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Home Explore October 2022

October 2022

Published by xp.pahana.magzine, 2022-10-02 05:43:23

Description: October 2022


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myk PAHANA October 2022 | Issue # 234 FREE H.R.H. Queen Elizabeth II 21st April 1926 8th September 2022 2 OCTOBER 2022 The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL

Specialising in Adelaide and South Australia MORTGAGE LOANS? Specialising in Adelaide and South Australia Specialising in Adelaide and South Australia In a complex & rapidly changing market, count on the Specialist Formerly trading as Tapro Financial Solutions – Since 2007 HOME INVESTMENT CONSTRUCTION DEBT CONSOLIDATION Sisira Herath Dip. in FS (MB), AIB, MBA 0433 693 900 03 9704 7844 Director [email protected] 23 Honeyeater Grove Narre Warren Vic 3805 Specialising in Adelaide and South Australia Former Senior Credit Manager - Sampath Bank, Colombo Past Executive Secretary - PIM Alumni Association Past President - Association of Professional Bankers - Sri Lanka Credit Representative (CRN 400342) of BLSSA Pty Ltd ACL No: 391237 The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL OCTOBER 2022 3 For all your advertising please email to mimhiirhieir.piea@[email protected] 4 OCTOBER 2022 The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL The Queen and The Two mgqk CONTENTS Countries When the message “London Bridge is cmka ixialD;sfha wdpd¾h .dñKS ldßhjiï 06-07 iNdm;sksh Chairperson down” was relayed by Buckingham SSir Ivor Jennings Rupa Banduwardena 08 Palace to the primeminister of Britain, ñysß Èidkdhl Mihirie Dissanayake flags on government buildings went wiQ y;frys msgqjy< 29 fkdfh,a kfâika 12 ixialrKh Editors to half-mast, Britain’s national and r;ak iqukd tÈßisxy Rathna Sumana Edirisinghe regional parliaments adjourned and a ;=Idr rkau,a Èidkdhl Thushara Ranmal footman walked across the forecourt iujeÿu isisr Èidkdhl 13 Dissanayake of Buckingham Palace and pinned the msgq ieliqu$ Page Layout and “Official Notification” of the Queen’s ñß`.=fjka tyd 16 úkS;d úfÊr;ak 18 .%e*sla ks¾udK Graphic Design death. lú msgqj chfiak fldä;=jl= 19 Although British public long braced ks,a fikr; Neil Senarath themselves to hear, when it came, Wvrg ueKsfla ÿïßh fifkfy,;d r;akdhl 21 fj,sxgka fud,a,sf.dv Wellington Molligoda still came with a shock. Wave after Marriage Proposal 22_-23 wud fi,ajkdh.ï Ama Selvanayagam wave of grief plunged the nation into mourning as the death of their mß.Kl wl=re ieliqu Type Setting beloved monarch, Queen Elizabeth újdyh yd fmdfrdkaou 8 fm%auodi l`:;ka;sß 25 fj,sxgka fud,a,sf.dv Wellington Molligoda II, at the age of 96. wud fi,ajkdh.ï Ama Selvanayagam Her long reign spanned 15 Prime Sa The Lyrebird’s Cry Smantha Sirimanne Hyde 26 Ministers, the first being Winston udOH iïnkaëldrl Media Co ordinator Churchill who had his doubts whether isxy, mqia;l i|`:j wdpd¾h .dñKS ldßhjiï 27 she would make the grade and last ñysß Èidkdhl Mihirie Dissanayake being the Tory leader Liz Truss. Tea Queen Ceylon meets the Queen Dr. Harold Gunatillake 28 As frail as she was, Her Majesty For all your Advertising needs was attending to her royal duties in l;d fm< 2 wdpd¾h md,s; .fkaj;a; 30-31 [email protected] welcoming new Tory leader Liz Truss Mihirie Dissanayake and formally inviting her ‘to form Dealing with rejection Donita Wilegoda Mudalige 32 government as Prime Minister’. It 0414 546 833 was the lasting testament to her will to Sri Maha Bodhi Tree Anurasiri Ranasinghe 36 put duty first. History will, no doubt, note she proved Churchill wrong. Her lú msgqj chfiak fldä;=jl= 41 death prompted people in far flung lands. Whatever misgivings they may have had over Britain’s imperial past. Pahana Light & Life For nearly a week, the world watched Pvseororlvuvinicdteainrgy a enthralled as the funeral formalities P.O.Box 256, progressed. It was something straight ctoomthme unity Doveton Victoria 3177 out of legend, a display of British in Victoria Pomp and Pageantry accompanying Tel : + 61 41 454 6833 the Royal cortege, marching at email : [email protected] slow gait, a display of precision and grandeur. Advertising This gives us a vivid picture and a Mihirie Dissanayake clue how that slow trot became a 0414546833 formidable cavalry galloping across all continents, braving arid deserts, [email protected] crossing the seven seas colonising the world and building the empire. CIRCULATION 15,000 AUSTRALIA and NEW ZEALAND Since then, Britain has freed many countries from the colonial yoke. Sri Lanka one of them. zmykZ mqj;a mf;a m<lsÍu i|yd The reign of Britain’s new monarch, JUSTICE OF MMoihbiirliee: D04is1s4an54a6ya8k3e3 ,efnk ±kaùï we;=`M ish¨u ,sms King Charles III began with a crisis THE PEACE hkdÈh m<lsÍfï fyda m%;slafIam created by Prime Minister Liz Truss’s lsÍfï iïmQ¾K whs;sh m%ldYlhka plans to kick-start the British economy @Bunjil centre library i;=h' tjeks ,shlshú,s tjk iEu by cutting the personal and corporate flfklau ;ukaf.a ,smskh iy tax. The plan to incentivise business ÿrl:k wxlho wmg túh hq;=h' backfired almost immediately. The pound fell to its lowest level nearly in four decades. The IMF issued a rare rebuke for a developed country criticising tax -cuts myk iÕrdfõ m< jk ,smsj, wka;¾.;h sssSri Lanka experienced same plight ta ta f,aLlhkaf.a woyia jk w;r\" tajdhska under Rajapaksa regime in 2019 ixialdrljrekaf.a woyia ms<sìUq fkdjk nj i,lkak' when they cut corporate tax. myk iÕrd fjka Wmqgd.;a nj i|yka lrñka tajd Wmqgd ±laùug wjir we;' What followed is the disastrous situation Sri Lanka is facing currently. We are a free distribution News Magazine. Sri Lanka will have to wait and learn We do not take responsibility for text how a country in the developed world provided for articles or advertisements can resurrect the situation. paid or unpaid. Names, logos, words, pictures provided to the paper for publishing at your own risk. The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL OCTOBER 2022 5 cmka ixialD;sfha\" n<,a mrmqf¾ wisßu;a N+ñldj n<¨ka iy cmka cd;slhska w;r ñhidjd ^1896-1933& kï f,aLlhd o h;a\" trg rch úiska zznyan ekSuhs' n<¨ka iqr;,a lrk mj;akd wd;aóh in|;dj È.= úiska n<f,l=f.a oDIaáfldaKfhka nyan nyanZZ kñka cd;sl n<¨kaf.a b;sydihlg Wreulï lshhs' jir iudcfha yeisÍï rgdjka úuiqug Èkhla m%ldYhg m;a lr we;' cmka wjia:djka j,§\" Tjqkaf.a iqisks÷ oyia .Kklg by; isg\" n<,df.a ,la flfrk zuu mQfilsZ kñka niska \"nyan nyan\" hkafkys wre;\" WKqiqu cmka iudchg ke;sju wmQ¾j;ajfhka wkQk kjl;djla n<,a kdoh jk [dõ'''[dj hkakg f,dï w.%hkayS lsishï iaÓ;sl neß jQ udkisl wjYH;djhla jQ iy zisysk rd;%S oyh iy mQidf.a iufõ' rdcH ksjdvq Èkhla f,i fihls' cmka ixialD;sfha úYd, iqidkhZ kñka flál:d tl;=jla m%ldYs; tu Èkh iEu jirlu úÿ,sh Odrdjla úysfoa' tu úoHq;a ldrhNdrhla imqrk n<¨ka cmka idys;Hg odhdo lf<ah' Tyqf.a fmnrjdß 22 jk Èkg fhfoa' wdrlaIdj\" úplaIK Ndjh iy \"Am a cat\" kï iïNdjH kjl;dfõ\" cmdkh mqrd\" cd;sl n<¨ka f.a Yla;sfha n,mEfuka\" ñksia fud<h l:d kdhlhd n<f,ls' tys flakaøSh Èkfha§ n<¨kag wdorh lrkakka jdikdj ixfla;j;a lrhs' Y; j¾I f;audj\" cmka iudcfha merKs Tjqkaf.a mQia ñ;=rkaf.a PdhdrEm ;=< is;a i;ka ikaiqka lrjk iq`: lsysmhlg fmr n<¨ka we;s lsÍfï Ök iïm%odhka iy kùlrKh iudc udOHj, j< lr;s' iuyre wjirh meje;sfha wêrdcH mjqf,a jk ngysr n,mEu w;r we;s n<¨kaf.a iajrEmhg iudk úis;=re ridhkslhla ksl=;a flfrk nj;a\" idudðlhka fyda jxYj;=ka jeks fkdikaiqka iunr;djh f.kyer we÷ñka ieriS\" ;u mQia iqr;¨ka o by< fmf<a mqoa.,hskag muKs' miq ±laùuhs' fuys l;d kdhlhd ;=re`: lrf.k ùÈ ir;s' cmdkh reêr mSvkh iy yDo iamkaok ld,fha§ n<¨ka idudkH ñksiqka w;r kula ke;s\" lsis Èkl ófhl= w,a,d mqrd mj;ajdf.k hk\" leÜ lef*a o ckm%sh;ajhg m;a úh' cmdkfha fkdue;s\" ñksiqkaf.a l%shdl,dmhka\" fõ.h tu.ska wvq flfrk njg;a l,dj\" idys;Hh iy ixialD;sh ;=< yeisÍï rgd foi WfmalaIdYS,Sj kï fNdackd.dr cd,h\" n<¨kag n<,d ks;e;skau uy;a we.hqug fk;a whd isák {dkdkaú; mQfils' Wu;= jQ cmka cd;slhskag fuu cmka cd;slhska ;=< mdrïmßl n÷ka jk i;ajfhls' úfYaIfhka cmdkfha fuu mQia pß;h u.ska\" yqrenqyqá mQika iu. úfkdao fjñka\" tfvda hq.fha§ ^1603-1868& m%isoaO fuhsð hq.fha by< uOHu mdka;sl wdydr .ekSug wjia:djla i,id,hs' úYajdihla mj;S' tu úYajdihkays Ñ;% Ys,amSkaf.a is;=jï i|yd fukau cmka iudcfha wkqjK l%shd ñksiqkaf.a wd;;sh iy ldxidj wvq kjl;djhka i|yd n<,d m%Odk l,dmh\" ishï f,i Wmydihg lsÍug n<¨kag úYañ; yelshdjla lsishï i;Hhla .eí ù we;s nj\" f;audjla f,i fhdod .eksKS' ,la flf¾' Nhxlr\" l=;=y,h mj;akd neõ cmka iudc ms<s. kQ;k cmka idys;Hfha fY%aIaG;u okjk iy ;%dickl isysk oyhla úoHd;aulj m¾fhaIKhka f.ka f,aLlfhla f,i iïudks; flkað olsk mQfil= jgd f.;=Kq \"Ten nights dreams and our cats grave\" ikd: ù we;' mQika ñksia isref¾ uefhka flkað ñhidjd úiska\" ,shQ flál:d tl;=j\" úfYaIfhka <ud ±jfgñka\" ;u .eUqre ohdkaú; mrmqr w;r fnfyúkau ckm%sh úh' fuu lD;sfhys\" mQidf.a ukfiys fifkyi m< lsÍug kxjk zmqre uefjk isysk is;a;ï\" iïm%odhsl cmdk iudch fj; kj Ôjkhla mqre''Z ishqï ßoauh f,dalfha jvd;au ,nd §ug fnfyúka u bjy,a jQ neõ úpdrlhskaf.a ks.ukhhs' cmka iekis,sodhl iy ikaiqka iudcfha n<¨ka flfrys mj;akd WkaudokSh f,ka.;= Ndjh ms<sn| y~la fia ie<fla' tu y~ oDYH iy ,sÅ; .fõIKhl m%;sM, ;=jd, blaukska iqj ùug \"Land of the rising cat: Japan's Feline Fascination\" kï lD;sfhys n,mdk njg úYajdih fm< .iajd we;' o cmka cd;slhska ;=< n<¨ka fjkqfjka cd;sl Èkhla mj;S' n<¨kaf.a oEia yS cmdkfha n<,d fl;rï cd;sl f¾Ldjkaf.a yevh ojfia jeo.;a lula Wiq,kakd jQ i;ajfhla fõ,dj wkqj fjkia ùfï iajNdjh ksid rd;%S ld,fha mjd Tjqkaf.a fmkqu ;SCIKh' Tjqkag Yíohla fkdue;sj .uka l< yelsh' n<¨kaf.a Y%jfkakaøsh w;s ishqïh' ¥ú,s wxY=jla mjd ñys u; jefgk y~ Tjqkag uekúka Y%jKh fõ' n<¨ka isjq foiska ;ukag wefik Yíohka Y%jkh i|yd\" ksrka;rfhka u ish ijka m;a i<ñka\" isjq foi fj; fhduq lrkq wmg ±lsh yelsh' iqr;,a lsÍfï§ n<,d ;rï f,ka.;= wkH i;ajfhla ñysmsg fkdue;s ;rïh' tkuqÿ Tjqka fldam jQ\" uqrkavq jQ wjia:djkays Tjqka md,kh lsÍu myiq ld¾hhla fkdfõ' cmdkfhys ksjdihkays 8 6 OCTOBER 2022 The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL iqr;,hg yod jvd .kakd mQika cmdkfha tysñ m%dka;fha msysá w´Isud n<,a ¥m; fia ie<fla' th ñhd.s mdvq ,nk ÿïßh ia:dkh jid ±ófï i|yd Ndú;d flfrk kï mjd\" ¥m;\" ta w;ßka m%uqLia:dkhla .kS' m%dka;fha bIsfkdudls ys cmdkfha ;SrKhlg t<eU ;sìKs' ÿïßh tu i;=kg cmka cd;slhskaf.a ±ä n<¨ka 500 lg jvd jeä m%udKhla m%Odk N+ñhg Tífnka jQ l=vd ia:dkdêm;sjrhd ÿïßh fmd<g f,ka.;=uh f.!rjh ms<sônqlrk fuys Èú f.j;s' n<¨ka fmdaIKh ¥m;ls' fiao mKqjka we;s flfrk jeä u.Ska m%udKhla wdl¾Ykh lr iq`:h' fhdaIs ^jdikdj&\" yrels lsÍfuka Okh yd jdikdj Wodjk fuu ¥mf;a\" óhka f.ka fiao .ekSu msKsi wmQ¾j;u mshjrla .;s' ^jika; iufha orejd&\" flkafida nj wE; w;S;fha ëjr l¾udka;fha l¾udka;h wdrlaId lr .ekSu msKsi ta cmka iudcfha uy;a f.!rjhg fuys nyq, jYfhka n<¨ka we;s md;% jk n<f,la kdñl jYfhka ^{dkjka;hd&\" hqlS ^jdikdj& tjka lsÍug tu ¥m;a jdiSka fm<UqKq nj ÿïßh ia:dkdêm;s ;k;=rg fhod kï lsysmhls' mejfia' f;jk m%Odk n<,a ¥m; álÜ m;a wf,ú ljqkagrfha wiqka f,i ie,flkafka fgdalsfhdays ksß; f.k isàug ie,eiaùuh' fuu cmka ckm%jdohkag wkqj\" n<¨kag foiska cmdkfha lk.djd m%dka;fha wisßu;a ks, m;aùu lrk ,oafoa udkjhd úm;a j,ska wdrlaId fgdalsfhdajg wdikakj msysá n<,a 2007 ckjdß 5 jk Èkh' ysig lr .ekSfï n,hla we;s w;r\" ¥m; fõ' n<¨kag Tjqkagu wfõksl iß,k ks, f;dmamshlska iy ks, Tjqka