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Practical Research (Lord and Zy)

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The Perceptions of Grade 12 Students on the Benefits of their Strand Saint Louis University Baguio City M2 ARIAGA, Zyvynx Jhy M12 LALUGAN, Lord John H-St. Isidore 11-STEM Submitted to: Mrs. Marifel Camero 03/03/2019

CHAPTER I The Problem and Its Background Introduction The implementation of K-12 program back in 2013 has brought issues regarding the status of the country’s educational system today. According to the Department of Education (DepEd), the K-12 curriculum covers 13 years of basic education, from Kindergarten to Senior High School, that will provide time for learners to master academic skills and help students prepare for college life or even in applying for jobs. However, due to the unexpected change, many people are debating about this issue since the other side is arguing about the effectiveness of the said curriculum and how it will change the global job market in the Philippines, and the other side is fighting to fully disagree on the topic in line with the financial problems or burdens that it will bring. Thus, poverty can be one of the reason why many Filipinos rally just to eradicate this curriculum. Following this change, this particular addition of years to basic education show the different benefits that a student can get since it is expected that the learning areas of this newly-implemented curriculum are put into a more advance stage. This involves the addition of new core subjects coming from the tertiary education and also the addition of activities that are applicable to daily life which in the end can be used by the students. Aside from the facts written, the former Education Secretary Armin Luistro (2010) told the public that the Philippines is delayed with this kind of system. So to solve that, the country must undergo a 12-year cycle of basic education. He then noted that it will be difficult to implement this curriculum, but all the students who have been mastered in this kind of education have a higher rate of getting into the best schools and getting the right jobs after graduation.

Such perception can lead to answering the different benefits of the K-12 program, particularly on the different strands (Accountancy and Business Management (ABM), Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), and Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)). These benefits can serve as an advantage to the country since mastering this new educational system train students, graduate to become globally competitive. Mona Valisno, also a former Education Secretary, said that the Philippines needs to start K to 12 as early as possible in order to create graduates that are competent or more employable by the local and foreign industry. Valino’s statement produced some gaps in this study starting with the differences of the level of effectiveness of the strand to the students and the application of the acquired skills and knowledge in the desired field. Also, the relationship between the benefits of the strand to the degree of opportunity of the graduates when looking for job is one of it. The relationship between the benefits to the level of earning potential of the students/graduates serves as one of the problems. And lastly, one evident gap in this study is the relationship of level of perception of the students to the degree of decision-making skills in picking the strand right for them. This study aims to provide the different perceptions of grade 12 students regarding the benefits of their strand in the K-12 curriculum. The researchers somehow want to provide arguments about the issue, on whether the benefits are applicable to life or not. This study will also help other researchers in finding the answers between the perceptions of both sexes regarding their strand. Aside from that, this study will further try to evaluate of assess the effectiveness of the new educational system since it talks about benefits. The research will bring

forth information inside the Saint Louis University Community about the opportunities that this curriculum will bring. To the grade 12 students, this study will help them provide better understanding about their satisfaction to the said curriculum. This study will also give different insights on how well these students are anticipating this change in education. To the upcoming grade 12 students, the recent perceptions will help them understand the different benefits of the strand and who will mostly benefit on it. And by that, they may be able to develop their learning strategy before entering into a more complex level of education. To the parents of the students, this study will give them ideas on the subjects that their children are taking, especially that it doubles the competency of their sons/daughters. This study will also open up their minds on the different opportunities waiting for their children after graduation. And to the researchers, this study will be significant since it gives additional insights about the topic and it will deepen the knowledge that the researchers already know about the perceptions of the grade 12 students on the benefits of their strand. This study aims to determine the perception of grade 12 students on the benefits of their strand at Saint Louis University, Baguio City. This study will answer the following questions: a. What are the perception of grade 12 students on the benefit of their strand?

