MIRIAM STERN ROSENBLATT Elementary SchoolThe Hebrew Academy Miriam Stern Rosenblatt Elementary School cares deeply about ourentire learning community. We pride ourselves on having a talented faculty who are lifelonglearners and who are constantly growing, learning, and improving their craft throughongoing professional development. Our elementary program is recognized for its rigorousJudaic and General Studies curriculum.Our Judaic curriculum includes learning about Torah, Shabbat, the chaggim, and our Jewishhomeland, Israel. Speaking, writing, singing, and reading in Hebrew are an integral partof this program. Our students study from text with teacher direction as well as peer topeer collaboration. Our staff enhances the learning by incorporating technology like GoogleVoice, Ji Tap and Class Dojo.In our General Studies department we infuse technology and 21st Century skills in meaningfulways. The IReady Diagnostic (administered 3 times a year) pinpoints the skill level of everystudent in K-5 in the areas of reading and math. In this way, we can individualize instructionand provide personalized learning plans with specific goals and targets for every student.Our school utilizes Go Math for grades K-3, and Math Connects in Grades 4 and 5. The onlineMathletics program provides reinforcement of math skills and promotes automaticity ofmath facts as well. Our students are becoming informed citizens of the world with our dailyonline news platform,News O Matic.Our Physical Education, Music, Media Center, and Art Departments work with our Judaicand General Studies faculty to coordinate meaningful and fun experiences for our children,bringing enrichment to topics addressed in the classrooms.Proper social emotional development is fostered through our PBIS inspired school wideProject Gevurah program and the incorporation of Cloud 9 featuring a Middah of the Month.These middot are reinforced throughout the Elementary School year round and during ourweekly Shabbat assemblies where we recognize our Warriors of the Week who have risenabove and beyond our expectations.The elementary program is constantly evolving and the warmth and enthusiasm of ourdynamic community of staff, faculty, students, and parents is palpable. We are proud toprovide an amazing environment for our young Warriors to build upon.
Our Pre-K students had the best time last week learning about Parashat Vayera. They learned that Abrahamwas sitting at the foot of his tent which had 4 doors, waiting for guests to come. They experienced the mitzvahof Hachnasat Orchim first hand from their friends in kindergarten. They all had a great time!In combination with our STEAM curriculum, our Yeladim learned about structures, and architecture. We hadthe honor of welcoming to our class Mr. Straz, Aliya Straz’s dad, to talk to us about structures and Architecture101. He taught our Yeladim how to make a floor plan and they even practiced making floor plans of their ownhome. Our Yeladim took it to the next level by applying the knowledge they acquired and transferring it to theEngineering Center where they built a city with their very own blue prints.“We built this city together and we even drew the plans but they are not so clear because we are not realarchitects,” our Yeladim proudly exclaimed!
CHARLOTTE ROHR Middle SchoolBuilt around the unique strengths of pre-teen andadolescents, the Hebrew Academy Charlotte Rohr MiddleSchool program strives to encourage independentand critical thinking across all content areas. Studentsparticipate in a Judaic Studies and Secular Studies programwhich includes semester long elective courses in the areasof art, technology, foreign language, and S.T.E.M (Science,Technology, Engineering, Math). Each student is viewed as anindividual who brings different ideas, interests, and learningstyles to the classroom. Middle school classes incorporateblended learning platforms to further personalize learningfor each student. Responsibility for yourself, your peers, andyour community are instilled in the students through socialand emotional learning programs, service learning projects,and classroom activities. Our Middle School faculty is fullydedicated to and embraces the joys of teaching studentsin this age group, who are rapidly changing and growing.Each day our faculty fosters independence by providingchallenge, guidance, and support as students work towardmastery. At the end of the Middle School years, students arewell prepared to move on to High School.