jdikdfõ o ixfla;hls' mqoa., fm!reIhka we;s w;r\" ,dxPkh iys; lndhlska ne<,sh cmka ckY%e;shlg wkqj\" ishjia Tjqkf.a iqyoYS,S yeisÍï rgdj irikq ,eìKs' weh zgudZ kï jQ .Kkdjlg fmr\" jevjiï ±lSfuka cmka ¥m;a jdiSka wmßñ; ne<,shhs' iajdñfhl= .ila hg isgf.k isá udkisl úkaokhla ,n;s' wjia:djl\" n<f,l= ñksid fmak fydkaIq Èjhsfka lS w¾Ooaùmfha ÿïßh ia:dkdêm;s f,i wehf.a udkhlg Èjeú;a\" ;u n<,a mdofhka lkaidhs l,dmfha\" fldahd lÿmduq, uQ,sl rdcldßh jQfha u.Skag wdpdr fmdf<dj iQrñka\" ysi iy j,s.h msysá m%dka;h ne<,shl ksid f,dal lsÍuhs' fuys ÿïßh ia:dkdêm;s fid,jñka tu mqoa.,hd n<,d isá m%lg úh' tu m%dka;fha jldhdud f,i 1999 isg 2015 olajd fuu ia:dkhg le|ùh' l=;=y,fhka lsIs.djd úÿ,s ÿïßh u¾.fha lsIS ±jeka; ne<,sh rdcldßfhys n<,d <`.g Èj .sh Tyqg\" ta ÿïßh ia:dkh ksrka;rfhka u.Ska kshe<S isáhdh' ÿïßh ia:dkdêm;s fudfydf;au ;ud fijk ,nñka f,i lghq;= l, ld,h ;=< gud isá .i wl=Kq ier je§ úkdYhg u.Ska iqúi,a m%udKhla ;u ÿïßh m;ajkq ±l.; yels úh' fï wkqj álÜm;a ljq`:j fj; f.kajd n<,dg bÈßfha isÿjk foa meyeÈ,sj .ekSfuka\" cmka wd¾Ólhg fvd,¾ ±fkk neõ cmka cd;slhska ;rfha ñ,sh 8'9 wdodhula Wmhd §ug úYajdi lr;s' cmdkh mqrd n<,a iu;a jQ neõ jd¾;d fõ' 2008 jif¾ ms<srE m%o¾Ykfha uQ,drïNh\" by; §\" m%dka; wdKavqldr fhdIsfkdLq isÿùu flakaøs;j wdrïN jQ nj ksIsidld úiska foaYSh ixpdrl mejfia' cmdkfha idmamq\" fj<oie,a jHdmdrh m%j¾Okh lsÍug ,nd ÿka bÈßmg iy wdmkYd,djkag msúfik wñ, fufyjr w.hñka gud mQish oajdrh wi, lsß.rev ksudfjka hq;= fj; khsÜ moúhla msßkeóh' 2010 n<f,l=f.a uqyqK fidaok bßhõfjka jif¾§\" gud ÿïßh ia:dkdêm;sksh wUk ,o ms<srejla ±lsh yelsh' f,i f;jirla wLKavj u.Ska úYd, n<f,l= uqyqK fidokafka blaukska ixLHdjla wdl¾IKh lr .ekSfuys wuq;af;l= meñfKkq we;s njg ,d olajk ,o l=i,;dj fjkqfjka ixfla;j;a lrkakla njg cmka f.!rjhla jYfhka\" lsIs ys ÿïßh úYajdihla mj;S' fï wkqj uqyqK ia:dk f.dvke.s,,a n<f,l=f.a fidaok n<f,l=f.a rejla fj<| uqyqKlg iudk kj jHqyhla iu`. wdh;kh m%fõYfha ;eîfuka\" kej; f.dvk.k ,§' mdßfNda.slhka wdYS¾jdod;aulj ;u wdh;khg wdl¾IKh flfrk gud 2015 cQks 22 Èk\" jhi wjqreÿ neõ Tjqkaf.a úYajdihhs' cmka 16 §\" jldhdud m%dka;fha i;aj niska fuu ms<srej ye¢kafjkafka frday,l§ yDohdndOhlska ñh zuefkls-fkfldaZ kñks' .sfhah' wehf.a wNdjfhka miq\" cmdkh mqrd isá wehf.a ÿïßh u.S rislhka oyia .Kkla Tjqkaf.a f.!rj ±laùug meñKshy' wehj 1015 wf.dia;= 11 jk Èk fâñfhdaðka wd;au foaj;dúh f,i wi, msysá Iskafgda n<,a isoaOia:kdhl ;ekam;a lrk ,§' gudf.ka miqj wehf.a ksfhdacH ÿïßh ia:dkdêm;s f,iska fiajh l< ks;dud ne<,sh tu ;k;=rg m;a lr .;a neõ jd¾;d fõ' n<¨ka fjkqfjka fjka jQ n<¨ka kshef,k foaYSh ck;dj úYajdi .ejfik ia:dkhla njg m;a lsÍug\" wdpd¾h .dñKS ldßhjiï jdih lrk ¥m;a lsysmhla cmdkfha lr;s' tys isák fndfyda wh n<¨ka kdUr ne<,shla iu;a jQjdh' fuu we;s nj Tng is;d.; yelso@ b;d fyd¢ka /ln,d .kakd w;r m%dfoaYSh ÿïßh ia:dkfhka ÿïßhg Y%S ,xld mßmd,k fiajfha cmdkfha fuu n<,a ¥m;a iuQyh n<¨ka Èjhsfka wkkH;dj njg f.dv ùug meñKsfha b;d iq`: u.Ska w;frka ¥m;a ;=kla cd;Hka;r m;a we;' ñhd.s m%dka;fha gIsfrda- msßils' tys wdodhu Èfkka Èk my< úY%dñl - i','id' úksiqre jYfhka m%isoaêhg m;aj we;' ol=Kq ðud ¥m;\" cmdkfha fojk m%isoaO nisñka mej;Su ksid\" n,OdÍka fuu The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL OCTOBER 2022 7 Sir Ivor Jennings Intellectual Visionary Par Excellence The birth and the evolution of the knowledge of English and a high turn off to the campus, first university is linked to the colonial past. The imperial masters standard was maintained throughout Peradeniya. saw the need for a university only after stabilising their power his stay. He made it the first in the island. The provision of higher education culminated in institution to offer degrees in the Another important fact the demand for a university. This was fulfilled by the founder, Vice English medium. Those who passed that one should not fail Chancellor, Sir Ivor Jennings who arrived in Sri Lanka, then Ceylon out under him were high quality to mention is the simple with the idea of setting up the first residential university in the country. graduates who would fit into any fun then known as He assumed duties as the Principal of the Ceylon University College. superior task. Most of them who are 'ragging' which had been Ever since his aim was to set up a perfect university in its true sense at among the living today are senior introduced by the founder Peradeniya, for which he presented a memorandum to citizens. The university sprang for the students to enjoy the then Minister of Education Dr. C.W.W. to life with Jennings. He was an their university life in high Kannangara. authority on Political Science and spirits.In an intellectual Amalgamation Constitutional Law. atmosphere, it was fun The University College and the Medical College Atmosphere which Sir Ivor Jennings Sir Ivor Jennings were thus amalgamated had wanted to be part and the University of Ceylon was established “The Lodge” located on an elevated, and parcel of university Ludowyke, Doric de Souza, on July 1, 1942. He made a thorough study serene atmosphere had become life. It was meant as a form of and worked hard to make his dream come so much a part of his life where familiarisation between the seniors Sarachchandra, K. N. Jayatilleke, true. Finally, when the second World War was he attended to all his duties. His and the new comers termed freshers. F. R. Jayasuriya, Ariyapala, R. S. over it became a reality. Karunaratna, H. A. D. S. and Victor Planning and designing undertaken by Sir Patrick University of Ceylon, Peradeniya Gunasekera, Swarna Jayaweera, Abercombe, eminent architect and Shirley de Alwis, together with Sir Srima Kiribamuna, Father Pinto, Ivor Jennings created the heaven on earth, renowned for its architectural Labrooy. Space does not permit me supremacy combined with nature's beauty, with academic excellence to do justice to them. Their superior yet to be achieved. Thanks to the selfless efforts of Sir Ivor Jennings wisdom and wealth of knowledge when it was shifted to Peradeniya in 1952 it was the most prestigious was directed towards student’s well- university with highest academic discipline. It was set up on the being. It is fitting that we pay tribute British university model (Oxford, Cambridge) supposed to be the best to them too at this juncture. in the West, giving pride of place to English. service to our Constitution during Humour Having rendered an inestimable the pre-Independence era is still service, he bade goodbye to Sri The medium of instruction was being admired. It is said that Sir It was simple fun generating a Lanka to become the head of English in accordance with the Ivor Jennings was treated warmly wonderful sense of humour. It is a the Cambridge University in his British system. Undergraduates by the Duke of Gloucester at the pity that what was introduced with motherland. However, history were encouraged to possess a sound Independence ceremony in 1948; strong intellect and good intentions has accorded him his due place for the services he had rendered to has today become a nuisance and as an intellectual academic who Ceylon. He played a historical role a social problem. The character first introduced the wonderful in the framing of the Constitution. moulding and the academic finish gift to Sri Lanka, the University “The Economy of Ceylon” which that he had instilled can never be of Peradeniya as the pioneer in he wrote after much research in the forgotten as was evident from the university education and finally he rural sector reflecting a true picture Lakshman Kadirgamar's address to will remain the most outstanding was an asset to the students of the Alumni Peradeniya a year before intellect who made history, written Economics at the time. his brutal assassination. Not only in golden letters in the history of the Kadirgamar everyone of that era was island as an intellectual visionary The most impressive was his view immensely proud of the fact that he par excellence. that the fundamental task of a was a product of Peradeniya. university is to produce educated To be continued........ men and women. He worked tirelessly towards it. This golden Unparalleled Service Rupa Banduwardena saying of the first Vice Chancellor was found carved on a slab near the In this task he was ably assisted Melbourne - Australia by a galaxy of intellects rendering a remarkable service.To name a few, Professors Hettiarachchi, 8 OCTOBER 2022 The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL Over 50,000 parents + babies are now a part of GenV. Every new family makes GenV stronger. Because the more that take part, the more we learn, and the sooner we find solutions. If you’ve just had a baby, or are about to, find out how you can join GenV. Learn more at Let’s make this our healthiest generation ever. The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL OCTOBER 2022 9 solaDrisptoriwbuerteiodnliogfhts provided by Anduren Eliyata Badulla District The distribution of 20 solar lights was completed on 3rd of September at Meegahakiwula and Lunugala in the district of Badulla as arranged by Gamini Jopheus, the Secretary, Public Service Commission, Badulla. This distribution was kindly facilitated by Sanjaya Ravindra - Customs, Jagath Jayathillake - & Premasiri - Dept. Of Inland Revenue, Saman Waduge - President's Office and Weragoda - Chartered Accountant. Another 20 solar lights is scheduled to be distributed in two weeks time in Moragollagama, Anuradhapura district. Thank you and blessings to you and everyone who made this possible. Chandanie Atapattu 10 OCTOBER 2022 The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL ආටෝ�ෝක උටෝ�ටෝ� දීප්තිටෝයාන් සියාලු යාහපත් ටෝේ ඒකාටෝ�ෝක කරමින් ඔබ� හා ඔටෝ� ආෙරණීයායාන්� ටෝමම දීප�ාලි සමටෝ� දී සාමයා, ටෝසෞභාාග්‍යය හා නාැණ නු�ණ ප්‍රාාර්ථනාා කර සිටිමු. ගෘෘහස්තව මුහුණු ආවරණ පැැළඳීම හෝහෝ මනාා වාතාශ්‍රය ඇති අවකාාශයන්හි එක්රැස් වීම වැනි හෝතෝරා ගෘැනීම් සිදු කාරමින් සැැමරීම් ආරක්ෂිතව තබාා ගෘැනීමට සැහාය වන්නා. යාවත්කාාලීනා හෝතාරතුරු සැඳහා වික්ටෝ�ෝරියාානු රජයා ටෝ�නුටෝ�න් අපි සියාලු Dan Andrews Ros Spence ටෝෙනාා� ම සුබ දීප�ාලී දිනායාක්! ප්‍රාාර්ථනාා Premier of Victoria Minister for කර සිටින්ටෝනාමු. Multicultural Affairs Authorised and published by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne FSA/DETS1029_1 වික්ටෝ�ෝරියාානු දරුුවන්හ� දිවිටෝ� අනගිතම ඇරුඹුම ලබාාදීම 2023 සිට “නිදහස් ළදරුු පාාසල්” (Free Kinder) වික්ටෝටෝරියාානු දරුුවන්හට දිවිටෝ� අනගිතම ඇරුඹුම ලබාාටෝදනු ඇත. තුන සහ හතරු වයාසුති ළදරුු පාාසල් පාාා න්තයා පුරුාවට, සහභාාගීවන ළදරුු පාාසුල් ටෝස්වා ටෝවතින් ටෝනාමිලටෝ� ලුටෝ�නු ඇත. 2022 දී, අරුමුදල් ලබාන තුන් වසරු වයාසුති ළදරුු පාාසල්, පාාා න්තයා පුරුා තවදුරුටත් ටෝනානවත්වා ක්‍රිියාාත්මක වනු ඇත. ඒ සමගම, දශකයා ඇතුලත වසරු හතරුක් වයාසුති ළදරුු පාාසල් අපා ටෝපාරු සූදානම් (Pre-Prep) දක්වා පාරිවර්තනයා කරුන අතරු වික්ටෝටෝරියාානු රුජයාට අයාත් සහ දුරියා හුක්‍රි ළමා සුරුැකුම් මධ්‍යයස්ථාාන 50ක් ස්ථාාපිත කරුන්ටෝනමු. වඩාා සවිස්තරු ටෝතාරුතුරුු ටෝවතින් ලබාාගන්න. The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL OCTOBER 2022 11