b. What are the benefits of their strand to their chosen/desired field? c. Is there a significant difference between the perceptions of male students on the benefits of their strand to that of female students? d. What are the benefits of the subjects that they are taking across all strands? e. How do students perceive the benefits of the subjects that they are taking? This study aims to describe the perception of grade 12 students on the benefit of their strand. The researchers will use the IPO (input-process) model to explain and show the pattern of the study. Hence, this model will give a clearer understanding on the development of the study since it is emergent in nature and approach. Input: The Process: Critical Output: Provide Perception of observation, understanding about analysis, the perceptions of Grade 12 interpretation, the grade 12 students Students on the and logical thinking. Use on the benefits of Benefits of sets of their strand and their their strand relationship with one questionnaires. another. This study focuses on the perceptions of grade 12 students on the benefits of their strand, specifically in the campus of Saint Louis University, Baguio City. This focuses on what they think about the newly-implemented curriculum and how they perceive it. This study will just focus on the three main strands namely—Accountancy and Business Management (ABM), Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), and Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS).

The researchers will gather data by giving the respondents a set of questionnaires. Some interviews will be conducted only just for further discussion. The results will be based from the conducted study and the results of the questionnaires given to the respondents. CHAPTER II METHODOLOGY This chapter shows the design of the conducted study, as well as the different procedures which mainly focus on gathering or collecting data from a sample coming off from the research tools that the researchers will be going to use. This chapter will show how the study, “The Perception of Grade 12 Students on the Benefits of their Strands”, is integrated and being done. The study will use a quantitative research design. Quantitative research design is all about the actionable insights (Steber,2017). This design is centered in gathering data across group of people in a certain community. With the use of quantitative research design the resarchers can elaborate a certain phenomena. This research uses Likert-Scale. This scale helps the researchers to measure the attitudes, opinion and perception of a person (Jamieson, n.d.). The respondents will choose from this followmg: “strongly agree”, “agree”, “disagree” and “strongly disagree”. The researchers will use survey method. The researchers will distribute questionnaires to the Gade 12 STEM, ABM and HUMSS students in Saint Louis University Laboratory Senior High School. This questionnaire is distributed to gather information a short span of time. The researchers will also conduct interviews to add more information because the questionnaire is not

good enough to support the results in the study. The gathered data will be quantified to understand and evaluate the results The study will be conducted at Saint Louis University, Laboratory Senior High school located at C.M. Recto, Saint Joseph Village, Baguio City. The researchers will get samples from the Accountancy and Business Administration (ABM) strand, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) strand, and Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) strand. A sample of 150 individuals will be chosen from each strand. The researchers then have chosen these individuals (grade 12 students) since they have enough experiences—immersed with such activities—in terms of the K-12 implementation. The sample technique which will be administered in this study is the purposive sampling because only extrovert students will be the participants. Purposive sampling is defined as a non- probability sampling method and it occurs when “elements selected for the sample are chosen by the judgment of the researcher. Researchers often believe that they can obtain a representative sample by using a sound judgment, which will result in saving time and money (Black, 2010).” The researchers will be using survey questionnaire to gather and collect data. Advantage of using questionnaire as a data collection method is that they are a safe way of gathering data as it only requires little involvement from the researcher. They are less dangerous to carryout than other research methods such as participant observation as the exchange is briefer and carried out

in a safe way. Other than that, questionnaires enable hypothesis to be tested, correlations to be identified and data to be obtained (Bryman and Bell, 2007). The research instrument will be given to the participants, having been labelled accordingly on their personal, welfare and development, financial, and social perspectives. The researchers will ask permission at the registrar’s office to get the population of grade twelve (12) students that will include all strands. The researchers will pick out samples in the said populating and they will serve as the respondents. To avoid bias in sampling, the researchers will choose a sample randomly. The researchers will be floating the questionnaires to the targeted participants. All the respondents are prompted to respond to the sets of questions given with honesty, and should be based on their personal experiences. After gathering all the necessary data, the researchers will now tally the data, analyse them, provide mark-ups and draw interpretations.

