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Home Explore Pahana March 2022

Pahana March 2022

Published by xp.pahana.magzine, 2022-03-06 05:25:39

Description: Pahana March 2022


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myk PAHANA March 2022 | Issue # 227 FREE 21st March Lions club of Handala, Sri Lanka SIGHT FIRST PROJECT GSIIGVHETCLFEIRASRTSIGHT ÿmam;a flfkl=g fmkSu ,nd § fï uy`.= msxlug Tn;a odhl jkak $35 will service onesCurAgTeArRyACT for more details MIHIRIE 0414 546 833 Please make your If you need details of patients allocated to your donation directly into donation please send details to EYE CHHAOATSNAPDRIAATLACATL Mihirie Dissanayake - PO Box 256 Doveton 3177 ANcAcB. N/oB.S4B7:4018231223144 or email to [email protected] Please do not post Cheques Your Name .............................................................................................. Address .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. Telephone No .................................................................................... Email Address. .................................................................................... Date of deposit ................................................................................... Amount deposited ............................................................................. 2 MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGHT & LIFE The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL

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OUR OFFICES For all your Home and Investment needs Australia Rajeev De Silva Charuka Mobile: +614 20949195 B.Sc., AIB, Dip (Financial Services) 04 66 090 220 2/180 Queen Street, [email protected] South Melbourne, VIC 3000 Australia Sri Lanka 6 years of Lending/Credit experience at a Major Australian Bank Angelo Mobile: + 94 77 8806279 17 years of Banking experience holding Managerial Positions Dilushi Have helped hundreds of Australians to obtain home loans Mobile: +94 77 8871297 565A, 2nd Floor, Kotte Road, Refer Customer recommendations on FB and LinkedIn from Specialist doctors, Accountants, CEOs, Managers, Self-em- Pita Kotte, Sri Lanka ployed, etc. UAE Andriea Mobile: +971 557702044 17, The Iridium Building, Umm Sequim Street, Barsha, Dubai (New Emirates Mall) BRANCHES Canada United Kingdom [email protected] Credit representative (CRN 375171) of Buyers Choice Licencing Pty Ltd ACN 626 172 281 WWW.SANJICALDERA.COM (Australian Credit Licence Number: 509484) The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGhT & LIFE 3 For all your advertising please email to mimhiirhieir.piea@[email protected] 4 MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGHT & LIFE The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL Blind followers & survival tactics mgqk CONTENTS of Sri Lanka iNdm;sksh Chairperson Sri Lankan ruling politicians survive uu;ajh iy ;u;ajh 7 uxcq, fj;a;isxy 06 ñysß Èidkdhl Mihirie Dissanayake offering at least 4 answers (which are nothing but damn lies) to one single újdyh yd fmdfrdkaou 1 fm%auodi l`:;ka;sß 08 ixialrKh Editors burning question to confuse people äfukaIshdfjka je<lSug 16 ir;a chùr 10 r;ak iqukd tÈßisxy Rathna Sumana Edirisinghe confronted with day to day problems. yQKshï wKúk fldäúk 3 wkqrisß rKisxy 11 ;=Idr rkau,a Èidkdhl Thushara Ranmal They thrive successfully spreading illusions, painting false pictures of wiQ y;frys msgqjy< 22 fkdfh,a kfâika 12 Dissanayake anticipated stability and apparent success using faithful and controlled iujeÿu isisr Èidkdhl 13 msgq ieliqu$ Page Layout and media, doctored statistics and even .%e*sla ks¾udK Graphic Design using comments made by visiting mrdch pdßl cks;a 17 tourists and followers. The image úÿr úfÊfialr Vidura Wijesekara drawn is big and convincing even by ñß`.=fjka tyd 09 úkS;d úfÊr;ak 18 fj,sxgka fud,a,sf.dv Wellington Molligoda foreign state visitors. The legend Shane Warne Dr. Quintus De Zylva 20 wud fi,ajkdh.ï Ama Selvanayagam In developed countries the ruling mß.Kl wl=re ieliqu Type Setting class at least put forward five year or lú msgqj 21 fj,sxgka fud,a,sf.dv Wellington Molligoda ten year development plans to follow, implement and take forward their Marriage Proposals 22/23 wud fi,ajkdh.ï Ama Selvanayagam future generations to a better world with success or failure. In Sri Lanka Your best friends are within Dr. Harold Gunatillake 25 udOH iïnkaëldrl Media Co ordinator the rulers adopt fire fighting techniques ñysß Èidkdhl Mihirie Dissanayake to douse fires and disasters emerging udj; wìhi 40 wdpd¾h md,s; .fkaj;a; 30 on a daily basis, as a result of their For all your Advertising needs own callous pick pocket operations Alcohol does have health Dr. Harold Gunatillake 32 [email protected] and highway robberies committed Mihirie Dissanayake under the guise of “development” isxy, iskudfõ f.daâ *do¾ ¨úia l=udr 34 implemented using macro foreign 0414 546 833 funding and concessions granted to miq;eú,a, fifkfy,;d r;akdhl 36 corporate businesses. Money printing and shortage of Dollars is rampant. From Dr. Quintus De Zylva 38 Pahana Light & Life The latest solution offered to Justice of the Peace unresolved power blackouts, shortage Mihirie Dissanayake P.O.Box 256, of forex and resultant collapse of Doveton Victoria 3177 transport, non availability of essentials, M: 0414 546 833 LPG for cooking, electricity, staple Tel : + 61 41 454 6833 food seems to be sacking of relevant Providing a voluntary service, ministers (of minority parties) who to the community in Victoria. email : [email protected] campaigned to bring the family to power and functioned successfully Every Monday 2-4pm Advertising for last two years. Energy minister @ the Narre Warren Library and guy in charge of Industries was Mihirie Dissanayake sacked. Heads rolled out in ministries Bunjil centre. 0414546833 of Transport, Power too. But these cosmetic changes non withstanding, [email protected] supportive parties numbering more than ten and their leaders continue CIRCULATION 15,000 AUSTRALIA and NEW ZEALAND to cling on to the main ruling power house to douse the fires and keep the zmykZ mqj;a mf;a m<lsÍu i|yd public support intact. For the main ,efnk ±kaùï we;=`M ish¨u ,sms party to continue their journey. This hkdÈh m<lsÍfï fyda m%;slafIam is the strategy and tactic of survival in lsÍfï iïmQ¾K whs;sh m%ldYlhka bankrupt Sri Lanka. i;=h' tjeks ,shlshú,s tjk iEu flfklau ;ukaf.a ,smskh iy Soon there will be a difficulty of ÿrl:k wxlho wmg túh hq;=h' finding suitable drivers to handle important ministries, as heads would myk iÕrdfõ m< jk ,smsj, wka;¾.;h roll out much faster with intensified ta ta f,aLlhkaf.a woyia jk w;r\" tajdhska crisis. Least would be the need to ixialdrljrekaf.a woyia ms<sìUq fkdjk nj i,lkak' sustain an elected parliament, elected myk iÕrd fjka Wmqgd.;a nj i|yka lrñka tajd members and selecting a cabinet of ministers. That will be the moment of Wmqgd ±laùug wjir we;' truth for all advocates of nationalism where Theravada Buddhist military We are a free distribution News Magazine. juntas of Myanmar and Thailand We do not take responsibility for text would be the model for Sri Lanka to provided for articles or advertisements follow. paid or unpaid. Names, logos, words, pictures provided to the paper Economic crisis precipitated by “sheer mismanagement as IMF investigation for publishing at your own risk. revealed” and not due to Covid pandemic as Sri Lankan rulers claim to justify and convince the world will be compounded by Ukraine war. SL economy will be battered by higher oil prices, downward spiralling of tea exports and shortage of wheat, food imports, tourist arrivals etc. Is there a way out for Sri Lanka instead of being a slave of China, India or US under Indo Pacific Initiative? History since 1505 has turned a full circle under latest set of national liberators. Time for blind followers to open eyes. The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGhT & LIFE 5 zzuu iy uf.aZZ lr .ekSu fyj;a The Sinhala translatiion of uu;ajhiy ;u;ajh I-ing and My-ing by Palitha Manchanayake isxy, wkqjdol - uxcq, fj;a;isxy | Sydney odkh iy m%d¾:kdjmm,ßÉjkfþfolhdg-i7 mrïmrd .Kkdjla Tiafia wm mj;ajd .ekSug Wojq fõ' wm i;= ;SrKh fõ' odkhla fok wjia:djla ish¿ fokd úiska th w.h lrkqo yd ne£ mj;sk ixl,amhka yd jákd iïm;a wkqkaf.a hym; f.k n,uq' ta fudfydf;a§ wfma is; we;' tfy;a tysu wfkla me;a; Ñka;khka iuyrla idlÉPdjg ms‚i wm úiska mß;Hd. lsÍug uq, ;=< f,daN fyda oafõI hk wl=i, tkï ,nd .ekSu fyda whs;s lr Ndckh lr meyeÈ<s lr .ekSu fï mqrkjd;a iuÕu yqfola ta mß;Hd.S l¾u fkdue;s nj fndfyda úg wmg .ekSu ˜wi;H˜ tkï ˜ we;af;kau ,smsfha wruqKhs' fulS ixl,amhka is;sú,a,u wm;a ta ta fN!;sl iïm;a meyeÈ<sj oefkkq we;' tfy;a isÿ fkdjk˜ fohls' Bg fya;=j tfia fyda Ñka;khka ld,dka;rhla ;siafia w;r;a we;s ;o ne£u ì| oeóug wm ;=< wfudayh fkdue;s nj wm ,nd .ekSu fyda whs;s lr .ekSu ks¾udKh jkakg we;af;a fndfyda iu;a jk nj fn!oaO ixialD;sfha meyeÈ<sju okafkao@ wm úiska ta jpkfha mßiudma;fhkau lr úg nqoaO O¾ufha wdrlaIdj yd u;= lshefõ' fï ld¾hfha we;s tlu fudfydf;a§ ˜fudayh˜ tkï uq<dj .ekSug lsisfjl=g fkdyels neúks¦ meje;au Wfoidu hehs wkqudK fukau W;a;Í;r jQ;a t,a,h jkafka ue~ mj;ajd we;aoehs ksielj fya;=j ta i|yd ˜lsisfjl=˜ fkdue;s lsÍu ksjerÈ hehs ug isf;a' wm;a\" wfma fN!;sl jia;=kq;a w;r oek .kafka flfiao@ fudayh neúks' ,enqKq nj fmkqKq\" oekqKq we;s wdYdj\" ne£u\" wdl¾IKh hkq wúoHdj fyj;a fkdoekqj;a m,shgu th we;af;kau ,eìh ˜ks¾f,daNS;ajh˜ hkq iEu wd.ulu\" is| ì| oeóuhs' l< hq;af;a tlS luhs' fulS wúoHdj f,dj we;s fkdyel' th ˜bxðfkarejkaf.a O¾uhlu mdfya fnfyúka jia;+ka w.h lrñka tajdg ,x ùu fndfydauhla úm;a j,g fukau ixúOdkh˜\" ˜.KldêldÍ wdh;kh˜ w.h lrk\" W.kajk\" Ndú;d fkdj tajdhska wE;aù ˜ksoyia˜ ùuhs' ÿla lïlfgd¿ j,g;a uq,sl jk fyda tjka hï ixúOdkhla fuks' jk jpkhls' ;Hd.YS,S;ajh\" ixidr mqreoaola f,i wfma Ôú; fya;=jla fõ' tlS wúoHdj\" tkï we;af;kau isÿjkafka mqoa.,hd .=Kj;alu\" lreKdjka;lu\" ohdj\" ld,hka mqrd fulS mß;Hd.S uki fkdokakdlu úiska ñksidg hula fyda lKavdhu úiska ,enqkd hehs ukqIH;ajh\" wirK-irK\" mskg §u\" mqreÿ lr .kakd mqoa.,hdg u;= i;H f,i úksúo oelSug yelshdj oekqkq foag ˜,xù˜\" ˜lsÜgqù˜ isàu mqKHdOdrh\" wkq.%yh\" mfrdamldrh\" hï Èfkl f,!lsl ne£ï j,ska fok ˜udkisl wei˜ rjgkq ,nhs' ñi iïmq¾Kfhkau th Wlydf.k uyd;auNdjh wd§ jpk;a óg iïmq¾Kfhkau ksoyia ùug yelsjk tfia /jàug ,lajQ is;g hï hï ˜whs;s lr˜ .ekSu fkdfõ' fï lsÜgqfjka hk idudkH jHjydrfha nj;a lshefõ' wd;au .Kkdjla foa iaÓr f,i\" i;=g f.k fok ixl,amh meyeÈ<s lr .ekSug we;s wfkl=;a jpkhs' nqÿ oyfï§ mqrd odk mdrñ;dj mqreÿ lsÍfï foa f,i\" jeo.;a-idrj;a foa f,i\" WodyrKhla f,i je,s f.dvla ˜odkh˜ hk jpkh ;=<ska b;du m%;sM,hla f,i b;du myiqfjka w,xldrj;a foa f,i fmfka\" oefka' .ksuq' oeka fï je,s f.dvg wyj,a mq¿,a Ndú;hlska\" .eUqre f;areulska ;u rdcOdksh;a\" jia;= iïNdrh;a fkdoekqj;a lñka hq;a mqoa.,hd ;ud foa\" wyj,a od isg whs;s ù we;ehs fukau ;shqKq wka;¾-oDIaÀhlskao muKla fkdj ;u wdorKSh orejka tfia fkdoekqj;a nj;a fkdoeku is;Su f;areula fkdue;s\" idjoH hqla; jQ woyila wmg ,nd fohs' yd ìß| mjd oeka §ug yels udkisl isà' tksidu wjg we;s fN!;sl fukau ydiHckl is;=ú,a,ls' odkh hkq mskg §ulg\" mqcd Yla;sh ,enQ nj lshk fjiaika;r iïm;a\" jia;=ka wks;H-wiaÓr nj;a lsÍulg fyda tjka hïlsis mß;Hd. rcqf.a l:dj óg fyd| ksoiqkls' ^wksÉpd&\" wjidkfha ÿllgu ˜hï mqoa.,fhl=˜ tlsfkl u; hlg wod< l%shdjla f,i ye¢kaúh th nqoaO;ajh b,lal lr .ksñka fya;=jk nj;a ^ÿlaLd&\" ta ta foa r|d mj;akd\" fjka l< fkdyels yelsh' úfYaIfhkau NslaIqkag Öjr\" fndaêi;aj ;;ajfha isá flfkl=f.a i|yd ˜;uka˜ fyda ˜uu˜ hkqfjka f,i tlsfkl fj; ne£ we;a;djQ\" wdydr iy b÷ï-ysgqï mQcd lsÍu mru W;a;Í;r lghq;a;la nj flfkl= we;af;kau fkdue;s nj;a ukil yd isrerl ixhq;shlska ñksid úiska iycfhka ,nd we;s flfkl=g ;¾l l< yelsh' tfy;a ^wkd;aud& fkdokS' tys úreoaO hq;a tallhla f,i ie<lsh yelsh' .scq lu\" f,daNh\" ;Kaydj fukau idudkH .sys ;;ajfha isák wmg;a me;a;u olS' ta olsk wdldrh ksjerÈ th tlsfkld fkdjeà isák f,i wd;audyxldrh;a hgm;a lsÍug Wojq fï ixidr ÿlska w;añ§ug u;= hï nj;a\" ta nj ;uka ksjerÈj okakd fmd<j u; Wia w;g /|jQ fldagq jk fukau fndfyda l=i,dksixi;a Èfkl wjYH hehs isf;a kï\" hï nj;a is;df.k isà' fï fudayh ksid folla fuks' tlla jegqk fyd;a ,nd fok mqKH l%shdjla f,i nqÿ ;eklska\" hï muKlska fyda fulS fndfyda úg wms ˜fudaydkaOldrh˜ wfkl;a wksjd¾hfhkau jefÜ' oyfï b.ekafõ' nqÿ oyfï tk odk mdrñ;dj mgka .ekSug isÿfõ' kï jQ w÷f¾ w;rux ù isákafkuq' tfia;a ke;skï\" fomd jdre ke;s zzmqkak-lsßhd-j;a:q ZZ fyj;a l=Y, th tmuKgu w;HdjYH fohls' tksidu ta w÷f¾ w;-m; .dkd wm wkaOfhla\" weia fyd¢ka fmfkkd l%shd j¾. ;=fkka m<uqjekak;a fulS iuyr úg ˜wjxlju˜ is;d isákafka fldfrl= ;uka lr u; r|jd.;a ˜odkh˜ hs' wfkla j¾. fol ˜YS,˜ hful= isf;a msßisÿ wruq‚kau hula wm úiska ksjerÈ foau lrk njls' úg\" fofokdf.a tluq;=fjka wjYH iy ˜Ndjkd˜ kï fõ' odkh wdldr oka fohs kï tys§ f,daN^;kayd&\" fkdokakd nj fkdokakd wm jerÈ ;eklg .uka l, yels jqj;a\" bka ;=klg fnod\" tkï wdñi odk oafõY ^fl%daOh&\" fuday ^uq,dj& hk fohla lrk nj;a fkdokS' ta tfll= fyda tu tluq;=fjka bj;a jQ ^fyj;a øjHuh foa ,nd §u&\" wNh wl=i,a uQ, j,ska ta ;eke;a;df.a fjkqjg fudayh úiska wm lrkafka l< fofokdgu tfia wjYH ;ekg odk ^fyj;a wdhqI$Ôjh ,nd§u& is; ñ§ wf,daN\" woafõI\" wfuday ksjerÈ foa hehs wmg lshd foa' ta hd.; fkdyels jkakdla fuks' fï iy O¾u odkh ^fyj;a O¾uh hk l=i,a uQ, is; ;=< cks; lr yryd ,nk isf;a úYajdih ksid nj mQcH {dkd;sf,dal ysñmdKkaf.a ,nd§u& f,i nqÿ oyfï meyeÈ,s .kS' fuys§ wf,daNh hkq isf;a wm ta foau lrñka iuyr úg ta ^1987& fn!oaO YíofldaIfha lr foa' wNh odkh hkq .skafkka\" we;s ;Kaydj hï muKlska fyda fjkqfjka ;¾l-ú;¾l lsÍug mjd meyeÈ,s lr fokafka fufiahs' c,fhka fyda i;=rka f.ka Ôú;hg u¾Okh jQ nj hful=f.a isf;a fm<fò' ish¿ foa we;s ieáfhka\" ,Sfhka ;ekq rElvhla th fld;rï ;¾ckhla t,a,ù we;s i;ajfhl=f.a we;sjk yeÕSuhs\" th tf,i y÷kd ienE ieáfhka\" i;H f,i\" ksjerÈ wm%d‚l\" wl¾ukH\" fkdie,lsh Ôú;h fírd .ekSuhs' .ekSuhs' tfukau\" woafõYh hkq f,i oelsh hq;= hehs nqÿ oyfï lshd hq;=\" fkdjeo.;a fohla jqj;a\" tys is; ;=< fl%daO is;=ú<s fkdue;s nj fokafka fï ;;ajfhka .e,ùughs' we;s kQ,a fmdgj,a we§u uÕska tlS f,a oka §u\" jl=.vq fyda weia jeks is; ;=<skau yeÕSuhs' wfuday hkq wm%d‚l rElvh läir\" l%shdYS,S\" bkaøsh oka §u wd§ Wodr lghq;=;a ;uka uq<djg m;a ù fkdue;s nj fï wkqj n,k l, ˜odkh˜ fyj;a m%dKj;a f,i msg;g fmfka' tfiau fulS ˜wNh odk˜ .Khgu jefÜ' wjxlju\" ksielju ;u is; ;=<skau mß;Hd.h i;H f,iu isÿjkakls' wfma isrer yd uki;a tlsfkl Oïu mofha ˜iín odkx-Oïu odkx oekSuhs\" y÷kd .ekSuhs' ;ud i;= hï hï iïm;a\" jia;+ka w;r iïnkaO;djh ke;s;dla lsisu ðkd;s˜ f,i lshefjk mßÈ ish¿u msßisÿ is;skau\" ;kaydjlska\" f,daN jeo.eïulg ke;s\" wl%sh\" wm%d‚l\" odkhkag jvd O¾u odkh tkï fulS l¾u uQ, yh ^tkï wl=i, lulska f;drj fjk;a flfkl=g lsisjla l< fkdyels\" ksIaM, fohls' ˜i;Hh˜ odkh lsÍu Wiia fjhs' l¾u uQ, ;=k iy l=i, l¾u uQ, mß;Hd. lrkakd isÿ lrkafka Wiia isrer;a\" uki;a tlajQ ú.i th ;=k& is; ;=, mej;Sfï ;;ajh\" iodpdrd;aul l¾;jHhls' il%sh\" im%d‚l\" l%shdYS,S\" Woafhda.S\" nqÿ oyug wkqj odkh kï jQ .=Kh uÜgu wdÈh wkqj hful=f.a ukfia M,odhs ˜hï fohla˜ njg m;afõ' m%.