 The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL OCTOBER 2022 17 1116fml,jdgkika jjYlf;hdkja l,dmfhka'''''' zzwïñ lshkafka yß l;dfk' ñ ß ` . = f j k aug;a kx.s fjkqfjka f.a we;=<gu fj, thd .ek fydhkak lsh,o wïñ tyd lshkafka@ uu lSm ierhlau thdg lsõjd' wïñ, okafk;a kE' thd lS .ukla thdf. hd`:fjd tlal *s,aïia n,kak\" ;j wkï ukx foaj,a j,g úkS;d úfÊr;ak .syska ;sfhkjo lsh,d' uu;a fu,an¾ka-TiafÜ%,shd okafka fï <`.È'ZZ' fâñhkaf.a fõ.j;a y~ lk jel=kq iEï Èk idohlg iyNd.s ùu msKsi hdugh' orejkaf.a ÿ¾j¾K ù hk wkd.;h ms<sn|j ldurhg msúisfhah' uydpd¾hjrhdf.a iy ìß|f.a oEia Wv hkq lrk ,o ukd ú.%yhla wvx.= tu jákd iEï ÿgqfõh' ,smsh flfia fyda ud,;S fj; fhduq l<;a th zzmq;d\" fudkjo fï TÉpr yhsfhka wïñg wdid¾:l ù .sh jEhula jQ whqre iEï isysm;a lshjkafka' oka keoao wïñ wikSfmka bkafka zz;d;a;s\" fiard weúÈka udj .kak' uu hkjd' lf<a fõokdfjks' uydpd¾hjrhdf.a ÿrl:k lsh,d@zz ndhsZZ wxlh fidhd .; hq;= hehs is;+ iEï ldurhg msúisfhah' zzfidß\" fidß ;d;a;s' wïñ ug lshkjd kx.S bx.%Sis NdIdfjka lshñka meñK isá wuq;a;kag .ek ne¨fõ ke;s¨' okafka keoao b;ska ug;a uo iskdjlska muKla ix.%y lrñka msg jQ biqreuqKs úydrh wi< ;u fj<odu áflka álla ;ry wdjdZZ ähdkd foi uydpd¾h fom< n,d isáfha ál ÈhqKq jQ whqre fufkys lrñka .=Kmd, úu;sfhks' ähdkdf.a mska;dre lr.;a uqyqK;a kj ksjig we;=`: jQfha yo msß i;=áks' w¨;a zzhihs\" ;ry .;a; fj,dj' wïñg mdvqfõ ffjj¾K mdg j,ska idhï ù we;s fldKavh isfuka;s nodufha kejqï iqj| Tyqf.a ys; bkak §, hkak'ZZ iy frÈ óg¾ Nd.hlska muk jeiqKq lh;a mskjhs' ;j i;s ;=klska muK ish¨ jev w`.,a yhl muK Wi im;a;= fol;a ÿgq Tjqka lghq;= ksud l< yels nj ndiqkakefya mejiQfha zzfidß wïñ\" uu wïñg f;a tlla yo, úu;shg m;a jQjdg ielhla ke;' fujka wjia:d ±kg i;shlg muK l,sks' ;s,l,;d ? jev f.akakï'ZZ fâñhka T¨j liñka ldurfhka j, iEï hï wmyiq;djhlg m;a jqj;a zzfofi uqrh i|yd msg;aj f.disks' wo isg i;s folla msg;g wefokq iEïf.a fk; .egqKs' yeáhg ndfi ;sfhkak ´kZZ hk ud,;Sf.a wehg ? jev uqrh lsÍug kshñ;h' lshukg .re lrñka Tyq ys; ikid .;a whqre fï <uhs foudmsfhd tlal l;d lrk úÈyo iEï isys lf<ah' ;u mshd jev weÍ meñKs nj ±k.;a kqjks fï' iEïf.a is; kej; jHdl+, fjhs' fï úoyg läkñka Tyqg uqj foùug j;=r nd,aÈh yeÈ, fldfyduo'@ flda fï whf.a .=K O¾u' zziEï\" wmsg lsh, ,iaik ixialD;shla\" wd.u msfrõjdh' uj ke;s Èk j,§ fuh kqjksf.a ud,;S isák ;;ajh wkqj lsisu fohla l;d ny O¾uhla\" yeÈhdjla ;shkjd' fudk rgl rdcldßhhs' miqj f;a lyg fldamamh fyda lr úi|d .ekSug iEïg fkdyels ù we;' yels yeÿK;a jevqK;a ? fnda ù tk fj,dj, .Ekq rKjrd\" fn,su,a jeks foa we;skï yl=re by<u whqßka wehf.a udkisl ;;ajh ms<sn|j <uhs f.j,a j,ska msg fjk fldg álla fydh, lE,a,la iu.ska mshdg msßkuk wE rd;%S wdydr ie<ls,su;a úh hq;=h' n,kakZZ' uydpd¾hjrhdg lshd .; yels jQfha fõ, .kakd ;=re mdvï jev j, ksr; fjhs' tmuKls' zzud,;S\" huqo álla .dâka tlg’ wo oji;a uqj fodajd rKjrd u,a j;=r fldamamfhka fyd|hs' wms u,a md;a;s ál youq' uu ÿjghs zzwfka biair wfma ldf, jf.a fkfjhs fï ika;¾mKh jQ .=Kmd, kj .Dyh jgd f.dia mq;dghs;a tkak lshkakï'ZZ iEï ud,;S <uhs yßu ge,ekagâ ta bkafg,sckaÜ' wvqmdvq ne,Su wdrïN lf<ah’ nlaufya ody;r weu;=fõh' ,xldfõ f.j,a we;=f<u odf.k yok wh jk Èkg m%:u f.j§u fouy,a,kaf.a wNs,dIh jf.a wudrefõ jefgkafka keye' ,xldfõ ù we;’ ta i|yd jeä ld,hla ke;' ;j i;s zzwfka ug uykaishs iEï' Thd hkak' uu fï ´lfka fj,d ;sfhkafka' .Ekq <uhs lsh, kS;s ;=kslska w¨;a wjqreoao ,nkjd fkdfõ±hs fmd;la lshjkakï'ZZ weh lkmamqj u; ;snQ Í;s odf.k mßiaiï lrk tfla fl,jrla kE\" is;g .;a .=Kmd,f.a is; läir úh' Tyqf.a bx.%Sis NdIdfjka ,shejqK kj l;djla w;g b;ska <uh okafka kE' iudch .ek' t<shg is; Woaodu ù we;' Tyq isyska yçka .Shla .;a;dh’ n,dfmdfrd;a;= iqka jQ iEï my; neiai .uka bjrhs' wksl fï <uhskag thd,f.a uquqkkakgo úh' fujr f.hs jev mgka .ekSug ud,hg meñKsfhah' fâñhka f;a fldamam ;=kla hd`:fõ tlal Tfydu f.fgdaka fjkak ÿkafka fmr Y%S uy fndaëka jykafiag isÿ jQ ndrh ms<sfhl lr we;s nj ÿgq iEï i;=gq úh' ke;skï fldx fjkjd' miafi wmghs neKqï Tmamq lsÍug we; bka miqj .ïNdr foúhkag jQ wykak fjkafk' Th fufy weú,a,;a bkafka Ndrh\" f.g f.j§ug fmr odkhla o Èh hq;=h' zzfukak ;d;a;sg fïl\" uu fï f;a tl wïñg <uhs ysr lrf.k jf.a yok wh' mõ ta fï ish,a, .=Kmd,f.a isf;a we;s lf<a myka §, tkakï'ZZ Tyq f;a fldamamh iy flala <uhkag;a Th ldf, úfkdao jqfKa ke;skï ljo is;=ú,s iuqodhls' .=Kmd,g biqreuqks úydrh lE,a,la /f.k ud,;S fj; .sfhah' úfkdao fjkako@ mdvï lr, uykais fjk whg wNshi nijlal=,u jefõ jeõ ;djq,af,a we;s Th jf.a pdkaia tllaZZ'''' ud,;Sf.a joka j,ska cx.u lv lE,a, isysfjhs' hka;ï nxl=jla wfka fufyuj;a iekiSula is;g ;shkï' uydp¾hjrhd ;u ud;Dldj jyd fjkia lf<a u; ;ndf.k oyhshd msrjQ ,sm f.k f.dia iEï fâñhka ms<sn|j i;=gq úh' fï <uhs Tyq w;ska jrola jQ lf<l fuks' we¨ñkshï uqÜáfha nv bß`.= lr,a ;ïnd fyd|g yod .kak ;snqK óg jeäh ie<ls,su;a úlsKSu mgka .;af;a fudk ;rï wjysr;d jqKd kï' iEïf.a is; iEïg fodia mjrkakg uE;l§ lrk ,o udkisl úoHd m¾fhaIKhl ueoo@' iuyr Èkhkays ;¾ckhkag uqyqK jQfhah' iEïg ;u ñ;=frla mejiQjla isysm;a m%;sM, wvx.= idrj;a ,smshla lshe jQ iEï g mEug isÿ ùu ksid ish,a, wl=,d f.k wdmiq úh’ isxy, NdIdj iy udkisl úoHdj ms<sn|j tod tu uydpd¾hjrhd úiska lshQ lshufka meñKs whqre Tyqg isys úh’ tfy;a ;=kqrejkaf.a uydpd¾hjrfhla jk Tyq ìß| o iu.ska ;u i;H;djh ukdj f;areï .sfhah' ixialD;sl irKska\" .ïNdr fohshx jykafiaf.a msysfgkq;a ksjig meñKsfha i;=gq idóÑhla i|ydh' >ÜGkhlg uqyqK mdk iudchl ;u orejka yeu fohlau jeä lrorhla ke;sj úi÷Kd fldams fldamamhl ri ú|ñka úis;a; ldurh ms<sn| j ie<ls,su;a úh hq;af;a flfiao@ fkdfõ±hs Tyq i;=gq úh' ;=< Tjqka miq jk úg ähdkd ldurfhka ixialD;shl\" wd.u O¾uhla\" tfiau .=K O¾u msg;g meñKsfha wehf.a ñ;=ßhlf.a Wmka j,ska wE;a ù ld¾ñl f,dalfha w;rux jk oy y;ajk fldgi ó,`. l,dmfha 18 OCTOBER 2022 The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL

HOUSEFAONRDSPARLEOPERTY IN PALAWATTA, BATTARAMULLA සුවය ලාැබීමට ඔබට අවශ්‍යය ආවරණය අනියම්, කො�ොන්ත්‍රාාත් සහ ස්වයං රැකියාලාාභී කොස්ව�යන් 13.1 perches flat land with an upstairs house සඳහා වසර�ට පැැය 38� අසනීපැ සහ රැ�වරණ complete with 6 bed rooms සැපැයීකොම් වැටුප් ඔබ අසනීපැ වූ විට කොහෝ ඔබ ආදරය �රන කො�කොනකුව රැ�බලාා (3 with AC), 3 bathrooms (with hot water facilities), ගැැනීමට අවශ්‍යය වූ විට, වික්කොටෝරියානු අසනීපැ වැටුප් ඇපැ සහති� two living areas (one with AC), Pantry, (Victorian Sick Pay Guarantee) නියමු වැඩසටහන මඟින් වසර�ට කොඩොලාර් 812ක් දක්වා අසනීපැ සහ රැ�වරණ සැපැයීකොම් වැටුප් සපැයයි. double garage, rare and front garden area. ඔබකො� සුදුසු�ම් පැරීක්ෂාා �ර Service Victoria කොයදවුකොම් දැන්ම Can use as two separate units. ලියාපැදිංංචි වන්න 20 feet wide road access, භාාෂාණ පැරිවර්ත�කොයකු අවශ්‍යයද? 131 450 ඔස්කොස් TIS National අමතා Victorian Sick Pay Guarantee විකො�ෂා සන්නිකො�දන මාර්ගැය ඉල්ලාා walking distance to Palawatta junction, Church, සිටින්න Temple, Government and International Schools, වික්කොටෝරියානු රජය විසින් අනුමත �ර ඇත, 1 කො�ෂාරි ප්කොල්ස්, කොමල්බන් all Super Markets, shopping centres. Food outlets, Banks etc. Inspection by appointment. Contact nos: 0423 180229 and 0433946820 vPseororlvuvinicdteainrgy a Tnf.a ish¨u fcda;sIH lghq;= ctinooVmthicmetourniaity i`oyd JUSTICE OF Mihirie Dissanayake THE PEACE ckau m;% ne,Sug Mobile: 0414 546 833 kï ;eîug iqN kele;a iE§ug fmdfrdkaoï ne,Sug úia;r i`oyd wu;kak 0419 874 469 or email your details to [email protected] The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL OCTOBER 2022 19 @Bunjil centre library 20 OCTOBER 2022 The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL w.kqjr Wiia nd,sld úoHd,hla Wvrg ueKsfla ÿïßh Th ;SrKh .;af;a flfiao wef.a wl=re l< ifrdaðkS øúv mshdf.a fowei r;a jQ hlvhl .sks YsIHdjlah' wehg øúv NdIdj fukau wehg lSjdh' fld;rï i;a mqreI ´kE\" wE iskdiS Tyqf.ka weiqjdh' mq,s`.= fuka fldamfhka ±fjkakg isxy,\" bx.%sis hk NdIdjkao fyd¢ka .=K ;sfnkjd±hs is;d\" whsfha\" lshkako@ lshkakflda Èh yels úh' wms j;af;a lxldkï rdudf.a bf.k .;a;Sh' isxy, mdi,l wE Thd fldfyao hkafka hehs we iskdiS fohla ud <`. ;sfíkï uu fokakï' mq;a kfâikag Tn újdy lr fok YsIH kdhsldj fukau mdif,a l%slÜ Tyqf.ka weiqjdh' Tyq lshjñka isá hehs wE lSfõ Tyqf.a uqj foi n,df. njg fmdfrkaÿ ù ;sfnk nj lkavdhfïo kdhsldj jQfha wef.a ;snQ m;%h mfil ;nd\" wE yd i;=gq l:d kh' Tõ\" fjk fohla fkdfõ' Thdf.a Tn okakjd fkdje ta ydohd ¥f.a oCI;djhla hy meje;au;a ksidh' nyl fhÿkdh' rd;s%fha ÿïßfha wdorh ug wjYHhs' rdud ls%IaKd jf.a fndaäï .dia; mjd f.õfõ Tn .ek kS, j¾K È.= fk;a fukau jr,io .uk md¨h' tfy;a fofokdu l:d i;H fm%aufhka ne£ fm%aukSh wUq ieñ n,dfmdfrd;a;=fjkah' b;ska thd uy mq¨¨l=, isyska b`. jeks kdß foay ny lrñka hEu ksid ta md¨j\" hqj,la ù tl jy,la hgg hkak ug fmdaßidohd' wmsg j;af;a úiqula ,CIK j,ska msßmqkaj isg wE Wvrg ksÈu; ke;s jQjd fia ±ksk' l:dj ysf;kjdhs rka§,a mejiqfõh' ke;sfjhs' uq¨ mjq,u úkdY lr j;=lrfhka w.kqjrg meñK isáh;a .ukg foda,djla lshkakd fia .ufka ouhs' jydu ÿfõ Tfí woyi isf;ka kd.ßl /,a,g wiq fkdjqk ir, ldkaish u. yeßk' weh ifrdaðkS whsfha\" whshdf.a b,a,Su .ek ud w;yer odkak' <`.§u kfâika .;s mej;=ï we;s ;eke;a;sfhlah' nj;a Tyq rka§,a nj;a ±k y÷kd buy;a i;=gg m;afjkjd' kuq;a Tnj fldaúf,a§ ta lghq;= lrk nj wE udihlg jrla .ï m%foaYhg .;af;dah' rkaÈ,a úYaj úoHd,hl whshdg udj lsisfia;u .e,fmkafka .sh i;sfh;a ug mejiqjd' b;ska hEu wef.a mqreoaolah' ta .uk hEug iyldr lÓldpd¾hjrfhla nj ±k kE\" u''u'' j;=lrfha ÿmam;a fou< fldfyduo wms Tyqg msgqmdkafka' ÿfõ\" ms%h lf<a Wvrg ueKsfla ÿïßfhkah' .;a miq ifrdackS buy;a i;=gg fl,a,la' Thd kd.ßl jxYdêm;s Tfí wïud f,v jQ wjia:dfõ ;u tod jeis Èkhls' wjg óÿfuka yd m;aúh' whsfha\" uu;a yßu wdYhs fmdai;a rcfha Wiia ks<Odßfhl=f.a jeÿ mqf;la jf.a ish¨ lghq;= lrg w÷frka msÍ ;snqk;a k.rfha we;s úYaj úoHd,h m%fõYfhka ch .kak' mqf;la' uf.a mshd is,a,r werka l,d u;l keoao@ wksl isxy, úÿ,s wdf,dal ksid th uelS .shdfiah' whshdf.a Woõ ug ,efnkjdkï fjf<kafola' b;ska fldfyduo ;eke;afl;=g jvd tald fudk;rï ifrdacd fmr mqreoaog fldgqfõ ÿïßh uu uy;a i;=áka th Ndr .kakjd' mriamr mx;s mr;rhl isák W;=ïo@ Tng jvd jhiska jeä jqj;a kej;=ï m,g wdfõh' tÈk ÿïßh Tõ kx.S\" wksjd¾hfhkau uu Tng ud Tng kqiqÿiqhs' ta ksid fjkod W.;alñka wvq jqj;a kfâika wfma fmd< ckS ckhdf.ka msÍ b;sÍ ;snqfka w; fokakï hehs Tyq lSfõ buy;a fukau wms ñ;=relñka Ôj;a fjuqhs mjq,g fyd¢ka .e,fmkjd' jydu Y%S mdo jkaokdfõ hk msßi fukau i;=glskah' flfuka flfuka l;d ifrdaðkS mejiqjdh' kx.S\" uu wf.a Thdf.a woyi isf;ka wia lr.kak' i;s wka;fha ;u .ï okjqj,g hk ueo ÿïßh;a bÈßhg weÿfkah' lrkafka cd;s wd.ï Wiamy;a lï Thd okakjdfka uf.a yeá fyd|g msßi;a ksidh' ÿïßh ,`.dfjkak ;j ymq;f,a ÿïßh ia:dkh miq lrkjd;a fkdfõ' W;=ï ñksialuh' wms lõre;a fyd|hs' krlg;a tfyuhs'''' mshdf.a meh Nd.hla mjuK .;fjk ksid iu.u\" whshd ±ka nkavdrfj, B ñysl;f.a orefjda ñi cd;s jYfhka foaYkh wid isáhd ñi Tyqf.a wE fõÈldj wi, wiqkl jdä jQjdh' ,`.gfka uu yßu i;=gqhs whshd fjka fjkafka mgq woyia u;h' ta l:djg yria lmkakkgj;a\" ;¾l ta iu.u wo nÿ,a, n,d hk ÿïßh uqK .eiSu .ek' i÷od fkdjrojdu ksid kx.S h,a mekmq wdl,am ud ysia ú;¾l lrkakgj;a fkd.sfha ;ud fï ia:dkhg taug mehla muK wms kej; yuqfjuq fkao mjiñka uqÿfka keye' úYajdih;a wjxllu;a .; hq;= ;SrKh .kakjduhs hk ±ä mudfjk nj ÿïßh ia:dkdêm;s rka§,a ÿïßfhka nei iuq .;af;ah' ksu, wdorh;a tlajqkq ;ek ;uhs woyi u;h' ±kqï ÿkafkah' ifrdaðkSf.a ifrdaðkS nÿ,a, ÿïßh kej;=ï fofofkla tla fjkafka' ta ksid ud foujqmshkg ±kaúh hq;= nj wE fmdf<ka nisoa§ wef.a mshd meñK Tfí wdorh me;=fõ' th n,lsÍula tÈk ? t,sfjk f;la l,amkd is;d ;u fudnhs,a ÿrl:kh w;g wE ksjig le|jd f.k .shdh' wehg fkdfõ' Tn ´kEu ;Srkhla .ekSu lrñka isá foujqmsfhda kskaog .sh .;a;dh' kuq;a th ls%hdúrys;h' ÿrl:kfhka rka§,a l:d lf<a Tn i;=h' wE fudfyd;la ksy~j miq wE rka§,ag ÿrl:k wue;=ulska wE fudfyd;la l,amkd l<dh' ;ud lrorhla ke;=j f.rog .shd ±hs nr l,amkdjl .s¨kdh' whsfha\" ±kqj;a lf<a wE yuqjk f,ih' wi, ;reKfhda fofofkla nr l:d wikakgh' Tn ÿgq od isgu Tn .ek meye§ula miqÈk weh fndaäug hEug f.oßka nylh' fudjqkaf.ka ÿrl:kh b,a,d we;sjqkd' th l%u l%ufhka j¾Okh kslauqkdh' rka§,a wE uqK .eiSug f.k mKsúvh §ug is;d wE ifrdaðkS ujg lshd úúO riuqiq ù ienE ñ;=oyï meje;ajQjd' wnu,a wdfõh' .srhg wiqjQ mqjla f.