We would like to thank all of the amazing teachers and incredible staff at Hebrew Academy. Toda Raba for your hard work and dedication to our children.Falic, Levi, and Groisman Families
FANA HOLTZ High SchoolHebrew Academy Fana Holtz High School prides itself onhelping each student reach his/her full potential. All studentsare awarded opportunities to become the best version ofthemselves. We instill in our students strong Torah values,and we hope that these values will guide the students inmaking good decisions today as well as throughout theiradult years. We offer an individualized schedule for eachstudent that allows for courses of interest, at the appropriatelevel, and with unparalleled faculty instruction. We hopethat the product of our High School will be a well-educated,well-informed, well-adjusted, and well-rounded young adult,ready to tackle the world that lies ahead.
RECOGNIZING FIRST REinShPonOorNoDf 9E/1R1 SOn Monday morning September 12th, our Kindergarten and First Grade students honored theMiami Beach first responders with a visit to the Miami Beach Fire Department. We started ourprogram with the Fire Fighters, Hebrew Academy children, and Staff reciting the Pledge ofAllegiance and then sang the Star Spangled Banner.Each grade presented cards, letters, and posters of appreciation to the Fire Chief. The childrenalso gave a “Warriors of our Community” certificate and Hebrew Academy hats to all of theappreciative firefighters. The children received shiny, red fire hats and a chance to explore areal fire truck! Everyone had a fantastic morning.We are so thankful to our fire department heroes for their dedication and this fantasticeducational opportunity.
Mazal tov to Jeannette Kamhazi A true “Eshet Chayil”We thank you for your unwavering commitment to our school. May Hashem bless you and your family today and always! The Falic Family
THE NEW HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING are we there yet? Sophomore Alex Farkas has been hearing talk of the construction plans of a new high school building for a long time. “I’ve been hearing these rumors for a while, and I’m very anxious to see the truth in these rumors,” said Farkas. “I hope that I’ll still be around to benefit from the new building.” According to Hebrew Academy officials, it may be a while before ground breaks on the new building.“We plan to break ground as soon as we get the permitting done,” said Board member and Development ChairMarjan Katz. ” Right now we are at the mercy of the city.” According to Katz, permitting could take anywherefrom three to nine months, and the actual construction time could take up to 18 months.In addition to obtaining permits, fundraising is also a top priority. “We have five million dollars in pledges,” saidDirector of Development Amy Somek. Initial costs of the new building range from approximately ten to twelvemillion dollars.The Board has letters of interest for buying and/or leasing the current high school building. The Board hopes tohave a total income of at least three or four million dollars from its plan to sell or lease the property. The schooldoes not intend to continue to use the current building once the new building is built. Prior to groundbreaking,the Board plans to raise an additional two to three million dollars for the construction.Students have been speculating about the new features they will enjoy from the future building. These newfeatures include a large beit midrash, an innovation center, a large food court with outdoor seating, a college guidancesuite, and two science labs: one for biology and another for chemistry. All of these amenities will be located on thefirst floor. The second floor will house the middle school classrooms, and the third floor will be for the high school.Throughout the building, there will be wide hallways with large windows for light.
Older students wish they could enjoy the new amenities that the future building will offer. “I envy the younger studentswho will get the opportunity to use all the new equipment and technology.” said senior Yehuda Neuwirth. “I think that inchemistry and biology, I had limited resources, and that limited my education to a certain degree. The opportunity thatthese students will have will really expand their knowledge.”Members of the faculty are also looking forward to the new building. “I think it will give the students a little bit morepride,” said History Department Chair Mr. Matla. “Looking around this building, it’s almost 40 or 50 years old. . . . A nicebright new building with the most modern technology is something you want to see.”The Science Department was consulted by the building’s planners to determine its specific needs. The Department isespecially looking forward to new safety equipment and other basic lab materials, said Science Department Chair Ms.Zack. “I think that it’s going to be an incredible step up for the Science Department,” Zack said. “We’ve been promised abrand new state of the art science lab. It will become a place where students want to come to learn science.”Students and faculty members are also excited about a much needed climate change in the new building. “My room inparticular has often been compared to the North Pole, so I’m looking forward to being able to regulate the temperatures,”said English teacher Mr. Adams. “It’s always good for a school to get a face lift.”The students, faculty, and parents eagerly await the arrival of the new building.By: Rummi Neuwirth (10th grade), with additional reporting by Jack Esformes (11th grade)and Gabe Apoj (12th grade)