=K lsÍu hful=g iycfhka we;sjk ˜fÉ;kd˜jkays m%ñ;sh\" tkï ta lghq;a; ukd fYaIaG lghq;a;la ,eî we;s f,daNh\" ;Kaydj uev isÿlr.kakd l¾uhkays m%ñ;sh nj i;Hhla jkjd muKla fkdj 8 6 MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGHT & LIFE The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL ADVERTISEMENT Join the United Australia Party – go to UAP13469N7R Vote 1 United Australia Party Authorised by Craig Kelly, United Australia Party, Level 17, 240 Queen Street, Brisbane 4000 fï fya;=j ksidu ˜mqoa.,hd˜ hkq fyda ;d;aúl\" h:d¾;\" ienE fohhs' wmg fmfka' ˜ug ta foh fmfka˜ hkqfjka y÷kajk foa h:d¾;hla i;H;djhla fyda we;af;kau mj;sk iEu h:d¾;hlu Bgu wdfõksl jQ f,i wmg oefkkafka túghs' t;k njg m;Ajkafka th tfia hehs y÷kd ˜h:d¾;hla˜ fkdfõ hehs lsj ,laIKhka mj;S' fï ,laIKhka ˜uu˜ tu ixisoaêhg iïnkaO jQ .ekSug wmg wjYHjk b;du iq¿ yelsh' ˜h:d¾;hla˜ hkq l=ulaoehs kï ir,j tl t,af,au m%;HlaI whqre wmQreh' laIKhla jeks ld,hla ;=< mu‚' oeka úuid n,uq' h:d¾;hla hkq lr.; yels ,laIKhs' weig ta laIKh miqù w¿;a laIKhla fï fudfydf;a§u\" tl t,af,au fmfkk fohl we;s ,laIKhka\" idudkHfhka wm wjfndaO lr fkd. fudfyd;lska u;=fõ' ˜Ñ;a;h˜ w;aoelsh yels\" oek.; yels\" lKg wefik Yíohl we;s kakd foakï ˜uu˜ t;ek fkdisáh;a fyj;a ˜isysh˜ úiska ta fudfydf;a§ m%;HlaI l< yels fohls' weiska ,laIKhkag\" .=Kdx. j,g jvd wr lS ˜foh˜ mej;Su yd wdf,dalfha o¾YKh úh yels jia;=jla oelsh yels hï fohla h:d¾;hla fjkia fõ' tksidu weig oelsh .uk yryd th ˜oelsh yels ùu˜ y÷kd .kS' ta fudfydf;a§ ˜wfma fõ¦ th ta fudfydf;au w;aoelsh yels o¾YKh weig muKla wiqù\" fldfydug;a mj;sk nj;a tu Ôú;hg˜ th fmfka' ;j;a fjkia yels neú‚' ˜isysfhka˜ tkï ukd lKg yiq fkdù isà' ta wdldrhgu oelSug yelsùug wfma úfYaI fudfyd;l§ tlS ˜Ôú;hg˜ hï hï isysfhka isák lf,l fï ˜oelSu˜ lKg wiqjk Yíohka fyj;a iïnkaOhla fkdue;s nj;ah' th foa wefia\" tfia ke;akï ˜isf;a˜' fulS wOHhkh lr th l=ulaoehs yßyeá ˜Y%jKh ùula˜\" weig m%;HlaI o¾Ykh jQfha tu fohg wh;a fudfyd;j,a mjd we;s jQ ie‚kau m%;HlaI lr.; yelsh' tneúka fkdfõ' tfukau weig fmksh yels ˜fmksh yels ùu˜ hk wdfõksl ke;sù h;a' tksidu wr lS ˜Ôú;h˜ hula weig fmfkk lf,l tu hï fohlg wdfõksl jQ ,laIKhka\" ,laIKh ksid ñi ˜uu˜ t;ek isá kj;skafka;a ˜fudfyd;lg˜ muKla oelSu;a\" olsk foh;a ˜h:d¾;hka˜ ˜fmkSu˜ kï jQ fofhys ,laIKhkag ksidu fkdfj‘' hehs lsj yels fkdfõo@ fõ' ta wdldrhgu lKg hï Yíohla jvdo fjkia fõ' fndfydAj‘g wmg weiSu;a\" tu Yíoh;a h:d¾;hka oelsh yels jQ fohg wm fyda ;j;a ˜uu˜ fyda ˜;uka˜ f,i ˜iaj- fuh wjfndaO lr .ekSu ;rula fõ' isrerg hula iam¾Y ùfï§ hula oelsh fkdyel' weig oelsh w¾:hla˜ fkdue;s fï h:d¾;hka ÿIalr nj ienEh' fuys Ôú;h hehs r¿\" isks÷\" uDÿ \" WKqiqï\" isis,a wd§ yels foh ˜rEm˜ kï jk w;r th we;s ieáfhkau ksjerÈj oek lSfõ uq,ska lS ˜uf.a˜ is; hehs lshk jYfhka oefkk oekSï tl t,af,au fjk;a lsisjla fkdokS' .ekSug\" wjfndaO lr.ekSug ˜i;s˜ Ôú;hghs' ta ˜uf.a˜ fyda ˜uu˜ isrefrka m%;HlaI lr .kakd neúka fyj;a ukd isysh fnfyúka Wmldr isáfha wr uq,ska lS ˜ÿgq˜\" ˜weiQ˜ fyda tajd;a h;d¾;hka fõ' ˜kdu˜ fyj;a ˜rEm˜fhys we;s fï wdfõksl fõ' ˜ ;ud˜ hkq wm wfma ukfia ˜is;+˜ wd§ jQ fudfydf;a kï\" tlS uki iy ˜rEm˜ fyj;a isrer f,i ,laIKhkaf.ka ˜oelSu˜ fyda ujd .;a ixl,amhla mu‚' tfy;a oelSu\" weiSu\" is;Su wdÈh isÿ fkdjQ wm okakd foa;a h:d¾;hkauh' tajd ˜hful=g˜ th oelsh yels ùu hk wms fulS ixl,amhla muKlau jQ fudfyd;l wr uq,ska lS ˜uu˜ hehs wmg oefka\" fmfka\" m%;HlaI lr.; ,laIKh ksidu tu foh ˜;uka˜ fyda ˜;ud˜ iaÓr fohla f,i i<ld tys ixl,amhla we;s fkdjQ nj Tng yel\" w;aoelsh yel' h:d¾;h ˜uu˜ hk ixl,amhg wh;A heh‘ l‘j t,anf.k isákafkuq' wmg jeo.;a oeka wjfndaO jkq we;' ˜Ôú;h˜ hk jokg iudk f;areula ˜Oïu˜ fkdyel' ˜kdu˜ yd ˜rEm˜ hk fol jkafka fulS ˜;uka˜ hkak yqÿ mej;=fka ˜fudfyd;lg˜ hehs by; fyj;a ˜O¾uh˜ hk jpkfhkao taldnoaO jQ l, muKla ˜uu˜ fyda udkisl ixl,amhla muKla nj;a\" mejiqfõ tneúks' iuyrúg ,ndfoa' O¾uh hkq ˜;uka˜ hk ixl,amh biau;=fõ' fN!;sl jQ wfkla ish¿ ixisoaëka nqÿka jykafiaf.a W.ekaùï j,g ta wkqj l,amkd l< úg by; lS we;sù-ke;sù hk iajNdjhlska fojkyf;la jdgkim,ßnÉkfþlo,hdmfha muKlau Ndú;d lrk jpkhla ˜oelsh yels ùu˜ iuÕ ˜oelsh yels hqla; nj;a wjfndaO lr .ekSuh' fkdfõ' ˜i;Hh˜ fyda ˜h:d¾;h˜hk foh˜ tlg iïnkaO lr ta foflys ta wkqj .;jk iEu fudfyd;lu f;areï i|yd;a tu jok Ndú;d we;s fjkia jQ wdfõ‚l ,laIKhka we;sùu;a-ke;sùu;a tkï Wm;;a- fõ' nqÿ oyfï§ Oïu fyda ˜mrud;a: .ek ukd isyshlska f;drj ir,j úm;;a isÿfjñka mj;S' tys Oïu˜ f,i y÷kajkafka mru i;Hh neÆ úg muKla ta fol tlla f,i m%;sM,hla f,i wm úiska ˜Ôú;h˜ The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGhT & LIFE 7 i;s wka; mqj;am;aj, m,jk újdyhg fujeks lsisjla fmdfrdkaou ;=,ska ux., fhdackd ±kaùï ixLHdj yria jk wkdjrKh lr .ekSug fkdyelsh' Èfkka Èk j¾Okh fjñka mj;S' fï flakaorh yd újdyhg wod, jk lreKq ldrKd w;r ux., fhdackd tla,ia lrk fmdfrdkaou fndfydah' tjeks lsisjla fmdfrdkaoï wdh;k iS.%fhka ìysfj;s' óg oYl .e,mSu ;=,ska wfmalaId l< ;=k y;rlg fmr ux., fhdackd fkdyelsh' kel; wkqj fmdfrdkaoï iïnkaOfhka u.=,a lmqjka f.ka .e,mSfï l%shdoduh Tiafia ´kEu buy;a fiajdjla isÿ úh' th wo bgq uq.aOfhl=f.a flakaorhg n,j;a\" lrkq ,nkafka uqyqKq fmd; u.sks' Kekj;a\" .=Kj;a flakaor ysñfhl= fuu ish¨ l%ufõohka u.ska bgq .,md .ekSug ms<sjk’ tneúka lrkq ,nkafka újdyh i|yd újdyh ;Skaÿ lsÍfï§ fmdfrdkaofuka iylrejl= fyda iyldßhl f;dard muKla hemSu {dKdkaú; l%shdjla §uhs' fkdfõ' újdy jk jhfia /£ isák fndfyda Tnf.a ÿjf.a\" mq;df.a\" fofkl= wújdylj isà' Tjqka f.ka jeä fofkl= fldamfhka miq újdyh yd fmdfrdkaou - 1 ifydaorhdf.a\" ifydaoßhf.a fj;s' ke;fyd;a lKiai,af,ka l,a f.j;s' Bg;a jvd Tjqkaf.a újdyh iïnkaOfhka fhda.H;djh foujqmsfhda yd ifydaor ifydaoßfhda miq;eú,s fj;s' úúO udOHhka uek ne,Su i|yd bÈrsm;a lrkq Tiafia iylrejka yd iyldßhka fidhk ish,af,dau újdyh i|yd fm%auodi l`:;ka;sß | úY%dñl mßmd,k ks,OdÍ | leianEj - YS% ,xld ,nk flakaor hq.,h mÍËd lrk laIKslj iQodkïj isá;s' Tjqkag jhi\" l=,h\" iudc ;rd;sru fyda fcHd;sIldrhd jvd;a iqÿiq jQ fjk;a l=uK fyda .eg¨jla ke;' ish,a, iïmQ¾K jqjo flakaorfha fyda mxpdx. ,s;la u,a,l oud f.k úis fmdfrdkaou .e,mSu flakaor hq.,h mfil,d lsisfia;a fkd.e,mSu újdy m%udohg fyda bgq f.hska f.g f.dia flakaor msßlai;s' iïnkaOfhka furg m<jk iuyr fkdùug m%Odk jYfhka n,mdk ;j;a fldgila ffoj{\" fcHd;s¾ mxpdx. ,s;aj, iq¨ úia;rhla fkd.e,fmk flakaor hq.,hla idOlhls' fõÈ\" fcHd;sI{\" fcHd;sIdpd¾h olajd we;' fcHd;sIldrfhda tlS fhÿï ;u kdufha uq,g fhdod f.k iq¨ úia;rfha i|yka fldg we;s .,md isÿ lrkq ,nk újdyh furg Ôj;ajk fndfyda fokd kdu mqjre t,a,d f.k ld¾hd, WmfoaYhka mjd ksis ;;a;ajfhka fmrÈ. ixialD;sh .re lrk mj;aj;s' ;j;a msßila k.rj, fyda lshjd wjfndaO lrf.k fkdue;s flá ld,hlska ì| jefÜ' tjeks idrO¾u msßils' tneúka m%Odk uxudj;aj, .ia hg ysgf. nj Tjqka úiska isÿ lrk ,o úis jeä fofkl= újdyfha§ flakaorhg ku Ydia;% lsh;s' fmdfrdkaoï ms<sn| ks.ukhka ys ;;ajhla Woa.; jkafka flakaorfha m<uq ia:dkh ,nd § we;' tu olakg ,efí' flakaorh ksidu újdyh m%udoh fndfyda fcHd;sIldrfhda ;ud .%y ;;a;ajh ksishdldrj mÍlaId isÿùu iq,Nj ±lsh yels ldrKhls' fj; meñfKk fiajdodhlhd f.ka fmdfrdkaoï .e,mSfï§ ta ta újdyh isÿ lsÍug m<uqj flakaorh wkdjrKh lr .kakd iuyr lreKq fmdfrdkaou wY=N ;;a;ajfhka fkdfldg fmdfrdkaou flf¾ t,aî uÕska Tyqf.a fyda wehf.a f;dr;=re fcHd;sIfha iuyr iq¨ lreKq mj;akd úg fjk;a fmdfrdkaoï Y=N wkdjrKh lr f.k újdyhg j,g we|d f.k wkdjels lshñka jQ l< hglS fmdfrdkaoï ys wY=N l%shd lrkq ,nk fyhsks' fmdfrdkaoï msúiSu jvd;a újdyhg yria jk uyckhd uq,d lrkq ,efí' fuu Ndjhka wjika flfrk nj olajd flakaorh yd fmdfrdkaou hym;a uQ,djkag jeä jYfhkau f.dÿre we;’ fcHd;sIldrfhda ta ms<sn|j .e,mSu fyda fkd.e,mSu újdyfha fukau meiish hq;= ldrKhls' jkafka ldka;djkah' fcHd;sI ie,ls,a,la fkdolajk nj Tjqka flakaorh wdY%fhka iqÿiq;u iylre ldrhkag fcHd;sI Ydia;%h ms<sn| úiska isÿ lrkq ,nk mÍlaIK id¾:l fyda wid¾:l Ndjhg fya;= fyda iyldßh f;dard .ekSu jvd;a ukd jegySula\" wjfndaOhla fyda ;=,ska ikd: fõ' fmdfrdkaoï úiai fhda.H jQ ms<sfj;ls' ta iïnkaOfhka ±kqula ke;' flakaor lshùu fyda fld<hl ,shd f.k ia;%S mqreI ldrl fkdfõ' ;¾lhla ke;' tfia kï újdy m%udo fmdfrdkaoï .e,mSu i|yd Wmfhda.s fofokdf.a kel;a Bg iïnkaO lr ùfï fya;=j l=ula o Bg id¾:l jQ lr .kafka mxpdx. ,s; muKs' jeä f.k Y=N yd wY=N jYfhka igyka újdyh wid¾:l flfrk fhda. ms<shula fkdmj;S ±hs m%Yakhla mek fofkl= tho yßyeá lshjd ke;' lr;s' wk;=rej Y=N yd wY+N oyia .Kkls' id¾:l;ajh flf¾ k.S' fï ish,a,gu n,md we;af;a fcHd;sI Ydia;%h ima;uyd id.rhg fmdfrdkaoï .Kk .Kkh lr;s' n,mdkq ,nk fhda. ixLHdjo ta yd iylre fyda iyldßh f;dard .ekSu jvd .eUqreh' fnfyúkau ixlS¾K bka wk;=rej jeä m%udKhla Y=N iudkj mj;S' újdyh ì| jefgk iïnkaOfhka Ndú;d lrkq ,nk jQ fujeks Ydia;%hla Èk fyda udi kï ta fofokd újdyhg iqÿiq hehs n,j;a wY=N fhda. hka fh§ we;s fcHd;sI ñKqï l%uhhs' iqÿiq;u lsysmhlska myiqfjka wOHkh ks.ukh flf¾' flakaor hq.,hl fmdfrdkaoï úiai iylre fyda iyldßh f;dard .ekSu lsÍug fkdyelsh' Y=N ;;a;ajhl mej;sho\" tlS újdy i|yd fcHd;sIh Wmfhda.s lr by; ±lajQfha fcHd;sIldrhska ì| jefgkafka whym;a .%y n,fha .kafka l=uK ud¾.hka Tiafia ±hs fcHd;sIh udihlska\" follska\" újdyh ;Skaÿ lsÍug mdol lr fya;=fjks' tneúka fmdfrdkaou úuid ne,Su ldf,daÑ;h' ;=klska W.kajk nj i|yka .kakd l%u fõohhs' fuu fmdfrdkaoï .e,mSu mfil,d flakaorj, ±kaùï úúO mqj;am;aj, m<fõ' .e,mSfï m%;sY;h wkqj fofokl=f.a mj;akd fodaIhka yd újdyhg furg fcHd;sI lghq;=j, ksr; jQ tjeks mka;shlg Èk lsysmhla újdyh iïnkaOfhka ;SrKhla wys;lr fhÿï m<uqj y÷kdf.k fomsßils' Tjqka fcHd;sIldrfhda yd fyda udi ;=k y;rla iyNd.s .ekSug yelso@ fmdfrdkaoï ishhg Bg iqÿiq;u flakaor ysñhd iu. fcH;sI{fhda h' jeäfhka isákafka ùfuka wk;=rej ,.ak\" .%yhska\" ishhhla .e<mqko\" tu.ska újdyfha újdyh isÿ jqjfyd;a .eg¨ fyda fcHd;sIldrfhdah' fcHd;sI{fhda kel;a hkd§ uQ,sl lreKq lsysmhla id¾:l fyda fhda.H Ndjh ;SrKh m%Yak we;s fkdfõ' bmerKs fcHd;sI uQ,dY% Wmfhda.s wOHhkh lsÍfuka miqj ;ud lsÍug yelshdjla ke;' fï ms<sn|j lr .ksñka ta ms<sn| m¾fhaIK fcHd;sI úYdrohl= hhs uyckhdg fiajdodhlhdg wjfndaOhla ke;' fmdfrdkaoï .e,mSu wdrïN lrkq lrñka Tjqka nqoaêu;aj fcHd;sI ta;a;= .kajñka fcHd;sIldrfhda Tjqyq fcHd;sIldrhdf.a u;hg ,enQ uq,a wjia:dfõoS ta i|yd kHdhkag .re lrñka fcHd;sIfha ld¾hd, mgka f.k\" mqj;am;a wjk; ù ±ka ish,a, iïmQ¾K Wmfhda.s lr f.k we;af;a j¾K\" kshu yrh wvqjla ke;sj ,nd ±kaùï m<lr flakaor lshùu hhs i,ld újdyh ms<sn| wjidk jYH\" kË;%\" fhdaks\" .K\" rdYs\" foñka hï uyck fiajdjl mgka .kS' fuu fcHd;sIldrhskag ksukhg t<fU;s' kdä\" .%y hk fmdfrdkaoï wgls' ksr;j isà' fcHd;sIldrhkaf.a jeä fofkl= uq,dù Tjqka ,jd th ix.%y\" YsfrdauKS\" m,gidrh\" iajNdjh óg yd;amiskau fjkiah' ish fcHd;sI lghq;= bgq lrjd újdyhla id¾:lj mj;ajdf.k fcHd;s¾ ksnkaOk hk .%ka: u.ska Tjqka fcHd;sIfha i|yka jQ uq,sl .kS' fcHd;sIldrhskag flakaorfha hEu i|yd Tjqfkdjqkaf.a woyia ;yjqre flf¾' wk;=rej fuu isoaOdka;hka mjd fkdoks;s' l=uK iuia; .%y ;;a;ajh iïnkaOfhka iu ;;ajfhka mej;Su jvd;a fmdfrdkaoï ixLHdj\" oyh\" fod<y\" mq:q, ±kqula fyda wjfndaOhla w;HdjYHh' wk;=rej Tjqkaf.a ,sx. oywg\" úiai hkqfjka j¾Okh ù fkdue;' fujeks mqoa.,hka ,jd sl;ajh fnfyúkau iudk úh hq;=h' we;s w;r j¾;udkfha jeä fofkl= fofokl= újdyhg iqÿiqo kqiqÿiq o ;SrK .ekSu\" lreKdj\" ffu;%sh\" Ndú;d lrkq ,nkafka fmdfrdkaoï hkak ;SrKh lrjd .ks;s' ta i|yd ;Hd.jka; Ndjh\" wdhq n,h jeks úiails' th ±kg iïu;j mj;S' fcHd;sIldrfhda Wmfhda.s lr.kafka .=Khka ia;S% mqreI 1929$30 j¾Ifha furg Ndú;d l< úis fmdfrdkaouh' iudk wdldrfhka mej;sh hq;=h' tla;rd mxpdx. ,s;l fmdfrdkaoï úis folla Ndú;d l< njg idOl mj;S' fojk fldgi ,nk l,dmfha 8 MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGHT & LIFE The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL Mr. Wakeling’s visit to Dandenong Temple Most Venerable Akaravita Sangananda Thero (Chief Sanganayaka of Asgiriya chapter in Australia) Hon. Nick Wakeling (Parliament of Victoria) | Mr. Bandu Dissanayake (Honorary Consul for Victoria) | Dr. Kithsiri Dissanayake Mr. Upali Wijewaradane (President, Committee of Management, Dhammadeepa Meditation Centre) | Mr. Rohan Wijesinha (solicitor-Victoria) | Mr. Susil Piyanandana (Secretary, Committee of Management, Dhammadeepa Meditation Centre) Mr. Somachandra Fernando (Assistant Secretary, Committee of Management, Dhammadeepa Meditation Centre) The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGhT & LIFE 9 je<elaùug mshjr .; hq;af;a iqÿiq m%;sldrhla fkdue;' oekg ÿïmdkfhka isÿjk wdoSkj blauka ;reK iudc fldgia iïnkaOfhka\" l=uk wjia:dfõ o @ ;sfnk tlu úi÷u jkqfha\" thg h' Tn jhska ùÿrejla fndkafka by; i|yka l< yeisÍï rgd ;sfnk wjodku wvqlsÍu muK h' kï\" tys ri fl,skau oefka' kuq;a fjkialïj,g id¾:lj Ndckh uE; ld,fha oS iakdhq úoaHdj (Neuro- fï w;r;=r tA i|yd we;s m%;sldr tys úhou .ek oefkkafka miqjh' lsÍfï oS\" fmr m%ldY l< mßos science) .ek ;snQ oekqu\" b;du jeä oshqKq lrñka\" we,aihsu¾ia iy fï wdldrhg äfukaIshd wjodkï tys m%;sM, ,eîfï m%udoh\" úYd, úma,ùh f,i j¾Okh ù we;' tA fjk;a frda. iïmQ¾Kfhkau iqj wvq lsÍug we;s ndOlh kï\" th f,i ndOdjlaj mj;S' jhi wjq' wkqj fud,h ma,diaála wdldrhg lsÍfï m%h;akhl fhoS isá;s' kuq;a\" my<ùug hk ld,h iy je<elaùfï 40 la jQ flfkl=g wjq' 20 lska yDo fjkiaùïj,g Ndckh úh yels oekg frda. wjodku wvqlsÍu ls%hd ud¾.j, m%;sM, ,nd .ekSug frda.h je<|Sfï wjodkfuka o\" iajrEmhla .kakd nj f;areï f.k fyd|u ls%hd ud¾.h yeáhg ie,fla' hk ld,h w;r we;s úYd, mr;rh wjq' 20 lska oshjeähd 2 jk j¾.h we;' fï wkqj ksrka;rfhka Ôjk h ldhsl ls%hdldrlï wdrïN ,laùfï wjodkfuka o\" .e,ùug rgdfõ fjkialïj,g Ndckh fi!LHuh yeisÍï rgdj,aj,g lsÍfuka o iy wdydr rgdjka fjkia yelshdj ;sfnkakg mq¿jk' tjeks lrñka\" udkisl ls%hdldÍ;a;ajh iy Wkkaÿ lrùu lsÍfuka o muKla wjika fkdjk flfkl=g fuh t;rïu wod, m%cdkk ls%hdldrlï u.ska\" fud,fha fuu m¾fhaIKj, wjidk ksÍlaIK lreKla fkdfjkakg mq¿jk' thg j¾Okhla w;am;a lr.; yel' fndfyda ckhd\" jhig m;aùfï ,nd.ekSug wjq' 20 la\" 30 la fyda fya;=j jkafka fuu n,dfmdfrd;a;= fï wdldrfhka wmf.a fi!LHuh oS we;sjk fi!LHuh jHdl+,;d\" 40 la muK wkd.;h olajd osj iïu;hg úreoaOj we;s jQ woyila wjodkï idOl wjuh lrf.k\" u.yeÍug fkdyels njg u; we;s hhs' tu mÍlaIK j,g Ndckh jk neúks' tu ksid fuu ldrKd tla m%cdkk W;af;acl wdOdrfhka\" lrf.k ;sfí' tu wdl,am ksidu frd.Skaf.a m%;sM, fyd|o keoao hk tla jhia ldKavj,g fjkia fjkia m%cdkk ixÑ;h yels ;j;a iuyfrl=g tjeks jHdl+,;d j. oek.; yelafla oS¾> ld,hlska wdldrfhka ndOdjka f,i fuu nj meyeos,s fõ' we;af;kau\" b;d u.yeÍug .;hq;= iqÿiq ls%hdud¾. miqj neúka\" t;rï ld,hla mqrdjg ls%hdoduhg fya;= fõ' ksjeros iy Okd;aul f,i m%cdkk kshu wjia:dfõ oS .ekSug Wkkaÿ ÿ¾j,;d iy äfukaIshd wjodku\" fï u.ska j<lajd .; yels nj äfukaIshdfjka we;af;kau fuu wjia:dfõ oS\" woyia flf¾' 16 b;du i;=gqodhl wdrxÑhla iakdhq frda. ksOdk (Neuro- yeáhg m%ldY lsÍug pathology) .ek kej; i,ld je<lSug we;af;a\" mqoa.,fhl=f.a ne,Sfï oS we,aihsu¾ia frda.h iy jeialshq,¾ äfukaIshd jeks jhi fldmuK jqj;a\" tu frda.j,g fya;= úia;r flf¾' fuu frda.j,g fya;= yeáhg mqoa.,hdf.a yeisÍï rgdj ueos jhfia isg wêl reêr mSvkh iy Ôjk rgdfõlreKq fjkia lsÍug m%udo fkdjk tl;=fjk whqre meyeos,s lrhs' fuu frda.j,g wjodkï we;s jákd f;dr;=re iy Wmfoia njg fy<s lrk m¾fhaIK lrjk\" fjkia l< yels idOl jd¾;d we;' WodyrKhla iïnkaOfhka\" ks¾foaYs; mshjr l,a úfhdajQ ir;a chùr -l=l=,akdfma\" m,af,afj, jYfhka\" iaùvkfha lrk ,o fõ,d we;sj fhdod .ekSfuka\" bka jeä jdis ,nd .ekSug yels fõ' m¾fhaIKhla u.ska\" wjq' 60 úhm;aùu ksid fud,fha we;sjk ÿ¾j,;d je<elaúh fkdyels nj fkdlrjhs iuyr úg tA whf.a Ôjk rgdfõ fjkialï mj;ajdf.k iy wjq' 65 blaujQ ldka;djka l,ska idlÉPd lr we;' tA wkqj fkdoekqj;alñk\" isÿúh yels fjkia hdug isÿfõ' fï wkqj\" äfukaIshd lKavdhulf.a meje;au wjqreoaol hï úosyl wjodkï we;sjk nj;a l< fkdyels wjodkï idOl iys; frda. wjodkï wju lsÍug\" yeisÍï ld,hla ;=, mÍlaIdjg Ndckh meyeos,s h' ysig isÿjk ndysr fi!LHuh ;;a;ajhka we;súh yels rgdj fï wdldrfhka fjkia lsÍug lrñka o\" miqj Tjqkaf.a urK ;=jd, iy .eàï jeks ;;a;ajhka kuq;a\" tu;;a;ajhka u. yerùug ;e;a lsÍu b;du Ndr ¥r lghq;a;la ixLHdj iïnkaO o;a; /ialrf.k ksid o fujeksu wdldrfha isÿjk .; yels ls%hdud¾. fldf;l=;a nj meyeos,s fõ' we;' fï wkqj Tjqkaf.a YdÍßl ydks o je<elaúh fkdyel' ;sfí' m%Odk jYfhka wm ieu yg ls%hdldrlï .ek f;dr;=re b;sßù we;s wNsfhda.h jkqfha\" tA fi!LHu yeisÍï rgdj, fjkialï wjqreoaola ;=, iudf,dapkhg b;du oS¾> ld,hla ;siafia mej;=k fjkqfjka Okd;aul fi!LHuh we;s lsÍfï oS\" úúO jhia ldKavj,g ,lalr\" Tjqkaf.a wdhqI ld,h bka woyi jQfha\" fujeks ;;a;ajhka mshjr .ekSuh' iïnkAOj\" iuyr wNsfhda.j,g blaì;sj flá jQjd o\" oS¾> jQjd o\" ksid isÿúh yels m%cdkk ÿ¾j,;d uqyqK oSug isÿfõ' tA tA whg hk j. fidhdf.k we;' iy äfukaIshd frda. ,laIK m%udo l< yels j.hs' we;a; jYfhkau wmf.a yeisÍï rgdjka äfukaIshd wkqu; lrkq ,nk yeisÍï rgdjka fuu m¾fhaIK ;=<ska yªkd.;a uE;oS lrk ,o jix.; wOHhkhka wjodkï wvqlrùug\" fjkialï tlsfklg fjkia fõ' fjkia yeisÍï b;du jeo.;a lreKq kï\" (Epidemiological studies) ;=<ska\" fjk fhdod .ekSfï oS we;sjk m%Odk wmf.a Ôú;fha tlsfklg fjkia mÍlaIKj,g m%:uj YdÍßl fjk j¾Ij,oS bmÿkq tlu jhia ndOlh jkqfha\" tu ls%hdj,sfha jk wjia:dj,g Tìk f,i fhdod ls%hdldrlïj, fkdfhoS isá wh\" ldKavj, lKavdhul mqoa.,hka\" wdrïNl wjia:dfõ isg tys m%;sM, .ekSu jeo.;a fõ' WodyrKhla wjqreoaol wNHdi j,ska miqj\" fjk fjk .uka ud¾.hka Tiafia ,nd.ekSug hk ld,h b;d oS¾> yeáhg\" úhm;a fndfyda whg ;rmamq Tjqkaj urKhg m;afjk ld,h m%cdkk ÿ¾j,;d iy äfukaIshd ùuh' tneúka fï i|yd ckhd ke.Sfï oS wmyiq;d we;s fõ' iuyr oS¾>ùfï m%jk;djhla oelSug ;snQ frda.j,g ,lafjk njg ksÍlaIKh Wkkaÿ lrùu úYd, m%YaKhlaj whg u;l ;nd.ekSfï .eg¿ we;s njh' tA wh l,ska isgu YdÍßl ù ;sfí' tkï uE; ld,fha oS\" mj;S' fõ' ;j;a iuyfrl=g\" hï fohla ls%hdldrlïj, fhoS isá whf.a mqoa.,hska tA wdldrfha m%cdkk .ek tAld.