ähla fiñka Tjqka w;rg .shdh' tfy;a leú,s f.dvla iod .;af;a rka§,ag f¾kqjla ;rïj;a Tn .ek wys;la fuka isá wE ish¨ úia;r fkdi`.jd Tjqka ;u l:dj k;r lf,aj;a\" wE §ugh' l:d lr.;a mßÈ wE fld<U ud <`. kE\" Tng ud ksid .eg¨jla Tyq yd lSjdh' ifrdaðkS Thdg uu foi ne¨fõj;a kE\" lï kE uu l:d n,d hk ÿïßhg f.v je§ ;ud ,`. we;sfjkafka ke;akï ud Tfí fukau foujqmsfhd;a jákjd' ta whg lr uf.a wjYH;djh imqrd .; hq;= wiqfka ish .uka u,a, ;nd .;af;a msú;=re fm%auhg Wreulaldß ùug ÿlla §u;a uyd idmhla' ;j álla hehs is;=jdh' ta wiqk wysñ fõ hk ielfhkah' leu;s nj mejiqjdh' rka§,af.a fï .ek is;kakehs Tyq wehg wjjdo rka§,a tu ÿïßhg f.dv je§ug uqj úlis;j wms fofokd wo mgka iajrEmfhka lSfõh' wE fndaäug whsfha''''' lreKdlr ug fmdä n,d isák úg ifrdaðkS w; jkd wE rdu l%sIaKd fuka fm%aufhka fj,S .shdh' ;u we÷ï ál .uka u,a,l Woõjla l, yels±hs wE weiqjdh' isá ueÈßhg ke.Sug werhqï l<dh' tl jy,la hgg hkakg tfykï oudf.k iqmqreÿ Wvrg ÿïßhg fofokdu wE foi n,d isg fofokd l:d nfya fhÈk' fofokd uu wjia:dj h:d ld,fhaÈu Wod ke.=fka tlla mrhd tlla ke. fudlla±hs weiqfõ rkaÈ,ah' Tyq iqyo YS,s jQy' úúO l:d ueÈka wE lrk nj Tyq lSfõ by jyd .sh tk is;=ú,s ueoafoah' uOHu rd;S%sh ;u f*dak tl wE w;g § yd\" kxÕS f.kd rileú,s Tyqg ms<s.ekaùh' i;=glskah' Tyq ta fudfydf;a rgla Wodfj;au wE .;a ;SrKhg wkq.;j we;s ;rï l:d lrkakehs rkaÈ,a yßu rig yo,d' ljqo yeÿfõ hehs ÈkQ fikam;sfhla fia Wodr;ajfhka f.k wd ji l=mamsh wdorfhka je<| ohdnr jofkka lshd ñ;=frda fofokd Tyq úuiSh' uf.a wïud lEu yokak wef.ka iuq .;af;ah' .;a;dh' wef. ±`.,Su ÿgq u.sfhla h,s;a l;djg jeáks' ifrdaðkS yßu oCIhs' lshñka fofokd fnod wE fj; ,xùh' ure úl,af,ka fmdr l:dlr kej; ÿrl:kh yod f.k lñka ri l:d lshñka ifrdaðkS tÈk f.or .sfha ysre ÿg nÈk yeá n,d isá u.shd jyd ÿïßfha Tyqg ÿkafka ia;=;s lrñkah' ÿïßh .ufka fhÿk;a\" lsisu wkjYH l:d fk¨ula fia m%fndaOfhkau' ;d;af;a\" kej;Sfï ix{dj ksl=;a lf,ah' tk y~ weiS u.Ska lä /,la fuka nyl fkdfhÈk' b;du;a iSñ; wïfï wo ud f.or wdfõ Y=N wdrxÑ fmd,Sish meñK mÍCIK mj;ajk l,n, ù ta fï w; ÿjñka ÿïßfha wkaoñka yeisrefka iqyo ñ;=re follau /' th wid Tn úg wE fuf,dj yer f.diah' ueÈß j,g f.dv jefokakg jQy' ñ;=ßhla f,ih' .uk wjidfkfha fofokd i;=g fjkjd fkdwkqudkh' ifrdaðkS ueÈßhg kex.;a wiqkla tlsfkld uQk .efikakg .súi wE mejiqfõh' b;ska lshkakflda ifrdaðkS ysñ ùug jvd wysñ ùu ysñ fkdùh' ;u nE.h ;nd ljq¨jla .;af;dah' l:dny lr.;a mßÈ uj lSjh' uu úYaj úoHd, Wmdê n,.;= njo úfhdaùu yuqùug ,`. k;r úh' ál ÿrla ÿïßh hk fofokd yuq jQfjdah' ta yuqùfuka mÍCIKfhka úYsIaG ch.%ykhla .eUqre w¾:j;a fYdalhla u;=lrk úg wiqkla ,efíhs is;ñka wE jgmsg fofokdf.a weiqr oeäúh' wehf.a ,enqjd' wfka uf.a orejdf.a uqyqK nj rka§,ag mila úh' ÿïßfha§ n,ñka .ufka fhÿkdh' ta w;r bf.kSug rka§,a w; ys; ÿkafkah' fohsfhda ne¨jd hs uj wE ism je,e| fofokd yuq ù fofok w;r we;s jQ u.Ska tld fokakd ÿïßh kej;=ï fofokd úfõl ,;a úá ta fï weúo .;af;a W;=rd hk i;=glskah' i;H fm%auh M, orkakg fkdyelsj fmd,j,ska nei .sh ksid ueÈßh ;=< .sfhdah' mkai,g fukau fldaú,go ifrdaðkS ksy~j ÿïßfha§u wE fmrfuka ;onohla fkdùh' kuq;a .sfhdah' wdkkao Njkg f.dia lEu b;ska ÿj\" wfkla Y=N wdrxÑh ;kshu fkdtkd .uklg .shdh' ysia wiqkla fkdùh' ÿïßh bÈßhg .ekSug;a mqreÿ jQy' úYaj úoHd,hSh rCIdjlao@ rCIdjla fkdfjhs we§ hk úg\" kx.S\" fukak fu;ek m%fõYfhka úYsIaG iu¾;hla ,;a mria;djla' fudkjd\" hehs mshdf.a jdäfjkak hehs lshd ;reKfhla wE buy;a i;=glska ;u yDohdx.u oEia Wv .shdh' ta ljqo@ ;d;af;a Tyq b| isá wiqk wehg ms,s.ekaùh' ia;=;sh rka§,ag msÿjdh' Th jf.a fld<U mÈxÑ úch nkavdrf.a mq;a fifkfy,;d r;akdhl weh ia;=;s lr tys wiqka .;a;dh' ia;=;s lr,d ±ka b;ska yßhkafka rka§,a yd újdy ùug .súi .;a wE lSm j;djlau Tyqf.a uqyqK kE kx.S''' whsfha tfykï fudkjdo nj wE ks¾Nhj iDcqj lSjdh' ÿj .af,ka fõj,s' foi ne¨jdh' ;dug ÿrl:kh ÿka ;reKhd fka± fï hehs wef.a is; The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL OCTOBER 2022 21 PMroaprorsiaaglesqtssrulpousoaAoeulolycnigckfihahiaaifedntterldtioegmbrs,mamtyMnactietrlrSciiBeavvsartieuBielinlrrR,bLyeSeEmeseadaplmdf7niaw-rBmoS5kroacorNG@aif,itlreeom:ok2spgdrris9uamni1horcog9eaavhnnn8Ciealytd3r.losscols,lyeoofu5oaommn’msrg4ebae”or . ux 0f41,h4 54d6ac83k3 d(fwptpaoremaMealttSsclhihteltiemayinulcibbhrmadeloaniseusoplontahrRwaaneneieBhr,nledefs2aue-dshS9narde)SendhaeyaPdai@2kelsul2taftehaggeraphsmwppsaterorreaeapelrritdchnelttt,.yotpoics6ttloeioiy'lo1nmdisnvw\"turteicoowniratdghetuelilcdne [email protected] prpoDyaNfsqcueerlhutZaasiSnmrsaaloeiprlc5ouiraraifm’ntcetiwt3hietatfza” e. pqShuyPtkoaSdPoritleninolinkfefedgeihasype-rrspsalhaderoaesl1epreanewRlmd9arhae,eeBr7swAkafftfp3iuoe-naryluSw@ddryemneNsdnedttrdwyhrhlti2awlafaeniirau6lstieheoihrmStgdasorhpypinuakiodltrdacs.yeecerrcnaerniteaotedttcntet2iymye.ezdta5.tnseaa,arntnli5enildvsop’diru2nct”gea,driinng ÿWi.iiqÿsïwÈsßaiflmd5nfhúquZ;yjTal5Y;adagZikiyZ%dfk\"¾ñaafadnoh.fYÜlwrd;l%ÿ,kji:jfdshseerffo7ktsd.\"R*u\"fulaoekdõrmddúUfaum,i-sj%OySq mkshiwaijNdÈkkaj1a jqjll3x2ra q'oÑ2a @ffrfy4milkh5Ègsñfd\"mlhïh,mKs'haa kq;is'lshe.=gc;lo'am phPSolctMeobidapeqcePsaanriluBenteuortaiifd/gwozrlsGeeiehptrtfpn3htir4wpeelesR3eHyrad,doyerc,2sr9wrfefokew-8s4onSipei,,@trnteSkyhls5lgitl2vhg'Aaof-2i4iaemmfn\"npumi,hrgrsaaMoRtoinairliflrtnaynee.etoclselrsiVdsboearsaceeoacmiinooctdrtu/aicptndrvoishenalueorsleaitn,lao.yl wLqmoHaurnaekkagknliiwaiinna.sfLmngidiHtaeo,hiBideonfntedaukigdesMiedRiir1tntr,adeoa9leghhftiql9f-alabiofsPu0slnoolrAta@aedrulmhnr1sira,gfodon9ycirmmemeaapsd.diaehPeose,pio,elnlmelhtdt.iocaabavioslisocrilne.mmnar(nlgSe6almyrf1caiei9naes9dittl,)2. soAudAgadCauhecnigtltadaidhrbzmiieptydenetrnepgarop.,irfa2laPl1esri8nsl9evayedsn9inarint4eossdRsgd,sneeflpu5aa@forhc-’nlerlS3aodpygNa\"ttlmeo,cwqyd3Aaguaow8drasuiraeolliksp.itmnctifhhrnioieaigfcmtsdlaoaiimalnlnyily MDIeTSol,iubEfnwboohmlrueaeralhlnldaialeeen:CmgdslaarespetneohlekoRpmoiyejlmne1iefc-@dasESorp,Nnrhna5igar,o2fietg3nt1nme18et0espayriaiinirnlnrsc.t.cghnoeatmranldl. 22 OCTOBER 2022 The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL SCeaConspawcmaoriiotaogthindasistraozh,surednerilFcimbidiointuciasalennsirgeabcPt,raataelaeriwan.ei.oCelnfrlcl2Plisneptyoiasl.0nalayhntieqWRl2itrnfaostuetA2ein,soednMmaf@eAen-eslwiSripahennrufgSlelliiitttsymobelpoirp3ltaosdyorl4ltlartydaeuehie3itliudarelsyint0n.caodpi.caYreenaieosdn,Ocmlogafatonrytrgaooe.ur uxPMroafpror,hsiaagdlecas kd jaAyPulaSleepssShcstaierterenmsouaipeghGplrLaeiehaldarroaersreoanvaisatRcaiknienanbogeCaddBomomefat-oiuvcdSusbprnrudeaNedoelstrudeptaperrrhgh2tnecleuaeyehi8ntkt@sdi:telntiauetndhgypngrMgeeammufwrrranaooeaaPoiyfsnrmvihrrol3tk1ei.Dsnce5ri9ansodf.8ffirbgmotr9ooryor.amir.mesthfae 0414 546 833 AduueasdatlSurncaPcipnielaltiodehitazesauansedislctcanebiawhosotBrenaoerldunnisrivdkpnddoidionkanntRhnhgu@lgeidyegsfii-hnthwmsnStpooSNeiaeatntrydmhrm33defi6fcoan1nauaritenlllsutyl.a,chnfgdioseieeevemilmtreedakr.ieslnistty [email protected] kbi5innwwe’d1lAoci-i1lfvohrlu”akiinen,ssmniasWtynggrirTidgdatleteiTylpeonliidrl/nard-NesAodmeed(IpSausTtt)aattuos,lungiftegRsslirdnrsaoheeaaiiellnutleafd2drei-gdnaeuSS2r.hddaS@iPfyptntohd4slreberegiAodn6myafmoreeusaouypBersnasralt/dcwierrbGlseoa,.loiccplpyluinpolleayralma3irtralvewo0esnin:on,nditttglhsy auawrcnspecMopodhphBfsmrroloa5eeky/otrrpGel'io8pipbnwkasa'roogam'nfeialsauintyetnRahaamtrdpasytnelihdirH2niffecaoldeia-0yoAnSfiafmsq2egrgoSouluu2oshiirng1svascl@stytthilo.c9iohrointonHagfdfeengiplsmeeiraei2treatidlrl8ana,il.hiusyivEirPayclMleiscn.ntqelncciuegdateuogoeoarrlisannmrsbnsioletenoeimonfeuilteredlrydn, e stehPeiiennkrMiRora1a,f(MMp.d9eEBSppras9MeehcIirsuo2Tolt.aibtgoafriySSoUhenminlcesutaanLeasipnrlpeiricntadvonperewebOencmaeufordaoeramctsrbeil)iurtaiclRrnokeptry.ftayertibiorrOs,ln.noqfero-5gcPgymiubrSpno`aatSS2i8MamrnlDS0e25eii2fnrepp2nM@`e6iie`deat2taeLsddineigk.cmnlaywmiBisbn,nnbhooi.abkeleSeanulioarinclfrgbfr.rdn.aocnheoneortmidmn SpPocBtsr2hieofuheuii9erfiemnnetdteiyhxarcacdsrabcllesdAshgutelihaiepooedlus.ulrnlitseptdonPgatonSar,fghll:traeeil5ttnymlasaecn’ihssrha7ees,piea,a”oorRmalrr2rnceefnoaeep5risafcprapol-eayltoSlllmtterwyyapNytmsrr@la,e,eaAlw3erdea5lcebldu7ri,t’nntiieis5nhavagtotm”nosrepnal.adpisl-moHlMnlesliinokamendoeudykaerfoosge.elotctratkaodrhtobiaeohlmienrsdan,n dbtqaeoBuftnraa/acnnGlmiaitp1finiizr9pleaeyo9drlnpoy6Rddfso,seeeatoswEtfsuaa.-nsmSogilPilsN5rhosal@k\"etniae26laai:ngr4n\"sldme,fpBoMrpaarrerhiiSptelsoh.ClnbctyetoaoisInswrmT.sedi,etuaehaskl The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL OCTOBER 2022 23 Glen Smiles Dental NEED A DENTIST? GLEN SMILES DENTAL IS A FAMILY RUN DENTAL CLINIC WITH OVER 8,000 MELBOURNE SRI LANKANS AS PATIENTS NEED BRACES FOR YOUR CHILD? WE PROVIDE FREE CONSULTS - BOOK NOW TO START TREATMENT we are open Monday to Saturday Call today to make a booking 8838 2095 [email protected] 24 OCTOBER 2022 The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL fuu fmdfrdkaou .e,emSu i|yd újdyhg m%udKhla wkdjrKh lr .ekSug mdol lr f.k we;af;a rdYsh yd yria jk yelshdj meje;sh o ia;%S mqreI pkaøhd ;ekam;a rdYshhs' fuys hï flakaorh yd fofokdg Tjqfkdjqkag jYS fõ±hs Ydia;%Sh yd úoHd;aul mokula fmdfrdkaou mÍlaId lsÍfïoS iuia; flakaorfha mj;S' fuu fmdfrdkaou .e,emSu .%y ;;ajh iïnkaOfhka jeä i|yd mdol lr .;a lreKq újdyh yd fmdfrdkaou - 8 wjOdkhla fhduq l< hq;=h' tfia iïnkaOfhka mriamr úfrdaê Wmka rdYsh wdY%fhka ish,a, u;hkao fkdmj;S' fcHd;sI uQ,dY% fm%auodi l`:;ka;sß | úY%dñl mßmd,k ks,OdÍ | leianEj - YS% ,xld ;SrKh lsÍug fkdyelsh' iuyr yd mçjrekaf.a u;hka iudkh' fmdfrdkaoï fkd.e,mSfuka úúO fjk;a fmdfrdkaoï .e,emSfïoS fmdfrdkaou Y=N nj i|yka fõ' th Wmka rdYshg jYH jk rdYs ysñhka .eg¨ j,g uqyqK §ug isÿjk úúO u;hka yd fkd.e,fmk idOl my; ±lafõ' yd Wmka rdYs ysñhka w;r ñ;% nj fmdfrdkaoï .e,emSug wod, bÈrsm;a jqjo fuys tjeks foaj,a Ndjhka fkdue;s wjia:d by; Wmfoiaj, olajd we;;a jYH fkdue;s ùu úfYaI;ajhls' újdyfha Wmka rdYsh jYH jk rdYs igyk wkqj fmfka' fmdfrdkaou iïnkaOfhka tjeks meje;au fjkqfjka ia;%S mqreI fïI isxy\" jDYaÑl WmfoaYhka i|yka fkdfõ' fofokdf.a Wmka rdYs fuka u tlS jDIN lgl\" ;=,d jYH fmdfrdkaou iïnkaOfhka rdYs wêm;shkaf.a n,h fnfyúkau ñ:qk lkHd fujeks úúO u;hka mj;S' tneúka 9' rÊcq fmdfrdkaou n,mdkq we;' fcHd;sIfha ±lafjk lgl jDYaÑl\" Okq fuu u;hka f.ka l=uK u;hla uQ,sl idOl fuu fmdfrdkaoug isxy ;=,d wkqj jYH Ndjh .e,emsh hq;=±hs rÊcq hkqfjka y÷kajkq ,nkafka we;=<;a lr we;s fyhska újdyhg lkHd ók\" ñ:qk .eg¨jls' rdYs fmdfrdkaou ilia ù /yeK fkdfyd;a ndOdjhs' rÊcq m<uqj fuys Y=NdY=Nh ie,ls,a,g ;=,d ulr\" lkHd we;af;a o Wmka rdYs wkqjh' tu rdYs fmdfrdkaofï woyi o th fõ' Ndckh lsÍu jvd;a jeo.;a nj jDYaÑl lgl yd rdYHdêm;s fmdfrdkaoï .,mk ndOdjka bj;a lr .;fyd;a újdyh fmkajd foñ' Okq ók wdldrh yd jYH fmdfrdkaou w;r id¾:l lr .ekSug yelsh' ta i|yd ulr fïI\" l=ïN n,j;a jQ ióm;djhla ke;' jYH rÊcq fmdfrdkaou hym;a wdldrfhka 8' jYH fmdfrdkaou l=ïN fïI fmdfrdkaou uÕska lrkq ,nkafka meje;sh hq;= hehs jeä fofkl= jYH hkafkys w¾:h jYS ùuhs' ók ulr\" jDIN tla;rd wkaoulg rdYs .e,mSuh' ;=, úYajdihla mj;S' tneúka ke;fyd;a wjk; fyda lSlre rdYs .,mk úg tlS rdYs ksfhdackh rÊcq fmdfrdkaou iïnkaOfhka Ndjhhs' újdyhg nef|k ia;%S mqreI ta ta rdYs ysñhdg jYH jk rdYs lrkq ,nk .%yhskaf.a i;=re\" ñ;=re WmfoaYhka ljf¾±hs úuid n,uq' fofokd Tjqfkdjqkag fma%ufhka\" wêm;shka w;r iuyr .