In honor of our Zaidy, Simon Falic We love you Zaidy! You are the best Zaidy in the whole world and we love when you play the accordion! Love, Danelle Alexandra, Yona Amelie, Joseph Nathanel, Rachel Noa, Zion Ariel, Natan Isaac, Alexandra Liel, Racheli Yocheved,Benjamin Chaim, Eitan Haim, Eliana Rochelle, and Rebecca Tzofia
Mr. Shlomik, Thank you for the love anddedication you have given our children. Mazal Tov on a well deserved honor! The Falic Family
Congratulations to the honoreesfor your service and dedication to the Jewish Community. The Simkins Family Foundation
RESOURCESAcademic EnrichmentZaniac offers qualifying students in grades 1-5 an amazing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math)enrichment opportunity. Zaniac was founded in 2012 to offer children a place where they can master foundationskills, learn about math and technology, and become scientists. Students enrolled in this enrichment program willparticipate in Tinkering, Zane Math, and Scratch. Generally, Zaniac offers STEM courses after school, but HebrewAcademy is the only school where enrichment programming is incorporated into the school day. Students in grades6-12 are placed into ability-leveled classes according to their specific academic needs. The leveled classes includeregular, honors, and advanced placement course opportunities.Academic SupportStudents in need of resource support in elementary school benefit from small group reinforcement, which targetsindividual needs in the areas of reading, language arts, math, and Judaic studies. In middle school and high school,the resource teacher monitors students’ progress on a weekly basis and meets with them individually in order toensure that assignments are completed in a timely manner. Students are able to meet with the resource teacheron a regular basis in order to review organizational strategies, study for tests, verify that their homework calendarsare up to date, and receive homework assistance. If a student has been identified as having a Specific LearningDisability or other challenges that impact learning, accommodations or modifications can be provided.ESOLStudents who are learning to speak English can receive support from our ESOL Program. English skills are assessedfor each student, and a learning plan is created that may include small group instruction two to four times per week,in-class support, modified curriculum, and/or Pass-Fail grading. PsychologistsOur school psychologists are available to help our students navigate transitions successfully. These psychologistsmeet with our new students to make sure they are feeling welcome and making friends, provide informative programsabout hot topics in child development for our parents, and counsel students during difficult times such as divorce orbereavement. Hebrew Academy does not offer programs for students with behavioral needs or social/emotional delays.
College and Israel GuidanceHebrew Academy has an experienced college and Israel guidance team. This team successfully places our studentsin top universities and programs that match each student’s personal interests and needs.ScholarshipHebrew Academy offers scholarships for children in Kindergarten through grade 12. Our generous scholarship programensures no child is turned away from getting a Jewish education for financial reasons.Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA)Our PTSA provides an extensive network that connects all aspects of Hebrew Academy and promotes school spirit.The PTSA gives interested parents a chance to voluntarily work toward enhancing our school. Helping to host specialevents, such as Teacher Appreciation Week and the Purim carnival, as well as providing meaningful fundraisingopportunities are just a sampling of the many ways in which the PTSA benefits our school.Hot Lunch ProgramWe proudly offer an optional Glatt Kosher hot lunch program for students in Playgroup through grade 12. Alternatively,students may bring a dairy or pareve lunch from home if they prefer.School NurseHebrew Academy has a nurse on staff to provide care to our students when in need and to ensure helpful communicationwith our parents. During the school day, if a child bumps his/her knee on the playground, needs a dose of medication,or does not feel well, our school nurse is available to assist.