%;djhlg tAu .eg¿ldÍ fi!LHuh ÿ¾j,;dj,g ,laùug fmr Ôú;fha jeä ld,hla .;fjk mqoa.,fhl=f.a YdÍßl ls%hdldrlï fõ' fujeks wjia:djkaysoS\" flfkl= ;;a;ajhgu\" urKhg m;aùfï nj fmfka' jeä lsÍfuka\" flá ld,Sk jdis jhig m;aù we;s ksid ;rmamq m%jk;djfha wvqùula fmkakqï ,efí' tA ;=<ska tu mqoa.,hdf.a uia ke.Su wmyiq ù we;ehs is;kakg lrk njg ksÍlaIKh ù we;' tA iuia: f,dalh mqrdu ck.yKh ms~q j¾Okhla ,nd .ekSug;a\" nr mq¿jk' ug hula .ek u;l ;nd. f,igu\" wod, mÍlaIK ld,h jhig m;aùfï oS\" äfukaIshd j,g wvqlr .ekSug;a fya;= fõ' kuq;a ekSug o jhi ksid neß ù we;ehs w;r;=ro\" tu YdÍßl ls%hdldrlï ,lajk ixLHdfõ jeäùula olakg úYd, jYfhka bka m%;sM, fk,d o is;kakg mq¿jk' iuyr úg kj;ajk ,o mqoa.,hskaf.a urK ,efí' oekgu;a äfukaIshd frda.S .ekSug oS¾> ld,hla .; fõ' fuh frda. ,laIK my<ùfï uq,a ixLHdfõ wvqùula\" l,ska isgu kaf.a ixLHdj úYd, jQjo\" bosß tkï\" yDo frda. iy oshjeähd 2 wjia:dj fmkakqï lrk ,l=Kq o wvq ls%hdldrlïj, ksr;jQ j¾I 30\" 40 oS\" tu ck.yKh jeks frda. my<ùug bvlv we;s úh yel' tneúka fï m%YaKhkag whg idfmalAIj olskakg yelsù ;j;a jeäùfï m%jk;djhla olakg mqoa.,hskaf.a tu ;;a;ajhka ;=rka wod,j hula lsÍfï oS\" Tjqkaj tA we;' fuu ksÍlaIK fya;=fjka ,efí' fï ;;a;ajh j<lajd,Sug lrjd .ekSug l,a .;ùu\" WodyrK iïnkaOj osßu;a lsÍu iuyr úg mqoa.,fhl=f.a fi!LHuh yeisÍï yeáhg i|yka l< yel' tjeks ndOd f.k fok ld¾hla fõ' fuhg fjkilg Ndckh lsÍug lsis frda.Skaf.a\" tu frda. ;;a;ajhka fya;=j\" l,ska m%ldY l< mßos Tjqka úfgl;a m%udo fkdue;s nj meyeos,s ;o n, f,i tA jk úg;a mj;S kï\" ;=, úhm;aNdjfha udkisl;a;ajh fõ' tjeks whg bka m%;sM, ,nd .ekSug we;sùuh' mqoa.,fhl= úhm;aùu oS¾> ld,hla .;ùu meyeos,s h' wmg je<elaúh fkdyels jqj;a\" kuq;a fláfhka\" fi!LHuh wjodkï fud,h wdYs%; wdndOj,g we;s .ek fhduq lrk úg\" fâksIa wjodkï idOl wjuh lsÍug fmaiaÜ% (Danish pastry) tlla wkqNj mshjr .ekSug Tjqkaj flfia fyda oyy;ajk fldgi ó,`. l,dmfha lsÍfuka we;sjk M, úmdl iS>%h' osßu;a lrùu jeo.;a fõ' 10 MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGHT & LIFE The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL yQKshï .=ma; úoHd Ydia;%hg wKúk yiqjk úYajfha w;aN+; fldäúk l%shdldrlï wysxil wfhl=g lrkq ,nk rpkdfõ§ wod, Í;Ska iy ksrKdhl zjia lúhlaZ' fyda zfldäúkhlaZ nJOk jeäuk;au wod, fldg .efka' tajd kej; lrkakdgu wdmiq tk nj 3 fldgi ñka fmro i|yka lrkakg fhÿkq b;d meyeo<s i;Hhls' fuh úYaj wCIr\" iajr\" >K\" ud;%d hkqfjka Yla;sh ;=, .eí ù we;s zfya;=M, w¾: ±laúh yel' wCIr\" >K wdÈh jd§ ^cause and effect& .=Kh wkqju isÿjk nj fmdÿ i;H;djhhs' z;ud zÈ.= iy ,>qZ hkqfjka ;j ÿrg;a jmqrk fohu ;udg ,efíz iy zO¾uh rlskakd O¾ufhkau /fl;sZ ú.%y flf¾' ;jo zY=NZ iy zwY=NZ ^Oïfuda Nfõ rlaL;s Oïu pdÍ& hk f.!;u nqoaO jpkh wkqju\" fldKavfoksfha ysñhka wdY%s; ji`.hg .ekSug me/kafkda ±k jYfhkao wCIr\" ud;%d\" >K wdÈh hym;a ls%hdjlg hym;a m%;sM,o\" Bg m%;súreoaO ls%hdjlg ìysiqKq ckY%e;sfha tk ;j;a isÿùï tug isáh nj meyeÈ<sh' fnod ±laúh yel' wCIr iy >K m%;sM,o taldka;fhkau ,efnk nj ñka .uH jk taldhk i;Hhhs' we;' merKs uka;% Ydia;%fha we;s uyd wdÈhg wu;rj fi;a lú yd jialú l,la b;du;au iuDoaêu;a Ôú; n,h;a tajdj,ska l< yels weoysh bmerKs ,dxlslhka jQ hCI\" kd.\" rpkh i|yd fhdod .kq ,nk ksYaÑ; .; l< ;ks mqoa.,hska iy mjq,a' w.;shg m;a mqoa.,hka fyda mjq,a fkdyels jQ;a f,duqveye.ekafjk rdCI hk f.da;% j,g wh;a ñksiqka jpk ud,d ^Y=N fyda wY=N& kshñ; u.ska úoyd y, zjialúZ hkqfjka y÷kajk m%n, .=ma; úoHd udOHhg iajrEmfhka jQ;a mqÿudldr ls%hd wm fuu .=ma; úoHd Ydia;%hkays fl, ia:dkhkays ia:dk.; l, hq;= ùu f.dÿre ùu ;=,ska b;du;a wNd.H iïmkal brKulg f.dÿre jQ rg ;=, fukau fjk;a rgj,skao meñKs wh nj ±lafõ' hka;%\" uka;% jeo.;s' fi;alú rpkh i|yd Y=N yeá\" ud Ôj;a jQ m,d; yd ta yd hdno .ïudkj, fukau Y%S ,xldfõ jd¾;d fõ' Y%S ,xldfõ o=l=Kq m<d; l,dj Y%S ,xldj ;=, fï jkf;la fyj;a hym;a jpk o\" jialú i|yd úúO m%foaYj, isÿ jQ i;H isÿùï .fõIKh fldg úYaf,aIKH lsÍu óg uy;a m%isoaêhla Wiq,hs' tjka uq,a nei .ekSug uQ,sl moku ieliS wY=N fyj;a úkdYldß fyj;a ;=,ska m%:HCI úh' w;s oCI N+; úoHd Ys,amSka yd hka;% we;af;a by; f.da;%sl kdhlhka ta ÿIaG ^kmqre& jpko Ndú;d flf¾' uka;% Ydia;%h Ndú;d fldgf.k i|yd ±uQ moku u; nj wog;a fi;a lú fhdod .efkkqfha lsishï úYañ; jev lrk whj¨ka ±kqÿ ms,s.kS' zwx.ulaZ tùfuka úch wfhl=f.a Y=N\" fi;\" hym; i|yd ,xldfõ úúO m<d;a j,ska yuqfõ' l=ure we;=¨ Tyqf.a iymsßjr Tyqf.a wd;auh wdisß .ekaùugh' ;jo úYañ; jev l, yelsjkafka ta ÿ¾uql lsÍfuka wk;=rej isÿl, jialú rpkd lrkq ,nkafka wod, ms<sn| ukd Ys,amSh {dKfhka hq;= zbkd leùulaZ u.ska úch l=ure mqoa.,hdf.a iuia: Ôú;hu oCI mqoa.,hkag úkd Tfya uka;%hla ;u ji`.hg .ekSug l=fõKsh wd.dOhg heùu i|ydh' fuh folla lg mdvï lr.;a jev neß oCI jQ nj merKs fmd;a m;a j,skao iudcuh\" wd¾Óluh\" wOHdmksluh mqoa.,hkag fkdfõ' wo m;%hla .;a ±l .; yel' ta wkqj bkaÈhdkq jD;a;Suh iy fi!LHuh jYfhkao l, tys m,jk ±kaùï ÿgqúg wmg NdId j,g w;sf¾lj ,xldfõ l,yels nj wod, f;dr;=re iy ;ud i;= foaj,a j,ska ;Dma;su;a fï nj is;d .; yel' bmerKs NdIdj jQ fy< ni wmQrejg lreKq fyd¢ka úYaf,aIKh lsÍfuka fkdù\" wkai;= foa Wmdfhka fyda Wmfhda.S fldg f.k uka;% wdÈh fudkjg meyeÈ,s fõ' pKaälñka veye.ekSug ;e;a we;a;gu\" fuu uka;%\" fY%da;%\" rpkd lsÍu i|yd fkdfhla Í;Ska\" lrkd wd;aud¾:ldókag úYaj fidf,dal wdÈh rpkd lsÍu i|yd ks¾Kdhl iy m%ñ;Ska ks¾udKh fndfyda úg .=ma; úoHd Ys,amfha Yla;sh u.ska fok o~qjug n,j;a fhdod .kakd l=uk fyda NdIdjlska lsÍug fy<hka iu;a jQ nj bgd .; jeo.;a wx.j,ska tlla jk idCIshls by; ±la jQ ixisoaêh' óg .,md .kakd jpk\" wCIr\" iajr\" >K\" yel' óg wu;rj r;= bkaÈhdkqjka\" jialú rpkdj m%dfhda.slj fhdod wu;rj l¾udkql+,j .;al, zÈÜG h;s\" ud;%d wdÈh lsishï m%ñ;s.; bkaÿkSishdkqjka\" wefnd¾ðhkajreka\" .kq ,nkafka hful=f.ka ;j;a Oïu fõokShZjo wi;a mqreIhkag rgdjlg fyda ks¾Kdkhlhkg BY%dh,a jreka wd§ f,dfõ úúO wfhl=g jk b;d nrm;, jrola\" o~qjï ,efnk l%uh fyj;a úêh wkqj rpkd l, hq;= ùu uka;% cd;Ska ;u NdIdjka wkqms<sfj,g mdvqjla fyda wdmodjlg m<s.ekSula .ek nqÿka jykafia foid jod<y' Ydia;%ha we;s jeo.;alu wx.hhhs' .,md uka;% jeks oE rpkd lr jYfhks' fïjd bvlvï\" foafmd< fuu rgdjka fyda ksd¾Kdhlhka bka M, m%fhdack .;a nj lshefõ' iy iïnkaO foa fukau iqúid, we;a;gu jialú rpkd fldg uQ,slju f,djg y÷kajd § we;af;a fukhska .;a l<\" ´kEu NdIdjlska Ok ydkS jYfhkao w¾: .ekaúh m%ldYhg m;a lsÍfï§ úYajh l=uk kHdhla mokï fldgf.ko uka;% wdÈh rpkd l< yels jqjo\" yel' Wod( lsishï wfhl=g whs;s ;=, we;s ysia wjldYh ;=, jik hkak meyeÈ,s fkdfõ' uu fufia ta i|yd fhdod .; hq;= m%ñ;Ska bvula fyda foam,la ;j;a wfhla ZN+;Z fldÜGdYj, Wmldrh ,nd mjikafka\" lsishï Ndjkd fyda fhda. yd Í;Ska jeks jeo.;a oE uQ,slju kS;s úfrdaë iy iodpdr úfrdaëj .ekSugo úkaÈ; md¾Yjh j. djpr l%uhla u.ska uki Wiia bÈßm;a l, yelafla wod, cd;Skag ;uka ika;lhg ,nd .ekSu n,d .kS' fndfyda úg ta i|Yd ;,hlg m;a fldg .;a iDIsjre wh;a iqúfYaI jQ nqoaêu;a msßilg fyda ,nd .ekSug ;e;a lsÍul§\" úfYaIfhka Wmldr ,efnkqfha jeks mqoa.,hka wodl ks¾Kdhl muKla ùu lemS fmfkk ,CIKhls' w.;shg m;a md¾Yjh fyj;a úkaÈ; md¾Yjhg wh;a {d;s\" nkaOq yd ß;Ska f,djg m<uqj bÈßm;a wl=re Ydia;%h ±k.;a m,shg wod, úkaÈ; md¾Yjh wks;df.a wO¾ñIaG ñ;%d§kaf.ka nj udf.a fm!oa.,sl lrkakg bv ;snqko\" tf,i jQjdkï m%ñ;Ska iy ñKqï o~q ielish fyj;a whqla;s iy.; l%shdjg w;a±lSu wkqidrfhka b÷rdu Bg fndfyda ÿrg bvlv we;af;a fkdyels jk w;r ta i|yd lsishïu tlg tl lsÍula f,i Tyqf.a kug mejish yel' Wod( ;udf.a ydïmq;dg NdId lsysmhlska muklau tf,i jQ úfYaIs; yelshdjla ;sìh hq;=ùu fyda Tyq m%Odk fldg Tyqf.a uq`: i;=re lula lsÍug tk i;=frl=g bÈßm;a flfrkakgh' bkaÈhdj .;a wksjd¾h nj fmdÿ ms<s.ekSuhs' mjqf,au idudðlhka kug jialú ydïmq;df.a wdrCIl ks<OdÍka l, ixialD;\" md<s jeks bmerKs zudkisl n,hZ ñka m%n,u wx.hhs' rpkd fldg m%ldY lrkq ,nhs' wk;=re\" lrkafka hï fiao\" w.;shg NdId fï i|yd Ndú;d lr ;snqKo\" tfyhska\" NdIdj l=ula jqjo uka;% fi;alú fyda jialú fndfyda úg m;a whf.a ñh .sh {d;S md¾Yjhka ol=Kq bka§h\" u,hd,ï ni óg jvd wdÈh rpkd lsÍu i|yd wjeis fmr lshkq ,nkafka lsishï iqúfYai jQ wod, wi;amqrIhdj l,h,a n,d m%n, f,i Ndú;d fldg we;s nj ±lajQ wx. fhdod .ekSfï l%ufõoh foaj rEmhla wìhi ùu fmdÿfõ úkdYhg m;a lr;s' by; ixisoaêh meyeÈ,sh' zl,a¨ u,hd,s .=relïZ fyj;a ffi,h rod mj;skafka Bg Èáh yel' i;a mqreIhka wdrCId wm jik úYaj Od;=j ^Universe& b;d m%n, .=ma; úoHd yd .=relï idfmaCI yd wkq.; m%ñ;Ska u; ùu lsÍu i|ydu úfYaIs; jQ foújreka ;=, isÿjk ;j;a tla woDIHudk wdY%s; Ys,amSh l%uhls' fuu l%uh jeo.;s' bÈßfha fi;a lú m%ldY lrkq ,nk isÿùuls' [Beyond the realm of the living u.ska b;du;a m%n, m%;sM, ,nd .; w;r\" wi;amqreI wOuhskag o~qjï (material) world] yels nj lshefõ' frdã ±yek by; by; bÈßm;a l, idrdxYhg §u i|ydu m%lg foújreka bÈßfha Ys,amSh l%ufha tk iqúfYaIS wx.hls' wkqhqla; WodyrKhla .;fyd;a\" jialú lshkq ,efí' O¾udkql+,j zbkd leùïZ fyj;a hful=f.a is;a uka;% fukau fi;a lú iy jia Ôj;ajkjd fukau wka whg .ekSu i|yd by; ku lsõ ±yekska lú rpkd l,dj ±laúh yel' lsishïu jQ widOdrKHla fyj;a wkqrisß rKisxy / UiafÜ%,shd u;=rd wod, mqoa.,hd fyda ldka;dj úfYaIfhka jialú fyda fi;a lú whqla;s iy.; jevla fkdlrk The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGhT & LIFE 11 uu ;%Sfrdao r:hlska wehj BfrdaYa wiQ y;frys 22 ovqjï osh hq;=h hkak uf.a wruqK nd,l=ud¾f.a ld¾hd,hg le`ojd fkdfjhs' f.k .sfhñ' th msysgd ;snqfKa t;rï ÿrlska fkdfjhs' tu ia:dkh tu >d;k isÿ lf<A ljqo@ isÿ lf<a jv m,ksh hehs is;ñ' wehs@ hkak wfma iudch;a >d;khg ,la jQjkaf.a {d;ska o oek .ekSu uu Tjqkaf.a ld¾hd,hg .sh fkdfh,a kfâika w;HjYHh' wju jYfhka l< je/os wjia:dfjys nd,l=ud¾ by< mrsj¾;kh ms<s.; hq;=h' tfukau l< mõj,g ud,fhys isg ud foi ne¨fõh' ms<shula fia me/Ks yej jQ ixúOdk idñkdoka úu,a w;ayerod t<shg meñKSfukau —fudflda fï me;af;a@˜hehs Tyq ms<sn`oj Tjqkaf.a fouõmshkag ck;dj ;=< úYajdihla we;s l< tu ia:dkfhys isg weiQ fyhska hkak ms<sn`oj ixLHd f,aLK úia;r meyeos<s lsÍula lsÍfï j.lSu we;' yelsh' tu whf.a mõ CIud flfrkq —ldjƾ fc.kdokaf.a jhs*a ksje/osj ;uka i;=j ;ndf.k w;=reoyka jQ idudkH ck;dj we;' thdf.a uy;a;hdj fydhdf.k Wkafkah' fuysoS ,xldj;a bkaoshdj;a fidhd fok fuka fldñiï bosrsfhys B'mS'wd¾'t,a't*a' Tmsia tlg wdjd' w;r uqyqÿ m%foaYfha isÿ flreKq {d;sfhda fmkS isá;s' ta B<ï ck;d úma,jldrs úuqla;s tfyos moaukdNd lsõjd Thdf.ka iuyr >d;k ms<sn`o f;dr;=re wdhqO ikakoaOj isá fou< úuqla;s fmruqK ;u ku fjkia l< nj wykav lsh,d˜' u.yereKd úh yelsh' ixúOdk úiska w;=reoyka l< wh meiiqï lghq;=h' wfkla whg th ms<sn`oj tu ixúOdkj, j¾;udk wdo¾Yhla úh hq;=h' —wms okafk kE˜ ldj,¾ fc.kdokaf.a urKh kdhlfhda lshkafka l=ulao@ ms<sn`o úIh uf.a ysf;a os`.= ld,hla tu osk ;=k —fof.d,a,u tfyu lsh, fm%fya,sldjlaj ;snqfKah' thg ,shQ mEk fïih u; ;nd mfilska yßhkjo@˜ wu;rj fckdokaf.a u,a,s jk vEka isák wh foi fk;a fhduq lf<ñ' rEmjdysksfha l=.kdoka 2009 isg tu ldurfhys isáfha B<ï úuqla;sh uf.a ióm ñ;=frla jQ fyhska Tyqg uu úuqla;s fldá w;yer l:d lrñ' Wfoid wr., l< ixúOdkj, fï ms<sn`oj lsishï fydavqjdjla ,eî ksfhdacs;fhdah' uf.a wi<ska isáfha —we;af;kau wms okafk kE˜ hehs we;soehs uu úuiqfjñ' msiaiq n¨ frda.h je<`ÿKq n,af,la fodia;r Ysjkdoka\" fodia;r mjid Tyq we;=<g .sfhah' fuka ;uka iu`. tl`. fkdjkakka fchl=,rdcd iy fodia;r Ydka;s fufia m%fya,sldjlaj meje;s lreK f,iska woyia lrkq ,enQ whj rdciqkaorïh' tu ms<s;=r ud ;=< BfrdaYa nd,l=ud¾ ta ld,fhys fgf,da ixúOdkfhys cd;s\" wd.