CHAPTER 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This chapter presents the results, discussion, and the insights that the researchers have gathered through the process of conducting survey questionnaires. This chapter also discusses findings regarding the perceptions of grade 12 students on the benefits of their strand. The analysis is done through studying the data on both genders, as well as observing the results on each strand. Meanwhile, the personal, welfare and development, social and behavioural indicators are tested to find the significant difference on the perception of the said respondents. All in all, this chapter comprises the analysis, presentation and interpretation of the findings resulting from the study. It deals with quantitative data analysis, especially in the interpretation of the results given in the questionnaires. 1.0 ANALYSIS OF QUESTIONNAIRES Reliability measures involved both the evaluation of the treatment integrity of the training to determine the extent to which procedures were conducted. All of the 216 respondents are found to have responded on the survey questionnaires. 146 of them came from the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics strand (STEM), 47 from Business and Accountancy Management strand (ABM), and 23 from Humanities and Social Sciences strand (HUMSS). During the pre-testing, the researchers found that the survey questionnaires are reliable since

1.1 RELIABILITY OF DATA Reliability is the degree of consistency of a measure. A test will be reliable when it gives the same repeated results under the same conditions. 2.0 Data Analysis in Gender 2.1 PERSONAL In the STEM strand, specifically on the gender category, the researchers can easily conclude that the respondents are serious towards their perceptions. Thus, a record of 2.8493 has been noted on the first variable and a records of 2.8322 has been noted on the second variable. Explanation on the table below. t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances Mean Variable 1 Variable 2 Variance 2.849315068 2.832191781 Observations 0.296423135 0.263984018 Hypothesized Mean Difference Df 73 73 t Stat 0 P(T<=t) one-tail t Critical one-tail 144 P(T<=t) two-tail 0.195432482 t Critical two-tail 0.422664941 Table 1. Personal Indicator (STEM Strand) 1.655504177 0.845329881 1.976575066 In the ABM strand, the researchers can conclude that the respondents are also serious towards their perceptions. Thus, a record of 2.9348 and a record of 3.0313 has been noted on the first and second variable, respectively. t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances Variable 1 Variable 2

Mean 2.934782609 3.03125 0.132133 Variance 0.268280632 24 Observations 23 Hypothesized Mean Difference 0 df 39 t Stat -0.736200921 P(T<=t) one-tail 0.233006874 t Critical one-tail 1.684875122 P(T<=t) two-tail 0.466013749 t Critical two-tail 2.02269092 Table 2. Personal Indicator (ABM Strand) In the HUMSS strand, the researchers can conclude that the respondents are serious towards their personal perceptions. Thus, a record of 2.5455 and a record of 3.0208 has been noted on the first and second variable, respectively. t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances Mean Variable 1 Variable 2 Variance 2.545454545 3.020833333 Observations 0.185227273 0.107481061 Hypothesized Mean Difference 11 12 df 0 t Stat 19 P(T<=t) one-tail -2.959831573 t Critical one-tail 0.00402271 P(T<=t) two-tail 1.729132812 t Critical two-tail 0.00804542 Table 3. Personal Indicator (HUMSS Strand) 2.093024054 2.2 WELFARE AND DEVELOPMENT In the STEM strand, specifically on the gender category, the researchers can easily conclude that the respondents are serious towards their perceptions regarding welfare and development. Thus, a record of 2.8521 has been noted on the first variable and a records of 2.8301 has been noted on the second variable. t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances

Variable 1 Variable 2 2.830136986 Mean 2.852054795 0.244079148 Variance 0.254474886 73 Observations 73 Hypothesized Mean Difference 0 df 144 t Stat 0.265217658 P(T<=t) one-tail 0.395610539 t Critical one-tail 1.655504177 P(T<=t) two-tail 0.791221079 t Critical two-tail 1.976575066 Table 4. Welfare And Development (STEM Strand) In the ABM strand, the researchers can conclude that the respondents are serious towards their perceptions regarding welfare and development. Thus, a record of 2.8391 has been noted on the first variable and a records of 2.9875 has been noted on the second variable. t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances Variable 1 Variable 2 2.839130435 2.9875 Mean 0.201581028 Variance 23 0.130706522 Observations 0 24 Hypothesized Mean Difference 42 df -1.244629761 t Stat 0.110084246 P(T<=t) one-tail 1.681952357 t Critical one-tail 0.220168493 P(T<=t) two-tail 2.018081703 t Critical two-tail Table 5. Welfare And Development (ABM Strand) In the HUMSS strand, the researchers can conclude that the respondents are serious towards their perceptions regarding welfare and development. Thus, a record of 2.6727 has been noted on the first variable and a records of 3.0333 has been noted on the second variable.

