understand. Teach me things to keep me safe From the dangerous everyday Show me how to do my best At home at school at play . Every child needs a gentle hand To guide them as they grow . So walk alongside me daddy . We have a long way to go Sandeep kaur VIII A POEM Sometimes i like to write about poem that doesn’t take much thought just put the pen to the paper close my eyes and start to got; i give my pen the freedom to travel it may such wonderful surprises come from minds let out to play ; no structures, rhyme or rhythm , to complicate the flow just pure and simple language from source that i don’t know; it’s difficult to write a poem that’s technically correct when all i want to do is play with thougths that don’t connect; sometimes you gotta let it say whatever comes to mind some poems just like to write themselves those are the funniest kind URVASHI SHARMA 8th A
SMILING IS INFECTIOUS, YOU CATCH IT LIKE THE FLU, WHEN SOMEONE SMILEED AT ME TODAY, I STARTED SMILING TOO. I PASSED AROUND THE CORNER, AND SOMEONE SAW MY GRAIN WHEN HE SMILED I REALIZED I’D PASSED IT ON TO HIM. I THOUGHT ABOUT THAT SMILE THEN REALIZED ITS WORTH, A SINGLE SMILE , JUST LIKE MINE COULD TRAVEL ROUND THE EARTH SO, IF YOU FEEL A SMILE BEGIN, DON’T LEAVE IT UNDETECTED LET’S START ON EPIDEMIC QUICK, AND GET THE WORLD INFECTED! HARSHITA CLASS- X ‘B’ 11 keys for Success in Business life Success is a result of human being’s enthusiasm. But there are several steps. These are the keys of Success……………………. Trust yourself and believe god Always have shout term mission and complete them Have a long term mission in your life Do not lie in business life Do not hesitate about anything Do not be prejudiced Do not underestimate your rivals Do not envy anyone Be Positive Be Honest Be open –minded ANKUR BALYAN X A
[Mother’s Silent Love] My mother is my inspiration, my ideal, perfect and optimistic woman. The first teacher of my life, she is the one who taught me about humanity, brotherhood, etiquettes, developed abilities in me, the one whom I can rely upon with whom I am most comfortable to share each and everything, who cares for me more than anybody else. Whenever I face any problem, she is the one who guides me the best. She supports me, encourages me and sometime scolds me too, but I know she choose the best and brightest things for me. She is the one whom I give all my credit to incalulate such values in me. A mother is known to be supreme of all because she is the one who bears pain, give birth, work 24x7 for her family. We will never be able to pay her back for the love she gave. Never take her for granted, because many people don’t have mothers, many are orphans, many haven’t receive love of a mother in their life. Believe that you are lucky to have her, to share your things with her. Appreciate the food she cooks for you, care your mother, help her in households and one day you will be happy to listen from her mouth. “ I have got best children in the world”. Name: - Jyoti Sharma Class: - 10th ‘A’ Friendship Oh what joy it is To have a friend like you For giving me strength The way you do For lifting me up When I my feeling down And putting a smile on my face When I am wearing frown Thanks for being there and helping me grow Your friendship means a lot This I had like you to know. -Harshita Class – 10th ‘B’
About the reach of your Fingerprint In this place There are many who want To reach high and dream big Took at the tips of your finger You can’t to be any more than. Sometimes, The short poems Are hardest to write Change one word the whole poem Avocades. Riddle In English 1 )what never ask question but receives a lot of answer Ans )a telephone 2 what did the traffic police men have in this sandwiches ? Ans) traffic jam 3) what goes up but never comes down? Ans your age 4) have no life but I can die what am I ? Ans) battery Priya Yadav XA
Amazing facts India has second high population in world..... Cow are considered scored in India.... Recent drought in Europe were the wort in 2,100 year.... The strongest muscle in the body is toungue.... The Earth's atmosphere exends to a distance of 10,000 KM.... Hot water will trun in to ice faster than cold water.… Krishtina VI B
INTRESTING FACTS ABOUT BRAIN THE BRAIN AND PSYHOLOGY 1. Brain can store an estimated 2,509000 gigabytes . 2. The human attention span is shorter then a goldfish . 3. The average weight of the adult human brain is 3 pounds . 4. Memories are stored for both short term and long term and use at the same time. 5. Vitamin b1 can help improve short and long term memories. 6. Memories start forming in womb . 7. It uses 20% of the body total oxygen and energy . 8. It composed of 73 % water . 9. Sweating can temporarily shrink the brain. 10. Five minute without oxygen can cause brain damage . 11. It generates 12-15 watts of electricity . 12. Neurons travel 150mph in the brain. 13. Learning new things increase gray matter in the brain . 14. Memory is prioritrized by emotion . 15. More than 100,000 chemical reactions take place in the brain every second. Reamy pearl 9 (A) Motivational Lines for Students to Getting Success ….. *Importance of Motivation for Students Motivation is something you need to work hard to maintain throughout your life. It will not appear over night but is a gradual , complex and very internal progress. Most gifted student have something deep in their heart that focus them to succeed. Good motivation comes from the desire to improve yourself and realize your potential. *What do student need to get motivation for success? . Determination . Ingencity .Curiosity . Peer Pressure . Self Pressure . Family Support *How Student Motivate themselves to Study Hard . Think about your own life plan. . Think about any ideal you want to achieve. . Set achievable goals. . Quit mobile phones and boring socializing . Pressure in accomplishing your goals. . Continues reflection and continuous improvement. “ Push yourself, because no one is going to do it for you” A.VEENA 12 SCIENCE