%yhska Ndjh ms<sn| ie,lsh hq;=h' tfy;a wdorfhka\" fifkyiska miq fõ kï i;=re n,fhka isà' fuu rdYs f;dard jYH fmdfrdkaofï§ ta ms<sn| rÊcq ixLHdj myls' tajd mdo\" th Tjqfkdjqka w;r we;s flfrk .ekSfï§ .%yhska w;r mj;akd wjOdkhla fhduq lr we;s njla W!re\" kdNs\" ndyq\" YSfrda hk tla;rd jYshls' ia;%S mqreI fofokl= i;=re\" ñ;=re Ndjh .ek ie<ls,su;a fkdfmfka' kï j,ska y÷kajkq ,efí' fuu újdyhg m;a jk l< Tjqfkdjqkag ù ke;' kduhka ms<sn|j úYaf,aIKd;aulj jYS fõ hehs ks.ukh lsÍu i|yd rdYs yd rdYdêm;s hk fmdfrdkaoï ne¨jfyd;a YÍrfha úúO fldgia jYH fmdfrdkaou Wmfhda.S lr .kS' jYH fmdfrdkaou .e,emSfï§ by; Y+N kï fuu fmdfrdkaou i|yd fhdokq ,nk kduhka nj fuu fmdfrdkaoug mdol lr f.k i|yka l< l%uhkag jvd fjkia fkd.e,mSfuka fodaIhla we;s fmfka' m<uq rÊcq y;r i|yd we;af;a Wmka ,.akhhs' jQ .e,emSï iuyr ,s;a l¾;Djre fkdjk nj iuyr ,s;a l¾;Djre kel;a yhla Wmfhda.s lr f.k Ndú;d lr;s' th my; i|yka woyia olaj;s' Wmka rdYsh wkqj we;s w;r wka;su rÊcqjg wh;a jYH fmdfrdkaou i|yd ish¨ lrñ' mqoa.,hd i;= .=Khkaf.ka hï jkafka kel;a ;=kla muKS' kel;a rdYs isjqmd\" ukqIH\" c,pr\" jkpr moaO;sfha wdrïNfha isg tla kel;g wd§ jYfhka uQ,sl fn§ula merKS Wmka rdYsh jYH jk rdYs tla rÊcqjla .efkk fia j¾. lr fcHd;sI .%ka: j, ±lafõ' fïI\" fïI fïI\" jDIN\" isxy\" Okq\" wmr Nd.h\" we;' wiaúo kel; mdo rÊcqjg jDIN\" Okqfõ miq Nd.h\" ulrfha ulr mQ¾j Nd.h o fnrK kel; W!re rÊcqjg o m<uq Nd.h isjqmd rdYs jYfka o jDIN fïI\" jDIN\" lgl\" ;=,d\" Okq wmr Nd.h\" wd§ jYfhks' tla tla rÊcqjla ñ:qk\" lkHd\" ;=,d\" l=ïN\" Okq fõ ulr mQ¾j Nd.h ;=, mj;akd kel;a tlu .%yhl= m<uq Nd.h ukqIH rdYs jYfhka o ñ:qk ñ:qk\" lkHd\" ;=,d\" Okq mQ¾j Nd.h\" l=ïN ksfhdackh fkdlrk w;r tla tla kï flf¾' lgl\" ók\" ulrfha miq lgl lgl\" jDYaÑl\" ók\" ulr wmr Nd.h .%yhd tlS kel;a ksfhdackh lrkq Nd.h hk rdYs c,pr ldKavhg isxy isxy\" ;=,d we;’ fmdÿfõ .;a l< tla rÊcqjla wh;a fõ' isxyh jkpr rdYshls' lkHd ñ:qk\" lkHd\" ;=,d\" Okq mQ¾j Nd.h\" l=ïN\" ók .%yhska yh fofkl=g wh;a fõ' fuys jDYaÑl rdYsh l=uK fyda ;=,d ñ:qk\" lkHd\" ;=,d\" Okq mQ¾j Nd.h\" ldKavhlg wh;a fkdfõ' fuh ulr\" l=ïN tlu rÊcqjlg ia;%S mqreI fofokdu iuyre lSg rdYshla jYfhka kï jDYaÑl lgl\" jDYaÑl wh;a kï tu fofokd újdyhg lr we;' Okq mQ¾j Nd.h ñ:qk\" lkHd\" ;=,d\" Okq mQ¾j Nd.h\" ók iqÿiq fkdjk nj mxpdx. ,s;a j, Okq wmr Nd.h fïI\" jDIN\" Okq wmr Nd.h\" ók olakg ,efí' fuu rÊcq ;=, mj;akd tla tla ldKavhg wh;a rdYs ysñ ulr mQ¾j Nd.h fïI\" jDIN\" Okq wmr Nd.h\" ulr kel;a Y=N fyda wY=N .%yhskag wh;a ia;%S mqreI fofokd w;r újdyh mQ¾j Nd.h\" l=ïN fõ' uq¿ kel;a moaO;sh kjhg isÿ jqjfyd;a Tjqfkdjqkg jYS jkq ulr wmr Nd.h fïI\" lgl\" ulr wmr Nd.h\" l=ïN\" ók fnod we;s w;r tla .%yhl=g kel;a we;' isxy rdYsh isxyhg o jDYaÑl l=ïN fïI\" ñ:qk\" lkHd\" ;=,d\" Okq mQ¾j Nd.h\" l=ïN ;=k ne.ska we;=<;a fõ' iuyr ish rdYshgo jYSjk nj i|yka fõ' ók lgl\" ulr wmr Nd.h\" ók wjia:dj,§ rÊcq folla ;=, tlu jYH fmdfrdkaou .e,emSu i|yd .%yhl=g wh;a kel;a fh§ we;s Ndú;d jk tla l%uhla fufia ye|ska wjia:d we;' fjkiajk wjia:d o fõ' ta ta ldKahkag wh;a jQ rdYs we;’ fuu fmdfrdkaou .e,emSfï§ ysñ ia;%S mqreIhka újdyhg fhda.H ta iïnkaOfhka ie,ls,su;a Ndjhla nj ±la jqjo tlu ldKavhg olajd ke;' wh;a rdYs ksfhdackh lrkq ,nk iuyr .%yhska i;=re Ndjfhka miq wgjk fldgi ,nk l,dmfha jk wjia:d we;' ta ms<sn| fuys i|ykla ke;' jYH fmdfrdkaou .e,emSu i|yd Wmfhda.s lr .kakd ;j;a l%u lSmhla mj;S' tla tal rdYshg bÈrsfhka olajd we;s rdYs j,ska Wm; ,enq ia;%S mqreIhska w;r jYH The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL OCTOBER 2022 25 The Lyrebird’s Cry‘Encouraging dialogue and fostering inclusivity’ Samantha Sirimanne Hyde’s debut novel wondering about the title ‘The Lyrebird’s Cry – the Lyrebird is an Australian ground bird known for its impressive ability ‘to mimic natural and artificial sounds from their environment, and the striking beauty of the male bird's huge tail when it is fanned out in courtship display’. The song of the lyrebird is a mixture of its own song and mimicry of other species. The metaphor perfectly captures Jagath’s personality and his futile but desperate Samantha Sirimanne Hyde will launch her desire to conform to his environment. This motif Samantha Sirimanne Hyde debut novel ‘The Lyrebird’s Cry’ at the West sets the tone for the entire novel and reflects Ryde Community Centre, Sydney on 30 the beauty of Sirimanne Hyde’s writing skills. work she particularly loves. “His ‘Funny Boy’ September 2022. There is precision and there is spontaneity triggered something in me and perhaps it was the and an authentic depiction of middle-class Sri catalyst for me to start thinking of my protagonist Jagath and his own story of self-discovery”, she Samantha was born in Colombo, Sri Lanka and Lankan family life both in the rituals and also the says. now lives in Sydney, Australia. She has an MA expectations of the Rajasinghe family (Jagath’s in Creative Writing from Macquarie University family). A review of the book by Bhikku Akaliko captures the essence of the story well -‘The Lyrebird’s and has co-authored a Jagath is a flawed hero, perhaps Cry is a sensitive portrayal of a family coming even an anti-hero, which to terms with difficult truths that test their book of poetry (Paper Free tickets for the book demands our attention. There understanding of the world… Sirimanne Hyde Boats) and authored a launch are available on isn’t an iota of conventional offers the reader touching insights into the hearts collection of short stories wisdom or predictability in the of those who suffer from oppression…’ plot. Choose to love or hate (The Villawood Express Jagath, the story highlights how &other stories). Sirimanne emotional baggage can weigh us us to conform against all odds. Hyde’s haiku, tanka and other Japanese genre poetic our cultural and forms have appeared in Australian and overseas down and force publications. The Lyrebird’s Cry starts with the stark words; The universal battles “The Lyrebird’s Cry is a I sat down with Samantha “We have found a good girl for you”. What seems between love and hate, good sensitive portrayal of a Sirimanne Hyde ahead of her like a simple truth from a Jane Austen novel, has and evil, duty and desire family coming to terms book launch to find out about the potency of a Molotov cocktail thrown into a are played out with stark with difficult truths that the new book and what makes crowded room with locked doors! dialogue, relationship rifts test their understanding her tick as a writer. and subtle characterisation of the world”. It draws the reader into a universe of pain and in the book.Sirimanne Hyde chaos. Jagath, the main protagonist returns home is at her best, laying bare to Sri Lanka from Sydney on holiday, only to social taboos and cultural have his emotions and passport held hostage by dividesand breaking down his parents. He can’t return to Australia, at least emotional sea walls to get to not until he marries the woman of their dreams. the inner truth. There’s just one niggling thing getting in the way of their plans– Jagath is gay – a fact his parents Sirimanne Hyde confesses she has always had Angie Singamchat don’t want to accept or acknowledge. a left-field imagination but mainstream authors NSW and poets who inspired her writing were James The story follows the unravelling of Jagath’s Thurber, especially his character Walter Mitty life until heis forced to confront his demons and and T.S. Eliot’s, Prufrock. Sri Lankan Canadian come to terms with his identity….and if you are novelist ShyamSelvadurai is someone whose 26 OCTOBER 2022 The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL zisxy, miq ;a l i|`:jZ wdpd¾h .dñKS ldßhjiï idys;H udih uq,a lrf.k\" f,aLlhskaf.a isxy, .%ka:\" Ydia;%Sh ,sms m< l<yels iy lshúh yels mßoafoka ks¾udKh l< úoHq;a uKavmhla fkdfndaod Y%S ,xld mßmd,k fiajfha wka;¾cd,hlg tlaúh' úY%dñl - i','id' úksiqre zisxy, mqia;l i|`:jZ fjí wvúh wka;¾cd,fhys ia:dms; lr iudc .; lsÍu isÿjQfha\" Y%s ,xld isú,a fiajfha fÊIaG idudðl\" m%ùK idys;HOr wdpd¾h ,S,a .=Kfialr uy;df.a iqr;sks' fuu wjêfha lvodis ñ, by< hdu iy wêl uqøK úhou ksid .%ka: lrKfhys kshq;= f,aLlhskag ;ukaf;a ks¾udK uqøKh lrjd .ekSu w;sYhska u ÿIalr ;;a;ajhlg m;aj we;' uy;a fjfyila f.k ieliQ w;a msgm;a\" uqøK oajdrfhka ìys lr.; yels ksYaÑ; Èkhla t<fUk ;=re ks¾udK lrejka\" uy;a fkdbjis,af,ka miq fj;s' fujka jd;djrKhla hgf;a\" f,aLlhska u;= ks¾udK lrKfhys ,d Wlg,S ùu fkdje,elaúh yelsh' Bg úi÷ula f,iska\" .%ka: msßjehlska f;drj m%ldYhg m;alr,Sfï zisxy, mqia;l i|`:jZ úoHq;a uKavmh ie<iqï lrk ,oafoa wdpd¾h .dñKS ldßhjiï iy fla' ta' ;s,lr;ak hk mßmd,k jD;slhska fofokd úisks' zisxy, mqia;l i|`:jZ fjí msgqfõ ;dlaIKsl ks¾udKh uÿYxl m%shNdIs;\" ;=is; nKavdr iy ldúkao f;kakfldaka hk úYaj úoHd,Sh isiqka ;sfokdf.ks' foaY foYdka;rhkays úúO NdId udOHhkaf.ka zweuikaZ jeks ^E-Book& úoHq;a mSÀldjka fnfysúkau m%p,s;h' f,aLlhska Èßu;a lsÍu msKsi isxy, NdIdfjka rÑ; .%ka:hka m%ldYkhg fkdñf,a m%fõYh ,ndfok ,xldfõ uq,au úoHq;a .%ka: mSÁldj\" zisxy, mqia;l i|`:jZ úh yelsh' wka;¾ cd,fha hk fjí ,smskhg fhduq ùfuka\" Tng zisxy, mqia;l i|`:jZ fjí wvúfhys we;=<;a .%ka:hka lshùu iy Tnf.a ks¾udKhka tu wvúhg we;=<;a lsÍu msKsi wjia:dj t<fUkq we;' The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL OCTOBER 2022 27 Dr. Harold Gunatillake Tea Queen Ceylon 1968 SRI LANKA meets the Queen 10 Healthy Reasons to Pour Yourself a Glass of Red Wine Tonight (And Every Night) Improves blood pressure, lowers your risk of certain cancers, Promotes longevity, Blocks damaging free radicals, Boosts the immune system, increases bone density, Improves cholesterol levels, Decreases the chance of a stroke, reduces type 2 diabetes. Irangani’s honour and privilege to meet with late Just five months after her I had to represent Ceylon at the H.E. Elizabeth II coronation, Queen Elizabeth II Ceylon Tea stall when the Scottish engaged in a royal visit to Ceylon. Wholesale cooperative Society meeting the queen and Prince Phillip Lieutenant of the City of Edinburgh, This was the first visit to Ceylon in Glasgow had its centenary will always be remembered; their leading tributes on behalf of the by a reigning monarch. She was celebrations in 1968. loss has greatly saddened me. people of Edinburgh. Our heartfelt accompanied by her husband, Prince sympathies and condolences are with Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh. I was so happy and nervous, but That was an interesting, memorable all the members of the Royal Family The ten-day tour included a royal when her excellency with Prince moment for Irangani, a unique at this sorrowful time. procession through Colombo, where Philip visited our stall, both smiling, opportunity that very few Sri Lankan she opened the first session of the I felt so relaxed. ladies get the chance to chat with the second Parliament of Ceylon, and a queen for that length of time. The train ride to Kandy, Anuradhapura, The Queen was friendly, put me at death of Her Majesty The Queen Polonnaruwa, and Nuwara Eliya. ease, and asked about my stay in was announced on 8 September 2022 England. I was so relaxed that I told with Robert Aldridge, the Right Today, I am interviewing Irangani her I sang the national anthem with Honourable Lord Provost and Lord Gunatillake, Ceylon Tea Queen a group of other schoolgirls when 1968, and her memorable experience she visited Sri Lanka, then Ceylon, of chatting with the Queen for over in 1954. 