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances Mean Variable 1 Variable 2 Variance 2.672727273 3.033333333 Observations 0.188181818 0.147878788 Hypothesized Mean Difference 11 df 0 12 t Stat 20 P(T<=t) one-tail -2.102001127 t Critical one-tail 0.02421167 P(T<=t) two-tail 1.724718243 t Critical two-tail 0.048423339 Table 6. Welfare And Development (HUMSS Strand) 2.085963447 2.3 SOCIAL In the STEM strand, the researchers can conclude that the respondents are serious towards their social perceptions. Thus, a record of 2.8562has been noted on the first variable and a records of 2.8406 has been noted on the second variable. t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances Mean Variable 1 Variable 2 Variance 2.856164384 2.840639269 Observations 0.295408845 Hypothesized Mean Difference 0.29268138 73 df 73 t Stat 0 P(T<=t) one-tail t Critical one-tail 144 P(T<=t) two-tail 0.172971381 t Critical two-tail 0.431458407 Table 7. Social Indicator (STEM Strand) 1.655504177 0.862916813 1.976575066

In the ABM strand, the researchers can conclude that the respondents are serious towards their social perceptions. Thus, a record of 2.7609 has been noted on the first variable and a records of 2.9306 has been noted on the second variable. t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances Mean Variable 1 Variable 2 Variance 2.760869565 2.930555556 Observations 0.216732543 0.180958132 Hypothesized Mean Difference 24 df 23 t Stat 0 P(T<=t) one-tail t Critical one-tail 44 P(T<=t) two-tail -1.302847791 t Critical two-tail 0.099702142 Table 8. Social Indicator (ABM Strand) 1.680229977 0.199404285 2.015367574 In the HUMSS strand, the researchers can conclude that the respondents are serious towards their social perceptions. Thus, a record of 2.7609 has been noted on the first variable and a records of 2.9306 has been noted on the second variable. t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances Variable 1 Variable 2 2.757575758 2.972222222 Mean 0.22979798 0.095117845 Variance 11 12 Observations 0 Hypothesized Mean Difference 17 df -1.264438629 t Stat 0.111566965 P(T<=t) one-tail 1.739606726 t Critical one-tail 0.223133931 P(T<=t) two-tail 2.109815578 t Critical two-tail Table 9. Social Indicator (HUMSS Strand)

2.4 BEHAVIORAL In the STEM strand, the researchers can conclude that the respondents are serious towards their social perceptions. Thus, a record of 3.1027 has been noted on the first variable and a records of 3.1096 has been noted on the second variable. t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances Variable 1 Variable 2 3.102739726 3.109589041 Mean 0.348672945 0.461781773 Variance 73 73 Observations 0 Hypothesized Mean Difference 141 df -0.065004616 t Stat 0.474131199 P(T<=t) one-tail 1.655732287 t Critical one-tail 0.948262397 P(T<=t) two-tail 1.976931489 t Critical two-tail Table 10. Behavioral Indicator (STEM Strand) In the ABM strand, the researchers can conclude that the respondents are serious towards their social perceptions. Thus, a record of 2.9674 has been noted on the first variable and a records of 3.0104 has been noted on the second variable. t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances Variable 1 Variable 2.967391304 2 Mean 0.660820158 Variance 23 3.010417 Observations 0 0.730865 Hypothesized Mean Difference 45 df -0.17685702 24 t Stat 0.430207154 P(T<=t) one-tail 1.679427393 t Critical one-tail 0.860414308 P(T<=t) two-tail