…… THAT MEMORIES …… We came here hiding Dreams behind the smile , But, we are leaving , hiding , Tears behind the same smile . We came here with a Bunch of queries , But, we are leaving with a Bunch of memories . We came here and shifted To friends from strangers, But, we are leaving and shifting Again from friends to strangers. We came here and wanted marks in exams Which will eventually fade away, But, we are leaving with marks/ footprints Of memories which will never fade away. We came here saying we will live without creating new bonds, but ,we are leaving and now we cannot live without these bonds By- priyanka sahi Class – xii a True Purpose of Life Once upon a time , a long ago. A young man said to wise man “ I want happiness”. The wise man smiled and replied “If you want happiness , first remove the ‘I’ that’s your ego , then remove the ‘want’ which is desire . there , now you’re only left with happiness”The wise man is the one who we know today as gautam Buddha . All of us growing up and it can get pretty tough sometimes but things will eventually get better in due course of time. Every situation in life is temporary . So , when life is good , enjoy it to the fullest and when we are suffering from any problem , remember that it won’t last forever and better days are on the way because in this life nothing is permanent . we’re most likely to compare ourselves to people who are better then us in something which results in over thinking and which leads to unhappiness . try not to compare yourself with anybody , as different people has different abilities . try doing things that makes you happy , it does not matter what others think. Don’t try to change yourself for others , if you want to change , then chane for yourself . have goals and never give up. No one can play your role better than you .”So be happy and be yourself!”. V.Vishaka XII science
How does a filmstar stay cool? Bcoz he has many fans…… What do you call a bird that stand in row A Spar-row! Why did the computer go to the doctor? It had virus! Shakshi VI B ASTHA PATHAK 7(A)
Facts about Computer The first electronic computer ENIAC weighed more than 27 tons and took up 1800 square feet. TYPEWRITER is the longest word that you can write using the letters only on one row of the keyboard of your computer. Doug Engelbart invented the first computer mouse in around 1964 which was made of wood. There are more than 5000 new computer viruses released every month. If there was a computer as powerful as the human brain, it would be able to do 38 thousand trillion operations per second and hold more than 3580 terabytes of memory. The password for the computer controls of nuclear tipped missiles of the U.S was 00000000 for eight years. HP, Microsoft and Apple have one very interesting thing in common – they were all started in a garage. The first 1GB hard disk drive was announced in 1980 which weighed about 550 pounds, and had a price tag of $40, 000. The original name of windows was Interface Manager. The first microprocessor created by Intel was the 4004. It was designed for a calculator, and in that time nobody imagined where it would lead. Jannat VIII A Ode To The Friend My caring friend ,you inspire me to write. I love the way you cuddle , look the call ,Invading my mind day and thought the night ,always dreaming about the kind football. Let me compare you to a blind ember? You are more mortal,ready and content, Fond winds shake the leafage of September, And autumn time has the secret consent. How do I love you? Let me count the ways. I love your motional smile and humour, thinking of your daring smile fills my days , my love for you is the garling boomer. Now I must say with a staring heart, Remember my warm words whilst we’re apart. -Mohit Kumar Choudhary IX A
Sports I like to play sports I’m good at kicking football And shooting bowling discs I hing on golj course bases To hit the moving pins Swimming across boxing ring I catch javelins baseball mitts I try long jump hurdling I use high jump moves during wrestling matches I use tennis paddles to make field goal baskets Racing across basketball courts with hockey cleats I use lacrosse sticks in ping pong matches I use boxing gloves to catch badminton birdies Trcing to put this baseball cop over my football belmet But I just doesn’t fit I don’t know why people given me funng looks When I show up to fencing in oven milts. Avnish IX A LIFE OF CHILD Childhood seems like a mystery, Children live it to make a new history, Childhood is a work of beauty, And the love to shun every duty, Childhood is not ignorance these days, But a bold step of sustaining faith, Childhood is to live life king size, Let us grab every moment before it flies. Sunil VI A