20 minutes, just the two of them, at the Ceylon Tea Centre stall, Scottish She showed keenness to know all wholesale Cooperative Society, in about Ceylon Tea. Glasgow, in 1968. I then explained to her the varieties of Hello, Irangani. Tell us about your Ceylon Tea grown at various heights, experience meeting the Queen and depending on the type of tea and Prince Phillip in Glasgow in 1968. where it’s grown in the country. She then told me that she remembered her Thank you for allowing me to share visit to Ceylon, the country’s beauty, meeting the Queen, as I remember. and how people were so relaxed and As a schoolgirl, I was fond of the smiling. Prince Phillip mentioned Royal family and the Queen. I had an his stay in Ceylon and the memories album collecting all pictures of the of the train journey with the queen Royal family, which was inherent in to many country towns. That great me. experience, honour, and privilege of 28 OCTOBER 2022 The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL OCTOBER 2022 29 wdpd¾h md,s; .fkaj;a; l1 w;jd qrfmeÿ<-k2el; - isâks - ì;a;s Trf,daiqj foi ;;amr § .ekSug iqkkaodg is;a fkdfohs' wdydr msiSu ufkdaÊ ke;;a ;ukag kx.s,d n,d taug mq¿jk' ufkdaÊ lsysmhla weis msh fkdfy<d ufkdaÊ g ;ju yßhdldr ;ksju fyda l< yels h' tfy;a g oekg ,nd we;af;a krlu n,d isá iqkkaod g wo fj,dj /lshdjla ke;' jev mqyqKqj wdydr wkqNjh i|yd kel; fh§ ld,hls' fï ld,h ;=< wm, Wmøj hkafka b;d fiñka hehs is;sKs' i|yd i;shlg ojia folla hk we;s fj,djg úkdä myf<djlg ÿre lsÍug we;s fyd|u l%uh weh mhsfrlaia ùÿre ndck fol .rdcfhka Tyqg ,efnk §ukdjla j;a l,ska ;d;a;d;a mq;d;a mÈxÑ ia:dkh fjkia lsÍu fyda rg fidaod mekaá%fha mdúÉÑhg ;snQ ke;' ,efnkafka wkd.; /lshdjla fofokdu wjÈ lrjd .; hq;= h' hdu njhs ufkdaÊ f.a iqÿ mdg ;=jdfhka msi oud fïih i|yd b,a¨ï lsÍug wjYH jk rd;S% tlyudrg muK Tjqka wjÈ fõ,dm;alvh neÆ Wvq.u u; ;enqjd h' rhsia l=lrh fidaod f,dal,a tlaiamSßhkaia muKs' ful, lrjd wix. f.a mdi,a lS%vd we÷u .=rekakdkafia wïudg lshd we;af;a' msi oud u| fõ,djla l,amkd mj;akd /lshd ysÕh ksid ufkdaÊ fidhd Tyqg wekaoùug iqkkaod msgrg hdu .ek úYd, ÿlla we;s l< weh lsßn;a bùug ;ju g ljod /lshdjla ,efí oehs ;SrKh l<d h' tu ;SrKh ikd: jqj;a wïud fï .uk .ek há fõ,dik jeä hhs ;SrKh l<d is;kag wudre h' is;g u| fyda lrkakdla fuka ì;a;s Trf,daiqfõ is;ska i;=gq jQ nj h iqkkaodg h' wdydr wkqNj lsÍfï kel; iekiqula f.k fokafka miq .sh l=re,a,d fodr m¿j wer t,shg ú;a oekqfka' ufkdaÊf.a fikiqre fh§ we;af;a mdkaor tlhs y;,sia od ue;sjrKfhka ch.;a w.ue;s zl=lal=Z y~ keÕ=fõ uOHu rd;s%h tardIaglh f.fjkafka ,nk yhg h' ,sm .sks oe,aùu yd wdydr fmda,a lSáka l< m%ldYhhs' /lshd t<U we;s nj lshkakg h' ,sm ckjdßfha h' bka miqj j;a fyd| msiSu fh§ we;af;a rd;S% fod,yhs ke;s wh fyd¢ka n,d lshd .ekSug .sks oe,aùug ;j we;af;a úkdä riaidjla ,efnkakg bv we;' .sh úisy;g h' iqkkaod is;=fõ uOHu w.ue;s jrhd fmdfrdkaÿ úh' úis y;ls' Bg fmr iy,a fidaod i;sfha wïudf.ka ,enqKq ,shqfï;a rd;s%h miq jQ ú.iu yd,a fydaod iQodkï lr ;eìh hq;= h' iqkkaod fï .ek u;la lr ;sìK' lsßn; ,sfma ;eîug h' fmf¾od furgg weú;a f.ù .sh flá g f.or u;la úh' oeka wïud isxy, lfvka f.kd lel=¿ ld,h ;=< .sh úhou is;=jdg;a ;d;a;d kx.s,d fokakd iu. tl;= fj,dj rd;S% tl nj iqkkaodg yd,a lsf,dafõ melÜgqj yd ue.S jvd jeä h' f.oßka f.kd uqo,a ù wjqreÿ pdß;% ieuÍug iQodkï isysm;a lf<a h<s;a jrla l=vd fodr fmd,a lsß l=vq meleÜgqj l=¿ ál;a blaukska bjr fjk mdg h' jkq we;ehs weh is;=jd h' ,xldfõ m¿fjka t,shg weú;a zl=lal=Z y~ nvq rdlalfhka t,shg .;a weh fï ;;ajh hgf;a wix. g lymdg fj,dj oeka fmr Èk rd;sS% y; keÕ+ ì;a;s Trf,daiqfõ l=re¿ melÜ folu újD; lr fïifha we÷ula i|yd úhoï lsÍu mdvqjls' yudr úh hq;= h' furg yd ,xldj megjd h' fmd,s;ska nE.hla w;g ;enqfõ óg mehlg muK fmr Bfha ;a fmf¾od ;a lv follgu w;r ld, fjki wkqj ,xldj meh oud f.k lsßn;a msÕdkla jvñka h' wehf.a is;g jo ÿkafka mqxÑ .sfha lymdg we÷ula fiùug h' y;r yudrla miqmisks' ,xldjg isá iqkkaod msÕdfka .eÜfÜ úisÍ mq;d wjÈ lrjd .ekSu .ek h' tfy;a wix. g iß,k we÷ï tu idfmaËj kef.kysßka msysá ;snQ n;a weg bj;a lr msÕdfka mdie,a f.dia meñKs fõf,a isg lvj, fkdù h' ;snqfka ufkdaÊ ´iafÜ%,shdj g l,ska br mdhhs' rjqï yevhg lsßn; ilia l<d h' l=vd bf,lafg%dksl fi,a,ï nvqjla jeks fo.=Khla úYd, ñksiqka w¢k ;d;a;d yd kx.s,d fokakd lymdg óg fomehlg muK fmr oekqKq w;ska f.k úúO y~ kÕk f,i lymdg w;a fldg lñi muKs' lv w¨;a we÷ï we| ieriS isák ieá ksÈu; fldfya .shd oehs wehg weÕs,sj,ska Tnñka isá wix. weÕ folgu f.dia l,lsreKq is;ska iqkkaod f.a isf;a we£ .sfha wef.a ksÉÑhla ke;' ksÈu; m,jd yer fidaod .ekSug fmdf<dUjd .;af;a f.or tk w;f¾§ iqkkaod g fofk;a w. l÷,la o kxjñks' miq f,dl= i;=gla weh f.a isfhd<Õ fndfyda fj,djla lkak,õ lsÍfuka .K foú kqjK my< úh' wix. .sh udi yh we;=<; f.or u;la fj,df.k we;' msg rglg weú;a miqj h' rd;S% oyh;a miq ù we;s fï wÕyrejd od mdi,a lS%vd Èkhg ù wehg we~qK jdr wmuK h' jqj;a wjqreÿ isß;a ,xldfõ isáh§ fj,dfõ wix. ;o kskafoa ksohs' w¢kafka lymdg àI¾Ü tlls' .sh wix.g oeä wdorhla olajk mú;%d u jdf.a isÿ lrkag ,eîu wehg wdydr wkqNjh i|yd rd;S% tl wÕyrejdod wekao miq th fidaokag kx.S ;uka furgg tk Èk wix. f,dl= i;=gls' ta i;=g u|la ;=kS yudrgj;a wix. wjÈ lrjd .; wu;l jQ nj o iqkkaod g u;la nodf.k we~Q ieá iqkkaod g Bfha jkafka wix. ;a ufkdacq ;a kel;a hq;= h' wïud ,xldfõ isg ;eme,a úh' idudkHfhka yeu wÕyrejdod isÿjQjdla fuka u;l h' wïud;a fj,djg wjÈ lrjkafka flfiao lr tjQ mxpdx. ,sf;a i|yka u mdei,a f.dia meñKs miq fyda ;d;a;d;a kx.s,d;a oeka ;uka .ek hk fo.sähdjhs' jQfha ly meye;s jia;%dNrKfhka nodod Woh jrefõ wix. f.a lS%vd is;kjd we;' ,xldfjka msg;a fjk ieriS kef.Kysr foi n,d we÷u fydaod fõ,d kjd ;eîug ojfia wïud lshQ foa .f,a flgQ ì;a;s Trf,daiqfõ rd;S% tl miqù wdydr wkqNjh lrk f,i h' iqkkaod wu;l fkdl<d h' fï wl=re fuka wef.a is;g ld je§ úkdä úiai jk f;la jßka jr ta ,xldfjka f.kd lymdg idhla i;sh mqrdu weo ye¿Kq uyd jeiai we;' zfudk rg rdÊcj,g .sh;a foi oEia fhduq lrñka isá iqkkaod fmf¾od rd;s%fha fidhd .;a iqkkaod ksidfoda tu we÷u fia§ug iqkkaod isxy, lu wu;l lrkak tmd fyñka iSsrefõ ksok ldurhg fnfyúka i;=gg m;a jQjd h' Wkkaÿ jQfha ke;' tys mdvqj wehg uf. mqf;aZ' iqkkaod Trf,daiqj foi f.dia úÿ,s myk oe,ajQjd h' lymdg lñihla we;aoehs weiQ úg f;afrkafka oeka h' wix. f.or h<s;a jrla n,d yeÜg w;ska oEiu Wvqne,s w;g ksod isá ufkdaÊ ufkdaÊ nl nl .d iskdfikakg weú;a we÷ï .,jd we| úÜgug msiod .;a;d h' È. iqiqula fy<d fmdfrdaKfhka jQfha zThdg msiaiqZ oehs iqkkaod ùis l< tu we÷u ;ju;a ìu jeà ysi jid .ksñka wfkla we,hg f.ka wiñks' zTh wjqreÿ pdß;% we;ehs wehg is;sKs' oekaj;a f.dia yßhg kel;a fj,djg ,sm .sks yerefKa h' wef|a wksla fl<jf¾ fï rgj, lrkak mq¿jkao wix. ksok ldurfha fodr wer fud,jd lsßn;a bùug Ndckh u we,hg yeÍ uqyqK jidf.k ,xldfõ jdf.a@Z hs ufkdaÊ Wmydi tu we÷u fidhdf.k taug is;=k;a ,sm u; ;enQ úg iqkkaod g is;g ksok wix. g úÿ,s myk oe,aùu iajrfhka lS úg iqkkaod l;dj iqkkaod tu woyi uev .;a;d h' fYdalhla yd md¿jla oeksK' kskaog lsis ndOdjla fkdjqKd kj;ajd lrnd .;a;d h' ufkdaÊ ldurfha fodr yer úÿ,s myk fYdalhla oekqfka ;ksj u fï fia h' ,Õ we;s lymdg bß jegqKq iqÿ oe,ajqjfyd;a ;o kskafoa miqjk iqN fudfyd;g uqyqK fokakg lóih flfia fyda Tyqg wekaoúh wix.;a ufkdacq;a wjÈjkakg bv ùu ksid h' fufjf,a ufkdacq;a ioao fkdjk fia we| <Õg .sh hq;= hehs iqkkaod wÈgka lr we;' mq;d;a wjÈ lrùug l,a jeä h' iqkkaod ufkdaÊf.a fom;=, w; .;a;d h' md¿jla oekqfka wïu,d u;la .Ejd h' zufkdaÊ ke.sákak'''oeka oeka fj,dj uOHu rd;s%hg;a ùfuks' ,xldfõ§ kï wïud ,sm fj,dj yß''Z m%Yakh u;= jQfha wix. g lymdg wdikak h' ;j meh tlyudrlska .sks fud,jk fudfydf;a § f.or we÷ula ke;s ùu h' iqkkaod oy muK Tjqka fofokd flfia fyda yefudau wïud jglrf.k h' ufkdaÊ f.ka lsis m%;spdrhla wf;a l,amkd l<d h' fï wjqreoafoa wjÈ lrjd .; hq;= ksid oekau ufkdaÊg fyd| /lshdjla ,enqKq wjqreÿ pdß;%h i|yd muKla weyerùu uyd wmrdOhla hhs úg ,nk wjqreoafoa w.§j;a fkd,o iqkkaod fujr Tyqf.a ysi lymdg lñihla yd l,siula ñ, iqkkaod is;=jd h' ,sm .sks o,ajd ,xldjg f.dia wïud ;d;a;d yd w;.Ejd h' 8 30 OCTOBER 2022 The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL zufkdaÊ ke.sákak''' ke.sákak' ;j flfrys fldamhls' tfy;a fldamh f.ù hkq we;ehs weh lsis úgl zwfka ufkdaÊ fldfydu yß fuhd úkdä myf<djlska wdydr wkqNjhZ fmkaùug fuh fj,dj fkdfõ' óg is;=fõ ke;' ufkdaÊ wi,ska weh weyerj,d fokak' wo m<fjks fudfyd;lg fmr wix. g lymdg je;srek;a kskao weh lrd fkdwdfõ oji hkaku ´fka'Z iqkkaodf.a ufkdaÊ fujr È. iqiqula fy,d lñih wekaoùug iqkkaod g h' ufkdaÊ f.drjk y~g lka§ lgy~ megf,hs''' weh w~kakg fmdfrdaKfhka T¿j fyd¢ka jid lrkag isÿjQfha f,ais mdiq yrUhla isá weh is;ska .sfha ,xldfõ wdikak h' .;af;a h' fkdfõ' ksÈu; fífrk orejdf.a .fï h' zwfka ,xldfõ oE;a Tfidjd ls,sá lS%vd lñih ysáh kïZ hhs l÷¿ w;ßka wehg z/jq,hs le|hs folu nE' tlaflda iqkkaodg oeä ìhla yd fYdalhla Tyqg wkaojd we;af;a lKmsgg h' is;sKs' wehg kskao .sfha wehg;a uy ? wjqreÿ pdß;%' ke;akï we;súh' wdydr wkqNjh i|yd lñih wkaojd Tyq jvdf.k f;a fkdoekqj;au h' mdkaor áhqIka mka;s'Z kel;g ufkdacq ;a wix. ;a wjÈ fïih u;g f.k wd ú.i wix. lrjd .; yels o@ wehg wïud;a fïih u; ysi .idf.k h<s;a Wfoa y;g;a fmr tljru ufkdaÊ fmdfrdaKfhka ysi jid oEi kx.s,d;a u;la úh' ksokag mgka .;af;a h';a weh lsisjla u;la jQjd ;Èkau mshd .;af;a h' fia id,fha ,shk fïih lrd f.dia zufkdaÊ wfka blaukg ke.sákak\" zmq;d oeka ksod .kak tmd' fyd| wix. f.a fmd;a nE.h wer tys jQ zwfka uf.a mq;d ke.sákak', ke.sákak mq;;a ke.sÜgjkak''Z r;a;rka mq;dfka' fmdâvla lvodishla t,shg .;a;d h' wef.a uQK fydaof.k we|.kak' úð; weyeß,d fï lsßn;a lE,a,la yoj; .efykakg úh' oEi l÷,ska wekaá oeka tkjd we;s Thdj tlal ufkdaÊ wdvmd,s lshñka ke.sÜfÜ lkak'Z iqkkaod lSfõ fjõ,k f;ó .sfha h' wix. hjkak g is;d hkak áhqIka mka;shgZ úkdä lsysmhlg miqj h' Tyq oEi yçks' isá áhqIka mka;sfha m<uq oskh wo msi ouñka we| u; ys| .;af;a h' fikiqrdod h' mka;sh mgka .kafka yÈisfha wjÈlrùu ksid zuf.a mq;d lsßn;a lE,a,la lkak'''' Wfoa wgyudrg h' mka;sh we;s fkdikaiqka jQ wix. w~kakg úh' zThdg kï msiaiq' f,dl= T¨j oeka isxy, wjqreoaog ,xldfõ n¾jqâ Wm k.rhg hdu i|yd meh wudrejla ;sfhkjd' oeka fj,dj jf.a fufyÈ;a lsßn;a lkak Nd.hla j;a .; fõ' yßhg Wfoa zfudk lrorhlao fï@ <uhg lSho@Z ´kfka'''Z wgg wix. ;a iqkkaod ;a tlal kskaol=;a kE' ug kskaol=;a kE' hdug jdykfhka tk nj úð;d fudllao fï Thdg yeÈ,d ;sfhk zwfka tfyu lshkak tmd ufkdaÊ''' ufkdaÊg is;=fka f;a fïifha mqgqj;a lshQ nj iqkkaod g u;la jkafka T,audfo@Z ,xldfj ysáh jf.a wjqreÿ kel;a fmr,df.k ke.sákakg h' oeka h' fj,dj\" wjqreÿ pdß;% lf¾ ke;akï zwfka wr úð; TÉpr ÿr b|,d uf.a ys;g fyd| keyeZ zThd fï fudk msiaiqjlao kgkafka@ zwfka fohshfka@ m<fjks ojfiau uf.a lSug wo tkafka fuhd fyg Wfoag lsßn;a lE,a,la ljkak áhqIka mka;sh u. wßkafka biabiafi,a,u áhqIka mka;shg zThd oeka ,xldfõo bkafka@ '' fï TÉpr ´kkï''' fï uy ? cdfï fldfyduo@ tlal hkak'Z rgj, fudk wjqreÿ pdß;% o@ fï fudk wjqreÿ pdß;% o@Z ? fof.dvyßfha''' .syska ksod.kak y; yudrg wix. weyerjkakg z´k kdv.ula kgd.kav' udj fyg Wfoag lsßn;a luqZ zwfka ufkdaÊ Tfydu lshkak tmd' ;e;a l< iqkkaod g ufkdaÊ neK weyerjkak tmd'Z wïu,d oek .;af;d;;a wms fï jeÿfka h' zwfka ufkdaÊ' uu lsßn;a rfܧ fï isß;a lrkafk keye zwfka ufkdaÊZ Wh,;a bjrhs' wix. ;a blaukg lsh,d fudkjd ys;hs o@Z z<uhd Bfha uyd ? ke.sÜgj, weyerjkak' ;j úkdä myf<djlg oeka wdhs;a weyerjkako yokafka@ f.a bÈßmsg keje;ajQ jdykhl jvd keye'Z zThdf.a úldrZ Thdf.a T¨j fyd|gu krla fj,d' k,d y~ weisK' ta <uhg ksod .kak fokakZ zug nE' ug ksÈ u;hs'Z zwjqreoao ojfiaj;a ug ysf;a zwkak úð;d weú,a,d' mq;d iekiSula kEZhs iqkkaod lSfõ ztfyu fldfyduo ufkdaÊ@ áhqIka blaukg ke.sákakZ hs lshñka zwfka ufkdaÊZ y~kakdla fuks' mka;sfha wo uq,au ojiZ iqkkaod fodr weÍug Èõjd h' rd;S% tlhs y;,syg f;a fïih jgd wudrefjka lsßn;a ms~la wix. zfudlo wou áhqIka oud .;af;a@ ufkdaÊ yd wix. jdä ù isáh y' f.a lfÜ we;s,aÆ iqkkaod wix. ''' uyd ? cdfï ke.sÜgmq <ufhla iqkkaod lymdg idhla we|f.k jvdf.k f.dia wef|a ndjd wdhs;a fï mdkaor ke.sÜgjkak läuqäfha ufkdaÊf.a ly bß iys; we;sß,af,ka fmfrõjd h' ufkdaÊ mq¿jkao@ Thd uf.a;a kskao lñih /f.k wdjd h' ufkdaÊ wdvdmd,s lshñka f.dia úÿ,s myk levqjd'''Z wlue;a;;ka jqjo lñih we| ksjd wef|a je;srefka h' oEig .;af;a iqkkaodf.a is; mEf¾ hhs kef.k l÷¿ msi oeóug ;e;a Tnf.a ish¨u is;=Kq neúks' f;a fïihg ysi fkdl< iqkkaod lsßn;a lE,a,la fcda;sIH lghq;= i`oyd .idf.k ksÈu; fírk wix. yd flfi,a f.