In Honor of Mr. Simon Falic Light the Path to Legacy Award Mrs. Jeannette Kamhazi Light the Path to Action Award Mr. Shlomo Krivinsky Light the Path to Education AwardCongratulations to Emily & Steven Ebner, Miriam & Daniel Hoffman, Hillary & Judah Holland & Erica & Sonny Kahn for completing a beautiful and successful journal. We recognize Amy Somek, Rachel Bicky, Tila & Moshe Levi,Dori & Joseph Shwirtz and Diana & Daniel Sragowicz and the Event committee for their efforts to make this evening so enjoyable, musical and elegant. Professor William and Bernice Schwartz Dr. Baruch and Robin Jacobs SUSAN AND STANLEY ROSENBLATT
Congratulations to all the amazing honorees.Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to our school. Gail Newhouse and Tracy and Dovie Spitz
RASGRASGRASGRASEXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES The school day does not need to conclude when the last bell rings. Many enrichment and athletic opportunities, as well as an after-care program, conveniently take place after school on our campus. Beginning in Nursery 3, students can extend their day through participation in our After School Activities Program. Classes that include ballet, robotics, fashion design, arts and crafts, Mind Lab, Zumba, Jazzercise, drama, and a variety of “pee wee” sports provide students with the chance to discover their passion in a fun and safe environment led by qualified staff. Different classes are offered each semester to allow for exposure to a world of limitless learning opportunities. Students of all ages can also join our after-care program to play, do homework, and relax, while waiting for their parents who need more time to pick them up. Hebrew Academy also offers various programs known collectively as “Student Life.” Student activities directors take care to develop fun programs that support our school mission and enrich our students’ lives socially and experientially. Clubs, shabbatonim, class trips, chesed days, and pep rallies, among other activities, provide our students with a wide array of exciting and beneficial events to enjoy each year.
CongratulationsMazal Tov to the Falic familyand to all of the honorees!And to the Kochav from Kfar Vitkin-thank you for bringing so much joyto our children!Love,Miriam, Daniel,Jake, Abby, Ben and Sol Hoffman
In loving memory of our mother, grandmother, and great grandmother, Marilyn Levovitz z”l May your kindness and dignity be a constant inspiration for all of us. Reva and Harvey Gertel Elie, Jessica, Dahlia, Elana, Naomi, Maya, and Abie Gertel Tara GertelShuli, Avi, Leora, Tora, Moshe, Avrumi, and Malka Bossewitch
Congratulations to all of the amazing honorees.Your unwavering dedication and wisdom are an inspiration to our school and our community. Elisha & Kellie Rothman and Family
RASGRASGATHRLETIACS SGRASG Hebrew Academy is committed to providing athletic programs that promote and develop teamwork, ethical conduct, sportsmanship, physical skill, and healthy competition. We believe athletics should foster educational growth while providing students with meaningful learning opportunities. Our goal is for all interested students to discover a sport they enjoy. Beginning in elementary school, we offer competitive intramural leagues for boys and girls. As members of the Florida High School Athletic Association, students in middle school and high school are offered competitive team opportunities at the Junior Varsity, and Vasity levels.
G Thank you Mr. Shlomik for your amazing music. Congrats to all the amazing honorees for impacting our great school! Love, Ari and Elissa Ciment Tehila, Jack and Sam Ciment
Every day is open house at Hebrew Academy. Contact us for a personal tour and programoverview, as well as the opportunity to ask any questions about the admission process. Ouradmissions staff is available to help you navigate the admission and scholarship applicationprocess. Although there is no application deadline, qualified students are admitted on a firstcome, first served basis.To schedule an appointment, please call: 305-532-6421 ext. 105 or email: [email protected].