ï fNaohlska f;drj ms<sn`oj ielhla we;s lf<ah' idudcslfhl=j isá wfhl= uE;loS >d;kh flreKs' msiaiq n¨ frda.h uf.a nv o`.,kakg úh' fou< tfukau nd,l=ud¾ flfrys uqyqKq fmdf;a ,shd ;enQ igykla je<`ÿKq n,a,d tu frda.fhka osk ffjoH uOHia:dkfhys f,alï fldamhlao we;s lf<ah' fya;=fjka udj ;s.eiaug m;a lf<ah' myf,djlska urKhg m;afjhs' jYfhka tys meje;ajQ /iaùfï Tyq mejiQ whqßka fgf,da ixúOdkh igyka ,shd .ekSu i`oyd udj fc.kdokaf.a ìrs`o w`vñka Wkakdh' úiska ldj¨¾ fc.kdokaj ,xld j¾;udkfhys ,xldfjys fhduq flreKs' t<sfha fpkaffk ug l< hq;= lsisjla is;d.; wdKavqfj T;a;=lrefjla hehs k`.rfhys mEú,a, ùos odurslfhla fkdyels úh' uu wehj wehf.a iellr iskauhd k`.rfhysoS >d;kh foaYmd,kh ;=< l%shd;aul jk fuka m%pKavh' we;=<g tk iq<`. o ksfjig le`ojd f.k f.dia uu lr we;' tjl fgf,da ixúOdkhg .skshïh' iQff,fïvq mdfrys .uka uf.a ksfjig .sfhñ' kdhl;ajh ÿka isß iNdr;a;skï ;ñ<riqlalÜÑ mCIfha uf.ys lrk jdykj,ska kef`.k f>daIdj oeka cSj;=ka w;r ke;;a tu iy ÿu by< ud,fhys 144 ork ixúOdkfhys by< fmf<a wh meñKs wh yer tfia fkdmeñKs ldurfhys jQ wfma lka iy kdia ;ju;a isá;s' oeka uq,a,sjdhslal,aj, oajdrhka wjysr lrhs' isÿjQ foaj,a ms<sn`oj l:dlrk fou< úuqla;s ixúOdkj, fudjqyq ixúOdk wNHka;r >d;k 1985 jifrys cQ,s udifhys iEu ixúOdkhlau idudcsl;ajh isÿ lf<a ula ksido hkak o ta iu`. kdhlfhda j.lsj hq;af;dah' fuu fpkaffk ueÍkd uqyqÿ fjrf<ys oerE fou< ffjoH uOHia:dkfhys m%isoaêfha mejish hq;=h' fuu >d;k wLKav Wmjdihla meje;aùug f,alï jYfhka lghq;= l< isÿ lr wjqreÿ úis mylg;a jvd fou< ixúOdk úiska ,xldfjys o B<ï ixúOdk ;SrKh lf<ah' tys fyhska ug fndfyda fofkl= iu`. wêl ld,hla .;j we;;a fou< iïnkaëldrl f,iska fou< B<ï iïnkaOlï ;snqfKah' tfukau th wh úiskau fou< whj >d;kh l< fndfyda >d;k isÿ lr we;' iuyr ck;d úuqla;s ixúOdkfhys jdiqfoajd uu Tjqkaf.a wdhqO ikakoaO wr.,h b;sydihla wmg we;' úiska uf.a ku fhdackd lrkq ,en ms<sn`oj úYajdih ;nd f.k isá kdhlhkaf.a f,a .Eú ke;;a Tjqka úuqla;s fldá ixúOdkfhys fhda.s ld,hhs' fc.kdokaf.a m%Yakh úiska we`.s,a, Tijd m%ldY lsÍfuka bosßhg f.k hkafka flfiao@ weo f.k isák we`ÿïj, wmuK wkqu; flreKs' hkak fkdoek isá fyhska uu thg miqj fc.kdokaf.a ìrs`o iu`. wysxilhkaf.a f,a .Eú we;' ikaksfõokfhys fhÿfka ke;' fc.kdokaj >d;Kh lr we;s nj ,xld wdKavqfjys T;a;=lrefjla\" uu miqj oek.;af;ñ' uy;a is;a iudc úfrdaêfhla\" fødaysfhla jeks fõokdjg m;a jQfjñ' fpdaokd t,a, lr fuu ixúOdkj, wh úiska >d;k isÿ lrk ,oS' fuf,iska fuu ixúOdk úiska t,a, lrk ,o fpdaokdu miq lf,l úuqla;s fldá ixúOdkh úiska fï wh fj; bosrsm;a lrk ,oS' >d;Khg fya;=j f,iska úúO wh wr., ixúOdk hk u;aùfuka fuhska meyeos<s jkafka l=ulao@ fuhg fmr B<ï ck;d úma,jldrs úúO fya;= oelajQy' ,xld wdKavqfj fuu ixúOdk iSud W,a,x>Kh lr úuqla;s fmruqfKa kdhl moaukdNd T;a;=ldrfhla' mqoa.,sl m%Yakhla' ls%hdlsÍ u tu ls<sá b;sydihg iEu wfhla n,j;aj isák fujka wLKav Wmjdihla isÿ l< uqo,a m%Yakhla' fuu whqßka fndfyda wh;ah' 1990 olajd úuqla;s fldáka wjia:dfjys wfkla whg oeuQ hq;=h hk woyi ud iu`. idlÉPd wkqudk ueoafoa tu >d;Kh yer wfkl=;a ixúOdk iq¿fjka iy fpdaokd ;uhs oeka úuqla;s fldákaf.a lr ;snqKs' th úuqla;s fldá wNsryilaj ;snqKs' fï w;r uu uy mßudkfhka fndfyda >d;k isÿ wdOdrlrefjda Tjqka iyfhda.h ixúOdkh iu`. wfkla ixúOdk ´iafÜ%,shdjg msg;aùug fmr lf<ah' oelajQ ixúOdkfhys m%n,hka tlaj lghq;= l< ld,hhs' tfyhska BfrdaYa ixúOdkh úiska uÿrdisfhys flfrys;a t,a, lrkafka' ;ñ<sksf.a fuh Tjqka ;u iu`.sh m%lg lsÍu >d;K y;rla l< nj ;ñ<akdvq j¾;udkfhys foaYmd,k lghq;=j, ;shqKq wism;l fijk hg lD;sh i`oyd lrkq ,nk foaYmd,k ryia fmd,Sish mejiqfõh' fhfok fou< ixúOdkj, kdhlfhda lshjQ miqj tla lreKla meyeos<s W;aiyhlah hehs is;d uu th yuqodj uq,a,sjdhslald,aj,oS l< úh' ud;a;hd kï kdhlhdj fldáka wu;l lr isáfhñ' fgf,da\" úuqla;s fldá iy maf,dÜ >d;k fy<d ols;s' isr f.j,aj, úiska >d;kh lf<a ula ksid o hk ixúOdk úYd, >d;k ixLHdjla isák fou< isrlrejka ms<sn`oj hkak ;ñ<sks ta wjia:dfjys oek úis;=kajk fldgi ó,`. l,dmfha ;ñ<akdvqfjys isÿ lr ;snqKs' bkaoSh l:d lr;s' ta ms<sn`oj ksfõok fkdisáhdh' weh muKla fkdj fmd,sish iy ;ñ<akdvq fmd,sish ksl=;a lr;s' kuq;a merKs ixúOdku by< fmf<a kdhlhka jQ lreKd úiska ,xldfõ ikakoaO ixúOdk ;ju;a Tijd f.k h;s' ixúOdkj, fyj;a uqr,sorka fyda fla'mS' fyj;a >d;k isÿ lsÍug tfrysj mshjr l%shdldrlï ms<sn`o meyeos<s lu isÿ moaukdoka fyda oek fkdisáhy' .;af;a ke;;a l=uk ia:dkfhys lrk w;r fou< ;reKhkag iy lSfofkla >d;kh lrkq ,enqKs o hqj;shkag isÿjQfõ l=ulao hkak fïksid ljqreka fyda w,a,d Tyqg 12 MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGHT & LIFE The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL jetfygdka jefgka tyd u,a m÷f¾ yqfol,d ;reK is;aj,g Tn msmS jefka w; kÿq f¾ mshUd hkakg we;s bvlvkï ñ,sk jqK;a .K w÷f¾ wiSñ;hs' wdorfha iqj| bjlrñka u,a fk<kak kï ;ykï''''''' wkka;hlg jqK;a b.s,S hkak ´k fjkafka wiqre ieKhla ú;ruhs ijq | wefohs uq`: f,djg fydfrka fhdjqka is;lg' ta ;rugu fkd fkdjid we;s fodr lj`q : ;=<ska bjis,su;a' fmdmshk is;la woaoru ijq | ȧ ;snqK;a ñÿf,a wdorfha iqj| úysojk u,la'''''' u,a fk<kak kï ;ykï''''''' ta fï wdor is;e;s fh!jkhdf.a fm`.=K;a fofldm,q a WkQ l÷<ska ksjykg hdnoj u' jegla ú;ruhs weiqK;a fl¢ßh uÿq ujq .ska fï iqj| úysÿjk u,la jeks msmqK ksid wka i;= Whfka''''' fh!jksh;a\" fh!jkhd;a w;r u,a fk<kak kï ;ykï' we;af;a' tlu .eg`:j;a fï jeguhs' jefgka tyd jqj;a u, .dhkh( ohdka ú;drK msmS jefkkafka ;reKhdf.a w; ix.S;h( wdpd¾h frdayK ùrisxy kqÿf¾uhs' fk<d .kak fndfydu;au rpkh( uydpd¾h iqks,a wdßhr;ak myiqhs' iqj| úysÿjk fï fh!jkshf.a is; ;ud fj; wdYla; zmsmS jefkhsZ fojoka ksidfjka' .Sh lúfhka iajdhla; jkafka zu,a fk<kak kï ;ykï'''''''Z nj ;reKhdg jegfykjd fy¢ka újdy nkaOkhla iu.ska we;s flf,iska o hk j. ksjerÈj th u wka;rd fldgiaj, w. mofha u' weh ;ukag ysñ lr .ekSfï fjk kS;s Í;s ish,a, z;ykïZ ;ks w¾:l:kh lrkd úoaj;dKdkka ;kqj f,ig;a .,md .ekSuhs lsisÿ wmyiqjla ke;s' ta;a jefgka jokska f.k yer olajkakg f.ah fjhs' úúOdldr jQ ud;Dld\" wreuh' ziqj| È §Z zmsmqK ksidZ tyd we;s wkai;= mdrd§ihlg mo ksnkaOlhdKka iu;a' zmeÿf¾Z\" wkqN+;Ska hgf;a\" úúOdldr jQ hk wka;rd fldgfia f;jk iSud jqK fohla k;= lr .ekSu zkqÿf¾Z\" zw÷f¾Z\" jeks Yío f.ah mo rpkd iels,sj,g\" mofha iu;eka .kakd fom o \" kï ;ykï' fï iqj| úysok u, udOQ¾hh kxjk uq,a f;moj, joka úúOdldr jQ Ys,amSka fjkqfjka .S fojr ne.ska .efhkakg frdayK fk<d.kakg ;yxÑhla' ;yxÑ zf¾Z wCIrfhka t<siuh o mqrhs' mo rpkd lrkd iqks,a wdßhr;ak ùrisxyhka ;kqj ks¾udKh lsÍu;a mekfjkafka kS;sfhka' ys;lg to wjika moh ta Í;sh ì¢uka uydpd¾hjrhdKkaf.a idys;Hu h úfYaIhla' n,mEula we;s lrjkak iúhla iajdhla;j z;ykïZ nfõ ;sr idr ±Kqu;a\" ñheisu h ±Kqu;a fï ke;;a\" ;yxÑ mkjk kS;sh nj Woa§mkh lrjhs' úúO;ajh g fnfyúkau n,md we;s .Sh .hkakg y~ odhl;ajh\" fï ;rï n,j;a wehs@ weh wka nj fmkS hhs' ;ukag u wdfõksl y~ i;= újdyl ldka;djla''''! weh wka;rd fofldgfia;a uq,a fm!reI;ajhlska fy< .dhk Ys,ams kS;sfhka ysñ whef.a ieñhdg' fomo w. t<s iuh rlskakg fmdmshk ;dreKHfha is;=ú,s mrmqrg tla jqK ohdka ú;rK f.ah mo ksnkaOlhdKka fhdod Woa§mkh lrjk f,iska ngysr fhdjqka .dhk Ys,amshdKkaf.ka' uq`: f,djgu fydfrka fï újdyl .kafka zkaZ jHxckdCIrhhs' ;d, jdoH lÜg,fha ßoauhg;a\" b;du ye`.sï nrj\" meyeÈ,sj jpk ldka;dj ;ukaf.a wdorfha iqj| wka;rd fofldgfia u f;jk .sgd¾ iy irmqjre ñheis rgd Wiqrejñka .hkd ohdka ú;drK úysÿjkakS\" ish ksjyfka fodr moh ztaZ Yíoh kxjkafka ;kq j,g;a wkqj .efhk fï .Sfha Ys,amshdKka uq`: uy;a l,d f,djg ljq`: yer mshd ;reKhdg b`.s ks¾udKlrejdg hï b`.shla foñka' ix.S; ks¾ud;Djrhd jkafka u mdkd ohd¾o nj ish .dhkfhka lrñka werhqï lrkakd fia h' f;jk mo foflaÈu zmsmqK ksidZ\" wdpd¾h frdayK ùrisxyhka' ke.S o uqojd,kafka mo fm<g tf,iska iqj| ȧ ;snqK;a th ysñ ziqj| ȧZ\" fomo ksid .S mo rpkd tk kjlhska by<skau ys÷jd iujÈñka' fï wka lsisfjl= fkdj\" lr .ekSu kï is;kq fkdfya' th iels,af,a ;j;a úfYaI;ajhla ;nkakg fnfyúkau Wmldr jQ ohdka ú;drK m%ùK PdhdrEm kS;sfhka mekjqK ;yxÑhla' biau;= fjhs' wka;rd fofldgiu wdpd¾h frdayK ùrisxyhkaf.a Ys,amshdKka u hs' ksud lrkd isõjk moh fjfkafka ñheis rgd fuka u ;kq ksis wdorhla ish ieñhdf.ka ia:dhs fldgfia isõjekak uhs' ta ks¾uKhlrKh zjefgka tydZ .Sh fkd ,nk ksid foda\" Tyq neyerl ;rug u ;sridrhs ta moh' .S mo o risl ijfka iod ksïkdo lrkd ksid foda bka yqfol,d jQ ÿlska fï rpkdj mqrdjgu( .Shla njg m;a lr jQ fiah' újdyl ldka;dj fy<kd l÷<ska wehf.a fofldmq,a fmf`.kd whqre zu,a fk<kak kï ;ykïZ .S mo ksnkaOlhdKka ish mo isisr Èidkdhl ;reKhdg fmfkkd - fkdfmkkd fujka wre;a nr w.kd mo rpkdfjka n,dfmdfrd;a;= jQ fiau fiah' ta uqÿ uqúka kef.k fl¢ß,s rpkdjla f.;a;ï lrkafka Èjhsfka by<ska .ehSu werfUk ;kqj\" ye~qï y~ ;reKhdg wefikd - m%ùK; u f.ah mo ksnkaOl ia:dhs fldgfia w. § ukaødj\" ;sr fkdwefikd udkfhah' ta;a weh jrfhl= jk uydpd¾h iqks,a idrj .efhhs' wkqka i;= Whkl msmsKq u,la' ta wdßhr;akhka' lsisfjl=g fkd ksidu u,a fk,kak kï ;ykï' fofjks jk fia w;s úi,a mrdihl .S mo ksnkaOk ld¾hfhys fï wd¾:dkaú; ir< mo rpkdfõ ksu.akj isákd uydpd¾hjrhdKka zjegZ\" rEmlhla f,i werUqfï §u wmQ¾j;ajhla tla lrjhs' ;reKsh u,lg Wmud lsÍu miq ìfuys ,d weh rEmlhla f,iska weuf;kafka The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGhT & LIFE 13 Tn Y%S ,dxlslfhlao ? fukak wk.s wjia:djla!!! ft;sydisl uykqjr k.rhg lsf,daógr tlla ÿßka wïmsáh ;,d;=Th ud¾.hg uqyqK,d ukrï Wia ìul\" wjg Ñ;a;dl¾YKSh mßirhlska hq;= mßir ¥IKfhka f;dr ia:dkhl msysá j¾. wä 5000 l f;uy,a f.dvke.s,a,la iys; m¾pia 50 l ìula fydag,hlg\" jHdmdßl ia:dkhlg\" kjd;eka fmd,lg\" ld¾hd,hlg fyda Airbnb ia:dkhlg lÈuhs ''' l=,shg fyda úlsKSug''''' úuikak Phone: +61410910944 Email: [email protected] 14 MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGHT & LIFE The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL

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w; ;enqfõ Tyq ksYaYíoj ys| f.k isákd fj;ska Èia jQ ks¾jHdc w;rh' jQ Èß .kajk wkaofï fmkquhs' zziqë¾\" wms lrmq foa .ek ug we;a;gu lk.dgqhs' uu okakjd Thdg tal ms<s.kak wef.a ku m,a,ù úh' mQfka Ydka; úkaikaÜ úúOdldr ;r`.lrejka wmyiqhs lsh,d' kuq;a uu fï we;a;u hs Wiia oaú;shl mdif,a 9 jeks jifrys wfkl=;a meñK kslau .sh uq;a ;ju;a ienEjg u lemS lshkafka'ZZ wjidkfha kSroa f;m,Sh' ish¨u msßñ <uqka fuka u kSroa o wehg fmfkk f,i nen<Sug iu;aj isáfha kSroa leue;a;la olajk ,§' wef.a rEu;a fmkqu\" muKs' ó,`.g .S;hla .ehSug meñKsfha 10 iqë¾ ysi i,d l÷`: kej; i`.jd .kakg jEhï wOHdmkhg ±la jQ úYsIag iu¾:lu fuka jeks jif¾\" mx;sfha fmd;a .=,a,d jQ iqë¾ ñYard lf<ah' u weh i;= jQ wd;au úYajdih iu`.ska weh h' ienEjg u iqë¾g .dhkd lsÍug úfYaI mka;sfha Èÿ,k ;drldj njg m;a j isáhdh' wmyiqjla fkd ;snqKq kuq;a kSroa iy Tyqf.a u| ksyeçhdjlska miq zzm,a,ù wdmyq f.or .eyeKq <uqka iu`. myiqfjka ixjdo lsÍug wfkla ish¨u ñ;=rka fkdj;ajd iskdfikakg hkafka keoa±@ZZhs kSroa úuiqfõ h' yelshdjla fkd ;snQ fld,af,l= jQ ksidfjka mgka .;a w;r l=uk uÜgulska ie,l=j o u kSroa yg isÿ jQfha ÿr isg wehj w.h lr zznQ!ZZ zznQ!ZZ f,i lrkq ,enQ uqr .Eu w;sYhska ál fõ,djla hk ;=re weh ms<s;=re kqÿkakd h' iEySug m;a ùug h' u l=ßre úh' ;u .dhkh wjika jQ jydu iqë¾ fõÈldfjka nei ie`.j .sfha h' zziqë¾f.a f.or uf.a jeä ÿrla kE' mdif,a jd¾Islj mj;ajk .dhkd ;r`.hg thdf.a ;d;a;d wdju uu th;a tlal hkakïZZ iQodkï ùu Wfoid Tyq udi ;=kla ;siafia Tyq úiska wfmalaId l, mßÈ u m<uq ;Hd.h weh ms<s;=re iemhSh' Tyq wdmiq yeÍ f.or ks;dm;d mqyqKqùï j, fh§ isáfha hï wruqKla ksroa yg ysñ úKs' fyf;u l=i,dkh w;g f.k hdug mgka .;af;ah' ±ka Tyqf.a wf;a we;s fmr±ßjh' zzta ;r`.fhka uu ch.%yKh fm%alaIld.drh foi fk;a fhdud m,a,ù isà ±hs l=i,dkh ;jÿrg;a jákdlula fkdue;s ;j;a lfrd;a\" m,a,ù uf.a fõú'ZZ ks;ru Tyq úmrï lf<ah' weh tys fkdùh' weh iqë¾f.a tla f,day lene,ala muKs' ;udg u lshd .;af;ah' ta ;SrKd;aul Èkh mfilska jdä ù f.k Tyqj ikik whqre mdi, meñKsfhah' Y%jKd.drfhka t<shg wd kSroa g olakg ,eìKs' zzfudlo fudavfhda ;uqfig thdg úys`: lrkak Tyq n,dfmdfrd;a;= jQ mßoafoka u m,a,ù tys ´k jqfKa@ZZ weh kSroa fj; lvd mdkakd h' Tyq bÈß fmf<ys wiqka f.k isghd h' Tyq úiska ksre;a;r úh' The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGhT & LIFE 17 09fml,jdgkika jjYlf;hdkja l,dmfhka'''''' ñ ß ` . = f j k a.=Kmd, md;a;s foig msh ke.+ w;r hfida ydñfka jÜá fmdâvla /f.k j;=iqÿ u,a tyd .ia foig msh ke.=jdh' úkS;d úfÊr;ak fu,an¾ka-TiafÜ%,shd WoEik 5'30 g wjÈ jQ iEï kdk ldurhg zzähdkd\" biafldaf, hkak mrlal= fjkjdZZ we;af;a jdyk ;onoh ksidfjks' wjqreÿ msúisfhah' wjYH WIaK;ajhg WKqj;=r zzblaukg ke.sákakZZ' ;u ujf.a lE .eiSu lSmhlg fmr fuka fkdj ±ka fkdfhla lrduh ilia lr.;a Tyq iakdkh lsÍug weiqK ähdkdg weyereKs' weh wi, fïih u; udÈ,sfha jdyk j,ska udj;a ieriS we;' tu mgka .;af;ah' mdkaoßka WKqj;=r álla we;s Trf,daiqj foi ne,Sh' ksidu jdyk ;o noh o by< f.disks' fuu we`.g jefgk fldg is; .; m%fndaOu;a fjhs' iqfLdamfNda.S jdyk ;=< Lh ika;¾mkh k.rfha we;s ;u rdcldß ia:dkhg i;sfha Èk zzwfka\" wïud ;j gq ñksÜia'ZZ weh kej;;a lrñka lS fofkla kï is; iu. fld;rï ÿla myu ;u ßh meoùug iEï g isÿj we;' yels fmdfrdakh ;=< .=,s .eiSug ;e;a lrñka lSjdh' ú¢kjd we;s o@ kshñ; fõ,djg rdcldßhg blaukska iakdkh l< iEï\" WKq WKqfõ fldams hkak fkdyels fjhso@ ;ud iemmyiqj .uka fldamamhla iod .;af;ah' ud,;S /lshdj zznE nE' blaukg, ,Eia;s fjkak' ug lrk r:fha Khuqo,a f.jkafka flfiao@ fuu lrkqfha i;shg Èk ;=kla muKs'ta ksji nE yhsfhka ârhsõ lrkak' .sh udfi yhs iamSâ nrj,ska ksoyia kï flfkla is;kjd we;af;a lsÜgqj msysgd we;s rcfha ld¾hd,hlh' weh *hskaia folhs' wmrdo i,a,s' uu ;d;a;sg ;du ;ukaf.a hi biqre ;j ;j;a jeä lr .ekSug jevg hk Èk j, kï fldams fldamamh ms<sfh, lsõfj;a kE'ZZ ud,;Sf.a lE .eiSu ksid ähdkdg ie,iqï w¢ñka njg ielhla ke;' fkdlvjd lsÍfï ldßh weh bgq lrhs' tfy;a wksl=;a ;j ÿrg;a ksod .ekSug fkdyels úh' weh Èfjk jdyk fmda,su fuka iEïf.a is;go Èk fofla iEï msgjk fõ,djj;a weh fkdokS' wlue;af;ka kdk ldurhg msúishdh' w;=re isÿre ke;sj is;=ú,s .,d ths' iEïf.a ÈhKsh mdi,g f.k hdu;a f.k tau;a isÿ is; ìfhka msÍ hhs' fï udhdldÍ f,dalfha jkafka weh w;sks' fï <uh fldfydu úNdf. lr .kSo okafka fl<jr fldyso@ Njh\" ixidrh fld;kska fï kE' úNdf.g ;j ;sfhkafka udi yh y;hs' ú¢k odyh kj;d .kako@ wêl odyfhka ±ù läkñka ßh yrjd uyd u¾.hg msúis iEï mq;d kï fï ld,h jk úg uykais ù jev l<d' fï /ia lrk foa w;a yer hkak isÿ jk Èkh tÈk ksu lsÍug we;s jev rdcldß ms<sn|j iEï mq;d fjkqfjka fldÉpr uykais jqKdo@ woo fygo@ iudf,dapkhl fhÿKs' Wfoa 10'00 g fndaâ ta;a ±ka iEïg ÿj .ek fjfyiSug ld,hla óáu\" oj,a 12'30 g úfoaYSh rgj,ska meñKs ke;sjdla fuks' ÈhKshf.a ish¨ jev lghq;= iEïg jika;;a ;u ióm ñ;=rka lSm wOHCIjreka iu. ys,agka fydag,fha Èjd ;ud fj; mejÍ we;s ieáhls' fï <uh fyd|g fofkl=;a isyshg ths' Tjqka lSm fokdf.a mjq,a lEu\" iji kej;;a óáula' fï ish,a,g wjYH ,l=Kq .;af;a tfyu ke;akï ,eÊcdfõ nE' fï tall b;du;au iekiSfuka .; lrk whqre bÈßm;a lsÍï iy igyka ;u mß.Klhg jif¾ iriú m%fõYh i|yd iQodkï jk ;u Tyqf.a isyshg kef.hs' iudc fiajd lghq;=j, we;=<;a fldg Bfha ? kskaog msúisfha ióm fhfy<shkaf.a ÈhKshka ud,;Sf.a isf;a iy wd.ñl lghq;= j,o fhfoñka mjq,a tall uOHu rd;%sh;a miq ùfuks' iEïf.a is;g hï k,shkakg úh' ta wh kï fldfydu yß lr.kS' jYfhka Tjqka .; lrk Ôú; ienE iqkaor nj .dïNSr;ajhla u;= úh' ;ud úYaj úoHd,h iuyr wh <uhskaf.a úNd. lsh, ±ka b|kau Tyqg f;areï hhs' fndfyda úg úydria:dkhg jrï ,enQ miq bf.k .;a mdif,a meje;a jQ ksjdvq;a od,’ ud,;Sf.a is; wksh; ìhlska iy kï ;u ÈhKsh iy ud,;S kï fkdhk ;rïh' W;aijh Tyqf.a isyshg ke.=Ks' ;u mdi, ±ä f,daNhlska msÍ hhs' mq;dg wdhdpkd lf<d;a ál fõ,djlg fyda wh;a jQ Èia;%slalfha jeäu ,l=Kq m%udKhla udihlg j;djla muKj;a úydria:dkhg hhs' ;ud ,nd ;sîu thg tla fya;=jla úh' wo zzwïñ uu yß hx'ZZ ÈhKsh ldurfhka msg;g fuu is;=ú,s b;du;au ;Èka ;u is; wrla .kS' fï ;;ajfhka isák nj okafka kï l=v fldä meñKsfha fldKavh iliñks' ld¾hd, ldurh fj;g we;=`: jQ lsisfjl=f.a fiai;a iu.ska ;ud ms<s.ekSug .u iQodkï md YíOfhka iEï fodrgqj fj;g fk;a fhduq jkq we;' fmryef¾ .uka lrk iEï ufkda zzwehs <ufhd Wfoag lkafka keoaozz@ ud,;Sf.a lf<ah' f,dalhl rc úh' tfy;a Tgqkak jeä fõ,djla joka ÈhKshg wefikafka ke;' weh fldKavh Tyqf.a ufkda rdcOdksfha fkd/÷Ks' yÈisfhau iliñka isà' iskd lgla mqrjd .;a iqÿ cd;sl hqj;shla ,sms bÈß mi r:fha ;sßx. ;o lsÍu ksid ish r:h f.dkqjla ;u fïih u; ;nd yeÍ hkq iEïf.a tys yemafmkakg fkd§ md,kh lr .ekSug zzwehs Thd Wfoag lkafka keoaozz@ ud,;S ;u fk; .egqKs' iEïg isÿ úh' ñka udi lSmhlg fmr fï ldu iajrh by< ±ïudh' f,dalh ;=< kej;;a kï w;rux fkfjuehs ** * ;rfha is;g .;a;;a kej;;a ;ukag;a fydrd zzfudkj yß odkak' uu ld¾ tflaÈ lkakïZZ tys ießieÍug ùu ms<sn| iEïf.a is;g j;=iqÿ u,a m÷r fj; msh ke.+ hfida yñfka ,eÊcdjla mek ke.