ähla ld is;ska foi neÆ ufkdaÊg we;s jQfha l=vd mkais,a .;a;d h' fï rgg weú;a ckau m;% ne,Sug orejd flfrys ÿlla yd ;u ìß| m<uq isxy, wjqreoao fï wkaoñka kï ;eîug For all your advertising iqN kele;a iE§ug fmdfrdkaoï ne,Sug please email to jeä úia;r i`oyd wu;kak [email protected] 0419 874 469 or Email your details to [email protected] The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL OCTOBER 2022 31 rejection By Donita Wilegoda Mudalige Sydney, NSW Just like Jack Ma (one of China’s some time, I reflected on my richest CEOs) got rejected many experience, and went through a times — so will we experience mindset shift. Before, I had a limited rejections. It is a part of our lives mindset, meaning I thought there are that is inevitable. scarce opportunities out there for me to take advantage of. I later realised In 2017, I applied for a mentorship I needed to change my mindset. My program via my university and previous mindset was preventing was hopeful I would receive an me from progressing in my life. offer. The mentorship program Most of the time, I didn’t attempt teams up a WSU student with a to grab an opportunity because of prestigious individual in business the fear of rejection. I thought there or government. I really wanted is no point me in attempting and to be mentored by a successful thought it was best to save myself entrepreneur because at the time, from disappointment. There are I wanted to start a business after I probably a lot of opportunities I did graduate from university. Despite not take purely because of my fear having a lot of hopes, I received an in disappointment. email a few days later stating I was unsuccessful in my application. For me to grow as a person, I success. Most people view we view failure as a steppingstone, need to develop an abundance failure as a negative and end of it would be easier for us to deal For some people, when they mindset where I understood that world situation. Failure is barely with it and encourage us to keep are faced with a rejection, they opportunities are infinite and that if known for anything positive, but trying until we become successful in remember the recent rejection along one door closes, there will always achieving a certain goal. with past rejections! Negativity piling up be an open door. Practicing an something to avoid. But, if you Remember the following with negativity. It is abundance mindset helped me take really think about it, every success whenever you are hesitant of a terrible feeling. In advantage of opportunities as well we encountered was built on failed doing something advantageous for that moment, all they as make smarter decisions. attempts and the mindset of never yourself: see is negativity. giving up. To get a high distinction There is an immediate result if you Majority of the time, Another mindset shift that was for an assignment, imagine all the they don’t see reality advantageous to me was, viewing ‘failed’ attempts a student undergoes do nothing = nothing! because they are so failure as a steppingstone for to find the best study method? If There is an immediate result if you immersed in that negative emotion. do something = something! That’s exactly how I felt in that I didn’t let that one rejection in moment. Because 2017 stop me from progressing of one rejection, forward. In fact, one year after I told myself that getting rejected from the mentorship I am a failure and program – I accidently started won’t be accepted my own design business and was for anything else! mentored by a successful young As you can see, entrepreneur in the UK! I am also the negative emotions clouded my a regular volunteer at my university rationality. and was recently awarded the ‘Outstanding Facilitator Award’ for This is not the first time I got running engaging social meetings rejected for a certain opportunity. for international students. You never But I believe this affected me know what is on the other side of because I was very hopeful. After failure, stick around and find out what is in store for you. 32 OCTOBER 2022 The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL ffjÈl fcHda;sI fiajdj ffjÈl fcHda;sI iy l%sIaKduQ¾;s moaO;sh weiqßka ckau flakaø iE§u\" ckau m;% mÍCIKh\" fyj;a m,dm, l:kh\" Y=N kele;a iE§u\" kdulrKh\" újdy .e,mSu we;=`: ish`: fcHda;sI lghq;= Ydia;%dKql+,j iy ksrjoH f,i lr foñ' fcHda;sIfõ§ wdpd¾h wd¾' uq;=l=v Phone: 0061 406 629 329 Email: [email protected] The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL OCTOBER 2022 33 Tnf.a ish¨u fcda;sIH lghq;= i`oyd ckau m;% ne,Sug kï ;eîug iqN kele;a iE§ug fmdfrdkaoï ne,Sug úi;a r io` yd wu;kka 0419 874 469 or email your details to [email protected] 34 OCTOBER 2022 The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL DACTACXOUNTING Tax and Accounting services for Individual & Businesses Its Tax Time, TAKE YOUR we will make sure you get BUSINESS TO THE your maximum tax refund NEXT LEVEL WITH DTAX OUR SERVICES - Tax, Accounting & Business Solution DIMUTHU - Tax returns - BAS, GST & FBT returns 0413 092 492 - Business Accounting - Bookkeeping for Free consultation - Tax Advice and Tax Planning - Business Services Dimuthu Karunaratne - Self-manage Super funds BCom, MIPA AFA, CTA [email protected] Public Accountant, Registered Tax agent & Chartered Tax Adviser Tax agent 25574541 iqyoYS,S fiajdjla i`oyd wu;kak Èuq;= 0413 092 492 The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL OCTOBER 2022 35 Sri Maha Bodhi Tree 1. Sri Maha Bodhi tree is one of the world Buddhist’s most important and 14. Ever shaking its branches grown all over through the wind flow with historical sites mighty supremacy Also, is the most reverenced monumental &amp; cultural heritage Devotees of all ages are deliberately geared and instigated to worship at standing at world’s sight…! its fullest mercy…! 2. The sacred tree was said to have originated from the Bodhi’s fig tree 15. People with an array of temperaments compiled in their minds, proudly standing in India tend to be so flabbergasted Siddhartha Gautama was said to have reached enlightenment under this When being standing under the shadow of this vibrant tree which tree in Bodh Gaya…! the power is fully clustered..! 3. Sri Maha Bodhi tree was brought to Sri Lanka in the 3 rd century BC 16. Immense power of the Bodhi tree derived or generated from its inner by Sangamitta Theri...! strength, is so gigantic Almost 2,000 years old in the making, pilgrims continue to flock to see It is indefinitely vested with power to attract the divine influence in the Sri Maha Bodhi the realm of magnetic…! 4. Sangamitta was the daughter of emperor Asoka who propagated 17. What a tremendous power packed within the Bodhi in dispelling all Buddhism all over the world of our sorrows and laments His name is eternally engraved and preserved in the hearts of all Trajectory of inner sturdiness to the atmosphere is non-enigmatical Buddhists and otherwise bold..! by its overall comments…! 5. This Bodhi tree was brought to the Island during the reign of the great 18. Sri Maha Bodhi tree today is the oldest verified specimen of any king Devanampiyathissa flowering tree and is open He was the spouse of Princess Vihara Maha Devi and the son in law of To visit and host numerous acts of poojas with devotion by thoughts great king Kawantissa…! to be powered to sharpen! 6. The noble tree which was brought in top honour was planted by 19. Standing proudly but humbly, unleashing the radiance by this nobly Devanampiyatissa in 288 BC respected tree, in serenity It was gorgeously decorated with the wall and a fence by king At a glimpse, it ensures the excellence of such manure dispels all Keerthi Sri for everyone to see..! our resentments in calamity...! 7. The sacred city of Anuradhapura, the first Royal Capital of Sri Lanka, 20. Conveyance of tranquility into the unsecured minds that goes the city of rice ever seen beyond the sensory pleasure Once the bodhi sapling was brought and planted here, it was henceforth All five senses are governed such away by the Bodhi, the seen as ‘evergreen’…! well-respected national treasure…! 8. Siddhartha seated with his back against the tree body by the river 21. At the zenith of superiority by standing alone amidst others to Neranjana in the Bodhgaya givecorrection and protection Sujatha, the daughter of an affluent family offered milk rice leaving n Influence of such a majestic tree, all our endurances become fulfilled more faith to spare…! but never been in selection! 9. The Esteemed One achieved the eternal bliss of Samma Sambodhi 22. At a glance of the Bodhi leaves ever glittering and sparkling to the under this noble tree tune of the blowing wind Ending the continuous circle of Samsara, the existence with the It flows smoothly yet astronomically down towards the Tisa Wewa wonderful kind of spree…! sitting by the side in deed…! 10. As the ascetic Siddhartha attained the Supra Wisdom under the shade 23. Faith devotion, trust are encompassed at its peak in the hearts of of the said Bodhi tree variety kind of devotees This sole but magnificent occasion came this tree to be known as Protecting this world’s most magnificent culturally boomed heritage, ‘the highly venerated tree…! is one of our priorities…! 11. Gautama Buddha is regarded as the greatest human being appeared 24. Definition of sensitive and theological narrations say whatever on earth unarguably and nonetheless the fact that Paid his ultimate honour by sacrificing his ever precious time of six Genuineness of the history in compliance with the archeological months continuously…! findings proves the real facts…! 12. It is thought that this tree has a long history under which Buddha 25. Therefore, people of all compositions tend to worship it gained supreme enlightenment unprecedentedly and unimaginably It has already etched into the deepest spot of devotee’s hearts by There are no words to narrate the sense of that very same stance in upraising its warmest sentiment! writing or express verbally..! 13. This mighty tree surrounded by tall railings with vibrant flags Composed by: Anurasiri Ranasinghe, AUSTRALIA streaming down on all sides Ever shining to gather momentum in faith by the minds of all the people as a national pride..! 36 OCTOBER 2022 The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL For all your advertising please email to mimhiirhieir.piea@[email protected] OCTOBER 2022 37 The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL jiaidk O¾u foaYkd ud,dj 2022 08$10$2022 Èk O¾u foaYkh 38 OCTOBER 2022 Tn ieug f;rejka irKhs úydria: odhl iNdj The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL lÀk Öjr mQcd mqKH ufyda;aijh 2022 mdrñ;d fn!oaO úydrfha lÀk mQfcda;aijh 2022 fkdjeïn¾ 05 Èk meje;aùug lghq;= fhdod we; fujr lÀk W;aijh iqmqreÿ mßÈ iïm%odhsl wd.