Our deepest gratitude to Mr. Simon Falic,Mrs. Jeannette Kamhazi, and Mr. Shlomo Krivinskyfor lighting paths to legacy, action, and education that inspire the entire Hebrew Academy community. Robert & Robin Waldman Joshua & Jennifer Dobin and family Steven & Emily Ebner and family Daniel & Abigail Nagler and family
RASGRASGRASGRASCOLLEGE & YESHIVA ACCEPTANCESCLASS OF 2016 COLLEGE University of MassachusetsACCEPTANCES University of Miami University of MichiganBabson College University of South FloridaBar Ilan University Yeshiva UniversityBarnard CollegeBinghamton University SEMINARY & YESHIVOTBoston University ACCEPTANCESBrandeis UniversityCornell University AardvarkFlorida Atlantic University Ba’er Miriam Derech Ohr SomayachFlorida Gulf Coast University Midreshet LindenbaumFlorida International University Midreshet MoriahHofstra University Sha’alvim for WomenIDC Herzliya Sherut LeumiJohns Hopkins University Tiferet SeminaryLong Island University Yeshivat Lev HaTorahLynn University Yeshivat ReishitMiami-Dade College Yeshivat OraytaNew York University Yeshivat Torat ShragaRutgers University Young Judea Y.C.Stern College for WomenTouro College Military EnlistmentUniversity of Central FloridaUniversity of Florida Israeli Defense ForcesUniversity of Maryland
S Congratulations to all of the amazing honorees. We feel very blessed to be a part of the Hebrew Academy family. Thank you so much to all of the wonderful teachers and staff who make our school so fantastic. Sima, Jonathan, Moses, Faiga Shaina and Gabriel Burstein
We salute the FACULTY and STAFF of the RASG Hebrew Academy. We see the full picture of all you provide to each of your students, from Early Childhood through senior year - and everything in between.We could not be more proud to be associated with this school. Robert & Robin Waldman Joshua & Jennifer Dobin and Family Steven & Emily Ebner and Family Daniel & Abigail Nagler and Family
Congratulations to all of the amazing honorees.Your unwavering dedication and wisdom are an inspiration to our school and our community. Eric & Cynthia Stein and Family
Best wishesto all the teachers, administration, and faculty for your dedication and commitment to our children and community. Chanie and Shmuli Gottlieb & Family
Mazal Tov Jeannette Kamhazi Shlomo Krivinsky Simon Falic on this well-deserved honor.And thank you for your commitment to Hebrew Academy. Chanie and Shmuli Gottlieb & Family
A special thank you to all of our Light the Path Society members. We had so much funrecognizing you at this year’s Light the Path Society Donor Reception. The event was agreat success and most importantly, a lot of fun! We greatly appreciate your generosity and support of our school and look forward to celebrating many more special occasions together.If you would like to learn more about how to become a Light the Path Society member, please contact our Development Office at [email protected] or (305) 532 – 6421 ext. 110
RED RIBBON WEEK the choice is yours By: Hannah Mayer (10th grade) This week Hebrew Academy observed Red Ribbon Week, also known as drug and alcohol prevention/awareness week. Through two different activities, the school raised awareness and educated students about drug and alcohol prevention. Students showed their commitment to preventing drug and alcohol abuse by wearing two different items of clothing. The girls donned red headbands and the boys wore red kippot for the entire week. On Thursday students gathered at the Red Ribbon weekassembly to learn about the reality of substance abuse. The event began with Dr. Londonsharing some sobering facts about drug and alcohol abuse. According to statistics, 4,300deaths a year are caused by underage drunk driving, and drug overdose is the mostcommon cause of death among teens. Many students said they were startled to hearthese facts.Mr. Berman spoke about his personal experience with a drug-addicted friend, sharing hisperspective on the danger of drugs and how addiction does not discriminate.“The assembly was very powerful,” said Yisroel Goldstein (10th grade). “It showed all ofus that these issues aren’t so foreign and are completely relevant to us.”Many students said the assembly caused them to genuinely think about their actions andthe consequences of those actions.“The assembly showed the realities of substance abuse,” said Michal Cohen (11th Grade).“The message expressed by Mr. Berman really came through.”