Lucky Girls If a girl laughs She is a jolly fellow If a boy laughs He is mannerless If a girl talks, She is witty If a boy talks He is a chatterbox If a girl loves silence She is serious If a boy loves silence He is dull If a girl looks at a boy She gives a glare If a boy looks at a girls He gives a stare If a girl wears a unique dress It is a Fashion If a boy does so, He is a Joker If a girl’s group move together They join company If a boy does the same It becomes a gang Well if this is how life looks at us Then, why do girls make such a fuss! Tanistha IX B
CRY OF TREE Listen to the tree as they speak, Don’t cut us , as we are weak, Our story is full of pain, By cutting us what would you gain? Right from our birth, we helped you, But our importance is understand by a few. We are your only means of survival, And haven’t we helped you ever, Since your arrival, We are the pride of a nation, But our killing has become a fashion, We have always been your friend, Then why do you give us such a dreadful end? Human being should realize our needs!! We are the ones on whom you feed, Save us to save yourselves indeed, You will perish if you do not heed. Aditi VI A MAHATMA GANDHI M-Man of high culture A-Admired by one and all H-humbly served the poor A-Active till the end T-Truth was his life M-Made Independent India A-Avoided personal comforts G-Great in all aspects A-Ahinsa he preached N-Noble were his thoughts D-Honest deeds I-Indian he was in all aspects Khushmeet VI A
Exam V/S Cricket : Cricket field Examination Hall : Bat Pen : Scoreboard Answer Sheet : Batsman Examinee : Umpire Examiner : Bowler Bowling Question Paper : Pace Ball Difficult Question : Wide Ball Question Out of Course : Run out Caught Cheating : Stumped out Paper Cancelled : Playing Out Sitting Idee : Out for ‘Duck’ Attempted no question : Lost the match Failure : Hit a Four Good answer : Sixer Attempted every question : Hat Trick Passed in all subjects : Century Destination Ankur Balyan XB MY COUNTRY I like Kashmir for beauty,And delhi for majesty I am proud of Bengali writersAnd Punjabi fighters I like Kerala for books And Haryana for foods, I admire Gujarat for wealth, And Madhya Pradesh for health I am proud of Berhampur for earners, And Maharashtra for workers I like Orissa for mines,And Himachal for pines I like Nagaland for hills,And Ahmadabad for mills. I like Mayeurbhanj for its natural beauty And Bangalore for its cleanness and purity. I like Calcutta for its population. And people of India for devotion. I like all states for unity India for nationality. Jaideep Singh XB
Life is a gift Today before we think of saying an unkind word Think of someone who can’t speak Before we complain about the taste of our food Think of someone who has nothing to eat Before we argue about our dirty house Think of someone winning about the distance we drive Think of someone who walks the distance with their foot And today before we complain about life, Think of someone who went too early to heaven But before we think of pointing the finger Remember that no one of us is without sin and we all argue with one maker and when depressing thoughts seen to get us down Put a smile on our face and thank god we are alive and still around. Life is a gift, live it, enjoy it, embrance it and fulfil it. Saksham Tanwar VI B
BHARAT SCOUTS & GUIDES KVS STATE JAIPUR DIVISION GROUP: - K.V.SURATGARH CANTT SCOUTS – GUIDES GROUP REPORT 2021-2022 19 Scouts, 12 Guides & 24 Cubs, 24 Bulbuls are registered for session 2021-2022. 05 scouts & 4 Guides successfully completed Pratham Sopan. 04 scouts and 01 Guide successfully completed Dwitiya Sopan. 01 Scouts completed successfully completed Tritiya Sopan . 03 Scouts Pushpender Mehra Class-X, Harman Singh Class-IX and Ravi Kumar Class-IX got Rajya Puraskar certificates from KVS State BS&G. 01 Bulbul Avika Pradeep of Class-V got Golden Arrow Award certificates and cash prize Rs.1000/- from KVS State BS&G. (Mohan Singh) I/C Scout-Guide Dept.
Morning Assemble Morning is the perfect time to revive the learning, take in inspiration and begin your day with positivity. As the students walk into the school campus the first activity that kick starts the day are the Special Morning Assembly.In the serene hours of the morning, the students are made to assemble on the ground and pray to the Lord for their guidance and wisdom. The prayer is followed by guide from mentors, skits and displays of slogans, important notices, speech, songs, National Anthem and even the plan for the day.
CCA Activities
Let s Laugh Teacher : john,how do you spell’’crocodile’’? John :K-R-O-K-O-D-A-I-L Teachert:no,it’s wrong. John : it may be wrong,but you asked me how I spell it Teacher : George,go and find Americe in the map. George :Here it is. Teacher :Now class.who discovered America? Class : George. Teacher : Ellen,give me a sentence starting with I. Ellen :l is………………………… Teacher : No ,Ellen .Always say “I am”. Ellen : All right………….,I am the ninth letter of the alphabet”. Ayan singh 2b Amazing facts about Animals 1.A snail can sleep for three years at a time. 2.A bat can eat up to 1 thousands insect per hour. 3.Octopuses have three hearts. 4.Wild dolphines call each other by name, \"Oi,flipper\",. 5.Elephants have specific alarm call that means \"human\". 6.Polar bears have Black skin and see through fur. Name- Shinde Aaryaa Ram Class - 5th B
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