ñl j;dj;a iys;j mdrñ;d úydria:dk mßY%jfha§ meje;aùug lghq;= ixúOdkh fjñka mj;S' fuu mqKHl¾uh i`oyd msßlr mQcd lsÍug leu;s msxj;=kg úydria:dkhg meñK fyda my; i`oyka PayPal fhduqj iy mdrñ;d fn!oaO úydr fjí wvúh ( Tiafia ta i`oyd wjia:dj i,id we;' fkdjeïn¾ 05 Èk úydria:dkfha meje;afjk jevigyk ms<sn`o jeä úia;r bÈßfha§ Tn fj; ±kqï §ug n,dfmdfrd;a;= fjuq' fuu W;=ï mqKH l¾uh i`oyd yels whqrlska iyNd.s jk f,i msx leu;s Tn ieug wdrdOkd lruq jeä úia;r i`oyd wu;kak iqks,a úfÊisß uy;d - 0403 199 431 fyda úydria:dkh - 03 97471902 KatinTnaiPeugifn;rkejaka mirKah's''2022 The Annual Katina Pinkama or the esteemed robe offering ceremony of Paramitha Buddhist Viharaya is scheduled to be held on the 5th of November 2022. This year the organizing committee has decided to hold the event at the temple premises following traditional religious activities. All donations for the event can be done by visiting the temple or by using the Paypal buttons below. Alternatively, you can visit the temple website ( to proceed with donations. We will let you know the program details on Katina day and how you will be able to participate in the event in due course Participating in Katina Pinkama is a noble religious activity for Buddhists in which limitless merit is accumulated. Please contact for further details: Sunil Wijesiri on 0403 199 431 or temple on 03 97471902 PayPal donation links: The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL OCTOBER 2022 39 úydria:dkfha kj fnda u`:j bÈlsÍu mdrñ;d fn!oaO úyria:dkfha wNskj fndau`:fjys bÈlsÍï lghq;= 2022 cQ,s 9 Èkg fhÿkq iqN fudfyd;ska wdrïN lrk ,§' ±kg tys mdou iy uQ,sl bÈlsÍï ieoEj;=kaf.a fkduiqre Y%u iy Ok mß;Hd.fhka isÿfjñka mj;sk w;r bÈß jev lghq;= i`oyd ie,iqï ilia lr we;' fuu uy`.= mqKH l¾uh i`oyd Tng;a my; i`oyka whs;uhka tlla fyda lsysmhlg wdOdr lsÍu u.ska odhl úh yel' ;jo fuu jHdmD;sh i`oyd Tnf.a Y%u odhl;ajh ,nd§ug my; ÿrl:k wxlhka wu;kak' Construction of New Boh Maluwa at the Temple Construction of the new Boh maluwa at Pramitha Buddhist Temple commenced on 9th July 2022. Currently, the main structural work is underway with assistance from volunteers in terms of their time, skills and donations. You can participate in this noble task either by donating one more item from the below list or taking part in construction activities. Please contact the numbers mentioned below for further information. No Item No# Blocks Please donate your contribution to below account no. available 1. fnda u`:j m%Odk nqÿ ms,su jykafia iy u,a wdikh Bank Name : Westpac Bank (Boh Maluwa Main Buddha and Flower Table) 1 Account Name : Western Victoria Sri Lankan 2. wgúis nqÿ ms<su jykafia iy nqÿ l=áh 28 BSB Number Buddhist association Inc. ( \"Atavisi \" Buddha & Buddha Houses ) Account No : 033 080 80 : 228785 3. fnda u`:j rka jeg (Gold Plated Fence ) 40 lreKdlr fuys i`oyka whs;ufha ku\" Internet Banking 4. we;=,; fndaêh wdjrKh iy jy, 50 lrk úg tys i`oyka lrkak ( Inner Boh Tree Cover & Roof) 100 50 Please make sure to mention the item name as a 5. fnda u`:j ilauka u¨j ( Boh Maluwa Slab) reference in interbanking transaction 6. fnda u`:j jy, ( Boh Maluwa Roof ) Tn ,nd fok wdOdr i`oyd f.dvke.s,s wdOdr i`oyd jk l=ú;dkais m;la (Receipt) ,nd.kak' fuu wdOdr Tn lrk 7. we;=,; fnda u`:j ì;a;sh yd wgúis nqÿ l=á wdikh ( Inner Wall x 22m ) Australia Tax j,ska wdmiq ,nd.; yel' Your donations are tax-deductible. Please collect your receipt to claim the ATO tax deduction. 8. fnda u`:j msg; ì;a;sh ( External Wall x 50m) 100 9. fnda u`:j ilauka u`:j wdik ( Concrete Seating Bench ) 30 10. m%Odk nqÿ ms,su jykafia iy wgúis nqÿ ms<su úÿ,s wdf,dalh 100 ( Main Buddha & atavisi boddha Lighting ) 11. fnda u`:j úÿ,s wdf,dalh ( Boh Mauwa Lighting ) 50 fuhska ,efnk wdOdr fuu fnda u`:j f.dvke.Su 10 iy úydria:dkfha wfkl=;a f.dvke.s,s bÈlsÍï 12. meka fodyk c,h ,nd .kakd ia:dkh 6 ( Water tap \"devotees boh tree watering\" outside maluwa ) 80 lghq;= i`oyd fhdod .kq we;' 50 13. fnda u`:j meka fodyk ia:dk jeäÿr úia;r ±k.ekSu i`oyd my; ÿrl:k wxlhka wu;kak' ( Atavishi table boh tree watering connections x 6 ) Please call folllowing numbers for further details. 14. fnda u`:j wdldi myka l=á wdjrK ì;a;sh ( Triangle sky Lantern Wall ) úydria:dkh (Temple) +61397471902 15. fnda u`:j ilauka u`:j wdjrK ( Boh Maluwa Tiling ) iS' ã' .uf.a (C.D. Gamage) +61400098272 Tn ieug f;rejka irKhs - úydria: odhl iNdj 40 OCTOBER 2022 The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL isr .; whshdf.ka h<s wms chfiak TiS rfÜ fldä;=jlal= ysÉÑ kx.sfha uu ±ka f,dkavß mdáfha mqxÑ iykhla oE;g lÜg wõfjka ksoyia yq`. l,lg miafia úlafgdaßhd lmamrla frÈ hqksfmdaï uf.a oE;ska fiaÈ,d TiS rgg f.dvneiafia TiafÜ%,shd /<s hkak ueo,d ;shkak ´kd ms<sfj,g wdYdfjka is; wiafia orefjd olskakg ßisfia .=re foú÷ ÿlg ys; ,Sjdg ;shkafkmd wïuf. lfka l÷`: msyd,k lshjmx fyñ fyñka ?g ÿjksh fmdä ldf,a ore is; mqnqÿjd lkak wdihs lel=`: n;a fyr,s ue,a¨ï tlal,d yqr;,a jqk ;df,a is,nia lj¾ lr,d weú;a m,hka fmdahod wïu mkai,a .shyu ukiska ÿgq fõf,a áhqIka mka;s fkdhjd l÷,ls is;a m;af,a W.kajk .=re foúhd ys;g yhshla isf;k úg kx.sfha WU .ek flf,iqkd kï WU fudgo uf. msßu lu mq;= bmÿk ojfia ÿIalru fmfoil WUj /l.kak ux Wf.a Èú f;dr lf<a iekiqks ys; me;=fia mqxÑ mdi,a uvqjl ;rdÈh kE lsrefj uf. ys; Wf.a urKh ñi mrmqr u;= ojfia bjid ish`: ÿl rlskq we;ehs .re fia W.kajk .=re foúfhls lf¾ ,df.k fjo k,djla iqo j;ska ieris,d ÿgqfj ux isysfkka kqU fodia;r fkdak ù,d ÿjf. ÿjd lel=,shla f,dn fkdù uqo,g we.s,s .ksñka bkafk ux ú¢k o~qju .ek fkdfjhs yeu foagu oCIsfhla w; § ÿ.S <uqkg msg fj,d fjo úÿyf,ka kx.s tk Èk ÿr fkdfjhs i;air ñysrdúhla iok Wkaf.a fyg ri jEfyk .S;hla j¢uq ta .=re foú÷g lõ l÷`: ^w& mrdð; f.a mqrdu yqr;f,a fudkjgo .=re Èk oEi ysr fldg fodr w.=`:,d ys;la ore fokakf. odx.f,a Èj ? folu lem jqk wirKhs wo ksjfi fldgq ù mq;=f. ksji r`. yf,a rgg W.;=ka iok fid÷re oiqkla mo je<la ù uf.a is;=ú,s Wk mÿf¾ fkdú¢ i;=g fmr ldf,a j¢uq ta .=re foú÷ ieu Èk wdfh ljod t<s olskako flá l,lska hig jevqkq Wk .ila úh kqfU wdof¾ mdvu wyereKq frda ìfhka rg ii, fjoa§ wfma w;= b;s fj,d f.k u;lh fida iqiqï /<s is; ojd,hs ;j;a kï tmd ug y~hs ;=re jÿ, ksy~j uq,ska lemqj;a wE;a fjkakg iir h<s olskakg fmr njfhlÈ wms fkd±l úy`.=ka r`.k fjkod flfia kï th bj;a lruqo ys; ;e¨kq yeu úg yjqf,a lrmq mjla uf.a is;=ú,s bo,a w;=ßka ÿgqj ÿl uy furlg tlg ysá foys;la úvdm;a wei mqxÑ ;srfhka wfma fkdb÷,a wd of¾ fjka lf<a talhs mshdf.k ksÈ lsrd jefgkd is£.sh jej fia ke;sj Èhjr ;ekQ ukaÈr u;l is;=jï tlu oiqkska wms ;efjhs mkays| fidhd lúmo fnd| jqk;a ÿl kE je<| .;a;d foys;ska tod oEila l;d fkdl,d kï kqUg uf. ug kqfU ÿßka ÿr fmda,sfï fõf,k ys;g ;ejq,la kE iqj| ±kqkd fmr yqre l=ig wyrla .kag fmdrlk oiqk lú lr flfia ,shuqo ysñ wysñ nj fidnd oyuls kqU ,shQ uq;= wl=re ±fjk is;sú,s lú l÷`: lr Wrk fjkafka kE oyia jr is; mqnqÿjd Èkqu merÿu wmg Wreuhs ie¥ ud<s. ukiska tf;r isg wd rl=iq Wjÿr u;lfha we; wog;a tlsfkld ì,s .kS ksy~j wm w;ska jqk jerÈ j,go kqU ksid ú¢ ÿl ys;ska fidnd oyfï úhre o~qju wihs wog;a fuf,iska fkdù kqU uf. mk fuka Ôú;fhka ì|la is,am wyq,k nd, jhfia yerekq úg lKmsg /jgqfka ldf.a nyska yeu lv,au mekmq ux ÿlhs wdof¾ yeuúg fkd,o ;ek is; me;+ me;=uka ì÷Kq is; ioyg fihs,fï ;ks jqkd ux fkdta fmrjQ ú,ig yq`.la ;ekaj, merÿkd ux Ôúf;a ,iaiku is;=ju ug udj;a ke;sfldg ta;a l÷,ska bjiqjd isyskfhl iqj|la jqkd rjgkq is; l=ug fkd,o iekiqu bÈßfha ux wysñ yeu foa w;er ;kslu jy,a fkdu ù is;g oysßfhka ysi tfiõjd Ôúf;agu hd jqKd iuq foñ uu kqUg f.dvla ÿr ug hkak ;snqkd ksy~ .`.=,ls Ôúf;a ±ka ug mdr lemqjg fkd,eîu yria jQjd wefok ihqrg urKfha iiru tmd fjkag ta;a fmr msx f.dvla ;snqkd iir .ukg ;s; ;shkakï kqUg ;=;s u,a ñg jegqk yeu ;ek ke.sÜfgõjd is;la keye Nj wd,fha h<s fkdtñ iirg The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL OCTOBER 2022 41 Specialising in Adelaide and South Australia Specialising in Adelaide and South Australia Specialising in Adelaide and South Australia Specialising in Adelaide and South Australia 42 OCTOBER 2022 The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL OCTOBER 2022 43 Mathematics / Science Tutoring VCE - Unit 1/2 & 3/4 Maths Methods / Specialist Maths / Further Maths / Biology Year 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 Dinuk Liyanage (ATAR 99.90) Dux of Glen Waverley Secondary College Dr Jayaratne Liyanage PhD, M.Eng, BSc (Eng) Hons (Chartered Professional Engineer, Institute of Engineers, Australia) Dr Yasoja Liyanage PhD, MSc, BSc (Hons) Clivejay Street, Glen Waverley. Tel: 0422357172 / 0388380801 44 OCTOBER 2022 The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL CNOCSOEULUNLNISNSEGELLLLININGG LINGPhone Sirini onP: hP0o4hn3oe0nSe3i4rSi9inrii8no4i9no:n: 040433 SSESATAHSSNEETATHHNNAA hSoEnLeCLSOiIrNiCnUiOGoNUnSS: NEE0RS4L3EVL0LIIC3LN4EI9GNS8G4S9ESRE VR IVCI CEESS HNA SERVICES The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL OCTOBER 2022 45 For all your advertising please email to mimhiirhieir.piea@[email protected] 46 OCTOBER 2022 The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL phone / fax (03)9899 2996 OCTOBER 2022 47 The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL

of Handala, Sri Lanka FIRST PROJECT CLEAR SIGHTLions club of Handala, Sri Lanka T GIVE SIGHT FIRST PROJECT SIGHT FIRST GIVE CLEAR SIGHT m;a flfkl=g § fï uy`.ÿm=amm;a fsxllfkul=gg fmkSu ,nd § fï uy`.= msxlug ;a odhl jkakTn;a odhl jkakiCcy| eoaMutoaIrHnrdaeIoRcnctIaEaEttfiooyoar$enmnr3aPo5ldHr0eHwecaaisid4roltenleedms1tsseaacarlikp4uavltesilCcy|iryeoa5MtgutoaaIri4HnnrdeaelIo6RctnrctIoaEayEtt8ioyoaennr3adH0ci43rote1sscp4utliry5tgai4nel6troy833 3 214 AccN.ABN/ BoSB. :40873 241412A1cc2. N3o.4474121234 If you need details of patIfiyeonu ntesedadeltlaoilscofaptaetiedntstaollocyateod utoryour Sent to Sri Lankadonation please senddodnaetiotnapilelassetsoend details to $5000.00Mihirie Dissanayake - POMihBiriooerDxeimss2aainl5atoy6amkieDh-irPoieO@vBpeoaxthoa2n5n6a.Dcoo3mv1e.atou7n73177 Total for end of May 2019 isor email to [email protected] is Your Name .................................................................................. 9 $1245.00Your Name .................................................................................. Address ................................................................................... Address ..................................T.e.le.p.h.o.n.e..N.o....................................................................................................................... Target for 30/06/2019Telephone No..............................E.m..a.i.l .A.d.d.r.e.s.s..................................................................................................................... $ 10,000.00Email Date of deposit ...........................A.m..o.u.n.t.d.e.p.o.s.i.te.d.............................................................................................................. AmIf oyuountprdeefeprotsoipteady V..I..S.A.../..M...a.s..t.e.r.c..a.r..d..-..P..l.e.a..s.e..c..a.l.l..M...i.h..i.r.i.e..-..0..4.1..4..5..4.6...8.3..3. Mastercard - Please call Mihirie - 0414 546 833

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