Mazal Tov to Simon Falic and Family for Lighting the Path to Legacy! “Ma’aseh Avot Siman LeBanim”: the acts of parents serve as a sign to their children. Watching the Falic family and all their efforts amongnumerous organizations is inspirational! They embody Gmilut Chasadim, always ready to help Am Israel and Medinat Israel! These acts not only serve as a sign to their children, but to the entire community! Kol Haka-vod! May Hashem continue to bless you so you can continue to ignite the love of the Land of Israel and helping all those in need! In honor of Mrs. Jeannette Kamhazi for “Lighting the Path to Action”and all your continued efforts on behalf of the entire Jewish People. You are a true Eishet Chayil whose love of family and community knows no bounds! Mazal tov! May Hashem continue to bless you and your family from strength to strength! With much love and admiration, Johnathan, Rachel, Esther, and Samuel Laoui
In honor of all the teachers, volunteers, and administrators who “Light the Path” for our children!! A special thank you to Mr. Shlomo Krivinsky, for “Lighting the Path to Education”and igniting our children with music and laughter!It is all of you who shape the minds of our future! With gratitude, Johnathan and Rachel Laoui
SESNhaIbObaRton ONE FOR THE BOOKS By: Shmuel Kahn (12th grade)This past weekend, the seniors came together for a Shabbaton atthe Hebrew Academy, where they spent the night from sundownon Friday to Havdalah, Saturday night. The Shabbos consisted ofsinging, board games, a newly-wed game, sports, class bonding, andmuch more.“I felt like I was finally part of the class, and I am very happy I went,”says Mendy Benamou (12th grade).The Shabbaton began with davening on the roof and ended off with singing. Not only did thestudents bond with their classmates, but all became closer with the teacher chaperones.“The Shabbaton was an uplifting experience,” says Judah Neuwirth (12th grade). “Because ofRabbi Ney’s hard work and planning, it was truly a flawless weekend.”One of the highlights of the Shabbaton is called the “Blackout,” when all students, with RabbiNey and Rabbi Assaraf, sit in a pitch black room where the floor is open to discussing anysubject.“It gave every single kid a chance to express themselves openly, and say things in a totallyjudge free environment,” says Avi Stein (12th grade ). “Every student came out of that roomand felt like they had grown closer to the class.”“This was the most inspirational Shabbaton we’ve had yet,” says Rabbi Ney.” Everything wastotally beautiful, and it was a pleasure to be a part of it.”The Hebrew Academy and all the Seniors thank Rabbi Ney and all of the other faculty involvedin organizing yet another great event for the school. We are lucky to have them.
Graduation Honors & Awards 2015-2016
Mazal Tov to all the honorees.Your dedication to our school provides an inspiring example to all future leaders in the community. May you have continued success in all your endeavors. Neil and Efrat FriedmanNEIL A. FRIEDMAN, D.M.D. & assoc. Cosmetic & Family DentistryKey Biscayne Bay Harbor Islands969 Crandon Blvd. 1048 Kane ConcourseKey Biscayne, FL 33149 Bay Harbor Islands, FL 33154Tel: (305) 361-2096KeyBiscayneSmiles.com Tel: (305) 615-5722 BayHarborDentistry.com
Best wishes to all the honorees.Thank you so much for your continued efforts on behalf of the Greater Miami Hebrew Academy. The Herssein Family & New Age Media Software Inc.
A TDRrI.BDUaTnECToOoperThis year, the Hebrew Academy lost a great teacher, friend, and colleague. Dr. DanCooper taught experimental science, computers, and chemistry. Though he was afirst year teacher, he seamlessly transitioned into a beloved member of the HebrewAcademy family. Students and staff are mourning this tragic loss and remembering how, in such a short time,Dr. Cooper made such a large impact. Here are some of the shared memories of Dr. Cooper, which the WarriorWord compiled below:“He wasn’t mainstream. He was totally different. His approach was different than anything I had ever seen. Hehad a PhD in organic chemistry, but was also working on a computer program that became his hobby once heaccepted the job at Hebrew Academy. He brought a unique style to our program and will be missed.”-Dr. Dara Lieber, assistant principal of the high school.“He was probably one of the smartest people I have ever met. He was brilliant, very passionate about chemistry,education and about bettering the lives of his students. We would hang out sometimes outside of school. Hewas an interesting guy. He had a lot of good experiences in his life that he would bring and talk about.”-Mr. Tyler Carson, biology and anatomy and physiology teacher.“He was very enthusiastic and he seemed very passionate about teaching. Every day in class there was a verynew and interesting topic, and the students loved him. He was a quiet, likable personality.”-Yisroel Goldstein (10th)“I remember that one day I had a question about something Science related, and even though Dr. Cooper wasn’tmy teacher, I asked him and he didn’t have the answer at that moment. Some time passed, and I had forgottenall about about my question, but Dr. Cooper found me and handed me a huge packet on the topic my questionwas on.” -Gabe Apoj (12th).“He really loved teaching. It’s rare for someone so new to the field to be so willing to change what he was doing.He would acknowledge when he was doing something wrong and could change what he was doing; to takeadvice. I had nothing but admiration for him, and, in my opinion, he was going to be a superb educator.”– Mrs. Eve Zack, Science Department Chair and Teacher.