=Ks' Okh\" n,h yuqfõ ksy~ jQ ud,;S mdka fm;s folla iu. Öia w;S; wdj¾ckhl fhfoñka u,a fk,Su ldud;=r jQ is; ksid ,eî we;s M, úmdlj,ska len,s lSmhla fmÜáhl oud jeiqjdh' werUqjdh' yenEg i;sfha chiS,s fyïn;aj isáh§;a uolg fyda is; fydhk biafldaf, ydñfka f.dv jeÿfKa kE f,dalh .ek l,lsÍula we;s lr.; hq;=hehs uj;a ÈhKsh;a fudag¾ r:h fj; Èj .sfha fkdje' mdfr hkjd ±lafl;a kE' wikSmhlau iEï kej; wÈgka lr .;af;ah' ;r`.hlg iyNd.s jk whqßks' fjkak we;s' ke;skï tl ojila j;a biafldaf, fkdhd bkafka kE' fyg is,a iudoka Trf,daiqfjka ksl=;a jQ ñysß kdofhka ud,;S ld¾hd,hg .sh iEï ;u ldurhg msúisfhah' fj,d tk .ukaj;a fudlo lsh,d n,df.k wjê jQjdh' fj,dj wg miq ù úkdä oyhla ;Ügq f.dvke.s,af,a yh jk ;Ügqfõ fldkl tkak ´ke' fudk ;rï f;acjka; fmkqula muk bl=;a j we;' weh läkñka ÈhKshf.a msysgd we;s ;u ld¾hd, ldurhg uq`: k.rfhau ;shk ia;%S r;akhlao@ hfida ydñfkaf.a is;g ldurh foig Èjf.dia tys fodr újr l<dh' isßh ukdj fmfkhs' iEu udj;lu fkdlvjd flfuka flfuka chiS,sf.a <udúfha isg ähdkd ;ju;a ;o kskafoah' ÿjk lä /,la fuka jdyk Èfjhs' iuyr fh!jkh f;la u;lhka ke.S tkakg úh' udj;a j, jdyk fkdfi,a ù tl ;eku /£ oyjk fldgi ó,`. l,dmfha 18 MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGHT & LIFE The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL phone / fax (03)9899 2996 The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGhT & LIFE 19 from Dr. QUINTUS DE ZYLVA Chairman | Sri Lanka Cricket Foundation of Victoria Shane Warne reached the magical figure of 700 wickets before he retired from cricket. Murali went pass him and then retired. Shane always acknowledged the fact that Murali took more wickets . They were close friends. Shane flew to Sri Lanka soon after the tsunami and visited the Galle Cricket Ground with Murali – arriving there by THE LEGENDhelicopter which landed on the iconic cricket ground. He was concerned about the turf and offered to help to get the turf growing again. It was soon restored to it’s original beauty. ShaneShane’s larrikin streak make him a great favourite of the crowd in Sri Lanka. WarneHe is shown here being interviewed by Viv Richards with Murali by his side. 20 MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGHT & LIFE The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL lú l÷`: hld jeyuS oEi ysr fldg fodr w.=`:,d ÿßka ÿr fmda,sfï fõf,k fmdrk niakdysr m<df;a\" fldiaiskak kï .%dufha wirKhs wo ksjfia fldgq ù l=ig wyrla .kag fmdrlk isÿjq mqj;ls fï ,shkafka\" ud <±ßhl ld,fha fid÷re oiqfka mo je<la ù oiqk lú lr flfia ,shuqo ful, fuka fkdj\" úÿ,s t<sho .u wi, ke;s udkfha wdfh ljod t<s olskako ±fjk is;sú,s lú l÷`: lr hflla jeyqkhs f.or fl,a,g\" wfka f.dïuka hdufha frda ìfhka rg ii, fjoa§ tf;r isg wd rl=iq Wjÿr neomq ì;a;r fydfrka ld,d\" or lvkakg j;a;g .shd fida iqiqï /<s is; ojd,hs tlsfkld ì,s .kS ksy~j uy f.dfrdla .ilg wrla.;a\" hl=g fl,a,g is; .shd y~hs ;=re jÿ, ksy~j wm w;ska jqk jerÈ j,go hld jeys,d\" fldKafv lv,d\" fjõ,ñka yQ y~ ;shd fkd±l úy`.=ka r`.k fjkod fidnd oyfï úhre o~qju meÿfr jeá,d\" frÈ;a fmdrjd\" iy,jd WK .;a kshd úvdm;a wei mqxÑ ;srfhka chfiak fldä;=jlal= .sf¾ wrf.k <`.g wjÈka\" f,dl= wïud msß;lg uq, msß mshdf.k ksÈ lsrd jefgkd msß;a y~ jeä fjkd ;rug\" hld f.a yQ y~;a jeä úks is£.sh jej fia ke;sj Èhjr j;a;, tfyka f,dl= wïudo fjõ,hs\" fufyka fl,a,f. jeähs ±`.<s,s ;efjhs mkays| fidhd lõmo kekaod weúÈka fl,a, w,a,ka\" fu,a, lrkg ;khs neßúks' lr= egq .Efjhs - mrK msklg mdf¾ tfjf,a\" .fï lmq uy;d .shd wv ishjil u;lh yksl wjqÈka j;=r u;=rd\" uqyqKgu .eiqjhs thd yQj kej;S\" hld ìh ù\" fl,a, w; yer,d .shd tod ye;a;Efõ ueo we;sjqKd fkd±kSu'''''' wem kQ,l=;a ´k lsh,d\" lmqjd u;=rdf.k .shd fld¨ megõ fokafkl=g ta; ud is;g .;a fjr <ore lsß msá fidhd wvq lf<a kE''''' jeä lrka ±ka ;uhs fyd| fyd|u fi,a,u\" lmqjd fõf.ka ue;srejd i;r w; ÿjhk .shd uf. megõ fj; fj,d udhï\" .id ÿïu,\" hldj;a Tyq kegjqjd wïfula''''''' ;nd nr wä fõ.fhka foys;a lm,d kQ,a ne|,d\" m~qre wrf.k Tyq .shd ksjyfka fodr wer, miqj od t<sfjkak fl,a,;a wef.a .ugu wer,shd fldf<dï mqrfha vd¾,s mdf¾ wmamÉÑ fodrlv'''''' pls;fhka tod ;snqKd uyd lvhla uyd .ia j,\" kdk f;dgj, tl, hlal=;a .ejiqkd ,elagcka fldïmeKsfha whs;sh ta;a orejka''' fï;a orejka hla wdKavqj f,iska .ï j,\" Tjqkaf.a n, mej;=kd wf,ú jkjd lsßmsá wehs o fï fjkila'''' w¨;a iy¨;a hl=ka iy foúhkag iuju fjkajqkd uyd iSud udhsï ueo tyf;a uy ndOl ueÈka hl=ka iy foúhkag fjkuu foajd, tys mej;=kd mqxÑ Wkaf.a Wmamekakhg jevqKd hig wfm orejka fokj tl áka tl ne.ska flfy, nv\" lõms o úÿ,s n,hla .ug wjqÈka\" kd.ßl lu fndajqkd ta ksihs fmda,su È. uqx weg\" w, n;, hld fjkqjg hld fmÜáh\" .fï wjqÈka me, jqkd ta;a ta áka tlg yqre Wkd Èjg;a wfma .iq;a lems,d\" le,E t,s ù\" mdrj,a fyu f,dl= jqkd nrmeK fldhso wirKhskg .fyka nei,d\" u`:;a ne|f.k\" hl=ka .u yerod .shd ÿla ú¢k wïu,d fldfyafoda isg meñKs ke;s neßlug zmdfjk úksuhZ g ysudks wfír;ak - fu,an¾ka l÷`: msß oEiska úl=Kkjd fodafr .,kjd remshf,a w.h;a remsh,g tfy;a'''' wm je<|.;a ñysujg Wmamekafk orejkaf. ksoyia fj<|fmd< úh hq;=h wjk; i,a,s we;s flfkl=g'''''''''' ÿkakd mqÿu /`.=ula rejg iqmsmqK wef.a u,aoï uqj`. iskyfj iqj ú£ foysj, we, lKaäfh tod iqkaor .eñ <÷ka wid jkm;s fidúka je<emqï reisre jkik .;= ú;S áka ;yvq jgl< w;a fmdmshñka ks;U f,f,fok ÿyq,a i`:mg ksYd isis isysf,ka fj,S mqxÑ me,aj, isák f.;= idß we¢ uu ful=`: mõfjka l÷`: jeiafika iqieÈ kÈfhka ÿl we§ È<s÷ meáhka bf.k .kakd hkafk B<`. jdfr wl=rg biafldaf, .=re;=ó ux''''''' we|ka È,sfik zfmdßkaZ idßh iquqÿ iqfldu< j<d hyfkka ..k;u úi ÿu ierE okakjd fyd¢ka Wkaf. nv.skak md ;nkafka Wcdrejgh l÷ m;sks msfhdßka u jeyereKq reysre .ï ìï f.dv flrE lS fofkla jefgkjo ìu yß; ;=re úhfkkau Èú f.k <ueo .sks is`:fjka ±jQ Wfoa /iaùulÈ'''' yduf;a ldm,a,d îm,a,d - fcd,s lrm,a,d ;=áka ukqi;a wehj jkid múka fmdfydi;a .=K msrE È<s÷ wïful=f.ka wms;a kegqjd tafl ;df,g ñ<g .;a Wmamekafk l,ska weiqk;a rfÜ\" Wreuh le<eô wE j; reÿre udre; úi,a ukaÈr ìu fy<d ;nd.k ud wf;a isg rg foa - isß iem foa reisre jekiQ li< l÷ is| uqre.ika jeys tj tjd isáh È. fmda,sfï lshd lshfjk ta ñhqre y~ ;gq is÷k isfhd;=ka ,fida .S ks,Urg .ehq y~ wid .sKs wõfj msÉfpñka lf<da mia hgg ñysoka .skso`:;a tjñka /iska ysre ojhs ñy uv,u jid myka ±,a,g wiqj k,shk áka tl w;g tkúg m<`.eáhka f,i ±uqKq ukqi;a rlskq ßis ksï ksjkq yels ñysuj h<s;a ie|E w÷r ud jgd tf;ka § isáuq wms ksyeçhdfjka udref;a ier ksjd mjkska fi;a mekska ;=reje,a h<s;a .;g fjfyila is;g ìhl=;a tfyu ys;=Kd ug;a kslug''' ,ysre /ia f.k weú<s ìïlv iqmqYams; l< yel h<s;a w÷re uqj`.g /f.k uoyi /lsh hq;= ñysuj h<s;a úu,d úfÊj¾Ok - l=ùkaia,Ekaâys lEkaia k.rfha isg Wodks wNsfIald úfÊj¾Ok - TiafÜ%,shd The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGhT & LIFE 21 mv1aoa0GrmrPl\"gurIir/nfafiaaeBooapnnnsifQlgna.ndieSlesertoHUesiexatbpswsrnrtecTeirtrieeoeoihodocsnrrnBuan,ptogfaenigwrmoonildighhnlsrso,ypetBiayrsaFplulkdqrenosliMipieuetjddsuneitaa.wnkBadgsislHgsei@ieiAlhffetesiceohrikerguiseroidinSmbrpsnnBarrralFge2aoiyalnnie7itcLsjdlhtatiuh.olay.edcywien/rtoilo.ankeombgalr5llsn'e uxPMroafpror,hsiaagdleacs kd (Ref/FM 24) 0414 546 833 [email protected] ApqrcsauaseadrDoiacdeAasulonoeeuPigufnmtcdglishstdeehoiatjtladacrthinrsabreva,cdeyelrylici,awlnaroflyar3Sigea.inmav0nipamSdn7ii(nglpnnhyRhy4idtllgeeseAaee2ywaorPltfi9iueetr/dnnsiri@ssFdstaoe,aAhetMrotfprh,aygeadulareBidsmleu2slerispsftuaa6dMirephalodt)aufrrooindceloacilitm.idahbaraoctliitiltoalcsiizyahyosrtameneynlndi, HiPmvswfheefoayaroAirnpyMsswsSrntirgiMbhKowkieeonetoeerlhpihedtebieernIhlraolnfpdopld4eblsbhusyarm5aobapho.a(oronuRolBlneaparHt.eudrnreo3anneiuannesrfg0danedsaeat/trr1d.eaeiegdB,n5Weasrg9duahldBrp'[email protected]'oa1pB'rsn.,tttgwkk9gleaoceeHyfmici) incaCpcHoBtnawpetruPumdhouerirphrlrvnieddmreprrsmiaaeileuuatlhvetautnenasgceioantdteortawoilrtlyciotnyeoyvRseeoonaeseiddfwrems,lcn,idkshr1oissodoupiomneoc9nprncauyhkn9ge.iMalnrsoyoi6Wtcyniwaiuoepf.e.ocsgrelliu5hyFnbatadiar\"haioatonsils5ermutnduBugehtCa'asriroaMeacnnnlleioonroiolgepmlsSEdaiomoonrfgaakxfemqoCtpveliesedtuornlerbothrceeeainrg2eoluegtgyslogse.itisfrygtmtidofoeLewiveiiaeuedrrnbehaiiislsvrroatei.taihsienonr,ns.d PHlrAipeeeasarruanodmsdsdsBefitiivearbnb/rasoGplgeelsirriasnai(cafpop8uRngoeeano7tfedsdrnioran7ffecaar/Hauld2nulrMsldPy@eotmws5athrAqlhubgo'iDii1utevng2rmsh\"aaich1pinSlnnaofht)ilgarecfaipeAiilmreiiee.ingLcsnu3dit.holas4iAystmfntfroyuckdanaeusalenaitr,tlarrradisa.esviel,lnnSiiesnaktohklgiyesnidn [email protected] (Ref/MA 44) HmiSEenaimnniSshnPaya2eildlle5r:aneaPeydsByeepduaclradroetsud1opgh2oklyhi6lisdnt@twegCrfihaftfihmoovortirdilmlateyEhntaaendliiiiglvlr.wsicinsnoeoeglmnel r.. Ref/MA 62) EprmcdeifeiatenitiqzMadrlUSAur-eiaerlBneandusudall/iuGgsbipva.kftahoneieRrulefta(rurdesreRdmcslroaripicienatmstdalgofyei,oyn/zarp,bnBseaeK2yw2ee,ndnB06aelfiotuo1tn,pok4fahrw9d5ar3etah@rey’as)teo.3hdippdnaAry0eroinhetioanusrasndofhscnlteMatAotioodstrovotp,saourri5i.lefnanscoil’acgtaiao8ntmrvtnosma”aiiihvnilnllileygayn For all your advertising M3CeSw2aliwbonnyorebhepkPuaeaarirlrrlnroenareogaapesBls.liodasomeWusteosadrieaoekelldk(amnipgRhhnra,loeiagy5uswvfvd5tp/fweeahF2obpruMoi@nnrratgihmroainhe4gsgdbentg8mleineati)inrsrvtrtalgarfififini.owlirel.rogrscrmimstottahhomanienandidr Melbourne Sinhala Catholic parents seek bride for 37 years please email to old 5 ft 9 inches tall handsome well employed son with a double [email protected] degree in Engineering and IT. Please reply with photo. Email: [email protected] (Ref/FM 64) 22 MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGHT & LIFE The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL 1984$11 isxy, fn!oaO Wi 5Z6ZZ 30, Graduate teacher, tan, bodu újdyfhka kS;sfhka fjka jQ ore govi based in Sri Lanka looking fofofkl= isák lekvdfõ iaÓr for a partner with sober habits. mÈxÑh we;s\" flá l,lska mqrjeisNdjh North-western Sri Lanka. Brother n,dfmdfrd;a;= jk ±kg nexl= fCIa;%fha /lshdj lrk\" m%ikak .=K living in Sydney and running .rel tlu ke.Kshg wjq( 45g wvq Wi professional business. 5Z10ZZ fyda Bg jeä TiafÜ%,shdfõ iaÓr mÈxÑh we;s\" /lshdj we;s .=K.rel\" 2 sisters and one is a doctor. hym;a iylrefjl= ^fNao fkdie,fla&\" Both parents are retired high TiafÜ%,shdfõ mqrjeis Ndjh ysñ ranking ex-government officials. jeäuy,a fidfydhqrd iy fouõmshka Please respond with your ^,xldfõ& fidhhs' horoscope to email address [email protected] [email protected] (Ref/MA 68) (Ref/MA 24) wsRefiBsaluefeltirPSo-lperlociqmdrlurgotsaeuwehraioeanmaavoseiennsdmltUtenrpkienhyotbplSireaiIernifceeerMrAnietegashseltepg2wi.ttdaMrddfthal,rWeliyyoinofrbsach.Anmhlrewteo5eSegiTonel(ncfr'dhliRtrEait3tihuhdeevnthesy\"pRremceeafah,aMhcfrarg/lIvaoabkuuMtoArfpeemsetoeeroetaedLlorlAesr@rblbirlenge.lyeaeaminoy6drnSgnnenituai4.nymlntdhdndprQys)Heen1.hcbSamutweao9C.iraira,svolou9iioa.nliudcts5Lrssnthiokge,itngaaet,smihynnnttkdgaa. dRaMaenupBeu(sgl5len/ybhaG'e9anotwke'ydu'pr,a(iraahtRfanfkhrarapgeeeaomnrerfn1m(e/editE3Mt5clssty0mAe0oyfA)n,@mrdu,ptoke7srlegmpiotet2narmhssy)adioioSelldasnitdhriaoiinteligo.LfagncorraoaitrInnepmTtdkhh)as.eir SimnfhaasU(paPienCrlaBeKln,aerIkeaatM)aBnrntasetceukderAduvsradeu,rrii,c(ktdnUvreiateihtpaNiinKaSvnlilhbdssSyret)altil/ayy3dwc0TpLn(3ua7wrTReiadumot2dyneh)ogfp0ufekerfhB/hh@cakoasBtooarsaireaBngrittnrotoeosog,mhkl2dngsAdaeei3c,arancircaMo,)lriacp(p5lapwro.ahe'Mica5punnes,ro\"rngaleBftimlgatnovtAaametanlsrt,l.ite,ly bpeEsllSeomeaBewaskeGaiim2lnn:q8ptgpupadlwaraoraloeiyiuwtpfnehigtocedshPalsltiltaReniislvor/e1ainwtc6ntspil7giterti92hdiziv@n4e,pan,sMtogus5esmhi’ettf1ialiapgbr’b’imrolfla.eou.cdrrosunotmahenteeir dhRaNeuoagemrghtPaoetpenldm2rer,7,iaCbeys+HsxoauaeetRiynShtcreateoruDhab(ipltRrailieLlsceevy3gafeap6sr/wnneoa@JpkedFnirotae,gh2s5fnhsmio2;dttoe3rsi)eealo''dtltkinhiatliva,.neiacliligsnlork.gmtsioonenidnnliyor PpdlqraeiuAousfaoagpscslrehooaifttrdursiheeeeaegreapdmlhidb2lrt(ywioi0Rncbhr5e2wegayno'l2fllirPl4/S1twoymMh'h9i's,neaD8cafAfshnaon9ataAdm4pn,i@lr6eeBau,pil.r)gsprSyBeotrmdcr/efdaGetCeacltsitayiaosapl,ri..liaiocsolnrslnomegiamamnblsntloosdyn, (Ref/MA 67) Sinhalese Govi Buddhist educated parents Australian citizen in Sydney seek a pretty fair beautiful daughter with a caring personality taAeniaaSnuafacnshatsehldMtmetSireeWryaaiafkiirenacsla.leilycithdmn(bIplaioRflavgiodrilpealmeoiulreaanyfnyfatr/dataednGpsMeoranise2errlfiousnosessA3iavgheisfo@scdiehort1sneueisoBtra9nagdedrsom)lrugkmirsleopsdyiecboninnladoneopntqdaihplarlhluSey.niseflcorsayorewgotitiltronioaqemBLfot:rmsiuh1raeutakee9ndaslniii9ikinrnilf0anigee.sds for our tall handsome son 5', For all your advertising 11'', born February 1990, MBBS please email to doctor, works at Government Hospital in Sydney. Also, holds [email protected] property assets. Only brother married. Please reply with family details and HC. Email: [email protected] (Ref/MA 23) The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGhT & LIFE 23 Glen Smiles Dental NEED A DENTIST? GLEN SMILES DENTAL IS A FAMILY RUN DENTAL CLINIC WITH OVER 8,000 MELBOURNE SRI LANKANS AS PATIENTS NEED BRACES FOR YOUR CHILD? WE PROVIDE FREE CONSULTS - BOOK NOW TO START TREATMENT we are open Monday to Saturday Call today to make a booking 8838 2095 [email protected] 24 MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGHT & LIFE The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL Dr. Harold Gunatillake Good advice by Dr. Harold Hippocrates didn’t hold back when he claimed “death sits in the bowel” SRI LANKA Your best friends are within you Having the right bacteria has been The human gut microbiota is now linked to numerous health benefits, recognized as an important partner of Your gut also contains nerves that are produce short chain fatty acids in including weight loss, improved the host, as it is believed to affect not responsible for producing serotonin, your large gut include Lactobacillus function, better skin, and reduced only the functions of the intestine, a feel-good hormone as in the brain. and Bifidobacterium. risk of many diseases. but also those of all other organs, Incidentally, bananas have serotonin including the brain. Babies get healthy microbes from These healthy microbes that keep Practice of Medicine in the future the mother’s breast milk and at birth your gut healthy can be destroyed if will be revolutionized without Gut microbiome research shows that from the birth passage of the mother. you consume too many refined carbs, the use of drugs, microbiologists the bacteria inside you may influence A study, which was the largest in sugars, and processed food. This will take over to treat the chronic your weight, health, energy levels, the field and published in JAMA can affect your brain’s mood and diseases. For instance, new research immune system, regulate blood Pediatrics, reveals that breastfeeding behavior, as well as overall health. into inflammatory bowel disease sugar, improve nutrient absorption, favors the implantation of a healthy The plant-based Mediterranean diet, shows the drug of choice is ‘Human manufacture of vitamins, protecting gut microbiota in babies. characterized by greater intake of poo capsules. This novel treatment your large gut against inflammation, veggies over animal protein has been is called fecal microbiota transplant chronic diseases including cancer, It is observed that normally born acknowledged as the best science- (FMT) and it aims to manipulate and communicates with your brain babies thrive better than those backed diet boosting gut health. gut bacteria through the transfer of through a long nerve called the delivered through Caesarian healthy gut bacteria from donor to vagus nerve and boost mood and operation. One gram of your faeces In contrast, unbalanced and extreme recipient. brain health. This connection is contains a greater number of bacteria diets does affect the health of these referred to as the brain gut axis. This than there are humans on the planet. bacteria, leading to an unhealthy Taking antibiotics can disrupt our relationship makes us believe that Importance of dietary fiber in