t Critical two-tail 2.014103389 Table 11. Behavioral Indicator (ABM Strand) In the HUMSS strand, the researchers can conclude that the respondents are serious towards their social perceptions. Thus, a record of 2.9091 has been noted on the first variable and a records of 3.2083 has been noted on the second variable. Variable 1 Variable 2 3.208333333 Mean 2.909090909 0.123106061 12 Variance 0.303409091 Observations 11 Hypothesized Mean Difference 0 df 17 t Stat -1.538293094 P(T<=t) one-tail 0.071190837 t Critical one-tail 1.739606726 P(T<=t) two-tail 0.142381673 t Critical two-tail 2.109815578 Table 12. Behavioral Indicator (HUMSS Strand) All in all, the respondents, male and female, have positive perceptions regarding the personal, welfare and development, social and behavioural towards their strands. But since the t- stat values do not touch any of the critical values, there is no need for researchers to reject the null hypothesis. 3.0 Data Analysis in strand 3.1 STEM Strand The data shows that the P-value and the F value is greater than the alpha and F-critical value; whereas p-value is 2.1651, F value is 8.2640, F- critical is 2.6203, and alpha is 0.05. Therefore, the null hypothesis must be rejected.

Anova: Single Factor SUMMARY Count Sum Average Variance Groups 146 414.75 2.840753425 0.278344946 Column 1 146 414.8 2.84109589 0.247678791 Column 2 146 415.8666667 2.848401826 0.292077888 Column 3 146 453.5 3.106164384 0.402444497 Column 4 Table 14.1. ANOVA STEM STRAND ANOVA SS df MS F P-value F crit 7.564910103 Source of 176.9791876 2.16505E- Variation Between 3 2.521636701 8.263962031 05 2.620267306 Groups Within 580 0.30513653 Groups Total 184.5440977 583 Table 14.2. ANOVA STEM STRAND Since 8.2640 is greater than 2.6203 and/or 2.1651 is greater than 0.05, the null will be rejected. Thus, there is a significance in this area. 3.2 ABM STRAND The data shows that the P-value is greater than the alpha and F value if less than F-critical value; whereas p-value is 0.5691, F value is 0.6738, F- critical is 2.6537, and alpha is 0.05. Therefore, the null hypothesis must either be rejected or not.

Anova: Single Factor SUMMARY Count Sum Average Variance Groups 47 140.25 2.984042553 0.196750694 Column 1 47 137 2.914893617 0.167382054 47 133.8333333 2.84751773 0.20148525 Column 2 47 140.5 2.989361702 0.681949584 Column 3 Column 4 Table 15.1 ANOVA ABM STRAND ANOVA SS df MS F P-value F crit 0.630429965 Source of 57.38810875 3 0.210143322 0.673769741 0.569147718 2.653695103 Variation 184 0.311891895 Between Groups Within Groups Total 58.01853871 187 Table 15.2 ANOVA ABM STRAND Since 0.6738 is less than 2.6537 and/or 0.5691 is greater than 0.05, the null will be rejected or not. Thus, there is or there is no a significance in this area. 3.3 HUMSS STRAND

The data shows that the P-value is greater than the alpha and F value if less than F-critical value; whereas p-value is 0.1903, F value is 1.6207, F- critical is 2.7082, and alpha is 0.05. Therefore, again, the null hypothesis must either be rejected or not. Anova: Single Factor SUMMARY Count Sum Average Variance 23 Groups 23 64.25 2.793478261 0.196887352 23 Column 1 23 65.8 2.860869565 0.193399209 Column 2 66 2.869565217 0.164031621 Column 3 70.5 3.065217391 0.222826087 Column 4 Table 16.1 ANOVA HUMSS STRAND ANOVA SS df MS F P-value F crit 0.944646739 Source of 17.09717391 3 0.314882246 1.620714501 0.190301727 2.708186474 Variation Between 88 0.194286067 Groups Within Groups Total 18.04182065 91 Table 16.2 ANOVA HUMSS STRAND Since 1.6207 is less than 2.7082 and/or 0.1903 is greater than 0.05, the null will be rejected or not. Thus, there is or there is no a significance in this area.

All in all, there could either be a significance or no significance insight in this area, regardless of the gender. Meanwhile, the STEM strand is the only strand that matches the no significant difference insight, regardless of gender. The two other strands show difference significantly although its null hypothesis could either be rejected or not. 4.0 SUMMARY This Chapter presented the results and findings of the study with regards to the perception of grade 12 students on the benefit of their strands. The reliability of the data and participant’s perceptions were considered.

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