“He always cared about all of us, individually.” -Florencia Chami (12th)“He was a really good teacher. He was very smart, but also a very outgoing and understanding guy. He barelyknew us, but he cared about us as if he was our teacher for a long time. He would ask us on Friday what our planswere for the weekend. And then on Monday he would ask us how our weekend was.If we said we were going out,he would tell us to be careful. One of Dr. Cooper’s experiments was to have us build an apparatus that would holdand protect an egg if we threw it off the roof. The point was to have the egg not break and we could only use thematerials that were given to us.He was so excited to do it. Whenever I went up to him with my project, he wouldjust get excited to answer our questions and help us out. He was trying to guide us on the right path from thebeginning.” -Aaron Zilberman (12th)“When he first started he was very anxious. He had never taught at the high school level before, but I think withintwo weeks he suddenly transformed.” -Rabbi Aharon Assaraf, assistant principal of the high school.“He was really intelligent. I liked his teaching because he just explained things differently in a way that made meunderstand the topic. He answered all of our questions and he always had a sarcastic answer to our questions,which was a really good trait about him because he was funny that way.” -Abi Merran (10th)“As a teacher he was very passionate about his work. He always presented it in a way that made it soundentertaining, but at the same time was informative.” -Brian Garcia (10th)“He would always make sure that our work was perfect. He really cared about us learning the material.”-Anna Sher (12th)“He always had a goofy attitude and was always enthusiastic about what he was teaching.”–Shayna Boymelgreen (10th)“He was a new type of teacher that I’ve never had before, because we were doing a lot of hands on experimentsfrom day one rather than note taking, which for me is the best type of learning. Every Wednesday and Friday inour computer class, Dr. Cooper gave us a break from coding and allowed us to work on something else. I, alongwith Rachel Hayes and Hadassah Bixon, decided to create a blog. We blogged about Dr. Cooper.We took funnythings that he would say and turned them into short paragraphs. He liked our blog and shared it with all of hisfriends.” -Judah Neuwirth (12th).
Best wishes to all the honorees.Thank you so much for your continued efforts on behalf of the Greater Miami Hebrew Academy. RA Brandon & Company Todd Brandon, President Madeline Brandon, Vice-President 217 Aragon Avenue, Coral Gables, FL 33134 Tel: 305-442-2340 • Fax: 305-444-0497 www.rabrandoninsurance.com
Congratulations to all of the amazing honorees.Your unwavering dedication and wisdom are an inspiration to our school and our community. And a big thank you to the outstanding Hebrew Academy staff, with an especially warm welcome to Principal Debbie Hamburg. With love & appreciation, Stephanie, David, Matan, and Caleb Schwartz
Mazal Tov Mr. Simon Falic Mrs. Jeannette Kamhazi, and Mr. Shlomo Krivinsky.May you continue to have the strength, vision, and fortitude to lead our school to greater and greater heights. Kol Hakavod, Dori and Joe Shwirtz
Congratulations to all of the amazing honorees. Your unwavering dedication and wisdom are an inspiration to our school and our community.Daniel, Diana, Ariela, Benji, Avi, Yakov and Sami Sragowicz
Mazel Tov to Jeannette Kamhazi and Simon Falic on this most well deserved honor. To Mr. Shlomik: Thank you so very much forsupplying the amazing soundtrack of Hebrew Academy.Over the past 8 years you have brought Dovid, Shira and Shoshana so much joy with your accordion, your songs, and your jokes! We adore you. You are one of the exceptional people that make Hebrew Academy such a special school. To the entire staff of Hebrew Academy: Thank you for your dedication to our children. We are grateful to be part of the Hebrew Academy family. May you all go from Strength to Strength. Sharon and Michael Budwick
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