relation gut. This is the case with the gut bacteria and result in unintended your gut is your 2nd brain. to these microbes. Western diet (high in animal protein consequences for health and disease. and fat, and low in dietary fiber. You need to be aware of this situation A troubled intestine sends signals Large gut microbes feed on High intake of proteins increases and take probiotics along with your to the brain, just as the brain, can undigested dietary fiber, considered protein fermentation by the bacteria antibiotics. Future treatment of send signals to the gut. Therefore, as a prebiotic, through a process of in the large gut. Especially, the asthma in children. a person’s stomach or intestinal fermentation. Prebiotics, which act plant protein increases beneficial distress can be the cause or the like a fertilizer for your gut microbes gut bacteria to strengthen the gut Researchers analyzed stool samples product of anxiety, stress, or and promote good gut bacterial barrier and decreases inflammation. collected at the age three months and depression. That’s because the brain growth. Plant-based foods (including Egg consumption improves gut one year of 319 children participating and the gastrointestinal (GI) system fruit, vegetables, wholegrains, microbiota function without in the larger Canadian Healthy are intimately connected. Gut health legumes, nuts, and seeds), which increasing inflammatory, metabolic, Infant Longitudinal Development seem to affect your brain mood and are packed with naturally occurring and oxidative stress markers. We study. The study showed lower behavior, and mental and physical prebiotics, is the best way to nourish offer these microbes bed and board levels of four specific gut bacteria- health. your gut microbiota! in our gut and in return, they break Faecalibacterium, Lachnospira, down some components in food that Veillonella and Rothia - in three- These microbes are found on your Biproduct of that fermentation is short we are unable to digest- like certain month-old’s who were later found to skin, mouth, nose, other openings chain fatty acids, such as butyric, types of fiber- as we lack the tools to be at an increased risk of asthma. It and mainly in your gut, this acetate, that keeps your gut healthy do it ourselves. is observed that kids living in slum discussion is all about. We have 17 ft to prevent inflammatory diseases environment do not get asthma. Kids of small gut and 5 ft of large gut and including cancer and provide energy. They also produce vitamins - B of affluent parents creating as aseptic your friendly gut microbes are more Butyric acid provides your colon vitamins, Folate, biotin, B12, environment do get asthma. in your large gut. There are over 100 cells with about 70 percent of their thiamine and Niacin. They boost our trillion found in your large gut alone. total energy needs. The bacteria that immune system to keep us healthy. As study co-author Prof. Arne They are bacteria, viruses and fungi Astrup explains, “Human intestinal and we call this group collectively bacteria have been linked to the as microbiota. Some are beneficial increasing prevalence of overweight and others are harmful. These good and obesity, and scientists have beneficial bacteria prevent the started to investigate whether the growth of harmful bacteria. intestinal bacteria can play a role in the treatment of overweight. It The number of bacteria in our gut is only now that a breakthrough outnumbers the number of cells of demonstrating that certain bacterial our body. We have 32 trillion cells species play a decisive role in weight in our body. There is an estimated regulation and weight loss. 1 kilogram of bacteria within each average human adult. Fecal transplants are now available in the US in a pill form. Keeping your gut microbes healthy keeps your brain alert and healthy. In future your chronic diseases will be cured permanently by taking these poo pills. The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGhT & LIFE 25 26 MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGHT & LIFE The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGhT & LIFE 27 OUR PaUndNHYeArBWHaOlkOtoMFIreSeRdoImLANKA Sri Lanka sanctified by the living Buddha thrice Due to disunity prevalent in the Sinhala Kingdom Is a land of fortune meant for the patriotic wise Then Ceylon lost her age-old precious freedom Their views were centred against colonial injustice In the annals of Lanka’s historic fame Which on society had a deep and far reaching influence Then Sri Lanka was known by many a name Their alien rule and domineering attitude Fellow Lankans were really unable to tolerate Arahant Mahinda shaping the destiny and future of the country The National leaders ruthlessly attacked western rule Created a golden era in the annals of sasanic history Their patriotism, writings and ideas stirred Nationalism The work of galaxy of patriots was worthy of praise Buddhism flourished here with great splendour It is highly commendable and no one can erase With kings becoming benefactors reflecting their valour They now knew that there was a gigantic task ahead Hence, braved all dangers and marched forward Later warfare among leading clans caused unstable political conditions National heroes desperate for freedom began their fight Also Chola Pallawaand Pandya, South Indian invasions And rose against the British with all their valour and might Independence thus gained in 1948 was an enormous victory The Pearl of the Indian Ocean, Granary of the East It is really and truly a landmark in our precious history Dharmadweepa are the most relevant and the best Rupa Banduwardena | Melbourne - Australia They were repelled by our brave royalty With absolute valour, determination and loyalty Then with Magha’s arrival in 1235 and drift to the South West Kingdoms changed till Kotte in 1415 was made the capital best Then came the Portuguese, Dutch and the British Who never wanted ideas of freedom or Buddhism to flourish Amidst vast wealth of Lankan natural resources Strategic significance Lanka possessed was enormous Over the Maritime provinces, all 3 powers held sway While British with Kandyanconquest made great headway Kandyan kingdom throughout its existence Fell a prey at last to mighty British dominance 28 MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGHT & LIFE The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL Mathematics / Science Tutoring VCE - Unit 1/2 & 3/4 Maths Methods / Specialist Maths / Further Maths / Biology Year 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 Dinuk Liyanage (ATAR 99.90) Dux of Glen Waverley Secondary College Dr Jayaratne Liyanage PhD, M.Eng, BSc (Eng) Hons (Chartered Professional Engineer, Institute of Engineers, Australia) Dr Yasoja Liyanage PhD, MSc, BSc (Hons) Clivejay Street, Glen Waverley. Tel: 0422357172 / 0388380801 The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGhT & LIFE 29 l,dmfhka'''''' 40 uy¿ ldka;dj úiauh okjk uqúka ik;af.a ysfia isg mdodka;h olajd zik;af.ka wykak ´k fudkjo fldgia jYfhka m,jk kj l;dj''''' ne¨jdh' weh hula úuikakg fï wïuKaä ,sh, ;sfhkafk fmru ik;a l;d lf<ah' lsh,Z we.akia O¾ufiak foi taug yelshdjla ke;s njo ik;a fjkod fuka fodr froao uE;a n,ñka lSjdh' iuyr úg ,Sfõh' ik;a fufia ,shd tõfõ fkdlr W¿jiaig fiñka ;Ügq lrk zisßfujkqhs ux.,dhs fufyo ik;ag ,shkak we;s bkak ux.,df.a f;dr;=re úuiñka wkqr w;ru ldurhg we;=¿ jQjdh' weh bkafk@Z ;ekl úia;r'Z fg,sf*daka lsÍu je<elaùug;a wïud ik;af.a fïih u; f;a fldamamh úiska i;s wka;fha f.or tk f,i ;nd iskdfiñka ik;a foi ne¨jdh' weh jpkhl=ÿ fkdfodvd isßfujka zfldfyduo lshkak neye' lrk wdhdpkh je<laùug;ah' hhs y~.Ejdh' tlafld ik;a ,shqula tjhs ta zwo f;a tl fjkog jeäh rio .ek úia;r lsh,' ke;a;x ux.,df.ka m<uq ,smsh ,eî f.or n,kakZ zhkak Wv ;Ügqjg'Z weh ,S ;rmamq fldfydu;a ,nk i;s wkaf; .sh fudfydf;a Tyq ;=< we;sjQ fma,sh fmkajñka ik;a foi h<s;a f.or tk l;djla lsõj fkao@Z lkiai,a, jeä oskla fkdf. zwehs wo fudkjo wuq;=fjka f;a jrla l=;=y,h /|s uqyqKska n,d dia myj hdu Tyqf.a iekis,a,g tlg oeïfu@Z isáhdh' z;u iqudkhla n,d bkak neye' fya;= úh' ux.,d ish,a,kagu ik;a ,shqï ,shkak;a wjkïnq jk f,i f.oßka mek zî, n,kakfld ik;a whshZ ik;a mrK ;rmamq fma,sh y~ fydrhs' krlo wkqr hj, oykdhl .sh;a lrorfha fkdjeà fyd|ska k.ñka Wv kexf.ah' uy;a;h,f. f.oßka ge,sf*daka Ôj;ajkq we;ehs hk yeÕSu ik;a /<s jegqKq ieye,a¨ we÷ula we| lr, ik;af.ka wy, ne¨fjd;a@Z ;=< l%ufhka jefvkakg úh' wjika isá wehf.a ,eu fmfoi fjkodg zwdfka whshd weú,a,dZhs y~ k.d úNd.hg ,ys ,ysfha iQodkï ùu jvd Wiaj fkrd we;ehs ik;ag lshQ ux.,d jyd osj ú;a wmyiqfjka zta <uhg lror lrkak tmd' wksl ksid ux.,df.a wlr;eính .ek is;sKs' ik;a f;a W.=rla fndñka fuka fook kud ik;ag jekaodh' ik;ag;a oeka wjidk úNdf.g jev wjOdkh fhduq lsÍug we;s bvlv weh foi wdidfjka ne¨fõh' weh wkqj hñka isßfujkao jeähs lsh, lsõj u;l keoao@Z yd udkisl jd;djrKho ;=kS ù ik;af.a mduq, je| jegqfKah' O¾ufiak wukdmfhka lSfõh' hdu Tyqg jdisodhl úh' Wiia fm< zrihs fkao@Z zfudkj yß lshkak Wjukd fohla úNd.hg fojk jrg;a bosßm;a ù isßfujka j|skq ÿgq ik;a ;=< m<uqj ;sfhkjkx ik;a ,shqula tjdúfk' ksjig ù isá pußg ik;a flfrys zrihs rihs fudkjo oeïfuZ we;sjQfha fldamhls' ;ud foi thd fndfydu tl;=hs'Z jeä wjOdkhla fhduq lsÍugo nhdÿ ne,aula fyÆ Tyqf.a uqyqfKa bvlv ,eìK' zlshkafk kEZ weh oÕldr f,i wysxil ú,dih ÿgq Tyqf.a fldamh ux.,d;a whshdg;a ,shqï lSjdh' ik;a pußg ,xj wehf.a fõ.fhka osj .sh ÿïßhl y~ fuka folu ;eme,a lf<a tlajrh' ;ud zik;a whshg ux f;a tlla yeÿjdZhs ,eu fmfoi ;u ,hg ;ojk fia flfuka w;=reoyka úh' mosxÑj isák ,smskh weh oekajQfha fodr froao uE;alr puß tî weh ,xlr wef.a uqyqK;a fof;d,;a whshdg hejQ ,smsfha muKs' bkak ne¨jdh' ;oska isïfíh' pußf.a uqyqK;a lka zwhshd tk nj uu oekf.k ysáh' ;ek oekau okajkak tmd hhs fol;a r;a meyehg yereKs' weh fuydg weú;a b|.kakZ ux.,df.a ux.,d ik;ag ,shd ;sìK' ux.,df.a zwrka tkakZ ik;a flfrka bj;a fkdù Tyq wi,u fofk; l÷,ska msßK' wef.a uqyqK úm%jdih .ek ;ju;a fldamfhka /|S isáhdh' ik;a ;j jrla weh m,,aù oEi;a fofldm,;a úYd, ù yd fYdalfhka isák wïudg oekau puß f;a fldamamh /f.k ldurhg je<| folfmd,;a k,,;a isïfíh' we;s nj;a\" fof;d,a uy;aj újrj ux.,df.a mosxÑ ia:dkh oekaùu we;=¿ jQjdh' l,ska fuka oeka puß ik;a f;a fldamamh /f.k wef|ys we;s nj;a ik;ag jyd fmKsk' m%{df.dapr ls%hdjla úh fkdyels ldurhg we;=¿ ùu wosuos fkdlsÍu jdä jk f;lau puß iskyfjka wehf.a bosßhg fkrd wd Worh njo ik;a l,amkd lf<ah' ik;af.a i;=gg fya;=jls' we;eï t<sh jqKq oEi;a r;a meye uqyqK;a ik;af.a fk; .egqfka wk;=rejh' osfkl puß ik;a f;a fldamamh ik;a flfrka bj;a fkdlr Tyq we.akia weh fidhdf.k f.dia fndk f;la Tyqf.a wef|a ys| f.k foiu n,d isáhdh' ik;a ksy~j id,fha we;s fõje,a wehg ;oska neK joskakg mq¿jk' isáhs' tjka úfgl weh ik;af.a mqgqjl ys| .;af;ah' ux.,d wi, ux.,df.a ,smsh lshùfuka miq ik;a wef|a wjq,aj ;snQ we| froao ilia )))))))) jQ mqgqjl ys|.;a w;r isßfujka ;=< we;s jQfha lsishï wúksYaÑ; lr fldÜgho weo yer ms<sfj,lg wehf.a mqgqj miqmiska ysgf.k yeÕSï iuqodhls' tu yeÕSu l=vd ;nhs' ik;a ux.,d n,kag jdoaÿfõ weh isáfhah' wjosfha ;u mjqf,a ys;j;a kEhl= mosxÑ ksjig .sfha wjika úNd. fndfyda l,lg miq ;u zik;a whsh we|j;a yod .kafk hg ,shd t<Uqkq i;s wka;fhah' zwfka whsfha ug iudfjkak' ug wd úg we;s jQ yeÕSulg iudk hhs keyeZ .=Kfialr uy;añh;a\" puß;a nkskak tmdZ lshQ ux.,d oE;skau Tyq l,amkd lf<ah' ;u ke.Ksh n,dfmdfrd;a;= jQfha ik;a f.or uqyqK jidf.k w~kakg jQjdh' ;uka we;=¿ ish¨ fokdgu wjuka zb;sx Thd bkafk tajd yo, hkq we;ehs is;dh' tfy;a f.or isßfujka wehf.a ysi w;.dñka jk mßoafoka f.oßka mek hdu ksid ;shkakfkZ hdug fmr wïudg;a ;d;a;dg;a jvd;a wehg ,xúh' we;sjQ ,Êcdj;a fldamh;a uev f.k wjYH fnfy;a j¾. lsysmhla ke.Ksh flfrys lsishï iafkayhlao puß lg weo lr weia fldkska n,hs¡ fiùug mdkÿf¾ yd fld<U idmamq zkx.s oeka bkak ;;a;afj yeáhg ;u is; ;=< flfuka o¿ ,d jefvk lsysmhlg hd hq;= njg ik;a lK.dgq fjkak fyd|kE fkao@Z njls Tyqg yeÕS .sfha' ke.Ksh zwd'Z fndrejla f.d;d lsõfõ ux.,d ik;a weiqfõh' n,kag hd hq;=h hk yeÕSu ik;a ;=< uqK.eiS tosku iji kjd;ekg we;sjQfha lsishï n,dfmdfrd;a;=jla wE fkdalaldvq ne,aula fy¨j;a meñKSug Tyq n,dfmdfrd;a;= jqKq wdpd¾h md,s; .fkaj;a; yd ishqï i;=glao okjñks' wehf.a ta ne,aug háka we;s fm%audkaú; neúks' ,smskh i|yka lr ;snqfka ;ukg iqyo yeÕSu ik;ag jyd jegfyhs' - isâks - tjQ ,smsfha muKs' ux.,d mosxÑ pußf.a oEfia osiakh ;j;a jeä ux.,d ,shd ;snqKq ,smskh wkqj ,nk l,dmhg'''''' ia:dkh oekg foudmshkaf.ka jika jQjd fia ik;ag oefkhs' wehf.a ksji fidhd .;a ik;a lsÍu yeu w;skau kqjKe;s ls%hdjla merKs fouy,a f.dvke.s,a,l f,isks Tyqg is;=fka' fikiqrdod WoEik ik;a fïifha wd,skaohg msúi jid ;snqKq ,S ys| lsishï úIhla .ek l,amkd fodrg ;Ügq lf<ah' ik;a ux.,d ne,Sug hdug ;SrKh lrñka isáhoSh puß f;a fldamamhla lf<a ,smshla heùfukao /f.k ldurhg we;=¿ jQfha' weh u| fõ,djlska miq fodr weßh miqjh' kx.sf.ka ;udg ,smshla ,enqKq nj;a weh i;=áka Ôj;a jk nj wikag ,eîu is;g iykhla nj;a ik;a ,shd weßfhah' wjidk úNd.h w; ,Õu ksid bosß udi fol we;=,; i;s wka; j,oS f.or 30 MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGHT & LIFE The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL Your Home & Commercial Loan Consultant for Big & Small Lenders! THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR EXPERIENCE & CUSTOMER RECOMMENDATIONS ! For all your Home and Investment needs Rajeev De Silva B.Sc., AIB, Dip (Financial Services) 04 66 090 220 [email protected] 6 years of Lending/Credit experience at a Major Australian Bank 17 years of Banking experience holding Managerial Positions Have helped hundreds of Australians to obtain home loans Refer Customer recommendations on FB and LinkedIn from Specialist doctors, Accountants, CEOs, Managers, Self-em- ployed, etc. Credit representative (CRN 375171) of Buyers Choice Licencing Pty Ltd ACN 626 172 281 (Australian Credit Licence Number: 509484) The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGhT & LIFE 31 ALCOHOLGood advice by Dr. Harold does have health benefits Latest study claims in an article published in Australia, coming from CNN- headlines, “No safe level” for alcohol consumption. On the same breath it says, ‘if continued with increased consumption of alcohol is associated with poorer brain health’. Does this imply that the headlines Dr. Harold Gunatillake and relate to your loved ones at Lanka. Asian women do not drink discourage people from drinking home much more cordially than not. alcohol, but the incidence of breast alcohol, or that the normal safe limit SRI LANKA A glass of red or white wine with cancer is on the increase. cannot be assessed in general, and is your dinner with the family is a most something tailormade for each one? your immune system includes: avoid pleasant anticipation. Alcohol poses Alcohol is not a bad drink at social smoking, eat a diet high in fruits health risks if you drink spirits with levels. When friends meet a drink or South Africa’s president has re- and veggies, exercise regularly, high concentrations of ethyl alcohol two of any alcoholic beverages will imposed a ban on alcohol sales and maintain a healthy weight, get or ethanol, especially when mixed make the meeting relaxed and joyful. ordered the closure of all bars as adequate sleep, and when it comes to with methanol. The combination is At wedding and other functions, it is part of new restrictions to battle a drinking alcoholic beverages, what is called ‘denatured alcohol’. a noticeable fact that after drinks are resurgence of coronavirus. There acceptable is, ‘if you drink alcohol, served, the guests are more relaxed, was an immediate public health drink only in moderation’. It is said in one paper that even in and the voices get louder, and the benefit that had nothing to do with small quantities, alcohol is known to function becomes activated. COVID-19. It is possible that alcohol may cause certain types of cancers. Breast compromise the body’s immune cancer among women is a notable It is also true that 3 million deaths a On the contrary, Prime Minister system and increase the risk of example given. Other examples are year worldwide are caused or affected in Australia announced restriction adverse health outcomes. So, it cancers of the mouth, throat, voice with consumption of alcohol. These to closedown Pubs, clubs, gyms is presumed that people should box and oesophagus. numbers are from countries where the cinemas and places of worship during minimise their alcohol consumption highest prevalence of drinker’s form the height of the endemic when total at times of endemics, and particularly What we know from what we see is part of the population, but unheard in lockdown was enforced, till the during COVID-19 pandemic. that alcohol may increase the risk of countries where the alcohol drinking spread of the virus was curtailed. these cancers but is alcohol the cause is only a social event. People in It is true that alcohol may not protect of the cancers? the European Region includes this What is the connection between against COVID-19, and people segment. coronavirus and consumption of should not drink with the assumption The incidence of these cancers should alcoholic beverage? that any virus in the body will be be much more in relation to women In an observational study, which has attenuated by a drink or two. who drink socially worldwide. In not been peer-reviewed, researchers Does a drink at the end of the day breast cancer, it is found that alcohol from the University of Oxford found more vulnerable to COVID-19? No- It is visible that drinking alcohol can increase levels of estrogen and that self-reported alcohol intake of papers up to now have been published minimally, more than bringing other hormones associated with some 25,000 people in the UK and on this issue. One paper says that harm to your body, brings in hormone receptor-positive breast found that on brain scans that the alcohol use, especially heavy use, a greater risk of injury and cancer. brain’s grey matter has been affected. weakens the immune system and violence, including intimate The more people drank, the less the thus reduces the ability to cope with partner violence, and excessive One paper published in Sri Lanka volume of their grey matter was infectious diseases. consumption will cause alcoholic by a team of researchers: Ashan detected on scan studies. poisoning. Fernando, Umesh Jayarajah, That is common knowledge, Saumyakala Prabashani, Eshani Whatever findings from the that heavy drinking causes many Having a drink in the evening at A. Fernando & Sanjeewa A. researchers, the consumption of problems, but most people with any home with the family, after a hard Seneviratne. alcohol has not lessoned in the world, intelligence would have a drink or day’s work, will relax your nerves lifestyles of people meeting socially, two in the evenings, to unwind and Their findings are as follows: A in homes, clubs, function centres and relax at the end of the day. gradual decline in the incidence drinking habits have not changed. of breast cancer is documented in More and more younger people have Are the immune systems weakened developed countries especially over started drinking and socialising to among people who indulge in a drink last two decades, while in developing a greater extent than when parents or two, every day? No studies have countries the incidence continues restricted their teenagers going shown that having a drink daily to rise. We conducted this study to have a negative effect on health. examine trends in incidence of breast 8out till late nights in those by gone What is proved so far to strengthen cancer in a developing country, Sri 32 MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGHT & LIFE The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL

ffjÈl fcHda;sI fiajh RATMALANA- KANDAWALA ckau m;%h weiqßka Tnf.a /lshdj\" wd¾Ól lghq;= yd wkd.; Ôjk f;dr;=re Rectangular 20 P land facing 3 rd cross lane off we;=,;a m,dm,\" újdy .e,mSu\" Y=N kele;a iE§u\" flakaø iE§u we;=`: Kandawala road ish`: fcHda;sI lghq;= for sale bgqlr .ekSu i`oyd úuikak Only 100m to KDU and 1 km to Galle main road mù% k fcHd;a Is fõ§ along Kandawala Road. wdpd¾h wd¾' uq;=l=v Very decent and peaceful location for building a house or suitable for building a hostel for students. Email: [email protected] Tel: 0406629329 Well secured & highly residential area. Water & 3 phase electricity available. Only land remaining in 3 rd cross lane. Please contact 0406762715 or [email protected] for details days. Drinking alcohol is a priority ischemic type of stroke. In older with your weight loss efforts. This is Conclusions: A glass of red wine comforting drinks in all these people bleeding from a ruptured a true observation when you know daily wins, but if you want to keep situations, but surprisingly life span brain vessel causes a stroke. In such those friends who indulge in wine your brain cells healthy a beer daily has extended, and people are more events, alcohol will worsen in case of drinking daily, the reason being visiting the local pub and socializing health conscious though indulging a stroke. that red wine has a chemical called with mates’ benefits. in alcoholic spirits. Alcohol must be ellagic acid. This chemical seems to doing some good for these healthy Antioxidants and high resveratrol slow down the growth of fat cells and Who did say: “I feel sorry for people people. content and pro-angiogenic and stops new ones from being created. who don’t drink”? Another said, antiinflammatory properties in red “When I read about the evils of It is known that drinking alcohol wine seem to have cardiovascular People who drink wines regularly do drinking, I gave up reading. moderately has its benefits without benefits. not get colds often. This is because overindulging. Moderate drinking is the antioxidants in red wine can help The saying goes,” Beer is proof defined as two drinks daily for a man Talking about beer it is packed with you reduce your risk of a cold. that God loves us and wants us to and one drink for a woman. Quantity- B vitamins, riboflavin (B2) and be happy”. Scott Fitzgerald, in the wise one drink is equivalent to one thiamine. It also has high levels of A recent study and even Copenhagen novel, ‘The Great Gatsby’ said, first bottle of beer, one glass of wine or magnesium and calcium in 2015, trials on 13,000 people have proved you take a drink, then the drink takes a small shot of spirits. Spirits like the Journal of Agricultural and Food that people who drink alcohol a drink, then the drink takes you. Scotch whiskey you request for a Chemistry reported that a compound regularly may live longer than those shot/35ml. It has 78 calories: has no found in beer called xanthohumol who are tee-total. Abstaining from Hope you like this article. proteins, carbs, fat, fibre, and alcohol could protect brain cells from drinking alcohol completely have a Comments are most welcome. content is 11.1. A 100g of Scotch damaging, thus slowing down the high mortality rate than others while has 222 calories and 31.7 alcohols. progression of Alzheimer’s and moderate drinkers, who consume Alcohol in low doses dilates arteries Parkinson’s disease. one to two drinks per day, have the and lowers blood pressure. Alcohol is lowest mortality. a blood thinner and reduces blood’s When you cannot sleep on occasions tendency to clot. These two factors due to stress and mental worries For all your Advertising needs alone reduce the chances of heart an alcoholic drink will relax you disease and angina. and make you sleep. Alcohol is Mihirie Dissanayake contraindicated for chronic insomnia. Alcohol also increases the good Sleep after consuming an alcoholic 0414 546 833 cholesterol (HDL) in your blood, and drink is short-lived and when you red wines do lower LDL cholesterol. wake up may find it difficult to [email protected] Alcohol can reduce the incidence of continue the sleep till morning. stroke for the same reason. Thinning of the blood reduces the risks of the A glass of red wine could help you The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGhT & LIFE 33 isxy, iskudfõ zf.daâ *do¾Z fla' yshqf.da m%kdkaÿ ^23jkfldgi& ^1912-1999& tod isxy, iskudj .ek Ñ;%mgh yskaÈ fyda fou< ldf. fn,a, lv, yß - fï f,dafla yirla udf. u,a, mqrj .ó fkd±k Ñ;%mg f,djg md Ñ;%mgh iu. ii|d n,k ;enQ yshqf.da udiag¾ miqj rdfÜ f,dl=u flrefud fj,d iskjdug ke;=ju neß Tyq iq`: fyda fjkialula by, kïnq kï kï ,n,d Ys,amsfhla ùu .ek tod isá m%n, Ñ;%mg wOHCIl ÿgqjfyd;a wkqu; lrkafka bkakï .fï fohsfhd fj,d''' jrekag mqÿuhla kï ^f,dfõ fohsfhd i,a,s ;ud& fkdfõ' ukao Tyq Wm;skau ke;' fï ksid k`: odhdoh fldg meñKs wfhla yshqf.da udiag¾f.a woyia lSmhla f,i l,d f,dfõ ießirK ks<shkago ks¾udKd;aul úuid n,uq' øúv Ñ;%mg isxy,g wh uekúka jgyd .;ay' ke.Su uy;a wmyiq ld¾hhla úh' tod iuyr isxy, Ñ;%mg r`. mEula lsÍug ;snQ øúv ñksiqkaf.a l:d ú,dYh yd wOHCIKh l< fou< wx. p,k wfma yeisÍï rgdjg wOHCIljrekaf.ka flÍ wjldYh b;du;a wju ù yd;amiskau fjkia úh' l:d ú,dYh we;af;a Ñ;%mgj, ld¾ñl f>darkdvqjls' kuq;a wfma isxy, wOHCIKh muKs' k`: we;' Tjqka rElv njg m;a Ñ;%mg wOHlaIKh l< fou< ks<shka mqreÿ lsÍu jeks wOHlaIljre tajd fou< msgm; lghq;= flrefKa isxy, jqKd hhs lsjfyd;a ksjerÈ wkqju ilia l< neúka isxy, iyh wOHCIljreka u.sks' Ñ;%mg j,go fmr lS wx.hka we;=` tod jeä mqru flrefKa hhs yshqf.daf.a woyihs' : ù ;snqKs' yskaÈ Ñ;%mgj, ±lafjk zøúv Zfyda zyskaÈZ Ñ;%mghla l:d ú,dYhka yd wx. p,k wfma f;dard f.k th ta whqßkau fujeks mgq iSudjka isxy,hg ;rula fyda iudk ,laIK isxy,g ke.Su muKhs' tl, isá bis,Sh' fï ksid tajdfha ;rula ÿrg l:d rplhkag;a fonia rplhkag;a ;=, zyshqf.daZ jekakkag foaYSh nj .eíj ;snqKs' isÿ jQfha zøúv Z fyda yskaÈ woyia isxy,g fmr,Suh' iskudfõ foaYSh;ajh flfia jqjo isxy, fm%alaIlfhda fuu w;d;aúl wx.K iïm%odhg l:dj ,sùfï§ iuyr úg Ñ;%mg f.dv .eKSu fjkqfjka yqrejQy' fï iSud mjqre ;=, yshq lSmhl tk isÿùï tlg iïnkao lr f.da jekakka tu Ñ;%mgj, ;rula .kakd ,§' merKs Ñ;%mgj, isxy, hula lsÍug ;sî we;af;a fyda foaYSh njla we;=`: lrkakg ck Ôú;fha ienE ms<srej ms<sìUq f.dia .eàï j,g uqyqK ÿka wjia:d fkdjqfka fï ksid jkakg we;' fld;rï mqxÑ wjldYhlao tugh' isxy, Ys,amSka f,iska ks¾udKd;aul wxYhg iïnkaO fuu Ñ;%mgj, ks¾udKd;aulj hï hkak is;d.; yelsh' jQ Tjqka úiska bÈßm;a lrk ,o ;rul fyda fmdfydi;a njla ;sìKs fhdackdjlg fyda jro fmkajd kï th isxy, iyh wOHCIjrekaf.a ud miq mi tkafka wehs'''''' ^b`.s ì`.s md,d& 1956 ;sr.; jQ zÿmam;df.a §ulg ksy;udkSj m%;spdr olajd oCI;djh ksid isÿ jQ nj yshqf.da ^ix.S;h& ÿlZ Ñ;%mghg yshqf.da ixfYdaOkhla lsÍug øúv Ys,amSka udiag¾ u;h úh' Tyq mjik udiag¾ rpkdl< .S;hla Wkkaÿjla ±laù kï ta fudv¾ka wdldrhg\" wod, Ñ;%mgj, m%Odk Trjd rj,d fm,Ud,d '''fyda''' fyda'' - fudysÈka fn.a iy iskud wêm;s à' wd¾' iqkaorï\" weï wOHCI f,iska ie,flk mqoa.,hd wmj .kag ì,s nd,d'''' yd''yd Ô'weia'î rdKS úiska .dhkd lrk uia;dka hk wOHlaIljreka muKs' Ñ;%mg ks¾udKhg odhljkafka niafida Wl=iafida f,ig lerfla'''' ,§' ke;' Tyq lrkafka yß jerÈ ysßyer fjkagd - neß nr .kagd'''' zudkh r\\ ysfiyS ne,Su muKhs' Ñ;%mgh flfrkafka ud miq tkafka wehs ''' ^b`.s ì`.s md,d& f,dfõ fohsfhd i,a,s ;ud ieuod rlS u,la fia Tyq úiska m;alrkq ,nk iyh uqof, n,h ÿgqj l,d wOHIljrhd u.sks' ^ix.S;h& l=,u, hehs lef,a n,d Wv`.= lñkau kefia msßñ cd;shg kskaod f,dfõ fohsfhda i,a,s ;ud'' {dkh ke;s ú,fiaZ 1956 ;sr.; jQ zÿmam;df.a ÿlZ Ñ;%mgfha tk yshqf.da udiag¾ úiska fokav bm§,o ukaod ^ix.S;h& ¨úia l=udr - võgka rÑ; b;d ckm%sh jQ .Shla - ,;d fï mdr mï hd¨ jev jrÈhs fyd¢ka b|, nE fï rfÜ j,afmd, iu. ix.S; wOHCIl - Èfkka Èku my, jefÜ olaIK uQ¾;S .dhkd lrk ,§' fukak j¢kjd - wdmyq hkjd Bg fí; fndrej ;ud ud miq mi tkafka wehs''''' Èkqu ks;r wf;a ;ud - f,dfõ fohsfhd''$$ b`.s ì`.s md,d - l=,au;a ù,d b`.s ì`.s md,d''' ^iïmQ¾K& ud miq tkafka wehs'' fyda''fyda''fyda''$$ ^ix.S;h& olaIK uQ¾;s .hkafka fuys tk jxpdfjka .;a ldis ñà - ^ix.S;h& yd''yd'' fyda'''fyda''muKs' iqÈh iu. fcd,sh fo;S fmdl=re fmdl=re fndre od,d''' fyda '' fyda'' fIdala tl uf. rg;a jà hy¨ fjkag f,dn ù,d bkaÈhdkq Ñ;%mg ksmefhkafka fld,a,kaf.a udhï fï okafka keoao ux uyd mßudKfhks' tod tjka .e' iu¾; lï fndfydu jà yev jev .kajd - rej Tm fmkajd wOHCIjrekag iq`: mßudKfhka nlal jf.a fodvk yeà ksmojk isxy, Ñ;%mgj,g ld,h fydr ryfia lrk jefâ jehlsÍu ld,h kdia;slr .ekSula fu;k b|ka nqrk yefâ yd iudkh' isxy, Ñ;%mgj, m%Odk nqrd y<d tfya fufya wOHCIljreka tajdfha wvq mdvq wyq Wkod tfrhs ufâ n,kakkaf.a ;;a;ajhg m;ajqfka fldkao lvhs fmd<sia kfâ - fï ksidh' ta wkqj tod ksmehQ f,dfõ fohsfhda Ñ;%mg l,d;aul wxYhg jvd jdKsc wxYhg nr jQ nj is;kakg ^ix.S;h& mq`:jk' tod wo fuka fkdj Ñ;%hla Wiia ;ekl nQre fmd,a - rE .; lsÍug fmr k`: ks<shkag udi tlyudrl muK ld,hla iSfh TÜgq ouk fjf,a mqyqKq lrkq ,eìKs' k`: ks<shka Èkqu fldf,a ugu fndf,a - mqyqKq lsÍu ms<sn| mQ¾K j.lSu mejfrkafka yshqf.da udiag¾gh' tlg háka .y, fldf,a mqyqKq ùï ksu jQ miqj rEm.; TÜgq i,a,s f.dkq lr,d - lsÍï wrUkafka m%Odk wOHCIlf.a wkqu; lsÍfuka miqjh' tys uq,a ish¨ fokf. weia jy, miai fodfrka f.or mq;d - ^f,dfõ fohsfhd& 34 MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGHT & LIFE The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL Lions club of Handala, Sri Lanka SIGHT FIRST PROJECT SGIIGVHETCLFEIRASRTSIGHT ÿmam;a flfkl=g fmkSu ,nd § $o3n5eswCuirAlglTseAerRyrvAiCceT fï uy`.= msxlug Tn;a odhl jkak for more details MIHIRIE 0414 546 833 Please make your If you need details of patients allocated to your donation directly into donation please send details to EYE CHHAOATSNAPDRIAATLACATL Mihirie Dissanayake - PO Box 256 Doveton 3177 ANcAcB. 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The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGhT & LIFE 35 fõ.fhka wd nia r:hla nia miq;eú,a, Ñka;d fld<U Wiia mdi,lg we;=,a kej;=ï fmdf<a keje;aùh' nifhka lr bf.kSug ux ie<iQjdh' wehg nysk u.Ska .ekj;a fkd;lñka wE tajd b;d fifkyiska mSrd n,kak Èkla .,aj,g f.dia jev wjika kj ksjfia§ ÈjH iem ,eìk' wE tlsfkldmrod nihg f.dv fjkak W;aidyhl fhÿkdh' lr ,ys ,ysfha f.or wd kekaoïud b;d m%S;s m%fudaofhka chisxy hqj, o`.,k msßi buy;ah' nia r:fha mdi,g hk nj okajd Ñka;dg iu`. l,a f.jqjdh' mrk we÷ï fmd,a mgjkakdla fia w;=re isÿre wE Ôú;fha flÈklj;a uj fldfyaj;a fkdhk nj okajd f.a wekao\" lgql wdydr lEj\" iuyr ke;=j u.Ska msÍ .shúg nih fkdÿgqjdh' ;u mshd;a weh;a uyf. fodßka msg jQjdh' úu,d w~ w~d Èkj, ksrdydrj isáh meÿre fõ.fhka bÈßhg weÿKs' nihg or ;kslr oud mshdf.a fyd|u Ñka;d yuqùug ujg fydfrka lvud,a,l ksÈ iqjh ,enQ Ñka;dg f.dvfjkak neß jQ msßi is;a ñ;=rd iu. uj m,d .sh nj lSfõ wdjdh' Ñka;d Bfha wfma wïud ±ka biqfrka msreKq Ôú;hla ;ejqf,ka B <`.g tk nih tk;=re ;u f,dl= wïudh' uj m, miq ug fkdiEfykak .=á neg ÿkakd ,xjjdh' wE bf.kSfï o w;s mdr foi n,d isákakg jQy' wjqreÿ Ñka;df.a mshd yDohdndOhlska ñh úNd.h fma,a lshd' oCIlï mEjdh' Wmka ymkalï ksid ksjdvqjg .fï hEug fndfyda .sfha Ñka;d bm§ uila .sh miqh' bf.kSfuka by< M,d fk,d .kakg fofkla isá nj Tjqkaf.a l:d nfyka tod isg wjqreÿ oyihla muk tlu úu,d Thd ñka miq fyd|g bf.k wEg wjia:dj ,eìKs' b|ysg rd;%sfha Tmamq úh' ¥ú,a, wjqiañka kej; ms<sirKh jQfõ mshdf.a ke.ksh jQ .kakehs uyd .eyekshla jf.a Ñka;d ksÈ hykg .sh úg lgql w;S;h;a mehlg muK miqj nia r:hla Ñka;df.a kekaoïudh' weh jekaoUq úu,dg lSjdh' úu,d ;u ujf.a wä ;u wdornr kekaoïud;a isys ù kej;=ï fmd,g ,`.d úh' fmr wd ia;%shls' weh;a Ñka;d;a ÿjla ujla Yíoh weiS jyd Ñka;d ,`.ska wE;a fk;g l÷,la ke. wdj;a th uy;a nihg fukau fï nihgo fk`. fia fifkyiska ne£ isáfhdah' úh' jáka f.däka l¨jr;a jglr,d' wdhdYhlska i`.jd f.k isáhdh' fmdr nÈñka f.dv jQfõ j,j;a Ñka;df.a ujf.a tlu fidfydhqßh l=mams ,dïmqfõ f;,a ì|laj;a kE' wE úYaj úoHd,fha bf.kqugo igklska ch .;a;d fia is;ñkah' jQ tu,skao tla ore ujls' wehf.a l,d ueÈß t,shla ÿgq wE ñÿ,g wjia:dj Wodúh' ta w;r wE yd meh .Kkla oyäh j.=rjñka ieñhd ñh .sfha Èfha .s,s,dh' nei oi; ne¨fõ kekaoïud tkjdo fm%auhl meg¨K fmïj;df.ka wE nigh ke.Sug n,d isá Ñka;d ta wE ks;r fldamfhka ±ù isá lshdh' h,s ldurhg f.dia lEug fírefka m%{dj ksidh' ;u ujg nihg;a f.dvfjkakg W;aidy ldka;djlah' weh Ñka;df.a uj;a hula fidh .kak;a nE ;o l`:jf¾ isoaO jQ wksgq úmdl .ek wehg ±refõ ke;' Ñka;d nr l,amkdjl iu`. ks;r ffjrfhla isá nj Ñka;d fmakafka kE' f.ôfhda nl nl isys jQjdh' hula lsÍug fmr ÿr .s,S isáfha uy¨ hdpl ia;%shlf.a ±k .;af;a ish kekaoïudf.kah' .dkjd /yehs kdoh;a wefikjd' È. ne,sh hq;= nj wE is;=jdh' fYdld,dm .S;hg ijka foñkah' wE Ñka;d ;kslr uj m,d .sh miq f,dl= y| t<sh;a kE\" ;re fmdl=re kï fmïj;df.a whq;= fhdackdj,g .ehQ .S;h wik úg wehf.a u;lhg wïud ì<s÷ orejd foi weila wer fmfkkjd' wE kekaoïud tkf;la wleu;s jQ ksid wE fm%aufhka wdfõ ;u kekaoïudh' wef.a Èúh ne¨fõ ke;' ta orejd f,dl= wïudg meÿrg fj,d meÿrg fj,d n,d mrdch úh' tod iriúhg hEug t<sh lrkakg kekaoïud fldÉpr uy;a ysirohla jQfha ;u kEkkaäh isáhdh' nv.skak by jyd f.diah' nia kej;=ï fmd,g wd fõ,dfõ§ uykais jQjdo@ is`.k ia;%sh .ehQ Ñka;dg ±la jQ wdor lreKdj kekaoïud l`:jf¾u ldurhg f.dv hdpl ia;%sh .ehQ fYdal .S;fhka Ñka;df.a yoj;g iómh' fik`. ksidh' Ñka;d;a\" f,dl= wïudf.a jQfha Ñka;d hehs wu;ñkah' wE Ñka;df.a yfoa hgm;a jQ w;S; w;rg f.dia wE WÉp iajrfhka ¥ úu,d;a iu jhfiah' fofokd jyd kekaoïud <`.g f.dia ,dïmqj Ôú;h foi n,kakg u`. újD; ;u yfoa kef`.k fYdalh m%ldY jefv;au tlsfkld f,ka.;=j o,ajkak f;,a ke;s nj lSjdh' úh' ta wkqj ;u kekaoïud kue;s l<;a lsisfjla wE foi ne¨fõ j;a weiqre lrñka iqyoj isáfhdah' fyd|hs\" uu blaukg lfâg .syska W;=ï ldka;dj ±l n,d .ekSfï ke;' wef.a wirKlu;a ÿ.Slu;a Èkla f,dl= wïud úu,dg ;rjgq tkakï lshd wE l`:jf¾u lvhg fkdksñ wdYdj jhska ùÿrejl fmK .ek wxY= ud;%hlaj;a wjOdkhla lf<a Th ld,lkaks fl,a, tlal .shdh' ál fõ,djlg miq wE weú;a fuka W;aikakj ke.S wdfõh' wE fkd,enQ wE ÿflka t;ekska bj;g fi,a,ï fkdlrk njg ;¾ckh myk ±,ajQjdh' kekaoïud ? lEug iriú fkdhd fl<skau .sfha ;u hkak ieriqks' Ñka;d wE wi,g lrñkah' tfy;a l=vd orefjda tlaù f.kd mdka iSks iu`. ld meÿf¾ kekaoïud ne,Sugh' mrk u;lh f.dia wE n,dfmdfr;a;= fkdjQ mßÈ fi,a,ï lf<dah' tlg tlaù mdi,a ydkais jQfõ Tkak ÿfõ\" i;=gqodhl Tiafia kekaoïud fidhd wef.a f,dl= uqo,la ta uy¨ ia;%shg ÿkakdh' .sfhdah' fnod yod lEfjdah' f,dl= wdrxÑhla uu kqUg f.kdjd' ksjig .shdh' wE;§u ñÿf,a frÈ hdpl ia;%sh úYaufhka úYauhg m;a wïud ks;r kekaoïudgo fodia ydfka\" fudllao kekaoïud@ fld<U j.hla jkñka isá f,dl= wïudf.a jQjdh' wef.a Ôú;fha flÈklj;a ke.=fõ Th whdf,a .syska jomq fmdfydi;a mjq,lg kqUj yod.kak rej Èia úh' weh m%S;sfhka mh fï id uqo,la w;g fkd,enqkq nj tjqkag i,lkjd\" uf.a fl<sg kï fokjd' kqfò wjdikdjka; ld,h blauka l<dh' ;ud tk nj f,dl= taldka; i;Hhls' ia;%shf.a uqyqK fyd|la lrkafka kï kE lshñks' ±ka bjr fj,d fyd| l, oYdjla wïud fkdÿgqjdh' f.or me;a;la mqri| fia nn,ñka Ñka;dg msx kekaoïud f,dl= wïud iu`. ,efnkjd' ug kï kqU uf.ka wE;a .rd jeá,dh' md¨h' th olsk úg ÿkakSh'Ñkakd ix.S;fhka lïmkh flfyj¨ mg,jd .kafka ke;=j fjk tl ÿlhs' kuq;a yeuodu yo fydia .d ±ù .shdfia ±ksk' úh' whe b;d bjiSfuka lghq;= l<dh' kqUg fï krldÈfha ÿla ú¢kak llshk yoj;ska wE f,dl= wïud Th fl,a, yßu uQi,hs' ´ls uqßÉÑ nEfka' ÿfõ\" bf.kSug ymka .EKq <`.g .shdh' f,dl= wïfï\" f,dl= weh ;u kekaoïud wu;l lr isàu ù .sfhd;a todg le| W.=rlaj;a <ufhla¨ Tjqka fidhkafka lshd wïfï\" flda kekaoïud lshd weiqjdh' fl;rï .=Kul= lula±hs is;ñka ,efnkafka kE' fudkjg fï f.or f,dl= uy;a;hd lsjqjd' úNd.fha f,dl= wïud Ñka;d ±l wef.a weia wE ÿla jQjdh' ÿla lïlfgd¨ j,ska ;shdf.k lkak fndkak fokjdo@ ,l=Kq u; tu ;SrKd;aul brKu Wv .shdh' f,dl= wïud ìrdka; msÍ .sh Ñka;dg iodld,sl iekiSu\" talsf.a wïug tals tmd kï rfÜ ;Skaÿ jk nj;a kekaoïud Ñka;df.a ù n,d isg f.d; .iñka yd''' iqjh ,nd ÿkafka kekaoïudh' úI bkak tlSg we;s lelal=u wehs\" ysi w;.dñka lSjdh' miqÈk kekaoïud ±ka fuys kE\" tfykï lgq wekqkq ßÿï ÿka wef.a Ôú;hg Tkak Th fl,a, fudlg yokjo@ kekaoïud;a weh;a .=re fldfyao isákafka@ ±ka uy¨ Tiq meka jQfõ kekaoïudh' oi wd§ ÿIag joka j,ska Ñka;dg È.g f.dia f,dl= uy;a;hd iu`. fld<U ksjdihlg f.dia oE jirla muK foiska mdfjñka ysi u; jÈkakg wd yryg myr ÿkak;a\" ta <ud is; iqúi,a nx.,djlg .sfhdah' Tjqka fjkjdhs weh lSjdh' fudkjd\" uy¨ .,af.ä ;ks w;ska je<l+ wfhdauh f,dl= wïudf.a kmqre joka j,g foi chisxy hqj, n,d i;=gq jQy' ksjdifha@ Tjq\" hehs f,dl= wïud yia;h kekaoïudh' je¥ uj ;u yqre mqreÿj isáhdh' ÿfõ\" Tkak Thdg w¨;a foudmsh ms<sjoka ÿks' Ñka;df.a uq`: i¾jdx. lsßleá ±ßh ;kslr oud m,d .sh hqj<la yuq jqkd' lSlrej fyd¢ka hu ±ù msÉfpkakd jf.a ±kqkdh' úg wehg Ôjh ÿkafka kekaoïudh' ld,h fõ.fhka we§ .shdh' Ñka;d;a fuys isákakehs kekaoïud lSjdh' weh ksfïIhlaj;a t;ek fkd/£ weh ug kekaoïud fkdj ujq lsß úu,d;a YsIH;aj úNd.hg fmkS isg jydu uy¨ ksjdih fidhd .shdh' kqÿkak;a wE ujls' ud wehg Ñka;d úYsIaG wkaoñka iu;a jQj;a Ñka;d yod .kakg .;a chisxy weh uy¨ ksjdifha md,sldj yuq ù iodld,fhau Kh .e;sh jeks oyila úu,d úNd.fhka wiu;a nj ±k.;a hqj< wehf.a lsisu kEfhl= kekaoïud ms<sn| f;dr;=re lshd wE is;=ú,s ueo Ñka;d ;ks jQjdh' nia f,dl= wïud Ñka;d flfrys mej;s ksjig meñfKkak neß nj ±kqï yuqùug wjir me;=jdh' Tn ljqo lSmhla kej;=ï fmd<g weú;a .sh;a noaO ffjrh ;j ;j;a jeäúh' weh ÿkafkdah' th weiQ kekaoïud lshd md,sldj Ñka;df.ka úuid Ñka;d tl r:hlgj;a f.dv jQfha Ñka;d foi wj{dfjka n,d f;da n,j;a fYdalfhka Ñka;df.a uqyqK ±kf.k\" wfka\" fndfydu lk.dgqhs' ke;' wE hk .uk ksÉÑhla ke;súh' uf.a ye;sßhla ksid uf.a fl,a, foi fudfyd;la n,d isáhdh' talg wE udihlg fmr u< .shd' fudkjd\" hdpl ia;%shf.a .Sfhka wef.a uki fma,a jqkd' fï uQi,S uf.a fl,a, lula kE uy;auhd\" fl,a,g fyd| wE l,dka;j weo jefgkakg hk úg fjk me;a;lg fhduq jQjdh' wef.a fi,a,ug weof.k tals mdvï l,d l,la hkjd kï ta we;ehs lSjdh' md,sldj Ñka;d mqgqjl ys| .ekSug yoj; fõokdfjka msßks' ysi hhs ;rfyka msmsrefka .skakg ¨Kq wk;=rej Èjd wdydrh f.k Tjqka ie,eiajQjdh' wfka\" ud fuf;la l,a rofhka llshkakg úh' fõokdfjka ±ïud fiah' nx.,dfjka msg jQfjdah' .;fj,dfka wE ne,Sug kdj ksid mSä; wef.a ukfia h,s h,s;a is;=ú,s m%udoh miq;eú,a,g fya;= jQ nj oyrd fkdkj;a;du .,d tkakg úh' weh fufkys l<dh' fifkfy,;d r;,ka fõj,s 36 MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGHT & LIFE The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL COMPASSION CHRISTIAN CHURCH JOIN US FOR OUR SINHALA SERVICE Join us for dynamic worship, live preaching and programs for children of all age groups. We provide a safe environment during our services for children aged 1-12 years old, teens and young adults during our Saturday services where they can make great friends and learn about God. Our church is a place of warm care and welcome We provide dinner after the service. We are committed to make the love of Christ known, and to serve the community in His name. SATURDAY 6:30PM COMPASSION CHRISTIAN CHURCH (WAVERLEY BAPTIST CHURCH) 2-4 LUM ROAD, WHEELERS HILL VIC 3150 03 9763 5727 CCCSINHALA.ORG @COMPASSION.CHRISTIAN.CHURCH The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGhT & LIFE 37 from Dr. QUINTUS DE ZYLVA Chairman | Sri Lanka Cricket Foundation of Victoria ANOTHER LAPTOP TO ANOTHER STUDENT K. A. C. PATHUM MIHIRANGA is doing a Java programming and web development diploma at the ljse . institute in Colombo. He is the brother of SAMADHI who commenced a degree in engineering at the Sri Jayawardenapura University this year. MIHIRANGA attended Richmond College Galle. We have provided both of them with laptops kindly donated by Mario. AUSLMAT remains committed to supporting Sri Lankan children in their education. Our KKS (Keep Kids in School) program supports many children at Tissamaharama/Beralihela and we are grateful to the SAJITH BANDARA many donors who have made this program possible. and PARTNER Dr. Jennifer at Maalu Maalu and with Dr. Iresha at The Beralihela dispensarySAJITHisafirstyearmedicalstudentatSriJayawardanepuraUniversity. His partner is Punsala Hewage. She is also a first year medical student at Dr. Jennifer Johns has visited Sri Lanka with the medical team on many the same University. She entered Uni from Furguson College Ratnapura. occasions. She joined us soon after the tsunami of 2004 and has given lectures and echo demonstrations at several hospitals. Sajith was introduced to us by Rev. Buddhadatha Thero of the Bahirawakande temple in Kandy. Sajith was a student at Dharmarajah She was awarded an AM – Member of the Order of Australia some years College in Kandy. ago. Nicholas her son has also joined us on some visits to the Batticaloa and Galle hospitals. We have sent Rev. Buddhadatha Thero two laptops that he requested - one of them will be given to Sajith. Jennifer and Nicholas joined us soon after the tsunami when we visited Galle. She has given lectures at the Karapitiya, Matara and Batticaloa NIGEL KERNER hospitals. NIGEL introduced us to Prof. Ariyananda as soon as we arrived in Colombo after the tsunami of 2004. He was certain that Prof. Ari would look after us as we reached Galle. Thus was the start of a long association AUSLMAT have had with the Karapitiya hospital. NIGEL was a brilliant, kind and generous man who had a wide interest in many things associated with Sri Lanka. He provided the first gym equipment for Sri Lanka cricket – flown down at his expense from England. He often entertained Sri Lankan cricketers at his residence in London. His generosity extended to the building of a hospital close to Adam’s Peak purely for the poor estate labourers. He entertained Jennifer and I at his home in Colombo and also on his estate at Maskeliya. We are proud to have known Nigel for many years and are grateful to him for the introduction to Prof. Ari. Nigel studied at St. Aloysius College Galle before he went to London. He arranged for the teaching of English to poor students in Colombo. Our sympathies have been extended to Denise. 38 MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGHT & LIFE The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGhT & LIFE 39 SASIVSIUYA DREAM WHAT IS SISU SAVIYA A BIGGER PICTURE WITH Sisu Saviya is a foster care BETTER scholarships program which was PROSPECTS FOR A launched first by SCATS in 1997 to CHILD’S assist talented underprivileged FUTURE. primary and secondary school students in rural Sri Lanka. How It Works Without such help these disadvantaged children By donating a mere $25 a month to a needy child may never raise their heads above water due to for studies (less than a $1 a day), you can make poverty. The ultimate beneficiary from your effort a huge difference in a their future and feel the is not only the child. The whole family will witness genuine comfort of being close to the “foster and benefit from your pledge today, one day. family” that you care for in your beloved motherland. After becoming a sponsor, we will allocate a needy student to you with your preference and Our Cordial Invitation To You provide all relevant information along with their contact details and the bank account number so We cordially invite you to participate in this that you can directly remit your contribution to his meritorious program by becoming a child sponsor or her account in Sri Lanka for studies. by providing one or more of these scholarships for one child (or more). Your scholarship will have We thank you for supporting this worthy program. far-reaching educational outcomes and successes for these children. SCATS Sisu Saviya Project Network Chairperson Phone Email 0433 424 919 [email protected] Dr. Pathmini Ukwatte Project Coordinators Phone Email 0449 070 799 [email protected] Hemamali Perera 0408 270 989 [email protected] Chandani Perera 1 40 MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGHT & LIFE The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL Committee Phone Email 0430 995 966 [email protected] Recka Kariyawasam 0425 877 959 [email protected] Wendy Perera 0433 651 285 [email protected] Suseema Perera 0426 077 610 [email protected] Manike Pabotuwa Daya Lankapura 0011 94 77 730 4015 [email protected] (EXCO Sri Lanka - Media) Advisory Committee Phone Email 0403 437 407 [email protected] Dr. Sudath Amarasinghe 0011 94 72 281 6169 [email protected] (SCATS Australia) 0403 437 407 [email protected] Lionel Nawagamuwa 0430 331 575 [email protected] (President SCATS Sri Lanka) Dr. Hemantha Rohitha (Chairperson SCATS Innovation) Gamini Perera OAM (Chairperson SCATS International Relations) Sri Lankan study Centre for the Advancement of Technology and Social Welfare SCATS Australia GPO Box 4229 Melbourne VIC 3001 Australia [email protected] 2 The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGhT & LIFE 41 Specialising in Adelaide and South Australia Specialising in Adelaide and South Australia Specialising in Adelaide and South Australia Specialising in Adelaide and South Australia 42 MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGHT & LIFE The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL CNOCSOEULUNLNISNSEGELLLLININGG LINGPhone Sirini onP: hP0o4hn3oe0nSe3i4rSi9inrii8no4i9no:n: 040433 SSESATAHSSNEETATHHNNAA hSoEnLeCLSOiIrNiCnUiOGoNUnSS: NEE0RS4L3EVL0LIIC3LN4EI9GNS8G4S9ESRE VR IVCI CEESS HNA SERVICES The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGhT & LIFE 43 Tnf.a ish¨u fcda;sIH lghq;= i`oyd ckau m;% ne,Sug kï ;eîug iqN kele;a iE§ug fmdfrdkaoï ne,Sug úi;a r io` yd wu;kka 0419 874 469 or email your details to [email protected] 44 MARCH 2022 PAHANA - LIGHT & LIFE The first Sri Lankan community newspaper with SINHALA | ENGLISH | TAMIL

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